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Dapper Shapeshifter

Talis spied Stoic and the lizard people almost immediately after Somer drew their attention to him. It wasn't hard, considering the lizard's brightly-colored scales.

She felt her lip curl in automatic distaste when she saw them. Riskallions. They were fast, strong, and vicious fighters and very, very, hard to trick. And, unfortunately, hard to kill. She used to live with one, and had lost a lot of good soldiers to some, too. But it was very rare to see more than two or three together at a time. Talis examined the situation. The one Stoic had just dropped was the leader, meaning the second in command was now the leader. The lizards looked to their new leader hesitantly. The new leader lowered his head at Stoic and then charged.

Talis immediately looked for a way into the battle, not out of any sense of camaraderie for Stoic, but only because he was outnumbered, and she knew from experience that his chances were slim unless some backup arrived. The street was too crowded for her to get there in time. She eyed the ladder that Somer was on top of. Luckily, she'd learned a thing or two from the Riskallions. She stripped off her shoes, and then climbed straight up the wall next to Somer, finding abundant hand and footholds in the uneven stone.

She climbed to the top of the building and then leaped to the next and the next. She growled in displeasure as she realized she was wearing her old Guard uniform, but wasn't carrying her staff or any of her knives. She felt around her wrist for the long string she had wrapped around it. She unwound it and uncovered the small blade that was hidden there. One end of the string was still tied around her wrist while she swung the other in a circle. As far as weapons went, it was one of the weakest she had, incapable of killing, unless you managed to lodge it in your enemies throat, but it was the weapon she was the best at using.

She jumped down from the building closest to Stoic and landed nearly next to him nearly silently, barefoot and covered in dust.

Greedy Lunatic

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At first, her ears flickered to Ryu’s comments, turning around to face him as she quirked an eyebrow, understanding his intentions, but feeling slightly… flushed at the comment. “Y-yeah, I know… thanks.” Nodding as she soon caught wind of the commotion on the streets below.

Luna’s attention snapped to the unknown woman as she sped down the rooftops, admirably agile before leaping off the lip of one and gracefully landing into the fray. Luna, weaponless, padded herself down to make sure, finding nothing as expected, before crossing her arms and tapping her lip, the cloths she wore giving her an idea. As she looked over towards Stoic, a sudden pulse, not painful, urging her forward, indicated that the next course of action was the correct route, whether she had a choice or not. So, blindingly, she followed, edging herself, almost involuntarily so, to the ladder. She turned to Somer and Ryu, "Shall we? Does your magic work?" already making her way down the ladder, clamping her feet on either side of the ladder posts and prepping herself for the slide. "Either way, let's help out Stoic," halfhearted smile peaking from the corners of her lips, afraid it seemed like she was shrugging the previous scene.

Her fingers softened up as her weight pulled her down the ladder, sliding until she hit the floor then turning for the group... yet with a crowd bustling before her, understanding why the unnamed woman (Talis if you hadn't guessed by now) ran along the rooftops instead of the more direct route. But perhaps she could use the crowds to her advantage.

It didn't take long for the people surrounding the fighters to realize the danger they were in. But at the same time, with the citizens being mostly of crazed fighters/thieves themselves, they simply backed away, creating a ring around Stoic, the woman, and the lizardmen (Riskallions?) and began chanting and egging the few on.

Swift and nimble as Luna was, she sifted her way through the crowds before reaching the edge of the ring, peaking out just behind one of the scaled warriors. "Heh.." she scoffed before squeezing herself from the audience and popping out onto the sandstone floors. With a quick step and a hop, she leaned forward, and, with a even quicker jab of her hands, pulled a knife from the foes belt sheath and one from his boot. The lizard quickly turned, surprised as Luna was already hopping back, providing space between her and the group of opponents.

She tossed the knives int he air, judging the weight before snatching them mid flight, evening her stance, "You're all quiet confident. Numbers only hold some much weight, and you, my friends, are in the wrong weight class." She bit her lip at the corny tag line, but prided herself on being original.

(( Ha! Hey, but he way, are we calling these guys Riskallions? Because I love that! hahah! ))

Wheezing Codger

Silent padding of feet next to him and confidence was somewhat restored. 

"Heh... you're here to help... Right?" Stoic scoffed, while he knew he was joking, he was actually somewhat unsure. "What did you say you're name was again?" flipping his blade in his palm as he reached back, unbuckling his heater shield and sliding it over his forearm.

The Riskallions drew nearer, silently picking out targets, before assembling for another flurry of attacks. 

First attack belonged to the new leader of the bunch, driving his curved blade between Stoic and Talis, forcing an evasive back jump from Stoic, then, without hesitation, turning the handle of his sword, stepped forward and struck, a horizontal cross, the zing of steel cutting through air sang as the attack picked up speed.  

Stoic, as he was driven back, picked up his shield from his side and watched the weapon carefully, ensuring a secure guard as his shield face met with the ferocious slash of the Riskallion. His might was formidable, so much so that it sent Stoic, a mere human, across the ring and barreling into the crowd.  With a few ooo's and cheers, the crowd forced an unharmed Stoic back into the fight zone.  He adjusted his hat, took a deep, frustrated huff and turned to Talis who was now a few yards away, her hands full as well. 

