Welcome to Gaia! ::


Art is copyright Meru_chan
Banners are copyright Sian
Linking banners are copyright Meru_chan
Story and concept copyright Sian and Meru_chan
Steal anything and we'll rape you.
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Announcements, ect.:

April 12, 2006: Meru is on Hitus until at least the endish of next month as she has a convention she has to prepare for (first time selling prints) so its taking up all my time^^; Although i do believe Sian has an event planned for you all ;__; so plwease forgive me!

March 18, 2006: Jesus christ! We were just about to do a big even and then Meru's tablet broke. DX This means that there will be a bit of a hold on growings and everything else until Meru gets a new one. ^^; We are -really- sorry. ;_;

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User ImageSian's Corner:
Sian is: ******** off School!

User ImageMeru's Corner:
Meru is: BUSY!
-Planning for OTAFEST
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Rules Of The Thread:
1. Read the rules!
2. So... Don't whine for a pet. You'll get grey listed, because believe it or not. We have lives outside of gaia.
3. Do not PM either of us for a pet unless instructed to do so. We will give you three warnings... or less depending and then you will be grey/ blacklisted.
4. Keep it PG-13 people. I mean okay a bit of swearing is fine, however if you're swearing a lot. We'll ask you to leave. If you don't Greylisted, if you persist after that, Blacklisted.
5. No sex. Nothing. No RP sex. Ew. Hugging is okay. Nothing over PG-13. You will be blacklisted and if you have a pet it will go away.
6. Do not harass us.
7. Do not harass others, you will be warned, and if the problem persists. Your pet will go *poof.* and you will be blacklisted.
8. Be nice to everyone. This is a nice place. XP
9. Um... Rawr. Cat's are cool and such. ;P
10. No being a jerk to n00bs. You were one too once.
11. You must use proper grammer and English. No Chatspeak and you MUST spell correctly.

WARNING: More rules can and will be added as needed. Make sure you stay up to date.

Rules For Owning A PET!:
Once you recieve/win/buy your pet, Meru OR Sian will set up a journal in the mysteria guild.

1.After accepting the invite to the guild, Please look for your journal.
2. Please set it up with some organization, not sure how? Just look at the others^_^
3. You MUST Post in your journal once a week (Minimum)
4. Yes, RP in the mysteria thread will count as a post.

EDIT! Even thought you RP in the thread, YOU MUST Post something in your journal. even if its "RPed Pg -- to ---. and maybe post a link. This will help keep your journal updated.

5. You Will recieve 2 warnings if your not posting. After the second one is sent, if there are still no posts in your journal your pet WILL be taken away and resold.
6. If you could place a link back to the thread in your sig as well (other wise the Tag we make, or your more then welcomed to make a smaller one!)~ it'd really help us get our name out in the breedables area^_^

More Rules will come when we need them.

Rules for RPing Your Pet.
1. PLEASE Post in your journal AT LEAST once every week, just to keep us updated.(even if its just a "RP in thread Pg --- to --- ) its easier to keep track of whos posting and whatnot~) PLEASE Give us a reason BEFORE hand if your going to miss RP's.
2. All speaking must be in quotations, eg: "Hey Meru! Let's go for an Icecream!"
3. When RPing an action there must be NO *'s or ~'s. In fact there shall be none of those anyways.
4. When speaking OCC (Out of Character) Please use some form of brackets: [ ] ( ) { } (( )) ect. It makes it easier for other RPer's to understand.
5. Please have what your pet is saying/ doing in a different colour, once again it just makes it easier.
*EDIT* Please note, since most people who rp in the thread, do it in a formal fashion, please follow there example and keep it this way. its easier and nicer to read.
I will add more when I think of them.

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White List
Meru and Sian. Just Cause.
Inuki_Star - For having our banner and link in her siggie. <3
Kanashimi- For her two great banners! biggrin
Allure - For the fan-art. 8B

Grey List

Black List
lovely - For ignoring her pets and when she was warned about it she did a half-assed s**t job on "updating", if you could call that an update.

