Welcome to Gaia! ::

I am the Lady Sif, born a goddess and forged a warrior...
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Goddess Of War ...::: Sif Aridottir
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A sort of tense silence had fallen over them as Sif led the two newcomers, still with some wariness harbored toward them, back to SHIELD's stronghold; though the farther they ventured, the more her suspicion of them began to gradually subside. The war goddess was rarely a poor judge of character, and with the initial surprise of the Colossi's appearance having long worn off, they seemed less and less likely to be a potential threat; even if the seemingly arrogant demeanor of the elder Colossus was one she had no particular care for thus far...

Sif's first impression of the Torjuuk fellow aside, however, his earlier claims had left her with questions. The existence of another world outside their familiar Nine may not have been a surprise to her, but Sif was no less curious. “You say that you are of Colossian,” Sif started, breaking the silence between them; “it is true that Asgard has no tales of such a world existing. You must have traveled a great distance to find yourselves here.”

Many more minutes passed before they arrived at the clearing that surrounded the Midgardian's base. Sif paused without a word, taking her first glimpse of the destruction since the battle had ended yesterday. SHIELD had gathered many of their dead already, leaving only the ruined corpses of the Chitauri soldiers behind; no doubt the creatures would too be gathered, their remains destroyed, after the mortals saw to their own. “You are well acquainted with this war, it seems. Then you are already aware that these people have been through much...” she uttered to the two strangers; there was no need to explain further, given what was right in front of their eyes. The previous day had only been a recent example of what the Midgardians had spent the last twenty of their years fighting, and the losses they'd suffered in the process. She continued on, turning away from the remains of yesterday's bloodshed and leading the way across the field and to the ruined remains of a large structure up ahead. “The Midgardians do not trust many outsiders, and understandably so. You mustn’t take it as a personal offense if they do not welcome you with open arms.”

True to her word, two armed agents approached from where they stood outside the still sealed main doors. “Wait here” she said lowly to the two Colossi before she left them and went to speak to the Midgardian guards. “At peace,” she called to the two agents before they could confront her companions; “these two are here to aid us. They would speak with your commander, if they are permitted.” She could mention no name; having just arrived on Midgard yesterday and in light of recent events Sif had no knowledge of who currently held command of the stronghold.

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status: well | mood: wary | location: Outside Westchester Base | company: Torjuuk/Vixzakta

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... I have been baptized in the tears of my enemies,
and their children's children fear my name.

Versatile Shapeshifter

3,875 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Gender Swap 100
“We are all mortal among our own peoples. There are no exceptions. But among people of a different world… we can be as insignificant as ants or as mighty as gods.”

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Torjuuk followed and upon being asked of their realm, he answered, “Colossian is a very large world hidden in a galaxy in the outer rim of the universe. It is large enough to fit over a hundred of this world inside it. It is also an undying world. Our people have placed spells on the planet to increase it‘s size without increasing gravity, as well as spells to increase the longevity of the planet. Every member of every generation is required to compound these spells by casting them again themselves, as well as improving the longevity of the sun that our planet orbits. It has been going on like this since the last of our gods was banished...” Then Torjuuk paused for a moment before continuing. He was far more solemn when he continued. He seemed almost distant and at the same time as calm as could be.

“Kilkluan Arkrukasiaus. Our god of death. Like all colossian gods he was a colossus like the rest of us, but born in a different time when the world was smaller and the people much, much larger. He was a hoarder of souls. He would use his magic to breed armies large enough and powerful enough to conquer any world. Even Asgard would fall before the might of those armies. He would then use his charisma to convince them that they were truly invincible. And Finally, he‘d use his overwhelming magic might to slay them all for their souls. He left no survivors… His own daughter who was carrying his unborn grandchild, was the one to banish him. She hurled him from our world to the stars. He was banished to a cold dead world where nothing could live. Now his presence there causes souls from many different realms to accumulate there. The world of which I speak is the world that you now call Helheim.”

Then he smirked before looking to the ground. There was something off about his sudden change of mood. Something unnerving. “Torjuukahara Vannahraisiaus was the Colossian goddess of war. She sought to end all war so that she could marry the man she loved. However, on her path to end all war, she became a vessel for war magic. When a colossus truly masters a form of magic, the magic masters them as well, combining with them and taking control of them. In her attempt to end all war, she became war itself, and caused war every where she went. Ultimately, for the sake of her 5 daughters as well as for Colossian, her husband was the one to banish her. He hurled her to the stars, and banished her to a little blue world. She Is my name sake. My ancestor. And she rests somewhere under our very feet in an eternal slumber.” And then he looked right at her. Right in the eyes.

“Remind me of my old age. One. More. Time. I‘ll show you the rage of a colossus.”

“Torjuuk Vannahr, at your service.”

