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          tab Another step, another crack beneath his fur, another groan to pass his lips. Black Bone very nearly crawled his way from the sick dens, muscles and bones aching with how long he’d had to sit in the same positions to tend to his charges. Some were easier than others, while some provided quite the challenge for one reason or another. He squinted against the waning orange light of the sun, lips curling into a half hearted snarl at the amount of time he’d lost. A whole day he’d spent in those dens, crouched and smooshed and utterly uncomfortable, but it was worth it. His work was always worth it.

          tab Once fully free of the den, he shook himself carefully, secretly amused by the way his otherwise pristine pelt had been darkened by dirt while inside. He turned toward the general area of his own den, one paw midair, when his stomach grumbled quite loudly. It was noisy enough for him to shake his head and be grateful he was the only one around at the moment. Though… that did present a slight problem.

          tab His hunger meant he had to converse with other wolves. Not that he didn’t enjoy the member of the pack (the ones he knew so far at least) he just didn’t like the idea of being surrounded again. At least if he was this time, however, he’d be surrounded by the healthy. He turned and made his way further into the heart of the pack, following the growing smell of…. Well, he wasn’t quite sure what he as following but it smelled good. The closer he got to the source of the scent, the more adamant his stomach was about being heard.

          tab It wasn’t until he saw the pale, orange and brown patterned male that he knew to be their cook--Calico was his name, right?--that he stopped. Politely, he sat down and watched him for a moment, golden gaze squinting at the use of herbs he knew to be good for his own craft in another. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two here, as well.