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Banners by Eolandale <3

[lej-uhnd] – noun
1. a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.
2. a collection of stories about an admirable person.
3. a person who is the center of such stories

  • Welcome to the Charity Thread of LEGENDS, a massive project spanning several forums on Gaia.

    First of all, a quick introduction to LEGENDS. As you all know, Gaians are an imaginative and creative bunch, with many being role-players, artists, writers etc. Original characters (OCs) are fictional characters born from our minds, and out of these, there are bound to be several that are so unique, so special that they would be instantly recognisable and remembered. That's right, a legend.

  • And because a lot of us have an artwhore lurking within our soul...

    It would be great to see these characters fleshed out on paper by talented artists. But to get art, one has to pay for them, usually in gold or items. And not all of us can afford it due to various reasons.

  • Which brings us to the Charity...

    Its purpose is to reward those who take the time to develop their OCs by donating gold to them based on how good the OC is. On top of that, the best OC of the month will be crowned a LEGEND and will receive an additional donation PLUS a free piece of art!

  • Interested? Well keep on reading!

30th June 2008 - We are sorry to announce, but Legends will be closed for unforeseen amount to time. Thanks everyone for the hard work!
13th April 2008 - We are sad to announce that [ .days. ] will not be able to fulfill her duties as judge here at Legends Charity. But this opens the door for more applications. See the announcement on page 791 for more information!
27th December 2007 - The final votes are in for the Judge Contest. Please welcome Ooare, Rose Wilson, and [ .days. ] to the crew. Also, there is a Holiday Tradition contest in the event thread and post. Please look it over and start formulating ideas.
22nd December 2007 - What better way to celebrate time with friends and to ring in the New Year than a joint charity party! Come join us for the festivities. [link]
14th December 2007 - Our contest was rather successful and has drawn to a close. Now it's up to Eve, Rim and Erika to pick the new judges to continue the legacy of Legends.
15th November 2007 - Since we weren't getting that big of a haul for judge applications here in thread, we decided to post a thread in the writing contest forum. Go check it out. LEGENDS: Judge Contest
6th November 2007 - We are still currently on hiatus and closed until we can gather enough judges before reopening. Interested in being a judge or know anyone who might be interested? Then direct them to our form on page 745.
27th October 2007 - Hiatus. Again.
25th August 2007 - Special cross-thread contest with Kimaya's OOC contest!
1st August 2007 - Official re-opening!
31st July 2007 - AND WE LIVE AGAIN! Lots of donations given out! Ffaux Pas's Leon becomes LotM!
10th May 2007 - Huge change in plans. Donations and LotM from Feb apps resolved (RoseWilson's Joseph Aaron becomes LotM, congrats!). Apps from March till May will be put on hold till the charity comes back. CHARITY GOES ON HIATUS DUE TO LACK OF MANPOWER.
14th April 2007 - February and March's applicants chall be competing for the Legend of the Month of April.
1st March 2007 - Cartagia's Laveris features in the OC Spotlight section!
25th February 2007 - ThanatosRising is chosen as the Legend of the Month! Congrats!
10th February 2007 - Chinese New Year event started! Scroll down to Events/Giveaways!
1st February 2007 - OC Spotlight section created: Read all about Thornshield!
20th January 2007 - The Legend for January is chosen! Congrats to erikakaiser!
1st January 2007 - Happy New Year! May 07 bring it lots of new applicants!
1st December 2006 - GRAND OPENING
28th November 2006 - Charity thread is opened to the public for advertising

  • Introduction - You are here
  • Rules
  • Crew Members
  • How to Apply
  • Example OC
  • Legend of the Month
  • Donatees
  • Donators and Funds
  • Events/Giveaways
  • OC Spotlight
  • Whitelist/Blacklist
  • Links In
  • Links Out
  • Reserved
  • Page 2 - Crew's Workplace (including list of applicants and grades)

If you are interested in purchasing art, please visit LEGENDS: The Art Shop
If you are interested in knowing how LEGENDS all began, feel free to visit the INTEREST THREAD.
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Guidelines to follow while in the thread.

  • Please read the entire front page, including the rules.

  • Please always abide by Gaia's TOS and Rules at all times.
    Failure to do so will more than likely result in the crew asking you to leave.