Fake Blacklist
Allure because she wanted to be on the blacklist for some reason? XD <3

Jan_Jan07 -1000g heart *First Donator!*
Xenostatica - 3000g eek heart
B00tlegpirate - 1000g ]
Mau -10k !!! Thank you! biggrin <333

Potatoe Peeling Duty:

Allure, for being so awesome that she had to have some kind of punishment. And she asked... and Sian's hungry. Get peelin' beetch! XD heart
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For those people who say: "Who, and what?"

The Pwnerz Owners:

User ImageSian:

Name IRL: Sian with a '^' over the 'a'. Gaia doens't love me enough to post it. stare
Age: 16
Gender: Moose... Female.
Birthday: June 2, 1989
Location: Alberta, Canada
Occupation: Jack-all... Well School is a job... Yes?
Favorite Food(s): Sushi, pasta, soup, cookies, pastry in general, well... pretty much anything.
Hobbies: Playing Rugby, drawing (drawing garbage pics), writing, reading novels (Favorites are the Sabriel Series and the Subtle Knife Series.), playing MapleStory, and um... being lazy.

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Name IRL: Christina
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birthday: november 3
Location: Alberta Canada
Occupation: Student <,< currently working at rona
Favorite Food(s): Spagetti....Chicken ceaser salad
Hobbies: drawing..reading...<,< spending money on DVDs

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The Story:

"Help us our world is dying... Please... Come to our aid."

"I can't wait to get home it is absolutely freezing out here! I wish I could afford a car... or even the bus home. Stupid underpaid college-ness." Meru thought as she was walking home.

Well she wasn't exactly walking anymore she was more of jogging. "Ah! I can see the house up ahead thank god." Meru started to slow down hoping to catch her breath, and taking her time to walk the rest of the way there. She was tired enough as it was. Since getting up at seven O'clock that morning she had been constantly busy; handing in assignments, taking notes, running to work and picking up a few groceries for the weekend. She was bushed and wanted to get home and warm up, and perhaps eat some of that cake she had saved up for to eat. There was nothing better then hot chocolate and cake on a cold day like it was today.



"I should have known better then to use a window to get into a house again. I hope that no one is home... yet."

Sian sat up and straightened herself out, falling from the window onto the counter and then to the floor had well messed things up a bit. After getting herself sorted out Sian got up and started to clean up the rest of the mess she had made. Nothing much had been broken, just a vase and Sian's shirt had been ripped.

"Awe, come on give me a break! I don't know how to sew and it's the middle of freaken winter. I guess I had better... OH god... is that cake? It's cake!!" Yes everyone, Sian does have a short attention span. It comes with the whole 'I'm hungry and I'm homeless,' deal.
Sian sneaked over to the counter which held the delicious cake she had happened upon. She hadn't had cake in so long... Then again she hadn't slept in a bed since last year too. This was going to be a good night.


"Yay! Finally home... now if these stupid keys would work... There we go." Meru fumbled with her keys, slipping them into place and quietly entered the house. Closing the door behind her she sighed, getting ready for some relaxing time, she hung her coat on the hook.

"Home sweet-"


"What in gods name...?"


Sian had stood up and went to grab the cake platter, however luck just wasn't on her side, and her gloves happened to hate her at the moment. As soon as the platter of cake cleared the counter it slipped out of Sian's hands. Sian reached out to grab it but missed. "Oh shi-"


Meru took no time in deciding what to do. She picked up the umbrella leaning on the closet and took off for the kitchen.

"I've got a stick and I'm not afraid to use it!" Meru rushed into the kitchen... Then took a nice slip on the cake almost smacking Sian in the face with her foot.

After letting out a shriek and falling on her butt trying to get away from Meru's foot Sian sat up slowly. "Uhhh... Hello there, my name is Sian and I'm... um... A hobo..." Sian gave a smile. She was already in pretty deep so she may as well try to get out somewhat. "I was cold and your window was open so I came in. Then I saw the cake... I'm sorry; I'll pay you for any damages..."

Meru sat up and rubbed her back side, getting ready to glare heavily at her cake-stealing intruder she blinked. Taking a good look at the girl she had crowned 'The Cake Stealer' she was suprised of the face that was there. "Wait... I know that face... and that blond hair... and those Hazel eyes!"

Sian looked at Meru in disbelief. "Holy cow... its Meru... she helped me out when I was stabbed. I wonder if she remembers me?" Sian took off her hat and looked at Meru Sheepishly. "Hey Meru, ummm... sorry about this, I really seem to have caused you a lot of trouble lately..."

