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the NBC television mini-series Persons Unknown

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                              If you have never seen "Persons Unknown" that's fine! Just watch the trailer so you can get the basics, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

                              (the second trailer is my FAV! The fourth one is kind of a deeper look into the series)
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"...Are you, or are you not, one of them?!!..."

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because I know I forgot something...
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because I know I forgot something...
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because I know I forgot something...
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Honesty is honestly the hardest thing for me right now...yeah
while the floors underneath our feet are crumbling
The walls we built together tumblin'
I still stand here holdin' up the roof
Cause it's easier than telling the truth.

              ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
              [Jeremie Alexander Marque]


              ɱʏ яøℓε
              [The Leader]



              sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

              [Jeremie is a natural leader who's forceful and direct, but prefers to keep his feelings and the details of his life mostly to himself, and never reveals what his occupation is or why he might have been taken, though he admits that he thinks he was in New York when he was abducted. Jeremie is very calm, collected, and patient about most everything, and tries to handle things in the best way possible, though he isn't afraid to fight someone--or something--who is threatening him, and he will protect those he cares for. He believes in God and has a soft-spot for women, and is against ever raising a hand to a woman. Jeremie seems to make friends easily, but doesn't trust easily. He is a very cautious person. He does not keep any friends, family, or a girlfriend in his life, feeling that everyone in his life "can wait".]

              [When Jeremie was younger, he was a pretty good kid. Smart, intelligent, he did what he was told and took the initiative when it came to tasks. He had a family, but always felt like he was moving too fast for them, and that they really didn't care whether or not he was in their life, besides, they seemed too busy for him. Always involved in some kind of business or wrapped up the secrets of their lives. His parents even became distant from eachother. The only person who ever cared about him, really cared, had been his baby sister. When he was 18 and she was 10, he moved out and got permission from his parents to take her with him. They moved into a small, but sufficient apartment. They were happy and had a pretty good life for many years. He never really heard from his parents and was so wrapped up in caring for his sister that he never really got a steady girlfriend. Sure, he went on dates and hung out... But nothing ever lasted.

              His sister was a very small girl. She had been premature when she was born and barely made it. So she only weighed about 108 pounds by the time she turned 16. It was only a few months after her birthday that she came down with a new flu virus that had recently broke out. Jeremie could not afford medical care, and did the best he could to take care of her. She was bed-ridden for a week, and in that week had lost 14 pounds. She was so skinny and he veins looked paper-thin. She was as white as a ghost and her vitals were barely there. It got so bad that she almost seemed to fall into a non-responsive, comatose state. He could tell that she was suffering, so he took it upon himself to end it. One night when she looked really bad, he inserted high levels of potassium--which he had stole from a hospital--through a syringe and into her bloodstream. This caused her to have respiratory failure and made it look like she died from the flu that had invaded her body.

              After this, Jeremie became very reserved. He cut out all contact with friends and family, stopped working, and basically stopped living. The death of his sister caused him much grief even though he knew that she would have died a slow and more painful death if he had not put her out of it. Jeremie cried often, and eventually tried to forget about his life.

              When he turned 25, he became part of a underground organization spread out across the world that believed that they could better the human race. They sent him a letter one day telling him where to go and what to do. He joined in hopes that he would be able to make up for what he did to his sister. The organization often used Jeremie as a guinea pig for their experiments. He went through a lot, though he was never sure what the goal of the organization really was, or if it was even government funded... All he knew was that he believed it might actually be able to help the human race, and he became a part of the group. Later on, the things that he was put through became too extreme. He was physically and mentally challenged almost to the very edge of death. At first he just took it as punishment for what he did to his sister, but after a while he began to question the organization and told them that he wasn't going to go any further than they had taken him. They kept pushing him, and in fury he told them that he quit... But of course... Jeremie knew too much. The night after he told them he quit, he woke up at a hotel in a strange deserted town the next morning. And even though he no longer really wants any part in the organization, he's been forced into the game as a piece to be played with. He doesn't plan on telling anybody about it though and just asks like another hostage because he is worried that the hostages would turn on him if they knew.]

