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the NBC television mini-series Persons Unknown

Run by:

Graphics From:
Dafont, Photobucket, Flickr, Google

Literacy Level:
Semi-literate to Advanced


→→→ Profiles╰☆╮IC╰☆╮OOC

                              The RP will be Semi-lit to Advanced, ONLY. That means about a paragraph and a half MINIMUM. Leave now if you are illiterate.

                              If you have never seen "Persons Unknown" that's fine! Just watch the trailer so you can get the basics, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

                              (the second trailer is my FAV! The fourth one is kind of a deeper look into the series)

                              This thread is currently OPEN & ACCEPTING.

Why do you smile
Like you have told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you're the one to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret
Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everybody tells
Everybody tells…


Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead…
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                                ʈ . . . User Imagexxxxxxxxx

                                You've been kidnapped

                                You don't know...
                                Where you are

                                You don't know...
                                Why you were chosen

                                And you...
                                Are not alone

                                You have a home, a family... Or maybe you're alone. You are loved, but also hated by many. You have your secrets... Maybe one, maybe many. Is one of those secrets really good enough to get you kidnapped? Do you owe a sum of money? Did you kill your wife? Did you escape prison? Are you clinically insane? Are you secretly one of THEM? There is something you did that got you kidnapped, somewhere you went that is neither a heaven or a hell, and you'd do anything to get out. You start off your story by living your life. You start in your own town, but then one night you are taken. All you remember being grabbed by blurred figures and blacking out, and you can't identify anyone, didn't recognize anyone. Maybe you weren't even grabbed or taken. Maybe you just fell asleep in your own bed, and woke up the next night in a hotel room. Either way, you wake up and you are in a hotel room. You don't know how you got there, you don't know why you are there (or, maybe you do...) and you are locked in that room. There is a camera across the room in the far corner, watching all your moves, and you can sense it watching you. Eventually you break free, and soon find out that you are not alone.

                                Now a group of seven strangers must come together to solve the puzzle of their lives. All of the seven strangers have been taken from their everyday lives and have arrived in a deserted town with no recollection of how they got there. Some may die, some may find a way out, and some new-comers will appear all throughout their stay.

                                While being held hostage, they are all watched constantly by omnipresent "security" cameras with no idea who or what is behind them and every attempt to leave is thwarted by unforeseen circumstances, which seem to derive from mysterious forces. At every turn, these strangers-turned-comrades are threatened physically, psychologically and emotionally.

                                Their only option for survival is to rely on each other, but whom can they trust in this vulnerable state - either behind those cameras or amongst themselves? Their decisions will have moral and ethical consequences, as alliances are forged and relationships brokered.

                                If you try to run
                                They will hunt you down

                                If anyone tries to find you...
                                They too will disappear

                                If you try to make friends...
                                You will be betrayed

                                How do you fight an enemy...
                                You can't see

                                How do you escape from a town...
                                That doesn't exsist...

                                On any map


                                ~ xxx ~ xxx ~

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x x x"...Someone is watching you..."

          This is a literate roleplay, so please be able to type at least a one and a half paragraph post. Your one and a half--PLUS--post should be rich in quality and be able to get the job done. I shouldn't have to say this, but, no txt tlk and none of "I wunt 2 da store , for a so,da and i eight it with some pie?." Do a spell check every now and then!

          Remember! Paragraph = 4-5 sentences with correct spelling, and punctuation. Make your posts attractive, but don't fill it up with so many graphics and pictures that your space for talking is ridiculously hard to read. Keep it beautifully simple. Please no overly-bright colors, because they are painful to the eyes.

