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[Rider] Ja'line of Green Sanuyeth

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Hardcore Bibliophile

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:07 pm
Honey Badger Don't Care
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:09 pm
The Weyrling

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Name: Jasiline
Age: 22 (Month Four, Turn 183)
Gender: Female
Rank: Wingrider - 2nd Wing

Appearance: 5'9" and lanky at best; beautiful will never describe her. She might be able to pull off pretty were she more interested in her appearance but she is quite content in being considered plain by most standards. She's not built for curves or lady like dresses, being nothing but knees, elbows, and ropy muscles underneath the utilitarian tunic and breeches of her Weyrling's uniform. Her hair would be a middling brown were it allowed to grow out, but appears fairer due to it's carefully maintained length. She is pale, but the dark undertones of her skin betray a heritage that isn't purely from High Reaches. Her eyes too hint at a mixed heritage being mostly green, with her right eye sporting a sectoral heterochromia of brown. This is inherited from her mother, though she doesn't know if any grandparents also sported the small mark.

While her physical appearance has never been at the forefront of her mind, Jasiline does love accessories in form of beaded necklaces and bracelets. She loves the sound and feel of beads, specifically carved wooded ones. They give her something to fidget with.

Personality: Jasiline is very determined and single minded when she sets her sights on something. She’ll dive in with everything she’s got and won’t give up until the bitter end. This can be admirable in the right circumstances but more often than not she’s just plain reckless. It doesn’t occur to her that something could go wrong or there could be consequences to her actions. She often doesn’t recognize her own limitations and being told ‘No’ or that she can’t do something is both an insult and a challenge.

More often than not she will grudgingly obey a respected authority figure. If she really wants something badly though, nothing short of punishment will deter her. Should the denial come from another candidate, or someone she doesn’t view as in charge of her, they can stuff it where the sun don’t shine. Reverse psychology would work on her, even if she knew what you were trying to do. Just hinting that you doubt her ability to do something will make her want to do it, if only to prove you wrong. This doesn’t mean she’ll be ABLE to make that 5 star meal, but shaff it she’ll slave over that stove till she’s out of ingredients.

When failure does rear its ugly head it’s a painful blow to her. She’s spent her life working to keep up with her brothers, proving she’s not just the baby, not just the little sister. She refuses to accept it until its shoved right into her face. She gets angry and can verbally and sometimes physically lash out. Jasi has a nasty jealous streak that smolders hot in such cases.

Being reminded of past failures brings it up fresh all over again. If given a chance she’ll keep trying the same task until she succeeds. She’s ashamed of when she attacks someone else because of her own failure. She knows it’s not their fault. How she goes about fixing it can depend upon the person though. If it’s someone she’s emotionally close to she’ll apologize and try to make things right. It may not happen immediately and she’s been known to take days working past her embarrassment to finally make that first move. If she’s not ready she’ll do what she can to avoid that one person in particular until she is. If it’s someone she thinks she’ll rarely or never see, she’ll most likely try to forget that it happened. She’ll still feel embarrassed every time she sees that person though.

In general she’s very outgoing and a social butterfly. She likes to talk to people, even if they don’t take part in the conversation. Jasiline hates being alone and will seek out company like water. One conversation is enough to become Jasi’s friend in her mind. If you seem cool then you’re in the club. She’ll drop you like a bad habit if you then prove to not be as pleasant as she first thought. She hates clingy dependent people. You need other friends and hobbies than just her. Jasiline will want a circle of best friends rather than just one.

She prefers physical activity to mental and is very much a kinetic learner. She has difficulty learning from books or lectures, preferring to learn through experience. She’s not illiterate it’s just books are sOOoooo booooorrrriiinnnnng. She’ll read all of the text but her mind will have wandered elsewhere and none of it will sink in. Same with lectures, she can never focus on the teachers words unless there was a way for her to participate herself. She’s considered skipping but it’s doubtful she ever would. What if she missed something important? She’ll go and try to pay attention but something will trigger a thought and the next thing she knows the lecture is over and she has no idea what just happened. Embarrassed, she’ll glean what she can from the other students. She never saw this as a failure, it was just how she was raised. Learning her father’s craft was a very hands on experience and her mother taught her children to read and do basic calculations with actual marks and little letters carved into small wood tablets. She wasn’t taught to learn any other way.  


Hardcore Bibliophile

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Hardcore Bibliophile

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:30 pm
Where She Came From

Jasiline was the last born child of Sijara and Linerad, merchants specializing in the export of fine wool from the hold's vast number of herds. She is the third child, and only daughter to the family. Her father, Linerad is a prosperous merchant who with the help of his wife Sijara, has built a successful business and comfortable lifestyle for his family, to the point of purchasing a handsome cothold within the Hold's merchant district.

Sijara manages the household, and local trade deals in addition to helping her husband with the bookkeeping for their business. Together they've worked for their success. Their eldest son, Sinerad, having been raised by his mother to understand her side of the business, now travels with his father and is soon expected to go it alone to expand their reach beyond what his father can do alone.

