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Interesting Genius

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Kara was making some more pie from an order Riku had made when she spotted Saia. She waved the girl down until she would soon come to see her for food. "Hey there! I've seen your pictures! You must be Saia. I'm Kara. Looks like we'll be rooming in together. If ya need anything, just call me. I know this school inside, out, sideways, and between the walls. Any info you need, I can get for you. It's interesting being a lunch lady you know. You can to see first hand drama with students so I know them all pretty well." The lunchlady fixed the tray she wanted and then realized she was missing silverware. Kara raised her hands and the silverware came floating to her side. "Here ya go. Just like you ordered. So, anything else you need?
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As she entered the cafeteria, she was waved down by a smiling lady in the kitchen area behind the food bar. Saia grabbed a tray and made her way over to the woman. She cheerfully introduced herself and Saia realized she was the woman she would be sharing a home with. Kara offered her assistance gladly, Smiling in a pleasant way that seemed way too bright for Saia. She awkwardly smiled back. "It's nice to meet you Kara. Please take care of me." Saia bowed slightly, then began to pick out her breakfast. Can I have two California crunch rolls, a small bowl of white rice, and a slice of ham, please?" Just like back in the days, somehow the cafeteria always had whatever you wanted. It still remained a mystery to Saia how it worked but it didn't really matter. Good food should never be questioned, she thought to herself.

"Is there anything else you need?" Kara asked. Saia thought for a second, adding a peach tea to her order. She smiled as Kara retrieved it. "That's it, I guess. I can't think of any questions to ask about he school or students but if I think of any, I'll be sure to ask you. Thank you very much Kara. I look forward to working with you." Saia politely nodded tothe woman, paid, and found a place to sit on her own. It was late in the morning already, not many students were in the mess hall. Saia watched as a couple sat and shared a milk shake. In another direction, a girl seemed to be studying at one of the tables. She had three books floating in the air around her, glancing from one to another book and jotting down notes in a notebook. Saia chuckled to herself and took a piece of sushi, popping it into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm! Sho Guuuud!" she exclaimed, eyes wide in joy. It had been a long time since she had something homemade and edible. Saia usually survived on fast food. On rare occasions, she would try to cook for herself, but the only edible thing she could ever manage to cook up were eggs - scrambled, fried, whatever. If it was eggs, she could do it. If she attempted anything else though, it was like a curse would activate and her food would end up looking like vomit, and tasting close to it too.

Saia eagerly ate her meal, savoring each bite. Sadly, it was all gone shortly and she was too full to keep going. She sighed as she stared at her empty plate and sipped on the last of her tea. I guess my two groupies will find me since I have no information about them. I hope they aren't useless...I also need to greet the coach I'll be working alongside. I'll check out the arena. Saia thought about getting up but after the first good meal she had eaten after so long, she felt especailly lazy. "I'll just...digest a bit first. No rush." she convinced herself.

Interesting Genius

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Angel ran up towards Zero's room again. "Yay! A reason to hang around him. Maybe we could go for round two!" She made a turn on his hall, but bumped into Zero there. She fell back, but Zero had caught her. "Oh, prince charming."

"What are you doing here again?" Zero asked letting her go after she was stable.

"I was wanting some more action. It's boring out here. Come on Zero..." Angel rubbed Zero's chest and moved her hand lower.

"But...I'm hungry..." Zero stated.

"Huh? Oh no, you and food...that isn't fair. I know! I'll bring you some food and you wait in the room, okay?" Angel suggested, but Zero was already on his way down the stairs. "H-Hey! Wait up!" The girl chased Zero around as they passed by the Arena. "You should wait for a lady, you know." She took Zero's arm and interlocked it with hers. "I've...I've missed you."

"Angel...you know it's not safe around me, you should go." Zero took his arm back, but Angel pulled it and forced him to turn around. She glared at him, angry and sad at the same time. "Don't give me that look."

"No! You stop! I know how you feel, Zero! You really don't think it's fine alone! Besides, do you think I'm fine by myself?! With some people calling me creepy and wanting to stay away unless they want to get laid?!" Angel 's eyes were watery.

"Come on," was all Zero said before grabbing her hand and walking to the cafeteria. Angel was left surprised, but with a smile.