  • Please use literacy when posting.
    It's always appreciated when people exercise their knowledge of good grammar. Chatspeak is frowned upon as it's hard to read, is sloppy, and is just generally irritating. Speaking in the charity using chatspeak, 1337, or anything of the sort is not recommended.

  • Feel free to bump, but conversation is preferred.
    Read the crew member's profiles for possible conversation topics or just go with the flow.

  • Please keep the quote chains to a minimum.
    Quoting a couple of times is fine, but you will be asked to edit your post if it looks excessive in size. Use discretion when you think a post might be too large in size.

  • No flamewars please.
    Let's keep the thread a happy, friendly place. If you feel that action should be taken against a rule-breaker, please report it to one of the crew members instead of flaming them.

  • Do not PM us with help requests.
    No begging. Or Mekro will snap your head off. I mean it. Just submit your OC if you want a donation.

  • Do not whine about grades received or the way we do things.
    We accept comments if you feel unjustified, and if you need clarification on the points raised in the grades, but please remember that we are not here to sugar-coat our words. We are here to award good OCs, and not to go out of our way to help your character profile (however, there IS constructive criticism behind even the harshest of comments, so bear that in mind)

  • Understand our right to edit these rules.
    Something that is not here today could be added tomorrow. We are only human! A rule, after being overlooked, may be brought to our attention and added to this section later on.

Please keep these rules in mind while you are here, and feel free to point out this section to anyone who you feel may be breaking or ignoring them. Again, if that happens, report the situation to the staff of the charity first (including the muleturtle, if it is online). If the problem persists, we will see to it that a moderator is contacted to deal with the offender.

We want this place to be a literate haven where people can hang out and have fun, while giving out donations for creativity at the same time. Please do your best to help make this a fun environment for everyone!
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Thornshield (Founder)
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  • Hey, the name's Ming, though you can call me Thorn/Thorny/Thorneh. I'm an Actuarial Science student at the London School of Economics and currently doing a gap year at the Pru, but I'm actually a writer/gamer at heart.
  • Also, I am the founder of LEGENDS so tremble in fear I'm glad that you're taking the time to read through the thread.
  • I have since retired as a judge, and now I supervise the four lovely lady judges (Thorny's Angels, hehe) while plotting future events for unsuspecting visitors.
  • I decided to start this charity as I know how hard it is for new artwhores to get art of their OCs especially if they don't have the funds for it. And, as I enjoy reading lengthy profiles, it makes sense to combine the two together for a unique thread!
    As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, artwhoring, anything to do with weapons, socialising and the list goes on and on...
    Shameless advertising: Future Art Contest and looking for a companion for Burzurk!

Lady Evelyn Nyht (Admin)

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Commonly known as Eve; because I think that name sounds a lot better than my real one (and with less puns to it), I'm usually seen in the B/C forum or any of my own personal threads. I am currently the owner of another charity, Questline, where we specialize in giving donations to those that can't be constantly on Gaia. */shameless advertising* I do actually roleplay and have most of my characters stocked away on my website, Between the Worlds. So if you're up for random roleplay, tug on me.

Off of Gaia and in the real world, I'm the biggest freak you'll ever know with a background touching into almost anything artist, except art itself. Theater, choir, writing, dancing; you name I've probably done it. Right now, I'm more focused on English and Theater and plan to major and minor in the two when college rolls around.

Rimbaum (Admin)

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My nicknames generally are either Rim or MaRu (short for my penname of Madame Ruby), so either one is acceptable. I'm a fairly recent addition to the Legends regs, so I was pleasantly surprised to find I got a co-admin position with Eve. My hobbies include conlanging (making languages), writing, and worldbuilding.

In fact, the writing often falls to the side of worldbuilding, in which I get the chance to play God with my own creation. What could be more fun? xp If you're in the same boat, check out my guild, The Creative Process (/shameless self-promotion)

erikakaiser (Judge)

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I'm Erika, although my established nicknames range from Rabies to Rochester to ... Leon Czolgosz's daisy gardener.

I'm a musical geek and theatre nerd in general, known for standing on Waffle House tables to recite monologues from Assassins and knowing all of the words to the Modern Major-General song.
I write and read murder mysteries myself, and worship Sherlock Holmes. My favorite Conan Doyles are The Illustrious Client, The Greek Interpreter and The Red-Headed League. <3

As for judgability, I am long-winded. Very long-winded.
Blatant advertisement: check out the guild I vice captain! Character Abusers Anonymous, a writing guild focusing on character abuse.

