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Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:41 pm
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OOC Owners: Quaji
IC Rulers: Empress Ting Lan (wooga Paes) and Emperor Miàndùi Tiǎozhàn (Safaia)
Founded By: Mila Farrell and wooga Paes
Super big thanks to: PhiferWolf, Safaia, Nerpin, Nuxaz, Ary Keeyara, demon_pachabel, Twiddle

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Welcome to Tianxia!

A pride loosely inspired from Chinese lore, Tianxia is a pride located in the fictionalized Ethiopian Highlands, located north of most other prides in SoA. The pride is a little unique in that it is divided up into four main Houses, the North, South, West and East, with a fifth House, the Central, being the ruling house of the pride.

In this thread you will find a general overview of the pride. There is a lot of information in this pride; it is here to help diversify RP ideas, and give more potential character development.

One last note; assume traditions like introductions to Overseers, House festivals, marriage ceremonies, religious gatherings, ect continue to happen in the background.

For information on how to join the pride, go here!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:42 pm
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Central House
The Central House is, for all intents and purposes, the head of the pride. It functions rather differently than the other houses, with much fewer members and smaller territory. In it the main power of the pride is focused, the Emperor and the Empress. There are not many available ranks, as the central house is reserved, mostly, for the imperial family (the family of the Emperor and the Empress) and those who attend them. Think of it like a castle. The Central House is represented by the element of earth and the color yellow.

North House link
This is where the army is located. Known as Tianxia's powerhouse, the North House values strength and courage, and most great warriors in Tianxia spend some time here, training. The North House is represented by the element of water, the season of water, and the color black.

South House link
This House focuses on diplomacy, as well as law. Cleverness and speed are valued in this House. It is usually the South House that is most involved in politics and negotiations. The South House is represented by the element of fire, the season of summer, and the color red.

West House link
This is where the artists live! The West House values creativity, for it keeps the mind sharp and allows for innovation. Pleasure and entertainment are a big deal here! Bards, storytellers, painters, and crafters are some of the ranks found here. The West House is represented by the element of metal, the season of autumn, and the color white.

East House link
The most important thing to members of the east House is the search for knowledge. A large focus is placed on rational, practical thinking. In the East House, one can find philosophers, doctors, and historians. The East House is represented by the element of wood, the season of spring, and the color green.

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Central House Memberlist

Rank | Gender | Species | Common Name & Image Link | Tianxia Name | Parents

    Emperor | M | Lion | Hanjari | Miàndùi Tiaozhàn | Safaia | Simi x Tufah
    Empress | F | Lion | Ari | Ting Lan | wooga Paes | Ahali'bagawa x Afu

    Crown Princess | F | Lion | Avani | Long Di | Quaji | Hanjari x Ari

    Emperor (Retired) | M | Lion | Ahali'bagawa | Wei Gang | wooga Paes | ? x ?
    Empress (Retired) | F | Lion | Afu | Tzu Hsi | Mila Farrell | Daka x Miye

    Prince and Princess; Ahali'bagawa & Afu's Reign
    Prince | M | Lion | Adin'ukali | Zhi Qiang | Vashtya | Ahali'bagawa x Afu
    Princess | F | Lion | Malia'sauda | Lien-hua | surreality | Ahali'bagawa x Afu
    Prince | M | Lion | Tyro | Ozai | Mila Farrell | Ahali'bagawa x Afu
    Countess | F | Lion | Arya | Zhu Yan | wooga Paes | Ahali'bagawa x Afu

    Prince and Princess; Hanjari & Ari's Reign
    Prince | M | Lion | Akuji | Long Fengwei | Safaia | Hanjari x Ari
    Prince | M | Lion | Enitan | Long Ying Ru | Sherlolly | Hanjari x Ari
    Princess | F | Lion | Msumari | Long Xiuji Daji | Puhterodactyl | Hanjari x Ari

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    High Guardian | M | God | Misimu | Jìjié | Mushkeli x Nquma

    Royal Guard | M | Lion | Kweli | Yong Zhi | SilverLutz | ? x ?
    Royal Guard | F | Lion | Pupitar | Jian | wooga Paes | ? x ?
    Royal Guard | M | Lion | Rasul | Hong'lei | Andranis | Mahewa x Kasdeya
    Royal Guard | M | Lion | Ryger | Bai Lan Laohu | Safaia | ? x ?

    Falconer | M | Lion | Hati | Lan Yueliang | Mia Sharra | Hadaya x Zsaria

    Messenger | F | Cheetah | Zyanya | Ai | wooga Paes | Makani x ?

    Ambassador | M | Cheetah | Mao | Mew | ? x ?

    Hunter | F | Lion | Etain | Bai Hudie | Safaia | Kereng'ende x Mrengo'angaa
    Hunter | M | Leopard | Usiku | Ye | wooga Paes | Keone x Karama
    Hunter | M | Leopard | Xian Poo | Quan | wooga Paes | ? x ?

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    Tianxia Empire

    Tianxia Empire

    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:43 pm
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    Members of Tianxia have two names. The 'common' name is either a SoA's original name, or a pet name given from parent to child. This name will fit the normal SoA naming guidelines. A 'proper' name is considered their actual name within Tianxia; typically in Mandarin (Cantonese is possible, but uncommon). The utilization of the two names varies; some members considering them merely a distinguishing feature of the pride, while others think of them a tool to disguise themselves from potentially harmful outsiders.

    How an individual views these proper names varies from one to the other, but generally use of the proper name is considered polite between members of the pride. SoA born into the pride usually associate their proper name more closely with themselves than their common name, while outsiders may find it difficult to adjust to. It is rather rude for a member to refer to another with their common name in public, but it may be used between good friends or lovers without much caring.

    When introducing themselves to foreigners, members should use their common name, and avoid using the proper one. The exception is with visitors from other prides that are vastly outnumbered by pride members. For example, a visitor comes for a wedding, in which case it is fine to use one's proper name.

    Surnames for the proper name have become a rather popular trend in Tianxia lately. Members are not required to have them, and for the time being most still don't. They are becoming more common among the upper classes, as many enjoy the fact that a surname makes their family stand out from the others. Because they are not yet commonplace, there is no formula for the inheritance of a family name. Some parents go with the name of the father for the children, some with the name of the mother, and some like to come up with all-new names for their kids, sometimes even for every litter.

    Restricted Names
    The following names are exclusive to specific families of the Tianxian ruling or influential families and may not be used in either their common or proper names without connection to the associated family.
    This restriction is not retroactive and any member of the pride prior to October 18th, 2022 will not be asked to change their name.

    Lóng Family - The ruling family of the Center. Founded with the birth of Empress Ting Lan and Emperor Miàndùi Tiaozhàn's children. The name is used in the proper name.
    Zhōng Family - The ruling family of the West. Founded by Lord Zhōng Xióngwei and Zhōng Rén. The name is used in the proper name.
    Mila Family - The ruling family of the East. Founded by Lord Yi Min. The name is used in the common name.
    Shòujiè Family - A prominent family of the North. Founded with the birth of Duke Shan and Duchess Shen Xue's children. The name is used in the proper name.
    Shān Family - A prominent family of the North. Founded by the goddess of Mountains, Shan Furen. The name is used in the common and proper names.

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    Though different Houses have their own main focuses and qualities they value the most, there are some values that are common throughout Tianxia as a whole.

