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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab I may be a sheep,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab but I'm no
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Vegetarian tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Garret was in his office filing everyone's health records checking who needed a check up and who was getting close for refills on their meds. As you might of guessed Garret is a Doctor and he is also curse with the western zodiac he is the Libra. He was also in charge of erasing memories it was his role as the Libra to do so even if it is a parent of the zodiac wanting to forget their child. He hated erasing memories but he had to do it because no but he had the power to erase memories. Anyway enough of that now he had more important things to think about beside erasing memories. So with that the Libra finished up with his filing and left his office, once he was out of the room he let out a small sigh and started to walk down the hall to the living room and then he passed through the living room and made his way to the front door and then outside.

Once outside Garret began to walk the grounds for a while before coming back inside of the house. Today was his day off but that was for he school job, he was a nurse at a local high school and when he was not working there he was at the main estate which was where he lived taking house calls from family members. Still he does have some free time and he uses it but not very often. He was mainly at the estate doing paper work or checking up on the zodiac and then he started to wonder was there any appointments today he would have to check later as of right now he was going to try to relax for a while. So with that he made his way to the living room and sat down on the couch and picked up the newspaper which was laying on the coffee table and started to read it. He was getting better on his Japanese and that made him proud of himself.

Garret read the paper for about ten minute before putting it down and get up off the couch, once he was standing Garret made his way back to his office and got onto his computer. Once on his computer he began looking up appointments and saw there were a few coming up so he emailed reminders to come to their appointments. Once that was done her turned off his computer and then turn his attention to his medicine cabinet and opened it up making sure they were stocked up on the proper medications and vitamins. As he looked he took note what was getting low and what they had plenty of, and it was there he notice that he was very low on multi vitamins. So he was going to have to buy some more and with that he gather his things that he need and left his office and then the estate and within minute he was in town.


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Location:townCompany: myselfThoughts:.... Mood:calmWearing:clothes Form:

Beloved Survivor

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Rowan Harold Sampson


User name: MissDestinyDrpepper
Full Name: Rowan Harold Sampson
Nick-Name: Row, Ru-ru (by siblings) Lord Death ( employees)
Occupation: Tea and antiques shop owner
Birth certificate

Gender: male
Age: twenty seven
Birth Date: June 2 1991

Nationality: German English Spanish
Sexuality: pansexual
Religion: Lutheran
Crush: I have no time for such silly things
Personality;; ;; Rowan is a normally a calm peaceful man who is very strict with with his employees, but he does have a nasty temper if pressed hard enough. When angered he shouts and says words that he doesn't really mean, but also he has a bad habit of braking whatever he is holding in his hands at the time. Normally it takes an hour or so to calm down, but once he has calmed down he becomes very apologetic and will does all he can to make up for it.Now a side that Rowan rarely ever shows is happy side, a childish side of himself that he has a hard time showing because he never really had a chance to be a child when growing up. Now as for him not showing his happy side of himself he fears that it will lead to love and attachment. Rowan fears falling in love and becoming attached to others for he fears that he will lose those people he cares for. For after losing his family he put up a wall to keep himself from becoming attached and allow that feeling of love and happiness to fill his heart.

Sadness, is also an emotion that he doesn't want to be seen by others, for he had to be strong for his siblings for so long over the years. He couldn't allow them to see him cry or be scared, because he was the oldest he had to be strong and never show any fear never cry, and never to show weakness or that he was stressed. For he was seen as the strong one, the brave one, and that one person that his siblings could put trust in. Rowan had to put up a front for so long he is afraid to be open and be true to himself
    tea sweets books music antiques Jasmine

    bananas and mangos (allergic to both) when someone breaks one of the antiques, late employees burt food thieves


Rowan grew up in a family of seven, he was the oldest of the children and that meant he had the most responsibility out of all of his siblings. His family was also very poor, they just barely scrapped by from month to month but yet they lived happily together. Rowan and his siblings would also help their parents to make ends meet, whether it be collecting empty soda cans and bottles to scamming people, and even some yard work, if it was something that would earn the money they would do it. The younger children collected the bottles and cans, and the middle to older siblings would do the scamming and the hard yard work, and that's how it worked no if and or buts about it they had a system and they stook with it.Yes it was sad that none of his siblings and himself really had a childhood, but they were ok with it as long as they had family they were happy no matter how bad things would become.

