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The Ramblings of a Pillo Stuff. Fear my randomness!

The Plushi
Community Member
Greed n Seifer
((Um... RPstuff for my Dews... They're both in bold because it was bothering me... It was kinda hard to see the difference, since all the colors were kinda dark. But that's fixed now. And hopefully now I can go get Seifer and Greed mated and junk!

Um... Any problems you find with it, grammar, spelling, formatting, characterization, please tell me. I'd like to know how to make my writing better... Also, I was typing in a rush so the spelling probably sucks...))

Greed yawned and grumbled to himself. He didn't know why he had to sit here waiting. First, waiting was boring. Even more so when he was alone. Second, he wasn't a patient Dew by any means. But most importantly, Greed didn't even know what he was waiting for. The pretty young girl, Plushi, had said that he'd know what he was waiting for when he saw it. Greed absolutely hated stuff liek that. Why couldn't she just tell him?

At least there were interesting Dew to watch. From his perch on the shelf of one of the bookcases lining the wall, Greed could see just about everything. And he himself was hard to spot since he folded his yellow wings against his back. Some of the Dew looked rather interestig and all of them were worth looking at. A few were even worth looking at twice.

There were some that looked somewhat similar to himself. Those were the ones Greed really wanted to jump down and talk to. But he didn't want to give away his cover just yet. Not until he at least was ready to go home. Right now, he still had no clue what he was looking for.

Seifer silently slipped his way into the shop. The only instructions he had recieved from that Karalen girl was that someone had already bought him and that someone was waiting here to take him home. The specific-ness of the order had annoyed him and he had told Karalen that.

Now that he was here, though, Seifer couldn't find it in him to complain. He had something o an eye or beauty. Almost more so for uniqueness. And there were some beautiful and unique Dews here. Amazing really. Perhaps waiting here or... whatever or whoever it was wouldn't be all that bad. Now he just had to find a suitable spot to sit and wait and watch. The bookshelves at the side of the room looked promising.

Greed blinked as he felt eyes on him. There shouldn't have been since he was hidden. He looked down at the shop and ound his gaze immediately drawn to bright green eyes. Eyes that just hapened to be staring right back at him. For what had to be the first time in his somewhat short life, Greed was thankful for his glasses. It was like if he hadn't been wearing them, those piercing green eyes could have seen right through to his soul, something he wasn't even sure he had.

Seifer found himself frowning at dark lenses turned his way. He had always had something of a facination for eyes and he wanted to see the ones hidden behind the black sunglasses. Certainly the Dew on the bookcase was the most interesting in the shop, warranting a second and a third glance easily.

Somewhat reluctantly, he slid his gaze from the Dew in the bookcase. Now he needed a spot to wait where he could watch the whole shop and the bookcase. He definitely didn't want to lose sight of the young Dew. Seifer found a fairly reliable desk and jumped up onto it. He moved back into a little cubbyhole, somewhat hidden by books.

Greed had only turned away for a second, to see what the racket was at the front of the shop. And now he had lost the green-eyed Dew. He sighed and continued watching those below him, losing himself a bit in his thoughts. He was disappointed. The green-eyed Dew had been beautiful, a real treat to look at. Someone Greed wanted to get to know a lot better, physically, personally or both.

Hm. The dark Dew on the bookcase looked sort of dissappointed. That... was rather promising. Hopefully it wouldn't be easy. Seifer was a hunter by nature and hunting wasn't any fun unless the prey put up a fight. But he couldn't even begin to hunt yet. He needed to find out where the black-clad Dew lived. Or at least, where he spent most of his time. And where this was in relation to where Seifer was going to stay. This was going to be fun, Seifer thought with a rather predatory smile.

A long while later, Plushi walked into the shop with a sigh. "Greed?" she called, looking around the shop.

"Yeah?" he perked up, glancing over at his owner. Not that he thought of her as that, Greed was not something or someone that could be owned. She was just... his caretaker. Whatever she was in relation to him, she was all right. "Up here," he called, seeing her look around in confusion.

"Oh. There you are. What's going on?" she wondered, stepping up to the bookcase.

"What do you mean?"

"Sisseh said she sent him here half an hour ago. And that itself was a while ago!" Plushi threw her hands up in the air. "I expected you both home a long time ago!"

"...I don't even know what I was supposed to be getting, let alone that I was supposed to bring it back!" Greed protested.

