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Dangerous Spotter

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Emma Sears

When the order was made she looked back over to Daemon. "Not sure about that thing. I do know its tactics were rather agressive and meeting those strategy's is a hard thing to do. Even harder with the field spell it used based on what I saw it doing." Smiling she would offer him a bit of a tactical tip. "Should you plan on dueling more of those things. Use something that makes effects like that null and void. The trap card By Order of the Emperor allows you to negate monster effects that have effects when normal summoned at your discretion. What can be considered a draw back is the person who owned the monster draws one card. Plus side is you can only decide if it negates. Meaning you keep your effects but they don't." She had two copies already of the card. Emma would leave it up to him if he wanted to hunt down that card. It was a common print card but probably not one usually stocked.
Rei Misaki
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Rei's train of thought was put into a siding as Tristan approached her, the same smile he wore the other day. Turning to him, she nodded to him, before looking back at her cards. "Greetings, Mr. Truesdale. Come to follow me around some more?" she asked, but her question lacked the irritation she had had when he first spoke to her before. She was defeated in a Duel by him. He could do as he pleased. And it was a step up from her "Stalker" accusation that previous day as well. Setting her Blue-Eyes White Dragons back on her deck, she turned to him once more. "Or was there something you wanted?" she asked him, still showing no signs of annoyance with him. Simple acceptance.

Akaito Roshen
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                                                          School roofxxxx mportant tems: Millennium Keyxxxxompany:Leon

                                                          Faye placed a hand over her mouth as Kudabbi began to laugh at the boys determination."I guess some people just don;t quite get it. Now it's time for you supremely awesome a** whooping!" he rolled his eyes embarrassed that she made him say such a lame thing. he wondered what it's be like if her were to get a normal and smarter card owner then maybe he wouldn;t have to go through this. With a quick movement of her arm, she activated her duel disk while Kudabbi yelled,"Let's get this a** whopping started! Ladies first as always, so I'll go first. I'll definitely sow you that I'm no little sarcophagus." he once again turned his face in shame wanting to disappear into her pocket. Like an over excited child she grabbed six cards from her hands and scanned the card letting out a small sigh when she saw that her cards were no good. Grabbing two naturia monsters Kudabbi yelled,"I'll drop three face downs and end my turn!" She hope he didn't seen through her bluff, because the two face down would be utterly useless against his attacks. Her monster had a somewhat good def. but it's eff wouldn't really help unless the monster was in defense. Under her mask you could see her pissed expression which quickly change to that of fear as she did not like the aura that kept eating at her from her deck. She knew what it was, but wondered how long before it consumed her being and cause her to become crazed to play it. She didn't know and never wanted to find out.

                                                          LP: 8000
                                                          Deck: 35
                                                          Hand: 3
                                                          Monster: 1 facedown
                                                          S/T: 2 facedowns
                                                          Graveyard: None
                                                          Removed: None
                                                          Extra: 15

                                                          Akaito Roshen
                                                          Short post TT^TT

Sparkly Sex Symbol

7,325 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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Leon chuckled slightly as the little girl threatened him with "a supremely awesome a** whooping" He had a feeling his new deck would be just fine. He watched her set one monster and three facedowns, which was no issue for Leon, he always liked a good challenge, and a nice wall of an unknown monster and three possibly dangerous facedown cards was a nice set up for him to work around. "Alright then Big Sarcophagus my move, so ill draw six cards and do this!" Leon smiled, not a bad first turn hand. First I summon Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and use her effect popping your middle backrow and switching her to defense mode. Now I special Summon my Guardain Eatos from my hand, and Ill have her attack your face down monster! Then I will set one card and end my turn. But not before Lyla makes me mill three cards.