Meru had to chuckle, after the turn of events she was less angry now. "Sian that was my BEST cake platter, in fact it's my ONLY cake platter. You broke my other one last time, remember?"

"Ohh, yeeeaaahhhh. So, you're not going to call the cops are you?"

"Yes Sian I'm going to call the cops on my hobo friend... I'm kidding take that look off your face." Meru looked around the kitchen, "Actually I was thinking that if you could clean up my cake, that I had been saving, you could maybe stay here for awhile."

"Really? No lie?"

"Really, really!"


"This is one of the less cluttered guest rooms, you can use it while you're here Sian. All I ask is that you keep it clean and maybe do some chores around here while I'm gone." Meru explained as she opened the guest room door for Sian to see.

"I'll do whatever you want Meru, shopping, cleaning, and cooking. You name it I can do it. It comes with the whole hobo thing and looking after yourself thing."

"Sian you really aren't a hobo."

"I'm close enough." Sian peeked around the room; she was getting a funny vibe from it. Something seemed odd about it.

"Hmm this room feels weird... maybe I'll put you in another one instead?" Meru looked over at Sian who obviously wasn't paying any attention to her. Instead she had wandered over to the full length mirror resting against the wall and was just staring into it.

"Meru... what is this thing? I mean... it looks like a mirror but it also looks like a picture... and it just moved."

"What? Things don't move in mirrors, what are you talking about?"

Meru walked over to Sian to look at the mirror. The mirror looked old, almost Victorian with a golden frame with small details of flowers and vines etched in sliver. The mirror part of it looked almost like a TV screen but still managed to reflect both Siam and herself.
"I'm going to touch it." Sian reached out for the mirror just as Meru grabbed her arm to pull her away... With a flash of golden light, they were sucked into the mirror.


Meru woke up to Sian's voice. "HoMyGawd, ohhh look at those, I want one..."

"Sian what are you talking abo- Ohmygawd. Where in the world are we?!" Meru looked around trying to adapt to her surroundings. "All I remember was you going to touch the mirror and Boom! Nothing." She looked weirdly at Sian; "...we weren't sucked in to it... were we?"

"Uh yes, and this fairy thing here wants to talk to us, so as we were waiting for you to wake up I pranced around and she thought about how grubby I looked."

"I did not!"

Meru looked over to where the voice came from and was well... shocked. Standing not too far from her was an angel. She had long white wings and golden hair, she was thin and dainty, yet you could see she was strong. Meru looked up at her eyes and gasped, she had gorgeous eyes they were golden like the first rays of sun in the morning.

Sian hopped (literally) over to Meru. "She needs our help."

The angel smiled sadly. "I need more then just your help, as you can see," she made a sweeping motion to the area around her. "Our world is like a reflection of yours. Due to the constant change and corruption of the environment in your world, ours is falling apart. I need you to take my people through the gateway and incorporate them into your world."

"Okay, and see that's where she got with me, and then she saw you. Anyways... I still don't know where we are, what you are and stuff like that, oh and my name is Sian and the sleepy-head here is Meru."

"My people call me Dea. To answer your question, you are in Mysteria, we are the Mysterians. My people grow or develop in three stages. The first is an egg engraved with our language with a symbol on it to show what type it is. We then move to the next stage, the Mysterian Children start to learn about life and how the world works. Finally there is the Adult stage in which the Mysterian will stay in their chosen form for the rest of their life."

She went on to explain the aspects of what we would need. A sudden shudder from the ground alerted us all that it was time for us to move along. Dea looked sadly on as she coated us in golden light along with the creatures we were being in trusted with and sent us back to our side of the mirror.

If I would have known that I would get stuck with a bunch of egg baby's when I broke into Meru's house. Well, I'm not sure if I would do it again. Not for all the cake in the world, but what can one do? I may as well flow with it, and un-hobo myself.
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There are three stages for now. Those are Egg, Child, and Adult. If you read the story some of what they are will already be explained. Other then that well read here! biggrin


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This here is the egg stage. As you can see... It's an egg! Other then that you can also see the Symbol of what type of Mysterian is in the Egg. It is written in the language that the Mysterians in their old land used to speak. We teach the ones here how to speak English. Onward!