Ooare (Judge)

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I’m Oolie, one of the new judges. Pleased to meet you. I try to balance out my critiques and tell you everything I think you need to know, good or bad, so they tend to be rather long, I’m afraid, and sometimes a little to the point. I am almost as long winded as Erika… but I don’t have her beat quite yet.

I am, err… my favourite genres are the Pratchett-type brand of humorous drama story (I am particularly fond of the City Watch stories), and gothic literature. I myself write in all different genres, from fantasy to scifi to magical realism, but almost all of them have that touch of humour and that touch of darkness which I love so much.

RoseWilson (Judge)

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Will put something here eventually.

??? (Judge)

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To be filled by YOU!

Yoshimichi (House Artist)

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Hey, you can call me Calvin, Yoshimichi or well anything really just be a dear and let me know what you are referring to me by. I am your in house artist for Legends!

I love using the exclamation point and fail at grammar. I hate starting conversations…its not that I don’t want to talk to you it’s I just don’t know where to begin. I am working on my degree in network security and have a part-time job, so my life gets a bit hectic at times. If you don’t see me around I promise I am not dead, just busy or lurking.

Oh Oh Oh I almost forgot. So i don't cause any confusion later on, I am female! rofl

I will get some samples up for y'all later but for now here is my DA.

Previous judge and admin. He's the founder of the concept, but he gets extra love from his girls. (Thorn says: Why am I listed twice on this post? gonk )
Previous judge and headshot artist for the Legends. Red X awesomeness.
Chayset, Tabi Kat, Slann`, Oh!1945
Artists at the LEGENDS: Art Shop
Special Donation artist at the Art Shop, who might do free sprite edits of OCs at whim. Check his post in the shop for more details.
Maverick Wanderer, Cartagia, and Grimma
Previous judges for Legends. The fiery trio.
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Now comes the juicy part...applying for a donation!

It's not going to be as simple as other charities, as this is a highly specialised niche we're filling, but don't let that scare you. Basically, all you need to do is post your OC's profile within the following form. All that we ask of you is that you include the character's history, personality and appearance. Feel free to blow our minds away with other info!

We will be judging the profile based on the following points:
  • History - A character's backstory should be detailed, realistic and interesting. History doesn't need to be boring! Note, do not hold back even if your history is really long (be reasonable though, no one has time to read a novel)
  • Character Personality - Without personality, a character is merely an empty shell. Inject some life into your char!
  • Physical Design - Your OC doesn't need to be stunningly gorgeous or horribly disfigured, we just want a profile that's well-written enough so it's easy to imagine and again, believable.
  • Effort - A crudely written profile is your best bet to fail here.
  • Originality - Half-angel/demon/catgirl etc is NOT original.
  • Profile Execution - How your profile shines in the big picture

While each judge may decide to allocate different emphasis on different points, the total possible score is 100% with 50% being an average OC.

[color=#DAA520][size=18][b]I WANT TO BE A LEGEND![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Gaian Name:[/b]
[b]OC Name:[/b]
[b]Comments?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Attach Profile Here:[/b] Be sure to let us know what genre/setting they are written/drawn into, to save us from getting confused!

A little note on the comments part. All OCs will be judged and graded by our judges and donations would depend on the score (see Donatees for more info). However, if you write in Yes, one or more of the crew will offer you advice on how to improve on your OC's profile and other useful information. mrgreen

IMPORTANT NOTE: When applying, please do not reserve a post or submit a half-finished profile to edit later. Only full profiles please, though we may allow small mistakes to be corrected. But the crew will not rejudge an app after grading so make sure it's complete before posting.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: If your submitted application is badly written, full of spelling/grammatical errors, plagarised, or is just downright horrible, the crew have the right to refuse to grade it. If this happens, your application shall not be considered for a donation, but you may still receive comments if requested.

YET ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: After applying, it may take up to a month for all judges to grade your form. Once all judges have finished grading, a post will be made in the thread and donations will be sent out if you succeed. However, you can check pg 2 for grades that any of the judges have submitted.

AND YET ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: While we offer comments and criticism, do not expect it to be all sugar coated and nice. We won't hesitate to shred the app to pieces if you deserved it. Again, our main goal is to reward those with good OCs, not as a character-improving thread (though you should realise that there is constructive criticism even behind the harshest comments).