Seifer nodded to himself. So that was the dark Dew's name. And his owner. Certainly an interesting young lady. Although he couldn't really see the point of wearing a mask like hers. It didn't really do much good. It went over only the top part of her face and left wide holes for her to be able to see out of. Maybe it was just a human thing. Either way, he would have to follow this young lady so he could study more of the other Dew.

"You've been to the house. I told you it'd be obvious," she protested. "Oh well. Whatever. Doesn't really matter anymore." she took a deep breath and looked out at the shop. "Seifer?" A pause. "I know you're here." Plushi put her left hand on her hip and pushed her mask up onto her head. "Karalen sent me. I was the one who ordered you."

"Then you must be Plushi," he spoke up, emerging from behind the books. "You look better without the mask, by the way."

Greed's eyes widened at the reappearance of the green-eyed Dew. So that had been who he was supposed to have been waiting for? How was he supposed to know that? And what did being at the house have to do with anything at all? Wait... Now that he thought about it, there were a number of other pets at the house who looked similar to the other Dew.

But Greed had been a bit distracted by soul-piercing emeralds. He really should have come with some kind of warning. Caution, eyes can cause all brain function to come to a temporary halt. Or something like that.

"Yes, I'm Plushi. And thank you," Plushi blushed lightly. "Personally, I think so too but the mask makes it easier to sneak around. Especially at night. Anyway," she waved her hand as if to dismiss the previous topic. "let's go. I'm gonna take you both home and then go back to Sisseh's house."

"Who's Sisseh?" This was turning out better than he could have hoped for. Himself and the darker one lived with the same person in the same house. It did take a bit of fun out of the hunt, but being able to see him whenever he wanted was definitely worth it.

"Hm?" Plushi turned and pulled Greed into her arms. "Sisseh is Karalen. Karasisseh. I've been stalking her," she walked out of the shop, gesturing Seifer to follow her.

"Does she know?" Greed wondered, hopping down to walk at Plushi's left side.

"Why would she know? It wouldn't be stalking if she knew," Seifer pointed out, walking at Plushi's right side.

"Yeah, she's stalking me too."

"That's good." Greed glanced over at the green-eyed Dew and muttered, "Don't ask."

"Sissysissysissy!" A purple blur shot out of the trees at the side of the road and collided with the teenager.

"What is it, Ayo?" Said teen had caught the Fancie and was holding it, looking worried.

"There's a fight! On the ship!" he gasped. "A really big one!"

"Who?" Plushi's voice hardened and frosted over.

"Um... Brother and... the masked poof! Laguna tried to stop them but he got hurt! So he told me to come get you." The Fancie's large light blue eyes were misting over with tears.

"Let's go!" She took off, holding the purple Fancie tightly in her arms. "Greed! Take Seifer home and stay in your room until I get back," she called back over her shoulder as she disappeared.

"Gotcha," Greed confirmed even though he knew she was out of earshot by now. "Come on, um..." It was those eyes again. He knew the other Dew's name, he really did.

"Seifer," he supplied smoothly. "Seifer Almasy. And you are?" Yeah, he already knew, but it was polite to ask nonetheless.

"Greed. Follow me, Seifer," he said, letting none of his apprehension show in his stance or his voice.

Seifer nodded and walked beside the other. "Greed," he said slowly, tasting the was the word felt in his mouth. "That's a very interesting name."

"It fits." Greed shrugged and offered a small smile.

"Hm... What was that... little purple thing?" Greed has a dark, sensual voice and Seifer was asking questions more to hear him talk than actual curiousity.

"That was Ayo. He's a Fancie, another one of Plushi's pets."

"Does she have a lot of pets?"

"Yes. Most definitely. Hm..." Greed thought of all the others he had seen or at least heard about. "Only about... four different species but a lot of pets." Seeing Seifer's interested look, Greed continued. "There are Elementals. She only has two of those since they're rare. Poofs, which she has... three of, I think. Dew, of course, but it's only the two of us..."

"I thought you said there were a lot," Seifer interjected as Greed paused. "But you're only mentioning twos and threes." He raised an eyebrow.

Greed grinned, revealing his trademark sharp teeth. "Then there are Dreams. I'd say she's got about fifteen, sixteeen of those. It's kind of hard to keep track since they keep disappearing, reappearing, and having kids."