@ Talis
Two lizards, dove at her, one with a rather large wooden club and the other with what seemed to be heavy gauntlets, spiky and ready for puncturing.  The first reached out his free hand, seeing her weaponless and less than a threat, and lunged to snatch her arm while the second clenched those spiked gloves tightly ready to drive a fiery punch into the Talis as soon as she was immobilized.

@ Luna
Turning quickly, and with a snarl and a hiss, reached for the petite Fierra in an attempt to snatch back his knife his weapon. When she proved faster and slippery than anticipated, he quickly drew his spear to his front and quickly stabbed in her direction - if not hitting her, than the length of his spear would surely reach the crowd behind her.

OOC: done on my iPhone. Excuse the typos... Somer/Luna >:[

Romantic Lover

Ryu grew tired of sitting back, and to be honest since he arrived in this dream he has been itching for a fight. He dug into the ground and prepared to break into a run or so it looked. A single step is all it took, he launched himself at high speed from the top of the platform to the brawl. Dust kicked up from the impact of his landing, when it cleared Ryu stood infront of the lizard who thrusted his spear towards Luna. His foot planted firmly on the spears shaft closest to the blade. "Quite the cowards you Lizards are... Setting up a situation like that. Too bad you miscalculated." Ryu re-adjusted his gloves one after another, while he talked.

Sayuri being fairly small managed to get through the crowd that had gathered, and now stood at the edge of the circle. She looked at the situation and tried her best to think of some way she could help.

Dapper Shapeshifter

"I didn't say what my name was." Talis said, adopting a defensive stance. "Its--" she started before she realized the lizard men were coming for her. She allowed the first one to grab her. She could see the second one's eyes light up, thinking that she was easy prey. Neither one had noticed her tiny blade attached to her wrist yet. The element of surprise was always good. She undid the string on her wrist again, so the small weapon was hidden in her cupped palm. As the first Riskallion raised its club, presumably to smash in her skull, she gently ran her thumb along its ribcage, searching for an artery in between the first and second rib. It took her several seconds too long to find it. As she jammed the blade into its side, the lizard seized up in mid-swing. Instead of hitting her head, it missed and hit her on the shoulder instead. Talis's eyes watered as she felt her shoulder pop out of its socket. She pulled the blade back out with her good hand. The first lizard was convulsing on the ground. It would probably take a good ten minutes for it to bleed out completely, but there was really no way Talis could put it out of its misery.

The second lizard, the smaller of the two, seemed to be slightly shocked and scared. It was staring at the one behind her, flailing on the ground. Talis took advantage of the slight lull in the battle to snap her shoulder back into place. Her eyes watered, and she saw stars for a moment. The smaller lizard was smarter than Talis gave it credit for, and it attacked her while she was distracted. As it leaped at her, she let it come, then grabbed it by the elbow with both hands, ignoring the painful twinge in her right shoulder. The Riskallion swung at her with its other hand, and she was forced to grab it, so they were facing each other. She slid the string of her blade in between her toes, thankful she wasn't wearing any shoes. She kicked the lizard with the blade, hearing a satisfying squeal of pain as the blade burrowed into its abdomen. The two of them broke apart, and Talis used the string to pull the knife out of the lizard. It was little more than a flesh wound.

The two circled each other, neither willing to get close to the other.

((Sorry for the big textwall. I gotta go, but I may post again later.))

Omnipresent Lunatic

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OOC: Sorry, I started to post days ago but my phone ******** up on me. And after typing it all out on a damn phone, I was a little disheartened. @¬@

Nakisisa, who remained on the ground, makes use of his smaller size and squeezes through the crowd. By the time he reaches Sayuri he is a large, dark wolf again. He slips inside the circle of battle and pads the outskirts, snarling as menacingly as he can. So long as one could not hear his childish, sweet voice in their heads, they might even buy it.

Somer remains on the roof, watching the action. Unarmed and outmatched by the Riskallions, she decides that it is better to leave the fighting to the professionals. A little nervous, she reaches out for familiar energies to weave a spell. Instead she finds something much more malleable. She draws on it cautiously at first, trying to think of how best she can use it. Striking them all dead would be a little too conspicuous, and she wasn't sure she trusted this dream magic. Her green eyes slide closed as she weaves the energies around her companions' weapons, giving them a sharper edge, sharp enough to pierce even the Riskallions' scales. Further off, a little bit of the dream unravels...

Wheezing Codger

OOC: Sorry everyone! Last week was crazy! I WILL HAVE A POST TONIGHT!.