Last but certainly not least, you may only apply for a donation with ONE OC per month.
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For convenience sake, here's an example of how an OC submitted would be graded. Yes, that's right, the muleturtle has a profile!


Name: Mekrokhelys (Meh-croc-ca-liss)
Current age: 178

Legends say that the mighty serpent deity known as Acanthor the Endless often came down to mortal ground in the guise of a humanoid avatar. While the purpose for these visits was unknown, it was said that he once had an intimate relationship with a human female known as Natalya. The product of this was the being known as Mekrokhelys.

Raised solely by Natalya (as Acanthor had no time for such trivial matters), Mekro was brought up as a human and thought himself one until his teenage years. Over time, he had developed a greenish tinge to his tanned complexion and his back was significantly harder than others.

Finally, he got his mother to reveal the truth and upon his eighteenth birthday, he left home to find others who had the blood of gods running through their veins. Throughout his quest, he often returned home until Natalya finally passed away. After a month of grieving, he paid his last respects to his mother’s grave and never returned to his homeland. That was decades ago.

Due to him being a demi-god of sorts, time seemed to stop for Mekro around the age of forty. As such, he retains a relatively healthy physique and appearance, though he does get the occasional migraine from the excessive amounts of knowledge gained over the years.

Appearance wise, he is slightly stockier than the average forty year old human, and stands at 5’11”. Mekro sports a completely bald head (not by choice mind you, it’s all about the genes) and has dark brown eyes with droopy eyelids. His jaw juts out slightly and he has a sharply chiselled chin. What really distinguishes him is his odd complexion; imagine a tanned brownish base tone, with an odd greenish hue all over. Another thing to note is his skin seems rather dry and is completely hairless.

During his quest, Mekro finally met his father and his inborn ability to shapeshift was brought out. As fate would have it, his shifted form would be that of a huge turtle (roughly 9 feet in length). His head would sport many knobbly or horn-like protrusions, with two horns at the base of the skull facing sideways. Also, like a snapping turtle, his jaws are a lethal weapon and can snap shut with tremendous speed and force. Mekro’s shell is ridged with large, spiny scales and is a deadly defensive weapon. Lastly, he has a small, short tail which has thorn-like spikes at the end.

Mekro likes to dress plainly, usually in dark greens or browns. He’s doesn’t care much about fashion as his clothes are ripped to shreds during a transformation.

Mekro can often be found deep in thought and is generally quiet and reserved. While he would share his opinions if asked, he doesn’t interrupt conversations or correct people. Due to this, people find it hard to know what’s going on in his mind. He is very intelligent and readily absorbs any information, even if it IS trivial and unimportant.

Another piece of his personality would be his easy-going nature and it is rare to see him angry. When he finally met Acanthor, his initial anger at him not being there through his childhood lasted a mere half-minute, switching to fascination at the possible knowledge he could gain from his god of a father.

Lastly, Mekro is truly neutral in alignment, as he seems to live in his own world, doing what he thinks is right. Thankfully, his actions have always been guided by common sense, which probably has allowed him to live to his current age unscathed.

While passive in nature, it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t last in a fight. Mekro is a decent fist-fighter, a better grappler and possesses a good tolerance to pain. While he’s had no formal weapons training, he fights defensively and knows how to use a shield pretty effectively.

If seriously threatened, he would resort to shifting into turtle form. Mekro would use his sheer weight and size to ram into opponents, impale them upon his spines, or snap off their limbs with his jaw. Of course, as a turtle, he isn’t very fast, so he mainly counter-attacks. But truth be told, he’d much rather avoid fights and hide in his shell in a little corner.

And, here are the judges opinions and scores. Note that Thorn did not grade Mekro, as he was the one who came up with this sample profile.


13/25% History
14/20% Character Personality
15/15% Physical Design
15/20% Effort
7/10% Originality
8/10% Profile Execution


Not a character I would particularly like to draw based upon that physical description, but he intruigues me as someone who I would like to read about. I have seen very few bald characters around here, and that is interesting to me.
A knowledge-seeking personality is relatively uncommon, but this seems to be the main trait his attitude is based around, making him slightly one-dimensional. You could work more in here. For example, if he's so smart, what does he think of other people - say people dumber than he is, since he undoubtedly will run into those?
What I see as his main fault comes from his history, being the son of such-and-such a god is not a very novel concept. I would also like to see more of what this character has done in the past rather than hear about who he was born to. Nature vs. Nurtyre - your personality deals as much with how you grew up as what genes you were born with, deity genes or not. As they say in horseracing, performance trumps pedigree.
I am also unsure exactly how long you spent on the character due to the length of the profile and lack of background history, but I see a lot of effort was put into his turtle form desciption.