              тɧεɱε søɳɢs
              Fallen -- 30 Seconds to Mars
              Iris -- Goo Goo Dolls
              You're Gonna Go Far, Kid -- The Offspring
              This Is War -- 30 Seconds to Mars
              The Truth -- Kris Allen
              Fingernails -- Skillet
              Secrets -- One Republic
              Not Afraid -- Eminem
              Scars -- Papa Roach

              Taking Risks
              Making a difference
              Being a part of something good

              Raw celery
              Confined spaces
              His Past
              The Experiments of the Organization]

              [He killed his sister
              He is part of the Organization involved in the abductions
              He is deathly allergic to bee stings
              He knows military hand signals
              May have had special training in fighting and combat]

              Ever since his sister's death, he will not raise a hand to a woman, and also will do almost anything to gain a woman's trust.

              ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs

              Stop ignoring that our hearts are mourning
              And let the rain come in.
              Stop pretending that it's not ending
              And let the end begin.

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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
[Jason Jay. Packson]


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The Night Manager]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

[Defentaly two faces, Jason usually keeps his cool, he's only interested in keeping his own skin safe. He is a smooth criminal you could say and has a trusting face, and that's what usually keeps him out of trouble. Jason doesn't like to fight but more then willing to do it if he has to and is surprisingly a good fighter but not as good as with his mouth. He tries to keep his history to himself seeing as there is no one who would really be interested in knowing. On a final note Jason has an unnatural disliking for women.

[Jason or more commonly called Jace, doesn't have a very interesting life story. When he was a freshmen in collect he got his girlfriend pregnant and they had a daughter named Shannon. While Jace decided to stay in school his girlfriend dropped out and attempted to raise their child. After about a year his girlfriend broke up with him and took their child. Jace always kept track of where they were but while in school it was just to difficult. His grades were fanominal but the medical field was just something he began losing interest in the medical field and dropped out. Within the next couple years He found himself hired by the organization and well trusted by all. He kept a good eye on things and always got the job done right. Sadly there was a mix up. While Jace was using one of the organizations computers to pin-point the location of his wife and child, Jace was accused of spying and stealing information. While poor Jace tried to explain himself most believed him. Though when in a company so important you couldn't be to careful. No one wanted to lose Jace so they found a way to keep him and test him at the same time. Put him down with the others to play the game, while keeping him alive and well of course, Make sure they don't escape, and not to give himself away.]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
[Eminem - Almost Famous
Insane Clown Posse - Vultures]

[♥ Music
♥ Business
♥ Peaches
♥ His hair
♥ Working
♥ Chai Tea
♥ Irish Baileys
♥ Reading
♥ Socializing
♥ Sports
♥ Cigs]

[× Party Crashers
× Stupidity
× Burns
× Scotch
× Being wrong
× Physical fighting
× Hangovers
× Children
× Women]

[Jace works with the Organization involved with the abductions but after he was accused of betrayed the organization he was forced to play the game too. He currently is trying to reclaim his position back in the organization after having been demoted to keeping an eye on all the abductee's while his personal safety is kept in favor. Jace had a daughter who was taken away by his b***h-of-a girlfriend, more like ex now, but his ex-girlfriend was really run up in trouble when it came to drugs and arrests and he has no clue where she took his daughter. He hasn't heard from her inn about five months. Also Jace is quite well trained in the medical field, while not a doctor he was in school for a couple years, learned a few nifty tricks and dropped out when he was taken in by the organization.]

[Is a handy medic, and he keeps a picture of his daughter in his back pocket always.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs

350 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Member 100
  • Gaian 50
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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
[Daniel Robert Stevens]


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The business man]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε
[An "Opportunist" as he calls himself]

[Daniel isn't a very nice guy most of the time. He's a businessman and used to getting his way most of the time and isn't afraid to use whatever means he deems necessary. He is quick to anger and doesn't particularly care if people get hurt by his hand. However, despite how angry and selfish he may be, he can be rather charming as well. He has a way with words and is a master of manipulation. Dan prefers to use his charisma and charm to get his way rather than brute force. Arrogant and demanding, Daniel is not very well-liked where he works. Despite all of these flaws, Daniel is a very intelligent person. Of course he dedicates this intelligence to causes far less than moral.]

