occurs a few weeks after Burning through time

Helio had been in a foul mood since his fight with Faustite. As such he’d taken a lot of his own energy out on the unlucky people he stumbled upon during his time as a senshi. He mainly powered up out of necessity as of late. Or when he found himself in such a terrible mood that he just needed to expend some energy doing something. It had turned out to be one of those nights.

As it was, the evening handed him something he had desperately needed. A good ‘ol fight. Well…he supposed it had turned into a bit of a game of cat and mouse but it still appeased his inner turmoil.

Helio hadn’t been out long. An hour perhaps at most? He’d found himself a few teenagers out causing some mischief and left the two of them sleeping off their energy drain outside of the shop they were contemplating breaking into. Funny how karma was. Sometimes she laid i wait other times it was almost instant. Too bad for those kids. At least Helio had been kind enough to not rip the starseeds from their chests.

Skipping across the rooftops, Helio had sensed an aura. It had been fleeting but just enough to catch his attention. With a grin he changed direction, and quickly found himself catching up to his prey.

The senshi was younger than him by a few years. Perhaps just graduated college. If he’d been the type of be interested in girls she may have swayed him from his goal with the swish of those hips and attempts at distraction. She caught on quickly enough though that his interests weren’t in her. At least, not in the way she had hoped. Then that little mouth of hers began spewing hate and anger at him and Helio had only stared on. For a senshi dressed in frilly pink and yellow it was both odd and amusing to hear the colorful choice of words that came from her.

All it took was a little energy drain to fully trigger her. Fluffy magic was thrown at him. It encompassed his body and pressed in, but otherwise did nothing but blue his vision of the senshi. Blindly he shot in the general direction he had seen her and was taken by surprise by the female shriek. The fluffy mess surrounding him dispersed suddenly.

“You really are terrible at this.” He mused allowed as he walked up to the girl as he dismissed the torrent of water that had surrounded her and attempted a drowning. She looked very much like a drowned rat and Helio couldn’t stop the dark chuckle. “I swear your damn order cats are just determined to get you senshi killed.”

It was obvious there had been zero training and the blond girl was left to figure it out for herself. It was an endemic to order. Too often he’d seen the poorly trained out and about like it was a joy ride to be in the city. Helio had learned very quickly on his own how dangerous the untrained could be to themselves. And this senshi in front of him was a prime example.

She moved to get up where she had fallen on her knees, and Helio was there in intercept. A swift kick of his foot and she was sprawled on the ground again where she continued to spew hate. “All of you are the same. You’re just out to hurt everyone and don’t care that what you’re doing is wrong! You can all just go ******** yourselves and your damn queen! What you do is wrong and I…”

Her words were cut short. Growing tired of that damn mouth spewing off, Helio had opted to shut her up the best way he knew how. The starseed glistened in his hand as he looked down at the body in front of him.

Helio banished the starseed to his cache to join the misfortune of other. Silently he lamented to lack of fight the senshi had in comparison to the squire he'd fought and stolen a starseed form last week. While both fights had ended the same, at least the squire had put up a decent fight. In fact, Helio was still sporting a few bruises from that encounter, though they had all faded to an ugly yellow by now.

Helio tucked his hands into the sleeves of his fuku before sighing. Perhaps he’d be able to get some sleep now that he had exerted himself a tiny bit?