Maverick Wanderer
5/25% History
15/20% Character Personality
15/15% Physical Design
15/20% Effort
9/10% Originality
8/10% Profile Execution

67% Total

While the child-of-a-god-and-mortal thing has been seen one too many times, he has potential for a good story. And a turtle? People who change into turtles are a rarity, most opting to have their characters turn into a more 'popular' animal. And his other abilities are somewhat out of the ordinary as well -- most people opt for common weapons in battle, and it's good to see a pretty much balanced warrior. He seems to be an interesting character to read about... but...

There isn't much in regards to his actual history, a rather large disappointment. While the information provided can be considered important, a good portion of it is just about his family. What about friends or companions? What about accomplishments, trials, difficulties, or other important moments in the past? How did it shape him as a person? There's not enough here to satisfy a curious reader such as myself.

Alright, his appearance and personality are somewhat unique. It isn't very often at all you find a character that looks like him, as the world is full of 'perfect' looking characters. His turtle form appears to be well thought out, as well. He sounds like a rather easy-going guy. A bit dull, though, and there's no real link between his life and his behavior.

10%/20% History
15%/20% Character Personality
15%/15% Physical Design
15%/20% Effort
10%/15% Originality
8%/10% Profile Execution

= 73%

Comments: The history lacks depth which is a little disapointing as I feel it could have been very much more interesting; it would have been nice to know what happened between his childhood and now. The appearance I can't fault at all except that it may be a little difficult to find people to willing to be commissioned for such unusualness. Personality is decent though perhaps one sided - some balance of characteristics would be preferable but, really, it is only a small quibble. General originality is wonderful and I think here is a character that is of great interest and needs only a little work to make it excellent.

Average Score = 71%
This means Mekro would receive a 7k donation if this was submitted for one.

Thorny's Comments:
There were several angles that I took into account of when creating this simplified profile of Mekrokhelys. First and foremost, I wanted him to be unique, hence the turtle form. Second, I wanted to show that even if you use a cliched background like 'son of so-and-so, half-blood, etc', you still can create a good OC with a detailed, interesting history and personality. Lastly, I wrote it in a way to show that a very detailed section doesn't mean you can slack off on other sections. Your grade will definitely be affected. Anyways, that's about it from me, I hope you apply soon!
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Ffaux Pas

OC Name:Léon Sébastien Bertrand

Eh, the setting is Paris, about 1632, age of Musketeers. The RP is Historical, meaning no magic or strange races, etc.

I was christened ||
Léon Sébastien Bertrand
But they call me || Lionel
My suns and moons || Twenty-six
Monsieur or Madame? || Monsieur
I see through || A rather nondescript shade of blue. His appearance doesn't merit a lasting impression, in general; least of all his eye colour.
The crown 'pon my head || Something between dark blond and light brown. We'll call it 'sandy', to apply a term to such a dull shade. Thick and coarse, it falls just past his shoulders, and is worn (neatly) tied back, despite it's defiant insistence on curling.
I stand to || 5'8"
My weight in gold || 150 lbs.
My face is || Fair- prone to burning quickly -and a blush- whether result of some indignity or anger, is easily apparent.

When I look in the mirrors ||
Léon does not present a terribly imposing figure. He is of moderate height and medium build. His features, like his frame, do little to distinguish him from other men. His jaw is neither broad nor effeminate, his nose neither too large nor small for his face. Léon is, to be perfectly frank, decidedly average.
Average, that is, unless regarded with more than passing notice. An image, a mirror, cannot tell you half as much as a few seconds' observation. --If one were to linger, a moment longer, in scrutiny, they might recognize a certain determination in his bearing. A keen wariness in the eyes and a haughtiness of mien, which he endeavors to suppress. They would quickly discover just how cleverly an expression can lie. For it is, in fact, his expressions which give Léon character. His smile, bestowed upon a friend, is warm and regardful even, on occasion, affectionate. That same smile, turned upon an unknown, or an enemy, does not reach the eyes. His brow, likewise, is firm and expressive.
My flaws, my perfections || Léon would consider his hair a flaw, were he accustomed to pay it any more mind than necessary. That aside, there is very little to mention here, apart from the typical, small, quickly fading scars acquired from boyhood and constant practice with the blade. He is also prone to burning and allergies.