          This is a pg-13 roleplay. Swearing is alright... but keep it tasteful, and don't be a sailor. No words that rhyme with duck or punt. No cybering! If you must, please do a time skip. We don't want to read anything after the point of no return. /shot

          Also, there will be some fighting and violence in this roleplay... but please try to keep that tasteful too. So, no auto-hitting, killing another person's character off (without permission) and no godmodding. So help me, if you godmod against me, I will smack you with a fish (: when I say no goddmoding, it not only includes no auto-hitting or dodge, but it also means that you are NOT omniscient. There is nothing more annoying than playing with someone who suddenly knows everything. Along with powers you will not be creating random abilities or knowledges because you don't want them to look foolish. It's okay for your character to suck sometimes. In fact, it's more entertaining.

          Real pictures, please! Make sure the picture does not stretch the page. Resize or crop it if you need to. Photobucket is a great place to host your photos and Picnik is a great place to edit pictures for your post styles. Please no pictures with people that dress OVERLY revealing, nobody wants to see that.

          Reserves and Profiles PM'd to EternalSweetheart. Title these profile PMs/Reserves "Where Are We?" for the Hostages, "I'm Innocent" for the towns people, "Take Your Best Shot" for THEM slots, and "Just Another Pawn" for the Others, thank you. Profile skeletons can be found in the next post. You will be expected to fill out a reserve before sending in the actual profile. The reserves will ask for roleplay samples, so please have those prepared.

          Also, male roleplayers may play female characters and female roleplayers may play male characters. I don't really care what your sexuality for your character is, but please try to stick with the information on your character that is provided. Your character is also welcome to have any kind of dirty, nasty, juicy secret it wants, and as many as it wants. Just try not to copy anybody else's, and be original and creative.

          Roleplayers may have two characters, but no one is permitted to play two of the "mains" (Hostages/Towns people). If you have a Hostage slot already, you may play one of the other slots (THEM, others, etc...). They are all pretty open. If there's some sort of extra you'd like to make up, suggest it. Same goes with the hostages. Don't see any hostage/towns people slots that you like? Suggest one. Make one up. Again, if I don't like it I'm free to deny it. Also, as long as you pass it by me first, you are free to change the already made-up characters personalities.

          I am also free to deny any positions, slots, or profiles in general. If I have a problem, I will tell you to change it.

          Make a pretty posting format for extra love. Add lyrics, quotes, icons, ect. You must at least have the name of the character, and a picture of them. Use a little color too. You must post in only sizes 9 - 11. Decorative text can be in any size. Make thoughts and speech noticeable. Don't quote anybody's posts. And, no OOC in the IC, unless absolutely necessary to clarify a situation. We have an OOC thread for a reason, please use it.

          Also, please don't pair up with someone for a long period of time. This is a group roleplay, not a onexone convention.

          This is a long-term role play, so be active. If the thread is inactive for 7 business days I will send messages. If you do not reply within 48 hours, I will delete your profile. If you are going away, tell me at least a couple of days in advance so that I know. OR, tell the OOC.

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"...Who the hell are you?..."

You are welcome to have any secrets with you characters, and if you would like to change their personalities in any way; just ask. I'm open to ideas (: On that note, if you have a character in mind that you don't see here, just ask if you can make it up. I'd be happy to help you out. There's a reason that below every 'slot' description it says "more to come" (:

                    Hostage Slots

                    The Mom
                    She is a day-care owner and a single mother to a five-year-old girl. She was once married, however the reason for her husband being absent is unknown, he abandoned the family before the birth of their little girl. She was abducted in San Fransisco, California.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Leader
                    He is the official leader of the group and is forceful and direct. He also knows military hand signals. He prefers to keep his personal life to himself, and never reveals what his occupation is or why he might be taken. He was abducted while in New York.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    The Mental Patient
                    She was a mental patient at St. Mary's Hospital and has an extensive knowledge of medications. While she is somewhat introverted and overly-trusting, she cares for the welfare of those around her. She seems the most passive of the group. She was abducted in Sandusky, Ohio.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    The Sergeant
                    He is a level-headed exemplary Marine. He is a devout Muslim, he became devout while working at a government facility that housed alleged terrorists seeing how they were treated. He proves to be brash in his decision-making, but still shows compassion for those in his situation.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Party Girl
                    She is the daughter of the American ambassador to Italy and former head of the CIA. She can be described as "privileged, pragmatic, and manipulative". She believes that her father is responsible for her abduction.
                    Taken Open [Reserved]