LP: 8000
Deck: 33
Hand: 3
Monster: Lyla (in defense) 1700/200, Eatos 2500/2000
S/T: 1 facedown
Graveyard: Guardian Eatos, Magician of Faith, D.D. Assailant
Extra: 15

Those Weirdos

Sparkly Sex Symbol

7,325 Points
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                                                          "Good Move, I'm Impressed!"
                                                          'Of Course My Move Is Gonna Be Better'

                                                          Tristan smiled, Rei seemed to have less hostility towards him today, something he very much appreciated. He pulled out a chair and sat across from her at her table. "Well Rei, since you are inviting me, I just might follow you around a bit." Before he could do or say anything else a waiter came over asked if he could take Tristan's order, he turned to the waiter and answered "Yes, could I have some Green Tea and an order of Riceballs Please" The waiter nodded and walked away. Tristan thought for a moment, it was nice to be out and about again, the school felt crowded and noisy, but at the restaurant, even with the chit chat at other tables, it was quiet enough that one could sit, listen, and think clearly, something Tristan very much appreciated. He then turned his attention back to Rei saying "I'm just wondering Rei, but what is it that brought you to this Island, and this school, what do you hope to achieve or attain while you are here?" He smiled at her waiting to hear how she would answer, because she seemed like someone with a specific intent.

Where: North Restaurant
Who: Rei
Out of Cards:

Rei Misaki
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Rei's expression seemed to be relatively devoid of much emotion, though she did show a light surprise, a passing flicker in her eyes. "An odd question to ask me." she responded, taking a sip of her milkshake. She took the Moment to briefly consider her answer. "My aspirations are no different from any other student here. I seek to become as strong as possible and to perhaps attain the potential to become a Dueling Champion. What else is there but to grow in strength as a duelist?" she inquired. As far as she could see, that was the only reason to truly be here. Anyone else who was here didn't understand the purpose of the organization that was constructed upon the Island. Those who were here simply for a good time would usually end up as nothing but failures.

Akaito Roshen

Arrinae Tsuki's Husband

Beloved Lunatic

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Daemon Tsubaki
~Duelist of Chaos~

"That is a very interesting card. I may have to look into, even if only to learn to counter it." Daemon laughed as he said the last part, though deep down he logged away that info. He was in fact going to use it later, as he refused to lose again. He would do anything to win and to gain more power. Snapping out of his thoughts he looked back at Emma. "Sorry for my ignorance but how long have you been a teacher here? This is my third year and I do not think I have seen you around here."

Mitzy-nyan's Senpai

Astounding Worker

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Galeo D. Debella
¢αη уσυ ∂єƒєαт му σяι¢нαℓ¢σѕ?

The shroud of night had fallen, and with it, the nightcubs around the town had opened. This one was no different, just notably bigger. Smoke filled the inside as a sea of young adults were drinking and dancing to their heart's content. The women who worked there were all mostly walking around the floor looking for their next customer, or stripping and dancing on one of the many stages' poles. A powerful rave beat shook the walls and practically the air itself. In the very back of this establishment was a large office, lavishly covered in all types of expensive decoration. It felt like it wasn't even a part of the building, especially since the music was much, much quieter than the stages...and directly across from the entrance of the office, on the other end of the room, was a suited man sitting alone on a couch, speaking on a very modern cell phone with an "in control" deep, tone to one of his thugs. "I see, I see...I didn't expect this, but it can work out well for us. All they need is to possess it for their inner evil begins to surface...in fact, this is actually perfect." He said to the thug with a dark grin. Hanging up the phone, he snapped his fingers, and within seconds two of his thugs were standing at attention in front of him. He rose from his expensive seat and began walking towards the front entrance of the club. "Prepare a car, I have somewhere I need to be." It had been a busy day for him, he'd not too long before gotten a hole of a very...interesting artifact. It couldn't have even been two hours before that he...obtained it from some joker on the streets...more like a victim, really.