"Zero, you don't understand anything do you?" she thought.

When the two reached the cafeteria, Zero headed straight to Kara. "I'm in a seafood and sweet mood."

"Coming up, Archy," Kara smiled.

"...don't call me that..." Zero apathetically said. "...please."

"I can call you whatever I want! Now, here you go. Your favorite: Fried shrimp with a buttload of tartar sauce and a mystery pecan pie. Hm...I might want to make that a double." Kara threw another slice of pie on Zero's plate. "And you, Angel? The usual?" Angel nodded. Kara went to the back and began cooking Angel's food. She came back and handed Angel her favorite as well. Actually, it was the only thing she ate. A triple layer of chocolate cake with hotfudge running over it. There were strawberries on each layer and beside it, a chocolate shake. "I don't know how you do it, but you never look like you gain a pound! I wish I was that way!!!"

The two sat down and began grubbing on the meal. As Zero ate, Angel couldn't help but watch him. He had changed somehow in the past week. Normally, he didn't care if she wanted to have sex or not. She had known about a girl he cared for before when she had first entered his mind as he slept. She didn't really think the girl would pop up out of nowhere, but she supposed it was a small world. "If Riku wants me to keep him away from anyone, she's no exception."

"All that sugar is going to go to your thighs, you know."

"H-Hey! That's not nice to say to your girlfriend!"

"You're not my..."

"You know all this sugar makes me so sweet! Wanna taste?" Angel winked at him.

"Whatever...I'm still hungry..."

"I'll go get you somemore pie okay?"

"kay..." Zero said innocently staring at his empty tray. "...hungry..."
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Talia waited for Riku's orders and after a little bit, she finally heard a response. "Hmm yes well, just peek in on the girl. I've already spoken with Alisha this morning and she seemed well enough. Go grab brunch after. Can't have you working on an empty stomach now, can we?" Talia smiled. "You should worry about yourself a bit more too, Riku. Is that all?" There was a long pause before he finally answered back.

"Now that you mention it, I need you to take care of something very urgent for me."
Riku's voice became very serious and Talia stiffened nervously. "This is of utmost impoartance. When you are done with brunch I need you to retreive something from the lunch lady. Just tell her you're picking up for Riku."

"Wait, from the lunch lady?" Talia interrupted. Is she an ally? Talia wondered.

"Yes, Lady Kara to be precise, now please don't interrupt. This is very important. Life or death, even!" Talia began to fidget anxiously as Riku continued. "Bring the package to me immediately, but be careful with it. I like my pies intact, and fresh is best. I'm counting on you Talia..." Riku finished.

As talia stood there stunned and stone-still, she could feel all her energy just evaporate. This man...she thought as she lifted her hand to her face and shook her head in disappointment. Talia sighed and headed out to begin her 'urgent mission' but first stopped at Alisha's door and peeked in as instructed. Lily was already there and sitting at Alisha's side. They seemed to be conversing normally, though Talia couldn't hear what they were saying. Satisfied that both girls seemed fit enough to be speaking to one another, she left the two silently and made her way to the infirmary exit.

"Ya feelin' better already?" The nurse called, making Talia jump once again as she turned to see the nurse hiding behind a different stack of papers. "Yes, thank you. You should really consider doing something about your mountains of papers. Else you're going to end up giving a patient a heart attack." She half kidded to the nurse. Talia heard the lady scoff. "Wouldn't have so much work if these youngsters would wise up an' stop gettin' themselves into trouble." Talia grinned and waved good bye to the nurse, heading to the cafeteria.

As she made her way through the lunch line, she went ahead and grabbed lunch instead of breakfast. "Can I have a ribeye, medium well with steamed broccoli?" She asked, the lunch lady smiled and nodded. "Will that be all for you, hun?" The lady asked. Talia was about to say yes when she remembered the package. "Actually, can I get it to-go? I also need to pick up an order for Riku Belmont, if it's ready. I owe him a favor for helping me study." She lied, trying to keep some sort of distance between the two. "And two cokes please! Sorry." She blushed, feeling guilty for being so difficult, but Lady Kara only smiled and went off to fulfill the orders. She came back a minute later with a to-go container with her steak and veggies, placing it on Talia's trey. "I slipped in a roll and your favorite white gravy on the side." Kara winked, then placed a box and two drinks on Talia's trey also. "That's the two pies for Riku, fresh out the oven! Enjoy!" Talia nodded a thank you, paid, and turned to head out of the cafeteria, but stopped mid-step when she saw a familiar figure sitting on her own.

