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For anyone interested in Wicca, Paganism, or Witchcraft 

Tags: Wicca, Pagan, Witchcraft, New Age, Community 

Reply The Blessed Be Newstand - - [guild newspapers] - - FEBRUARY 2013 NOW AVAILABLE!
December 2007

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:04 pm
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Hello everyone! I'd like to thank all of you who actually take time to read our newspaper. A lot of hard work and dedication goes in to it. And it's all for you guys!

I think this is probably our biggest issue yet, and I'm very pleased. mrgreen And since this issue is so large, I'll be giving you guys a 'Table of Contents' with links and everything!

I hope you all enjoy this issue. Please remember to leave us some feedback!

Table of Contents
1..... Introduction - you are here
2..... Guild Happenings
3..... Members Section
4..... Yule
5..... Litha
6..... The Herb Garden
7..... Kitchen Witches
8..... Crystals/Gemstones
9..... Gods and Goddesses
10... Spells
11... Meditation
12... Divination
13... Astrology
14... Classified Ads
------ December Feedback Thread
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:12 pm
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First, I'd like to fill you in on all of the exciting things that happened in the guild during November.

- On November 7th, we converted "The Courtyard" subforum to our new subforum "The Blessed Be Newstand"! smile All roleplays can now be found in The Main Hall.

- On November 11th our 20k Post Party officially came to a complete close. Over 240,000 in gold and prizes were given out! That's the most we've ever given out at one time!

A few of the party games were such a success that we decided to move them to The Main Hall for you all to continue playing!

Truth or Fiction?
Corrupt Wish game
Would you rather...?

In the midst of all that, our guild mascot was finally chosen after months of waiting.

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Isn't she beautiful?

- On November 12th the Samhain/Beltane celebration was added to the Sabbat scrapbook. We also got our 20k post party scrapbook up!

- On November 16th the November issue was finally released.

- On November 18th Kareena80 gave me a little makeover! Don't I look cute? Thanks Kareena! There was also a new divination class added to The Academy lead by Rainbow_Flavoured_Pocky.

- On November 19th a new sticky was added to The Library subforum. It's a list (in progress) of recommended books. Please check it out and post the titles and authors of your favorite Pagan/Wiccan/New Age books!

We are also now the very proud sponsors of a new charity!
Link: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

It's owned and ran by our very own, Choir-Angel!

- On November 29th The Mod Squad finally decided on its newest addition. We'd like for everyone to welcome LadySorcha as our newest crew member!


Coming in December:

- Be on the lookout around December 21st. We'll be have a party to celebrate Yule/Litha. Be sure to save up some gold for a secret santa type thing that we'll have!


Coming in January:

- We're planning on a rather large expansion with the guild newspaper.



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:13 pm
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In November:

We had a lot of people join our guild in November. We'd appreciate it if you could make them all feel welcome.

holly wonder-love, Wing-Goddess, Wiccan_merrick, LifelessSong, yarrownick, DragonSummoner66, Bankotsu Otaku, Ablepsy, Toxik_Envy, zieo92, akina_kisa, Frostii, leamhan, Cammkun, tokenowa, DiablosFire, Paul redeker, mycousinvinnie, Little Wendy, Tallulah Taye, xXxHellequinxXx, Kibeth, siker_than_you, Almyra, The Deadliest Grace, uninsured_speech, Neveah Aries Daray, jayson_graves, ElikAruna, Lil_Mariko, Freya Sui, GambitArkana, Wild Flower11166, theblakestrose, Turistiluokan1, Ich bin Nackt, Zero God Of Destruction, Cannibelle, KimHeroin, abbiecat13, Nerd Poetica, [~kchan~], usiylover2, vampiric_faery, SaFyre Phoenix, admiralcyclops, Scarlet Lips, Eskimo Queen, Magyc7, TsannDaPanda, ummei, yashaki, Cest La Fae, Lunaria Rath, Xamthia

We'd also like to recognize everyone who had a birthday in November.
November 1st - - semperfioor
November 3rd - - MorganeLeFaye
November 5th - - snooty_shim and Snowwhite1105
November 9th - - Fire_Element007
November 11th - - blooded_warrior
November 14th - - Hayate of the Wind
November 15th - - Raine-kun and the-jo87
November 24th - - wiccanTy
November 27th - - [xNPCx] sanji
November 28th - - Eros Conoirus
November 30th - - love_struck_werewolf56979

We'd also like to recognize everyone who won one of our contests during the month of November.
-Guild Lotto: too2sweet and Rebo_Nicky
-Copy Cat: Capt. Kat
-Poetry: too2sweet


