DreamAway Inc. and the Sweet Dreams Co. are both major companies from a universe centered at a dimensional nexus. Their realm is over-burdened with Dream and Belief energies from all of the various dimensions they are connected to and it's purely making their world's structure crumble. To solve this problem and handle the energy from it, the two companies created The Manifest Dreamery. It is essentially a hatchery for these energies to grow into stable living beings so they can safely return to their own worlds or others, without just being loose energy that can explode out elsewhere.

Due to that nature of the energy, the creature types can be very varied and create some very...interesting critters. These two companies must work in sync to keep things working smoothly, though things are not always created equal between them. They must also provide the pocket dimensional space for the creation, breeding, and training of these creatures so as to allow them to function in societies! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

The main shopfront can be found Here