Chapter One: The Lift off

Along the beach I walked. Looking for a seashell or two. i found what apered to be a tooth. i heard a rugged voice say behind me, "thats mine." I turned round and looked at the stranger. He seemed to have been surprised that I saw him. He held out his hand. I set the tooth on his leather glove. He put the tooth in his pocket and said " You seem to have a strong sixth sence." I had know idea what he was talking about so without saying anything, I walked away.

Not to far away i stopped and sat on a rock. I looked left,then right, then left again. I saw the stranger from before sitting next to me. I sighed and asked, "why are you following me? I gave you your tooth back." he gave a chuckle. "Girl" he said "you are sitting on a rock nobody else can see. You can see me but other people can't." i was puzzled. what was this nut talking about? i thought. "I know who you are. I came looking for you," This shocked and scared me. But i didn't move.he touched my back, suddenly, i had wings.