                    The Successor
                    He is the CEO of a very successful investment firm. He is married and his wife is mentally unstable and emotionally, if not physically, dependent on him. He is a fierce fighter who doesn't take kindly to being intimidated or threatened. He has many secrets. His story is one to be unraveled.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    The Businessman
                    He is a slick opportunist whose first priority is himself. He isn't honest very honest and proves to be very mistrustful of those around him. He is also some-what violent and predisposed to making unwanted sexual advances to women. He is very conniving and isn't afraid to black-mail someone if he finds out their secret.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    The Jail-bird
                    She is a tough as nails ex-con who sees everyone as her enemy, even her fellow abductees. She has an eleven year-old son and reveals that before arriving she was executed at the prison in which she was confined at. She is very alert of her surroundings and has intelligence from past experiences. She has one tattoo that says her name and another one of a spiderweb.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    (more to come as the story develops and more get abducted)

                    Towns People Slots

                    It is unknown if the people in the town are one of 'THEM,' or if they are just more people who have been abducted.

                    The Night Manager
                    The Night Manager is the sole employee of the hotel in which the abductees awake; he is an unassuming individual who first appears in their first evening in town. Although he represents himself as another pawn in this mysterious affair and the members of the group disagree whether that is actually the case, his physical safety seemed to be favored by the Abductors.
                    ✓Taken Open Reserved

                    The Restaurant Boss
                    He is the waiter (or leader) of the staff at the Chinese restaurant in the town, and because he appears to be barely able to speak English, he does not draw the same intensity of attention and suspicion from the abductees that the Night Manager does. However, he may be significantly involved in their kidnapping.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    (more to come)

                    'THEM' Slots

                    Security Cameras
                    we will have three security camera positions open. I will be randomly picking these people according to who sends me a reserve for this position and who is most creative and literate throughout the roleplay. The people behind the security cameras are basically the one's who run the abduction. Nobody knows who they are, even those who work for them are just pawns in their little game. This will say 'open' until all three positions are taken, and I may add more.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    (more to come)

                    Other Slots

                    The 'others' include those who are looking for the missing people or are just part of the story. Whether these characters are part of the abduction is also unknown. If you have any more 'other' characters that you would like to add, please feel free to ask me and I'd love to add it!

                    The Journalist
                    He is a seasoned journalist who is always on the lookout for scandal. He investigates the bizarre disappearance of The Mom, despite his boss believing that there is no story there. He is the ex-husband of The Mom and father of her child.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Boss
                    She is a smart, sexy and hard-nosed editor at a muck-raking tabloid. She is The Journalist's boss.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Detective
                    He is a private detective The Mom hired to find her missing husband. He is ruthless and without ethics. He also has other clients, who include The Mom's mother, who have conflicting interests in the matter.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Ambassador
                    He is the Party Girl's Father, and he is an Ambassador. Rich and self-centered with a high amount of power. It is uncertain whether or not he is involved in the kidnappings.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    The Grandmother
                    She is The Mom's Mother who is now taking care of her daughters 5 year old little girl. She does not know her daughter's ex-husband very well and in fact may have never met him. It is also unknown if she is involved in the kidnappings.
                    Taken [Open] Reserved

                    (more to come)

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"...Are you, or are you not, one of them?!!..."

Please feel free to change the colors or add colors. Just please do not change any other coding unless you ask first. Thank you.


