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Starting at: DAY 1, First day of school


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It was rather late and the skies already turned dark, at least the chocolates were good that he had left her on the table. Her energy was still weakened from the events that had taken place just prior to her actual arrival in her bedroom, 'what a night' she would eventually think to herself. Though she still was not fond of using her power at all, not after the things in the past happened, no not at all.

She slowly removed her pants and threw them on the chair that was just near her bed, and slowly crawled into the sheets of the bed. She turned the small light out next to the bed and burrowed into the sheets for the warmth. 'It was for a good cause' she repeated to herself as almost out of habit, 'it was for a good cause' she thought. A small smile framed her face though in a weary way, as her hazel eyes began to seal shut and her mind slip away. 'It was for a good cause'.

She never heard Zero enter, or felt him 'accidentally' crawl onto her bed.

As the night passed on the the silence finally overtook the campus, things became a bit more peaceful in general. The night would pass on quietly, and morning would soon slip in noted by the sun shining brightly into her room. Slowly Alisha would slowly come to given by the small yawn that she emitted, and rolled onto her back to look towards the front window but what she saw was a bit more awkward than she expected. Zero was, there, sleeping right next to her. She did not move much as not to wake him, but too she was half naked and her pants were across the room. She was at a loss at what to do, but there was still some time that she could rest. So she turned onto her side facing away from him, hoping that maybe he would awake and find himself in the wrong spot.

Interesting Genius

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Zero stirred in his sleep. The early sun had beamed through the window and awoke. Him. "Wha..." He yawned. He turned around and when he did he felt blood rush through his face. Thinking he may have done something last night, he looked under the blanket only to find Alisha in her panties. He was so surprised that he had fell out of her bed making a loud thunk noise. "Holy hell on earth!!!" He yelled as quietly as he could. He stood up and ran out the door only to be pulled back by his shadow, this time on the bed making more noise than usual. P


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Alisha remained as still as possible, her eyes closed but she was awake as she could feel Zero stirring awake. She could feel the rustling, possibly in disbelief unless he was intentionally there. It would not seem like it as he would suddenly attempt to jolt out of the room which she heard; problem solved or so she thought. When the bed was being moved around from the fighting Zero, there was no possibly was that she could have ignored it as even if she were sleeping this would have awoken her. She had no choice but to react now. She leaned up quick, her back up to the wall though she was still covering herself with the blankets and her eyes glared right at him. "What are you doing in here?!" she spat out in a higher tone as if she was taken by surprise from his presence, not in a good way of course.

Interesting Genius

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Zero sweated as he tried to explain what was going on. He pointed at his shadow that peeked through the door then walked back out. "Damn him!!!!" Zero said through his teeth. "I...I thought I climbed through my bedroom window." Zero was still red at this point. "I wouldn't ever do that...I mean not that your not...I mean...you are, but..." Zero smacked his face and just stood up. This was gonna be a losing battle for sure. He bowed his head and tried to walk away and avoiding eye contact. Before he left his room, his dream came to mind. "I...even though...protect you...somehow." He smiled kindly at the girl, whom he had already violated more than once. Thats right...she doesn't remember... he went ahead into the shower and back into his room to get dressed. There was still about 2 hours left before class had started.


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Given the already awkward state that the two where in right now, she could clearly tell it was purely an accident due to the amount of studdering he held within his voice. She tried to listen to him the best she could though it was proving to be a losing battle for herself to listen, because he made absolutely no sense. Her surprised look wasted no time in turning into a rather confused one as she tried to make something out of his whole display, though all she really got was the fact that he climbed up the wrong window, and his shadow did something. Then he just, left; convenient.

The whole thing was confusing, though Alisha could not be frustrated with him; she is just not that type of person. In fact the whole thing kinda amused her, how red his face was and so forth. It is a cruel thing to get amused by of course, but too she hasn't had many experiences like this throughout her life either. She checked the clock just out of curiosity to see what time it was, 'oh sh*t!' she thought to herself as she hopped out of bed and ran to grab her pants and throw them on; she was going to be late for class. She threw off and on another shirt that would have to suffice, and quickly combed out her hair which wasn't all too bad to begin with thankfully.