By the time he was outside, a sleek, black car was already waiting for him with the back door opened and another two of his thugs in the drivers seat and the passenger's seat. He made his way inside of the back and immediately, his baritone voice had a command. "One of our soldiers has fallen, it seems...and our assailants are still in the area at some restaurant near the location. I expect you'll be able to find it." During the trip, the man received another call, naturally, he answered. "Yes? What is it? His eyes narrowed with surprise at the answer to his question. "...Are you sure it's the Slifer? It did what? I see...this actually makes thing even better, then." Stopping the car before it neared the restaurant, the man opted to walk the short distance, just to be safe. He could already sense the power of the Orichalcos seal resonating with another nearby. The little things like that made his job easier.

He approached a table with a blue-haired boy and a brown-haired woman. These were the ones who'd destroyed the soldier. Pulling a chair to the table, he calmly sat, already in a strict-business mood as he interrupted their conversation. "It has come to my attention that the two of you had the pleasure of running into an Orichalcos Soldier." Something like that was sure to get their attention. Intertwining his fingers in front of his, he continued to speak with shifting eyes. "We made that one quite powerful, it's a surprise that you were able to defeat it. Of course..," He continued, the look in his eyes growing sharp. "I doubt it would be much trouble for the owner of an Egyptian God card." He remained silent for a moment, expecting the last sentence to need a moment to sink in. "But I digress, I assume you picked up a peculiar card after destroying the soldier?"

Toushiro Tsuki

Dapper Partier

9,850 Points
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Miyuki Tenshi
I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
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It was a cool evening as a girl with shoulder length brunette hair and sky blue eyes sat on the sill of her large bedroom window with one leg draped outside. In her arms she held a little pink creature shaped like a ball with four golden wings, two on each side, and a heart on its forehead. It was the night of her second day at Duel School Island and though she hadn't had anything exciting happen to her yet she figured it may happen soon. After all it was just the second day.

Suddenly her stomach rumbled which made her jump a bit as she had been spacing out looking at the sky. The girl looked down to her companion and said, "Seems I'm a bit hungry. Maybe we should go to the cafeteria and get some food, right Happy Lover?" Happy Lover squealed in agreement as the girl carefully lowered herself out of her window and started walking towards the cafeteria with her spirit floating by her side. It may have been dark and she was alone but she knew they had to be close by.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubtsUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Sparkly Sex Symbol

7,325 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Full closet 200
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                                                          "Good Move, I'm Impressed!"
                                                          'Of Course My Move Is Gonna Be Better'

                                                          Tristan grinned as he listened to her explanation, his red eye tinting in the light of the restaurant, and all the chit chatting around him became muffled and eventually non-existent, all he could here were Rei's words he was focused. This is how he became in serious duels, and he could tell how serious Rei was about dueling, and with her already natural talent, he knew she could make it pro very soon, and if he offered his endorsement and maybe a bit of practice, she would skyrocket and reach his ranks very quickly. Suddenly all that focus was changed and he seemed to relax immensely as the waiter approached the table with a plate of Riceballs and a cup of Green Tea. Rei nodded at the waiter and began to speak to Rei, allowing his tea to cool. "Rei, that is the exact answer I was hoping for, I merely asked to affirm what I had assumed. You have an insatiable hunger to duel and to win, to be no ones lesser. Like me. And I want to help you get there, I would like to help you go pro, endorsing you, funding you, giving you any help you need, just let me know.......Feel free to take a Riceball" Tristan smiled softly and began eating a Riceball, he then deeply inhaled his green tea allowing the steam to fill his lungs. He didn't expect Rei to take him up on his offer at first, he felt she most likely had too much pride to take his help. But maybe eventually she would.

Where: Northern Restaurant
Who: Rei
Out of Cards:


Devoted Cleric

10,275 Points
  • Battle: KO 200
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Battle: Level Up 200
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Kazama Masaru

Kazama was sitting in a tree outside, enjoying the nice weather on this fine evening. He was watching as a fly got caught in a spider's web, struggling and trying to get away only to be stuck there. Then the spider came out and crawled over, wrapping up the fly around in its sticky thread into a cocoon before eating it whole. Kazama chuckled as he saw that, smiling and never having understood why people are always so scared of spiders and disgusted by a scene like this. Spiders need to eat too and this is how they get their food.

