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Yoda's Journal
Biography it is.... of me. So makes it and autobiography it does.
Basic Saber Forms:Yoda's easy guide ((easier than most any))
Ataru: The basis of lightsaber combat. Good defense against a single target. Not so good when that target is a long ways off and has a high powered blaster rifle. Use only when fighting single opponents in lightsaber or vibroblade duel. ((Qui-gon Jinn- famous user))

Hand positions: Both hands on the lightsaber hilt. Hold the blade at a 45 angle to your face. Your feet are planted firmly one in front of the other. This allows for excellent movement and defense.... going straight into an offense.

Soresu: Good for fighting singular opponents that are using blasters. Easy it is to switch from Ataru to Soresu. These forms are learned together, and can be put into a hybrid form.

Hand positions: Same as Ataru. Feet go spread appart, ((about arms length.... varies for each person)) and are parallel. This allows for attunement with the force, and easy deflection manuevers.

Shii-Cho: The last of the Basic forms.... Shii-Cho is good for fighting two or more enemies that have lightsabers or other none range weapons. This style is very adaptible, and can be hybrid with almost all other forms. It is dangerous to hybrid though without the help of a master. Shii-Cho is the most difficult of the three basic forms because it offers no protection from blaster fire. If you are learning this saber form then Soresu is also required.

Hand positions: When unhybrided, your nt hand goes in the middle of the saber hilt. Your feet are planted off-set from each other by a 45 degree angle. This allows for spinning and free movement, allowing you to block from several directions with one strike. This is also very good for keeping multiple opponents busy while using very little strength.

Hybriding: As I stated before: It is dangerous to hybrid without the help of a master. Hybriding required the mastery of one saber form, and the astuteness in another. Once you begin to hybrid you are like a padawan again. You are creating a new being... and you know nothing about it. The basics to hybriding are diligence and patience. And you have to be a Jedi Knight. Any padawans caught doing this will not be reprimanded, because they will be missing limbs. A training saber is inadequate for hybriding as it is not the same as a real lightsaber. ((any padawans caught with a real lightsaber shall have it confiscated... because no padawans are allowed to have them.)) Most masters do not attempt hybriding, because it is a dangerous artform. Most prefer to master the forms separately and switch into them as required. An opponent that as the mastery over a hybrid saber form, is best steered clear of.

Basic Hybrids:

Atesu: ((cross between Ataru and Soresu)) A saber form that is good against single opponents that are weilding a blade. It also allows you to block blaster bolts while fighting this opponent. It is not recommended to get into one of these situations however, because they are dangerous. Still this form will allow you to not have to worry about people with blasters. Ifyou are faced with more than one opponent up close ((more than one person with a lightsaber)) It is suggested that you run. Because multiple lightsabers, blaster bolts, and a curious mind ((which you would have to have in order to hybrid this form)) make a dangerous combination.

Shii-Aru: ((cross between Shii-Cho and Ataru)) This form is made for close combat. Fast, manuverable, and powerful. This is a duelists dream. It accels against multiple enemies, and singular ones. If you can master this hybrid then you have something to be happy about. There have been 8 jedi in history to master this form. ((master Star is one of them.... and I am another. This is our prefered saber form.)) This saber form can only me met with the higher form of Makashi. ((and if you are facing a Makashi master... you had better have this form.)) This form has only one weakness... and it is a big one. You CANNOT hope to block blaster fire. The required mind power forced into keeping you from cutting yourself in half is astounding. If you are using this form and are beginning to get shot at. You should switch to Soresu. ((which you should already know if you are hybriding)).

Shii-Esu: ((cross between Shii-Cho and Soresu)) A form made to utilize blaster bolt blocking while fighting multiple opponents. While this form can come through in a pinch... it is not good for fighting opponent with lightsabers. This will allow you to take on mercs, droids, thugs, and other characters you might encounter. Do not however use this form against another force using opponent for it offers little to no protection.

Advanced Saber Forms: These are the more difficult forms to master. They are only taught to Jedi Knights... and padawans are not allowed access to their teachings. Though some initiates may have had previous training in them, it is recommended that you steer clear of these forms until after you have passed the Jedi trials, as most have serious side effects to learning them.

Niman: A all around form... used in lightsaber on lightsaber, or deflecting blaster bolts, or even fighting against a vibro-blade. This form is perfect for a Jedi Sentinel who has practiced with Ataru. This form allows for the Jedi to fight with force powers along with channeling the force into combat. Not the best dueling form, but definitely good for handling any situation. Niman is a form that is learned quickly. It his a planted stance with the feet barely off set, at a 195 degree angle. ((slightly off parallel.)) The lightsaber is held in both hands and is held near the torso, pointed nearly horizontal. This form lacks elegance, but make up with how many times it can save your life. There is a consequece to using this form, that is, it leaves the user fatigued, extremely mentally and physically, after combat is over. Any long pause will cause drain on stamina and will power.