Revered Poster

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                                                                          tab Several options played out in Ryon's mind as to why he could be holding onto his unconscious uncle's body. A few of them, were full of lies that could simply raise his strength and intensity to prove himself as more of a worthy asset than before. However, he would simply be delving into the art of being a liesmith, something his uncle was excelled in and he was not. Regardless, a simple lie never hurt anyone, as long as he told the truth with in that hour as a possible joke to simply rouse whoever he told. That, or furthermore explain that he had simply told such an excuse just to rush things along so Ryon could attend to his own bidding. He didn't know what Maria Hilldottir would have in store for him once he returned back to base, but he knew he would not want to stay. He would simply return to know what it is he would need to know, then leave. To stay in the same building as these weak, useless mortals and their petty mechanical weaponry was bothersome. His father had decided to stay here and sleep in the same boxed rooms as the others. His mother had shared the same fate. Even his sister had taken to sleeping in such beds.

                                                                          tab There was nothing that desired Ryon to stay. There was no appeal. No fight. No armies to attack. No monstrous beasts to slay. No. There were machines with four wheels that gave off a horrid smell from a metallic tubing underneath such a vessel. There were pathetic excuses for clothing and armor that most law abiding hierarchy had worn to protect themselves. They had armed themselves with the same pathetic pieces of mechanics that expelled projectiles through the squeeze of a lever. He hadn't understood these weapons and chose not to give a damn regardless. Half of Ryon understood why Loki had chose Earth as his battleground to lay waste to and conquer. They had no concept of battle and no concept of warfare. Gone were the days where men and women fought together on chariots and horseback. Brandishing swords and bows, spears and hammers, battleaxes and pikes. No. Such a weak, pathetic excuse for a planet had chosen to 'advance' their weaponry into flimsy pieces of metal, mechanical weapons that shot even tinier pieces of metal. Such vehicles they had called a 'tank' were supposed to be the hardest, less penetrable metal their government could buy.

                                                                          tab Yet Ryon could still destroy it. Just thinking of all of the falsities and worthlessness of this planet was causing Ryon to develop a sour mood. His grip around Loki has strengthened in his irritation ad he continued onward towards the direction of the location of where he remembered the SHIELD base was. Due to Loki's height, only down to his knees were covered by Ryon's cape since his cape wasn't long enough to covered Loki's body entirely. Loki's knees downward were still hung over Ryon's strong grip while from the knees up, even Loki's face, was covered. For awhile, Ryon believed that he would arrive to the base with no interruptions. However, this would change within a few minutes as he noticed a woman look over to him. Such a woman looking overly lost and rushing at him in a running formation. Ryon did not like this one bit and soon slung his uncle over one shoulder and kept a one handed grip while his free hand quickly went to grip onto his battleaxe. She had called out some sort of quickened greeting to him and waved at him, yet Ryon did not know this women. Ryon's guard was up and face held seriousness.

                                                                          tab Excuse me for bothering you but I was curious if you could assist me. I am new here so I was curious if you could tell me where I am by chance. What? This woman rushed him simply to ask a question? Could she not have approached him much more calmly? Clearly this woman held other intentions. That had to be it. She would most likely aim to distract him with questions and attack seconds later. Ryon would refuse to allow this to happen. "Where are you? You are on a thick hardened rock these mortals use as a walkway. You are in a city these mortals call 'New York'. You are also within an uncomfortable amount of space from me while I am carrying an ill fated family member who needs treatment. Because of this, I am going to ask you to step away and create distance" Ryon warned. Her attention being brought to his uncle underneath the blue cape was noticeable, seeing as she hadn't diverted her eyes from the bundle over his shoulder. Because of this, Ryon's furthermore defense had risen higher and now Ryon had slid out his battleaxe to grip it tightly in his right hand. Caring not if it scared the woman.

                                                                          tab Umm pardon my curiosity but what are you carrying? I can understand if you don't wish to let me know. Now, she was becoming verbally curious. If her eyes weren't a tell enough, than she had just given herself away as far as her intentions were concerned. Ryon would not allow himself or his uncle to become in danger because of such a woman. "Were you not paying attention? I said I was tending to a ill fated family member of mine. He is wounded and needs treatment. I am taking him to a facility that I know will suit him well. Your curiosity on the manner is concerning and your constant glances do not bode me comfortably. If you have any ill intentions or thoughts upon striking me down or my uncle, you are sadly mistaken. For I am a God and of Asgard and you, you are not". Making his intentions and furthermore warnings clear, Ryon kept his eyes on this woman before looking ahead down the street to where he wanted to. No, where he should have been already should it not have been for this irritating subsiding distraction. His eyes bore daggers into the woman's own set of oculars as Ryon dared the woman to try something.

                                                                          tab However, his mental time frame was the reasoning he needed to determine that he was simply wasting time here. The longer he waited for his uncle to receive treatment, the more danger the man could be in. Why Ryon hadn't thought of healing stones for his uncle in the first place, was beyond him. He could easily do so now, but he would be exposing who he was carrying to this woman who was being overly curious. However, his internal thought was that perhaps if he showed her, than she could become scared of the man underneath and run away. Maybe, just maybe, Ryon could use a bit of speechcraft to convince her that his uncle was not asleep and could spring to life at any second. Threading his battleaxe through the loophole holder, Ryon looked over his shoulder to his uncles cape covered body and slowly peeled down the cape until it rested around his uncles neck. Leaving now from his uncles knees down in armor exposed, and now his uncles face from just an inch underneath the chin upward. The cape covering his uncles neck and throat for simple purposes that Ryon deemed safe to think about.

