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User Image。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Garret Barton,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Libra
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Garret was in his office filing the family's health charts as well as checking medical supplies and medications for the members of the family both cursed and not cursed. He wanted to make sure everything was in stock because he hated being short on any form of medical supplies or medicine, he had to have everything for his family for he hated seeing anyone sick or injured and not having the tools to help that person. It was his job as the family doctor to make sure everyone was in good health, but also since he was the Libra it was also his job to erase memories of outsiders who discover the family curse as well as those parents who want to forget their cursed child. Garret has erased many people's memories, including his very own mother which still hunts him to this very day. You see in their family when a cursed child was born their parents would either become overprotective or reject the child completely, Garret was rejected by his mother but his father accepted him wholeheartedly which he was grateful for.

Anyway once Garret had everything filed and sorted he summoned a maid and when she arrived Garret handed her an assortment of medicines that where assigned to members of the household. "Make sure they take them all of them and if they refuse to take them notify me on my cell I'm going out for a while," Garret said with a calm smile on his face. If anyone refused and tried to lie to him about it he would make them take a piss test and if they come clean good if not he would give them an ear full. Anyway the maid nodded and left to do as she was told, once the maid was gone Garret left his office and made his way outside for some fresh air. Once outside Garret looked around let out a small sigh and left the Main Estate, now it only took a few minutes to get to town but once he was there Garret could feel people looking at him. He didn't blame them for looking, it wasn't everyday you saw a foreigner especially ones who where well over 6'4, handsome, and had very long hair.

Still despite being stared at he just ignored those around him and explored the town scouting places he could possibly enjoy himself when he had the time. Then Garret spotted a coffee shop and without a word he entered ducking his head slightly as he walked through the door. Now that he was in the coffee shop Garret found himself a table and sat down to the best of his ability, thanks to his long legs sitting in some public places was a little hard but he always managed. Anyway once he was seated he placed his order consisting of a large coffee with cream and sugar along with buttered muffin on the side. Once his order came Garret took a drink of his coffee with a small smile it tasted wonderful, maybe he would come to this place when he would have free time. Then the long haired man took a small look around the coffee shop, the was a few teenagers, some old timers, and a few young adults but the person the really caught his eye was a blonde man dressed in what seemed like gothic attire. After looking the man up and down casually Garret looked away from the man not wanting to be caught staring.

Once Garret looked away from the man he noticed that his legs were starting to feel a little stiff so he deiced to stand up and stretch his legs. Yet as Garret started to stand up a man happened to be walking past and Garret ended up bumping into the man a bit knocking coffee all over the guy. The man screamed as hot coffee was splashed all over his suit, and looked like a very expensive one too. Then that's when the man started yelling at his so loudly and fast Garret couldn't really understand him, but he knew he had to calm him down in some way so he stood at his full height and held his hands in front of him and spoke, "I'm sorry please calm down and speak more slowly I can't understand what you are saying to me." Yet the man ignored him and kept on shouting at him, and that's when he started to get annoyed he was in no mood for being shouted at it was drawing attention to him at he hated that he hated it when others stared at him.


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Location:coffee shopCompany: people in the coffee shop, some blond guy in black, and an angry manThoughts: I have no time for this Mood:annoyedWearing:clothes Form:

Beloved Survivor

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Username: MissDestinyDrpepper
Character Name: Jillian
Race: human with bits of elf
Age: 77 but appears to be in her mid twenties
Gender: female
Appearance:User Image
Weapons Used: Swords, knives, and bow and arrows
Personality: A kind friendly woman with a quick temper, who speaks her mind not caring who she happens to upset she will have her voice be heard. She is also a person that believes in revenge and will take revenge if she thinks its needed and she will not stop until she believes justice has been served.
Biography: Jillian grew up in a small farm town with her mother and father, from a young age Jillian's father taught her to fight since he had no sons he was going to train his daughter to defend her own. As the young woman grew into adulthood she became a skilled fighter, but it was also during this time her mother had passed leaving her and her father to look after the farm. She lived the peaceful life, that's until she lost it all one day while she was gathering water from the river her farm was burned to the ground and her father killed. From that day she hunted for the men the killed her father and when she found them she killed them all slowly and very painfully. After she had her revenge Jillian settled in Laketown working as merchant up until the Battle of Five armies where she fought and survived the battle. After the battle Jillian now lives in Dale where she is helping fix the city to its former glory.