He had then felt a presence, guessing that it must have been an Orichalcos soldier before it went away. It was probably defeated then, thinking that those soldiers are so weak and stupid. So he then jumped off the tree, landing back on the ground as he wondered what to do now. Should he go find and get another soul for Paradius, or does he want to scare and send some poor innocent person to the Shadow Realm? Kazama was thinking of which to do when he could hear someone walking close by, wanting to see who it was.

So he went to check it out, surprised to see that it was a young looking girl, walking all by herself at night. Does she not know that it is dangerous for a girl to be out alone at night? She must be very naive and most definitely a first year, how perfect for him. Then Kazama followed her before stepping out of the shadows in front of her. "Hello there. I've never seen you before, you must be new here. Don't you know that it's dangerous to be walking out alone at night?" he said to her as he was figuring out which deck he wanted to use. Should he scare her with his snakes, or his insects? He waited to see how she would react to him and his question before deciding. Either way, she is going to be his prey tonight.

The Sphinxy

Dangerous Spotter

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Emma Sears

She smiled to the student. "Just started this year." Emma was about to say something else when a rather good looking guy joined them. What he choose to say did surpise her. "You know what that thing is...?" Asking as she looked away so she wasn't making eye contact. Thinking something to her self as she wondered how much he knew.
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Deck Name Goblin Army
Deck Ace Great Maju Garzett
Deck Style Beatdown

Charles felt the prescience of the Orichalcos soldier being destroyed but at least it got one soul for the Leviathan before it was destroyed. He wondered who was the duelist who managed to beat the soldier. He went out to see if he could find anyone to add to the souls for the leviathan.

Dapper Partier

9,850 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Millionaire 200
  • Happy Birthday! 100
((I knew mentioning that Miyuki is all alone and wandering outside would attract a bad guy. lol Though I really don't want her to go to the Shadow Realm. o.o))

Miyuki Tenshi
I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
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The girl was continuing her way to the cafeteria when she met a rather handsome looking man who seemed to also be walking around at night. She figured he was a fellow student and his comment on how dangerous it was to be alone made her stop to think. The brunette didn't even think about the fact it may have been dangerous for a girl like her to wander in the dark. She blushed a bit at the boy at his supposed concern and said "I'm not afraid really. I was just heading to the cafeteria which isn't too far from here so I thought I would be fine."

She squeezed Happy Lover a bit, wondering what this boy was doing out here anyway. Maybe he was headed somewhere too? "Oh, um, my name is Miyuki by the way. I'm new here and haven't really talked to anyone. Pleased to meet you."she grinned at him, not quite sensing his possible evil intentions though Happy Lover fidgeted a bit in Miyuki's arms.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubtsUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Devoted Cleric

10,275 Points
  • Battle: KO 200
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Battle: Level Up 200
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Kazama Masaru

Kazama was listening to her as she said that she was heading to the cafeteria so she thought that she would be fine. Then he heard as she introduced herself and said that she was a first year, smiling at him, noticing her blush too. Oh god, this girl is so innocent and naive that it's ridiculous! She even has a Happy Lover plushy, talk about being an angel. Kazama was surprised that she would even think that he is handsome, but then again she is extremely innocent and doesn't know everything about him. "But still, even a short walk at night can be dangerous for a girl such as you. I'm Kazama, it is nice to meet you too. I was wondering, would you care for a duel? I'm a third year, so I could test you in a way and see how your deck needs improving." he then said back to Miyuki as he smiled, deciding that he would use his Snakes deck. Kazama wanted to see her reactions to his snakes, how scared she would be of them, especially if she uses a deck with Light monsters like he thinks she would due to that Happy Lover plushy. He also wanted to have a regular duel, not being so cruel and inhuman as to send an innocent soul like hers to the Shadow Realm.

The Sphinxy
lol, don't worry. I won't have it be a Shadow duel then, so you're safe.

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