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ENDGAME is finally here. Will everyone make it out alive?

Yes! 0.14285714285714 14.3% [ 2 ]
Most of them will 0.35714285714286 35.7% [ 5 ]
No : ( 0.28571428571429 28.6% [ 4 ]
I hope everyone dies and UMA wins 0.21428571428571 21.4% [ 3 ]
Total Votes:[ 14 ]

Neka1's Husband

Angelic Husband

23,625 Points
  • Lapin Patrol Avior: Victory! 50
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • Married 100
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Theatre | Have a Nice Dream When the Battle Calls
Axl Status: ...Is it bad I'm kinda happy he didn't surrender?
Lexi Status: Axl! We were supposed to bring him in pe-OH*&^%$!@*&^%$!@*&^%$!@!
What I'm Doing: Time to Fight - A-Trans Activating
Location: Abel City - The City Streets

"Man he's really unloading back there ain't he?" Axl chirped as the gunfire sprayed the building they were borrowing for cover. Lexi held her guns at the ready as she waited for a break in the fire. Unfortunately for her, one of Sentrix's clones decided to show itself, aiming directly towards her. She took a few shots towards it as she took to the walls, jumping up the sides like some sort of acrobat as she tried to keep her eyes on her prize. Once to the roof, she'd race along it before a shot finally hit home, sending the girl off of her perch and to the ground below, crashing headfirst into a dumpster. "Think we should call Desmond? I mean, Fenrir has a pretty sweet shield."

Lexi let out a reluctant groan as she pushed herself out of the dumpster. She knew she didn't have long. It was likely her target had already seen the moment and started to run. She'd have to catch up. That was when a fleeing passerby caught her attention. "No way. He's off-duty and besides... you know he doesn't pick up when we call him."

She aimed at the reploid on the street, using a Copy Shot on them. In the last two months, she'd had it modified so that it no longer caused any harm to use. The reploids tended to tell her it was akin to a needle stick. That being said, the passerby was startled, reaching to his shoulder as he ran, confused when he saw no damage. Lexi grinned.

"Okay, Axl, get ready," Lexi ordered. Axl cheered gleefully. This was his favorite part. The cry to come would be followed up with a burst of light as the pair became encompassed. It would take a moment for the light to die down. Parole or not, the pair would fight for the right causes this time. No more doing things just because they were told! And make sure that no one else had to suffer the way she and her friends had. To Axl, a good fight was just an added bonus! "A-TRANS, ACTIVATE!"

In cops and robbers, it was way more fun to be a cop, Lexi decided.

(( I do have permission for these shenanigans. Feel free to tell me if anything needs edited, however. ))

Striking Lionheart

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~ ♪♫♬ Deceptive Dancer ♬♫♪ ~

Location: Laguz-Island

Im crossing you in style~
Let me sing, forevermore~
Mood: "See you later Cowboys~"
Health: ████████████████████
Energy: ████████████████████

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                                          "I have a special performance JUST for you... "

                                          There had been an oddity... a blackout of sorts during the events transpiring with Sigma. When she had come back to with Anurla and Nareta there was cheering in the distance as the camp had been met with the victors of the battle. "you did phenomenal Nareta... Why not go join them? I spy a few you patched up and let get back into the fight in that group Im sure they'd love to have you join them." Avice nudged Nareta to go join the celebrations with a wink and smile before she glanced over her shoulder at Anurla and chuckled before pinching his cheek... rather roughly. It was... liberating... Sigma had to have been destroyed... She sharply spun around and wrapped her arms around Anurlas neck of course and gave the Incubus a kiss before taking a step back, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him into the celebrations on site as well. "Shall we have a dance Anurla dearest? Teehe~"

                                          It was a party now


                                          Over the course of the next 2 months, a lot had occurred. Avice had accompanied Nareta to her "interview" to enroll in the newly formed and reshaped Hunters. During the course she had nudged and reassured the poor girl to keep pressing on, even pushing Anurla to join and watch over the little angel sweetie. There might have been hugs and cheek pinches after Nareta had been accepted and Anurlas... odd request to her promptly afterwards... She'd semi suspected it... but never said anything but... it would allow him to work with Nareta more consistently, but she'd be lying if she didn't think for a moment that it might spoil their romance. Would he still love her when he wasn't "Insane"? Only time would tell and the day before the surgery, Avice found a time to get Anurla on the side privately to chat... she simply left it all on:

                                          "This is going to sound strange... but unlike you or Nareta... I cannot work here. I must remain free and for that reason... I'm going to go on a little roaming vacation and find a place to "Start anew". Watch over Nareta-sweetie for me~ I'll be back some day... but til then... I think the dear needs help."

