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New Kitsu Thread

1. General Info
2. News
3. Rules & F.A.Q.
4. Available Eggs
5. Items
6. Guardians
7. Breeding
8. RPing
9. Newborns
10. Owners List
11. White/Grey/Blacklist
12. Links and Affiliates
13. Future Concepts
14. Staff
15. Mailing List

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-Note: Sample image above shows Kitsusagis at 2/3 their size-

Kitsusagi were not always known to humans. Nor was their home world, Pythie. They were once less than myths. Less, even, than the whispers of rumor. Exactly how the two worlds came to meet eachother is unknown, lost in muddled and conflicting versions of the same story. It is known, though, that a portal between our world and theirs came into existance one day. And the results were devastating.

The kitsusagi and the humans did not get along at all. Humans attempted to domesticate them as working animals, considering them little better than common dogs. Naturally, the kitsusagi fought back against this slavery being forced upon them, declaring the humans their enemies.

The war went on for many years until a shaky treaty could be formed with the help of the guardians. However, some kitsusagi disagreed with the terms of the treaty, and a small group of them left in search of a rumored source of power. They never returned, and so the treaty was upheld. And, now, the kitsusagi are among our most loyal companions.

Kitsusagi are elegant, graceful creatures. They behave much like an average canine would, though they're much more intelligent than one and their personality varies from one kitsu to another just as it would among humans. They can only communicate with humans through body language and various clicking and barking noises. However, guardians are able to act as translators between humans and kitsusagi.

When kitsusagi breed successfully anywhere from two to four eggs can result. These eggs must then incubate for 5 to 10 days before they hatch. The hatchling kitsu develop a strong attatchment to the first person or thing they see once they break free of the shell, becoming quite loyal to whatever it is they've seen. These young kitsu need a diet high in protein - milk and eggs (No, not kitsu eggs!) are an excellent source and easy on the infant kitsu's digestive system. Once they get olde3r, they become omniverous and will eat just about anything - provided it doesn't eat them first.

Kitsusagi may age rapidly or slowly, depending on what their environment is like. If they are well loved and cared for, they will grow to be strong, healthy kitsu. However, if they are neglected and left on their own for extended periods of time, they will become frail and malnourished... There is a chance to reverse such an instance of neglect, but it takes quite a bit of love and care to nurse a frail kitsu into a healthy one.
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Kitsusagi are all unique - again, much like humans are. They may look similar to eachother, but the differences between them are always easy to spot. In the case of twins, they will have identical markings - but they will be a mirror image of eachother. For example, one kit may have a spot over his right eye, and the other would have an identical spot over his left eye.

Kitsusagi must be direct linked in order for them to grow.


Myth of the Nightmare Kitsusagi

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As I'm sure you know, the kitsusagi were not always companions to humans. There was a time when they were among the worst of enemies. Now, as I'm sure you also know, the kitsusagi eventually developed a pact with the humans with the help of their guardians in an attempt to end the fighting, and today they are among our most loyal of companions.

However, it was not as simple as it sounds. There was a diehard sect of kitsusagi that simply refused to make peave with the humans. They considered any kitsu who'd chosen to side with the humans traitors. They even went so far as to attack these "traitors" along with the humans.

It shortly became clear that they were fighting a losing battle. They couldn't stand against the humans along with the other kitsusagi - their forces were too weak.

One day, a pair of their scouts brought word of a strange shrine to the west. There were legends of the power it could give to the worthy who sought it - immense power. Enough to smite their enemies - the humans and the traitors. What luck! What fortune! It seemed the very gods had smiled upon them at last.

A small group of ten kitsusagi formed, the lot of them setting off for the shrine with the two scouts as guides. Their journey took them several months and through many hardships. They became scarred from battles they faced to reach the fabled shrine. Several of them even perished along the way.

The handful that remained when they reached the shrine were exhausted from hunger. The scent of food within lured them into the darkened chamber, though they found nothing within. Confused, they turned to the remaining scout. He had no answer for them, just as confused as they were.

The leader, or, the one who had taken command after the original leader perished, ordered the scout to lead them to the heart of the shrine. The scout, ever obedient, obeyed the command, leading the small pack of kitsusagi into a dimly lit room. The scent of food washed over them again, and still no food was in sight.

Ignoring the strange smell, the leader of the pack stepped up to the shrine, boldly demanding to receive the fabled powers they had long quested for.

