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ENDGAME is finally here. Will everyone make it out alive?

Yes! 0.14285714285714 14.3% [ 2 ]
Most of them will 0.35714285714286 35.7% [ 5 ]
No : ( 0.28571428571429 28.6% [ 4 ]
I hope everyone dies and UMA wins 0.21428571428571 21.4% [ 3 ]
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< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 178 179 180 > >> >>> »|

Intergalactic Prophet

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Anthony was pleased at the reception of their transformations. A sort of satisfaction that they saw the three of them as something special. That was when Alia announced the mission start and everyone began warping off. Ryan, always the hair trigger warped off first leaving Anthony reaching out to slow down his brother that was no longer there. He then saw the coffee pot falling through the air and was left speechless by Paul's hasty exit. At that point he realized he should get out of there before he was left completely in the dust.

"Alright I'd better catch up to them before they get into too much trouble," He said before warping to their destination. He'd have a few choice words for Ryan when he got there.

Antares Status: Get a Move-on!
~Damage Threshold: [[Low]] [[Mid]] [[High]]
~Excellerant: Ready
Anthony Status: D@^^1t, Ryan!
I am: Warping
GPS says:Warping to Central Highway, Abel City from Maverick Hunter HQ, Abel City

Quotable Nymph

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Daughter of Prometheus

Iris glanced back at the woman and returned her gaze to Vile, "What a fitting name for a vile creature." she said as she gave a slight look of disgust. "Why would master make someone like you help me out." she said to the woman as she turned her gaze back on the woman. As Vile tried to scare the science bots she scoffed, "Please he won't hurt anyone not as long as i'm here." she said as she. Get on with the experiments if he even dares to try to escape i'll cut him don't in an instant." she said as she grabbed her beam sword and activated it. the sword hummed and glew a bright yellow. "Open the cage and get to work men." she said she knew they had other things in place ot stop him from escaping, but she would wasl make sure he didn't try anything funny.
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⊚Megaman X⊚

⊚Location: Warping to Central Highway with Zero from Abel City, Hunter Base- The War Room
X's Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'Destroying Mavericks may make the world a safer place..'

X and Zero both nodded in unison as Alia wrapped up explaining their mission to them. "I'd rather avoid the violence all together but...I'll do what needs to be done if it means saving Reploid lives. Let's go Zero!" X and Zero both synced up with the Warping Satellite, their bodies breaking down into trillions of molecules that reformed into a beam of light representing each other. The blue and red lights beamed through the ceiling of Hunter Base, steadily heading towards Central Highway.

'..but, it doesn't make my conscience any cleaner'

Neka1's Husband

Angelic Husband

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Thoughts: I will not be late AGAIN.
Location: Abel City - Central Highway

She checked her watch for a third time. She still had fifteen minutes before it was time for class. The highway should take her there. The taxi driver was saying something about needing to re-route. She could hear the reploid commenting on how it would take longer to arrive but an advisory had been put out. Lily wasn't going to hear it.

"There's no way I'm being late for class AGAIN because of an advisory," she growled at the reploid. The driver tried to encourage her that it was probably a good idea to heed the instructions. What if there were Mavericks? "This is Abel City. There are hunters. I am not scared of some stupid Maverick. I will die if my teachers don't think I'm serious about my schoolwork. Are we clear?"

The reploid looked rather cross. She looked cross back. The pair were at a standoff. Begrudgingly, the reploid accepted her request, sticking to the highway. Good. She hadn't seen a Maverick strike yet. Eden City didn't have many Mavericks with the restrictions on reploids there. Here it seemed like folks were crying Maverick over a mechaniloid putting the glass in the metal recycle bin. Seriously, that wasn't Maverick, that was a malfunction. Something that could be repaired. Sure, her parents had taught her that much, but it didn't seem like people in Abel City were all too clear on the difference. What she'd give to be back in Eden City now.
User Image [ NAME:// SEPHTIS & HALA ]
[ LOCATION:// Prometheus Corporation Tower - Lower Level Containment Area, Eden City ]
[ OOC:// - - - ]

Maybe you should ask him,” Sephtis replied, shrugging slightly towards Iris.Her tone came off as rude with how careless her choice of words have been, but she really could care less. Right now, the only thing that mattered was her mission to aid Iris in escorting the big, scary monster. The sooner they get through with this part, the faster they can get on with their life…and possibly do something more interesting than leading out a dangerous figure that seems to be craving for wall pancakes.