[He has been exposed to the world of business since before he could walk. His father was a business man as was his mother. His childhood was simple carefree, even if his parents were often busy with work Daniel grew up relatively normal. A little detached from them, but he was still a good student. Like his parents before him he went to college to major in business, he was out by age twenty-six. He spent the past four years working at the company he currently employed in. Currently he is trying to claw his way up to the position of CEO.

On the weekends he lives in a world of booze and sex, not exactly the idealistic salary man. He constantly visits clubs to pick up women and men alike for one-night stands. Of course this life of money and pleasure all changed when a very drunk Dan was plucked off the streets...]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
["I'm Your Villain"-Franz Ferdinand
"Employee of the Month"-The Anomalies
"Big and Bad"-Big Bad Voodoo Daddy]

[→Being in charge
→Good drinks
→Attractive people

[✘Taking orders
✘Lower class citizens
✘Not knowing things

[☆He once killed a person.
☆He steals information from his own company and sells it back to others, it's where most of his money comes from.
☆He's dealt with the Italian Mafia before.]

[He will brag about himself at every chance he gets.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs
[Ram Boat]

suru kaze's Husband

Man-Hungry Bear

19,000 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Megathread 100
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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
[Joseph Michael Valentine]


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The Successor]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

[I'm pretty generic when it comes to personality. When I get down into the deepest depths of my own inner being, I realize that I am much more than just another human being. I am Joey Valentine. I am unique to this world, and I am one person out of the billions that cover this Earth. I may seem all quiet and natural on the outside while people look at me, but in all reality, I can be pretty complex sometimes. I'm not some crazy arsonist that is planning on setting the school aflame, I am just .... quiet ol' me that would just rather sit back and watch people do something than participate. I'd much rather be inside the box than stepping out of it, though lately, I have taken some cautious steps out and around the box. I have severe trust issues thanks to a couple of events that had taken place throughout my lifetime, though that is a story for another time. I can be quite friendly once you get to know me, and I'm one that will never turn a friend away when they need a helping hand, or want someone to help them with something. I am the type of person that gives his best at everything though I try not to stand out in a crowd because of various things. I couldn't imagine making a mistake in front of people and having someone notice. It's a scary thought, though nobody is flawless.]

[Well, here we are, New York City, NY, over 25 years ago. I was born in the slums of New York, raised in an apartment building that was infested with rats and scum from all over the place, but I promised myself at a young age that I would never be like that. My mother was a meth addict, and my father wasn't in the picture, it was nearly perfect. Well, I mean, I was born and raised in that apartment for a number of years and there was nothing that I could do to prevent something from happening. I kept my head up though, and tried to do my best with whatever I had done.

When I was eight, I started questioning my mother about my father because there wasn't a male in the picture when I went to school unlike a majority of the other children, and she told me that he was dead. I believed her, being the child that I was, but in all reality, I couldn't do much to figure out more until I was older. My mother had numerous times where she would sit in the living room and do meth with me right there. I couldn't do anything, and she always told me it was medicine, so ... I believed her again.

When I turned fourteen, my mother started getting sick, and she eventually found out that she had developed brain cancer. It was so far gone in the stages that I couldn't do anything to help her, and she could barely help herself. She looked so frail and weak, walking around the house, so skinny, all made of bones. Well, I couldn't do much for it now, and eventually I had to go live with my grandparents in Long Island. Yeah, it was a big difference from me living in the slums to being somewhere of .... well, more wealth. It was so weird, and I eventually found out why I had never met my grandparents before.

My father was a terrible man, and he'd actually socially isolated my mother from her entire family as well as her friends and such, leaving her alone and worthless once she had me and he left her. She became addicted to meth and then she went to live on her own. It was so scary for her, and now I was finding this out at the age of fifteen. Well, it was such a shovk, and I kinda felt terrible about her, before she died that was ... she died a few months before I turned eighteen and that was when I actually experienced my own independence for once, exploring various relationships as I prepared for college.

I went to college for business management and accounting. And though I'm not good with math and numbers and such, I know when to hold them and when to fold them. See, I met my wife through my work, and well, she was sick, and it reminded me of my mother, so I had to take care of her, because I didn't want her to suffer the same consciquence. But, for some reason, I didn't love her, and that's when everything started getting screwy. I got into an accident, getting hit by a car. It wasn't major, though my settlement was. I got about fifty thousand dollars from it. Well, me and my wife moved out of the city and tried to make a better life somewhere else, a small town that noone knew of. I slowly got used to it, and the feeling of some other things.]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
[Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias
Find Your Love - Drake
Let It Die - Three Days Grace]

Casual Talking
Rainy Days]


[Joey has been cheating on his wife with a man that he works with. He is actually more homosexual than he is heterosexual.
Joey is addicted to pain-killers since his accident. He goes through a withdrawl if he doesn't take them regularly.]