There was a long silence. And the shrine spoke.
You are unworthy. You seek to use these powers for destruction. You cannot see that those you seek to conquer wish only to make peace with you now. Since you will not use your eyes I shall take them from you. The food you smelled before was meant to lure you away from here. Since you ignored it, I shall take your scent from you. The darkness within you corrupts you, yet you do not care. May it show on the outside now as well as within.

The kitsusagi standing at the shrine were suddenly plunged into darkness, their sight taken from them. The scent of food, of eachother, of everything, was ripped from them as they lost their sense of smell. Strange, misshappen spines grew from their shoulders, and horns sprouted from their heads.

Cursed for their darkness, the questing kitsusagi fled the shrine, fading into the legends of old. Few are aware of the truth of their existence, and even fewer still have ever seen one. Consider yourself lucky should you ever spy one of these cursed beasts.

<center>The Arrival of a Savior

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Story coming soon...
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9/28/2k5 - Halloween Eventu!

8/17/2k5 - Mau's domain is temporairily down, as I'm changing hosts. This means the owners list is down. Okay? It'll be back as soon as possible [domain is already set up, but I don't know how to access my Cpanel just yet] I don't want to hear any whining gonk

8/11/2k5 - Wow. Lots of things have been happening here, Nan is finally back! heart A Harry Potter event is being plotted, and there's a Yin-Yang angelic auction going on now! Grr.. ahhh ;_; I messed up this post.. (angelic kitsu taken out for.. now)

4/19/2k5 - Harry Potter auctions have come and gone. Congrats to the winners and thanks for your contribution to Nanook's quest! Coming soon: kitsu flatsale.

4/10/2k5 - Custom Angelic Kitsusagi Auction NOW HERE

4/7/2k5- Angelic update courtesy of Sanura Panthress, and Mauness and Dreor are getting together some eggs for flatsale and Mau has done HP themed EGGUS For auction to benefit my questing o.O how nice of her :3
I have just finished sprucing up the front page, and AND I'm working on some surprises for us biggrin

3/29/2k5- Big GEN THREE AND GEN FOUR UPDATES! This shop is NEARLY CAUGHT UP! *goes onto angels and nightmares and two other eggus that haven't yet hatched*

2-27-05- Hatched Bob and Helen, Working on Nightmares sweatdrop
02.20.05 - Moved to a new thread, and working on setting up 3nodding


--8 Eggs hatched last night Halloweens, Kimaria, and Colista and Ronach's clutch. I'm sorry for the delays, but I'm getting moving slowly :3



The first of the Incredibles Auctions starts TODAY!! It is for the angelic MR. Incredible!! MR. INCREDIBLE AUCTION

11/9/2k4- I finally got off my lazy arse and got us a guild!!!!!! The Guild

In a couple of weeks I will be begining to offer Angelic and Nightmare kitsus myself. Kinji has been so kind as to allow me to use the lineart and thus I will be able to offer them. They will be just as rare as they are now so there will be NO chance of a flatsale on them.

However if you wish to donate to my cause for a bear hat, I would be most appreciative, IE if you donate 600k to my cause I will create for you an angelic or a NM kitsu. IF you donate 250k then you will be able to pick a design and purchase yourself a custom regular kitsusagi. If anyone is nutzo enough to donate more than that well...I love you!! and hopefully my bear will love you too <3

*clears throat*

Okay...I was giving it alot of thought, and realized that I couldn't do the scavanger hunt on Wednesday...HOWEVER Kitsusagi day will still go off.

What I will do is within this very thread...we will have fun things to do...I want to see Kitsu newbies around, because there will be a Newbie raffle FREE FOR NEWBIES!!

Also there will be the unveiling of the September items...IE fun fun stuff...and if anyone was paying attention like a week ago I said that the unlimited letter was a raffle ticket and you could buy as many as you wanted. So anyone that still wants them, they are still avaialable. The limited however is all gone.

Also there will be no guardian flatsale, nor will there be an actual kitsusagi flatsale, persay...throughout the day I will pop into the thread and post a pic of the egg (there will be a few like or a pic of a guardian orb. This will also be spred to go on into the evenings. the first person to post after me and the pic of the eggie will win it. Also there will be random givaways of cute little pics of kitsus that i've drawn, they will also be available for purchase in the kitsu item shop after the events are all done.

I go on vacation starting thrusday and wont' be back until the following tuesday. So it will be slow here, however when i return I promise big big changes. I want to get pms from the big plotters here, gather us up a plot. I will start a kitsusagi guild for rp, and once we're totally caught up after my vacation Breedings will resume again.