She would have sighed, but her biometal interrupted her suddenly in the form of a disembodied voice. “You really shouldn’t be so blunt, Sephtis. It's not very respectful.

The biometal’s words did not cause any reaction from her wielder.

Neka1's Husband

Angelic Husband

23,625 Points
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Pollux Volt, Paul Orion

FIRESTORM FORMATION GO! ||| Stand and Fight!
Current Charge: 20,000 volts
Pollux Status: Well, they're off... we should wait here...
Paul Status: They ran ahead...?
Action: Confused but waiting for Anthony and Zero to get here!
Location: Warping to Abel City - Central Highway from Abel City - Maverick Hunter HQ

"Here we go~! Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy~!"

The teenager landed on the ground, looking around on the highway. The rest of the group seemed to have rushed ahead. He hit the thrusters to get air and get upward, and saw that Ryan had definitely already flown ahead, Tenfold and Kizuku following behind. He was about to fly ahead when Pollux called out to him.

'Wait! We should wait for Anthony and the others. It's not safe to rush ahead,' he minded to the teen. Paul hated to hear that. But he was right. Besides, someone had to cover the late arrivals. He stayed airborne but in position, starting up the communication link he shared with Anthony and Ryan. He didn't have much he could say to either right now. This was a mission, right? He spotted a least one car which was operating on the road. Was it civilian? He couldn't tell from this distance.

"Okay, Pollux. We'll wait," he said. He wanted to race ahead, but Pollux was right. He stood at the ready, his broadsword in hand. Kizuku and Tenfold were with Ryan. Hopefully they could have an eye on him.

"uggghhh... I should have seen this coming..."

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Intergalactic Prophet

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In what felt like less than a second, but which was more likely somewhat longer, Anthony found himself on the Central Highway. It was familiar, if only from the frequent flyovers he, Paul, and Ryan had taken of Abel City to familiarize themselves with the airspace. As soon as he was fully solid he opened the biometals' commlink and had to restrain himself from bursting his brothers' eardrums as he called out.

"Ryan you little $#i1!" Anthony was beyond frustrated, "Two years of practice, Ryan, I thought you knew better than to go cowboy at this point. We've worked on this, man. Just tell me you're okay, alright? As for you, Paul, good on you for holding back, but I'll cover the rest as they arrive if you want to go support the speedsters. I'll join you and Ryan in the air once everyone's here and I've gotten the all-clear. Save on your energy though, once we reach Rinokeros I want to try that move."

Then he drew his twin sabers and waited for the rest of the team to beam in. He wouldn't have to wait long, he thought, then he could get airborn with his brothers.

Antares Status: C'mon Mavericks, give me an excuse.
~Damage Threshold: [[Low]] [[Mid]] [[High]]
~Excellerant: Ready
Anthony Status: Paul should be able to reach the others and give them some support.
I am: In Defensive Stance.
GPS says:Central Highway, Abel City
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⊚Location: Eden City, Prometheus Corporation Tower, Lower Levels- Containment Area
Vile's Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'The only thing that matters in this world is being the strongest'

Vile scoffed as Iris once again insulted him. "Pbbbttth, as if. I'm more powerful than you could ever hope to be. Despite my 'skin condition' I'm still a human. You're just a bucket of bolts and if I get half a chance I'm gonna twist your head off! Anyways.." Vile released his grip from the Cell's bars and dropped his hands to the ground. "I know why you're here. To catch us a couple-a bad boys who ran away from home. I'll help ya, if only because I want to feel their spines crumble in my hands! Heheheheheehaahah!" Vile was still laughing maniacally as the Guards opened his Cell Doors, their weapons trained on him as he slowly walked out. "Feels good to be out! It's a shame Julie is still disabled..bless her we've been through some times..don't suppose your b*****d father will turn her back on.." Vile patted his shoulder cannon as he spoke. Vile finally laid his eyes on Sephtis as he walked a few feet further, the Guards examining him as he did so. "Ooooooooh I can smell a Biometal on you girl!"