Alisha grabbed her notebook and slipped on her shoes, and came barging out of her door and headed very punctually towards the front door. "I have class right now, i'll catch you at lunch" she yelled to Zero as she went through the front door and headed towards the main classrooms building. It wouldn't be too long before she would arrive, since their dorm was so close to it.

Interesting Genius

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Zero flinched when he heard his name. He was surprised the girl was even speaking to him. He looked at his shadow who was sitting on the toilet doing who knows what, considering they didn't have the need to release anything through their...well buttholes. His shadow was strange enough as it was. First, the opposite personality. Usually shadows reflect their owners and yet, his wasn't nowhere near anti social. His played pranks and push people to their doom. He turned red again as he thought about his accidental peek. "Crap..." Zero banged his head on his wall. "Why...why did you do that?!" Zero whined. He put a button up shirt on and threw his hoodie back on. "Stay in this room while I go to class!" Zero said pointing to his shadow. His shadow shook his head and pleaded to come along. With a sigh, zero finally said yes if it would quit causing trouble.

As he walked to class, slowly might I add, he couldn't get his mind off certain things. He was still red as his quietly opened the door to class and sat in the back corner as usual. The teacher was the same as last years. Zero supposed he was doing the whole start of new year deal with new students. He placed his elbow on the table with his chin on his hand watching the view outside. "I wonder if she always wears those types..." He caught himself and slammed his head down on the table that class shushed and turned to him.

"Yes me archrider?" The teacher asked.

"N-Nothing..." He pulled his hoodie down lower than usual and prayed the day would be over.


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"Whoa whoa hold it right there miss" blurted out a guy with his group of a few friends that just happened to be on her way to class, though she could not get through them since they were in the way. "Whats your name cutie?" he stated again, though she would try not to have any part of that and attempt to side step and move past the guy; he stepped in front. "Come on, i need to get to class" Alisha stated, "Whats the rush? i just want your name" he stated, though he wasn't going about it in a very good way. Alisha sidestepped again, only to have him step in front which finally frustrated her to the point that she shoved him to the side and sprinted through, and slowed to a walk when on the other side. He grunted slightly, fire began to form in the palm of his hands. "Easy buddy" one of his friends said to him, "let her go, its not like she is going anywhere" he finished. "Yea we'll get her later" he responded.

Alisha finally made it to class in one piece without incident thank goodness, though now she felt a little bit uncomfortable with the surroundings given the things that just went down. Even though there was a bit of awkward tension between herself and Zero, about right now would have been a good time to have him around; she had an odd sense of trust for him more, maybe because it was the only person she knew. Even his shadow would have been better than nothing.

"Welcome class, i am professor stout and i will be teaching your physical geology class today" spoke out the professor, though she was a bit tired still to hear it. She did pull out her notebook and take notes, it was the least she could do for herself today.

Interesting Genius

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Zero only had a few more minutes till lunch and seeing as his morning wasn't going well, he decided to leave early. He snuck to the back and decided to go to the lunchroom. Obviously it wa still empty. He plopped down on the seat with his shadow patting him on the back. "first yesterday now today. You could have told me I was going through the wrong window..." Zero said with a pout on his face. His shadow shrugged it's shoulders. Zero laid his head down on the table when heard the DING DONG for lunch. "I wonder if the rest of the day will be like this? His shadow began to look at all the students, amused at their shadows. It pulled Zero's sleeve and pointed to a few, though Zero wasn't in the mood, not was he used to bringing a random persons shadow to life. Then again there was Nathan.

The odd boy looked towards the lunch lady, but felt his appetite disappear. He decided since he hadn't slept much, lunch was a perfect moment to sleep. He lay his head down on the tables, and closed his eyes. A thought wandered in his mind. "I wonder if she likes someone." The shadow nudged him. "Hey! I-It was just a thought. Why would she want anything to do with me anyway?!" Zero went back to closing his eyes.

Zero was running again. Why couldn't he stop. This time, she didn't go in the alleyway. She had gone straight ahead and whizzed through buildings. This girl was used to running. Zero could feel tears running down his face. He turned and saw 1 man this time. He was faster than the rest and more dangerous eyes. Suddenly, zero felt the girl being lifted away and appear in an old apartment complex. When the girl looked around, there was no one there.

