Halloween entry from that girl from last entry, i think i skipped a couple of holidays but who cares. ninja

Like Valentines day, Halloween has candy flying EVERYWHERE. Literally, one hit me on the head. At least i don't have to steal candy, just but a sheet over your head, say trick or treat and BAM! u have candy. Oh yeah, I decided to just let my secret admirer give me notes, it makes Rebecca jealous. Dave was a vampire. He looked REALLY cool. But of course Rebacca dragged him into her clutches. But that's not what made Halloween Suck so badly.

Kristy went scouting for candy with her BF as she put in her blog. No, it wasn't me. It was Tari. I now hate Tari AND Kristy. Kristys a backstabbing little.....uhh....never mind that, but i had to go get candy BY MY SELF! Do u know how embarrassing that is!! Thats like letting the world know u have no friends. Well guess what world, I have friends! They just don't go to get candy on Halloween.

Well, I do have good news, I ran into Dave when I was getting candy,Without Rebecca(yay!). We talked a while till his friends caught up with him. I Got All fuzzy inside when he said that we were just friends to the other boys as they skipped chanting "Davids got a girlfriend!" Imagine, ME friends with David Groto!

As I continued my scouting for candy I came across Alan Kroak,he was the complete opposite of Dave,blond hair and such,Kristy had a crush on him for who knows how long. He was walking with his friends and I overheard him talking about valentines day and pink paper and roses. His Face went red when he saw me. heart thump heart thump heart Oh No......

I think Christmas is the next Holiday, another entry of this series will be here then.