    Devotion to one's pride and then family is the driving force in Tianxia. A strong Empire results in wealth, comfort, and protection for everyone to varying degrees. Criticism of the leadership and noble houses is expected, but outward aggression is not. In that same nature, an insult to someone's honor is taken very seriously, and it isn't unheard of for situations of the sort to become a little violent. Tianxia members have a tendency to take pride in themselves, their family, and their House. Ancestors are also cherished, and called upon to help give guidance to their descendants that request it.

    Cubs are also greatly valued in the pride, as they continue on family lines and offer new strength to each House. Each House has nannies and guards to keep an eye on the cubs, and they are only permitted to play in known safe areas. Cubs are kids, and they do wander off and explore into nooks and crannies that are harder for adults to find them. However, cubs are also trained and educated to avoid trouble, as well as what to do should they run into danger. This means kidnapping is extremely unlikely. If you would like to run a plot involving this, just ask.

    Contribution to the Empire
    Everyone is expected to contribute to the evolution and growth of the empire. There are no positions where one may merely sit on a rock and watch others work. Even the children of nobles are expected to work, learning skills and trades that will grow their knowledge and strengthen their bodies to protect their House.
    Those of middle-and-lower ranks are usually given more menial tasks like hunting food, gathering supplies, cleaning common areas, watching over cubs, relaying messages, and keeping the borders safe. It is possible for one to work their way up to higher-complexity jobs if they desire it.
    Those of higher ranks are expected to complete complicated education and take on more complex roles like ambassadorship, understanding and executing empire law, devising new battle plans, and assist in arraigned marriages.
    If one has been deemed a competent contributor, the Emperor and Empress may decide to allow them to retire, and enjoy the rest of their days in comfort.

    Formality is an essential trait in the Tianxian Emprire. It is essential that you are polite to each of your fellow citizens, including offering a thanks for a meal prepared, a greeting before each meeting or trade, and to take any potential conflicts to the Lord/Lady of your House.
    Conflict does arise, and it is not unusual to see formal duels to determine victors. Use of political power and gathering allies for gain are also common; to wield an unseen dagger and strike your foe with only words is a desired skill within the higher classes. If there is no true evidence, you can get away with nearly anything short of murder.

    Honor, dignity, loyalty and integrity are all qualities smiled upon. However, in such a large empire, some shades of grey are inevitable.

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    With the understanding that different individuals have different skill sets and knowledge, trade generally works by an exchange of services and favors.
    This takes place by exchanges offered beyond one's duty. For example, a hunter may be required to feed certain members or the pride, but in addition hunt for certain choice prey in exchange for classes, lessons, apprenticeships, or even jewelry.

    It is common for SoA to trade in order to receive a better education, protection, training or even to arrange marriages for their children. Art is also used as a form of exchange, be it through the production of items or providing entertainment.

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    Marriage and Breeding
    Marriage is common in Tianxia; it is a way to develop family ties, to climb the class ranks, and to solidify love. Arranged marriage is common, as is two who choose to marry out of love. Many higher classes will arrange marriage to keep their family lines strong and gain political allies.

    Marriages may be arranged with other prides to form alliances with the Tianxian Empire. When such marriages are arranged, they will often be made in pairs, with one couple staying in Tianxia, one within the other pride. These kinds of arranged marriages are typically reserved to members of royalty, but once prides are established allies of Tianxia, arranged marriages between members of all Classes can become more common. This is one of the only ways to leave Tianxia without being considered an exile.

    To be sure the future couple will get along, most families try to arrange marriages early on, and encourage the cubs to spend as much time together as possible, through play dates or trips. Usually children are told they have been arranged to marry around the time they are juveniles, if they have not been made aware until then, regardless of whether or not they have already met their future mate. It is not unheard of for parents to arrange marriages for their adolescent, or even adult children, though far less common.

    Divorce is more common within the middle and lower classes of Tianxia. It is never something that is recommended, and reconciliation between parties and matchmakers is required before a divorce is finalized.
    Divorce in the higher classes is extremely rare as it is seen as a dishonor to one's family and ancestors. It is possible, but great pressure is put on the parties to never remarry.

    Flings & Unmarried Unions
    Flings are allowed in the pride, and to a degree fairly common in middle to lower classes. Both parents are expected to help raise and feed their children, with assistance from the House. If the mother doesn't reveal the identity of the father, or the father is from outside the pride, assistance will be provided by the House. Flings are particularly scandalous when high ranking members and royalty are involved; b*****d children have happened. If the father (or mother) ignores their children and does not claim them, they will not be considered as part of that family.

    As a general rule, marriage is vitally important for higher class members and nobles. Middle and low class members are typically free to do however they please as far as romance goes. Gossip may fly about flings and single parents, but no one will be punished by royalty.

    Because of the large value placed on family and children, couples are encouraged to breed early on, though usually after marriage. For OOC breeding info, see here.

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    Under Construction -

    Yearly Central House gala: mainly nobles/high class only with entertainers.

    Yearly Per House based on Season: ---

    Noted Marriages & Funerals

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    Tianxia is a lion dominant pride, it gladly welcomes other species! Hyenas, Leopards, Wild Dogs and Cheetah are all welcome within the ranks, and accepted as full members of the pride. All familiars are accepted within the empire. Hybrids are an uncommon sight, but welcome for their hard work.

    Sadly, it cannot be said the pride is free of prejudice. It is not unheard of for some to be looked down upon because of their species, or even because they were not born within Tianxia. That prejudice is starting to change as more outsiders join and settle within Tianxia, and the empire grows because of their work.

    As far as ranks go for non-lions, there is bound to be some "typecasting", with certain species more commonly falling into certain ranks. Wild dogs are, for example, regarded as excellent messengers and scouts due to their stamina. Cheetahs also commonly fall into the messenger role, but are unlikely to be sent on long-distance endurance assignments. Hyenas are thought to make excellent guards, while a leopard's stealthy and ingenious hunting ability is considered well-suited for the Highlands.

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    Changing Houses
    Members can switch Houses twice, for reasons that include the growth of their career or for love and/or marriage. Loyalty to a House is extremely important, so one would not switch homes without a clear reason for the need. This is important to keep in mind if you are trying to give your SoA a career! If for more drastic plot reasons you need to change a house again, please contact Safaia.

    Leaving the Pride
    Leaving the pride without solidifying ties to one's family is considered self-exile. Should they attempt to return, they are to be chased away and denied entry within the lands, even to visit family! Families may chose to shun or simply ignore their exiled members. At times a caring family member may try to meet with an exile in secret, but don't get caught.

    No one is considered exiled if they go on an excursion for possible alliances or scouting out new members. But they must gain permission to leave for a set amount of time. If they do not return in time, they will be considered deserters and branded exiles. Longer trips are harder to get permission for, and usually only happen as part of a SoA's job or a mission.

    There are a few ways to permanently leave the pride, or leave for an extended period [into the years!], but not be considered exiled, which means they are free to come home and visit if they wish. Ambassadors, for example, often spend a very long time away as part of their jobs, as well as Scholars out to learn useful techniques or about the history of allied prides. Arranged marriages are perhaps the most common way to gracefully leave, so long as the prides are allied and/or agreements are made between them. The Emperor/Empress should always be consulted!

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    There is no official religion or solid belief system within Tianxia beyond the Cardinal Beasts. For information on religion in Tianxia, click here.