It wasn't long before the loud chattering students woke him up. "Why am I having these dreams now?"
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Amaryllis "Lily" Garcia

Bo pounced onto Lily's face, waking her out of a good sleep. "Bo! What the heck?! I don't have to be up until..." She looked over to the clock she had set up on the night stand. It said 9:30 am. "Gah! I need to get up NOW!" She changed quickly, almost mismatching her socks in her hurry. "I'll be back later Bo! Be good!" she closed her room door gently behind her.

Lily looked to her dorm mates room, wondering if he had left or was still there. She wanted to at least say good morning, but she didn't know him well enough to possibly be guilty of waking him from a good sleep - like a certain fluffy rodent did to her. She quietly left her dorm and headed to her class, not having time to grab breakfast. It was a good thing she had a late lunch.

Rounding the corner of the classes building, Lily arrived to her first class - Plant Anatomy. A young man, not much older than Lily herself, was just about to close the door. "I'm sorry! Did I make it?" The man looked down at her, not a glimpse of emotion on his face. "Amaryllis Garcia, I presume? You're lucky, this time..." He held the door open and stepped aside. "Come into my class room." He motioned her to enter and though his motions were quite graceful and polite, his cold expressionless face made every move quite chilling. So he's my teacher? Creepy...

Lily walked into the classroom and took a seat at the first free desk she encountered. Behind her, the young man silently followed to th podium at the front center of the class. He began his introduction in a clear, loud voice that meant business. "My name is Joseph Bronze. You will address me as Mr. Bronze or Sir. Call me Joseph, I will deduct grade points. Call me Jo, I will FAIL you. I am here to teach and you will listen and learn. There will be pop quizzes. If you fail one, you will have detention. If you miss my class, you will have detention. If you fall asleep in my class..." The teacher grinned and suddenly wasn't a human, but instead a bear. He lumbered to the closest occupied desk and stood, leaning against the poor students table and roared into his face. The boy jumped and fell backward over his own chair. The teacher became human again, looking down at his terrified student a bit disappointedly. "If you sleep, you'll get a rude awakening." His sharp gaze went from one student to the next. Lastly, his eyes fell on Lily. She felt her blood run from her face and a cold chill run down her spine. "Let's get started then."


An hour and a half, and a huge headache later, Lily spilled out of the classroom and took a deep breathe as if she had been drowning and had finally surfaced for air. She knew a little about plants, being the child of farmers and all. But this kind of plant knowledge was on a whole new level. She took a quick peek at the notes she had taken but it looked like gibberish to her.

"I advise you to not me almost late to my class again Miss Garcia. I do not take kindly to people who do not wish to learn. You especially, should take this class seriously..." Mr. Bronze was suddenly standing next to her. How and when did he sneak up? And what did he just call me?!?

"Lily." She stared up, still shocked by his expressionless eyes and apparent ninja skills. "Call me Lily...please. Miss Garcia is just too foreign for me and only my parents are allowed to call me Amaryllis, and only when I am in trouble."

Mr. Bronze held her gaze for a bit, possibly in thought. Then he did something strange. He smiled. Only a bit, but it caught Lily by surprise. "Lily, then. Don't be late." He turned and walked into his classroom and shut the door.

Lily's whole body shook in one big chill. "What's with him?" She ran off, putting as much distance as she could between her and her class. She found her way to the cafeteria. After such a mind boggling first class, she had worked up an appetite. Lily made her way through the lunch line, grabbing a plate of roast beef and bowl of mac n cheese along with a soda. She thought of taking a snack back for Bo, but he still had plenty of nuts from the night before. I'll grab him something from dinner.

Lily found an empty table and sat, thankful for some thinking space. She pulled out her schedule from her pocket and glanced at it "Powers at 3. Swimming at 7. I wonder what I should do in my free time?"

Interesting Genius

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Zero sighed when the cafeteria was packed. He felt irritated at all the noise and stood up to leave. A walked through the school wouldn't be a bad idea. He wondered whether or not he should take another ride. He knew all too well the headmaster didn't want anyone riding about off school property without permission, especially those who didn't do too well with their powers. He remembered that talk with the headmaster.

"Look, Zero. I know you have your fears about being around people. But you can't just go off without telling anyone. It would be best to stay on school grounds." Zero replied with an "hm." In one ear and out the other. When he was in his senior year, he built himself a motorcycle to give him the feeling of freedom, but he wanted more.