                                                                          tab Sliding his uncle off his shoulders and carrying him back in two arms, Ryon allowed the sight of his uncles unconscious face to be seen by the woman in close proximity. "This man, is my uncle. He is simply resting his eyes, but can hear everything you say and I myself. Should you choose to attack me or slay him with his eyes closed, he will rouse from his caped bundle and use powerful magic to defeat you. Leaving you within an inch of your life where as I with my battleaxe could finish you. If you attack me, or my uncle, we will kill you. Do I make myself clear?" Ryon asked. He only waited for a good sixty second for an answer before starting to walk away from the woman towards the path of sidewalk that that would lead him to the base of sorts where he needed to be. Whether or not this woman followed him, was up to her. However, Ryon was not in favor of playing games right now and he cared not that this person was a female and held no weaponry on her. He would still cut her down if she posed herself as a threat. It was only a mere five minutes to the base by this point and he had no intentions of stopping again.

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                                                                          LOCATION | Streets (Close to SHIELD Base)
                                                                          ATTIRE | Asgardian Armor | Cape | Balestarius
                                                                          WITH | Loki

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Shy Kitten

11,150 Points
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She sighed to herself as she lowered the gun, no matter how badly she wanted to she simply couldn’t get her finger into the space to pull the trigger. Curse her fingers! She looked around the room figuring that a walk would help her to clear her mind a bit. She really ought to be getting to Tonys side before woke up. She didn’t want him to know of how she felt on the inside. She rose from the bed fixing her outfit slightly. Mainly her top and headphones (which were mostly for show.). She didn’t get to go very far as the first few pieces of the suit hit her body locking her into place and sending the gun flying out of her hand. She growled loudly cursing herself for taking as long as she did. Honestly did she really think that she could get away with almost killing herself when her boyfriend hardly ever slept?

“Jarvis let me go!” She demanded of the AI almost growling again as she was told that it was on lock mode, so Tony was awake then? Well why wasn’t the suit taking her to him… oh no he couldn’t be! He shouldn’t be! But he was, as soon as she figured out what was happening Tony himself came bursting through the door. The suit had moulded itself around her quite well so she could see him while he was still standing. Though as soon as he collapsed she cried out his name wishing that she could go to his side and scold him for leaving the hospital! Honestly did he have to be so reckless? She rolled her eyes wanting nothing more than to kick her boyfriends butt after kissing him for coming to her side. Well why else would he be there?

“Tony let me out of zhis suit and I can port us back to base!” TJ said figuring that she would simply drop Tony off at the medical ward/ hospital again before putting the gun away. Sure it would take numerous trips but she was prepared to take them. She wished to see him to make sure that he was still breathing, the silly man had her locked in the position and unable to help him! A sigh escaped her lips as she considered her options. She couldn’t posses him nor did she think that she’d be able to just port out of the suit so that left her with her ultimate weapon. Not that it be hard to do since her tail was trapped.

Slowly oh so slowly she retracted her tail allowing her cries of pain to flow from her mouth each and every time her tail was cut by the insides of the suit. After a particularly nasty cut she cried louder than before tears rolling down her cheeks though she was unable to stop them. Mentally she was cursing Tony in every language that she knew. Wouldn’t do her much good other than to relive some budding frustration that was currently beginning to bloom within her chest.

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Interesting Prophet

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*~ Alvaro Lokison ~*

"Every Villain is a Hero in his own mind."

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                                            this is my real life
                                            I'm half asleep and I am wide-awake
                                            This habit is always so hard to break
                                            I don't want to be the bad guy...

                                            “I assume it's safe, for the moment,”

                                            Alvaro heard his half brother's comment, though he did not respond right away. He was still quite puzzled with Damon's behavior, but was glad that Jormungandr had stayed quiet until after Damon had left. If he had not, then things could have gone south rather quickly. There were other more important things on the young prince's mind than having to mediate a confrontation between his lover and half brother. Such as a possible meeting with his traitorous mother and the fact the Chitauri had dared harm his lover yesterday. Though, there was less he could do about the latter matter.

                                            "For now," Alvaro agreed glancing over at Jormungandr to see his half brother now sitting up on his bed. "After Enya eats and dresses, she usually spends an hour or so with her mother." The last word was saturated with loathing. Whether it was from his great dislike of Phoenix or his new found dislike of his own mother, the young god wasn't sure. Though, as much as Alvaro hated Phoenix, she was the only person who could teach Enya to use her powers. "Phoenix is responsible for Enya's training." He added a moment or two later as an after thought, returning his gaze to the ceiling.