    Members of all classes may create their own religions or cults, so long as those beliefs do not stir the heart of the Tianxian culture. Do not expect ritualistic SoA sacrifice to be accepted.

    Despite not having a solid religion, there are many superstitions that members practice. One may offer a strong name to a cardinal beast to bless their child; another may offer a prayer for good fortune in their hunting. Wishing for luck and fortune is common, and their is honor in seeking it for the well-being of empire and family.

    One must also honor their ancestors; small offerings of herbs and shiny baubles brings respect and honor to families, and it is believed that ancestors will help bless and protect their descendants. Belief in ghosts and spirits isn't uncommon, some good and some full of tricks. Omens are also seen in natrual phenomenons, as well as the pattern of clouds and how the fish swim in the streams.

    Items that provide protection and blessings are commonly made in the West House, and constantly traded to other houses. Common areas are decorated with good luck charms as well as acknowledgements on ancestors and past ceremonies/celebrations.

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    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:44 pm
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    First Reign - Wei Gang (Ahali'bagawa) and Tzu Hsi (Afu)
    Emperor Wei Gang and Empress Tzu Hsi founded the pride along with their first lords and ladies: Moto'vianzio and Mwana (North), Zahi'jyotsna and Mio (West), Zagaa'Tamanio (South) and Yua'Lopoka Mila and Tui'lian (East)

    Together they actively tried to get Tianxia on its feet, establishing their territory and outlining how the pride would function. There was no other pride settled in the area or even colonies of other species, and as such everything went smoothly and without conflict. The biggest challenge faced was getting accustomed to a very different land than where most members had come from. This period is regarded as one of conquest, the start of what would become a great pride, and the founding lions are well remembered and respected for this!

    Second Reign - Ting Lan (Ari) and Miàndùi Tiǎozhàn (Hanjari)
    Ting Lan, the heiress of Tianxia took up the seat of empress alone, while her parents were still living. For some time she ruled on her own, taking advice from the former Emperor and Empress. She has recently married Miàndùi Tiǎozhàn, a prince hailing from the Pridelands. Their main focus is making Tianxia a stronger pride and establishing friendships with other prides. Plenty of time is spent between Houses, visiting Lords and Ladies to keep updated.

    Present Times
    Under the rule of Empress Ting Lan and Emperor Miàndùi Tiǎozhàn, Tianxia is currently in a time of peace and general calm. There are some concerns over the lack of members in certain houses, but in its integrity and pride life is without conflict. Members go about with their lives, trying to get set in high ranks and become stronger and more influential. This is a good time to get settled into a high position within the pride, as it still has much growing to do.

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    Law began to be spoken of and was officially established in the Second Reign. It functions as a sort of code to help keep the pride in order and maintain balance, as well as make members aware of their rights and the consequences of committing crimes. Law in Tianxia is transmitted orally, with the lack of any sort of written language, and not all members know all the laws. Law is best well known by High Class members, and in particular by Royalty, Overseers, and Magistrates. Typically, These laws apply to the pride as a whole, there are no laws specific to a particular House.

    Listed below are known laws, as told by Royalty and repeated by the pride. (As an OOC note, laws aren't actually "numbered", and don't go in any particular order. Below they are listed that way for organization purposes only.)

    Keep in mind! The word of the Emperor and/or Emperor is law throughout the pride, regardless of what is listed below. They can ignore or change the rules if they so desire, but they might not be very popular for it. The same applies to a Lord and/or Lady within his or her House, so long as not overruled by the Emperor and/or Empress. The Heir of Tianxia may also question the judgment of a Lord and/or Lady, and demand they get the opinion of the ruling couple before taking action.

    1. Any new member of the pride should be introduced to an Overseer within their House as soon as possible. In the absence of an Overseer, to the Lord and/or Lady of their House.
    2. Cubs born within Tianxia must be introduced to an Overseer in their House by the time they are walking and talking. In the absence of an Overseer, to the Lord and/or Lady of their House.
    3. Stealing is unlawful. This includes stealing items and prey, as well as taking credit for another’s work.
    4. The murder of pride members is forbidden, unless as part of an execution. Accidental deaths, during fights, for example, warrant investigation.
    5. Those who leave with no good reason to are not welcome back and are considered exiled. Exiled SoA should be driven away immediately. There are a few ways to leave without being considered an exile:
    spacea. As an ambassador
    spaceb. As part of a mission
    spacec. As part of an arranged marriage with an allied pride
    6. The abuse of children is prohibited. This only means serious abuse, no one will bat an eyelash at swatting an unruly cub as a disciplinary action, such practice isn't really uncommon. Injury during rough play is also acceptable. Rule of thumb: if they're constantly limping and bleeding all over the place, someone will notice. Psychological abuse is harder to detect, but if found guilty of it, an individual is liable to punishment.
    7. Divorce is permitted, however, both parents must still remain responsible for the upbringing of their cubs if they have any.
    8. Single parents have the right to request help raising their cubs from their House, and the House has a duty to comply if it has the means.
    9. A mother may refuse to disclose the identity of the father of her cubs, and this decision should be respected.
    10. Abandoning known children is forbidden: parents must take responsibility for their cubs.
    11. Leaking information to outside parties can bring trouble back to the pride.
    12. Members who linger where they shouldn't are liable to be forcibly removed! Those doing the removal, however, should pay attention not to cause serious bodily harm.

    When breaking the law... Your SoA won't necessarily get caught. Depending greatly on the crime, some things may simply not be noticed or not proven. More serious crimes, of course, are more likely to get your SoA in serious trouble. Physical evidence is preferred, but hard to come by, so judgment is usually passed based on accounts of those involved. OOCly, if you have your SoA keep getting away with crimes, we may notice and ask you to stop.

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    Forms of Punishment
    The manner in which an SoA is punished for not abiding by the law varies, as sentenced by a member of Royalty or a Magistrate. This isn't to say every law broken warrants punishment, and occasionally SoA will only need to be reminded of certain things.

    Confiscation – Depending on the type of crime, one form of punishment is to simply remove or confiscate goods. Confiscation may also consist in the removal of cubs from parents deemed incapable of raising them or who have abused them, in which case the children will be placed within the care of someone more able.
    Death – A rare form of punishment, death needs to be approved by Royalty. There is no 'typical' method, as this has yet to happen.
    Demotion – A SoA may lose his or her rank within the pride as a result of bad choices and actions. Though it may seem of little consequence, demotion can be rather humiliating!
    Exile – A SoA is chased out of the pride lands, and kept out by any means necessary. Exiles are typically branded in some fashion to make them easily identifiable by border guards should they attempt to re-enter the pride.
    Physical – Short and sweet, offenders get a beating. No claws or teeth may be used for this sort of punishment, as no permanent damage should be done. It's actually one of the least harsh of punishments since usually all offenses are [officially] considered forgotten afterward, without any long-term consequences.
    Servitude – This form of punishment consists of being labeled as a Criminal for a certain amount of time, or in some cases for life. Criminals are forced to work in exchange for nothing. For more info, see 'Criminal' below, in the ranks.

    Note: Adulthood starts officially at adolescence. Adolescent SoA are subject to all the same rules, and liable to all the same punishments as adults. Cubs and juveniles who commit crimes are less likely to be punished, but they may be watched more closely.

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    Tianxia Empire

    Tianxia Empire

    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:44 pm
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    Here is a little map of Tianxia! If you click it, it will lead you to a larger picture!
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    For a pseudo-topographic map, click here.
    For a map illustrating the vegetation, click here.