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Jillian ,
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab .. tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Jillian was in Dale helping with the clean up of the city, the day consisted of caring away the dead off the streets, fixing stores, and homes so people had places to sleep. Everyday was work but the more work was done the faster the city would be cleaned and more habitable for the people to live in. Jillian was hopping from place to place making sure people were not over working themselves but also she made sure they were eating as well. As Jillian walked from place to place she could hear people asking what should be done with the bodies once the had been cleared from the streets, and to that she stopped and made he way to the small group and upon seeing her they froze. "Burn them we can't have the smell rotting flesh in the city, it doesn't matter if they race they're burn them we don't need anyone falling ill because of the rot," the woman said in a calm voice before walking away giving them no time to protest.

She knew that most likely they would ask Bard for his idea, and she hoped that he would say the same thing. Anyway as Jillian began walking again she gave a small smile to those she passed by, and after walking around for a bit she made her way to the area where the inured and ill were being treated. There were people on cots and in chairs people were still pain the marks of battle upon their skin, she hated seeing people like this but when fighting a battle one is bound to get hurt. She even had some cuts and bruises, but nothing to bad and after looking around and checking people she left the area. After leaving the medical area Jillian made her way to the gates of the city and upon reaching her destination she saw the some were taking her advice and were burring the bodies of the dead who had been taken out of the city. "Make sure not to use up all of the supplies when burring the dead, and only burn the dead that were taken from our city," Jillian called out and she was given nods in return.

The faster the city was cleaned up the better, she wanted the people to have clean homes live in and clean store to sell their produce. She wanted this city to be full of life again, she had heard wonderful stories of the city before the dragon came. Everyone was happy, and many wonderful things could be bought, traded, and sold in Dale. It really made her whish she was there to see it at its glory, and she hoped that it would be like that once more.


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Location:gates of DaleCompany:peopleThoughts:I want this city to be back to its true gloryMood:calmWearing:clothes

Beloved Survivor

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Name: Dakota Williams
Age: 16
Dorm: [I will decide this]
Grade: Junior
Sexuality: pansexual
Bio: Dakota is a middle child of four and he and siblings were raised by a loving mother and father who love their children very much. Now one might be able to tell but Dakota is the only male out of his siblings not that one could tell due to his girly looks. Growing up he was teased relentlessly for his looks by the other kids in school, and to cope he would play his violin which he showed great talent with as well as some other stringed instruments . As the days went on and Dakota got older his talent grew, but as for him physically not so much this led to more bullying and a few rumors being spread about him. Yet instead of being upset he would just smile and do his best not other's words upset him no matter how cruel others were to him.

In Detail

Likes: [At least 3.]
✔: sweets
✔: animals
✔: the rain
Dislikes: [At Least 3]
✘: being pushed around
✘: being called a girl
✘: being sick
Musical Talent: violin & erhu


Hair Color: dirty blonde
Eye Color: pinkish brown
Height: 5'5
Body Build: slender

Free Period 7 AM - 8 AM
1st Period: Advanced U.S History 8:05 - 9:00
2nd Period: Physics 9:05 - 10:00
3rd Period: swimming 10:05 - 11:00
Lunch: 11:05 - 12:00
5th Period: music 12:05 - 1:00
6th Period: Algebra 1:05 - 2:00

Personality: Very friendly, playful, carefree, has a slight temper, easy to scare, and a little ditzy
Dakota was once a girl
Dakota is scared of the dark
He is a big cry baby
He is a big mama's boy

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Dakota Williams ,
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Location:music room Company:myself and few student Thoughts: This is wonderful the sound of music fills my soulMood:dark modeWearing:clothes

Beloved Survivor

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Beloved Survivor

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Honenuki
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab

tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Gashadokuro,, tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Honenuki was walking down the sidewalk in her kimono which was making everyone stop and look her. Still she just ignored them and kept walking on and a few steps later he stomach started to growl she was hungry and she had to find something to eat. So she was off in search for food before she started eat plants or parts of a bush or tree. She would eat almost anything when hungry she once ate rose garden it pissed off the owner royally and almost got her tossed in the slammer. Then finally after some looking she found a small ice cream stand and bought a small chocolate ice cream and went on her way eating her snack. As she ate her snack she walked the street she just looked around the scent of humans filled her nose and as from what she could tell there was no evil humans out today. Which was a pity she loved to eat evil beings they just tasted so good but oh well the ice cream would have to do.