Wheezing Codger

"Two down, five to go," he muttered as he flicked his wrist, spinning the sword in his palm like a racquet as he readied up, squaring away at the opposition.  He pulled his left arm over his shoulder, fluidly latching his shield securely to his back before evening his stance, latching both his hands around the blades grip.  Without warning, he sped forward, only three or four steps from his target.  Building momentum, he raised his sword, both hands, over his right shoulder as he planted his final foot just feet away from the Riskallion, skidding just a bit, and cracking the blade of the lizard's, hearing the clang and clamor of iron and steel.  The vibrations resonated through his gauntlets, up his elbows and through his bones, the recoil sending just the slightest twinge of pain through his body, but, however rash and blunt, his strategy was only beginning. 
If you're hit, do not stop.  Your persistence will discourage your attacker.  The words of his sword instructor echoed through his head as he picked up his sword again, quickly stepping forward once more as the lizard started to wince back, holding his sword up to block the incoming attack.  With another two handed overhead smash, the lizard staggered, his sword pushed to his side, his movements looking more fatigued. 
Now! Stoic whispered, pulling his sword up one last time, only to hear crackling noise coming from his blade, as if the metal was shifting or tightening.  He took in a deep breath, the sword either vibrating from this unknown presence or maybe just the numbness from his hands, he stepped forward, letting his elbows fall forward, letting the sword come crashing down over the lizard one last time. 
In a final desperate act to defend against Stoic's attack, the Riskallion quickly pulled his blade up over his head, but to his dismay and Stoic's surprise, the human's sword sliced through the prohibiting metal as if it were nothing but butter, letting out a very haunting zing.  And, with the lizards protection relinquished, Stoic followed through, the mass of the blade carrying straight down through the lizards skull, down it's vertebrae, and into the sandy floors below.  His hazel, tinted orange eyes, wide as he watched drops of the lizards blood puddle in the sand.  With a quick hop back, the lizard, quiet literally, fell to pieces.  Stoic tried his best to remain... stoic, but couldn't help give a slight cringe to the lizards situation - less he began vomiting, he might survive another day.
And then there were four. 
@ Talis
The standing Riskallion tried it's best to ignore the gore writhing in pain on the floor by the edge of the crowd.  With his free hand on his abdomen, nursing the fresh wound Talis had just inflicted, he picked up the club from the ground, clenching it with the spiked gauntlets he wore.  His hand clenched his wound as he became more frustrated, slowly tipping into a berserk state as their groups plan began to fail.  "I'll kill you!  Spare no expense - I want these outsssssiders dead!" the lizard hissed, as the others rallied together.  It wasn't long before the Riskallion noticed Talis' shoulder injury.  Angry and agile, the lizards performed a fast, sweeping motion with the club, crossing towards her busted shoulder. Regardless of the strike connecting, he would follow the momentum with full force of his scaly tail, whipping towards her abdomen, so lightening fast that the sand and debris would be caught in its updraft and be throw around him, effecting both parties. 

@Ryu and Luna

The Riskallion tugged on the spear, trying to pull it out from under Ryu, but the mans balance made the weapon unmovable. Luckily for him, another lizard notice the situation, drawing one of its hatchet from its belt, and hurling it in the direction of Ryu - if it didn't hit, it would surely connect with someone in the crowd behind him. 

OOC: Sorry for the wait!

Romantic Lover

Blood dripped unto the dirt below; Ryu had used his arm to shield himself from the hatchet that was thrown at him, the blade stuck out from his forearm. The wound wasnt deep from the looks of it, and the both the Riskallion infront of him and the one who threw the hatched were shocked by what had happened. He barely flinched when it struck, and though bleeding the depth of the wound didnt seem that bad. "Another cheap attack... Unfortunately for you I am not human or that might have worked. Though the people and even Luna would have been caught in the If I had dodged... Which is unforgivable." Ryu grabbed the handle of the hatchet, then pulled it out from his arm which tore the fabric of his sleave; "Fortunately my scales are made of tougher stuff then yours seem to be." Under the torn material; Silver scales trimmed with gold could be seen scatter over his skin. He immediately attacked the Lizard infront of him, and buried the hatchet into his neck. With a gargled hiss the Riskallion dropped to the ground and writhed in pain. "Now for the other..." Ryu kicked up, then caught the spear that was laying at his feet. With a quick spin around him, which just barely missed Luna face. He lunged at the second Lizard, and swung the spear down low. The tip dragged across the dirt briefly before he thrusted upward just as he reached the Lizard. The thrust was fast, and pierced directly through the Riskallion's chest.

Romantic Lover

OOC: I know its probably pointless, but since I timed the captions I'll leave this here for everyone. It's a good story if you watch the pictures.

Greedy Lunatic

(( Pointless? I wouldn't say that! I'm still checking in. I was hoping everyone else would post at least once before I cut this stuff out and move on with the story. But it's partially my fault too. End of year stuff is always super hectic and I can't muster up the motivation to post. But if no one posts by tomorrow, then I'll have something for you Ryu! ))

Omnipresent Lunatic

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OOC: Is anyone out there?

Dapper Shapeshifter

((Yes. I was hoping some people would post.))

Omnipresent Lunatic

8,825 Points
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OOC: Oh goodness I better get on this. Thrustin is bugging Luna, I think. Ryu is probably lurking about. :eyeroll:

Romantic Lover

OOC: I am periodically checking in, but everyone vanished.

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