*nods* I think I got it all

I look forward to seeing the lurkers, newbies, and all the owners on wednesday for the festivities. *bows*

9/15/2k4- I'm coming off a real bad round of pneumonia...so It's taking me some time to pick up that speed I said we would have...HOWEVER!! None of you are forgotten...and as such there may be a surprise in the near future to make up for my lack of availablitiy of late. Also...If I am not on aim or you don't see me...I'M BUSY. I will try to be on AIM more frequently though, cuz I miss talking to all my buds.

To Do List:
Update Breeding Kitsus
Work on surprise
Experiments of Jumba: Allie's Custom
Ikkakujuus: Get that shop up and running again

9/2/2k4- Not that I wanted to or anything *glee* But I got a new computer and DSL, so if I seem a bit unresponsive, i'm on my computer at work...my comp at home JUST got finished being set up...so I should have all my files transferred over over this weekend. I have a busy weekend with the long weekend coming, as I am having a labor day shindig at my house. So bear with me...I have eggs to cert and babies to "name and grow" Please post in the thread the names of your kitsusagi (even if you named them before, as I am slow and lazy and don't have time to go back and look sad )

8/9/2k4- After a short break over the weekend (not by choice) I am rearing to go again. I will be finishing the certs for the eggs that have arrived, and I will also be working mostly on recerting ones that I need to correct. Once again guys I'm sorry for the delay, but if there is one thing I can say it's BAM!! we're on the road again!!

8/1/2k4- Holy cats!! Angelic Kitsusagi are here, and letters!! they're here too!!! I hope these do well, I'll do them all the time if they do biggrin

7/26/2k4- New thread officially open!! There will be a custom kitsusagi auction on Monday the 2nd of August and will last about 48 hours. (not sure yet) It will come with a guardian.

The new things that I have been working on will be unveiled and donators to the shop will receive a small envelope in which they will find an item when it gets closer to the end of the month. The August Letters will start going up on or around 8/1/2k4. They will be found in the items section and you will have two options...If you own a kitsusagi then you may buy the letter to equip the item to your kitsu, if you don't own one then the letter you buy can have any thing in it...from a plushie to a coupon...you never know. There will be 10 spots for each letter each month...

7/19/2k4- Due to the tremendous butt that my home computer is being, the certing for the eggs is taking a little longer than expected. Fear not, I haven't run off with your money, nor would I want to. I am pretty sure that I know which eggs go where, and will get them certed ASAP!

7/13/2k4- Due to some stress that I am experiencing, I will not be coloring any kitsus, I will only be certing the ones done by the colorists. I don't wanna talk about it so just leave it at that.

7/7/2k4- ALL of the certs have been updated, now to update the pesky owners list with the urls to the pics *gets to work on that* That means that Breeding is OFFICIALLY OPEN and spots are going fast.

6/30/2k4- All auctions are done, growings are happening and breeding is open...life is good.

6/18/2k4- The Mickey auction is HERE
6/17/2k4- The Auction for the Bugs Bunny egg is complete Grats to Lildevilchick, The BABS BUNNY RAFFLE to benefit the short auction time for Bugs is over Grats to Seeno. The eggs of Sanura Panthress and ATG hatched

6/10/2k4- The flatsale was great and now gearing up for auctions. All the flatsale eggs have hatched, and all is underway for a huge update. Currently though I am busy with three shops and beg your forgiveness if things are late.

5/24/2k4- It is this day that I have been gifted a tremedous chance to continue something great. So here it is, the new Kitsusagi thread. I will still be making announcements via the Yahoo board, so if you wanna be on the mailing list, by all means sign up. For anyone with questions and such, post them and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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1. Do not PM me about prices/availability! Post in the thread and I'll get to you when I can, I read every post.. If I don't respond just post again. If you do PM me I'll simply erase your message, SO DON'T PM ME!!
2. Don't steal my art! Do I really have to explain why...?
3. Do not ask for one if you can't pay for it. Self explanatory
4. Do NOT edit your posts in flat sales! We are watching you, and you will be disqualified from the sale and immediately greylisted if you alter your post!! So DON'T do it scream
5. Flat sales do not start until I say so in BIG RED LETTERS. Posts before I make the announcement, even if it's after the time stated, will be ignored. Again NO EDITING!
6. Do not beg for pets, please. What you see is what you get, if they're not available you'll just have to wait like everyone else.
7. Please, keep the quotebox monsters to a minimum! Quotes inside quotes inside quotes! Try to keep them under 5 quotes.