Sadly when Rowan was sixteen his father died, and it was up to him and his sister to step up, the both of the dropped out of school to help the family. Rowan took up many odd jobs from construction to serving in cafes, while his sister would help out at home with the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the younger kids in the family. It was that way close to two years before their mother died, and that's when Rowan and his siblings were separated and were sent to different homes to live. This destroyed Rowan, for he no longer had his family with him and had no way to find them, and with that he made the choice that one day he would find his siblings and bring them all together again. So with that Rowan went back to school and went to college, and after he completed them both he opened his own antiques and tea shop. Rowan would set up the store front in old antique items that he and his siblings love, but also in his tea shop he would serve their favorite treats, treats such as turkish delight and lemon cookies.

It had been years since then and he has yet been able to find any of his siblings, but no matter what he was going to find them all. He even named his shop after after their favorite song that their mother would sing to them and the name was popular with costumers, they enjoyed both his tea and the wonderful antique items in his shop. His shop was called Der Mond ist aufgegangen, sure it was a mouthful to say but many people loved it and the loved his shop for it was quiet, peaceful, and relaxing a perfect place to get away for a peaceful evening. Yet due to Rowan being so determined to find his siblings he has neglected his own happiness and due to that there are parts in his life that are suffering

Beloved Survivor

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tab tab Rowan Harold Sampson
tab tab 27
tab tab Male
tab tab MissDestinyDrpepper

Beloved Survivor

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Rowan Harold Sampson


User name: MissDestinyDrpepper
Full Name: Rowan Harold Sampson
Nick-Name: Row, Ru-ru (by siblings) Lord Death ( employees)
Occupation: Tea and antiques shop owner
Birth certificate

Gender: male
Age: twenty seven
Birth Date: June 2 1991

Nationality: German English Spanish
Sexuality: pansexual
Religion: Lutheran
Crush: I have no time for such silly things
Personality;; ;; Rowan is a normally a calm peaceful man who is very strict with with his employees, but he does have a nasty temper if pressed hard enough. When angered he shouts and says words that he doesn't really mean, but also he has a bad habit of braking whatever he is holding in his hands at the time. Normally it takes an hour or so to calm down, but once he has calmed down he becomes very apologetic and will does all he can to make up for it.Now a side that Rowan rarely ever shows is happy side, a childish side of himself that he has a hard time showing because he never really had a chance to be a child when growing up. Now as for him not showing his happy side of himself he fears that it will lead to love and attachment. Rowan fears falling in love and becoming attached to others for he fears that he will lose those people he cares for. For after losing his family he put up a wall to keep himself from becoming attached and allow that feeling of love and happiness to fill his heart.

Sadness, is also an emotion that he doesn't want to be seen by others, for he had to be strong for his siblings for so long over the years. He couldn't allow them to see him cry or be scared, because he was the oldest he had to be strong and never show any fear never cry, and never to show weakness or that he was stressed. For he was seen as the strong one, the brave one, and that one person that his siblings could put trust in. Rowan had to put up a front for so long he is afraid to be open and be true to himself
    tea sweets books music antiques Jasmine

    bananas and mangos (allergic to both) when someone breaks one of the antiques, late employees burt food thieves


Rowan grew up in a family of seven, he was the oldest of the children and that meant he had the most responsibility out of all of his siblings. His family was also very poor, they just barely scrapped by from month to month but yet they lived happily together. Rowan and his siblings would also help their parents to make ends meet, whether it be collecting empty soda cans and bottles to scamming people, and even some yard work, if it was something that would earn the money they would do it. The younger children collected the bottles and cans, and the middle to older siblings would do the scamming and the hard yard work, and that's how it worked no if and or buts about it they had a system and they stook with it.Yes it was sad that none of his siblings and himself really had a childhood, but they were ok with it as long as they had family they were happy no matter how bad things would become.