In December:

We'd like to recognize everyone who has a birthday coming up this month.
December 2nd - - Kakatary
December 7th - - [R ! C O C H E T], Mavener-Moonstone, Toxik_Envy, and SiicoSeeren
December 13th - - Arya Elda, Lady Austina, and Muffin Flakes
December 14th - - ForbidenFaeryDesire
December 17th - - DeserayGoddess, Rebo_Nicky and Wraith_92
December 19th - - flames saoirse
December 20th - - Albino_Emo
December 21st - - Hiondra and Dante Curos
December 22nd - - NiEsE
December 23rd - - Caity-Chan
December 26th - - DaineLyandra, Oshun, and Tha-fox
December 28th - - Drakonix Serpentspeaker
December 29th - - Celestial Burden, Riaku-Death Goddess and KananiAznHoku
December 31st - - Yumitoko

If you'd like to be added to our birthday list, please click here.

For this months issue, I interviewed Kareena80. In this interview I compiled a list of questions on topics that are currently being discussed in the guild.

Guild: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
Kareena80: I'm 27- which is a little older than most Gaian's I meet, but so far its never been a problem. Most people I've met on Gaia are friendly and always looking to expand their friend list.

Guild: What do you enjoy most about the guild?
Kareena80: Learning, and seeing things from other people's perspectives. The academy has some great classes of course, but just talking about random topics in the main forum is a lot of fun. I recently learned more about amethyst and how it helps insomnia, a lot about dream catchers and I enjoyed seeing pictures of other members alters during the 20k post party.

Guild: What is your religion?
Kareena80: I am following the Wiccan path, and plan to self-dedicate during Imbolc. More specifically I believe that there is a single power defined as the All, with is composed of everything. This energy force does not rule over the universe- it IS the universe. This supreme power is personified into male & female aspects as the Goddess & God to make the concept easier for the human mind to comprehend and relate to. In short I don't believe there is a separate, all-powerful being(s) out there- but a unified force in all of us.

Guild: How do you feel about the use of Ouija boards?
Kareena80: I think they are a dangerous item that should only be used after many years of study, and then only in great need.

Guild: Who is your favorite Pagan author and why?
Kareena80: Scott Cunningham; he was the first author I read on Wicca, recommended by an online friend. He has so many good books out there on what you want/need to learn about. You need to know more about herbs, or gems? He has books for both subjects! You want to know basic info on Wicca? He has both basic & a more advanced book for solitary practitioners! He really covers all the bases! I was sorry to learn a few months ago that he had passed away.

Guild: What is your preferred form of divination, if any, and why?
Kareena80: Tarot cards; I learned how to use them about 4-5 years ago even before I learned about Paganism. I don't really know anything about Runes or other forms of divination, but I am fairly good at readying tarot cards. I'm hoping to learn more about runes in the divination class Rainbow Flavored Pocky just started.

Guild: What do you believe is the appropriate behavior of a Witch?
Kareena80: The same behavior I'd expect from anyone- respect for others. I think each person should decide for themselves what their comfort zone is on "coming out of the closet". While I do hope that most people will chose to be open about their religious choice when asked, I've learned that its not always a good option- especially for minors or those in difficult circumstances. I do not think its acceptable to brag about being a Witch, or loudly talk about all the spells you do that have all worked, and to try to convert others.

Guild: Do you prefer "Magic" or "Magick" and why?
Kareena80: Personally I like using the Magick spelling for anything to do with ritual magick . I usually prefer to avoid the word in general; because when it tends to remind me more of illusions & sleight-of-hand tricks then time spent with the Divine. Using "Magick" & Magic" separates the definitions a bit, and is definitely handy for those Google searches- so it makes sense to me to add the "k".

Guild: Do you find the word "Witch" offensive. Why or why not?
Kareena80: No, the word Witch isn't offensive to me- though I don't like it when the word is misused.
Wicca and Witchcraft often are used together, but remember that they aren't synonymous. There are Witches who aren't Wiccan and vice versa.

Guild: What are your thoughts/beliefs on soul mates?
Kareena80: I do believe in soulmates; but I also believe that it is possible to have more than one. I'd still say they are rare; so I don't think anyone has like dozens of soulmates- but having 2 or 3 is possible in my opinion. After all, I believe in reincarnation- and if someone has been born many times, you meet a lot of other souls.


We have a lot of very talented, creative members in the guild. This is their spotlight!