                                          She'd given Nareta a similar talk prior asking her to watch after Anurla for her during her "Vacation". Both times finishing her talk with a simple kiss before trotting off.

                                          It wasn't long before the woman asura disappeared and started her world travels. Stopping at all manners of lands and places... eventually settling in at an island known as Laguz. From there Avice "Restarted" her life... humbly establishing a brief musical career on the Island, doing brief local radio stunts and finally... finding her ticket to smooth, lavish living in the form of Blackmarket-trade and Exchange. Over the course of at least once a week... she would send a letter to Nareta and Anurla at the Hunters...

                                          Using the codename: Moon River
                                          The moniker of the new pirate radio hostess from Laguz

                                          "Well? Was it fun for you too~?"

Striking Lionheart

Desmond Wulfe
--- HSM Investigation Hound ---

Location: Abel City- Desmonds Apartment

There's no fun in an easy case...
Mood: "..."
Fenrirs Thoughts...: "It would be hard to explain..."

Health: ████████████████████
Energy: ████████████████████


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                                          "You're not afraid of the big bad wolf?"

                                          Desmond rolled his shoulders as he adjusted the strap to his messenger bag over his jacket with a stack of folders and papers in his underarm. He fiddled with a keyring as he approached a car and unlocked the drivers side door to step in. He turned over the car and sat there, letting it warm up as he moved his bag and the folders to the passenger seat and sighed before running a hand back and through his hair. As he fished for his phone to check calls and messages. Nothing, thankfully, he puffed out air and adjusted his mirrors briefly before locking the seatbelt and getting ready to pull out.

                                          He may have been a tad on edge, he was carrying some sensitive documentation... and he may have been covering his tracks slightly... a week prior he'd handed someone, something important that he'd had nicked thanks to some other specific someones who was good at misplacing things. The price had been icecream... but he'd gotten what he wanted. Low and behold the specific someone used that something to get away. Now alls that was left to do, was cover their tracks, and his own. a dirty cop maneuver sure... but he had to do this.

                                          He was technically off the clock for work now. Desmond had become essentially the lead investigating detective of an HSM-Investigations unit, created to hunt down, restrain and imprison runaway HSM-members. It was sort of a call back to his old job in a ways... He and Alexis had both been asked to join the new-unit while Sephtis had been asked to begin to head the Hunters new personal Biometal Research project after her display of knowledge about the tech. Regardess, Desmond taking work home was nothing new... he'd done it a lot in the weeks prior to sort through and try to unmangle the mess of reports and contract agreements and whatnot from Jezebel. Tonights workload though... was special.

                                          The man drove to his apartment a good 30 or 35 minutes from the Hunter HQ Tower and hustled up to his Studio with the bag and mess of folders in arm. He fumbled around at the door, rattling it as the lock gave its usual stubborn shpeel of defiance against his entrance. He sighed and walked his "Work" over to the coffee table infront of the couch after using his foot to close the door. A brief moment was spent to put his bag down at the side of the couch and using a remote on said couch to turn on a musical device located on the entertainment center facing the couch. When he turned around and rolled his coat off his shoulders to reveal his usual wear of a vest and loosened tie Desmond perked up breifly and sniffed breifly. He looked around the studio, going back to check the single bedroom before heading back into the "Living Foyer" then to check behind the kitchen top. It was around that time that he'd noticed the beer bottles on the coffee table and then the brief wisk of curtains for the door to the mini-patio outside blowing breifly in the wind from a cracked door.

                                          Desmond of course went to check real quick and look around with a blink and frown before turning around and plopping himself onto the couch, noticing the warmth... He chuckled under his breath breifly before grabbing the folders and rubbing his temple with his right hand-

                                          "You really sure about this Wan-chan?"
                                          "Yes. I... think I'm ready... I want to know... but first-"

                                          Desmond ruffled the folders in search for a specific one. He pulled it from the pile and placed the others down again, looking at the manilla folder with the bold text: ELIZABETH PEWTER typed onto its tab and across its cover. He held it up and breifly opened it to look at the file, complete with a mugshot they'd taken of Kitty before and after whatever drug Jezebel had been feeding her for who knows how long. Desmond shook his head and flipped through the notes and documentation before sharply sighing through his nose, closing the folder and walking it promptly into the metal trash can by the door to the patio. He picked up the can next and brought it outside onto the cement flooring of the patio before dipping inside quickly to grab a box of matches...

