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my BF is in my dreams alot
i dream we wake up in bed together...and he turns out to be a flesh eating zombie, so i bash him with the night stand lamp light and lock myself in the bathroom sweatdrop
That was the opening scene from Dawn of the Dead.

OG Gaian

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The last dream I remember was pretty much this:

Okay, so I'm getting ready for the first performance for Clue, right? And the other Mrs. White who was supposed to be performing that day isn't there. And her scene is next. And I'm like s**t s**t but suddenly I'm in costume and now all of the sudden we're in the before performance. And this was all weird n's**t. It's funny, because technically we finished with Clue. As in, no performances ahead. ._.
i dreamt i was being raped by a group of evil gay men crying crying crying crying
I had a dream that I was in my 4th period English class.

I think I probably had that dream because I've been overstressed about the amount of work our teacher gives us and how I'm not doing any of it.
Oh god don't even get me started on dreams/nightmares. I'm the type of person who trips in her dream and will jerk awake (sometimes painfully mind you). Also sometimes my dreams/nightmares just put me into a shock that I just jerk awake as well.

Hm, my last dream....I was driving this old classic cars...(if you ever saw the show Super Natural, Dean's car is what I'm talking about) it was raining down quite hard. I have no idea where I was going but in my dream I just had to get there no matter what. I kept driving. Sad to say I had to use the bathroom. Any who, I was driving on the road and the road was like right next to woods. Or really the road went through the woods I guess I can say. I remember I had to use the bathroom real bad and thinking that I didn't want to use it in the woods. But I came upon this house. One of those classic ones, it was big, it didn't have a front porch there was two windows on the top of the house. I guess it had two floors and it was a gray-ish white color. The roof and stuff like frames where dark gray-black. I had to go bad so I parked my car near the house, the people there had a car like mine, but it was blue where mine was black....um....I think I had a leather jacket on.. I went to the front door and the mother answered the door. The had a fire in the fireplace and asked that I join them for dinner since it was real bad outside (after I used the bathroom of course)....I think there was 5 children...I caught two of the boys making out oddly enough the mother seems worried that I thought it was sick...I told her I didn't care about that....they had a little girl who wore a pink headband....I had to check under her bed for monsters....

And that was when I woke up...
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I semi remember my dream from last night...
I was going around an amusment park, in a Vience themed section, and it started to rain for a bit and it stop, the next thing I remembered is that I'm helping this guy escape by skateboard and I was running with him. The guy trying to get him was closing up with his skateboard....So I jumped on skateboard...the one who was trying to escape, and I kicked the other guy. I got of, and the guy zoomed around the coner an dissapeared...

The Next thing I know, I'm near the Target store near my house saying "Hi" to my History teacher's dog...

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that i forgot my homework
I had a dream... that there was a battle. It seemed like a video game, but at the same time I was so scared. I remember a castle my side had to protect, but the opposing forces outnumbered us by the hundreds... It was dark at first. The "generals" were prepping us for battle, and one had asked me a question I "wrongly" answered (I could tell by his sarcastic grin and laugh after I said my answer). When the battle started I just stood behind everyone else, watching everyone else get slain by the enemy.... The castle we were protecting was right next to the sea - the enemies were emerging from the sea. I grew frantic as my comrades were at their last wave, and were trying so hard to keep the enemy out of the castle.... and then I ran. I jumped down from the castle, and somehow reached the ocean. As the last of my comrades fell to the ground, I ran into the sea, and somehow was running on the surface of it! The enemies disappeared into the sea, and became a serpent that swiftly swam after me. It was a sea, but then it turned into... into a sewer. I ran into a dead end, and hid in a corner, but the serpent found me... I was hyperventilating, waiting for it to eat me, but then, out of nowhere... it was slain.... I looked around, and was a ventilation shaft on the opposing wall.... And then, my "knight in shining armor" emerged from it, and told me to follor him back into the shaft and to safety.

Then I woke up. there was most likely more to it, but that's all I can remember from my dream last night.
I never remember my dreams. They seem to slip away the moment I wake up. *tear*
i had a dream where i was shaggy(no spin off)and i had to protect the lion claw thingy from xolin showdown...so i was runnin thn i tripped and dropped the claw and the main neopet from darkest fairy game came and stole it at total random!!!the strange thing is that i hate cartoons and neopets xp
My most recent nightmare was one I had while staying at a friend's house. He had this alien tapestry on his wall. Well i have a really paranoid fear of aliens. So I ended up having a nightmare that my father's current girlfriend turned out to be an alien, cause I saw her take her face off and show her alien face, and then she tricked my father into marrying her. And I was trying to tell my friends and other family members about this, but no one would believe me. They just told me I was being paranoid. But as the nightmare went further, everyone started becoming aliens and they would just tell me that I was crazy and tired and if I went with them to the doctor(their alien spaceship) then everything would eventually become okay again.

It was fxing scary. I've been extra paranoid since this nightmare. I'm seriously worried now that aliens are out to get me.
I don't clearly remember a lot of my dreams, I just vaguely know what they were about. I know for a fact that last night my dreams were pretty much all Monty Python-related since I spent about six hours straight watching Flying Circus.

Hey, I just moved to downtown Vancouver on my own and I'm scared to leave my apartment. gonk Don't judge me.
ยป school
and people

pretty awesome ayeeee ;D
I dreamed of a wondrous land called house of blues, and in that land was a festival called paganfest and many many people gathered there for glorious battle and song, and it comes true next thursday. Also I dreamed about eating some people, it was tasty I think.
I had a dream that hooked up to an earlier dream.

I (was male, and) was playing Capture the Flag with a bunch of my friends up at the music building on campus, and then we were attacked by a bunch of really awful demon-things. I picked up a wooden sword and it turned into a real one when I started hacking away at them. Finally, I was the only one left, and they broke my leg, cut into me, and left me for dead. But I didn't die. I stumbled off into the woods, and I came across a cabin with a perky old man in it who took care of me. I healed, somewhat, but i was still very weak, and I left. The mountain rose above me, and at the top of it was a vampire's castle, with a great stone prominence overlooking the rest of the mountain. I climbed and climbed and I finally reached it just at dusk. We fought, he defeated me, trapped between turning into a vampire or jumping to certain death and falling all the way down the mountain, I jumped.
And I turned into a dragon.

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