                                            Alvaro could sense that the lower levels were a flurry with activity, but he chose to ignore it. He could sense The Other's presence, therefore Alvaro wanted to stay far away from the lowest level if at all possible. He could also sense that Damon was actually still on this floor, which only added to his puzzlement and frustration. Alvaro just didn't understand what was bothering his lover (aside from Jormungandr's presence). Unless it was because of something that Alvaro had done, but the prince couldn’t think of anything off the top of his head.

                                            ...I'm under the gun
                                            Feel like the only one
                                            I just can't decide what I'm running from

                                            Currently wearing: Outfit

Sparkly Friend

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“You either die a hero or..."
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"live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
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Weapons: Eclipse Duel Blades can become bow/arrows and scythe, hands.
Crimson Flash,
Summon: Azrael
Drive mode: Valor Drive , Lucky Cat Drive
Witch Trick:Walk on walls, ceilings,ect along with a vanish trick like a Cheshire cat for five seconds minimum except in lucky cat drive it lasts up to a minute the vanish trick.
Multi-Wield: Able to wield different weapons, including hand to hand combat, scythe, bow arrow, duel blades..
Chaser Mines can also form around summoner to act as a shield blowing targets too close back.
Ice manipulation: Glacial Fang and Diamond Dust.
Fire manipulation: Burning Souls and Fire Storm
Lightning manipulation: Thunder Crash (2:42-2:46) and Reverse Polarity which acts as a light electric body shield, enhances physical strikes, alter gravity around the person so they can move about defying it, also focus it on the floor like a sphere to help cushion a high fall so you won't be hurt if you land in it.
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What was with this man she just asked a few simple questions and he was acting like she was some crazed killer. Tilting her head seeing the male who was wrapped in the cloths she just looked at him. Ok so he was his uncle it was nice to see him but again the threat was a bit much, did she approach him in an offensive way? This world was truly odd, good thing she did not go for a hand shake..

"Asgard? What is Asgard? Also if your Uncle needs help I would be happy to heal him on the way to your destination." Oh how she wanted to tell this moody male that she did not fear a god in fact she ended up killing the god in her world and his creations to save her world.. Still in the end she ended up taking it's place, gave her world to the people of it, stuck in a deep crystal slumber, and mainly her world died. She kept shaking off his threats even though she did want to just beat some manners into him, but that was probably not a good idea right now being the only person or well god she found in this place of New York and treatment was needed.

Following Ryon she was not afraid of his uncle and not afraid of him as she just continued to follow him with a casual stroll. "So was it combat injuries, maybe a spell? I don't see anything that is like a Malboro around here but since this place is different there might be something like it with the ability of casting ailments onto others?
Her hands were behind her back as she was looking at the sleeping uncle trying to diagnose him. This was all she could do just look and try and figure out what was wrong, after all would this male allow her to help his uncle?

Sighing she just walked along the path Ryon was taking looking around making a mental map of this New York. This world was pretty sad in her opinion it was pretty much a rock no beauty, and as she kept walking she was wondering if this world was coming to its end too. As she was walking something clicked in her mind she did not introduce herself to the male after he did himself even though it was more of a my name is this I am this and I will kill you if you try anything kind of intro.

" I'm Suzumie Crescent of Etro." well at least she got that out of the way, she was curious how he would react either way she could only picture him reacting how he had been since she met him.
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Location: street of this new world.
Theme:Following Ryon.
With: Ryon and Loki

Mr Celtic Enigma

Versatile Shapeshifter

3,875 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Gender Swap 100
War is an Art. To think of it as a science is a fool’s errand.
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Vixzakta looked at Sif for a moment after they had stopped and after a few moments took his tools out of his satchel and walked over to a flat rock. He the reached into his satchel and pulled out what looked like a black dragon scale. He gripped it with his tongs and began to hammer it with his smiths hammer, the scale soon glowing red as it heated by a forge. The heat was coming from the tongs. He hammered on it for a few moments to spread it out before he reached into his satchel and pulled out something else. He placed it onto the scale, and began to hammer again. The scale began to grow larger and larger, spreading out further and further without getting thinner. Even though what ever he’d added was invisible to the naked eye, it was clearly there. The air smelled of rain storm, but the weather had not changed. and if one were to venture further away from Zak, the smell would go away. He then reached into the satchel again, this time pulling out a small gem of some kind, and when he began to hammer it into the material, a loud heartbeat could be heard. Very loud and very deep. He continued to hammer the material for few more moments before puling two more objects from the satchel and adding them to the forging process. He hammered them into the material, and soon the material began to give off sparks when struck, like metal. Then he began to shape it with his hammer, mold it to the form he desired. After a moment he obtained a final object from his satchel and dropped it on the red hot material. There was a sizzling sound and steam rose from it. The material cooling quite quickly. It was a shield. One of the same shape as the one Sif already carried. It already had the arm band and hand grip built in. On the back of the shield was Vixzakta’s signature. He then offered the shield to Sif and said, “A Shield crafted from the teeth of a river, the roots of a cloud, the heart of a mountain, the first scale shed by a black dragon, and the first raindrop to fall in a new monsoon and cooled in the first tear shed in pride by a first time father. Great materials. Very difficult to obtain, ” Then he stepped forward and explained himself, “As proof of our intent to help you in this war, and as a token of my apologies on behalf of Lord Torjuuk, Please take this shield. It is stronger and lighter than you would believe.”