I love only || Pursuits of romance generally turn out badly, thus he tends to avoid them.
I spend the days || Léon is serving as a King's Musketeer, though his reasons for this career choice are varied.
My justice || In addition to the standard issue musket, Léon favours (predictably) the rapier and main gauche. His own sword is Spanish made.
Purchased for him by his uncle, it is a simple style and, at the time of purchase, poorly cared for. But it appealed to Léon, for its simplicity and function, as well as what it represented to the boy (from the moment he saw it). Constancy, forbearance, longevity, and a respect for the past. --And, indeed, when cleaned up, and blade replaced (with one, also Spanish, approximately forty inches in length and diamond in cross section) it did appear almost new again. The guard is a functional blend of swept and cup hilt styles similar to the Pappenheimer, and since becoming a musketeer, Léon has had it etched with a French-style cross.
His dagger, in comparison, is fairly unremarkable

Myself || In order to justly paint the portrait of his personality, we must first reveal something of his past. Léon is a Huguenot. It is this, first and foremost, which has shaped his life from childhood. He'd lost family, many years before his birth, to the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572, and the successive uprisings. Finally, his own father was killed for his beliefs, several years later. Léon, being but two at the time, would remember his father only through his mother's memory and her hatred of the Roman Catholic Church.
It was only another eight years before she passed on as well, victim to some illness or other. The boy was then sent to the region of Picardie to live with his uncle, also a devout Protestant réformee. Between being raised by his angry mother and an active Huguenot uncle, Léon is bitter and his beliefs are extreme.
Still, Léon loves his country, despite the flaws of the church and its rulers. He does not, however, love the king who would refuse them the privileges which had been granted to them by the Edict of Nantes. A king who, when reminded of the claims the Protestants had, (if the promises of Henry the Third and Henry the Fourth were to be regarded), would answer "the first-named monarch feared them, and the latter loved them; but I neither fear nor love them."
So, from his youth, he was raised to be staunch, and active, in his beliefs. He dedicated himself to becoming a guardsman for the crown, getting closer to the king and Cardinal. He is, perhaps, vengeful, and certainly an extremist. --And this 'just' king, has not proved so just, after all. The Huguenot free cities were lost one after the other, after they were conquered by the forces of Cardinal Richelieu, and the last and most important stronghold, La Rochelle, fell in 1629 after a siege lasting a month.
Léon was there.

As for his personality, Léon is secretive, about his religious leanings as well as his past. He acts as a Catholic in public to avoid drawing attention, and practices as a Protestant in private. He is hot-headed where religion or politics are concerned. A flaw which he struggles to keep under rein, lest his true opinions be discovered. He is unlikely to approach, or initiate conversation, though whether because he is shy, or simply cautious and reserved, is hard to say.

When he does find allies, he is unerringly loyal, but ally does not equate to friend.
In truth, he is wary of most people, and slow to trust. And, though he feigns amicability well enough, his countenance may give his true feelings away.
Clever and keenly perceptive in his observation, Léon is a fair judge of character. His opinions tend to be just and well regarded by his acquaintances, as he is not inclined to offer his point of view unless requested and, then, not until he's given it due consideration. This, combined with the necessary secrecy, evinces that the young man does nothing without, first, thinking his actions through. Léon's methodical nature, being well known to his friends, reassures them of his loyalty to his king. A loyalty which few could doubt, despite his reticent ways.

While he is not overly large, nor commanding, his will is strong and his quiet determination impressive. These are the traits that earned him a place with the Musketeers, after his two years service with a lesser regiment.

In five words, I am || Determined, methodical, cagey, Protestant, and dutiful. (Whether in filial respect for his family, his beliefs, or his country)
My dreams || His dreams are realized by becoming a Musketeer. The only other thing he could hope for would be a definite end to the religious disputes, and for the Protestants' right to worship publicly to be enforced. If there's any way he can do this in his position, he surely will. But he's simply hoping that the king will do something to stop the Cardinal's attacks, and that further persecution is not to come.
My god || Ffamran Mid Bunansa


The greats who have gone before us. May the bards sing of their deeds in glorious song!