Thin figure, large bust, long purple hair tied by a white ribbon and violet eyes that always seemed bored. Saia... she was staring at something across the mess hall. She turned to look and gasped. It was Zero that Saia was watching, he sat with an unfamiliar girl with long black hair. Talia didn't like the way the dark haired girl was watching Zero, winking at him flirtatiously. Talia felt her face get hot, but shook her head quickly. No time to get upset, I have to tell Riku!

Reluctantly, Talia tore her gaze from Zero and hurried out of the cafeteria.
"Riku, where are you?"
She called mentally as she pulled out the card from her back pocket. She heard a heavy sigh from Riku as he spoke back.
"I'm at the minipark, giving up on taking a nap. Why?"
Talia turned a corner and made her way to where Riku was. "I'll be there soon."

The mini park wasn't far so getting there was only a short walk. Thankfully, no one was around today. She walked up to where she spotted Riku laying in the grass comfortably, not having to worry about keeping apparent distance between one another. "Saia is here. I saw her in the cafeteria. She was eyeing Zero pretty intently." There was a hint of worry in her voice but she tried to remain calm as she set down the tray between them then sat in the grass herself. Talia held out the very special delivery to her dear brother. "We won't let her have Zero, will we?" She tried to keep her emotions in check. Whatever Riku's decision, she would follow it faithfully. In her heart though, Talia didn't want to see Zero hurt, or worse, dead.

Interesting Genius

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Riku thankfully took the pie from Talia as she explained what she saw. "Saia, huh?" Riku stared at his pie with a smile, but there was a slight sadness. "Well, she has her reasons for being on the governments side. We all do. In a way, everyone is both on the good side and the bad. I could care for either to be honest. All I care about is the protection on Lily. And if Lily wants to protect her friends, then I shall try my absolute hardest to do so. We will keep as we are. If in the position where they want to truly know what side we are on, fool them. I don't like killing anyone, but if it means making sure they go untouched and the government still thinking we're sided with them, I don't mind killing anyone. I just feel bad for the person who dies for they will be wrapped up in our own personal greed." Riku sighed and took a bite. "Life is like pie...it's there, wonderfully made, but can disappear in the blink of an eye." Riku gobbled the pie up until both pieces were gone. "Like that...it was a bad metaphor."

"Now, I wouldn't worry about Zero. Someone is with him at the moment. He should be fine...I hope. She pushes things a little too far, but I'm sure he'll be okay." Riku patted Talia on the head. "Hurry an eat...the food is getting cold."
Riku's metaphor truly was a horrible one, but Talia understood what he meant. She sighed, knowing full well how someone can be there one day, and gone the next. Nathan, Trace, and Razor were all gone now and she never had a chance to say good bye to any.

"Now, I wouldn't worry about Zero. Someone is with him at the moment. He should be fine...I hope. She pushes things a little too far, but I'm sure he'll be okay." Riku tried to reassure Talia, patting her gently on the head. She smiled, knowing that she could trust in his words. Riku would do everything he could to protect Lily and everything the girl held dear. Meaning Zero would also be under protection, to Talia's relief.

"Hurry an eat...the food is getting cold." Riku said, laying back into the grass. She watched him close his eyes, relaxing in the sun. Talia turned to her own food, opening the to-go container and attacking a piece of broccoli first, dipping it in the provided gravy and popping it into her mouth. "Yummy. As expected!" She grinned and dipped a pre-cut piece of steak. Kara knew her students well. Talia preferred finger food to using utensils and the lunch lady had cut the steak for her, knowingly. She finished the food quickly, licking her fingers when she finished, then laid back next to Riku.