                                          He struck the match and tossed it into the can with the folder... watching it catch flame as he put his hands to his pockets and sighed. He watched the folder burn "You're lucky you found those before the other investigators did you know..." "Thank you for helping Fenrir" He spoke before watching the flames die in the can, which he promptly tipped over and let the black soot and ash scatter to the wind from his high-rise patio. He'd erased Lizzys connections to HSM... meaning he'd sparred her the targeting and trial period for the hunting down... it really was the least he could do for her at this point after she'd fled like she had.

                                          He headed back inside to plop back down on the couch, picking up two folders this time. He got paleer than usual as he looked at the names...

                                          "LYALL RHETT CANAGAN "
                                          "SNOW WULFE CANAGAN "

                                          His left hand slightly shook as He opened the folders and was met with the mugshots of his parents... the people he never knew... the people he wanted to know more about. Desmond was dead quiet as he read and looked at the images and notes. He sniffled occasionally as he felt a burning hit his eyes the more he read... he found notes on various things early research regarding biometals... compatibility... things that Sephtis likely would find useful, he even found some prototype drafts of reference numbers to blueprints for what was apparently Lyalls "First" biometal, Garm. Eventually though... Desmond broke down... He had gotten to the part he'd feared... Operative Canagan: [TERMINATED] Scientist Canagan: [TERMINATED] He choked back a sob at the idea and continued to read forward seeing a note at the bottom of Snows profile-

                                          "...We loved you very much Desmond... You'll always be our little puppy."

                                          He laughed and covered his eyes with his arm in a manic grin as he heard Fenrir talk...no... should he still call her Fenrir? This was his Mothers side of the research... sentient transfer... he closed the folders and wiped his face with a chuckle before seeing it... a note... left next to the beer bottles that he suspected he might have left out from the night before making this bold decision.

                                          "... "Catch me if you can" ..." he repeated the message and then sat back on the couch and laughed heartily.

                                          "I do love a good chase, Kitty..."

                                          "YOU SHOULD BE!"
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Elizabeth "Lizzy" Pewter / Loki
► Dangerous Sway ► Blood on Blood

Currently located at ???
Current condition is stable

Health: ████████████████████

OOC: -


Sigh. Although they had allowed her to get patched up, it was still slow healing, especially as every move tugged at the stitches and reopened the wound. They even took away Loki, leaving her with nothing. No one to talk to and nothing to do except lay around or pace in her cell. And on top of that, the human spent most of her time hugging herself, her fingers digging into her arms, trying to distract herself from the pain of withdrawal.

But, there was a small ray of hope. Desmond had decided to pay her a visit, and gave her a noisy gift. She took it, waiting for the right time. Lizzy smirked, staring down at the ground by her feet, bangs covering her eyes as she sat in her cell. "You ready to rock?"

"I'm always ready."

It had only been a week since her breakout, but it felt like an eternity. The human sighed, downing an entire beer in a matter of moments, nearly shattering the bottle on the table as she slammed it back down next to another couple of recently emptied bottles. She'd been spending more and more time merged lately, and it was starting to wear on her both mentally and physically, but it was a necessary evil. Not like she could do any worse to her body than what she was already suffering through. Lizzy sighed, burying her face in her hands, Loki quietly reassuring her as she bit back a sob. To think that not only had she been defeated so easily, but she had let people see such a pathetic display. In front of her enemies. Even worse, it was in front of him. At least he hadn't hung around too long afterward to see her truly break down. Her heart hurt, though, at the thought that he had once again abandoned her.

But no matter what, she couldn't find herself able to stay mad at him...

"Hey, cheer up. At least you got out of that alive."

"Yeah, I know." It was strange. Being separated from Loki for so long had caused the two to grow quite close when they were finally reunited. And she had Fluffy to thank for that. She shook her head, slipping out the patio door, just as she heard the front door unlock. "I wonder what he's up to now..."

"Wanna go find out?"