Shien: Don't like blasters? Going into a place where there are a lot of blasters? Well then this is the form for stopping them. This form channels the force into the Jedi's hands, and gives him almost precognitive thought into where the blaster bolts are coming from. With this form a Jedi can block over ten to fifteen blaster bolts at a time. Speed and evasiveness also increases making the user hard to hit. The down side to using this form, is that it is completely useless for dueling. Facing an opponent with a lightsaber, and using this form, will result in almost sure death. Jedi Setinels that are performing undercover missions should, and are required to know this form. The stance is feet are at a 50 degree angle, and the lightsaber is held in one hand. This form can be doubled in effectiveness by adding a second lightsaber. ((though dual wielding is a difficult technique to master, it is suggested that it be mastered before trying this form)) ((famous user: Obi-wan Kenobi))

Juyo: The elegance and grace of dueling is presented in this form, is nothing short of beauty in motion. The lightsaber and the Jedi become one, and the force flows to create a masterpiece of movements. Any Jedi Guardian should be fluent in this form. There are no side affects to using this form, but it should be used for dueling only. A jedi has no chance of blocking multiple blasters, nor do they have defense against violent force powers. This form will allow you to block single blasters ((say if your opponent uses a hold out blaster)), but it is wise to be affluent in a force form for protection against harmful force powers. This form has an Ataru stand, and the lightsaber is held in one hand at the bottom of the hilt, or in two hands ((one placed on the top of the hilt and the other at the bottom.)) This form allows for maximum maneuverability.

Djem So: Raw power and brute strength are the characteristics of this form.... completely void of any grace, but not lacking in ability, this form is uses by most Jedi Guardianss. The strikes are slow, but powerful. They can knock away an opponents defenses, but if parried, this form leaves the user open to retaliation. One benefit to this form is that the strikes are so strong that parrying is not easy. This form is good in all around fighting situations against multiple opponents or in over powering a single opponent. The feet are placed almost infront of each other ((about a six degree angle)), and the saber is held in the middle by one or both hands. This form is unable to hybrid. ((famous user: Darth Vader/ Anakin Skywalker))

Advanced Hybrid Forms: ((see hybriding above, and remember to hybrid, you must have mastery in all of the required forms))

Shii-man: ((Shii-Cho and Niman)) This form incorporates Shii-Cho and Niman, creating a maximum efficent form, used in all situations. This is a difficult hybrid form to master or even learn. The abilities if gives allows for the Jedi to conquer any situation.... so long as the fighting is consistant. The downside to this form, is that if the combat stops for more that a few minutes, fatigue begins to drain the users body rapidly.

Atien: ((Ataru and Shien)) Add more mobility to Shien along with more speed.... you get Atien. Ataru loses its dueling capabilites to add for evasiveness. This form is so fast that the user appears as a blur. The force makes them almost untouchable.... so long as their opponent is not wielding a lightsaber and the force. Jedi Watchmen are constantly learning this form because 90% of their missions place them in a room full of vibro-blades and blasters. You will end up being saved more times that thought possible with this form.

Shoresu: ((Shien and Soresu)): The blasters be gone form.... this form allows the jedi nearly the ability to ready minds. This form allows the Jedi to make his lightsaber a wall for blaster bolts, and the blaster more dealy for its user than the Jedi. The Jedi that have mastered this form haved died from everything but a blaster.... the reason for this: You can now block blasters... but everything else is fair game.

Master Saber Forms:

Makashi: Pure and utter form, made for a master at one with themself and the force. This is form not to be trifled with, for it is a danger to all around it. Practicers of Makashi accept the fact that they must fight alone, for this is a single dancer's dance. Makashi is used primarily for the fencing lightsaber, or the master who prefers elegance. Sharp japs and slashes, the entire form is based on little movement for most output. A Makashi user can last up to three hours longer in battle than any other form due to its lack of unnecessary movements. The major draw back is its inability to account for friends. When slipped into this form Makashi makes everything around the users a target and therefore is to be treated with the utmost respect. ((famous user: Count Dooku))

Vapaad: Named after the creature known for having many arms, you could only know the true number of arms after its death, for the reason that when it attacked it moved it's arms faster than sight, creating the illusion of dozens of arms. The most ever found on one was sixteen. This form was created by Jedi Master Mace Windu, and was kept locked away in his personal holocron. The only other known user was the Jedi Master turned dark Jedi Sora Bulq. Vapaad concentrates on channeling the darkness in the Jedi's heart through his lightsaber into a weapon for the light. However the fine skating of this line proved to be dangerous and led to many temptations. It was believed that his form not be available to anyone under the rank of Jedi Master, and it still is today.

Ambigu: The form of the ancient sith lords, this style holds true to its name: Ambiguous. Completely unpredictable, deceptive, and swift; the users lulls you into a false sense of winning and then strikes. When the attack is launched death soon follows, either from force lightning or a scarlet blade. Much of this form is unknown, only that many have never survived seeing a master use it. During the Jedi Purge Four masters of the Jedi Council fell to its wrath: Agen Kolar, Siesese Tinn, Kit Fisto, and Mace Windu. ((famous user - Darth Sidious))

Master Hybrids

Shii-ju-aru (Shii-cho, Juyo, and Ataru): Though not a combination of master forms, this is a form combining three different lightsaber styles into a deadly yet extremely defensive fighting form. Combining the basic perfection of Ataru, the adaptability and flexibility of Shii-cho, and the swift elegance of Juyo... the Jedi master becomes a whirling vortex of beautiful light... and a deadly foe to handle. Not many have even come to the closeness of hybriding forms, and even fewer Jedi masters have dared hybrid such varying forms... but for one who is patient and long of life, it is not a dream. Very little stands toe to toe with Shii-ju-aru... short of turbolasers cannons or darklords of the sith... the most famous user of this form was Jedi Master Yoda, and he was the last known to use it as well. In the battle with Darth Sidious, Shii-ju-aru disarmed the sith lord in minutes making a shift in battle from combat to force powers. While extremely effective in dueling and defense, the pure concentration required and the ammount of movement used, this form is at a disadvantage in force combat... often making the Jedi Master cast aside his weapon and relying on the force that lets him fight with such a difficult form.

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