Fortress of Stone by: too2sweet (poetry contest winner)

A heart in darkness
Never feeling light
Shrouded and heavy
Locked up so tight

A fortress of stone
Surrounding it still
An inner chamber
With books to fill

Each page a life
Of loved ones past
Each pain and joy
Is plainly cast

These memories held
Forever in stone
Never forgetting
The lives I have known

Under the Moonlight by: Arthela

For those who lay beneath the ground
That make not a sound
May death have come quickly
And painlessly
For it was not for her
For both her body and soul have been tortured
May death be sweet
For life was not
Crackling laughter of the night
Pure pain courses through her veins
Moonlight falls upon her face
Casting her into shadows
Clinging to her face
Cuts from her hands bleed freely
Staining her flesh blood red
The soft light illuminates the streaks of glistening tears
Cutting rivers through her blood stained cheeks
Turning the tears crimson
She pains for her loss
The loss of her dear friend
Who death gazed upon her face
Too soon and too young
A light put out now and forever
Now crimson is her pain
She brings the dagger to her chest
The blade sparkling in the moonlight
Pierces her heart
There she lays upon the grave
That caused her pain
Now that pain is gone
As is her breath
Like a candle snuffed out from the world
Never to be lit again
Blood pours from the wound in rivers
Dripping from the knife
Like the crimson tears
That poured from her eyes
Streaking her face
Cast in shadows
Hiding the death
Till sunrises sweet kiss

Want your artwork (drawings, poetry, photography, etc) to be featured here? Then, contact dark_angel_32189 (Maggie) for more details.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:15 pm
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As you all know, during the month of December in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate Yule! So we have some basic information, a Yule related recipe, and a Yule related activity for you all to enjoy! This article was Written by: Kareena80

Yule is an important winter festival that has been celebrated since ancient times. In pre-Christian times, Pagans celebrated Yule in late December or early January on a date determined by a lunar calendar. During the process of Christianization and the adoption of the Julian calendar, Yule was placed on December 25, in order to correspond with the Christian celebrations later known as Christmas. The terms "Yule" and "Christmas" were often used interchangeably; though in recent years more people are aware of the religious differences. A lot of Pagans traditionally celebrate Yule at the winter solstice (December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere or June 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere), though some do chose to celebrate on Dec. 25th.

Yule is when the God is born to the Goddess. It is the longest night of the year, and afterward the days get longer and longer until midsummmer (Litha). Most Pagans believe in reincarnation, so the God is not really "born" at this time; He is simply returning from being recycled. The Goddess sleeps at this time after Her birthing.
This is a time to celebrate the light as well as to revere the night (as it is the longest night of the year). We accept both sides of our nature. We honor the God, who has been reborn, and it is a reminder of rebirth and continuing recycling. Yule is a time to honor the Mother and all mothers and to call back the light of the Sun. The old year is banished and the new year is begun!

A lot of Christmas customs are ultimately based upon older Pagan customs; the Yule log, Christmas trees, even holly & mistletoe!
• The Yule log signifies the death of darkness and the warmth of the Sun during the newly born solar year. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. The log should burn continuously for twelve hours (modern) or twelve days (traditional), and a bit of wood should be saved to start the next year’s fire.
• Decorating evergreens dates back to earliest winter festivals; since the green never faded from their branch & leaves, evergreens were thought to have power over death & destruction. Enough power to defeat whatever winter demons roamed the earth, and enough tenacity to urge the coming of the Sun.
• Since holly sports vibrant green leaves and bright red berries during winter’s deathly chill, it provides an excellent symbol of rebirth. The prickly shrub was a favorite amulet among early Europeans, and they often placed it in their homes to rid themselves of negative entities & nasty weather.
• Mistletoe was probably first used in the Greek winter ceremonies. When the holidays spread throughout Europe, the Druids gave the parasitic plant sacredness & new meaning. For them, the berried plant symbolized great fertility & abundance.

Yule Traditions

Yule log, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, poinsettias, Christmas cactus, strings of dried flowers and cinnamon sticks.

Bayberry, evergreen, frankincense, holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, and yellow cedar.

Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, Wassail or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples).

Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.

Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.

Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.

Caroling, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, making/exchanging wreaths, exchanging of presents, and kissing under the mistletoe.

Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.

Kareena80 used the following sources for information:

    "Wicca for Life" by Raymond Buckland


Dutch Holiday Cookies
Yield: About 5 dozen, depending on cookie thickness

1/2 pound butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cider vinegar

Mix together first 5 ingredients. Mix vinegar and baking soda together before adding to dough. Chill for 2 hours. Roll out very thin between tea towels or patterned tablecloth until pattern can be seen through dough. Cut out with cookie cutters. Bake at 350ºF for 5 minutes (or longer if thicker) on ungreased cookie sheet. Decorate.
Note: The tea towels/patterned tablecloth thing is not particularly noticeable if you are also frosting and decorating the cookies. It's suggested that you don't bother with that step if you are thickly decorating the cookies. I suggest using butter frosting; it keeps the cookies moist and it tastes very good and is versatile.