"...That would cover the rest of 'a lot'..." Seifer said with an ironic grin. "How do you keep up with that many?"

"I don't. And I've only been there... a couple weeks. Actually, Ayo is the one who knows just about everybody. He's a friendly little bug."

"What's this fight about? The one she had to go stop."

"No idea. Kinda wish I could watch, though. A battle between the knight and the ninja. But on the other hand, I'm not putting my life on the line for that."

"Hm. And where is this fight?" Seifer asked with interest.

"No way. We're not goin' ta watch it. Plushi's a nice enough girl but when she's mad," Greed shook his head, "she's a surefire hellcat."

"And she doesn't like fighting?" Seifer guessed.

"Nah, she doesn't mind fighting. But Ayo said they hurt Laguna, who was trying to break it up. She doesn't like it when the spectators get hurt. It pisses her off bad. Laguna even making the effort to break it up means it was bad from the start." Greed sighed. "Plushi has a soft spot for Ayo, who was a gift to her, and Laguna, who's a bit of an idiot but he has a heart of gold. However this ends, it's not gonna be pretty."

"Ah. Sould I assume this is it?" Seifer wondered, eyesing the house they were approaching.

"Yeah, this is it."

Seifer hummed and took another look. The house was big, which was understandable, and fairly simple. The grounds, however, were very ornate. It almost seemed like there was a jungle behind the house. "Nice," he commented.

Greed shrugged. "Whatever. Follow me. We're gonna wanna stay outta the wayy for a while. At least until all this blows over." He led the way into the house, passing by the stairs and ducking into a back bedroom. "Here."

"This your room?" Seifer wondered, looking around. There was a comfortable looking pile of pillows and blankets in the corner, a lot window with a view of the forest-like backyard, and a small bookshelf built into one wall. The most pleasent thing, at least in Seifer's opinion, was the layer of sand on the floor. There was a small wooden board on the inside of the door keeping all the sand in the room. It made the room seem more welcoming.

"Who else's room would it be?" he wondered, closing the door. It felt a little strange having someone else in his room... but kind of familiar as well. As per his habit, he took off his glasses and set them on the short table by his pillows as soon as he closed the door. He flopped back onto the biggest purple pillow and looked up at Seifer.

"I don't know," Seifer murmured. He frowned when Greed walked over to the corner and plopped down. His eyes widened as he saw the now mildly-hated glasses on the table. He immediately tore his gaze from the glasses to look at the other Dew.

"Something wrong?" Greed wondered as Seifer just stared at him. It was kind of disconcerting, but not as much so now that they were on his turf. And Greed's pillow was very comfortable and he was kind of tired.

"Not at all," Seifer breathed. It was amazing. Greed had purple eyes. A dark yet vivid purple that was unlike anything Seifer had ever seen. They drew you in, offering and promising anything and everything if he would just give in.

"You sure you're okay?" Greed questioned again. "Here, sit down." he gestured tot he pillows and blankets around him.

Seifer nodded and obediantly sat down. Greed's eyes were just so intense. They looked right into him, all the way through and saw every bit of him. And they wanted. Seifer could see it in those eyes. They wanted, demanded, needed not just a part of him, but all of him. Every last part of him.

"Hm..." Greed glanced out the window. It was bright and sunny and rather warm. "Well, we could go outside and relax out there... But, of course, we were told to stay in the house..."

"You, listen to rules?" Seifer snorted without opening his eyes. "I've known you all of half an hour and I don't believe it."

"I don't, but it's always better to make sure someone is on your side before doing anything." Greed grinned and sat up.

Seifer sat up, just as a resounding SLAM echoed through the house. "What was that?"

"My guess would be that Plushi and the others are back. Means we gotta be really careful if we wanna get outta here without being caught." Greed grabbed his glasses and slipped them on.

Seifer unstrapped Hyperion and leaned it carefully against the wall. "It's no good sneaking around with a Gunblade," he offered as an explanation.

Greed nodded and silently opened the door. He peeked out, looking up and down the hallway. Finding it clear, he slipped out and motioned Seifer to join him. He closed the door carefully after he had done so.

"Where would they be?" Seifer whispered, crouching down close to Greed behind a random end table.

"The living room," Gree replied, repressing a shudder at the closeness of the other. He led the way down the hallway and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. He looked around warily before darting past them, stopping in a small alcove between the stairs and the living room wall. He crept up to the living room door, peering in cautiously.