Sadly when Rowan was sixteen his father died, and it was up to him and his sister to step up, the both of the dropped out of school to help the family. Rowan took up many odd jobs from construction to serving in cafes, while his sister would help out at home with the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the younger kids in the family. It was that way close to two years before their mother died, and that's when Rowan and his siblings were separated and were sent to different homes to live. This destroyed Rowan, for he no longer had his family with him and had no way to find them, and with that he made the choice that one day he would find his siblings and bring them all together again. So with that Rowan went back to school and went to college, and after he completed them both he opened his own antiques and tea shop. Rowan would set up the store front in old antique items that he and his siblings love, but also in his tea shop he would serve their favorite treats, treats such as turkish delight and lemon cookies.

It had been years since then and he has yet been able to find any of his siblings, but no matter what he was going to find them all. He even named his shop after after their favorite song that their mother would sing to them and the name was popular with costumers, they enjoyed both his tea and the wonderful antique items in his shop. His shop was called Der Mond ist aufgegangen, sure it was a mouthful to say but many people loved it and the loved his shop for it was quiet, peaceful, and relaxing a perfect place to get away for a peaceful evening. Yet due to Rowan being so determined to find his siblings he has neglected his own happiness and due to that there are parts in his life that are suffering

Beloved Survivor

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Beloved Survivor

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Rowan Sampson,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Tea and Antiques
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Shop Owner tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Rowan was in the antiques part of his store, he was currently cleaning a small music box that had been brought in a few nights ago. He always made sure all of his items were clean and in working order otherwise it was going to take a lot of convincing for him to sell the antique item to the customer. After twenty minutes or so of tinkering Rowan decided to take a break from the music box and head to the tea shop area of his store, well more like the kitchen area of the tea shop that's were his main focus was at the moment. It was February and the theme was love, that meant hearts, flowers, and chocolate lots of chocolate, and so with he had to be creative with the treats that they would have to sell. Within minutes Rowan was in the kitchen, and God did it smell like heaven the staff was using recipes from his childhood those foods that made him feel at ease. Now the moment he entered the kitchen the air in the room became a little tense, and the reason for that was because Rowan was a very strict boss and expected the best from everyone of his employees but in doing so some of his works had given him the nickname of Lord Death.

"Status report now where are we today," Rowan in a calm voice as he directed his attention to the head cook. "We have sold six hundred eighty chocolate raspberry filled hearts, two hundred an twenty heart shaped short breads, two hundred strawberry turkish delight, and we're about to make a house special delivery," the head cook said as the began coating some turkish delight in powdered sugar. Rowan didn't say a word he just gave a small nod and left the kitchen and entered the dining area and the exited his shop. His shop was called Der Mond ist aufgegangen, it was a song that his mother would sing to him and his siblings. It was a name that he hopes one day will bring his siblings back together it has been so long since he had seen them they had been separated after the death of their mother and Rowan had no way of contacting them. So everyday he tries to find them, it was his goal in life to put their family back together again it was one of the reasons he made his shop it was something he hope would attracted his siblings in some way but he knew the chance for that was slim but he knew he had to try something.

Now that he was outside Rowan decided to go for a walk to clear his mind for a bit, and as he walked Rowan would get looks from some people. It must be because of his hight he was pretty tall braking over six five, or maybe it was his long black hair either way he could care less what other people thought about him. Soon after a bit of walking Rowan could smell the sweet smell of flowers and noticed that he was close to some flower shops and he wondered if he should buy some for his shop. The flowers would be Jasmine of course it was his favorite flower and so he began looking in flower shops for some Jasmine. Once he had found the shop with the Jasmine he bought a couple dozen and left to go back to his shop. When Rowan reached his destination he entered the tea shop and made his way to the door that lead to the antique store. Upon entering the area Rowan put the fresh flowers in a empty vase and left to get some water to keep them hydrated. When Rowan returned with the water he carefully filled the vase and went back to work.