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First ▇▇▇▇ M. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Last





personality trait [symbol] personality trait [symbol] personality trait

Post example: (in the form of a link, please)

[IMGleft]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q86/insane_acidrain/185x235.png[/IMGleft][align=center][color=postcolor1][size=18]▇ [/size][color=postcolor2][i][b]First[/b][/i][/color] [size=18]▇▇▇▇ [/size][color=postcolor3][i]M.[/i][/color] [size=18]▇▇▇▇▇▇ [/size][/color][color=postcolor2][size=18]╰☆╮[/size][/color] [color=postcolor3][size=18]▇▇[/size][/color] [color=postcolor2][i]Last[/i][/color]





personality trait [symbol] personality trait [symbol] personality trait

[b]Post example:[/b] (in the form of a link, please)


[imgright]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/imgright]

[size=16][color=darkolivegreen]ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε[/color]
[color=darkkhaki][Insert full name here.][/color][/size]


↬[u][color=darkolivegreen]ɱʏ яøℓε[/u][/color]
[color=darkkhaki][Your characters title and role][/color]


[color=darkkhaki][Male or Female][/color]

↬[u][color=darkolivegreen]sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε[/u][/color]
[color=darkkhaki][Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual][/color]

[color=darkkhaki][One full paragraph, minimum.][/color]

[color=darkkhaki][One full paragraph, minimum.][/color]

↬[u][color=darkolivegreen]тɧεɱε søɳɢs[/u][/color]
[color=darkkhaki][If you are unable to find a video with the song, a link to the lyrics are fine.][/color]




[color=darkkhaki][Any extra information you wish to provide.][/color]

↬[u][color=darkolivegreen]ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs[/u][/color]
[color=darkkhaki][Your username][/color]
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"...So you believe in god?..."


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Jeremie ▇▇▇▇ A. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Marque

Nickname: Jer, Xander, Remie...
Call me 'Jerry' and I'll punch you.

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Character: The Leader

Mysterious ♛ Direct ♛ Collected


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Ammiel ▇▇▇▇ M. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Hastings

Nickname: Ami

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Character: The Mental Patient

Spacey Caring Smart

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Kaileena ▇▇▇▇ M. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Reichland

Nickname: Leena

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Character: The Party Girl

Privileged ⌘ Pragmatic ⌘ Manipulative

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Joseph ▇▇▇▇ M. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Valentine

Nickname: Joey

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Character: The Successor

Quiet ♫ Determined ♫ Impatient

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Daniel ▇▇▇▇ R. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Stevens

Nickname: Dan

Gender: Male

Age: Thirty

Character: The businessman

Conniving → Sometimes charming → Brutally sarcastic


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Jason ▇▇▇▇ J. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╰☆╮ ▇▇ Packson

Nickname: Jase, or J.J.

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Character: The Night Manager

Logical ✖ Tricky ✖ Two-Faced


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Camera 1: EternalSweetheart
Camera Post Color: Forest Green


"...I'm not waiting around for divine intervention to get out of here..."

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Places of Interest:

The town in which the people are abducted and taken to has many perks, but is very strange. Everything on the outside of the stores look broken down, old, and worn. While the insides of everything look wonderfully decorated and just remade. The town has, of course, the hotel. This Hotel doesn't necessarily have a name, or rather none that can be seen. All that it has is a sign that hangs outside saying that it is indeed a hotel. The Hotel has 6 floors, but the elevator and staircase only allows 3 to be accessed. The rooms are on the second floor of the Hotel, the Lobby is on the first, and a large meeting area on the third. The halls are pretty long and the rooms are pretty close together. Inside the rooms are windows with steel bars running across... Otherwise the rooms look exactly like a normal hotel room... Oh and of course... You can't forget the cameras...

The town consists of many things, such as:
A Shopping Mall (with everything still inside... weird)
A Chinese Restaurant
A Bar
An Old Movie Theater
A Market
A Hardware Store
An Old Police Station
and much more...