'..The world is just a playground for people who have power and know how to use it'
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Bee Blades and Ball Devoux


♪ Central Highway Theme ♪

Number of Bee Blades: 2
Number of Ball Devoux: 6

A squadron of Bee Blades arrived on the scene as the Hunters warped in one after the other. The massive Mechaniloids lowered to a few meters above the Highway, both Bee Blades dropped a total of 6 Ball Devouxes onto the road itself. A Hail of Gunfire would greet the Hunters, the Machine Guns equipped to the Bee Blades tore across the Highway. A few cars that had been abandoned by their owners were riddled with bullets before exploding. Searchlights on the two Beeblades scanned the Highway for signs of life as they continued to fire indiscriminately.

The Ball Devouxes walked forward in a straight line until locating signs of life. Their simple programming allowing for very little except stomping on unsuspecting foes.
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⊚Location: Central Highway, Heading towards the Rest of the Team
Zero's Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'At the end of the day as long as the job's done that's all that matters..'

What Zero witnessed as he arrived in Central Highway was enough to set any experienced Hunter off. Ryan had gone on ahead without waiting for his team to Warp in and the others followed him to get his idiot butt under control. Activating his Comm Link with the Team Zero began talking to everyone: "I was hoping we could have stayed together but, since you guys are so excited...choose your targets wisely and be careful with those Machine Guns. They'll shred through your armor like tissue paper!" Zero could see X warping in a few seconds after him, he had to admit, fighting alongside X again felt good. Zero dashed forward and began sprinting after Ryan and the others.

'If you get hung up on the finer details you'll go nuts.'

Astounding Husband

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Zephyr A.I: Lets Fly!
Ryan: Ok
Lets Go! Firestorm Formation!

Health: ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆
Location:Central Highway, Abel City
Out of Combat:

"Gentle winds, guide me in the right direction and blow away the evil!"

Ryan sighed, he wasnt that far ahead, he was going an easy 40 miles per hour to make a sweep, "Well sorry captain candles, it's my first time on such an important mission I wanted to see how fast we could complete this but you guys are just so slow..... Yes, DAD, I'm fine, no mavericks as of yet, they seemed to be further ahead, Rhinokeros seems to be preparing a very nice welcoming committee" said Ryan, he really didn't see the problem, he stopped and landed on top of a wreaked car, he looked inside and sure enough it's already been abandoned by its owners to save their skins. "Fine, I'll wait for you guys but can you hurry it up, the longer we take, the more damage these mavericks cause, the more its going to take for this highway to reopen when this is over" said Ryan as he stood there waited for the others. "Roger that Zero, leave the Bee choppers to the Orions, we'll make quick work of them" said Ryan with confidence.

'Hey Ryan, are you really going to wait for them, they are so sloooow'" said Rigel Zephyr. "I kinda have to unless I want a earful from Anthony and Colonel, I mea-" Ryan stopped mid-sentence as he heard nearby bee chopper, he whipped around and sure enough there was the bee chopper. "Oh s#!+! " said Ryan as he took to the sky once more. "Enemy contact! engaging!" said Ryan on the comm as he activated his Katars and let loose a sharp wind arc, "Sonic Slash" said Ryan but in the panic he aimed it WAY off heading to the sky

"Mega Merge! Rigel Zephyr! The Blue Wind!"

Timid Gaian

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ⓊⓃⒾⓉ ⒾⒹ: Tenfold
ⓁⓄⒸⒶⓉⒾⓄⓃ: Central Highway, Abel City
ⓄⓄⒸ: Would've been here sooner, but all of a sudden I had to watch my nephew. And I've been so distracted, I didn't see Ryan's post right before mine.

Tenfold suddenly heard Zero's voice and put a finger to one of his ear plates. "Don't sweat it, Zero! I could do this in my...CRAP!" Before he could say "sleep", Tenfold found himself the target of a Bee Blader and had to roll out of the way of the machine gun fire. Right after that, he saw two Ball Devoux marching his way and drew his beam katanas, igniting them immediately. The dual weapons each gave off a thin beam of yellow light. "All right, chumps. Let's dance!"