The music box he has working on was a German model, it was black in color and had pink roses on the moving panels that he had yet to get to move. The box was to open when played, and as it would play the panels would move in a twirling motion which would reveal a small figure in the middle the small figure was that of a dove pure white in color and was holding a small pink roses in it's beak.


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Location:the antique shop area of his establishmentCompany:myself Thoughts: I will make this workMood:calmWearing:clothes

Beloved Survivor

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Haruki Motomino

The Red Panda

Wearing: clothes


Haruki Motomino was in his place a business which he owned and was doing very well and he has only been opened for a short three weeks. The red head was very happy that so many people were coming to his flower shop/café/ book store, yes Haruki fused three stores into one why did he do this you ask? Well, because he wanted to try something new and interesting and this is what he came up with and he was happy that he did come up with this place because a lot of nice people came in. Also the people were very nice to him, even if they mistake him as a lovely young woman. How do people make this mistake, well you see Haruki has his mother’s face and he cross dresses as well so it was easy to mistake him as a woman. In fact there are times that he has to prove that he is a man to get into some places, like the men’s room at public places it is actually very amusing really that he will admit, but there are times it is annoying but still he is rather happy with his looks and could care less what others thought about him well certain people he could care less about others he did care what they thought but that’s was only if he considered you very close to his heart.

Now as time ticked away the red head would watch people come and go out of his shop and he listened to the chitchat of young teens in the room. It was the usual talk, what was hot and what was not also he heard a few comments about his shop and his looks as well, and this made the red head smile just a little. He liked complements even more when they were about him, but he never let it go to his head never. Soon enough the red head was getting bored and that was something that he hated, and so he decided to go visit Luna at work, and so with a small yawn and a stretch he was on his way out the door. He knew that every time he left the store Lea would get pissed, but oh well he was the boss and he could come and go as he pleased. Now once outside the red head got his umbrella out rack and opened it and began to walk to Luna’s work with a smile on his face. Now as the red head walk people stared at him giving looks both good and bad, but still Haruki just ignored them all and just kept on walking until he reached his destination.

Now that he had reached his destination he closed his umbrella and placed it on the rack and went on it to the warm coffee shop. Once inside the shop he smiled and let out a small sigh it was so nice and warm in here and he liked it. Still he had to look for Luna, and so he started to looked around and soon he spotted her at a window and it looked as if she was on break, and so without missing a beat he made his way over to her and smiled. “Hello Luna, are you on break right now,” he asked as he sat across from the younger Motomino. Haruki was one of the oldest cursed Motominos of the family, he has seen almost every cursed member of the Motomino family as a small child. Still being one of the oldest cursed Motominos is not a joy at all because his dream of having a family of his own is slowly fading away.


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Beloved Survivor

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Beloved Survivor

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Lili Whitewater,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Psychic
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Yuki Yamato was waking up, but when he opened his eyes he saw that he was in the woods and he didn't know where he was. Still he knew that he had to get out of here so he began to look for a path out of the woods, and as he walked looking for a way out he listened to the sounds of nature until finally he found himself out of the woods. Once out of the woods Yuki took the dirt path before him and as he walked the path before him he would pass people by. As he did for for some reason people ran away from him, and this annoyed him a bit what was wrong with them, why were they scared of him or were they worried about him robbing them with a katana?

Anyway Yuki kept on walking until he reached a small village, once he reached the village the people would give him odd looks, maybe it was the hair and katana or maybe they just had a staring problem. Either way Yuki just ignored them as he kept walking until he saw a blond girl, and she was being bombarded by a bunch of children and being him he made his way over to them. The moment he reached the group all the children's eyes turned to him and the started to move away from him and this made him frowned. "What, I'm not a demon I'm a nice guy now come on," the white haired man said as he looked at the group of people with his arms crossed. It was then he realized that besides the blonde everyone was dressed as if they belonged to the past.


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Location:a villgeCompany: a blonde and some kidsThoughts: what is going on.Mood:bored Wearing: clothesFrorm:human

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Skyler Whitewater

The Psychic Drifter

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Skyler Whitewater

The Psychic Drifter

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