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If you could, how many babies would you have at once?

Just the one! 0.34771573604061 34.8% [ 137 ]
Twins! 0.37055837563452 37.1% [ 146 ]
Triplets! 0.035532994923858 3.6% [ 14 ]
Quadruplets! 0.0025380710659898 0.3% [ 1 ]
5+ 0.015228426395939 1.5% [ 6 ]
Gold please. 0.22842639593909 22.8% [ 90 ]
Total Votes:[ 394 ]

Shirtless Informer

The Fetish Faerie
I realized something sad today, when I am blessed my child with have no grandfather and only one grandmother even though my mother and MIL are both alive. My husband and I decided that if his mother doesn't change than she isn't going to even know about the baby(well future baby).

Ours won't really have any. My parents are not in my life anymore (My dad hasn't been for ages, my mother hasn't been for a month and a half or so) and hubbys parents...His mom is pretty much dying in a hospital right now. We'll be lucky if she lives long enough to see our child after it is born (and she has to be out of the hospital, which is unlikely, because she is in the ICU with all the really ill people where you have to "suit up" with masks and gloves and gowns and I'm not bringing my tiny baby into such a nasty and dangerous place no matter how much it hurts), and his father is old and not the neatest/cleanest person ever so he might get to see the baby on holidays but we won't be going to his house or anything like that...
Tiffany BIews
I turned 18 yesterday, and I'm 18 weeks pregnant. The father of my baby kept changing his mind on being with me and being a father, so he gets what he wants - to be a part time father.
I'm back with an ex of mine, my first 'real' boyfriend from when I was 15. <3 He's been a lot of help, and still wants to be with me even though I'm pregnant with some other guy's baby. I don't even know what to think of everything.

My family (and a lot of friends) are saying to take the father of my baby to court once I have the baby, to make it so he can't have it overnight at all and so that he can't just take the baby whenever he pleases. He lives with his mother, 30some year old brother, his daughter, his 19 year old sister, her boyfriend, her 4 year old daughter - in a 3 bedroom house. He's currently sharing the basement with his mom on a different side of the basement but there's still no privacy or anything, and is only making $35 a week... which he just blew a lot on for two tattoos on his arms. I'm just worried about stuff like... what if the court doesn't see a problem with the baby staying with it's father? Even after telling me to adopt it out, get an abortion, and that he was gonna sign off rights if I got him for child support? I've been told it's not likely, but still... what if? =/

If you're not worried about child support, can't you just not put his name on the birth certificate? My moms' friend did that with her kids, both from the same father, who was only a "FWB", the girls are like 10 years apart, and she doesn't have a father listed, which she claims is so that he can never try to get rights to them from the courts.

I kind of am, in a way. I just got a job, at mcdonalds - a paycheck is a paycheck right now since only mcdonalds wants to hire a pregnant person- and I'm not sure how much I'll be working, how much money is gonna be taken up by baby stuff&maternity clothes and whatnot, and by the time I have the baby, I was hoping to be moved out of my parent's house. I mean, it would help a lot to have the extra money coming in once I have the baby. I don't think my baby's father is gonna be around to even sign the birth certificate though. I could just let him sign off rights from the start, but I don't even know if he'd change his mind AGAIN about it all. I guess everything is just a jumbled mess, and I'm worrying too much over it. It just... sucks I guess.
Shima Shinji
Watermellon Pisces
Well...I don't know much about this. It was a a vaginal sonogram thingy. They found the baby and snapped a picture really quick then did something to hear the heartbeat...I'll call my dr tomorrow to see how soon they can see me... I'm sorta freaking out now.

If your doctor was able to hear the heartbeat, then it must exist! I thought you meant that your doctor couldn't find the heartbeat at all. But if your doctor was able to hear it, then it's probably just fine.

They couldn't...but they didn't say anything about it...idk...I could only hear my heartbeat in my ears I was really nervous.