“Call me Zak. General is too formal for such a casual setting, even if we are at war.”
"And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth...
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The Midgard Serpent ..:: Jormungandr Lokison
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Jormungandr couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at where their conversation had taken it's turn. It had been a few years ago that he'd heard of his own mother's passing, a short time for an immortal such as himself, and it was no less painful to dwell on it even now; yet another fragment of his life and that of his brother and sister that could not be reclaimed. Their father had assured him that Asgard had laid neither hand nor blade upon her; that her death had been her own choosing and there'd been nothing to do to stop her, then... it never needed saying that Odin might as well have allowed the Council to sentence her to the ax as they'd wished to; for the pain she'd been left to live and suffer with instead, it might have been a mercy.

It was true that he still blamed their father in part for Angrboda's fate, just as he blamed Loki for his own, for his siblings. Yet despite the anger he harbored and had so far kept silent, he knew, could hear it in the way Loki still spoke of her in the rare instances that he allowed himself to, that their mother's death still haunted him, as well...

Jormungandr could not ignore the part of him that thought it well-deserved.

He forced his thoughts of the past aside, not entirely keen on continuing to follow the conversation at hand between himself and Alvaro, but preferring it to the alternative. Dwelling on that which he couldn't repair was a useless endeavor, and would cause him nothing but pain that he would rather avoid. “This Phoenix woman...” he stated, unable to miss the bitterness and loathing beneath Alvaro's words, if it was aimed at who he believed it was, “you do not care for her at all.” Truth be told Jormungandr had yet to see or hear of this woman, but already cared little for her himself. The very presence of Enya and Alvaro was a slap to the face despite his best efforts to be at least somewhat civil with them both; their separate parentage felt like a betrayal against himself and his siblings, against their mother, whether it ought to have or not. And if this Phoenix woman shared even an ounce of the same unpredictable and destructive power as young Enya did, then that was more than enough reason to be wary of her. “Is she not your mother as well?” he inquired then, feeling that perhaps he shouldn't, given the tension still lingering in the room; it had never crossed his mind until now, however, that Alvaro and Enya themselves might be merely half-siblings to one another. From the sound of it, that seemed to be the case.

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status: well | mood: tired/saddened | location: Chambers, Stark Tower | company: Alvaro

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... for the old Heaven and the old Earth had passed away,
and there was no more sea."

Shy Kitten

11,150 Points
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  • Forum Sophomore 300
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Suite damage: 0%
Energy levels: 100%
Unit Location...Outside 'Howies' Room...User Image

                                    Tony stood outside of the door jumping back when he heard a hulk like roar, had he not known any better he would have sworn that Bruces child was on the other side with his daughter. However he didn’t know that Bruce even had a son nor did he know about his own! He was completely clueless to it though when a voice started to call for its dad excitedly he sighed loudly knowing that Cory would probably never call him dad. No he would always be ‘Stark’ to her now. As far as he knew he had no other children, no one to call him dad. He never spoke when the voice requested to know if it was its dad or not, what could he say? Yes would imply that he was indeed the boys father but then it would surely crush him if he saw that Tony wasn’t right? A no would outright crush the boy but then again Cory was in there, would the boy hurt Cory if he said no? For that reason alone he chose to remain silent. He took a couple of steps back just in case Hulk Jr decided to burst through the door in search of his father. He may not wish for Cory to be hurt but he also had to think of himself as well. He checked the time on his watch debating about leaning against the wall and catching a few z’s while he waited to see if Cory would respond to his voice or not. He did doubt that she would but he would be patient with her.

                                    He had been close to either falling asleep, knocking on the door again or just turning to leave them. He didn’t think that the silence could be anything more than them not wishing to see him. Well it was possible that the kid didn’t want to see his father, how was he to know any different? However as soon as he heard the soft clicking of the door he started to walk towards it again though he stopped at the sound of Corys voice telling him that they would be out soon. Well a minute but still. “Ok Cory take your time sweetie” he called through the door happy to have been given a response

                                    Battle Theme

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Mega Werewolf

11,175 Points
  • Conventioneer 300
  • First step to fame 200
  • Ultimate Player 200
Jean Gray
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White Phoenix
Dark Phoenix

User ImageJean laughed and came into view of dream Peter. ”Hello Peter.” She said offering him a smile. As fast as she entered the dream his dream was now clear. No more her, no more leaves falling, no more woods they were in an are of empty white. ”I told you before Peter that your mind is very load. I will put some telepathic walls up to keep your mind safe.” Jean said. From where he was in his head he could see her putting up the walls.

”There you go Peter your mind will now be safe from other telepaths. Not all telepaths are like me and nice. If they got into your head they could make you do things. Things you would not like.” She explained to him. She did notice dark things in his mind but did not touch them. ”I saw some dark and sad things in your mind. If any one else got in here they could end this against you.” She explained to him.

