Disgusting brainwashing techniques that not just christianity but other religions as well use. Religion is just a form of brainwashing, I feel. If there's someone who has been brainwashed to believe in something, despite all logic pointing in the opposite direction, there's no curing them.

Although I do not reprimand people for being brainwashed. I'm not mean to religious people. I feel sorry for them though. There are people on Gaia I've met who have been brainwashed to believe that everything, and I say EVERYTHING, revolves around the Bible. =_=;; They say "You seem very nice, so if you don't believe in God and as you say have read the Bible, it just means it's not your TIME yet." But I wonder: Have they ever considered that there are LOADS of other religions, other holy books, and also LOADS of people who might never have even heard of christians and their God?

In any case. =_=