"I'll listen to you if you tell me what happened?" Zero knew the headmaster knew his past, and yet he wouldn't tell the boy anything. He merely stayed quiet.

"It's best to leave the past behind and look towards the future. Alright? Now go to class. You have detention with Professor Aclaims later on at 5.

From then on, all Zero did was skip class and leave during the night. During the summer, he stayed behind at the school. Except for one fateful summer when he decided a nice trip somewhere else would be good for him. It wasn't like he had anywhere else to go.

Finally, he made his mind up and decided to walk around. He walked with his head down as always when he tripped over a leg of a chair. He fell forward and caught himself in time to find the girl his shadow had tripped. "I suppose were even now..." Zero said. "I'm sorry again for a while ago."
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Amaryllis "Lily" Garcia

Lily was pulled out of her thoughts by a sudden jolt. Her chair had almost come out from under her as someone kicked it's leg. She looked behind her to see a boy tripping. She held her breath. Oh no! It's going to happen again! She had a flash back of her little accident at dinner yesterday and felt extremely guilty for this boy. Her guilty feeling faded though, as the boy gained his composure, even saving his lunch along with his balance. Lily sighed in relief. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what happened to me...

The boy turned and glanced at her and even though he wore a hood, he looked familiar. "I suppose were even now...I'm sorry again for a while ago." Suddenly, it hit her. "AH! The guy with the shadow!" She looked about curiously. "Uhm. where is he, anyway? By the way, I'm Lily, and it's okay about yesterday. What's done is done, and your dark friend was kind enough to help me so my anger pretty much subsided and I didn't curse anyone out in Spanish! All's well that ends well." She smiled at the hooded guy.

Interesting Genius

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Zero looked at her then the exit and back to her. Another human to come in contact with. If only he used the shadows as transportation like he usually did, no one would notice. He sighed seeing as the girl didn't have anyone else with her. He felt a bit bad as well but if this was how she wanted him to repay her, then so be it. He pulled up a chair opposite of her. Of course, his very people loving shadow decided to pop out and dig in her purse. "Not again..." Zero mumbled. "Hey! Get over here and sit down!" Zero grabbed the shadows tail and plunked him down next to him. "What did we talk about?" Zero reminded his shadow. He turned to Lily with an apologetic face and said sorry again. Seems like I'm just apologizing hour after hour. he thought. "Uhm...I'm Zero by the way..." He said remembering she questioned him. He lowered his head down, but suddenly looked up as if waiting for someone. He looked at the exits and entrances, but he figured she had other things to do. "I'll see you at lunch." Alisha said to him that morning. Did that mean I was supposed to see her in class? Or meet her here? Or maybe that was just a proper thing to say? he shook his head and tried to focus on the girl in front of him.
Lily saw that the boy was reluctant to stay, but he sat down anyway. Before he was even in his seat though, His shadow managed to get a hold of her bag. He sifted through her papers and pens in a curious frenzy. I'm glad all I have in there today are school supplies! The guy scolded his shadow and looked to her with a sorry expression. She grinned in response. "Uhm...I'm Zero by the way..."

Lily nodded in greeting, a habit she picked up from her family. "It's nice to meet you Zero and...does he have a name?" She stared at the shadow, who sat quietly but seemed to be glaring intently at her bag. Lily laughed. "He reminds me of Bo" she blurted out, then stiffened as the words escaped her mouth. Dang it! He's supposed to stay a secret! Lily hoped Zero hadn't caught her comment. She glanced at Zero to see what his expression might be, but he was too busy searching the cafeteria. He had a slight blush and the curiosity of a child shone in his eyes. He looked like a school kid hoping to get a glance at his little crush.

Lily grinned slyly. "Looking for someone in particular?"

Interesting Genius

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"Bo?" Zero asked, but the girl seemed like she wasn't going to open up so he ignored it. "N-No...just looking for someone...I think." Zero watched as his shadow tapped it's finger with either boredom or unbelieving gestures. "His name...his name...he has no name. I called him 'hey'." His shadow made a banging on the table gesture. Zero sighed wondering why his shadow was so...stir crazy. Then again they didn't do much besides hang around in the shadows. When Zero ride his motorcycle, his shadow would just enjoy the wind. Zero looked around again and didn't realize he was tapping his foot impatiently. "What do I do?" He whispered to himself.

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