Chatty Werewolf

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My biological father just tried to friend me on facebook again. DENY
He won't be a part of my baby's life - not if he can't figure out whether or not he wants to be a part of mine (I finally made the decision for him). My Step-dad will definately be, and so will my fiance's parents - and my mom will be, too, when she's around.
However, I think that it doesn't so much matter if your biological family is there or not - what does matter is all of the other people you decide to bring into your children's life! Maybe they don't have a grandpa, but they have someone who is LIKE a parent to you, or lots and lots of 'aunts' and 'uncles', or something like that. What's important is making sure that the people you bring around your child are good, and good influences, and that your child knows how much all of these people love him/her! ^_^
Besides - sometimes it's important to show you child that just because someone is related in some way, does not mean they are automatically a great person to be around. For instance, my uncle is a total a**-face who treats my mom like total crap for no reason other than to make her cry. And then you show your child that even when some people aren't related, they're such great people and you love them so much, that they might as well be!

Wealthy Lunatic

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Back at it again =(

I miss my sweet baby... he has been such a little demon since his dad left... 30 minutes, still no sorry.
Day #2 wasted from my kid being a brat....
I don't know how much more I can take of this..

Eloquent Informer

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Days of Raine
User ImageAnother night of zero sleep due to having to pee every time I lay down. I'm sick of this. crying
I feel your pain. I woke up too early this morning.. 4:30ish because hubby wanted some lovin'... he tried to be discrete but any sort of movement on the bed makes me wake up. Helped him out, then I had to adhere to the bladder call.... suddenly wide awake.

Basically, I said "******** it, I'm awake." Took a shower and now I am online... again. I might take a nap this afternoon after my walk.

Just gotta get through these last few weeks right? Soon we will be able to hold that pee in. sweatdrop
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Very true. Though at this point a few weeks seems like years.

Chatty Werewolf

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I just wanted to double check on here, i'm probably going to do it anyway but it came up

I decided that it was time to start washing things (is it too early?) and I was trying to figure out if I REALLY have to use baby laundry detergent or if normal 'sensitive skin' detergent would be okay. Of course, if I use the regular stuff and Luna break out in rashes and whatnot, I would naturally switch to a different detergent - however, I just don't see the need to spend more money on baby things that aren't entirely neccessary. For me, baby laundry detergent fits into the category of 'bottle drying racks' and 'wipe warmers'. Things that would be nice to have, but are uneccessary expenses.

I suppose I'm not so much asking for advice as I am asking what everyone else thinks about it.

What other things does everyone deem an uneccessary expense?

Chatty Werewolf

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Days of Raine
Days of Raine
User ImageAnother night of zero sleep due to having to pee every time I lay down. I'm sick of this. crying
I feel your pain. I woke up too early this morning.. 4:30ish because hubby wanted some lovin'... he tried to be discrete but any sort of movement on the bed makes me wake up. Helped him out, then I had to adhere to the bladder call.... suddenly wide awake.

Basically, I said "******** it, I'm awake." Took a shower and now I am online... again. I might take a nap this afternoon after my walk.

Just gotta get through these last few weeks right? Soon we will be able to hold that pee in. sweatdrop
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Very true. Though at this point a few weeks seems like years.

>.> Not to be a downer, but I wouldn't count on it... My mom STILL pee-sneezes...
Belly hardness- My belly has been hard for a while. But that all depends on you, your size before pregnancy, how your fat distribution is, the position of your baby, and the position of your uterus. Nothing wrong with a soft belly!

I personally don't think it's ever a godo decision to attempt to cut your child's father totally out of their life unless they are a danger to the child. A child is not a tool of spite. A lot of young men change a lot once the baby is born, and I'm not saying it'll make him a good partner, but he could wind up being a good father, and he has a right to that.

Baby detergent- We use Method Free & Clear on all of our clothes, and since it's deemed cloth diaper safe our son's baby clothes will be washed with it too. Baby specific detergent really is totally unnecessary. I would avoid ones with a ton of dyes and perfumes though. I consider most baby items unnecessary. I just have them because I wanted them, I found them cheap, or other people bought them for us. The only thing we paid full price for was our pack n' play,

Wealthy Lunatic

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Like Satil said, I'm pretty sure most "free" detergents should work out fine.
Ashton has super sensitive skin.. and I used baby soaps just to be safe.. but when he was a little bigger switched to Tide Free and Gentle with no problem!

