Black List

Here we have our naughties! If you get in trouble, then this is where you will go to check your status. You will have counts against you, like strikes. And on strike three, you're out.

These are for what we will put you on the blacklist for:

-Breaking the rules
-Losing your temper
-Being mean to any other member
-Directly disobeying either an order or a request from any crew member

o1. First, you will get a PM notifying you of your inappropriate behavior. You will also be notified how to fix it.

If the behavior continues, then you will be blacklisted with one strike, and so on.

First strike: Another warning PM and a notification that you have been blacklisted.

Second strike: A temporary ban and another warning PM, notifying you that you're on your second stike, and you need to watch yourself.

Third strike: You're out. Banned, removed. Period.

Make sure you don't get yourself on the black list!