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This is the Child Stage. Yes, they look cute and innocent but they can be quite a bother since they are trying to find out who they are. This is the stage in which their actions will have an effect on what they look like and act like as an Adult. Speaking of Adults, let's move on.


[-Image Here-]
This is the point in the Mysterians life where they're 'friendships' with others can grow to much more, although they can't breed quite yet. This is a time where many Mysterians question things.


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This here is the Mysterians last stage of growing up. They are now an adult. This is where everything that happened to them as a child comes through. This is where your parenting shows through. Some children can grow up to be warped and sick, whereas others can grow up to be beautiful. This is also the stage where BREEDING can take place.
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This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) We'll add more as we get more questions! But I'll make some up right now!

Q: So where did you get the name Mysterian?
A: Well let's break it down. You get Mystery, so it's a suprise to what you get. Then you can get Mystic from it which is why we sell Mystical pets, and then the end part is for kicks.

A: First, take off your capslock please! Second, there are a few ways to get a pet. First of all you can wait for a flatsale contest or auction, or just when we are selling them. You can also get invited to get a pet, or we can do a pet trade with you. However for pet trades you MUST have a running shop that has been running for more then 20 pages.

Q: Breeding?
A: ... You'll know when we know.

Q: What can I get with a custom?
A: Customs can be no RP pets and you can choose what you want your pet to be based on. At the moment we are basing them on Mystical Greek creatures. But if you give us an idea within the genre of our pets then we can make it. Or Meru can and I can cheer her on. Yes we can do Demonic and Angelic, but they won't be like angels and the devil, but we'll try to find something evil enough for your tastes. ;D

Q: What sort of pets are you willing to do pet trades for?
A: Sian isn't picky, but Meru doesn't like to RP. Sian will RP. Neither of us have really been around to other shops lately because we're busy. ^^; Show us what you have and we can go from there.

Pet Trades are limited however, as meru does all the mysterian trades for Sian as gifts ^_^; Cause she loooves meee. <3

Q: Are these pets RP-intensive?
A: Rofl depends what you call Rp intensive. Although you get a journal and you have to post once a week they aren't that RP intensice. However we do have rules on how to RP and such. You can certainly make your pet RP intensive if you want and your pet will grow up with benifits.

Q: Is each egg have a different mystical creature? I know mine does because its custom, but I'm just wondering if the lineart is unique per every egg :B -Atriz
A: Every pet has unique lineart, however there are different breeds of pets. You can tell if they are in the same breed by the marking on their egg.

Q: So can I get like a zodiac thing or something?!!
A: Are you paying 500k for a full custom?

Q: Are there any items you wont take in offers?
A: Yes there are lots:
April 2004//Hammi/Bammi hat
May 2004//Bear/Monkey Pajamas
Steel plated Ninja Band
Nov 2004// BTK/Ice gaunlet,
Dec 2004//OMFG/Fire gaunlet
Roro Robo Puppy
Chestplate of Arachne
July 2005
Hard Shell Pack
Ticket Token
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  • All Flat sales will be announced at least a day in advance(hopefully in our announcement area)
  • Each Mysteria will be 10K *AT* the moment so we can test the water.
  • At the start of the Flat sale we will make a new thread where you'll post a sample of your roleplaying skills. you will have an hour to do so, after that we will judge and award the Mysteria to there owners. more details will follow.
  • To ensure that everything is fair, we will have a friend copy/paste all entries without the authors name into a word file.
  • Once winners are announced, please send the trade to us(to mysterian)
  • you have 48 hours to send the trade unless you PM us with a good reason.
  • winners will have the mysterian put in our pickup thread to get them.


  • The Raffle date will be announce in the second post for the thread(updates, possibly in the welcome area, We will let you know though!)
  • Each ticket will be 500g, which should be sent to our account (mysterian)
  • You may buy as many as you like.
  • Yes, you can have friends buy for you.
  • Number of total slots will be decided at each raffle.
  • The winning number will be picked out by a randomizer^^;;
  • People cannot win more then one pet in a raffle.