1. erikakaiser`s Hieronymus Merkin aka Leon
2. ThanatosRising`s Thanatos Shadowstar
3. RoseWilson`s Joseph Aaron
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Donations would be granted based on the following table:
50% - 59% : 5k
60% - 69% : 6k
70% - 79% : 7k
80% - 89% : 8k
90% - 100% : 10k

Donations given out:
1. Mama Manda - 7k
2. Eolandale - 5k
3. Luke Evans - 6k
4. devilsdreamer - 5k + Free Headshot (Event Winner)
5. Apathetic Doll - 7k
6. LittleDream - 7k
7. Zaruke - 5k
8. erikakaiser - 7k
9. Oniongirl - 6k
10. devilsdreamer - 6k
11. izzyisdizzy - 5k
12. Dain Aduial - 7k
13. erikakaiser - 10k (Legend for January) + Free Headshot!
14. Manda - 6k
15. ThanatosRising - 7k
16. Danaidae - 6k
17. RoseWilson - 6k
18. ThanatosRising - 10k (Legend for February) + Free Headshot!
19. RoseWilson - 6k + 10k (Legend for March) Free sketch!
20. alliisara, SethPhoenix, RoseWilson, erikakaiser, lorienfairy & Quagga_chan all get 5k each! (CNY Event)
21. Ffaux Pas - 9k + 10k (Legend for that ungodly hiatus period spanning March to July)
22. surrus - 6k
23. Teifling - 6k
24. Raincrow - 8k
25. Starfishy-chan - 7k
26. seababy250 - 5k
27. Erich Hartmann - 8k
28. Iya-Memora - 5k
29. M_for_Malice - 7k
30. Mull of Kintyre - 7k
31. Lady Mist - Nov 06 & Jan 07 letter + 10k (event winner)
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Charity Funds: 116k (Oh noez, time to replenish the funds!)

List of Donators:

  • Founder - Thorn: 60k + Turtle Shell
  • Admin- Eve: 2 November 07 Letters, 2 December 07 Letters
  • Crew - Mav: 15k + 2 Sealeds
  • Crew - Woe: Art and Time, lots of it.
  • Crew - Carty: Damascus Armor & 1 Jan 07 letter
  • Artist - Chay:
  • Artist - Tabi: 100k
  • Artist - Slann`: 10k
  • Artist - Kraun: 10k
  • Mama Manda - 10k
  • Anonymous Benefactor - 2 Sealeds
  • Mercae Killar - 25k
  • [M!nou] - 8k
  • Another Anonymous Benefactor - Fairy Wings
  • Yet Another Anonymous Donor - Aquatica
  • Trix Starlight - 78k
  • Psycho Shocker - Shinto Priest's Jacket Green, Shinto Priest's Trousers Green

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Judge Contest
Ends: May 30, 2008 @ 7:30pm EST extended to June 30, 2008 @ 7:30pm EST

We're looking for a judge. As a judge your tasks would be:
1. Judging the OCs
2. Maintaining and Monitoring the thread
3. Keeping the thread alive
4. (Not necessary) Donating to the charity

They MUST be:
1. Active on Gaia
2. Literate and a good judge of written work
3. Fun and approachable
4. Dependable

Now, if you're interested in applying for judge, please fill up the following form:

For Judges

[b]Link to an OC profile of your own or a sample of your judging:[/b] (If you have previously obtained a score of over 70% in Legends, you may skip this)
[b]How many hours do you spend on Gaia per week:[/b] (We need active Gaians so applications are not lost)
[b]How many hours can you spend judging per week:[/b] (We need active judges that can keep on top of the gradings)
[b]How long do you plan to take up this role:[/b] (One week, one month, forever and ever?)
[b]Why do you want this post:[/b] (Pretty self-explanatory no?)
[b]Who is Legend's mascot?:[/b]

Don't have a recent sample of your judging? Then we'll allow you to critique our mule turtle, Mekrokhelys. Don't worry, he won't bite you about your feedback and comments. Please either post them here in the thread or save them in your journal or thread for easy viewing and link to the form.

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Event Archives


Don't just make a character...

A 'Legends' and 'OOC' Joint Thread Contest
(win free art and a Nov 06 + Jan 07 letter!)