    Tianxia is North of most other prides and packs in SoA, in the highlands.

    Due to the way the pride is divided, Tianxia actually takes up a lot of room! Thanks to the five Houses, from end to end it takes up about as much room as two average-sized prides. The altitude is high, and can get to up to 4550m at the highest peak, located within the Center House, just southeast of its border with the North House and West House. Made up of plateaus, peaks, cliffs and mountains, the pride's territory can be quite a challenge to travel in.

    (Historical Information)
    In the lower altitudes, Tianxia is rather hot; dry in the grasslands and savannah, and humid in the forests. However, the higher you get, the lower the temperature! Due to the altitude, Tianxia has a surprisingly temperate climate, and in some of the higher areas during the winter, it is even possible to find some snow, though few journey that high, or linger there too long. Frost on the grass is a common sight in winter.

    Starting in October and lasting until the beginning of February is the Tianxian winter period, with the lowest temperatures and barely any rain. From February to June Tianxia is mostly dry and hot, but with a few light showers spread out. Finally, in June, begins the true rainy seasons, with heavy rain and floods in the lower regions. The rains begin to give way around September, and the cycle begins again in October.

    (Shop Meta Update)
    Following the strange occurrences happening throughout the world, Tianxia was not spared changes. Snowfall and colder temperatures have become normal in the higher elevations ("Above 3000m" on the pseudo-topographic map), with much of the North and Central Houses blanketed year-round in snow that ranges in depth depending on the precipitation of the year, making traversal of these locations treacherous, but beautiful. Typically, only a few inches cover the ground, but during the rainy season between June to September will deposit nearly three feet of snow, snowing (raining) nearly every day. All of the other Houses have also seen a decrease in their average temperatures, making most environments more pleasant during the summer months, but brisk and chilly during winter.

    Tianxia is mostly made up of grassland, bushland, and thicket. However, a big portion of it, particularly in the higher altitudes (mountains and plateaus) there is a big dear of moorland! In the lower altitudes, there are a few closed-canopy forests, very hot and rich.

    Below are a few basic descriptions, just to help get a better idea of things.
    Grassland – Exactly what t sounds like! Large extensions of land covered in grass, with a few shrubs here and there, but no trees.
    Savannah – Very similar to the grasslands, however, trees occasionally dot the savannah.
    Forest – The forests in Tianxia are closed-canopy forests, populated by evergreen coniferous trees. The forests can get quite thick in some parts, and getting lost in them isn't too unlikely.
    Moorland – The moorland is characterized by low-growing vegetation growing on acidic soil, and frequently covered in fog.

    One of the big challenges of living in Tianxia, particularly the further north one goes, is adapting to the very different kinds of prey. While zebras, antelopes, gazelles, and giraffes can be found in the savannahs and grasslands of the South House, most of the pride relies on a rather different type of game! And this different game is made up mostly of species of smaller primates, hares, rodents, and birds [usually non-raptors]. Larger game is rare, however, occasionally hunters can get their paws on ibexes or the rarer still mountain nyala. As such, small meals are common in Tianxia, while large meals are quite a delicacy!

    A lot of the prey in the lands is quite difficult to catch, either because they are animals well capable of defending themselves or very evasive. As such, hunters need to be precise and will try to avoid hunting on their own.

    Here are some species found throughout Tianxia, hunted as prey with varying degrees of success:
      Wattled Ibis
      Secretary Bird
      Blue-winged Goose
      Olive Baboon
      Common Duiker
      Gelada Baboon
      Giant mole rat
      Marabou Stork
      Red river hog
      Walia Ibex
      Nubian Ibex
      Mountain Nyala

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    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:45 pm
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    Working under the belief that friendly relations with other prides can be extremely useful, Tianxia strives to establish alliances. The idea is to learn more about other cultures, including practical knowledge that can be used for progress, and in the event of war, support.

    These alliances are usually formed through politics, and sealed with a kiss. Quite literally! It is common practice to arrange a marriage between members of royalty, typically offspring of the rulers, after working out an agreement between the two prides. It is also not unusual for two marriages to be set up so that one couple will stay in Tianxia, while the other will go to the other pride. This marriage is often simply a gesture of friendship, but those involved may become Ambassadors for their respective birth-prides, or future rulers if arranged to the heir of either pride.

    Some prides maintain stronger relationships with one House in particular, rather than Tianxia as a whole. The Center House is always aware and somewhat involved, however. Any alliance with a specific House automatically includes the Center House, but not necessarily the others.

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    Pridelands (Allies, Tense)
    The marriage of Empress Ting Lan with a Pridelander established an extremely friendly relationship between the two prides, despite the distance. The prides are quite far apart, and it can take three and a half weeks or more to journey from one to the other. Members from each pride are welcome to make the journey and visit each other, so long as not too often or for too long. Pridelanders are welcome to visit Tianxia to study and may remain for up to about three months. The prides guarantee each other military support as well as a refuge if needed and feasible. Arranged marriages can pop up quite frequently between the prides in all classes.

    In the aftermath of the Starfall that befell the Pridelands, the Tianxia failed to offer their support as news took weeks to reach them. Communication between the prides has been scarce and now news of Tau, son of Emperor Hanjari and Empress Ari, abdicating his throne has reached the Tianxia. Relations between the prides seem to be crumbling.

    OOC: Please use some common sense here! If your SoA is from Tianxia, it shouldn't have most of its RPs in the Pridelands, and vice-versa. Otherwise, your SoA should probably just consider relocating. Members of Tianxia must still keep in mind that leaving on a whim will result in exile, as in not-welcome-back-ever, even for family visits. But because of the friendly relations, if an SoA's departure for the Pridelands is discussed and approved beforehand, they get a pass.

    Mwezi'Johari (Allies)
    This pride is most closely associated with the West House, and so it only really has a standing relationship there, not interfering with the other Houses. As a whole, Mwezi'johari members are still treated well throughout the pride and allowed to wander, they're just more warmly welcomed in the West and Center House. In the future, a more firm relationship may be established between the prides. For more information on this alliance, please go to the West House thread.

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    Tianxia Empire

    Tianxia Empire

    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:46 pm
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    The default rank for any adolescent or adult member of Tianxia is Hunter/Huntress.
    For cubs, the default rank is Youth.

    To apply for a rank change, go here.

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    There are many jobs to choose from in Tianxia! In this thread, you will find ranks that can be obtained in any House, and you will find some House-specific ranks in the threads of those Houses.

    In Tianxia there are five basic ranks, four of which have a "career", or a rank ladder SoA can climb up given activity. Those four career paths each represent one of the Houses: North for the guard Career, South for the messenger career, West for the artisan career, and East for the student career. The other basic rank is that of a hunter.

    Below are some handy features about ranks here in Tianxia that you might want to keep in mind.

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    There are four classes in Tianxia: High, Middle, and Low Class. Being a pride with such a large focus on honor, respect, fame and especially power, these divisions are mostly based on that. Youths are considered to be whatever class their parents are in.

    Please note! This division into classes is, for most part, an OOC convenience. What we mean by this is there is no official statement by the rulers of the pride that they exist or that the pride is divided in this way. But SoA can still refer to them if they wish, it just isn't quite as clean-cut as written out here: in RP they would be more of an expression or figure of speech.

