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Yoga | Buzzle.com
8 Yoga Symbols and Their Meanings

Yoga is about disciplining the physical, mental, and spiritual being within us. It is known to be the best medicine for a healthy and peaceful mind and body. Some prominent symbols of the Yogic tradition explain why and how this...

Why Yoga is Better Than Going to the Gym

Yoga, being an all-round exercise, assures a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It is also a cheaper and more convenient way of working out, as it can be done anywhere and at any time. With these, and many more arguments, yoga...

Tips to Prevent Common Yoga Injuries

Incorrectly-performed yoga exercises may end up causing injuries, and hence, this Buzzle post offers you some easy tips to prevent the most common injuries while practicing yoga.

50 Inspirational Yoga Quotes that are Worth Reading

In a fast-paced world of today where we all literally struggle to relax, to pull out some quality time for ourselves, yoga meditation is one way of getting back in touch with our body, mind, and spirit. For all our readers who are...

Western Yoga Vs. Eastern Yoga Culture

If you think that performing all those asanas in a local studio is all there is to yoga, think again! In this Buzzle article, we highlight some of the ways in which modern yoga culture in America differs from the traditional type...

Yoga Nidra Meditation

Practiced by ancient Indian sages for centuries, yoga nidra meditation is a technique that has been used to reach a high level of consciousness while sleeping. It is a stage between 'going to sleep'. The concept of yoga nidra has...

Benefits of Combining Aromatherapy with Yoga

Aromatherapy with yoga is a relatively new therapy for relaxation. However, the benefits of combining them is truly remarkable, because it helps you relax and rejuvenate your senses, leaving you feeling energized and happy.

Fashionable Ways to Look Cool in Yoga Pants

Be it the chick at the coffee store, or a mother at your local bank, you probably have noticed that fashion is driven by the athletic apparel these days, and this is what fashionistas also opine. So ladies, a good news is raving...

Yoga for Better Sleep

It is said that yoga for better sleep has been proven to be a very, very effective solution. There are certain yoga poses that you can perform in order to gain sound sleep.

Beginning Yoga at Home: Printable Yoga Exercises

You can perform various yoga exercises correctly with the help of printable yoga exercises. Get the pictures of the yoga poses you want to learn and use them as reference when beginning yoga at home.

8 Things Your Yoga Instructor Won't Tell You

Does your curious mind want to know what things your yoga teacher thinks about, but never reveals to you? Buzzle tells you most of the things that your yoga instructor won't tell you.

Yoga Poses to Relieve Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect more than 10 million men and women in America. With rising health concerns, there is also the risk of developing psychological harm. It is found that yoga can help restore the balance of the mind and body...

Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is nothing but weakening of the bones, which worsens as an individual ages. With the abundant benefits that yoga provides, does it also help osteoporosis? Yes, it does. This Buzzle article enlists some of the most...

Restorative Yoga: Achieving Relaxation Using Props

The benefits of yoga can be multiplied by using the right props. Restorative yoga is all about achieving both physical and mental benefits of yoga practice. In this Buzzle article, we will know all about achieving relaxation, using...

Yoga Poses to Relieve Constipation

If you are suffering from constipation, and are looking for natural ways to deal with it, then you should try yoga. There are a few yoga poses that are very effective in dealing with constipation. Buzzle illustrates these poses to...

Yoga Poses to Combat Allergies

Yoga has abundant health benefits, but did you know that treating allergies is also one of them? Certain yoga poses, coupled with effective breathing, are excellent for keeping allergies at bay. In this Buzzle article, we have...

Yoga Poses Runners Should Practice

Yoga is an ancient Indian form of exercise that is universally beneficial. This Buzzle article describes how yoga can be employed by runners.

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief

Yoga is known to relieve many minor health conditions. This Buzzle article describes how it can help alleviate headaches.

Benefits of Using a Bolster in Yoga

Yoga offers the body and mind abundant benefits. But did you know that using a prop, such as a bolster, is much more beneficial while doing yoga? Know the benefits of using a bolster in yoga, in the following Buzzle article.

Yoga Poses For Prostate Health

Doing yoga regularly can prevent, delay, or even reverse the enlargement of the prostate. This Buzzle article describes some yoga poses that help in maintaining prostate health.

Yoga Routine for Beginners

Yoga will improve your flexibility, overall health and put your mind and body in a more peaceful state. With these easy-to-do yoga exercises, you'll see changes in your life and attitude, as you get into the habit of practicing...