So you think you're the stuff of legends, but can you survive in a completely alien world, stripped away from all that you hold dear? This is your chance to find out, by visiting Kimaya's Only Original Characters contest thread here!


Rules and Info

Part 1: The Raffle

Your task would be to locate two morsels of information for two specific questions, which can be found in the front pages of Legends and OOC!. When you have successfully located them, PM the answers to Thornshield, and you will be entered in a raffle, standing a chance to win a Nov 06 letter and a Jan 07 letter! And on top of that, if you have submitted a character to Legends or OOC, you get a bonus 10k if you win!

And the questions are:
1) What does Mekrokhelys crave for when he’s in turtle form?
2) What is an RAOG? (OOC thread)

Part 2: The Dice contest

So, are you looking for free art? You can do just that, by following the instructions on this page. Yes, that's right, it's not just any art, but from the lovely Kimaya herself!

So what are you waiting for? Get moving! The contest ends on the 20th of September!


Raffle Participants:
1. JetAlmeara
2. Lisirra
3. Felixie Farcliff
4. Angel Kimmi
5. Skeleton Briefcase
6. highcatguy
7. Rindi
8. M_for_Malice
9. Mull of Kintyre
10. Lady Mist <-- THE WINNER! PG 697
11. Okiyami

CNY Event

We will be judging the submissions, and the best piece from each different Zodiac sign will receive 2007 gold. Then, the OVERALL best piece will receive an additional 8888 gold, because 8 is an auspicious number for Chinese. Lastly, for this event to be considered a raffle, each submission will be given a number and a lucky draw would be conducted. The chosen number will then win 8888 gold as well!


Rat -
Ox -
Tiger - (1)
Rabbit -
Dragon - (1)
Snake -
Horse -
Sheep - (1)(2)
Monkey - (1)
Rooster -
Dog - (1)
Pig -

Update! Devilsdreamer wins a piece of free art and 5k!

The first ten complete applications will be added into a lucky draw list, and one lucky applicant (chosen using a random number generator) will win a FREE PIECE OF ART!
Your application form must be fully complete when submitting
No reserving posts to edit later on
We reserve the right to reject an application if it is deemed unsatisfactory
No complaining if you don't win
If the winner of the draw is found to be advertising this thread in his/her sig (using the sigbanner found below), he/she'll win an additional 5k!

For the month of August, we present to you Grimma's OC, hopefully to amuse, and convince you that we are more than capable when it comes to judging. Enjoy!

the Duchess of Snard

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the Duchess of Snard, a supporting character from a graphic novel in progress. She never actually appears in person, except perhaps at the back somewhere; essentially she's part of the furniture of a good gothic extravaganza, albeit a mildly unusual piece of furniture.

Appearance; Thirty-three years old, petite, and just a little bit plump, her Grace looks - and behaves - rather less maturely than some might wish. Fashionably alabaster-skinned, she makes the most of her expressive eyes with belladonna* and kohl. Her hair is naturally dirty blonde, but she keeps it dyed jet black and oiled - or rather her army of maidservants do. Said legion also keep her appropriately decked in suitably extravagant regalia, from the top of her unjustifiably elaborate headgear to the tips of her nauseatingly expensive footwear.

Personality; Smug as the cat that ate the canary and absolutely shameless. Occasionally known to paddle in the dark waters of noble politics, but is too content (or possibly too weighed down by enormous jewellery) to bother wading right in.

History; Filthy rich and spoiled rotten, the Duchess of Snard inherited her title at an early age when disease claimed several members of the House of Snard. Since then, she has had just about every little thing she could possibly wish for.
Fairly infamous for her hedonistic exploits, the Duchess created a particularly prized article of gossip by provoking the following outburst from the King - regarding a particularly sordid episode of debauchery - during an otherwise dour court occasion;
"If the Duchess of Snard cannot keep her knickers on, then the Duchess of Snard cannot keep her knickers on."
The Duchess herself was said to find this highly amusing, rather than being remotely perturbed by any threat of humliation, and insisted on interpreting the whole thing as a royal decree, much to his Majesty's embarrassment. She was subsequently seen in public sporting typically labyrinthine couture... from the waist up.

*a quick note for anyone who hadn't come across this before - 'tis aparrently thought that in times past, women would use a drop of belladonna (nightshade, potentially very poisonous) to dilate their pupils, which was considered attractive.
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We're too lazy to update this. But you know who you are.

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You so don't want to be here.
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