Sijar, the middle son was also taught the basics of the family trade but since he was never expected to take over, it didn't extend much beyond that. He was apprenticed to the wher cavalry, following popular custom, as soon as he was old enough to be accepted. Though he had been presented for Searches up until his apprenticeship began.

Jasiline, their youngest, proved difficult. It was their plan to groom her for wifehood (preferably to a working match similar to their own) but even from a young age, their daughter rebelled against her imposed fate. She acted much in the way of her older brothers, rough housing, getting in trouble, and all around being a nuisance. She often went to the point of discarding her overdresses and hose and if she couldn't find her brother's outgrown clothes (her mother got wise to her quick) she would just tuck her underskirts up and run out bare to the knees to play with the other neighborhood children.

Outside of the house (dressed or not) Jasiline was often found wherever wherhandlers congregated. When her brother's apprenticeship was bought, the young girl demanded that she be bought a position as well. It was at that point that her parents put a tight rein on her. Given that she was the only child left in the home, it was made harder for her to sneak out, she was hired a tutor to teach her proper womanly skills (and to keep a constant eye on her).

Her incarceration as she saw it became practically house arrest as the Dragonplague spread throughout the northern continent. With her penchant for escaping to the Wher kennels, she was allowed outside at all unless one of her parents were with her at all times. She never fully understood this restriction, chalking it up to parents who didn't care about her wants and just wanted a perfect little daughter that she'd never be. She fought, and disobeyed at every opportunity. Little did she realize that outside the protective bubble her parents had created, a plague was wiping out over half the population of dragonkind, and war had broke out among the people.

Sure she heard things, but as a temperamental child and the baby of the family, if they didn't immediately effect her, she couldn't care less. High Reaches Hold was at best, a spectator and a refuge for displaced Holders. Still, Jasiline was kept on a tight leash for the next few turns, until the wars ended, and dragonkind seemed to be on the mend. With High Reaches gold producing massive clutches. Jasiline's parents decided to present her to the Search riders. Dragons were supposedly safer than whers and even if it wasn't a 'lady like' thing for their daughter to be doing, she was not growing out of this 'phase' they had assumed of her. Serving as a Candidate might work out whatever odd energies their daughter had and teach her some respect and discipline. Then, if she did Impress, they could at least claim a rider in the family. Riders, even women, made decent money on their own. She wouldn't need their support.

She was 14 when she was finally accepted on Search. A turn too late to be prepared for the Hiraeth's final clutch, but by the time the younger Jr. Gold laid her maiden clutch, Jasiline was 17 and a whole different girl from when she'd left her home. The challenges of candidacy had the opposite effect of their parents intital hopes. She thrived under the hard work, pushing herself harder than ever to prove she was just as good as those around her despite her 'soft' lifestyle. From a slightly pudgy well kept child, she became a tall, wiry, vaguely androgynous young woman. She delighted in the freeing feeling a shaved head and menswear afforded her.

Not to say she never had her troubles. She was still a rebellious little brat at heart, and punishment duties were not uncommon. It always stopped just short of her being declared unfit. She would turn around, clean up her act long enough for the heat to be dropped, then inevitably revert back to her old ways. Jasiline's biggest problem seemed to be dealing with the male candidates. Whether she could best them or not, the slightest suggestion that she was less than they set the young woman's temper off and her first reaction is almost always a fist. It got better about a turn and a half in... before she was allowed to squire, but her gut reaction to insults has yet to be fully tamed.

Another issue she had, though minor in comparison, is that while she considered herself fully literate, by weyr standards, she came to them still lacking. Jasiline's focus and concentration through lessons on spelling, handwriting, and history was less than desirable. She hated sitting down, being still, and paying attention to things that just didn't stick in her brain. It was a relief to be set free to join the defense and combat lessons. By far those were her favorite parts of the day.

Her squiring was decided by the Candidatemaster rather than a rider choosing her. It had been a toss up between the money-minded 5th wing #1 or Fourth Wing #2 for her. Her background and family suggested she would do well in Fifth wing, but her inability to focus or keep numbers straight beyond the bare minimum made it difficult to find a rider willing to take her. Finally, she was assigned to a wingrider and her physical skills and energy put to a better use than sitting at a desk and filing papers.

Her first clutch was the last one before the beginning of the next Pass. She didn't Impress, but her eldest brother had attended and afterwards, presented her with a present and a letter from their folks. He was apologetic, knowing it's less than courteous contents, and promised to keep in touch with her should she desire it. She had always been just one of the boys to him and their other brother. That their parents saw it differently had been a thorn between the two generations for some time now, even with her gone.

The gift itself was a moderately sized firelizard egg, kept warm and protected and near hatching. Her brother stayed for a few days after the Hatching, minding the egg himself until it was time to hatch. The note was short and to the point. A congratulations for being allowed to stand, and a preemptive congratulations on Impressing followed by our condolences if you did not. It ended with the revelation that this egg had been bought with her dowry funds and that she should find her own way from here on out. It was veiled, but obvious that she would not be welcome home should she age out before Impressing.