Yoga Poses for an Aching Neck

If you've ever suffered from a muscle pull in the neck region or a full blown neck ache, you'll know that it can hamper your routine and cause for unparalleled discomfort. Taking certain steps to improve upon the condition,...

Back Strengthening Yoga

Yoga has never failed to amaze us with the various aspects associated to it, be it flexibility, spirituality, oneness of mind and body, relaxation and so on. There are also a few yoga asanas performed, that are targeted to...

Yoga Poses for Meditation

While emergency anti-stress meditation can be done anywhere, anytime, a true extended session requires attention to body positioning. Try basing your posture on the mindful positioning of yoga to free your mind and attention for...

Kundalini Rising

The quest for spiritual enlightenment is never more intense than during Kundalini practice. For the home practitioner, music and dance offer alternative ways to initiate the life force awakening.

Laughter Yoga As a Medicine

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Never mind what follows next because we all know that it is one of the best medicines.

Yoga Exercises for a Slipped Disc

Yoga is a miraculous treatment that heals almost every condition, without you having to do much or spending too much. All you have to do is practice a few yoga asanas targeting the aggrieved part of the body and within a few...

Yoga Mudras for Good Health

Mudras are a part of Indian dance as well as yoga. In dance, they are used to depict different emotions, while in yoga they help in maintaining good health as well as healing numerous illnesses. Most of the yoga mudras can be...

Yoga Techniques to Improve Concentration

Everyone of us, some or the other time, experience lack of concentration while doing some important work. What to do during such situations? Well, I have an answer. Yoga is the best way to improve concentration. Let us explore...

Yoga Stretches for Sciatica

To get rid of shooting pain suffered during sciatica, yoga stretches prove to be very useful. The only hitch is that the yoga stretches have to be performed diligently, everyday, to get rid of the pain...

Yoga Exercises to Increase Height

Yoga, the ancient and yoga workout video the most rejuvenating form of exercise, has always worked towards bringing tranquility from within. Learn some of the natural forms of yoga asanas to raise your height.

Ramdev Baba Yoga for Weight Loss

In the recent years, yoga has become a common alternative for losing weight. This article discusses a few yogic exercises presented by Ramdev baba.

Ramdev Baba Yoga

Ramdev Baba yoga is one of the most coveted forms of yoga that has developed over the past few years. In this article, we will list some of the most important forms of this yoga for curing a wide range of ailments.

Yoga Routine

Yoga has become a household name, and most people must have tried it at least once in their lifetime. The upcoming article sheds light on a few yoga exercises, along with their benefits, that will help you attain both physical and...

How to Dress for Bikram Yoga

You need to be comfortably dressed while performing Bikram yoga. Unless you are dressed in the right way you'll not be able to perform Bikram Yoga perfectly. Read on, to find out more about what all can you wear.

The Four Forms of Yoga in Hinduism

Yoga is very popular, but few people know of its humble beginnings. This article will describe yoga's foundation in Hinduism and the four different types of Yoga in Hinduism.

Types of Breathing in Yoga

There are different types of yoga breathing, which serve different purposes. While some of them have a cooling effect on the body, others help in relieving stress.

How to Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

While the world struggles to lose belly fat through rigorous workout, let's find out how to lose belly fat through yoga, the ancient form of exercise that not only helps you shed off those extra pounds, but also brings to working...

How do Seniors Benefit from Yoga

Yoga is a traditional form of workout and is versatile too. It helps all the age groups and has benefits for the elderly too. We have compiled some information on how do seniors benefit from yoga in this article. Let's take a look.

How Does Yoga Help in Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes can be tackled well with a good diet and exercise and most of the experts recommend a natural and globally accepted workout, that is yoga. So how does yoga help in diabetes prevention? Know all about these facts in the...

How to Prepare for Bikram Yoga

To derive the best from your hot yoga session, it is important to be well prepared for the session. There are some measures that have to be taken not only before and during the class, but also after the class. In this write-up,...

Dahn Yoga Basics

One of the natural forms of exercise, yoga has brought many health benefits to people. This form of exercise is practiced in different forms in different countries. One such form is Dahn yoga, which originates from Korea. Read...

Bikram Yoga Pros and Cons

Bikram yoga is one of the most effective and popular forms of hot yoga. But this popular form of yoga seems to have certain advantages and disadvantages. Find in this article about Bikram yoga pros and cons.