Lizzy grinned, looking up at the patio from her cover just as the figure went back inside, before turning to leave Abel City. "Nah, maybe some other time. Well, then...let's go home." She was certain it wouldn't be long before the two of them crossed paths again. And next time, she'd return the favor.
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[ 愛 ❤ ] ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════

X X X◤ ANURLA ♥ ♥ ♥ ◢
X X XX X XHP〖 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ 〗
X X XX X XLOCATION 〖 Medical Wing, Abel City
X X XX X XOOC〖 - - - - -
X X XX X XTHEME〖 威風堂々 v. しゅーず

═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ [ 💔 ]

Anurla watched as Avice urged Nareta towards the victors of war, narrowing his eyes slightly but making no movement what so ever. He simply watched the group cautiously, an odd behaviour for him, but one he had started expressing when Nareta came into his life. He can’t help but be concern for her. Though his thoughts were interrupted when Avice pinched his cheeks, and immediately the incubus reploid shifted back to his usual persona. He was slightly surprised by Avice’s kiss if only because well that was unexpected but not unwelcomed. There was a chuckle from him before pulling the asura into a dance, “With you? Always.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At first, Anurla remained quiet and as obedient as it was necessary for him to remain at the sides of his lady loves. There were times when he wanted to spear some individuals’ heads in but Avice and Nareta were good at keeping him away from trouble. However, the deciding moment came when Nareta got enrolled into the newly formed hunters. He knew this would happen, and he knew Avice would push for him to do this. And that was why he decided to go ask Nareta for the repairs. He knew why he was a maverick, and he knew if this was fixed he would return to how he had acted before the chip fried itself. He didn’t want to ever get it repaired, but he will have to for Nareta’s sake.

Going up to Nareta for this one request was oddly nerve wreaking, though the startled look of a deer suited the angel a little too much… Figured Avice had some inkling of the situation.

The day before the surgery, Anurla was nervous but he didn’t show it. He simply acted as usual, but the subtle frigidness was definitely there. When Avice finally did the one on one talk with him, he laughed. He actually laughed before giving a reply just before the kiss, “Avice, you’re not a hunter and we both know that. Go do your own thing, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t. But know that we love you. I love you. And while I am staying here mainly to look after Nareta for the both of us, feel free to kick me in the head if you’re ever lonely. I’m sure that should be more than enough to fry the chip again. Nareta darling might get mad at us though.

Avice didn’t get to trot off with just a simple kiss with Anurla.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

His admittance came after his repairs. It wasn’t very hard to join once the chip was fixed since that was where his issues laid. This allowed for him to stay close to Nareta and look after her just as he wanted to do and as he had promised. The incubus based reploid let out a sigh as he stared at the letter in his hand. Nareta would kill him if he had opened the letter without her, but it was oh so tempting. Entering the medical wing, the reploid wasn’t started at all by the tech books that surround the angel. Anurla did look a bit unamused at not receiving a greeting, but clearing his throat to alert his nurse of his presence. The usual charming smile was on his face as he held the letter up, “We got mail, darling.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Nareta
► Sanctuary ► Story of the End

Currently located at Hunter's Medical Wing
Current condition is stable

Health: ████████████████████
Energy: ████████████████████

OOC: -


She would never have thought that having people rely on her could feel so good. Nareta might not have liked seeing so many people as hurt as they were, but it was something unavoidable. Most of that day blurred together even now, but she remembered seeing a small group come back seemingly broken, one of them crying her eyes out for some reason. It was none of her business, though, so she had kept to her work, practically collapsing against Anurla from physical and mental exhaustion when everything had been finished. She was certain at first that he and Avice wouldn't have understood what she was saying as she tried to piece together her thoughts, until Avice started nudging her to join the Hunters, even going so far as to later stay with her as she went through the "interview" process.

Avice had been so happy when she was accepted, though Nareta's cheeks would have begged to differ. On top of that, Anurla would be staying with her. Though his request was...odd. She wasn't sure how she would go about something like that, but she wasn't going to tell him no. No, she was going to do whatever she had to to help him. Even if it meant going behind his back and asking Rosamund for assistance. When the time came, she went to find Avice for support...

...and then the dancer was gone.