Jasiline's feelings were mixed. Firelizards were rare, and while this was not a gold egg by any means, it was not the runt of the clutch either. In fact, once it had hatched, Jasiline found herself with a rather small, wet, little bronze clinging to her forearm. Yet had it really been necessary for her parents to cut her off in such a way, or even, was a firelizard egg the best way to spend her dowry? She could have used that money elsewhere, put it away on the off chance she did Impress. They were merchants, she expected better money sense from them.

Toast was pretty cute though, and certainly got her some envious stares that she wasn't all that adverse to.

It took three more Turns before she finally Impressed. At that point she had written a letter to her middle brother, asking him to put a good word in with the Wher Calvary for her. Just because she wasn't welcome in her parents home, didn't mean she wasn't welcome back at High Reaches. The effort was unecessary though as she found out rather quickly.

Her dragon, the perfect match for her body and soul, was a nasty piece of work who could quite readily be compared to a wher, as long as you were out of hearing. She was vicious. She was blunt. She never gave up, and she was PERFECT. Jasiline couldn't imagine anything better than Sanuyeth. Alas for her, the lessons never end!  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:40 pm
The Dragon

Name: Sanuyeth User Image
Age: 18 months
Colour: Green
Feel of voice: The rough bark of a tree, hot sand under your feet, the crackle of fat in a fire
Appearance: A somewhat larger green, Sanuyeth has shorter limbs and small headknobs, but makes up for her ‘stubby’ stature by being exceptionally muscular with broad shoulders and a long body. She lacks some of the agility of other greens, but makes up for it with stamina and pure grit. Just watch out, her bite is worse than her growl, and once she’s got her teeth into something or someone she is not easily removed.

Personality: Sanuyeth don’t care, Sanuyeth don’t give a shard, she just does what she wants. Social niceties are no concern of hers, she doesn’t care what you think or how a ‘lady’ might be expected to ‘behave’. She is utterly confident, and totally stubborn, she’s going to be who she is regardless of whether or not others approve. That isn’t to say she had absolutely no shame whatsoever… oh wait. Nevermind, she doesn’t. Accidents happen, oh well, shaffing get over it. Sanuyeth does not go out of her way to upset anyone, but she certainly doesn’t go out of her way to avoid it either. She is quite determined to obtain any goal she sets herself to, whether its mastering a new technique, outflying that brown, collecting more rocks than anyone else ever, or teaching that blue a lesson he’ll never forget. Where these ideas come from could be almost anywhere, most likely idle thoughts from her rider, but once she’s latched on to something she is never letting go.

While its okay for other people, human and dragon, to have opinions, that doesn’t mean she would put hers forth, especially if she disagrees. She is quite vocal, and often totally immovable, when it comes to debates (better known as ‘arguments’ if she is involved long enough). Sanuyeth knows she is right, why doesn’t everyone else? Okay, well, maybe, maybe she can admit her plan might not be best… for someone else that is. After all, it’s not her fault if people aren’t tough enough to step up to the challenge of being on her level. Whatever, they can go be losers if they want to, she was just trying to show them how to be awesome like her. No matter, she’ll continue to lead by example of epic badassary and if they want pointers she’ll give them. Very blunt, critical, and ruthless pointers but, hey, how else is she going to explain things?

Don’t cross her. Just don’t do it. She doesn’t care if you b***h behind her back, but only if you don’t make that stuff up. She is honorable, sort of, and will bring a mighty ‘justice’ down on those who wrong her and, occasionally, upon those who wrong someone else. If she manages to make a friend, an extremely patient understanding and tolerant friend, then to cross that friend is to announce a deathwish. Sanuyeth will mess with anyone who messes with her, and she’ll mess more because she doesn’t know the meaning of ‘overkill’. That or she just completely disregards it.

She is not a patient green. In fact, she is not a patient anything. With no fear, or perhaps just no real sense of self-preservation, Sanuyeth will charge straight at any foe that might pop into her way without bothering to sit back and plot out alternative solutions beyond ‘steamroll the shards outta it!’. It’s best not to assume her arguments will all stay verbal, no, she is quite alright with giving anyone an ‘argument’ right upside the head and she’ll give as good as she gets regardless of whether or not she’s outsized, outmatched, or both. Pure grit, determination, and an inability to recognize that she has been ‘defeated’ keep this green muscling on through.

So why are you still standing in her way? Move it or lose it pal, she has things to do!
- Written by the Staff at Sands of Pern  


Hardcore Bibliophile

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Hardcore Bibliophile

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:44 pm
Friends and Foes

Status: Friend

Status: Friend

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Bronze Toast
Obtained: Egg bought and gifted to her by her parents... with her dowry.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:27 pm
Living Quarters

Ja'line has a small weyr of her own high up on the wall of the bowl. Due to her recruitment to Second Wing, she was able to at least claim one with a slim interior tunnel connecting it to the main caverns below. That way if Sanuyeth is sleeping she doesn't have to wake her up to use the restroom or travel about inside.


*One big WIP*  


Hardcore Bibliophile

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Hardcore Bibliophile

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:28 pm

He's not heavy! - by [Mitzi]
Just Try and Stop Me (AU) - by Conncinnity Blaise  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:29 pm
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Free Falling - w/ Rensoua

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Hardcore Bibliophile

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