His mind was now safe so Jean felt confirmable knowing he was safe. Leaving his mind Jean woke up Sitting up she stretched smiling at sleeping seeing Peter was looking better. Grabbing more bandages she started to rewrapping his wounds.
I am the Lady Sif, born a goddess and forged a warrior...
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Goddess Of War ...::: Sif Aridottir
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SHIELD's guards departed soon after she spoke with them, to speak with whoever they needed to see to regarding their guests. In the silence Sif looked back toward nearby trees and the roads beyond it, where the skies themselves had announced Ryon's return to Midgard not long before; the sooner SHIELD could tend to the matter of the two Colossi, themselves, the sooner she could go and find her son. Until then, it was only out of responsibility that she remained where she stood, without a word until Torjuuk spoke up in reply to her previous statement. “The armies of Nifilheim are as much a threat as they have always been,” she clarified as she'd listened to his tales through; though they were aware of such already, if she were to guess... “but they have followed the rule of another sovereign for some time; the very queen who has earned Helheim it's namesake. Though I fear her ambition and hunger for war is no less formidable.” Nor was the thought of Hel gaining an ally of the other ancient being that allegedly resided in her realm, if such an alliance were possible.

As Torjuuk continued to speak, Sif met his hardened gaze with one of her own; if the look the elder had given her was meant to unnerve her at all, the war goddess did not show it. “One must wonder what repercussions might come from forcing such a powerful burdon upon others to carry.” An inquiry she couldn't help feeling they would all know the answer to sooner than the All-Father might have hoped. It wasn't entirely accusatory, what she'd said to the elder Colossus; after all had Asgard been any different in the past, or even now? The war goddess of this unknown realm of Colossian lay dormant beneath Midgard's earth, and yet did one of their own prisoners not reside beneath its seas, cast out by the All-Father himself in much the same manner? Was the now-queen of Nifilheim not locked away in that desolate world just like their master of death?

Yet had they not done what they had to do, for the good of their people? The loyal Aesir warrior in her had tried to see the reason in the Council's choice to banish them as they did, to see the justice in it not only for them but for the worlds that now harbored their presence, their hatred and anger; another part of her couldn't help wondering if there truly was reason behind any of it at all...

Sif strayed from her own thoughts, and from Torjuuk's words, at an abrupt sound almost like metal clashing against metal. Her grip instinctively tightened around the sword in her hand as she turned to the source of the noise, only to loosen again when she realized what caused it. It seemed an odd time and place to begin such a project, though the younger Colossus, Vixzakta, did not call himself an epic smith without reason, it seemed. The smell of rain and ozone weighed on the air as he worked, followed after by a drumming sound that could be mistaken for distant thunder, if not for it's too-steady rhythm; the war goddess, more out of old habit, glanced up toward the sky in search of an approaching storm, only to find the sky as clear as it had been all morning. Sif continued to watch, curiously, as he worked on the clearly non-metal material; the scale of some manner of beast, it appeared. In a manner of minutes the scale had taken a shape similar to the small shield strapped to her back, as Vixzakta completed the last of his work, allowing the material to cool completely back to it's dark color before approaching the war goddess and holding the shield out to her.

Somewhat hesitantly, Sif allowed him to hand it to her, listening to his explanation as well as his apology. The finished weapon was surprisingly well-crafted; the material of it was dark, blackened in color as if it had been scorched, the weight of it lighter than her own Aesir weaponry in a way that it would seem flimsy in comparison; Sif, however, knew enough of magic to know not to underestimate its durability until she witnessed it for herself. “A curious collection of materials, indeed” she said; the root of a cloud, the heart of a mountain... perhaps some time she would inquire him as to what it all meant. “Your title truly precedes you, epic smith” she then added in compliment, turning her arm and the shield with it as if to test it; “I thank you” she said, bowing her head to the younger Colossus before looking back to the elder, “both of you, for your intent to help. No doubt you will have Midgard's thanks for it, as well.”

“Why have you chosen to help us, truly?” she inquired the both of them after a pause; no accusation in her tone, only a simple question; “there are not many who would risk themselves so, for a world that has little to do with them; least of all the mortal realm.” She was sad to admit that Asgard was not so different in this, either. There had been a time when a war of such magnitude as the one Loki had caused there would have been stopped before it could begin, yet now... were it not for Thor's own insistence that they protect Midgard and its people, Asgard would have easily left them to their fate; even now the majority of the Aesir's defenses merely sat in idle, awaiting for the war to reach them rather than to approach it on it's own ground.

Where she herself would still be, likely, if she'd allowed the time to give their King any say in the matter.

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status: well | mood: wary/curious | location: Outside Westchester Base | company: Torjuuk/Vixzakta

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< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <<<
... I have been baptized in the tears of my enemies,
and their children's children fear my name.