    "High Class" - These are the individuals who supposedly have the most power in Tianxia. They may outrank most of the pride, be well respected, or simply have a lot of influence. Even all of the three! They are generally the ones who make the most important decisions in the pride, such as going to war or changing laws. Most SoA in high-class ranks are known all throughout the pride, at least by name. The perks of being in the High class include having access to the best education in the pride, getting first picks on caves, and rubbing elbows with royalty.
    "Mid-high Class" - This is, in truth rather similar to being in the High Class, but on a smaller scale. Mid-high class SoA have plenty of power within their own House, but this power doesn't often extend outwards into the other Houses.
    "Middle Class" - The most populated 'class' of the pride, Tianxia's "every-men". Their living is comfortable, and they often don't have much to worry about. Though there may be the illusion of not having too much strength, there is power in numbers, and the higher Classes scramble to please this majority, whether they know it or not!
    "Low Class" - A minority in the pride. With the exception of criminals, SoA in this class are accepted as full members of the pride, though not always very respected. Their life is not necessarily a bad one, they just hold very little power. SoA in this class are usually considered lazy good-for-nothings, though not all of them care. If they manage to live self-sufficiently and not get into anyone's way, they can have a rather nice life.
    "Below Class and Above Class" - Below Class is reserved for non-members, like war prisoners. Criminals are also considered below class, as their rights have more or less been temporarily suspended. The only SoA who are above class are the Emperor and Empress; their class is irrelevant and their power is absolute.

    Several, if not most ranks, have some sort of requirement for them to be achievable. Rather than explain them in every description, this little section is here to help you understand what kind of things you should look out for!

    House - Unless otherwise specified, house requirements only come into play on the moment you try to obtain the rank. Once the rank is obtained, your SoA can move and keep his or her rank. Remember, your SoA can only move a limited amount of times! If there is a rank that cannot be "moved", it will be noted in the requirements.
    RP - In general, these only mean how many RPs you need to be eligible for a certain rank. On occasion the requirement won't only relate to number, but also some special need that must be met in the RP. In that case it will be noted!
    Event - Some ranks only become available through participation in events, either to prove activity or simply because the rank will only become available at specific times.

    Skipping ranks
    Due to class, some members can 'skip' ranks. This works under the assumption that high-class children have access to the best education in the pride, and also that, if necessary, their family can pull some strings and make things happen. Because of this, royal-born SoA are not always taken very seriously at their chosen jobs no matter how talented or honest they may be, though few dare to speak ill about them publicly. If there are royal/noble family members taking up ranks with very limited availability, a few extra positions may be opened.

    There are also OOC reasons to skip ranks. If for some reason [plots, for example] any of the people running the pride need a SoA to fill a position, they may invite someone to skip ranks. In these cases they won't take up a 'spot' if the rank is quantitatively limited, to keep things fair.

    On Retirement
    Any SoA is allowed to retire in whichever rank he or she currently is. When this happens, they will maintain their current class and title, but none of the actual power or practice associated with it. So a retired doctor is still called a doctor, but he probably won't be running about working. If you wish to have your SoA retire, please make note of it in the [member update thread]!

    Please note that if your SoA is seriously injured and handicapped, commits a crime, or upsets the wrong people, he or she may be forced to retire.

    As can be expected, there are many ranks with limited availability. Because Tianxia is made up of four Houses, each with their own focus, the exact number of 'spots' available for a specific rank may vary from House to House. With the exception of the Center House, the rank availability list can be found in the thread of each of the other four Houses (North, South, West, East), towards to bottom of the page.

    The Center House is an exception to the rule. At least for the time being, the Center House does not have its own thread. Because of its rather unique setup when compared to the other Houses, the availability of ranks there can vary greatly. So in the case of the Center House, just ask first before you try to move in. It is supposed to be the smallest House, and so opportunities in the Center are more restricted.

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    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:47 pm
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    These ranks may be found in Any House, but have career paths available for them within one of the four Houses.

    Guard middle class
    The first military rank. It is rather basic, and individuals in this position aren't necessarily even good fighters. Anyone can be a guard, without ever having trained for it or even taking it too seriously, though most do. Guards typically work by watching over a specific person or location, patrolling borders, and/or doing whatever higher-ups may demand of them. Sometimes they are placed in outposts. While on duty, guards may have long shifts, which means that typically there will be a hunter, or hunters, in charge of keeping them fed. Should a guard come upon trespassers, they should engage them, and ideally, send for someone with more authority to come deal with the situation.

    For the next ranks in a guard's career, see this post in the North House thread!

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Messenger middle class
    The first diplomacy-inclined rank, anyone can be a messenger, with or without training. Messengers are valued for stamina, speed, and good memory, so that they can deliver messages swiftly, travel far enough, and not warp the meaning of the message: ideally, they can reproduce it with the exact wording.

    Messengers mostly do 'freelance' work. Some might be assigned to work with guards at outposts, but aside from that, it is a messenger who should try to get a name for him or herself, so that they get called upon more frequently to deliver.

    For the next ranks in a messenger's career, see this post in the South House thread!

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Artisan middle class
    An entry-level artist! Though at this point an SoA may already have an artistic preference, they're not really working on it just yet. Artisans usually spend their time practicing whatever they can, learning from whoever will teach them, and doing whatever jobs they manage to get. This is before they actually become recognized for any particular talent. Some artists choose not to specialize at all and remain in this rank their whole life. Artisans generally have a basic understanding of all art forms in Tianxia.

    For the next ranks in an artisan's career, see this post in the West House thread!

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Student middle class
    These SoA spend most of their time studying, as the title suggests. At this point in an SoA's academic career, they don't do much by way of specialization, and students learn about all kinds of general knowledge, including handy survival skills, history, geography, and Tianxia law. They are usually young and eager learners, but some are simply trying to avoid more laborious work.

    For the next ranks in a student's career, see this post in the East House thread!

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

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    Tianxia Empire

    Tianxia Empire

    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:48 pm
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    These ranks may be found in Any House, but have no career paths associated with them.

    All ranks in this post are in alphabetical order by title.

    Criminal low class
    Technically, these SoA are classless. Criminals are SoA who have done something wrong and are being punished for it, or war prisoners. Criminals usually behave somewhat like slaves in other prides, being watched over and ordered to do things until their time is up. They are required to do anything a non-criminal asks of them, so long as it isn't entirely unreasonable (like 'jumping off a cliff"). Criminals are only supposed to be physically abused if it is a part of their punishment, or if they are insolent and disobedient. They are not allowed to leave the pride under any circumstance. Once an SoA has repented and leaves this rank, they are supposed to be treated as any other member of the pride: with respect. Though some things are not easily forgotten, former criminals may still face some discrimination.

    Note on war prisoners - they are usually treated better than 'normal' criminals, though they have the same title.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None, really. Your SoA will become a criminal if he/she has committed a crime, and that is entirely up to you.

    Falconer middle class
    A somewhat unusual rank, but quite a useful one! These SoA work with avians for a number of purposes, often delivering messages, small objects, scouting, hunting, and whatever else might come in handy. Even sometimes performing artistically! Falconers may be hired by royalty and nobility on occasion, either for an important function or simply for entertainment value. They are particularly useful in times of war, as most birds can travel faster than most messengers. However, more important information and longer messages, are usually trusted by real messengers.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: At least one avian familiar. One RP, aside from a joining RP, in which the avian familiar (only one necessary, if multiple) is present.