Some Info on the Organization:

The people who are a part of the organization are told that it operates like a foundation, or a think tank, devoted to peace and progress. They are told that they analyze vast amounts of information about the way the world is going, and they make bets based on that information, intelligent bets. Bets on people. As far as those who are part of the organization understand, people are selected for experimentation because something about them may suggest that they may grow to have a great influence on the world. The organization believes that they are doing good... But, then again... Adolf Hitler believed the same thing.
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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-town/o-a-literatetoadv/t.63432059/][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q86/insane_acidrain/Decorated images/disappear.jpg[/IMG][/url]

Other Amazing Roleplays that Deserve Attention! --

Cursed Affairs
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because I know I forgot something...
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because I know I forgot something...
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because I know I forgot something...
The Leader of the Hostages
Are you listening?
Can you hear what I am saying?

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User ImageUser Image
it's the moment of truth
and the moment to lie

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The moment to live
and the moment todie

[ ℓσ¢αтιση; unknown ]X X X X X X X[ ƒєєℓιηg; disoriented]X X X X X X X[ ρнуѕι¢αℓ ¢ση∂ιтιση; unknown ]

'tap tap tap tap tap tap'

The feet were heard on the metal floor, running swiftly through a building. It was dark out, and there was no light coming in, considering there was no windows... Because this building was underground. Jeremie ran blindly, barely able to see by the very dim lights that hung from the sides of the wall every 30 feet or so. What was he running from? Well, he didn't really know. Where was he running too? An exit, any exit.

He had once believed that this organization he was a part of was really going to help human kind. He was a part of their experiments and tests, he helped devise certain plans, and things seemed to be going really well. Jeremie was never sure if it was government funded or who even ran it. He never really saw much of anybody, and whenever he was taking to this place he was put into a car blindfolded so that he cold not see where it's location lie. He gave up his friends and family and lived his life for this organization that claimed it would make everything better. Then after a short while something went wrong, the Boss became very power hungry, and Jeremie slowly began to find out stuff that he was never suppose to know. Soon the experiments were no longer fun and games, but instead they tested every thread of Jeremie's being. His physical and mental strength, his compassion. He poured blood, sweat, and tears. They played with this head and tried to turn him into some kind of brainwashed robot that did whatever the guy-on-high said. It was only when one experiment pushed him almost to the edge did he finally rip off the machines and scream at the top of his lungs that he was done.

And, of course, that couldn't be allowed... Because Jeremie already knew too much.

So now here he was running. From what? Unknown. To where? Anyplace but here.

'click, click click, click'

The lights on the walls began to flicker, going on and off, before finally shutting all the way off in about a minute. Jeremie stopped in his tracks and whipped around. His hair flew in his face and his whole body was tense. His hazel brown eyes were not adjusting to the dark and he really didn't expect them too. As Jeremie looked around blindly, he cautiously walked forward, being careful not to run into the walls. He could hear footsteps coming up from behind and he whipped around once again, his fist leading his body's force as he aimed for whatever it was coming up behind him, as he pivoted he used the momentum to push forward with a stronger force, and hoped to come in contact with something, but...

Everything went black.

It only seemed like a few moments before Jeremie's eyes slowly began to open. Light shined in them and he squinted, rolling away from the source. He had a blistering headache and was very disoriented. Jeremie sat up in the... Bed... That he was now laying on and looked around. Was he having a nightmare from one of the experiments that the organization had put him through? It seemed like it... Except, it wasn't a nightmare. Once Jeremie's head cleared a little he swung his legs off the side of the bed and opened the drawer in the nightstand. It contained a Bible, like most hotels did, and he picked it up.

Jeremie flipped through the pages of The Bible until he reached the back of the book. There, taped to the cover, was a medium-sized silver key. Jeremie's mind flashed back to a past experiment he had gone through, where he was locked in a hotel room and had to find a way out, and the key to the door was in a Bible. Jeremie let out a defeated sigh, and strode over to the door, still a little tense. He took the key and inserted it into the lock of the knob, turned it, and the door open. He knew what happened next, alarms went off and they stopped the experiment and tried something else to test his knowledge. Jeremie stepped out into the hall, waiting...

But, nothing happened. It was silent. Suddenly Jeremie's expression became one of concern and nervousness. He looked around, and could see a couple Camera's along the hall and as he peered back into his room he saw that there was one there too. Jeremie gritted his teeth and glared up at the Camera. He knew they were watching. Playing games with him again.