Makes a lot of wassail. Make on a cold winter day.

1 gallon cider (hard or non-alcoholic)
6 cinnamon sticks
2 teaspoons allspice, whole
1 teaspoon each clove and ground nutmeg
Tart apples (I use about 3)

Put clove and allspice in a mesh bag or tea ball. Place all ingredients in a large pot and heat until the apples burst.


Adorning the Yule Log

Holly, Mistletoe, Rosebuds, Pine Cones, Evergreen Sprigs, Gold String/Cord, Gold Bows, Apple Cider, Flour.

After cleaning off the Yule log, let the children decorate it how ever they chose. Glue, wire, or small holes in the log will help to adhere the decorations. Once the log is decorated, "wassail" (toast and douse) it with a libation of apple cider. Finally, dust the log with white flour, set in grate in fireplace, and (parents only) set ablaze. (Explain to children how Yule logs used to smolder for 12 days before there was another ceremony to put the log out. Then apart of the log was strapped to the plow the next spring to spread the blessings over the land, and another piece was saved to light the next Yule's log, the next year.)



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:16 pm
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As you all know, during the month of December in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Litha! So we have some basic information, a Litha related recipe, and a Litha related activity for you all to enjoy! This article was Written by: Kareena80

In the southern hemisphere the Summer Solstice or Litha is celebrated around December 21st-23rd. Litha marks mid-summer and is when the sun is at its highest in the sky, and represents to us the longest day and shortest night. The northern hemisphere celebrates this day in June, when the sun enters Cancer.

At Litha, the tale of the Oak and Holly King, the light and dark lords, is told. The Oak King represents the waxing year, Mid Winter to Mid Summer, while the Holly King represents the waning year, Mid Summer to Mid Winter. They are both necessary because without decay and destruction no new growth can begin. Twice a year they meet each other and fight. At Yule it was the Oak King who won the battle. At the Summer Solstice, although light is at its strength, it also is the peak of the Oak King's reign, he is conquered by his darker twin, the Holly King, and the inevitable journey towards the darkness and the depths begins.

Litha is considered one of the best times to perform magickal rituals and the traditional time to harvest magickal and medical herbs. One of the names for the Moon at Midsummer is "Honey Moon" as this is a time when the hives are rich with honey. The honey can be fermented and made into a traditional Midsummer drink called "mead".

It is believed that on this midsummer night, the gates between this world and the world of faeries are opened, and the faery folk can come and go as they please. You can welcome them in if you wish, but beware- they do have a reputation for mischief. Whatever you do, do not eat any of their food, for it is said that those who partake of it become their servants forever.

The Midsummer fires are traditionally kindled from Oak and Fir and herbs are thrown into the fire to prevent sickness, bad luck and to help the crops grow.
The herbs are: St. John's Wort, Rue, Vervain, Mistletoe, Lavender, Thyme, Fennel, Plantain and Mugwort.

In return for the Goddess & God’s blessing it is suggested you do something for the earth- perhaps recycling waste or cleaning up litter around your home town.

- Decorate your circle with solar images, sunflowers and sweet scented summer herbs.
- Make and wear daisy chain necklaces & crowns
- Reenact the battle of the Holly & Oak Kings.

Blue, Green, Gold & Yellow

Frankincense, lemon, myrrh, pine, rose and wisteria.

All garden vegetables and fruits

Apollo, Balder, Oak King, Holly King, Sul, Isis, Hestia.

Oak leaves, acorns, bees, honey, floating candles, cauldrons, marigolds, ivy.

Kareena80 used the following sources for information:
"The Book Of Wicca" by Lucy Summers


High-In-The-Sky Sunny Sandwiches

4 French rolls
4 slices pressed ham
Butter or margarine, softened
4 slices salami
Several lettuce leafs
2 hard cooked eggs, sliced
4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese
French salad dressing

Split rolls lengthwise, cutting to but not through crust at back. Spread cut surfaces with butter or margarine. For each sandwich: Cover bottom half with a couple lettuce leafs, then slice cheese and cut lengthwise for julienne strips and add a few strips, fold slices of ham and salami and add. Place egg slices (3) atop folded meats. Drizzle approximately 1 tbs. of French salad dressing over each sandwich. Makes 4 servings.