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1. How long will it take them to grow?
-Nanook says: Hatching will take anywhere from 5-10 days, to grow from kit to adolescent it will take usually a week or two, from adolescent to adult will depend on how active you are in the thread and how well you treat your kitsusagi. If you mistreat it/leave it alone it can take a month or more to fully grow to adult and usually it will be much weaker then if you take care of it and play with it often enough to make sure it's being raise properly.. If it's taken care of it will usually grow up in 2 to 3 weeks..

2. Can they be gay?
-Nanook says: If you want your kitsu to be gay I have no problem with that, however, your kitsu will be unable to breed with the same gender. If you still want kits there is the option for Artificial Insemination. Meaning there will be no actual mating, but the mother will get pregnant thanks to our technilogically advanced civilization...

3. How long does it take to get them to adulthood?
-Nanook says: See question 1...

4. How big will all the pictures be?
-Nanook says: The pictures will be different sizes, but the adult form is just a little under 500 pixels wide and about 400 pixels tall... or close to it

5. Can you recommend a site for making a sig page, because geocities doesn't like people clicking from Gaia to their site.
-Nanook says: I haven't actually made a site for my signature yet... so I'm really not sure, sorry sweatdrop

6. How much should I expect to save for a special?
-Nanook says: As of now the only sure prices are the Common.. which are 3k. If I make any other flat sales they will be priced under the egg that's for sale.

7. Are you sure you're going to stay in business, you seem pretty overworked.
-Nanook says: I'm going to try my best! It may take a while for updates around finals/midterms, but I'm usually very good about keeping up with things... don't usually get too far behind sweatdrop

8. What positions will you hire for?
-Nanook says: I'm not currently hiring, if I am hiring I'll make a post in the news section of the first post of this thread..

9. Are you looking for any inkers/colorists?
-Nanook says: Not currently, no... unless you have acceptional skill, and are absolutely DYING to be part of the team.. but generally I have to say no for now. I work pretty quickly by myself.

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<center>New Item shop...COMING SOON</center>
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-What is a guardian?-

Guardians are from a world all their own. No one's quite sure where it is as the guardians are very secretive about it - it's in their nature to be protective or secretive about people or things they care about. They first became known to humans and kitsusagi during the great war between the two races. It was with their help that a peaceful agreement was able to be reached.

They seemed to have a strong link to the kitsusagi, and it was later discovered that they could bond to individual kitsus provided that the egg they hatched from was left near a kitsusagi for a time. They are incredibly devoted to the kitsusagi they bond to, doing their very best to protect them from harm. They're also able to translate kitsusagi speech into human and vice versa, allowing for communication between the two species. The only drawback to having a guardian is that they may not be seperated from their bonded kitsusagi, or else the guardian will wither and die.


-Guardians for Sale-

Flat sales for guardians are the same as they are for kitsusagi
-Please note you may only buy a guardian gem if you already have a kitsusagi!-

-none for sale now-

-Each guardian costs 1k-

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-Rules about breeding-

1. We ask that you not breed siblings or relatives in any way. Kitsusagi are very sensative genetically and inbreeding w/ result in mild or severe birth defects (blindness, paralysis, etc.)
2. Kitsusagi can not breed until they reach adulthood!
3. Do NOT rp breeding in the thread.. *shudders* If you MUST rp something like that, you must do it in PM's or IM's of some kind... This thread is to remain as close to PG as possible.
4. Sickly kitsus aren't healthy enough to breed, meaning if your kitsu IS sickly... no breeding for you.
5. Kitsusagi can only breed twice in their lifetime! Choose wisely.
6. Breeding will result in 2 - 4 eggs.

-The price for breeding is 3k per egg. So if you breed your kitsusagi and you produce 4 eggs, it will be 3k per egg. If you give an egg to a friend it is still 3k per egg. Should you choose not to keep your egg, you can sell it back to the shop for the same 3k and it will be auctioned off.-


2. Since the breeding is more extensive and such a rare occurance breeding will cost 20k and will result in 2 eggs.
3. No owner is allowed to have more than 2 angelics or nightmares.
4. They mate for life and only produce eggs once, so choose your mates wisely.