Xombie v2.0

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⊚Megaman X⊚

⊚Location: Abel City, Central Highway
X's Theme
⊚Out of Character: Keep the Rules of Combat in mind fyi guys. I only outright killed a Mechaniloid because I control them 3nodding There are 5 More Ball Devouxes remaining

'Destroying Mavericks may make the world a safer place..'

X appeared a few seconds after Zero, assessing the situation quickly X dashed into a nearby destroyed car. He took the closest available cover he could, just as he had been trained to do. What he didn't factor into his training was the Orion Triplets. Maybe it was the fact that they were humans that made them rush into a situation with such little regard for their safety. Perhaps they were just that brave, or stupid, X hadn't made up his mind yet. Rolling out of the cover of the wrecked vehicle X took aim at the nearest Ball Devoux. Luckily he had taken on this particular line of Mechaniloids before. Slow and stupid but, dangerous in numbers and up close, they weren't that much of a threat. However when two giant Bee Blades are distracting you with their high powered weaponry it does make paying attention to the smaller threat that much more difficult. X charged up his Buster, the cannon shook wildly and began to rapidly heat up as Energy began storing inside the barrel. "TAKE THIS!" X released his hold over the Buster Cannon, a multicolored fully charged Energy Shot tore through one of the Ball Devouxes. The Mechaniloid exploded into scrap and rained down around it's companions.

'..but, it doesn't make my conscience any cleaner'

Neka1's Husband

Angelic Husband

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Thoughts: I want to go back to Eden City right now...
Location: Abel City - Central Highway

There wasn't time to think or speak. The car swerved suddenly to the left, taking Lily with it. She blacked out to the sounds of heavy fire and explosions. When she was next aware, the reploid was carrrying her away from the car and hiding her behind an overturned vehicle that'd been abandoned. It only spoke one phrase to her dazed form as he motioned for her to stay.

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to get you to school on time, miss."

The reploid then left the teenager behind the wall, running away from where she hid. Lily's head rolled to the side as she watched out the other side of the wall. She saw him running. As she slowly became more alert, she realized... he was protecting her. Drawing the fire away as he was destroyed by the indiscriminate fire of Maverick Mechaniloids in the area. Her eyes widened. She'd never... she'd heard but... never had she seen it truly happen.

"He...he..." she stuttered, quietly. "...I..."

The girl didn't see her purse nearby to call for help. It was probably still in the wreckage. Forget the purse. She was in an area infested with Mavericks. What if they found her? What if they... she KNEW they should have stayed in Eden City. This NEVER happened in Eden City! She was safe and there weren't rogue reploids and people were nice and friendly and she never had ANY problems!

By this point, the teen had curled up into a ball behind the wall, absorbed in her thoughts and terror, unaware of what dangers might be lurking nearby. Sounds of explosions and gunfire were everywhere, as far as she was concerned.
User Image [ NAME:// KIZUKU ]
[ LOCATION:// Central Highway, Abel City ]
[ HEALTH BAR:// ███████████████████ ]
[ OOC:// - - - ]

Kizuku let out a soft chuckle at Zero’s jab of them rushing ahead, and responded with a brief “roger that” before being forced to duck for cover by the Bee Bladers. Sadly, unlike the other two, she received a slight dent from the rain of bullets. Let’s just say, she’s not a happy camper…especially since the day started with her running into the door of the war room and now she was the first to receive damage while in action. The reploid let out an irritated sigh, “Oh for the love of –

She cut herself off as something caught her eye. Was that…? Oh no. Dashing towards the wall where Lily was hidden, the hunter gave the civilian an extremely unimpressed frown. Of all the places to be…

We need to get you out of here.” She muttered towards Lily before turning on her comm link, “I’ve found a civillian. Ryan, you want to aid the damsel in distress out of danger?” The tone was witty and probably not very appreciated, but yes, she's totally taking a jab at him right now even though they're being targeted and fired at.

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