Nareta sighed, closing the thick medical book she had been reading. Although she may have still been hesitant around humans, Sephtis had helped her realize that they weren't all bad, and that if she was going to help the Hunters, she had to learn how to care for humans as well. Humans were so...complicated. It would take her a while, but she was determined. At least she wasn't alone. With a smile, she glanced over at the black and red reploid behind her seeing the letter in his hand. Even though she was eager to hear from Avice, something Anurla had said to the other reploid still tugged at her core, something she did her best to hide because she didn't want to cause him even more concern. The small reploid set the book aside before walking over, reaching to take the letter from Anurla. Nareta started to open it, but stopped, giving him a small grin before ducking past him. He cause her easily, but it was his fault that she had taken a liking to teasing him. But she couldn't help it.

With her new home, where she could help so many people, with Anurla by her side, she couldn't be happier.
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"Feels so good being bad
There's no way I'm turning back"

X X XHP〖 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ 〗
X X XOOC〖 - - - - -

"Now the pain is my pleasure
Cause nothing could measure"

Rosamund was not at the final battle. Unlike some, she still had her pride as an assassin and the stunt Sigma had pulled off did not float well with her. Not to mention it put her friend in danger, and suddenly Doppler decides to give her an upgrade. A force metal upgrade was not what she had expected, and Rosamund was even more livid by this information if only because this could have killed her friend right then and there. Thankfully, Cree didn’t die.

However, the boost of confidence worried Rosa…And for a good reason. Her friend went off into a war she could not agree to.

In all her efforts, she was able to convince Teles to stay with her but not Cree. It was heartbreaking to see her friend go, but if that was what she wants she cannot stop her even if it means losing her forever. The bee queen’s worse fears came true when the bee that was instructed to watch over Cree returned. Rosamund refused to tell Teles anything regarding Cree’s death, but played it off as best as she could that their friend was alive. Teles didn't need this right now, what the darling needs was a safe haven.

Her decision was finalize upon the fall of Sigma

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stroking the younger reploid’s head, Rosamund smiled at the girl.

Don’t worry Teles. I’m just repairing something that should have been fixed a long time ago. I’m sorry for not having done so sooner.” She apologize while gently patting Teles’ cheek. Today was the day she would finally repair Teles and return her to society. The bee queen’s eyes were sad, though a kind smile was on her face. There was no telling what repairing the water rescuer would do, but she knew she needed to do this in order for Teles to join the ‘good side’. They cannot fault Teles for her actions, not when the issue was an unexpected malfunction. And with the girl repaired, they cannot deny her entry as part of the team as long as she passes the test. Once they were done, they will head to the hunters. It’s okay if she falls as long as her friend was alright.

She stroke the girl’s hair one last time before kissing her on the forehead, “Goodnight, Teles dear.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Teles did not remember her.

It hurts, but that was alright. As long as her friend was safe, alive, and happy, Rosa can take the pain. However, unlike Teles, they’re probably not going to allow her to join all willy-nilly. Not with her track record. She was going to have to do something out of the way and, in all honesty, Rosa had an idea of what she could do. That’s probably why she was here…

Outside Colonel’s office.

Not really sure if you can call it an office, but she’ll run with it. It had been such a long time since she’s last seen him, she’s almost sad they had to dart right into business. A playful sigh escape her lips before she knocked on the door and headed in with a smile on her lips, “Hello, Darling.
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⊚Location: Southern Desert, Sacred Hillside
♪ Night ♪
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'I've been dead before..'

♪ Megaman Redux Credits Theme 'I am Machine'- Three Days Grace

There was a Hill in the Southern Desert that Zero felt a particular attachment to. His mentor Pteranofloga taught him everything he knew on this Hill and Zero's own pupil would learn to fight here as well.

He decided to make the trek without a Warp. Only his wits and his feet to take him where he needed to go..Zero was shrouded in a cloth to protect his joints from the sandstorms, with each step he took it became more and more of a struggle to shield himself from these elements.

Pushing forward, Zero passed a broken column of Ruins massively scarred from Saber slashes. He smiled, this is where he was shown how to use a Z-Blade. Continuing on he made his way through a massive valley that contained the wreckage of dozens and dozens of Mechaniloids. Remnants from an old Hunt Zero surmised, UMA used to be a lot more active in these parts back in the day. Before Zero made it his own.

The Hill was unique in that it was the only grass covered point in the Southern Desert. Distinctly beautiful and unique in every way, Zero collapsed to the ground as his body finally couldn't take it anymore. He rolled onto his back and sighed as the sun's rays beamed off his armor.

"Hey buddy..here we are one last time. Let me tell you how we kicked Sigma's a**..you wouldn't believe it.."

'..Nothing else can surprise me at this point!'