"Hey Riku....Lily is super important to you isn't she. And she doesn't even know who you are." She smiled at her brother. "She doesn't know how lucky she is." She was curious about the connection between the two, but wouldn't push for answers. If Riku wanted her to know ten she would wait until he opened up about it himself. She watched the clouds as they passed for a while before she spoke again. "The girl with black hair, she's the one you sent to watch Zero right? Are you sure she's reliable?" Her voice hinted at annoyance. "I'm not questioning your judgement! I just....don't think she's thinking things through." Talia remembered how the two seemed to casually be talking in the cafeteria. "Shouldn't she be watching from afar. Like...way way afar...She doesn't need to get so close to her subject." She could hear the anger in her own voice. Why am I so pissed off? As long as my friend is okay, I should be satisfied. Calm down, Talia, she told herself.

Interesting Genius

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"Yes...Lily is quite important to me. It's better if me and her do not meet. She deserves someone with clean hands." Riku looked saddened, but laughed when Talia began to stutter. "Is this a crush forming?" When Riku finally stopped laughing he turned to his side to face her. "I trust her. She's known Zero for quite a while. She also knows who you are. You were young though." Riku looked at the sky as he thought about the past. "He and Eevee used to be a pair. Despite the difference in their powers, the way they used it together proved effective during missions. But, there was in incident and the government was told she became too sick to be of any use. Her and Eevee may have different personalities, they are best friends and may be the best pairing in the government." Riku noticed the little pout in Talia's eyes. "You're jealous....hehe...Talia is actually jealous?!" Riku turned to his belly and wagged his legs like girls would do when hearing something exciting. "So, what's this all about?"
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Talia scoffed when Riku mentioned a developing crush. "Zero is just a friend," she said, but even as she spoke she could hear a quiver in her own voice. Just a friend, she reminded herself. Riku went on about the girl though, and about how amazing she apparently was and how she and Eevee were so close, even though she only got picked on by the older girl. She hadn't even met the dark haired girl and Talia already didn't like her.

Riku saw her pouting "You're jealous....hehe...Talia is actually jealous?!"

"Jealous?! ME!?! W-why would I be jealous!?!?" Talia felt her cheeks turn hot as coals. She sat up and turned away from Riku to hide her red face. "I-it's not like I like Zero, I think. No!...but, maybe?" Thinking about how she really felt about Zero made her head spin.

"UGH! I DUNNO!" She yelled, throwing her hands in the air and falling back into the grass. "What the hell is love anyway. So far, I haven't gotten it right so I'm probably wrong here too..." She thought back sadly to what she thought she had felt toward Trace. She thought she loved him, but it was just a very sick addiction. She never loved any of her flings either, they were just for fun. Maybe something is wrong with my heart? Maybe it doesn't work right...

Interesting Genius

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Riku chuckled. "Well, why are you all red? How'd you have so much contact with him anyway?" After Talia would answer, he couldn't help but pat her head again. "Love is...everyone has their own meaning of love. Love can be just an empty feeling, a reason to live, or even a sense of worth. It's up to you to find your on definition of it." Riku thought about Lily and his own definition. "Sometimes, Talia, you don't even need a definition. It's just there. So, tell me, what does your heart say? Be honest now, I can tell when you're lying to me. And him out of all the people in this school?! Geez..."
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Talia sighed and explained how she had gotten to know Zero after Riku asked. She told Riku about incidentally meeting him at the bar, how he patched her up, twice, and the talks she enjoyed between them. She even told Riku that she had tried to warn Zero about Trace. She looked away shamefully. "I just didn't want him to get hurt. I still don't."

Riku didn't seem upset by it though, and instead explained that love could be different for everyone. "...tell me, what does your heart say? Be honest now, I can tell when you're lying to me. And him out of all the people in this school?! Geez..."

Talia frowned and lightly elbowed Riku's side. "It's not like I meant to get close to him, it just happened! I just like to be with him. He makes me feel like a person. Trace, Nathan, and so many other men...they talk to me and treat me like a thing. Any conversation I've ever had with a guy somehow ended up on the subject of sex. Well, except with you. And now, Zero too. He is kind, dispite his appearance and behavior." She looked Riku in the eyes and smiled. "I like feeling human..."