    Fortuneteller middle class
    These SoA make their living by predicting the future of others. Some regard them as con artists, while others find them quite useful indeed! They are said to predict the future or even see distant lands and important events.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: Be a seer [or God in disguise] and have 2 RPs within the pride or have 3 RPs in which the SoA convinces others he or she is a seer or has magical powers.

    Guardian high class
    A rank typically given to gods who attach themselves to the pride and do not wish to take any other position. It doesn't usually imply they need to physically protect their pride. Guardians don't really need to do much, though many like to, and are usually adored simply because of their presence. Despite Tianxia not having an official religion, guardians are often treated as patron deities of sorts, as a form of gratitude.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: Be a god or goddess, or 10 RPs convincing people you are one.

    Hero high class
    A title bestowed upon SoA who have done an incredible act for Tianxia, typically of the military sort. Heroes can come from anywhere, what matters is that they have done something significant and considered extremely important. As compensation Heroes may even choose to retire early and simply enjoy life's pleasures, as they are often fawned upon by Tianxia members and well taken care of. Stories are told of them, and many young members are rather eager to meet and learn about them. Their fame can be compared to that of famous artists in Tianxia.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: Special, Invitation only.

    High Guardian high class
    The rank of High Guardian is given to gods that are considered respected patrons of a specific House and guardians of the ruling families, acting as protectors and advisors to the Lords and Ladies of the Tianxia. They take a more active role in their respective Houses, going above normal guardians in physically protecting their chosen House. Like guardians, they are treated with immense respect, and despite the Tianxia having no official religion, they are often seen as patron deities and given offerings or rarely, prayers.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: Be a god or goddess, or 10 RPs convincing people you are one. Invitation only.

    Hunter middle class
    Most SoA in Tianxia are hunters. Though it is hardly a very glamorous job, it is nonetheless essential! Rather than hunting only to provide for themselves, hunters are expected to catch food for all kinds of different members of the society and as such spend a long time out hunting. Hunters will provide food for the elderly, the young, and generally those who are too busy to hunt. It is also not unusual for high-class members to have a hunter or two providing for their family. Many hunters have 'prey dump sites' set up so that whoever needs a meal can get to it. It is a dangerous job due to the sort of land the pride is situated in and even royalty values the hard-working hunter quite a bit!

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Matchmaker mid-high class
    In a pride that values good marriage quite a bit, often arranged marriage, it is good to know there is someone around who can help you with that. They are known for being rather nosy, even, keeping tabs on all families, particularly on those with children or single members. And other gossips, as well! Matchmakers need to keep an eye out for personality as well as rank, to promote the ideal matches. They will often help families make the first contact and arrange first meetings, sometimes even helping iron out agreements. It is not unusual for a matchmaker to stay in touch until well after the couple has married, to be sure the match was successful, and to brag about it later. Matchmakers are usually sought out by parents, hoping to arrange mates for their children, but may occasionally be hired by SoA who simply haven't had much luck in getting married. There is no gender-based restriction, but matchmakers are usually female.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: 2 RPs with different SoA in the pride.

    Monk middle class
    A member who practices religious asceticism, is self-sufficient, living either in complete isolation or exclusively with other monks. For more info, click here.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: A group of at least three SoA is necessary to obtain this rank. All three SoA, and however many else, become monks.

    Nanny middle class
    As can probably be gathered by the title, nannies babysit cubs! In Tianxia it is common to leave one's young in the care of a nanny during the day while going about work. A good nanny is, obviously, good with children! They are ideally patient, but not afraid to correct bad behavior, playing a big part in teaching kids manners.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: None.

    Overseer mid-high class
    These SoA aren't always loved by everyone, often considered to be a bit nosy. Overseers are expected to know everyone in their house by name, both common and proper, as well as where they were born if they've switched Houses and what is their current rank. Because it is a lot of information to memorize, there are more than just one per House, and they will usually work together to keep everyone accounted for.

    Overseers are expected to occasionally confront members who spend too much time in the wrong place (in the wrong House) and/or avoid their duties. They should alert higher authorities in the House, should problems persist. Short and sweet, the job of an overseer is to make sure everyone else is doing their own and being where they should be.

    Long story short, overseers are Tianxia's IC member list.

    Quantity: Limited
    Requirements: 3 RPs in the pride, with OOC approval from a Pride Owner.

    Priest middle class
    A leader of some sort of religion, a priest doesn't work, living either self-sufficiently or being provided for by followers. For more info, click here.

    Quantity: 1 for every 3 followers per religion.
    Requirements: At least three followers. (names and owners) Followers must be members of Tianxia.

    Royal Guard mid-high class
    Typically experienced warriors,valued for their skill and strength. Royal Guards are handpicked by royalty to protect them, acting as bodyguards for an individual or even a small group. They follow orders issued to them by their charges and are expected to be extremely loyal. Though they don't often need to talk, Royal Guards are supposed to be intelligent enough and have good manners, as well as remain somewhat presentable. This is so they do not reflect badly on royalty.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: Invitation only.

    Trader middle class
    These SoA work independently, trading whatever goods they manage to find for whatever might be good and helpful for them. They can occasionally act as a more general businessman, working for higher classed SoA to arrange deals for them. Traders are most often seen in the West House, where more material goods can be found, but can be found throughout Tianxia.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Worker low class
    A rather low rank. Workers are SoA with absolutely no specialty, they are hired for odd jobs. Are often what criminals become after doing their time. Sometimes they are asked to hunt, sometimes guard unimportant things, and sometimes even clean areas up a bit. Their life doesn't necessarily need to be considered a bad one; few responsibilities mean fewer expectations. Workers are mostly just self-sufficient, and many can find life comfortable, though without privileges.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: None

    Youth class is dependent on parents
    The default rank for any cubs within the pride who does not have a royal or noble title. Children are highly valued within the pride, and young ones can expect to be rather well taken care of and watched over. Their time is usually spent learning and playing. Some begin to work early, helping out their parents. They are usually not too far away from an adult, be it a nanny or a parent, and are most definitely kept away from dangerous areas, like borders or cliffsides.

    Quantity: Unlimited
    Requirements: Default cub rank.

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    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:49 pm
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    These are ranks pertaining to royalty and nobility within Tianxia, and with the exception of Knights and Dames, are only achievable through marriage or heritage. They consist of Male/Female titles, received upon birth according to the position the parents are currently in. Upon marriage, the new spouse will take the corresponding title of his/her royal or noble mate. In the event of divorce, heritage is more binding than marriage: this means that whoever received the title from his or her parents will keep it, while the SoA who 'married in' will lose it. b*****d children receive no special title, with a couple of case-by-case exceptions.

    All aristocracy are very well treated by the pride. They get pampered with things like first picks on where to settle down (caves and the like) and hunters delivering them food, should they wish it. Typically royalty and nobility are the members of the pride most commonly involved in arranged marriages.

    Some members of the aristocracy may decide to take on occupations within the pride! Though the rank listed on the cert may change, all noble ranks are for life. Even if a Duke decides to become a Doctor, he will still always be a Duke.

    Royal vs. Noble
    A royal in the Tianxia is a member of the Central House's ruling imperial family and is in close proximity to the throne. The emperor, empress, heir, princes, princesses, earls, and countesses are all members of the royalty.
    A noble in the Tianxia is a member of the North, East, South, and West's ruling family and is closely related to them. The lords, ladies, heirs, dukes, and duchesses are all members of the nobility.
    Knights and dames, regardless of their parentage, are also considered nobility by the pride.