It was then she remembered that she was to be some where but she could not remember where she needed to be. Oh well it would come to her sooner or later anyway she ate her snack and soon stopped when she smelled something really good. It was a café a sea side café and the smell of the food made her mouth water, and so the long haired girl ate her ice cream in one last bite and made her way to the café while at the same time cleaning her face. She knew that soon that some of the people in the café ears were going to ring. It was very common for her since what she was a Gashadokuro it was a warning to all that she was close by and hungry. Moments later she was at the café and she noticed that there was a Shinigami and also a green haired man and so she made her way deeper into the café.

Then she felt someone touch her and she hated to touched and so she turned around to look at the preson allowing her spirit power to slowly leek out. The person that touched her gave her a look of fear as they stated to back up. "Don't ever touch me.....do it again and I will devourer you into nothingness," Honenuki said in a chilling voice. "Sorry I promise it will not happen again," the man said in pure fear as he handed her menu and ran off in fear. Honenuki just gave a small sigh as she sucked backed her spirit energy and found a place to sit down and started to look over the menu.


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Location: cortyardsome café : two peopleThoughts:Hmmm .Mood:calmWearing:kimono

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Name: Elijah Lisizt Engelhaft
Age: 26
Race: angel/human
Nationality: American
Appearance:User Image
Sexuality: pansexual
Bio: Elijah grew up in a orphanage, he never knew his mother or father nor did the orphanage he was told that he was found on the side of the road and nothing more. Elijah was ten when he was taken in by a young German couple who raised as their own. Now it was in his teen years Elijah started to notice that he was different from the other kids much different, he was stronger and faster than the kids and even most adults around him. Elijah was about eighteen when he finally figured out what he was, it was on a high school camping trip when his back started hurting horribly and no pain medication seemed to work. Yet he kept his mouth shut he didn't want to look like a wussy no matter how much it hurt. It was in the middle of the night when he was going to the bathroom outside when he collapsed from the pain, and that's when they showed up two angels. They told Elijah what he was and who his parents and what had happened to them were as they cut open his back to release wings for the first time.

His father was an angel who fell in love with a human woman and their union led to his creation, but sadly his father was killed fighting the forces of darkness and his mother died a month after his birth. She tried to protect him from a monster that wanted them both dead, and so to protect she abandoned him to fight the monster and she managed to kill the beast but at the cost of her life. After discovering the truth about his family he decided from there he would fight the things that go bump in the night so no one else would fall to the hand of darkness.
Powers: Flight (grows wings), healing, super strength, and super speed
Weapon:holy water, silver blades, guns, and grenades
Job: Hunter and coffee shop owner
Favorite Color: Dark blue

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Elijah Lisizt Engelhaft ,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Angelic
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Hunter tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Elijah was in the back of his coffee shop which was closed at the moment, he as of right now was just finishing taking inventory of everything in the shop. Now Elijah was a man of many secrets, this coffee shop was just a cover for his true job which was being a hunter. Yet he didn't hunt animals, no Elijah hunted much bigger darker game....he hunted monsters yes monsters the monsters your parents said weren't real. Monsters were very real, and has faced many beasts of the night and thanks to his angelic blood he had a bit of an upper hand on his foes. Yes not only were monsters real but angels as well, his father was a angel and his mother was human making him half angel.

Now when Elijah was done with inventory he gathered his things shut off the lights and left his shop and made his way home. It only took a short amount of time to get home but one he was home he geared up and dressed up. This dressing up was a trap to attracted vampires and other beasts, because who wouldn't go after a nicely dressed man. Now once everything was in order Elijah said a prayer and left to get to work, once he was outside wings appeared on Elijah's back and he took flight high in the sky unseen by the world down below. Now once Elijah had reached his destination he quickly landed some where out of sight. Now once he had landed Elijah began to walk looking for his target, it was a vampire male, mid thirties, 6'1, blond hair, and blue eyes. This vampire went after both men and women and he had a type and Elijah fit the vampire's victim pool, and he hoped that this vampire would take notice of him and make a move.

After walking around what seemed like forever his target approached him with a dazzling smile. Elijah looked the vampire up and down while giving a smile, and from there the two talked Elijah play the vampire's game and finally got his target Victor to take him to an disserted alley and their fight started. The fight if you wanted to call it that ended fairly quickly, the vampire was a weak fight and his life was ended by Elijah's blade. Now that his mission was over he could do what he wanted now.