Eloquent Informer

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I just wanted to double check on here, i'm probably going to do it anyway but it came up

I decided that it was time to start washing things (is it too early?) and I was trying to figure out if I REALLY have to use baby laundry detergent or if normal 'sensitive skin' detergent would be okay. Of course, if I use the regular stuff and Luna break out in rashes and whatnot, I would naturally switch to a different detergent - however, I just don't see the need to spend more money on baby things that aren't entirely neccessary. For me, baby laundry detergent fits into the category of 'bottle drying racks' and 'wipe warmers'. Things that would be nice to have, but are uneccessary expenses.

I suppose I'm not so much asking for advice as I am asking what everyone else thinks about it.

What other things does everyone deem an uneccessary expense?
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We've always used the same regular Gain detergent for Autumn's clothes as ours, and even with her sensitive skin [she has eczema] she hasn't shown any sort of reaction to regular detergent.
I swear to God this kid is so heavy now. It's like I reached 30 weeks and he gained 10 pounds. Feels like I have weights attached to my belly. The muscles off to the sides of my belly are so strained. Can I sleep for the next 10 weeks? emo
Sooo...I'm starting to get pretty down about this...I have another appointment next Thursday (apparently they are very busy...idk) And I've been looking all over the internet and some places say it's ok that they didn't find a heartbeat at 10weeks and others say I've had a miss-misscarrige...I'm pretty upset at this moment but I don't feel different in fact I still feel the same pregnancy complaints I've been having like certain things making me sick to my stomach buuuuut idk... crying

Greedy Receiver

Watermellon Pisces
Sooo...I'm starting to get pretty down about this...I have another appointment next Thursday (apparently they are very busy...idk) And I've been looking all over the internet and some places say it's ok that they didn't find a heartbeat at 10weeks and others say I've had a miss-misscarrige...I'm pretty upset at this moment but I don't feel different in fact I still feel the same pregnancy complaints I've been having like certain things making me sick to my stomach buuuuut idk... crying

How come they haven't done an ultrasound when they detected no heartbeat? When the doctor suspected anything wrong with my first pregnancy, he had me sent to have one done right away.

It could be that your baby was positioned at the back of the womb, so it didn't pick up clearly. There are fetal heartbeat detectors you can buy at Target/Walmart/Babies R' Us so you can hear these things yourself. I think they're about $30 - $40. I bought one during my first pregnancy because it really helped me feel secure.

Have you had any symptoms of a miscarriage or anything out of the ordinary to make you think you may have had a miscarriage?
Watermellon Pisces
Sooo...I'm starting to get pretty down about this...I have another appointment next Thursday (apparently they are very busy...idk) And I've been looking all over the internet and some places say it's ok that they didn't find a heartbeat at 10weeks and others say I've had a miss-misscarrige...I'm pretty upset at this moment but I don't feel different in fact I still feel the same pregnancy complaints I've been having like certain things making me sick to my stomach buuuuut idk... crying

How come they haven't done an ultrasound when they detected no heartbeat? When the doctor suspected anything wrong with my first pregnancy, he had me sent to have one done right away.

It could be that your baby was positioned at the back of the womb, so it didn't pick up clearly. There are fetal heartbeat detectors you can buy at Target/Walmart/Babies R' Us so you can hear these things yourself. I think they're about $30 - $40. I bought one during my first pregnancy because it really helped me feel secure.

Have you had any symptoms of a miscarriage or anything out of the ordinary to make you think you may have had a miscarriage?

And I can buy that? hmm I just might. And no no sign of a miscarrige. I had a little spotting on Thursday but that was after having a big wand shoved into my v****a then having a little too rough sex...no bleeding since so I think I'm ok but idk.

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