Hey Everyone
So glad you could make it to the Japanese Student Guild. I hope you enjoy your stay. I am Freakezette, the guild captain, and I created this guild to bring together people interested in Japan and Japanese culture. My goal is for people to come together, learn, talk, and have fun!

Ground Rules
I want this place to be as casual and comfortable as possible, but there are still some ground rules. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning and a possible ban.

1. Read all the rules!
2. Follow the Gaian TOS.
3. Keep things PG-13, (threads, pictures, you know what I'm talking about) and keep swearing at a minium.
4. DO NOT harrass or flame!
5. DO NOT spam or bump!
6. DO NOT anger Freakezette or the other mods.
7. I reserve the right to modify the rules, so if there's an update, I expect you to re-read the rules.

Posting Rules
Doing any of the following will result in your thread getting deleted without warning. Doing any of this stuff excessively may result in you violating Ground Rule 6 and earn you a warning and possible ban.

1. Do not start duplicate threads. At least scan the 1st page of threads to see if your post wouldn't better fit in one of them.
2. Do not create any "Teach Me Japanese" Threads. There are several Learning Japanese topics and a whole subforum.
3. Do not start threads to promote your quests/guilds/role playing threads.The only place this stuff will be allowed on this forum is here. Any other promotion threads will be deleted.
4. "Hi, my Name is ____" Threads are not allowed anywhere EXCEPT in the Anything Goes Forum. There is also a Newbie Sticky.
5. Do not beg for money.
6. Be polite and mature, don't talk down to people, no one likes a know-it-all

About the Subforums
We now have subforums, and I just wanted to make a quick note:
All the guild rule natural apply to the new subforums. The only difference is all threads created in the subforum must be related to the forum's theme (no J-Pop threads in the Learning Japanese, for example).

Please ready the FAQs and post any new questions in the Questions Sticky.

That's it for now, thank you for reading and have a good time.