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Well... I guess I didn't learn my lesson so well around the last time i had when teh Lord was having me live the "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".... stare I have had to learn this both with gaia people, people from various online games.. and there is one girl at my work. at work, this girl does it to everyone.... so it's not just me... but... at the same time... how it affects everyone else might be one thing... I'm supposed to be a child of the Lord... and my behaviors need to represent him as best as I can.... I do believe that one of the most fundamental principles that Christ really emphasized here was his "Love thy neighbor" method. He was all about our relationships... not just the law and the letter of the law.. but he was about motives, desires, intents. It wasn't just about praying or going to temple or church.. or whathave you... it was about why you go... He was about enriching your spiritual experiences... adn also, he was about enriching the interaction in our lives with not only our friends and loved ones... but with those who vex us.. with those who would make us wanna bust a cap in someone's rear.... Jesus said the world would know we are his by the love we have... we represent him through love. The love we have for him, for his way, for his word... but also for our friends, our famiilies, our brethren in teh body of christ, and also OUR ENEMIES. He said if you only greet those who greet you, how are you better than the snobby religious leaders of his time? He calls his people to rise above it all. He calls us to treat others the way we want to be treated... even if they don't return the favor. Cuz, the sad truth is most of the people we know or meet most likely will not return it. In the long run, some do if we continue to befriend them when they need it. But, oh so many times I've seen it when some people do serve a friend for years... being there for them at every turn and drop; when it's their turn to return the favor.. they are nowhere to be found.. but someone they helped a long time ago who they never thought they mattered to... they rise up. A good is example is my mom's long time friend Jan. Man... my mom was her friend through 2 husbands and three kids... cuz Jan's oldest is about the age of my younger sister... and has two other boys. and my mom stuck with her through the thick and thin.. took her kids in all the time... did any and every favor for her.. and once in a while, my mom would just ask her for a ride somewhere... she could never do it. She was always too busy. and, she always put her other friends before my mom. In my opinion, she has never measured up to do what my mom has done for her. However, my mom continues to find some friends here and there.

Well, I am going through stuff with that same girl at work. She just vexes me to no end. And... then there are people on gaia.. who just..... well, I don't want to hash all that out. I mean.. I never know who's watching and who's not... I refuse to give them fuel to fan their fires creating more issues for me to have to deal with.

In any case, I have been praying on these things. And, always the verse that comes firstly to my mind is Psalm 37. Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb. trust in the lord and do good. so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed. delight thyself also in teh Lordand he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
commit thy way unto Lord: trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass.
and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the noonday.
rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself becuase of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

skip a few and jump down a bit....

the wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
the Lord shall laugh at him for he seeth that his day is coming.
the wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent the bow, to cast down teh poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken...

and this whole chapter just really goes into just really putting the anxiety and negative emotions away from yourself... and i think it really runs into the idea of putting our trust in Christ to justify us.. to avenge us if need be... but to work it out.. so that he defends us... and lets it be made known that we are his children adn that he will not tolerate people being mean to us! mad also.. to some of my brothers and sisters in the Lord who might be checking this out: the Lord loves all his children. and it is said that he chastizes who he loves.. so then if we don't treat each other well.. if we are mean and backbiting to each other.. he will still punish us. it will be different from how he punishes a person outside the body.. but he will still p***k our conscience.

I guess this is my lesson for now... learning how to overcome the want to render unjustice for unjustices... and just trust him to work everything out... man.. i think i'm gonna start going back to church soon. heard some people from my old youth group are returning.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Tue Apr 12, 2005 @ 01:12am

    I figured since you were begging people to read your journal, I thought I would read. Especially since your extremely offensive post a few months back about "stinky people."

    Now faith is a fine thing. They say a man without faith is without hope. BUT there is a thing as showboating your faith to an extent where you wave it around as if you are holier than thou. Take the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. I apply it here.

    If you have problems with people on Gaia, DO something about it. If people are bothering you IRL DO something about it. The "golden rule," which was taken from even more ancient religions, including Buddhism, says treat others like you want to be treated. Wouldn't you want someone to tell you straight up if they had a problem with you?

    I figured I'd give you that much. I have issues with how you RP and the snobbish attitude you take towards other people who obviously make an effort to include you, even if we have to grit our teeth to do so. There is a such thing as portraying yourself into your characters. This isn't a Bratz doll convention, it's not a high school love triangle. The perimenters are rather simple, but unless you branch outside your love bubble, you won't have any luck.

    I could digress, but I'll stop there. This isn't me trying to be cruel, even if I am a godless heathen and all, I'm merely trying to give you some advice in regards, although I have a feeling this might escalate into something else, given your posts before when people tried to be helpful.

    Community Member

    Tue Apr 12, 2005 @ 05:51pm

    I'm young, as you know. I haven't been around much. I have learned though that it all comes back to you tenfold. When you are nice to others, maybe they themselves won't be nice back, but others notice. When Jesus said to love thine enemies, he didn't say you have to like them. It's difficult to forgive, but to learn truly forgive an enemy is one of the most liberating things ever. It releases you from a huge burden and hands it all over to God. It's hard to do, and sometimes it's harder because we feel a tiny bit of it just might be our faults, however small it was, but I can guarantee you, however young I am, I know that if you can truly forgive someone, it is a burden lifted and life becomes much easier. He takes care of us, everyone of us, and He always looks out for you. Forgiveness is hard to do though. It took me many years to be able to. I can honestly say though there isn't one person I can think of that I have not forgiven. I have been beaten, I have been molested, I have been a bit knocked around, I've been backstabbed, I've been abandoned, but whenever I feel the urge for revenge, I just think of this. Jesus coulda yelled at those crucifying him, "You're going to hell for this!" but instead He said, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do." I'm not saying I'm Jesus, but I do try to live like He would have me live, and I feel that if people are going to unjustly "crucify" me (symbolic...) then I feel more sorry for them. Why do they need to hurt an innocent? What is going wrong in their lives? They don't even realize what they're doing. They need my prayers more than my hatred, and I need to love them no matter how much they hate me, not just because Jesus says so, but because I believe it when He says so and I believe it is the best thing for me and for the other person. How miserable must they be if they seek faults in others to justify their own? When you think of it like that, forgiveness is much easier to feel.

    User Comments: [2]
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