Dream Pillow

Material for your pillow
Stuffing for your pillow
Needle and thread
Lavender and sage

Hand-sew a dream-pillow. First cut an expanse of cloth large enough to make your pillow and fold it in half so the INSIDE is OUTSIDE, then sew up the edges except for a hole just large enough to push the stuffing in. Turn your pillow right-side-out and stuff it. Then create a small sachet (of the same material if you like), like a small pillow of the same except you don't have to worry about turning it inside out. Stuff the sachet with lavender and sage, or make one sachet for lavender and one for sage. Then slip the herbs into the pillow. Sew up the final hole. Incidentally, it is best to pick material that is blue or has a water image on it, to represent the wise water element, or a black or black-patterned material, to indicate connection with the Dark Crone Goddess, whose speciality is divination.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:35 pm
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Each month we will have an article about a different herb. This month's herb is Oak.
Written by: Choir-Angel

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Oak is a miraculous tree. One that has been much revered since the beginning of time. The oak symbolizes strength and wisdom and is common in deciduous forests throughout the world. Their steady growth and large stature is the reason this tree has been used in religious and patriotic symbols for so long. Oak symbolizes all solar heroes, those who venture out from their homelands to achieve great deeds and bring home wondrous treasures. Oak has also been used in many other ways, such as ship building, hill forts, barrels, dyes, in tanning leather, medicine, and last but not least, magick.

Oak was a source of food for early settlers in Britain as well as Europe, it was revered and worshiped far back in history. The druids (traditionally) would not meet for rituals unless an oak was present, and the very words "oak" and "druid" are related, some say. Acorns, the fruit of the oak tree, were a food source for many. They're very high in protein and were ground into a course flour and eaten as a mainstay. Thin strips of the inner bark, placed between the gum and lips, and left there over night would heal sores of the gums and tighten loose teeth. The crushed bark was also used in a poultice for gangrene. Furthermore, oak is used to clear up pyorrhea, gingivitis, thrush, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and stomach cramps.

Just as there are so many medicinal properties of oak, there are equally as many magickal. The oak is one of the most ancient and powerful trees of the Druids and one of the Fairy Triad: "oak, ash, and thorn." Tie two twigs of oak with red thread to form an equal-armed cross and hang it in the house, this will be a safeguard against evil. Acorns placed in the windows guard against lightning, and a piece of oak wood, carried, protects its bearer from all harm. When someone is sick, burn a fire of oak to "draw off" the illness. In addition, carrying an acorn increases fertility and strengthens sexual potency.

Folk Names: White Oak, Duir, Jove's Nuts, Juglans
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck

Choir-Angel used the following sources for information:
"Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" by Scott Cunningham



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:36 pm
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Each month we will also include several different recipes that contain our featured herb. If you use any of the following recipes, we'd love it if you could let us know how everything turned out! You can do this by posting on our Feedback page.

This article is by Rainbow_Flavoured_Pocky

Acorn Pancakes

1 cup acorn flour
1 cup white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
¼ cup oil
½ cup honey
2 cups milk

1. Mix dry ingredients first.
2. Add wet ingredients and mix together thoroughly (Note: the secret of keeping pancake batter from getting lumpy is to be sure to add all the wet ingredients before mixing.)
3. Adjust consistency by adding a little more milk or a little more flour if it’s too thick or thin. Pancake batter should be thin enough to pour, but not runny.
4. Cook on oiled grill.
5. Top with butter and Maple Syrup.

Acorn Hotdish

4 cups Acorns
1 small onion, chopped
½ tsp thyme
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
2 cups soft breadcrumbs (4 slices of bread)
2 eggs
¼ cup sesame seeds
¼ cup oats
3 cups cubed cheese (1 lb)

1. Cook acorns in water until they are soft. (Skip this step if using frozen acorns).
2. Mash acorns somewhat with a potato masher.
3. Combine with remaining ingredients.
4. Add a little water if it seems dry.
5. Spread into a greased 9x9 square pan or 9x5 loaf pan.
6. Sprinkle sesame seeds and oats over the top.
7. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.

These recipes and more can be found at
http://www.prodigalgardens.info/acorn recipes.htm

WARNING: Acorns contain Tannin, which is very poisonous. Please read this site to learn how to remove the Tannin.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:37 pm
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Each month we will have an article about a different gemstone. This month's gemstone is Citrine. This article was written by:Ciele Fu

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FOUND IN: Brazil, Russia, France, Madagascar, Britain, United States
COLORS: From yellow to orange to brown
CORRESPONDANCES: Mercury, Gemini, Solar Plexus, Tifareth
KEYWORDS: Happiness, optimism, energetic, wealth

Citrine is a member of the ever-useful quartz family. It removes negative energy, cleanses it, and keeps it ready to use, making the stone a constant source of positive energy. It can belong to either air or fire, depending on who you are. I consider it one of the essentials in a crystal healer's collection for its ability to energize and cheer, not hindered at all by the fact that it is a common crystal to come by.