Seifer peered around Greed, marvelling at all the different pets. He couldn't see but bits and pieces of each of them. "So how do we get outside?"

"I don't know. The main door is in the kitchen, which is through there," Greed gestured. "And that's not somewhere we wanna go."

"You idiots!" Plushi shouted, unknowingly causing the two Dews in the hallway to flinch. "Whatever you were fighting about, it damn well better be good! And I swear, if Laguna's seriously hurt..." she trailed off, not even needing to finish the threat. The hostile aura eminating from the teen was more than enough.

"What is going on?" came a sudden whispered question from behind the pair of Dews.

Seifer turned, paw at his hip to draw Hyperion before he realized that he'd left it in Greed's room.

Greed spun around, eyes wide and startled. He breathed out a sigh of relief as he saw who had startled him. "It's only you, Katana." He looked her over. "Or not," he grinned at the black and white Dream sleeping in her arms.

"Yes. Now what is happening? Plushi-san sounds..." Katana looked around, trying to find the right description.

"Furious about covers it," Neo muttered, not bothering to open his eyes. From the smell of sand and desert, he guessed they were talking to the Dew.

"Who're you?" Seifer demanded, glaring at the pair.

"Ah, sorry," Greed apologized. "This is Katana and Neo. And this is Seifer," he introduced.

Neo frowned. "Another one?" he questioned. "I'm beginning to think she has an obsession."

"Maybe," Greed shrugged. "Anyway, your dad and Kakashi got in a serious fight on the ship. Ayo said Laguna tried to break it up, but he ended up getting hurt," he told Katana.

Katana winced. "Oh my. That does not sound good. Is Laguna all right?"

"Not sure. You know any way for us to get outside without getting in trouble or caught?"

"...I am afraid not."

"...Tell us how you got in or I'll march right in there," Seifer gestured to the living room, "and tell them all you're both out here together." He glared at the taller, brown one, Katana.

Katana glared right back, but relented after seeing that he was serious. "Upstairs, farthest room on the right at the back of the house. That is my room. The window opens right to a convenient tree. Climb down that and you are in the backyard," she sighed. "I had better go see if I can help them." She kissed Neo's nose and set him down, walking calmly into the living room.

"Later," Neo said, nodding at the Dew and wandering slowly back towards his room.

"How'd you know they were together?" Greed asked suspiciously. "And how'd you know that your threat would work?"

"Easy," Seifer said, leading the way up the stairs, following Katana's directions. "They wouldn't be sneaking around if they'd already told everyone. And it's obvious from the way they were looking at each other that they're together. Here," he pushed the window of Katana's room open and jumped onto the sill. He crouched down and jumped onto the nearby tree branch. "Come on. It's not that far."

"How'd you know their fathers were in the living room, though?" Greed questioned, easily joining Seifer in the tree and making his way down to the ground.

"Their fathers?" Seifer jumped to the ground and followed Greed as he led the way into the forest. "Had no idea. I just figured that they didn't want anyone to know and there were a lot of people in that room. Now... Maybe you can answer some questions for me." Seifer was very much enjoying the view as he followed Greed.

"Depends on what they are," Greed was headed back to the small, mostly hidden clearing towards the back of the property.

"What did Neo mean when he said another one?"

"Ah. Well, Plushi... collects... Seifers," he replied hesitantly.

"Collects Seifers?"

"Yes. She has a Dream Seifer, a Quivoux Seifer, an Elemental Seifer and now a Dew Seifer. I don't know. She has this weird facination with Seifers. Although it's interesting to see how all of you are different. She's also starting to get an obsession with me," Gree threw Seifer a grin over his shoulder. "She has a Dream Greed and myself. It's interesting, at least." They had reached the clearing and Greed flopped down on the grass, basking in the sunlight.

Seifer shrugged off his coat and folded it, placing it carefully under a tree before sprawling out beside Greed. "Why is she collecting them, then?"

"Dunno," Greed closed his eyes and took off his glasses. "I think she wants babies. At least, that's what she said once."

"Um... babies?"

"Yeah. I think she wants Greed-Seifer babies."

"Um... I hate to tell you this, but two guys can't have babies. They can have lots of fun... but no dangers of pregnancy." Seifer smirked lightly.

"It that why you like guys?" Greed wondered, turning onto his back to take in more sunlight.