[He is a CEO of a corporation based off of an old business that he started when he entered college, and he now takes regular business and conference calls to discuss his funds and how to improve the company he runs.
He also has two tattoos. The egyptian symbol on his chest and two lines that lap around his right arm completely.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs
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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
[Amunet Jynx Nightingale]


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The Jail-bird]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

[I am the person you don't want to mess with. Besides the fact my temper can be set off quickly, I can protect myself easily. It's in my blood. Once you get past my tough exterior, you more than likely have earned my trust, which means I am extremely loyal to you. Don't be stupid and do anything to lose my loyality. It will be the worst mistake you'll ever make. I make for one hell of an enemy. I can hold a grudge forever. But, if you get past my tough layer and don't do anything to lose my trust and loyality, you'll find that I am a pretty chill person. I am a care free girl and tend to speak my mind and normally, i go against the crowd. I am funny and very sarcastic. I have also been told that I am very motherly; this is probably due to the fact that I have a son.]

[I was born to Andrea Nightingale and Antonio Colonna. My father was full Italian and often spoke italian when I was growing up. He was married once before and had a son - Michael. When he married my mom he had assumed she was full Italian like himself. He was wrong. She was in fact only half Italian. The other half was Egyptian - which explains my first name.
When my father realized his second child was a girl, he promised himself I would stay out of the family business. Which meant i would not take his last name and my first name would not be a traditional or semi-traditional Italian name. As I got older, my half-brother told me what the faminly business was. My dad's side of the family was a part of the Italian mafia.
Life was pretty normal for myself, except for the fact murder, large sums of money, and suspicious deals were a part of my every day life. Everything was going fine until my twentith year came around. I had been dating this boy - Eric - for awhile, and I thought it was time we took out relationship to the next level. The next day he left me when I found out he had only been with me to get in my pants. The following week I felt ill and rather odd. I bought a pregnancy test and it turned out positive. Nine months later, not only did I turn twenty-one, but I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I named him Zachary Aaron Nightingale.
For awhile I stayed with my parents - and my brother, who was three years older than myself - while I tried to get back on my feet. When Zach was ten and I, myself, was thirty-one, my brother had told me he had found the snake Eric and was going to have a talk with him. I told Michael I was going to take care of him. And that's what I did. I went to a local bar that my brother told me he'd be at and shot him seven times in the chest. He ruined my life, I was going to ruin his.
The police easily caught me, because I had not been careful about killing him. I was thrown in jail for a year while I awaited trial. I was tried and charged with first degree murder. I was supposed to be executed by lethal injection... But it never came...]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
[You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
L Italiano - Toto Cutugno
Chasing Pavements - Adele]

[The moon
Thunder/lightning storms

[Early mornings
Not being able to protect my son
The color pink
Utter darkness
Short skirts

[Half of my family is a part of the Italian mafia
I have killed more than once.]

[When I was sixteen I got two tattoos; one was a spider web on my left hip, and the other was my name, 'Amunet', winding around my right ankle. As I got older, I later got two more tattoos. One was the ankh symbol (☥) on my right wrist, and my son's full name above it.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs

Dapper Gaian

1,250 Points
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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
[Ammiel Marie Hastings]


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The Mental Patient]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

[Ami is rather spacey. She'll zone out for hours, and when she does, it's nearly impossible to bring her back. Talking to herself about anything and everything, she'll often spout out a random fact when asked a question instead of answering what you asked her. When she focuses on something though, she almost always will study it for over an hour. Because of this habit she's very observant of people, as well as things. Because she was trained as a doctor, she often worries about people after studying them, because she can see all of their problems. She'll often recommend medications to people for the problems that she sees.]

