* May I have one for free?
~ Yes you may. We are on a points system. Please visit the thread here to see.

* What’s the cost of a custom?
~ 20 points if it’s your first character, 30 points if you already have one. Please see the Points thread. Points can be gained numerous ways IC and OOC.

* What about events or flatsale characters?
~ 10 points to get the character if it’s your first if you win an event (winning usually gives you 5 or 10 points) and 20ish if it’s not. See the thread for specifics.

* Can we quest?
~ Sure. Questing and trying for quest characters in events can earn you points. It can also earn you the potential for someone to possibly want to gift you the character.

* Why is the art sketchy?
~ Because the main art at this shop is sketch based. You can get more complex, but it takes activity and points. Please see the Art Explanation Thread.

* Why is my art taking so long?
~ Could be any number of reasons. If it’s been over a month with no word, please contact a manager immediately. You should have been updated with information by now.

* What do we even DO at this shop?
~ Come in, hang out, concept characters, play them? The universe is very open ended so once you get used to it, it can allow for a lot of possibilities. But if you’re having trouble, we can help you out.

* Is there an expansion on this plot somewhere?
~ The plot thread can be found here for your convenience.

* What is a “Manifest”?
~ They are the characters you can acquire at this shop. Please see the thread about them for a further explanation. That thread can be found Here.

More may be added at a later time if need be.