Interesting Prophet

Roy Buchanan Rogers
Medic Field Uniform

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Roy had nodded silently as he listened to his mother, her expression livid. He didn’t argue with her, though he wanted to. It was his fault, no matter if he was under some spell. Roy had known exactly what he was doing and what made things worse was that he had eagerly wanted to carry out the orders he had been given. His stepmother’s livid expression had faded into a calm one as she explained that she wasn’t angry with him. Roy again hadn’t argued on this point, thinking that she should be angry with him. If he hadn’t acted so foolishly, Loki wouldn’t have ever known the location of the base and no one would have been put in danger.

Roy knew that his sister was right. Even if he wasn’t injured, he would still be here in the medical bay because this was wear he worked. Well, lived actually, mostly since Cassie’s death and again she was right, he spent more time here than even his room. There was no denying that he had become obsessed with his work in order to cope with his past girlfriends death. And, though it often left him with very little sleep and time to see his family, it had become normal for him. Roy listened to what Nick was saying about her powers and finding what element she was best at like how Storm was best at lightening. “Snow?” he hadn’t thought that that would be his sister’s element, but he was glad she seemed to be happy with the discovering. Otherwise he doubted she would be this excited about it.

Nick climbed up onto the bed that he was standing next to becoming almost as tall as him. He could tell she was starting to use her powers because it had suddenly become freezing between them. After a few moments some snow appeared in her hands. Roy was always so proud of his little sister working so hard to learn how to improve and learn how to control her powers. He didn’t know much about mutant powers, but Roy thought this was a great accomplishment. Roy stayed still as Nick moved his hair back and placed the snowy ice on his forehead. No doubt because of the bruise his brother was so nice to give him. He winced slightly, but he smiled at her, “That feels nice, Nick.” Though he was confused as to who this Antoinette was. He assumed it was another girl Nick’s age new to the base.

Before he could ask the door to his room opened again and an unfamiliar face walked into the room, holding a small child sleeping in his arms. He saluted Hill as well as Roy before asking Hill if there was anything he could do to help. His attention was diverted back to Nick as she exclaimed ‘There she is!’ and handed him the ice she’d been holding to his forehead. Nick hurried off the bed and over to the newcomers. He shot his stepmother a confused look, knowing that if anything she would likely know what was going on here. The guy and little girl were obviously new to base and Nick knew the little girl to be Antoinette. “…Mom what’s going on?”

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Interesting Prophet

"Nú var Loki tekinn griðalauss ok
farit með hann í helli nökkvorn.
Þá tóku þeir þrjár hellur ok settu
á egg ok lustu rauf á hellunni hverri.
Þá váru teknir synir Loka"


                          "Now Loki was taken truceless, and was brought
                          with them into a certain cave. Thereupon they took
                          three flat stones, and set them on edge and drilled a
                          hole in each stone. Then were taken Loki's sons..."

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                                                                          " Þá tóku æsir þarma hans ok bundu Loka
                                                                          með yfir þá þrjá [egg]steina, einn undir
                                                                          herðum, annarr undir lendum, þriði undir
                                                                          knésfótum, ok urðu þau bönd at járni."


                                                                                                  "And the Æsir took his entrails and bound Loki
                                                                                                  with them over the three stones: one stands under
                                                                                                  his shoulders, the second under his loins, the third
                                                                                                  under his houghs; and those bonds were turned to iron."

                      Váli and Nari listened intently to Gersemi’s explanation of the Midgardian’s ‘science’. However they were both just as lost as their mother was on the subject. Science wasn’t magic by any means, but it had created this wondrous metal contraption that would bring them up and down through the citadel at a press of a button. The Midgardians science couldn’t have been so bad, though magic was certainly easier to understand in their opinions. And then there was the art of Alchemy, which was apparently the combination of both magic and science rolled into one thing. Just from that definition Váli and Nari knew Gersemi wasn’t exaggerating when she said it took years of study to understand entirely.

                      The rest of the ride down to the ground floor was more silent than not. The twins could feel their mother’s anxiety and knew it would only be lessened once the doors opened again. Finally, the doors opened and they all filed out of the confines of the moving metal box. However before them now was a peculiar scene and Váli and Nari instantly drew their weapons and stepped protectively in front of Sigyn. The twins slowly and cautiously moved forwards towards the buildings glass doors and to the strange scene outside. Gersemi moved quicker than they, but Váli did not object though he wanted to. He knew she could fair well on her own (having witnessed her survive a battle with the god of mischief himself), but that couldn’t stop the worry that oddly kept rising up.

                      They didn’t know what had brought about the scene before them and therefore the twins had wordlessly agreed to walk on the edge of caution. Váli and Nari had never seen a dragon seemingly made out of swords and axes, though they assumed it to be the pet of the daughter of Loki who stood near the beast. Past Hel, it was evident that Lady Freyja was there with Hnoss, Loki and of course a drove of those ugly Chitauri. Though Váli stopped short as he spotted Gersemi swinging her scythe down towards Hel’s spine. Nari at first shot his twin a confused glance, but then understood as he followed Váli’s gaze. They couldn’t believe Gersemi was initiating an attack without knowing the current situation first.