For practical uses of citrine, keep one in your purse or wallet if you're trying not to spend - since it attracts wealth, you'll find your money may not want to leave. It's also a good stone to keep on you to combat low self esteem, low energy, or bad moods. Use citrine and amethyst together (or ametrine for 50% less stone) to bring a beautiful state of balanced, relaxed optimism, helpful in the all-too-common times of stress, fear and worry.

Much of the citrine sold is heat treated amethyst - but personally I don't see a great deal of difference between natural and artificial citrine, so don't worry too much about it if you can't get your hands on some straight out the ground. It's created by a human emulation of the process found in nature - all citrine was originally amethyst.

Ciele Fu used the following sources for information:
"The Crystal Bible" - Judy Hall
"The Magic of Precious Stones" - Mellie Uyldert
"The Essential Crystal Handbook" - Simon and Sue Lilly



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:38 pm
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Each month we will have a featured God and a featured Goddess. This month, we will talk about two Egyptian gods. This article was written by: Rebo_Nicky.

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Osiris was the Egyptian god of the underworld. He was also worshipped as a fertility, resurrection, and vegetation god. He was married to Isis and was father to Horus, the god of sky, and protector of the dead. The story of Osiris is quite interesting. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, and was shut in a chest and flung into the Nile River. The chest washed up onto the shore and was trapped in a huge tree. The King Byblos turned in into a pillar in his palace. Isis had been searching for her husband and discovered the trunk. She retrieved the trunk and the body. Isis left the body for a moment and while she was away, Seth found the body and chopped into many pieces, and scattered then throughout Egypt. Isis and her sister, Nephthys, found the pieces and made wax models of them to give to priests to be worshipped. When they found all of his pieces, they were so sad they wailed loudly enough for Re, the father god, to have pity on them. He sent Anubis and Thoth to help. They mummified Osiris, and put his body in a lion headed pier. Isis changed into a kite and fanned breath into Osiris. He was not allowed to stay in the land of the living, and was sent to the underworld to serve as king, and to judge the souls of the dead.

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Isis is one of the most popular goddesses in Egypt. In the Osiris myths she searched for her husband’s body, who was killed by her brother Seth. She retrieved and reassembled the body, and in this connection she took on the funeral rights. Isis impregnated herself herself from the body of Osiris and gave birth to Horus in the swamps of Khemnis in the Nile Delta. Here she raised her son in secret and kept him far away from Seth. Isis was worshipped as the divine mother-goddess, faithful consort of Osiris, and dedicated mother of Horus.

Rebo_Nicky used the following sources for information:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:39 pm
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This month we'll be giving you some spells to try over the holidays. This article written by too2sweet.

Yule – Winter Solstice

I found this in a favorite book of mine “Circle Round” by Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill. As Yule is the longest night of the year – is there ever a more perfect time to seek guidance along the path of life from our dreams. Originally this was set up to be more of a group ritual (can you say pajama party?!), but can easily be adapted to suit those of us who are walking the solitary path. It is an all night ritual – but don’t worry – you won’t miss out on your beauty sleep!

Dream Incubation

A peaceful mood is the key to the successfulness of this spell. Whatever you need to help you achieve a calm, peaceful, relaxed mood – use it. If you are doing this as part of a group you want to have your sleeping bags set up so that everyone is sleeping with their heads towards the middle of the circle. In the center of the circle should be an altar (any small table will do) with a large bowl of water, dream and birth images and a candle. You should also have art/journaling supplies (and a small flashlight) nearby so if you wake up in the middle of the night you can write down your dream. Participants may come prepared with either a question to “put” into the water or an object symbolizing something in their lives they would like dream help for. Once you are ready for bed, light the candle and say the following:

Winter Solstice is the celebration of the birth of the Sun, the divine child of the Goddess. In our own lives, this longest night can be a time of divination, of journeying deep into our inner dreamtime, to bring forth a dream that can help us in the year to come.

Speak over the bowl of water:

Sacred water, you who pass from the womb of the Mother into the rain and rivers and back again, you who nourish us and quench our thirst, you who can slip though cracks and erode even the strongest of obstacles, help us now to dive into the depths of the darkest night and ask for a dream. We ask for a dream of healing, a dream to show us where to go in the coming year, a dream to show us what we need to see. So mote it be.