Intergalactic Prophet

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tab Status: Experimenting
tab tab Health [[Low]] [[Mid]] [[High]]
tab tab Constructs 0/5 >> 2/5
tab Location: Deep beneath Eden City
tab Out of Character:

                                          ”Allies gone. Enemies celebrated as heroes. Our armies have been devastated, and our leaders captured. A lot has happened in the two months I have been away. Such a shame,” A familiar voice speaks in the darkness. A hissing sound fills the darkened chamber as lights begin to turn on. Banks of monitoring equipment registering the all clear.

                                          ”A shame that my dearest Oracle took the fall for HSM. I could have been back on my feet months ago. I suppose however that this is my punishment,” A being steps out of the stasis capsule in which it had been sleeping and strides over to a nearby control panel. It picks up an unfamiliar biometal, ”After all, don't they say that the sins of the father shall be passed on to the son?”

                                          Lucifer holds his biometal to his chest an concentrates until he can sense the unseen nano-machines that make up its actual self. He spreads his new arms to either side. In his new body he resembles an older version of one of the Project Orion clones. Aside from his long, dark hair, an affectation he carried over from his former body. As he stands the biometal flashes. He is engulfed in a sulfurous red light. Moments later he wears the bodysuit of his former incarnation. White and covering him from the base of his neck to the soles of his feet. He flexes his new limbs an smiles. The nanomachines swirl around him and slowly condense hardening around his body and becoming the armor he is familiar with. Some flow an cascade assembling into the long red-lined black cape. He is pleased with his new body, but more so he is please to finally carry the blood of Prometheus in his veins. At last he has truly become one of his father's children.

                                          ”It is time to find my dear siblings and tell them the good news. After all we have a certain reploid to hunt.”

Intergalactic Prophet

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tab Status: Intent
tab tab Health [[Low]] [[Mid]] [[High]]
tab tab Tesla Generator 100%
tab Location: Doppler Town
tab Out of Character:

                                          The doctor has been locked in his lab for some time. The only official word he has given is that he is severely disappointed that the UMA conflict had to end in such mass bloodshed. He has declared Doppler Town a refuge for any Ex-UMA forces under the guise of discovering a cure for the Maverick Virus and ensuring that the Sigma Virus truly has been eradicated. Deep within Doppler labs something strange is taking place.

                                          ”Two months of preparation and the time has finally come,” Doctor Doppler is in a basement lab that seems to be some sort of replication system. He stands before a pod connected to a massive computer, ”I will follow in Sigma's footsteps and show the world. If Reploids are to continue to thrive we must evolve. I will become a pure consciousness, but I must be cautious. I will back up my mind in my own personal data-vault. Afterwards I will begin replicating this body. Time will tell the results of this experiment, but I have no doubt that it will succeed.”

                                          Doppler lay in the pod and it hisses shut. His body shuts down an the data transfer begins. Finally the monitor on the computer system lights up with a warning that reads.

                                          [[ Error... Data Corruption...]]

                                          The sound of the Doctor's mad laughter echoes through the speakers of the computer before crackling and hissing to an abrupt halt.

Intergalactic Prophet

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tab Thoughts: It seems I've returned home
tab What I'm Doing: Waking up
tab Location: Unknown
tab Out of Character: N/A

                                          Nero opens his eyes and looks around. His surroundings are familiar, and he has been away for some time. He sits up and he sees the holographic projection meant to represent Genius Loci, the computer that runs the Time Colony. It appears to be a female Scientist. She smiles warmly at him.

                                          ”It seems you've finally woken up, Nightmare Swordsman,” the figure falls into an expressionless mask and its voice becomes monotone, ”You requested an emergency evacuation, Why?”

                                          Nero shakes his head as though clearing it. Jumping into Fourth Dimensional Space has some issues attached to it. Finally he looks at the representation.

                                          ”It would seem that as far as that conflux is concerned we aren't the only ones maintaining it. There is a time traveler manipulating its flow, or at least that is my assessment.”

                                          ”Judging by our measurements it would seem that you are correct. Your orders are to remain on standby while we analyze this potential. Once we have determined whether its threat level you will be given new orders. This time we expect you to carry them out with all haste. You've grown soft, Eradicator Nero.”