Interesting Genius

Riku Belmont

"Ah, I see. Why don't you act upon your feelings?" Riku asked. "It may not be too late. Who knows, you might learn what love is after all." Riku snickered. "Maybe you can get him in bed. For a loner, he sure has the attention of girls! Who would have thought. So, he patched you up huh? Any 'feel better' kisses?" Riku giggled.
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Once again, Talia turned bright at Riku's queston. "Any 'feel better' kisses?" She glared at the grinning guy. "People shouldn't kiss and tell, you know." She sighed, looking away, pouting. "Anyway, I have no clue if he would have any interest in a kid like me, and I don't want to force him to like me like I've done in the past. Besides, you and my mission are my priority. Speaking of which, I should get back before anyone sees us together...."

Interesting Genius

Riku Belmont

"Oh really? Well, I order you to go and meet Angel then. See how Zero is doing." Riku smiled evilly. "Say your hello's and speak with Angel. I'll tell her you're on your way."

"Oh, Angel....Talia will be coming to have lunch with you two! Enjoy each other's company!" Riku said outloud with a giggle. "Sometimes, drama can be fun. But you know, this might help you learn to know what love may be. To be broken hearted, to love, to be loved back. It all helps you to see your heart for what it is." Riku stood up and dusted the dirt and grass off of himself. "Now, I have something to do in my room. I've got to get in contact with the Master."
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"Oh really?" Riku said, a sly grin playing on the corner of his lips. "Well, I order you to go and meet Angel then. See how Zero is doing."

Talia stared at Riku, wide eyed. "What!?!"

Riku smiled evilly. "Say your hello's and speak with Angel. I'll tell her you're on your way."

"Wait! Are you serious? Riku!!!" She yelled at him, but he was already contacting the dark haired girl.

"Oh, Angel....Talia will be coming to have lunch with you two! Enjoy each other's company!" Riku said out loud, giggling. "Sometimes, drama can be fun. But you know, this might help you learn to know what love may be. To be broken hearted, to love, to be loved back. It all helps you to see your heart for what it is."

Talia glared at her supposed brother. "Right now my heart is telling me to smack you."

Riku stood up and dusted the dirt and grass off of himself. "Now, I have something to do in my room. I've got to get in contact with the Master." He began to walk off and Talia stared at his back angrily. She got to her feet, clenching her fists, and yelled after him. "DAMN YOU RIKU!"
He knew well that she would not disobey an order, even if it was utterly ridiculous or for his own amusement. She picked up their trash and placed it on the tray, dumping it all into a nearby trash barrel. Then, Talia practically stormed all the way to the cafeteria.

"Tea please, something soothing..." She asked Kara. The lunch lady gave her a large cup of chamomile tea, mixed with milk and honey. "You look like you need the big one." The lunch lady winked and charged Talia, then she went and sat next to Zero, not caring that she wasn't invited. After a sip, she looked to Zero, trying to smile in a friendly way. "Sup." She then turned to the dark haired girl, who stared at her in an amused way. "Talia Rozenstone. Nice to meet you." She nodded politely.

I don't want to be here....
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It didn't take Lily long to find Alisha's room, it was open and Alisha rested peacefully. She went and sat in the chair next to Alisha's bed and watched over her friend. She could see the bloody wrap around her leg but had no clue how she had received the wound. "So useless..." She thought aloud. I was knocked out easily and left my friend to fend for herself. I'm completely useless.

Alisha began to stir. She opened her eyes and Lily went and stood by her side, taking Alisha's hand in hers. "Hey, how you feeling?" She asked smiling weakly. "Zero stopped by my room earlier. I told him about everything from last night and this morning. After, Talia visited me also. She helped me out of the handcuffs." She lifted her arm and presented her wrist, showing Alisha that there was no cuffs. "She's good with bobby pins. Said that it's a good idea to know how to get out of cuffs in case some guys decide to leave you in them for fun." Lily turned her head to the side in confusion. "I didn't get it though, why would a guy find it fun to leave someone in hand cuffs? It's not even funny."

Lily giggled, but then became serious suddenly. "I'm sorry, that's not important right now. What's important is getting better. You should rest. I'm gonna stay in here with you. Let me know if you need anything, 'kay?"

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