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Location: an alleyCompany:myselfThoughts: Mood:calmWearing:clothes

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Rowan Harold Sampson


User name: MissDestinyDrpepper
Full Name: [Rowan Harold, Sampson]
Nick-Name: Row, Ru-ru (Siblings), Lord Death (by his employees)
Occupation: Tea and Antiques shop owner
Birth certificate

Gender: male
Age: twenty seven
Birth Date: June 2 1991

Nationality: German, English, Spanish
Sexuality: pansexual
Religion: Lutheran
Crush: I have no time for such silly things
Personality;; Rowan is a normally a calm peaceful man who is very strict with with his employees, but he does have a nasty temper if pressed hard enough. When angered he shouts and says words that he doesn't really mean, but also he has a bad habit of braking whatever he is holding in his hands at the time. Normally it takes an hour or so to calm down, but once he has calmed down he becomes very apologetic and will does all he can to make up for it.

Now a side that Rowan rarely ever shows is happy side, a childish side of himself that he has a hard time showing because he never really had a chance to be a child when growing up. Now as for him not showing his happy side of himself he fears that it will lead to love and attachment. Rowan fears falling in love and becoming attached to others for he fears that he will lose those people he cares for. For after losing his family he put up a wall to keep himself from becoming attached and allow that feeling of love and happiness to fill his heart.

Sadness, is also an emotion that he doesn't want to be seen by others, for he had to be strong for his siblings for so long over the years. He couldn't allow them to see him cry or be scared, because he was the oldest he had to be strong and never show any fear never cry, and never to show weakness or that he was stressed. For he was seen as the strong one, the brave one, and that one person that his siblings could put trust in. Rowan had to put up a front for so long he is afraid to be open and be true to himself.

    tea, sweets, antiques, books, music, Jasmine

    mangos, bananas (allergic to both), when someone breaks one of the antiques, burnt food, late employees, thieves


Rowan grew up in a family of seven, he was the oldest of the children and that meant he had the most responsibility out of all of his siblings. His family was also very poor, they just barely scrapped by from month to month but yet they lived happily together. Rowan and his siblings would also help their parents to make ends meet, whether it be collecting empty soda cans and bottles to scamming people, and even some yard work, if it was something that would earn the money they would do it. The younger children collected the bottles and cans, and the middle to older siblings would do the scamming and the hard yard work, and that's how it worked no if and or buts about it they had a system and they stook with it.Yes it was sad that none of his siblings and himself really had a childhood, but they were ok with it as long as they had family they were happy no matter how bad things would become.

Sadly when Rowan was sixteen his father died, and it was up to him and his sister to step up, the both of the dropped out of school to help the family. Rowan took up many odd jobs from construction to serving in cafes, while his sister would help out at home with the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the younger kids in the family. It was that way close to two years before their mother died, and that's when Rowan and his siblings were separated and were sent to different homes to live. This destroyed Rowan, for he no longer had his family with him and had no way to find them, and with that he made the choice that one day he would find his siblings and bring them all together again. So with that Rowan went back to school and went to college, and after he completed them both he opened his own antiques and tea shop. Rowan would set up the store front in old antique items that he and his siblings love, but also in his tea shop he would serve their favorite treats, treats such as turkish delight and lemon cookies.

It had been years since then and he has yet been able to find any of his siblings, but no matter what he was going to find them all. He even named his shop after after their favorite song that their mother would sing to them and the name was popular with costumers, they enjoyed both his tea and the wonderful antique items in his shop. His shop was called Der Mond ist aufgegangen, sure it was a mouthful to say but many people loved it and the loved his shop for it was quiet, peaceful, and relaxing a perfect place to get away for a peaceful evening. Yet due to Rowan being so determined to find his siblings he has neglected his own happiness and due to that there are parts in his life that are suffering.