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    The Lords and Ladies of the Houses
    The Lords and Ladies of each House owned by Quaji are available for any user to use in their character's roleplays set in the Tianxia lands as NPCs. They may be used to fulfill a variety of duties, but should always be a supporting character to the others present.

    They may be used to perform the following things in roleplays:
    • Oversee the trial of a criminal and exact judgment.
    • Purchase goods from, seek the talents of, or otherwise employ your character.
    • Attend events, such as weddings or celebrations, in their House.
    • Bless a couple seeking marriage.
    • Meet with newly joined characters.
    • Mediate a dispute between characters.

    They will not:
    • Adopt your character.
    • Attack or maim your character.
    • Be cruel to your character without reason.
    • Flirt or seduce with your character.
    • Act disrespectfully to your character.
    • Leave their House.

    These characters are:

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    Emperor and Empress of Tianxia above class
    The ultimate rulers of Tianxia. Their word is law, and they can, in essence, do as they wish. It is their responsibility to rule the pride with wisdom and justice, though that may not always be the case. The Emperor and Empress may vary in their attitudes, with some being more 'hands-on' than others. They will typically divide their time between the Five Houses, making sure things are going smoothly. Occasionally they will make public appearances. The pair has equal power, though it is not unusual for one to be more 'active' than the other.

    The Emperor and Empress' names (both common and proper) are known by all in the pride, as well as appearance, though sometimes only through the description. They should be treated with the utmost respect at all times.

    They may step down from the rank when they wish, so long as they have an Heir to step up and take his/her place. Once the ruling pair retires, they maintain the title, and should continue to be treated with the utmost respect, but do not retain power. The retired Emperor and Empress are no longer referred to as "Emperor and Empress of Tianxia".

    Should the Emperor or Empress refuse to take a mate, he or she may still have cubs and name them Heir, Dukes, and Duchesses.

    The children of the Emperor and Empress of Tianxia are known as Princes, Princesses, and the Heir/Heiress.
    Children born from a retired Emperor and Empress (born after retirement) are known as Earl and Countess.

    Lord and Lady of the North, East, West or South high class
    An extremely important and powerful title. There may be up to four pairs total, each one ruling over the Houses of the pride, excluding the Central House. Their power is essentially absolute within their house, and it is their job to run it honorably and justly, making sure things continue to run smoothly. The pair has equal power, though it is not unusual for one to be more 'active' than the other. The Lords and Ladies are outranked only by the Emperor and Empress themselves, standing on equal ground (but with more effective power) with the Heir of Tianxia.

    A Lord and/or Lady may retire when they wish, so long as they have an Heir to step up. Once they retire they maintain the title of Lord and Lady, but will no longer be referred to as the "Lord and Lady of the [North, East, West or South]", and likewise, retain none of the power.

    Should a Lord or Lady refuse to take a mate, he or she may still have cubs and name them Heirs, Dukes, and Duchesses.

    The children of the Lord and Lady of a House are known as Dukes, Duchesses, and Heir/Heiress of the House.
    The children of a retired Lord and Lady (born after retirement) are known as Knights and Dames.

    Crown Prince/Princess or Heir/Heiress of Tianxia above class
    The firstborn cub of the Emperor and Empress of Tianxia. The Heir/Heiress of Tianxia is treated not too differently than the Emperor and Empress themselves, retaining quite a bit of political power, akin to those of Lords and Ladies. Though not yet actively ruling, he or she can still do just about whatever he or she wishes.

    Leading a rather busy childhood, the Heir/Heiress of Tianxia will spend most of his or her time being educated and groomed up to one day rule Tianxia. This includes all kinds of knowledge, including learning how to fight, but mostly is limited to politics and history. The Heir/Heiress will often start accompanying his or her parents to important meetings at an early age.

    A lot of responsibilities and expectations are thrust onto the Heir/Heiress early on, and, as such, should he or she prove unworthy of the title of Emperor or Empress of Tianxia, rather harsh punishment is executed for the resulting embarrassment, exile from the pride. The next born cub will then become Heir/Heiress.

    The Heir/Heiress is not supposed to mate until he or she becomes Emperor or Empress of Tianxia. However, any children born before this time will be treated as the children of a Prince or Princess, and consequently never receive the title of Heir/Heiress, Prince, or Princess, instead becoming Earls and Countesses.

    On rare occasions, the Heir/Heiress may be chosen, rather than be a birthright. Typically only if the Emperor and Empress failed to have cubs.

    Princes and Princesses high class
    The title was bestowed upon the children of the Emperor and Empress of Tianxia who are not Heir/Heiress. There isn't much real responsibility placed on this royalty, and they can essentially spend their time as they wish. They are, however, still brought up to be extremely well-adjusted members, with excellent education and good manners. Their only real responsibility is maintaining their family's good name, making public appearances, and generally trying to be adored by the crowds. Because of how well they are brought up, and their parents, Princes, and Princesses can really become just about anything in the pride, should they wish it. However, most spend their time simply enjoying life as royalty.

    The title of Prince and Princess is for life. Even if their parents step down from the throne, the title is maintained. The children of a Princes and Princesses are called Earls and Countesses.

    Heir/Heiress of the North, East, West or South high class
    The firstborn child of the Lord and Lady of a House, the Heir/Heiress of a House is to his or her house what the Heir/Heiress of Tianxia is to the pride. As such, he or she will receive tip-top education, and likewise accompany his or her parents to meetings from an early age, to be groomed to rule. Particular care is taken when arranging a marriage for the Heir/Heiress of a House, as well as scrutiny for any prospective mates he or she may choose on his or her own.

    The Heir/Heiress is not supposed to mate until they become Lord/Lady of his or her House. However, any children born before this time will be treated as the children of a Duke or Duchess, and consequently will never receive the title of Heir/Heiress or Duke Duchess, becoming Knights and Dames instead.

    On rare occasions, the Heir/Heiress of a House may be chosen, rather than a birthright. Typically only if the Lord and Lady failed to have cubs.

    Earls and Countesses high class
    Similar to the Princes and Princesses, these members of nobility don't have much responsibility placed on their shoulders. They will likewise receive excellent education growing up, and facilitated picks, should they choose to work. They should also be treated with respect, though they may not be as well-known as other members of the nobility.

    The children of Earls and Countesses are known as Knights and Dames.

    Dukes and Duchesses high class
    These members of the nobility also spend most of their time simply enjoying life. They receive some of the best education in Tianxia, and usually have their pick of ranks within the House their parents rule over. Most of their time is spent getting married, and being good little nobles.

    Dukes and Duchesses keep their titles their entire life, even if their parents step down from Lord and Lady of their House. The children of a Duke and Duchess are known as Knights and Dames.

    Knights and Dames mid-high class
    Not much differs from the lifestyle of other members of aristocracy. The opinions of Knights and Dames are well respected, and they are brought up with a rather good education. They are, however, the members of nobility most likely to need to work at some point in their life, not typically receiving help, such as personal hunters or guards. Still, more than welcome in important events, though occasionally forgotten.

    The title of Knight or Dame is the only noble rank that is not exclusively hereditary or obtained through marriage. Members of aristocracy like the Emperor and Empress, or Lords and Ladies, may bestow these titles on those they feel are worthy of them.

    The children of a Knight and Dame do not receive any special title. After this point, they are no longer considered nobility, though they can still brag about being related to it.