Everyone in the circle takes a turn with the water, speaking their question into the water, dipping objects (or body parts) into the water or doing what ever they feel moved to do in asking for their dream. After everyone has had a turn, it is time to put the lights out. As everyone is beginning to drift off to dreamland – you might want to talk quietly about past dreams and what you have learned from them or share Solstice stories. In the morning (or whenever you wake up) write or draw your dream before getting up and leaving the circle or speaking too much. After everyone has finished writing about their dreams – you can choose to share your dreams, possibly offering comments/insights into the dreams of the others who are with you. Once everyone is done and you are ready to leave the circle, give thanks to the water:

Blessed water, thank you for easing our journey into the night and back again. Thank you for our dreams and visions, thank you for the light that is born from the womb of darkness. As we send you on your way back to the Mother, we bid you hail and farewell.

As soon as possible pour the water into the nearest body of running water, to keep it cycling on its way. Pictures, poems and other artifacts from Solstice dreams can be kept by the bed throughout the year.


Litha – Summer Solstice

At Litha we celebrate the sun, and as the sun is a symbol of protection it is the perfect time to cast a little protection magic to keep you and yours safe within your home.

House Protection Spell Bottle

Items Needed:
glass jar with cork stopper or lid
½ to 1 cup salt (depends on the jar size)
3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves
7 tbsp dried basil
4 tbsp dill seeds
1 tbsp sage
1 tbsp anise
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp fennel
1 bowl

In the morning, assemble all items. Place salt into the bowl and say:

Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:

Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:

Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the basil and say:

Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the dill and say:

Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the sage and say:

Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the anise and say:

Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the pepper and say:

Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the fennel and say:

Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands. Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary. Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal it tightly and place in your home with the following words:

Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this house of mine

Your house is now protected.

Source 1: Spell Crafts – "Creating Magical Objects" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington
Source 2: Sabbats – "A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways" by Edain McCoy


New Year’s Eve (at Midnight or just after)

Need a little extra help to stick to that New Year’s resolution, or for any time you have a special purpose and would like the blessing of the Lord and Lady you can use the following:

Prayer for a Special Purpose

I humbly pray to you, my Lord and Lady for a very special purpose: (name your purpose)
I will do what I can, but without your help, I can accomplish nothing. Grant that my will may always be one with yours, and give me the strength to accept with joy whatever your divine decision should be. I sincerely ask this of you, my Lord and my Lady, in faith, hope and love. So Mote It Be.

Source: "The Wiccan Prayer Book: Daily Meditations, Inspirations, Rituals and Incantations" by Mark Ventimiglia



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:39 pm
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A Few of the Countless Examples of Meditation

This article was Written by: NolaIvory

Meditation. What comes to mind when one thinks of meditation? Does a calm feeling come over you? Do you instantly think of some girl holding an incredibly uncomfortable-looking pose with her eyes closed, looking half asleep? Or a Buddhist monk bowing his head before an altar?
Well, meditation in the Pagan sense is a chance to find oneself. It may have the same significance in other religions, but I can only speak for this religion…or umbrella term of religions, rather.

Anyways, meditation gives us a chance to release the stress of everyday life, along with accomplishing something spiritually. In Edain McCoy’s "If You Want to be a Witch?", she suggests doing the well-known “Tree Meditation” during your first ritual.

Simply put, the tree meditation connects us (the trunk) to our ancestors (our roots), and to our descendants (our branches). To perform this meditation, one should already be familiar with the deep breathing and calmness that comes with beginning every meditation session. After achieving this state, one should stand (circle or sacred space is optional here, no one will be conjuring spirits, here) with legs spread apart and arms with fingers spread above one’s head. Feel the energy of one’s ancestors flowing within you from your roots, as well as, at the same time, feeling the pure essence of you and your inner soul, and, still at the same time, feel your descendants and their descendants through your arms and fingers.

If this is too difficult, then try adding a simple visualization to a deep meditation. Want more money? Envision yourself getting that job you already applied for in the material world. Want to win one of those Wiis that Gaia is giving away? Picture yourself getting a “You’ve won!” PM or email from Gaia, and then picture yourself playing it.

Whatever one does while meditating, make sure it’s positive. If one asks for negative, one gets negative. Everyone wants more positive things in their life, so why not ask for them…through meditation?

After meditating, one should remember to ground oneself, either by eating or drinking something right after, talking on the phone, putting extra energy into something (like a plant, a rock, or an athame), or simply putting hands and feet on the floor and picturing energy going back into the ground.