  • date will be announce in the second post for the thread(updates, possibly in the welcome area, We will let you know though!)
  • All will start at 15K (At the moment)
  • There is no autobuy (mostly since its not fair to have someone uber rich snatch it away at the last minute <,<>.> wink
  • With auctions, you can get either a custom, pre-made, or you can choose between two if we are auctioning more then one.
  • Bidding will commence with a "Begin" post.
  • Before bidding, the bidder must submit a sample of their RPing or writing via thread or PM to us. (enless we've already seen your RP skills before^_^; mostly PM Sian she has better knowledge then meru XD)
  • we will accept some items instead of gold, we do mid-price according to teh thing we put on the first post on the thread.
  • Once the winner(s) are announced in the first post, they should then send a trade to us with the final bid.
  • Most auctions will last from anywhere from one day to up to a week, Auctions will end within 24hours of the last bid so theres no sniping bids at the very end.

    There will be a few ways you can aquire customs they are as follows:
    A Custom Auction, Pet Trades, or through bribing us.

    Custom Auctions
  • Just like a normal auction, although the pet is not pre made. All Bids will be on a fully customized pet. Which means you get to pick which sex you want the mysterian to be, as well and the species and a theme color to go with it. These types of auctions will be announced prior to the date in which we'll do it.

Pet Trades

  • Pet Trades ARE LIMITED!
  • Due to this being a joint shop and Meru does all of the orignal art and coloring, a limited amount of pets will be traded as she does not get paid for them, instead all trades are done as a sort of gift to sian for putting up with her sanity.
  • Please be advised that Pet-traders, will have the choice of which creatured they'd like and a small selection of colors. this way meru still gets to be creative and isn't told exactly what it has to look like.
  • Pet trades are for ONLY one pet, no twins, doubles or anything like that please.
  • Please also take note, Mysterians are based off MYTHICAL animals. Meru does the reseach on each speices before she designs so she's only accepting mythical animal trades, nothing eles. (Mythical animals examples: Fauns/pheonix/selkies/mermaids/etc)

    1. closed
    2. Closed

    Bribing Us For A Custom

    Since the first auction we held it appeared like ALOT of people wanted/are thinking that they'd want a custom done. ;_; unfortunly, Meru works 30+ hours a week, and has to help manage the store with sian, so meru won't be able to do alot of customs for everyone.

  • In order to get a custom, there will no longer be a price on them, you'll need to BRIBE Meru to do it^^; ...
  • a good price range that you can think of starting to bribe us will be around 100K and up (This way they are less common and meru can spend a little more time trying to design them)
  • Please bear in mind that we maintain the right to decline the bribe^_^; even if we decline, your more then welcomed to try another bribe
  • We will add a wishlist to this thread so its eaiser to bribe us with items if you don't want to use all your gold.
  • There will be NO refunds on custom myseterians. You take your chance on what it will look like^_^;;...
  • You must send the trade with your bribe before you will recive your pet or before it is even drawn. This way there is no withdrawing from the agreement.
  • PM Sian or Meru_chan with any intrest in getting a custom done~

    1. Closed
    2. Closed

    Full Custom
    Yay, a new kind of custom. This is where you pick everything. EVERYTHING. It can be anything and everything. You get to pick the personality, what it looks like, what goes on it's egg if it's a new breed. Everything. Also these ones can be NON-RP ones. Yay!

    The rules are the same however as the other custom. X3

    Price: 500k
    1. Closed.

    * there are ABSOLUTLY NO refunds on mysterians*
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    Pick me up:

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    Pick-up pets will be deleted from the list after a few days.
    If you would like a picture of your pet at any stage WITHOUT the cert and in a bigger size PM or Message Meru or I... (Sian) :3 <3

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    < x___x Will be revamped soon!>
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    This is were all the breeding information will be once we get to that stage^_^
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    Want to link us? just copy the codes and you can!!~

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    ^Thank you Kanashimi! heart

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    ^Thank you Kanashimi!

    Wanna become Affiliates? Just send a PM to us! Or talk to us on the thread.

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    Non-Breedables Links:

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    ^Cute shop by a friend of Sian's. :3
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    ^ By Jan_Jan07!

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    ^ By Allure! XD <3

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    Thank you Allure again! XD <3

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    Awwww! X33 Allure again!

    Feline Bookworm

    11,075 Points
    • Popular Thread 100
    • Cat Fancier 100
    • Waffles! 25

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