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tab tab Rowan Harold Sampson
tab tab twenty seven
tab tab male
tab tab MissDestinyDrpeppper

'Gimme Fish n' Chips

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Ακɑɳе Sѻɦмɑ

The Blind Horse of The Zodiac



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location: with: mood: thoughts: health: form: clothes: crush:

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。 ゚ ☽☾ tab tab tab tab Rowan Sampson,
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab The Tea and Antiques
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Shop Owner tab tab ☽☾。 ゚

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Rowan was in the antiques part of his store, he was currently cleaning a small music box that had been brought in a few nights ago. He always made sure all of his items were clean and in working order otherwise it was going to take a lot of convincing for him to sell the antique item to the customer. After twenty minutes or so of tinkering Rowan decided to take a break from the music box and head to the tea shop area of his store, well more like the kitchen area of the tea shop that's were his main focus was at the moment. It was February and the theme was love, that meant hearts, flowers, and chocolate lots of chocolate, and so with he had to be creative with the treats that they would have to sell. Within minutes Rowan was in the kitchen, and God did it smell like heaven the staff was using recipes from his childhood those foods that made him feel at ease. Now the moment he entered the kitchen the air in the room became a little tense, and the reason for that was because Rowan was a very strict boss and expected the best from everyone of his employees but in doing so some of his works had given him the nickname of Lord Death.

"Status report now where are we today," Rowan in a calm voice as he directed his attention to the head cook. "We have sold six hundred eighty chocolate raspberry filled hearts, two hundred an twenty heart shaped short breads, two hundred strawberry turkish delight, and we're about to make a house special delivery," the head cook said as the began coating some turkish delight in powdered sugar. Rowan didn't say a word he just gave a small nod and left the kitchen and entered the dining area and the exited his shop. His shop was called Der Mond ist aufgegangen, it was a song that his mother would sing to him and his siblings. It was a name that he hopes one day will bring his siblings back together it has been so long since he had seen them they had been separated after the death of their mother and Rowan had no way of contacting them. So everyday he tries to find them, it was his goal in life to put their family back together again it was one of the reasons he made his shop it was something he hope would attracted his siblings in some way but he knew the chance for that was slim but he knew he had to try something.

Now that he was outside Rowan decided to go for a walk to clear his mind for a bit, and as he walked Rowan would get looks from some people. It must be because of his hight he was pretty tall braking over six five, or maybe it was his long black hair either way he could care less what other people thought about him. Soon after a bit of walking Rowan could smell the sweet smell of flowers and noticed that he was close to some flower shops and he wondered if he should buy some for his shop. The flowers would be Jasmine of course it was his favorite flower and so he began looking in flower shops for some Jasmine.


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Location:some flower shops Company:myself Thoughts: I must find themMood:calmWearing:clothes

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[Mixed Breed]

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Name: Itarildë Tinehtelë
But You May Call Me: Spirit
I’ve Been Alive For: 1,000
My side: Good
Race: Elf/Man with a spot of dwarf
Home: Dale
I am: Commoners/merchant/ Trader
I Am Unique: Hot tempered, friendly, tricky (sometimes), playful, and loud
My Story is: Itarildë Tinehtelë was born with a odd bloodline, she had human, elf, and very little dwarf in her. So you can say that her childhood was a bit difficult for her, she was disliked by the elves for having tainted blood most humans avoided her, but as for the dwarves they tolerated her. Still despite being treated differently among the races she was loved by her mother and father, and this made her very happy. Now as Itarildë grew she was trained by her mother and father, she learned to fight, play music, and trade. She had a very peaceful childhood nothing to big happened to her and she was happy for that, but that changed when she became a teenager things changed when her parents were killed by a thief in the middle of the night. After the death of her family she left her village and began to wonder the world on her own; knowing very well that the villagers really didn't like her much she left before they could make her leave.

Alone and with no one to guide her Itarildë use her skills with trade and music to get by, but when doing her trade she dressed as a man believing that she would be taken more seriously if her client believed she was a man. She would trade teas to weapons, and when she wasn't trading she was playing music in pubs and street corners to get extra money. Upon reaching adulthood Tinehtelë was a well known trader by the name of Spirit many would seek her and try to trade the many valuable items that she carried. Though a well known trader, many were questioning what she was, she had elven beauty but didn't have the ears she had human features but with white hair and above average strength. Yet no matter how much people would ask Tinehtelë would never say a word about her bloodline
I Like: Food, trading, tea, animals, swimming, and music
I Dislike: Being looked down upon, rudeness, spiders, having to fight, losing items, and being asked about her blood line
Weapons: sword, dagger, bow and arrow
I Am Strong: trading, fighting.
But I Still Have a Weakness: Temper, fear of heights,
Do You Want to Know a Secret?: Thranduil
My Own Hidden Wisdom:
The One Hiding Behind My Mask: MissDestinyDrpepper

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