                      Váli’s hands tightened around the hilts of his twin swords as he couldn’t do a thing to save Gersemi from the shadows, which enveloped her. It wasn’t unusual for an icy frost to encase Váli’s twin swords (Valdis & Sindri) as that was how Váli liked to fight with them in battle. However, what was unusual was the icy mist that was beginning to emanate from the twin swords, though it would dissipate before touching the floor. Nari could see the great anger behind the calm façade his brother still wore and knew the mist was the result of his twin restraining himself from doing something foolish. From there current position, they could see the shadows appear behind Loki and deposit Gersemi there seemingly unharmed. Though, that did nothing to lessen Váli’s growing anger.

Their Location: Midgard, New Asgard They're wearing: These Midgardian clothes Company: Gersemi & Loki Their weapons: Vali & Nari

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Shy Kitten

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Peter raised an eyebrow as he heard Jean laughing before coming into his line of sight, her offered smile as she greeted him had him frowning. So his dream didn’t bother her? Though as soon as she entered it was gone, never ending expansions of whiteness covered the area as far as he could see. The emptiness made him nervous. Anything could be hiding in plain sight! He blinked at her as she spoke before glancing round frantically as walls burst from the floor surrounding them. Were these to protect his thoughts? Surely any old strong telepath could break down these and hurt him anyways if they truly desired to?

He listened to her as she explained how other telepaths had been able to enter his mind, gain information from him despite him never saying a word to anyone. Did she really think of him as a child? He knew that others weren’t as nice as Jean and he also knew when to stop someone from spying too much in his mind. Just imagine a door… he was told. Apparently that stopped others from going too far but then again he’d have to focus. Had Jean really looked at the darker parts of his mind she’d see that he was no angel… Uncle Ben and Gwen would agree with him had they still been…. He cut that train of thought there to see that Jean had left him. He only assumed that she would want little to do with him… with the blood on his hands.

He fell to his knees as images of all those that he failed to save gathered round him, calling him a monster. Proclaiming their hate for him. ‘I would have been in Oxford had it not been for you!’ Gwens figure yelled at him just before Uncle Ben got his life cutting words in. ‘I wouldn’t have been mugged had you stopped that guy!’. More words cut into his soul each person proclaiming how he had failed them. Even some faceless Shield agents were there saying how it was his fault that the base was attacked.

“I-I-I-I didn’t mean to fail you all!” he cried out clutching at his racing heart. Could Jean still hear his mind while he was behind the walls? Did she know of the verbal attack that he was now under? Images of his real parents joined the hate group which surrounded him their own words cutting him deeper than anyone elses. According to them he wasn’t good enough, not fast enough, not smart enough. He’d never be their son no matter what he did.

Precious Strawberry

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Mac/Maci Harring
The Mad Hatter/Hattress, Discord, Discordia, Please Don't Kill Me

Chester Malcolm Sedgewick
The Cheshire Cat
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                            After exiting the room and walking a few good paces, Chester found himself forgetting breakfast for a moment, as he remembered that he had barely seen outside the base since he arrived, and what he had seen had been during the invasion, his focus then on finding Mad. Maybe he would fetch food for Olivia and himself after a short visit to the outside world. He'd only heard bits and pieces about America, having been, frankly, quite disinterested in the alien-invaded land across the pond, but now that he was here, he was a mite curious. It would not take long; just long enough for him to actually build up an appetite. He searched the strangely labyrinthine building for an exit.


                            Mac, having rested in his quarters (which seemed to be happening more frequently, as of late) decided a nice morning stroll was in order. Having dressed in only his best unbirthday suit (as all of them were), he took a cane, this time black with a diamond handle shaped like a rabbit skull, which clicked in time with his dapperly-shoed feet. He had purposefully missed the skirmish at the tower, finding it too full of pretty immortals to be worth his time. Instead, he had chosen to pass by it with casual stealth. If he was lucky, perhaps he would find better amusements elsewhere.

                            He was in luck. Ahead of him was a most humorous sight: the young Asgardian he had met but a few days ago, the king unconscious in his arms, a young lady by his side. How delightfully surprising. Of course, he had to butt in. Ahead of him, he made a table covered in tea and treats, and sent it sliding as if on wheels. It made a dead stop between Ryon and the girl. Before anything on the table could be touched, fireworks flew out of the teapot and teacups. "Greetings, young ones. We hope you remain careful with that tea. It's a tad excitable," he warned with a chuckle.


                            As he strode toward the edge of the property, having taken some surprise toward how crisply cut and blood-free the grass was already, he caught a shot of color and a few small plumes of smoke high in the sky. He looked up to see bursts of fireworks, strange to see during the day, as they were usually a nighttime venture. The only person he thought likely to do such was Mad. Temporarily forgetting his promise to fetch breakfast altogether, he jogged off to investigate.

                            He reached a grouping of three between himself and his eccentric friend. "G'morning," he said, a eyebrow raised at this odd mix. Mad only chuckled once more.

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