Is Bikram Yoga Safe?

One of the most popular forms of yoga is Bikram yoga. Due to conditions in which it is practiced, people often ask is it safe to practice Bikram yoga. Let's find out...

Dahn Yoga Benefits

Yoga has brought health and peace to many. There are many different types of yoga that people practice. In this article, we will discuss Dahn yoga benefits. So, keep reading for detailed information.

Dahn Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

Dahn Yoga is one of the newest forms of alternate medicine practices that have emerged. The effects of the same are seen to bring about a positive effect on several health conditions including multiple sclerosis. In this following...

Ashtanga Yoga Poses

One of the popular yoga forms practiced today is ashtanga yoga. Often yoga poses are a part of sun salutations, which normally makes for the base of this form of yoga...

Benefits of Yoga Inversions

There are several health benefits associated with yoga inversions. This article provides information on inverted yoga and its numerous benefits.

Yoga for Tight Hamstrings

Yoga is one of the best ways used for dealing with tight hamstrings. In this following article we will look through the varied ways in which this can be done and how to go about bringing this about.

Yoga Poses to Avoid During Pregnancy

If you want to know the different types of yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy, the following article will tell you just that. Read on to know which poses and postures should be avoided by expecting mothers, and why.

Yoga for Strengthening Knees

There are various poses in yoga for strengthening the knees. Some of them have been mentioned in this article. Use them to make your knees stronger and give them more resistance against joint pains and injuries.

Top Myths About Yoga

Many people in the western world are deterred from giving yoga a try as a form of exercise or as an addition to their regular fitness schedule because they hold false beliefs about yoga that make it seem unappealing. This article...

Bikram Yoga Benefits

There are various schools or disciplines that are dedicated to yoga. Bikram yoga is one school of thought and discipline that has its origination and roots in yoga. It derives its identity from the prodigious founder Bikram...


What is Hatha Yoga

One of the forms of yoga to be practiced all around the world is hatha yoga. Scroll down to know more about this type of yoga.

Yoga Asanas for Depression

Yoga Asanas for Depression have been more than effective to alleviate a lot of negative feelings inside people. When people deny their sadness or pain and other emotions, they begin stumbling in a dark void of disorientation called...

Pilates Vs. Yoga

With the growing popularity of both Pilates and yoga, there is often debate on which is better. In this write-up, we will see the difference between both these forms of exercise, as well as their benefits.

Kundalini Yoga Dangers

Kundalini yoga is one of the most powerful forms of yoga, but it is said that there are certain dangers in practicing this yoga form. What are these and what can be done to prevent these is what we will be going through in the...

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe, and has many health benefits for the child as well as the mother. The following article provides information about the various benefits of yoga during pregnancy.

Calories Burned by Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga is one of the renowned form of yoga which is said to burn the most number of calories as compared to the other forms. Just scroll down to know the number of calories burnt by this form of yoga and how does it help your...

Yoga Pose Names

Yogic asanas are body positions that not only help to improve one's flexibility, but also promote physical and mental well-being. The following Buzzle write-up provides a list of yoga poses along with their Sanskrit names.

Pigeon Pose in Yoga

One of the most sought-after pose for a yoga disciple is the pigeon pose. The pose strengthens the hip muscles and gives immense flexibility to the body.

Calories Burned in Hot Yoga

It is the weight loss benefit offered by hot yoga, which attracts a number of people to this form of yoga. The calories burned in hot yoga are considerably more than by the other forms of yoga. Scroll down for information.

Tree Pose in Yoga

Tree pose improves balance, concentration, flexibility and makes a person calm. Read on to know the step wise yoga workout video procedure to perform this yoga pose correctly as well as to know its benefits for the mind and body.

Bikram Yoga and Weight Loss

Bikram yoga is one of the many forms of yoga that most people are drawn to because of its ability to lead to effective weight loss. In this following article, we will read up a little more on how this comes about and how it proves...

Tantric Yoga

The following article will take you through the basic concept of tantric yoga and try to dispel the doubts that you might have about it. Continue reading for more details.

Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga poses for back pain have been found to be extremely effective in providing relief by correcting the problem at the core. If you suffer from back pain, then the following article will give you some effective yoga poses to...

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga provides for a series of poses that can help with weight loss. In the following article we will focus on the specific techniques of yoga used for weight loss and explain the steps to do the same.