                                          Nero is left to ponder his failure. Should he have pushed the conflict and attempted to neutralize the fugitive OVER in their first encounter? Should he have simply killed under the orders of the Tempus Knights' leader? All he knew is that it was his duty to be sure that what happened to his world never happened again. If he had a chance to go back to that timespace he would gladly accept whatever mission the computer gave him. Until then he would wait.
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⊚Location: Hunter Base, Abel City
Colonel's Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'The Maverick Hunters will keep the World Safe..'

Hunter Base had been in shambles and though some of it had been repaired in the interim the past handful of months there was much work to be done. Colonel had relegated himself to sitting in his office. Or what was left of it. He'd mostly spent his time thinking. About where they'd been and where they would go next.

He peered into the glass of Joint lubrication fluid before him. It was almost as if he could see himself in that viscous liquid.

Then he saw her, someone he hadn't seen or spoken to in a very long time. Someone that exemplified beauty, sophistication, seduction..and more. Someone full of importance to him as well as heartbreak.

He sank to his knees in front of her and embraced her legs. Colonel could feel everything coming back to him. The pain, the anguish, even the love. All flooding back like a tidal wave. He looked up at her face, their eyes meeting again.


'..At any cost'

Quotable Nymph

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Iris/ Isis
Daughter of Prometheus
Location:Hunter Base // With: // Theme:Black Diamond // OOC: short wb

Iris had stayed behind something nagging her to look after colonel. She had become acclimated with the way the hunter base worked and she was happy that she could help navigate the hunters on their missions. Months have passed and she has realized that something strange has happened and she loses bits of time. People tell her she acts very different during these losts bits of time. Going to the medical bay and taking lots of tests shes finds out that Isis' memories and personality was stored in the body after she was defeated and the fight with colonel helped to bring her back out.

Iris was sad she was taking the body of someone else and had come to the decision that she was going to find someone to help her create a clone of her old body and transfer her brain into that body. She would have went to Jezebel, but she was koo koo bananas in prison right now. She then along with her duties as a navigator has been looking for someone to allow her to regain her human body.
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⊚Location: Haven Jungle, Secret Mission
Jack Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'I don't give a crap about saving humans..'

Jack nestled himself deep inside the trees of Haven Jungle, his Rifle fixed on the target. Licking his lips he adjusted the scope until he was certain he had a clear shot.

While the others went on to the next big thing or their separate ways it was back to business for Jack. Beyond what he really wanted, when it came down to it he was a killer. Always have been, always will be.

The UMA rebels scattered as Buster Rifle shots rained down on them, eclipsing the head of the leader and sending him clattering into the leaves.

Jack stood up and heaved his Rifle onto his back. There was that small bit of satisfaction he felt knowing the job had been done but, in the back of his mind he knew what he was doing was hollow, empty. It was business as usual for him but, that business didn't have the same sense of accomplishment as before.

He held the photo in his hand and studied it carefully, trying to figure out why he kept it. What possible reason a Reploid would feel any attachment to it. It didn't make sense and for some reason it pissed him off.

Jack gleaned over Lexi's mugshot for a few more seconds than stuffed it away. He sighed as he re-positioned himself and began picking off the stragglers attempting to escape.

With each shot he took and each Maverick that fell to him he saw flashes of that photo again and again.


Jack was getting angrier and angrier.


When the last Mavericks were silent and the perimeter below him was littered with bodies Jack pulled out the photo and tossed it into the sky. He fired one last shot and disintegrated the picture.

"Damn it. Damn it all".

'.only reason I'm here is for ME.'
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⊚Location:Abel City, Jezabel's Cell
Silverback's Theme
⊚Out of Character: blahblahblah

'I will break you in half'

Silverback stood outside of the Cell and watched. Just watched. The days led to weeks, turned into months..he could spend the rest of his life here and die happily. Knowing that she would go mad with suffering as everything she had ever cared about had been taken away.

He leaned closer to the cell. "I am going to continue to visit you. Every day. Until you finally wither away and die. I will be here when you are 90 years old and dying in all likelihood of natural causes and being an evil b***h. I don't have much but, I have enough resources that I will ensure that you are well taken care of. I want you to live to that ripe old age so that your pain will be extended as long as possible. Take comfort in the fact that everyone you know and love is gone and never coming back. Take comfort in the fact that your organization is scattered to the four winds and completely irreparable. Take comfort in the fact that every nasty, evil thing you've ever done for the sake of 'science' has amounted to this.."

Silverback forms a '0' with his left hand and he quietly whispers:


'..I hurt people. Nothing more, nothing less'

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