So, until next time, happy meditating!
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:41 pm
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Pendulum Dowsing
Written by Magyc7.

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Pendulum dowsing is a form of divination that uses a weight attached to a string or chain to tap into your unconscious connection to the universe and read energy patterns. You can use pendulum dowsing for just about any question. The pendulum only answers yes or no questions. Asking how to be a better person just won’t work. Instead, ask if volunteering for a retirement home would make you a better person.

The pendulum has been used for many, many of years. Ancient Egyptians used it to choose the best locations for growing crops. In Rome it was used in a plot against their emperor. Pendulums have also been used to find water and even locate underground tunnels and hidden mines in times of war. Nowadays they are mostly used for fortune telling and personal discovery.

Choosing a Pendulum
When choosing a pendulum, the most important thing is that it feels right. A crystal pendulum will have its own natural energy and symmetrical pendulums have better balance. You can find many different pendulum types in New Age shops. If you can’t buy one, you can always make your own pendulum. Just tie a paper clip or a ring on the end of a piece of thread.

How Does It Work?
Cosmic energy causes your muscles to make tiny movements, without your conscious self realizing them. The pendulum will make this communication from the universe easier to read by amplifying these tiny muscle movements into something you can see and understand.
Whatever question you ask, an answer will come form your subconscious self. Be very honest with yourself and try to be totally objective or the answer may be influenced by wishful thinking or emotional involvement.

How to Use Your Pendulum
1. Sit down at a table and rest your elbow on it. Only your elbow should be on the table!
2. Hold the thread’s end lightly between your thumb and first finger. Let the pendulum hang about a foot (30 cm) in front of you or what ever length feels comfortable.
3. If your feet or legs are crossed, uncross them because this blocks the flow of energy.
4. There are 4 different swings: backwards and forwards, side to side, a clockwise circle, and a counterclockwise circle. One movement will mean ‘yes’, one will mean ‘no’, one will mean ‘maybe’, and one will mean ‘ask again later’. These swings are not the same for everybody. Ask which response means ‘yes’. Your pendulum will move in the direction that will signify ‘yes’. Repeat for all other answers.
5. Check the validity of the swing by asking a question you already know the answer to. If the answer is wrong, re-do step 4 and make sure you’re not accidentally trying to move it in a certain direction. Once validity is confirmed, you can ask questions that you don’t know the answers to and have fun.

- Finding an object
- Predicting the future
- Testing a relationship
- Self-knowledge and improvement
- Be creative! The possibilities are almost endless!


"8 Ways to Tell Your Fortune" by Sarah Bartlett
Pictures (in the order shown)-



PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:42 pm
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This article was written by Capt. Kat.

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Sometimes horoscopes hit the nail on the head, at other times there simply a good laugh at the end of a bad day, but what is it about this science that seems to pull so many people to it? Perhaps because our ancestors once relied on their ability to read the stars in a life or death situation, many assume that a daily horoscope is what makes up the total of the astrology (the earliest horoscope has been recorded in 410 BC). But in fact that is most likely the smallest portion of an interesting subject, also this subject is far from a New Age subject. Astrology began before astronomy, psychology, or the conception of Christ was thought about. Astrology has been traced back to nearly all cultures that have been found by modern society, while some used Astrology as a record keeping method, others used this as a way to explain the complexities that make up the human body. Emperors were influenced so much by this science they became astrologers themselves and set laws that aligned with the planets and stars themselves. During the Renaissance period, astrology began to lose its popularity when many prophecies of that time didn’t happen. As Science and Industrial advancement began to take presidency, astrology and various other arts such as tarot reading and the livelihood of the wander began to disappear. And it wasn’t until the birth of Princess Margaret in the 1930’s that gave Astrology its kick start back into the lime light of the realm of science.

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This month's Astrology sign is Sagittarius, it begins on November 22nd and ends on December 22nd. It’d symbol is an interesting one, based on a being named Chiron, who was supposedly the kindest of the species known as Centaurs. He was an Immortal, born of the god Kronos, and a son of the sea god Oceanus. He was also believed to have taught the men Achilles and Jason (both happened to be young Greek heroes.) The story of his movement to the sky from the land is a little known one, Heracles supposedly shot the immortal centaur by accident. Heracles arrows were dipped in poison of the dreaded hydra which would kill anyone who came into contact with the substance. Chiron being an immortal could not die from the poison and was said to have horrible pain. Prometheus the Titan seeing Chiron in such great pain decided on a plane of action that would help the wounded being. While no one is certain of what exchange occurred between the titan and the centaur, the Centaur became mortal allowing him to die and return to the heavens.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:43 pm
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