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    Tianxia Empire

    Tianxia Empire

    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:50 pm
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    This is a list of all ranks available in Tianxia, for easy reference and comparison. Ranks are listed in alphabetical order. Royal and noble ranks are excluded from this list.

    Low Class

    Middle Class

    Mid-High Class
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Popular [anything]
    Royal Guard
    Scholar [of any sort]

    High Class
    Famous [anything]
    High Guardian

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    PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:51 pm
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    To ask a question, please do so in this thread!

    Q: I'm confused!!
    A: That wasn't a question! But please, post in the link provided right there, above this. <3 We don't bite! We're happy to answer any questions you have; Tianxia can really be for tof complex and full of stuff, we get it.

    Q: How may I contact the pride owners?
    A: You can ask around in the Community Thread, used for IC and OOC stuff alike. That is also a good place to look for plots, ask questions, make suggestions, and it also contains some more fun features of the pride! You may also feel free to quote us in thread, we won't bite. But you should probably ask before PMing.

    Q: Do you like suggestions?
    A: Yes! It means people are interested and invested and that makes us happy. Please, if you have any sort of suggestion, feel free to make one in the Community thread. New rank ideas, games, features, plots, whatever! We might not be able to take every suggestion up, but don't be discouraged. Regardless, we're just happy you care.

    Q: My SoA is in the North House. Does this mean he must be a warrior?
    A: Most certainly not! Though each House does have a pretty clear focus, as far as certain qualities and personality traits go, these are only guidelines of what the House and those coming from it are generally known for. It's basically stereotyping, and as I'm sure you know, not everyone needs to fit in to a stereotype. In fact, most probably don't! Your SoA doesn't have to fight well or even like combat simply because he is in the North, neither does he need to be very intelligent because he is in the East. If your SoA was born in the North, all that means is at some point growing up he learned some combat skills, it is up to you how or even if that affected him.

    Q: Arranged marriages? Does that mean my SoA be married off against his/her will?
    A: That is up to you! Arranged marriages are common practice and not usually seen as a bad thing, but are definitely a family matter. Royalty will not usually meddle in these affairs, though they encourage everyone to get married and start making babies. If you'd like to plot out with your SoA's parents forcing him/her into a marriage she's not happy with, that can happen. Just make sure you don't upset anyone by villifying their SoA without their consent. C;

    Q: My SoA left/was exiled, but now I was her to come back. What do I do?
    A: Tianxia does not take kindly to those who leave without any good reason, and you can imagine they exile people without the intention of ever letting them back in. For a deserter/exile to be welcome back they've got to bring something big and convincing to the table, which is a bit hard to do. If they swoop in during troubled times and save the day, then yeah, they'll probably we welcomed back. But as a whole, the pride will hold a grudge and it is extremely difficult to be allowed to return.

    Q: Can my SoA break the law?
    A: Yes! But keep in mind, you should probably let us know if you plan on playing out a plot where that happens. Tianxia does enforce its laws and punishes those who break them. We're happy to let you play out criminal plots as long, as you just give us a heads up. If your SoA runs about breaking laws all the time and you don't let us know, and you don't cooperate with us if we tell you he/she has to be punished, your SoA will probably be exiled. Of course, you don't need to ask for permission for every single thing, haha. Just for the sort of thing enough people might hear about and cause royalty to take action. We'll trust your judgment, and if we see anything iffy we'll just give you a poke so we can work it out!

    Q: Can my rogue SoA/SoA from another pride RP in Tianxia?
    A: Yes. Sort of. We won't get upset if someone wants to have a random RP and has their outsider wander into the lands, or even spend a couple days, but if you're RPing your foreigner within the lands too much we might ask you to stop. At this point in time, ICly members are encouraged to gauge an outsiders skills and interest in joining, which could excuse some time hanging out in the lands as long as they're not causing trouble, but usually only a couple days. Tianxia does not take kindly to freeloaders and would drive away those who overstay their welcome. The tendency is that in the future Tianxia will be even more restrictive.

    If your SoA is from one of Tianxia's allied prides, then we recommend looking up what the alliance implies, in either this thread or each House's thread. Often alliances mean SoA are welcome to visit and stay a while longer, and aren't liable to be chased away unless they cause some serious trouble.

    Please remember, visitors aren't supposed to learn the proper names of Tianxia members! Visiting SoA from allied prides might, especially if they attend large gatherings, but on one-on-one RPs, Tianxia members shouldn't introduce themselves by their proper name to an outsider.

    Q: Can my SoA RP in and visit other Houses?
    A: Yes. Despite the division into Houses, Tianxia is still just one pride. Particularly when a SoA has business to attend to or family to visit, they are allowed to go into other House's lands, and won't really be chased away or anything, and at most they might get a couple unfriendly looks and be reprimanded for perceived laziness and loitering somewhere they shouldn't be. Use some common sense, please. Most of your SoA's time should be spent in his or her respective House, and if he is seen spending too much time not being useful in a different House, he might be asked to leave and go home, or change Houses for good and make him or herself useful (as in, find a job). Making sure everyone is where they should be is the job of an Overseer.

    Q: If Tianxia is inspired on Chinese culture, why is it so different?
    A: Unlike many other prides, Tianxia is ICly a very new pride, and all its founders are still alive. We felt they can't just think up an entire culture off the top of their head, and as such Tianxia is still pretty different. For example there is no official religion because the founders weren't particularly religious, and neither was their first successor. The plan is to go incorporating more elements of the Chinese culture as the time goes on. A good example of this is how surnames are just beginning to get popularized; right now they are mostly limited to royalty and nobility, but in the future will likely become the norm.

    Also, we can't hope to really accurately capture a complex culture that we, honestly, haven't had so much experience with. We'd even be in trouble trying to represent the ones we live in! So please bear with us. <3

    Q: With the revamp, my SoA's rank vanished. What do I do?
    A: While we encourage you to find a new rank for your SoA, and are happy to work something out so that you are satisfied, you can feel free to continue RPing your SoA as you always have, like a grandfather clause. A lot changed with this overhaul we did, and we don't want to step on any toes.

    Q: The revamp changed some information. Why?
    A: The revamp changed a lot of things. In an effort to make Tianxia more fun, some things were added, and some things ended up nixed. ICly, we won't, for most part, pretend these things just never were; they can be chalked up to actual changes in the pride, a result of different rulers, progress and growth. Unlike ranks, there really isn't room for a grandpa clause here, so if you don't like some changes... well, sorry. You can still feel free to make suggestions, or RP your character being grumpy about changes.

    Q: Can my SoA become emperor/empress/lord/lady?
    A: Probably not. You can feel free to suggest takeover plots, but please don't be surprised or upset if we don't take you up on them. xD

    Q: Some ranks are 'Limited', but it doesn't say how limited they are! What's up?
    A: Because of the different focuses of each House, we thought it'd make sense if the amount of spots available for a rank varied from one House to the other. In each House thread, there is a post titled "Rank Availability", for you to figure out how many spots are available for each rank. Here are links to these posts: North, South, West and East.
    Q: Okay... what about for the Center House?
    A: Center House is, at the time, kind of special. It doesn't get its own thread and as such has much fewer members than other Houses; Center House members are specially picked and assigned ranks according to the whims of the members of royalty living there. So there is no set number! If you want your SoA in the Center House, ask Quaji about it. This situation may change in the future, but for now, that's how it is.

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