Nanook123- Angelics & Nightmares
1. Closed

Sanura Panthress- Standard
1. Kitara (Kamiki) & Akehanareru (Mau)- 3 eggs
2. Carmilla (Nokomis & Kipetshin) & Severus (Nokomis & Shadow Myst)- 4 eggs
3. (pending Sanura's confirm) Tara (Ginko) & Nassor (Kaitsu-Ralia)

Angmar- Standard
1. Closed
2. Closed

(More breeders to come)
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Some general rules
1. Kitsusagi do NOT speak english! Meaning, your kitsusagi can not communicate with you verbally. The most a kitsu can do to communicate with it's owner/caretaker is body movements and various clicking and barking like noises. They can however communicate well to eachother, also using various body movements, etc. They can also communicate with their guardians, whom can act like a translator to humans.
2. Please do not fight, unless you have good reason to do so or it's part of the RP. I don't want anyone getting hurt in some pointless argument!


- Our world -
~under construction~

This world we live in is grand, so extraordinaire you'd never really believe my words... till you'd see it for yourself. Our world is full of magic, all that magic carried by the wind around... travelling from our forests, to our desserts, passing through our grasslands and across our rivers. There is so much land to see, and yet still, not all of us will see it... only the wind will, and as it passes, I'll lift my ear up and listen to all the stories it tells me about those far away places.

The forest:

Darkness ensues the plants and tall trees, milineair vegetation all around, looming over ancyent pathways that lead to caves, secret hideouts and to green meadows, hidden inside the forest...

Deep down in the middle of it lies a house, old a tattered, shutters banging int he wind. Few dare stroll in or even by this old place, since it's rumored to have spirits of old, almost millenair kitsus inside, and who knows if they're even nice ones.

The meadows are the light of the forest, bathed in clear sun light, they are almost the only places one can lay down and feel the sun, since the tall trees inside the forest let little light seep through their branches, always in eternal battle to gain the little that does seep in.

Snaking its way across the forest is a main river, branching from it are smaller streams, fish swim in its clear blue waters as birds swoop down to attempt a capture or two.

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Owner List

I would like to thank MAU for setting up the Kitsusagi owner's database. She will be keeping track of the owners and who's who.
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- heart Donaters and White List heart -
From the lovely Buffynick a cute teddie biggrin
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eek Awards eek

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(this edit brought to you by Fyre - with the kind permission of Kinji-kun. I swear. XD )

evil Grey list of almost doom evil
ChEeSeBaLLeR246 - Begging for pets = bad
Nata Kefka - I don't appreciate art theft
Uzumaki Naruto-Kun - Childish behavior due to the result of a flatsale.

evil Black list of doom evil
Yuki Kimura - You know why...
The Bizness Man - Being generally annoying, refusing to read the rules, and being.. impatient.
Hikiri - Learn to read the rules please. When there are none for sale, there are none for sale.
Snidne - Disobeyed the "no whinning" rule. Was warned to stop and didn't.
Sabin Lionheart - Tried to make a scene in Sanura's shop about a PM rather than be smart and not try to start a flame war. Idiot
Doodie Lover - Being a general retard in the thread; demanding an Angelic for a piece of sh!t MS Paint spew. =_= Wins the "Der Dee Der" award

If you would like me to link to you, you must return the favor. I am always looking for cool and interesting places. Post a link in the thread, and I'll get it set up biggrin

Link to us:

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Zodicals & Astrologicals


My Quest for a Bear Hat!
Staff Members/People who helped build the Realm

Kinji Kun - Former-Owner, Founder, Artist, Colorist.. etc.
Nanook123 - Former [ crying ] Owner of the Shop, Colorist/breeder, Customer Service

Sanura Panthress - Co-Owner, Colorist/breeder, Shop's guard lioness/strict policy enforcer
Mau - Co-owner, Colorist, Owner's list Keeper, Sanura's kitten sidekick
Dreor - Colorist
Angmar - Colorist/breeder
Mr. Daikenkai & Kaitsu Ralia - BOUNCERS! They have a right to b!tch you out if you do something STUPID

  • Nan's To-Do List
  • Normals: Scandelerium [Adult], Garrison [Adult], Concerto [Ado + Adult], Squall [Ado + Adult], Cougari [All]
  • Toon'd: Violet & Dash [Ado + Adult], Nightwing [Adult], Carbuncle [Adult]
  • Nature's Best: Xue Mulan [Adult]
  • Nightmares: Syndrome [Ado + Adult], Kumo [Adult?]
  • Angelics: Mr. Incredible [Ado + Adult], Mrs. Incredible [Ado + Adult]
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