Jeremie began to wonder how long this would go for. What was he suppose to do? What did They expect? Normally they gave him some kind of hint... But he had nothing. So, curiously, Jeremie began to quietly walk around, listening and waiting for something to happen. He even checked one of the knobs of the other Hotel room doors to find that it, too, was locked. He then walked down to the elevator, tried to press the button next to it, and found that it did not work. The button wasn't even lit up and the elevator made no sound. When he walked over to the door that led to the stairs, it was also locked. Jeremie began to go frustrated, but tried not to let it show.

Without a sound he began to walk back to his room, trying to figure out what to do next.

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suru kaze's Husband

Man-Hungry Bear

19,000 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Megathread 100

            there's a memory inside my head
            xxxxit was you dripping all in red

            User Image
            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi should save you
            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbut i'd rather watch you drown

            User Image


                                                      - The Night Before -

                                                      It was pretty quiet, around seven o'clock in the evening, and the man had just finished eating dinner with his wife, and got her all ready for relaxation time in the living room by giving her the daily medications that she took for her mental (or rather psychological) disorder. He had set her down in the living room, watching some television. She was pretty normal when it came down to it, but it seemed like their relationship was one sided, always just Joey taking care of his wife because he felt bad that she was even in some situation like that anyways. He had left her for some quiet time before he headed into his home office to grab some time to chat with the other workers on his board of directors since he was the CEO of his own corporation. He sighed, sitting at the desk, powering his laptop on as he rummaged through the top right drawer on his desk, grabbing a small pill bottle, putting one into his palm as he popped it into his mouth. His addiction - a small white pill that had solved all of his problems since an accident that had happened two and a half years ago. It relieved his problems, mainly some stress related things, though it also helped his back most nights. He sat back at the desk, picking up the phone to make a call to talk to his office secretary, hopefully getting a chance to organize his schedule for the next few days as well as things that she needed to fax to him while he was working over the next few days. He was dozing off here and there occasionally, one of the side-effects of the pills with his body, but this one was exceptionally active, and it usually didn't react this fast. He found himself drifting quick, and then - bam; he was knocked out, fast asleep with his laptop off and phone hanging off the hook. His wife didn't suspect a thing.

                                                      - The Next Morning -

                                                      He didn't suspect to wake up in a bed, let alone one that was just as comfortable as the one in his own home, but this was just scary, laying there, having no idea where you were, though the room was a bit chilly from the air conditioning. His clothing didn't make anything better though, wearing a button up collared shirt and cargo shorts, his casual-wear since he worked at home. He would normally be relaxed, just working on nothing in particular as he walked around the house, but as he rolled out of bed, he found himself shivering, his torso exposed and his shirt unbuttoned. This wasn't a familiar place. He'd never been here before, and he didn't recognize his surroundings, even though he'd been in a lot of bedrooms before, mainly with his secret lover that he was planning to see tonight, if he had only been knocked out for a few hours really. He looked around, standing onto the carpet, barely able to walk straight as he made his way over to the air conditioner and then planned on turning it down a little bit as he headed over to the door. Maybe he could get out. He sighed, looking at it as he turned the knob, the thing not even bothering to open or anything. He tried again, twisting and turning some of the locks to try and get the thing open, but nothing worked, and he was starting to wonder how to get out of the room since he was locked in. Turning to look the other way, he realized that the windows were barred shut. This was just getting more and more strange. The room was too good for prison, too formal for a psych ward, and he didn't recognize this as a bedroom he'd ever been in. It was similar to a hotel. He started rummaging through the room to try and find something, maybe a key-card, or a key, or something to get him out of here.