Yoga Workouts

A number of people are taking to yoga workouts. This can be attributed to the fact that there are many benefits of yoga, both on the mental as well as physical level. Let's take a look at some yoga exercises which can be made to be...

Yoga Facial Exercises

There are several yoga facial exercises that have been formulated with the objective of helping one lose facial fat and improve facial health. In the following article, we will concentrate on some of these exercises.

Benefits of Hot Yoga

Hot yoga has taken the world of health and fitness by storm, and is gaining mass appeal. The following article provides information about the various benefits of this yoga technique.

Yoga Positions for Weight Loss

There are different poses in yoga that may facilitate weight loss. The following article provides some information on various yoga positions that can be performed for losing weight.

Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga calms the mind, makes the body flexible, and brings a radiant glow on the face. Start practicing yoga today with these easy yoga poses and feel the difference in your overall health and well-being.

Yoga Warm-up

Yoga is very relaxing, and is recommended by many as the best alternative medicine to treat stress and depression. However, it is essential for your body to be warmed up properly before you try the various poses that yoga has to...

The Basics of Yoga

Yoga has been the most ancient way of achieving not just physical fitness, but mental and spiritual upliftment too. The basics of yoga aim to motivate those who yearn for holistic cleansing and harmony for their body, mind, and soul.

Bird of Paradise - Yoga Pose

Bird of Paradise, an advanced yoga pose, helps increase strength, flexibility, and balance in your body. Read the Buzzle article to learn how to do this pose properly.

Advanced Yoga Poses

Yoga is a fascinating fitness routine http://www.holisticonline.com/Yoga/hol_yoga_home.htm that rejuvenates not only the body, but also the mind and the soul. If you are already a firm believer in the goodness of yoga, then you may want to know more about its advanced poses.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has always been a source of numerous health benefits, both for the body and the mind. The following article provides information on the benefits of this ancient discipline.

Prenatal Yoga Poses

Prenatal yoga exercises or poses are safe and healthy for both mother and the baby. This article presents a few yoga poses for pregnant women.

Calories Burned by Yoga

Yoga has gained popularity in recent years. This is not only due to the amount of calories you burn when you practice it, but also because of the health benefits it offers. Scroll down to know more ...

Kids' Yoga Poses

This article talks about some yoga poses that would help children become very flexible. Doing these, they will also be able to cope with daily stress and pressure better.

Yoga Exercises for Beginners

Some basic yoga exercises for beginners are listed in this article. It also highlights the importance of this ancient discipline.

Medical Benefits of Yoga for Men, Women and Kids

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice, which means 'union' in Sanskrit. It is a unique way to improve one's lifestyle and health. There are many medical benefits one can reap by regular practice. Let us see the various medical...

Yoga for Pregnant Women

Establishing a yoga routine during pregnancy helps the moms-to-be to remain in prime condition before and during childbirth, and in combating postnatal depression and stress. Read on to know more about how yoga for pregnant women...

Different Types of Yoga

The word yoga is a Sanskrit word which means, 'to join'. Yoga can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1700 B.C). It includes physical exercises that train the mind, body, and breath and connects a person to his...

Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Yoga exercises have been effective in relieving the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). To know how yoga is beneficial for CTS patients, read on...

Yoga Exercises For Back Pain

Back pain, second only to cold, is the most common health problem in the world. Several yoga exercises are effective to overcome back pain. Let us take a look at a few of them.

Tantric Yoga Exercises

A Tantric yoga exercise is a great stress buster. This is one of the many forms of yoga practiced in ancient times. Here are a couple of these exercises.

Kundalini Yoga

Considered to be one of the most powerful forms of yoga, the Kundalini Yoga requires more than just practice and patience. This Buzzle excerpt deals with the meaning of this yoga type and its power and effects.

Yoga for Your Child

Ever noticed what a contortionist your newborn is? Or how flexible your toddler and even three- year- old' s limbs are? Have you ever tried to put your toes in your mouth? Losing that inane elasticity of our muscles and joints as...

Yoga - The Complete Lifestyle Guide

Most people consider Yoga a form of exercise, to keep the body toned, the muscles supple and the organs working properly, just as working out in a gym. But Yoga is much more than that, while it tones the body, it hones the mind,...

Control Your Life..the Yoga Way

'Yoga', the ancient science of self healing, is not about celibacy or strenuous exercises. It is about learning to control the mind, rejuvenating the body and thus, leading a disease-free existence.


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