"Actually, I like both. It's beauty that appeals to me. Whether it's male beauty or female makes no difference. But the lack of danger of pregnancy is one of the better things about being with a guy." Seifer sheilded his eyes with a paw and tilted his head to look at Greed.

"That's nice to know," Greed murmured, being relaxed by the warmth of the sun. "But it is entirely possible for two guys to have kids... if they're doing the right thing in the right place at the right time." Greed grinned without opening his eyes. "How do you think they got Katana and Neo?"

"...I don't know."

"Both came from male-male pairings. Between the two of them, there are four fathers. Two guys can indeed have babies. In fact, their children are often specialer than normal children."

"How so?" Seifer asked, unwittingly drawn into the discussion and the possibilities lurking therein.

"Um... Blessed by the elements, god-like powers and domains, twins, sometimes other species."

"And it all comes from having two dads, huh? How do you know all this?"

"Well... no, but let's pretend it does." Greed chuckled. "I talk to Ayo. He's an annoying, perpetually cheerful little bug... but he's friendly. And he knows things."

"And you want to know things?"

"I want to know it all. And all Ayo's information is interesting," Greed shrugged with a lazy smile.

"Back to the issue at hand... Plushi wants babies?"

"Yeah. She likes kids and seems to think ours would be the 'most awesome, preverted, bad a** babies ever'... or so she says."

"You're not adverse to this idea?" Seifer asked curiously.

"Not really," the heat was making Greed feel all relaxed and lazy, so he wasn't thinking about what he was saying as much as he should have been. "Why would I be? I mean, gender has never been a big deal to me and you're hot." There was a slightly awkward pause. "...Did I just say that out loud?"


"Um..." Greed grinned a little sheepishly. "I haven't really slept at all in the past three days, so..."

"That's not good, you need your beauty rest." Seifer grinned widely. The gods were really smiling down on him today. He idly wondered what he had done to deserve such good fortune, but didn't question it. Why look a gift horse in the mouth, after all?

"'Mnot a girl," Greed muttered, three days of no sleep steadily catching up to him here in the warm, peaceful clearing. Why hadn't he thought of this sooner?

"Didn't say you were. Girls are pretty, you are beautiful in an entirely different way." Seifer explained, also becoming a bit overwhelmed by the heat.

"...okay." Greed opened an eye and smiled lazily at the green-eyed Dew beside him.

"You know what?" Seifer breathed, awed at Greed's genuine smile. Like the rest of him, it was just breathtaking and Seifer had a feeling that it wasn't often seen.

"Pro'lly not. What?" Greed moved closer to Seifer and sighed. It was strange that this single Dew that he hadn't even known for a day yet could bring him pease from his inner demons. Although the three straight days Greed had spent fighting said demons probably helped a bit.

"We should go back ot the shop." Seifer said, relaxing.

"Why do we need ta do that?" he wondered, cuddling into Seifer's chest sleepily.

"To find out how to go about getting babies." Seifer wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him closer.

"Oh. Tha's a good idea. We migh' hafta get mated tho," the darker Dew couldn't find the energy to actually speak right, but he was sure Seifer got the idea. And Greed had the inexplicable urge to move closer to the other, even though they were already lying flush against each other.

"Mated? What's that do?" Seifer closed his eyes, savoring the closeness of the dark one. With his horrible luck, the other wouldn't want to ever be near him again after this. Who know what would happen when Greed remembered this after he was rested.

"...I think the babies are specialer. Or i's more likely they'll be special. An' it had to do with... um... somethin' else..." Greed muttered. Why were they still talking? He wanted to sleep...

"...Faithfulness, perhaps?" Seifer suggested, opening his eyes.

"Yeah. Tha's it..."

"Hm..." Seifer gazed at the sky above them, thinking. If he and Greed mated, he wouldn't be able to pursue anyone else. But... He looked down at the other. Greed looked a lot younger when he was asleep. Or almost asleep. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Especially if he was bound to this spectacular creature. Yeah. "Hey, Greed?"


"Wanna go mate and have babies?" he asked, semi-playfully, nuzzling Greed.

"Now?" Greed asked, unable to keep the pout out of his voice. He was warm and comfy and didn't really want to move.

"No, later on. After a nap," Seifer smiled.

"...Sounds good," Greed said softly, finally giving up and falling asleep curled up with Seifer.

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