                                                      After a few more minutes, he'd scanned the entire bathroom, and then part of the bedroom. He didn't recongize anything at all. There was nothing under the bed, and as he walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge, pulling the drawer open on the side dresser. He was starting to think the worse when he pulled it open only to see the bible. He pulled the book out, a key falling to the floor from inside the book. He smiled, reaching down, just a small gleam of hope now that he'd gotten somewhere with this thing. He grabbed the key, and jetted for the door. His pockets were all empty besides for the key now as he pulled the key out and unlocked the door, heading out into the hallway cautiously as he tip-toed out into the hallway to try and figure out what was really going on with this place, and why he was here to begin with. He wasn't sure why he was there, but something didn't seem right. He looked around the hall, taking observations. The windows were barred, there were locks on the outsides of the doors and there were cameras (or so it looked) all over the place (though he didn't realize that there was one in his room). He looked down the hallway. There had to be someone here. He couldn't be alone, could he?

                                                      [completely lost] xxxxxxx [confused] xxxxxxx [healthy?]


            can you feel me breathing down your neck
            you're just a perfect little human wreck
    User Image
    I will r e m e m b e r how you s c r e a m e d.

    ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐User Image▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐User Image▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐

    rea Hotel Lobby

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    ○●● Jȧson J. Pȧckson ●●○

    Now you wanna take me down, as if I even care, I am the monster in your head... //

    Silence, a simple pleasure in life, sometimes. Knowing your all alone, free to do whatever you please for a minuet or two, no one would hear, no one would see. This time though it was a little different. Silence, had quite the opposite meaning in this town, you never wanted it to be silent, you wanted there to be someone with you trying to figure out the twists and turns of the hell hole you'd just been put into. Even if there was no one around 'They' were always watching. A camera in every corner, of every room, of every hallway, of every building, on every street corner, They were watching you. Only they knew why you were here and if you were smart enough to figure it out, maybe you'll know. Jason Jay. Packson though was a different story. He knew exactly why he was there, and it was because of one simple, and stupid misunderstanding. Why no one could really believe it was just a misunderstanding was completely asinine, but the They did decided to let him keep his job and more thankfully his life. All he wanted to do was find his daughter, it's been over six months now and he hasn't been able to find her. Now Jace was trapped here like a mouse in a cage, thought he was a mouse who knew the layout of his cage, he just had to pretend he didn't know. The thought of that was a bit annoying.

    While thinking about what a funny 'FML' article his situation could make, Jason heard clicking movement, a couple doors opening and foot steps. Sounded like a couple people finally work up, it would only be a matter of time before they made it down stairs and that's when the show really began. Sadly a show Jace was not interested in, but for now it was still 'me' time as much as you could call it with a camera in your face. Jase tapped a pencil on the lobby desk impatiently waiting to the mice to find the next door. Jace was a little envious they got to sleep cozy in their beds while he had to sit up and wait. Maybe if they were a bit smarter they could figure out the puzzle a bit quicker. Leaning on one side of his buttock he slipped his hand into his back pocket to pull out the picture of his daughter Sharron. She was the reason he was willing to be here, it was because of his Ex that he 'is' here. Shannon had bright blond hair like her mother, but Shannon was much brighter. She would be seven years old this year, Jason hoped to get out of this mess before then and find her. He laid the picture on the scratched up lobby desk to lean in and stare at it. Shannon was his everything, there was nothing else to live for if it wasn't for her, and if he had to go to hell and back to get her, he would to it and a hundred times over.

    After some time, the foot steps seemed to quiet, maybe they got stuck don't know what to do next? Jace didn't really care, though he would like them to get out soon. So he could begin to play his part. He took the picture of Sharron and put it back in his pocket. Then he picked up his feet and crossed them on top of the wooden making a 'Thump, Thump' very loudly on top of the hallow desk top. Reclining back into the chair he just stared up at the camera and watched it stare back at him. He tightened his lips and left a little opening for air to breath through and whistle. He never knew why, but it kept him occupied in an empty room. It was just about all he could do until someone made it down.

    // ...And I thought you learned by now, it seems you haven't yet, I am the venom in your skin.

    ○●● Night Manager ●●○

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