[As a little girl, Ami was way ahead of her age. With a photographic memory and nag for remembering everything, she rocketed through school, graduating from a six year college with top honors and a degree in medical science at fifteen years of age. Besides being smart though, Ami had always been different. Instead of throwing a fit and crying when her parents wouldn't buy her a candy bar, Ami would calmly explain to them why she should get the candy bar, and what her parents could do to afford it. And when her grandmother died, she comforted her mother.

Mature for her age, Ami slowly began showing signs of something else when she hit seventeen. Instead of the cool, collected young woman she had been her entire life, she began drawing into herself. Talking to herself and doing strange things such as cut her curtains into pieces with a pair of scissors for no reason, her parents soon grew worried. Taking her in to see a counselor twice a week, it was soon apparent that Ami was having difficulties with her mental health. The doctor couldn't figure out what was the problem though. She'd talked to herself for hours on end, or sit silent for days. She was able to tell you about any medicine in existence, but couldn't distinguish a penny from a nickel.

On her eighteenth birthday, Ami killed her dog an dragged the corpse inside, only to set it up on the rug in front of the fireplace. Afraid she might one day turn on them, Ami's parents committed her to St. Mary's hospital in Sandusky, Ohio. Though the doctors there couldn't figure out what was wrong with her either, the did take advantage of her mental state and the drugs she was on.]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
Sound of Madness - Shinedown
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Monster - Skillet

Random Facts
Studying Things

Confined Spaces

[While in the hospital, Ami was continuously raped by her doctors, which is why she's afraid of confined spaces and doctors.
Also, she killed a fellow patient in the hospital and set them up at one of the lunch tables, much as she had done with her dog in front of the fireplace.]

[Ami is terrified of dark, enclosed spaces, spiders, and doctors because of her stay in St. Mary's. She was often placed in a small, padded room when she misbehaved, and raped by her doctors. If she attempted to fight them off, they would torture her by placing tarantulas in the room with her while she slept.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs

Questionable Elder

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ωεℓcøɱε тø тɧε gąɱε
Kaileena Marin Reichland


ɱʏ яøℓε
[The Party Girl]



sεӿтuąℓ ρяεfεяεɳcε

[Well, like any party girl, Kaileena has two sides. One is the avid socialite that loves to be in the paparazzi's spotlight. She loves to party, loves to drink and loves to always be on the cover of the tabloids. She is known as a huge daddy's girl. Always seen being doted on by a loving father. She is wild and crazy and loves to pull stunts of any kind. Especially ones people will remember for a long while.
But flip the coin and she's a completely different. She's a sensible girl who always thinks practically. She's a huge manipulator and can sway most who are unfortunate enough to end up in her hands. She's charismatic and troublesome but this side is often hidden by the airy socialite personality that is the front she often puts on.]

[Kaileena comes from a rather rich family. Her father was head of the CIA for a long while. Of course, Kaileena and the rest of her family just thought he was doing some security work for the Smithsonian. Even now only Kaileena is aware of what her father really did. Now her father serves as the the US Ambassador to Italy. Kaileena has spent many years in Italy and is fluent in Italian as well as English, Russian and Spanish. Kaileena figured out where her father had been working when she was doing his laundry. Her father was reckless enough to leave his CIA badge in the back pocket of his jeans. She hasn't told anyone about it, say anything and I'll have to kill you kind of deal ya know?

Anyway, so one night Kaileena is out partying. She's having a good time, flirting and dancing. Having her picture taken by anyone with a camera. You know, a typical night for Miss Reichland. The last thing she remembers is leaving the club though. For next thing she's waking up in some hotel room with no recollection after leaving the club. She doesn't know how or why she's here but she has a sneaking suspicion that her father is behind all of this. The last conversation they had ended up in a screaming match with him yelling if she didn't straighten out her act he'd be forced to take serious measures. Guess she shouldn't have underestimated that threat.]

тɧεɱε søɳɢs
[Pon De Replay
Money Honey
Don't Stop The Music
Stab My Back

-Controlling people
-Being the center of attention

[-Shady people
-Being ignored

[Kaileena is terrified that her father is responsible for her being there and that he doesn't care whether she comes back.]

[Kaileena's birth mother died when she was 5 and her stepmother hates her.
Kaileena has a tattoo on her side, a tribute for her deceased mother.]

ɪ ρʊℓℓ тɧε sтяɪɳɢs

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