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Lady Lyllian

Ryu Infiniti


Neon Graffiti


He couldn't understand her words but he begins to slowly calm down from her soothing voice. His tense muscles begin to relax as he hears the cage door open, releasing his stuck arms from the bent bars. At last, kindness. It has been so long since he experienced it that he's at a loss. He feels awkward, defensive, cautious as this stranger unlocks his restraints. But he notices something. Very subtle in the air, a familiar smell, mixed in with the smoke and damp wood and sweat. Copper? Just as the lock on his metal headband is released, he realizes the smell, stronger now, stirring up an instinctual response. Blood!

It's a trick, a deception! He didn't want to be taken again. He had no clue what was going to happen and he didn't want to risk it. Why was there blood? His heart begins to race again, thumping loud in his ears. When he senses the stranger take a few steps back, without thinking he burst out from his cage in a panic. "Óchi!" he screams as all his restraints fly all over the place. He accidentally bounces off his would-be rescuer and scrambles to orient himself. When he finally gets his bearings he finds himself hunched on top of one of the crates. His arms are finally free, revealing his forearms and hands, twice as large and deformed, black as night, red cracks all around. It feels good to be freed from his shackles but he pulls his arms close reflexively to hide what he is ashamed of. He looks around this strange room he has never seen before. Messy, rickety, damp and dim lit. Among the crates he sees a woman clad in armor holding her arm, blood covering her hand, sitting back, startled and exhausted. Is she hurt? Did he hurt her? Guilt comes over him and slowly he began to approach her. As he gets close, he notices a gleam from the corner of the room. He didn't know what it was that reflected light on his eyes but it reminds him of what he lost. His necklace. A sense of urgency grips him and he scrambles to the source of this light. Some jewels in a treasure chest, but none of it are his. He jumps around in the room, practically tearing it apart, looking for what's his. Nothing.

He notices the exit to the room and rushes out towards it. He pauses and takes a quick glance at the woman in the room. Before she could even say a word he bolts. For him, his necklace was more important. He rushes through the hallways on all fours taking quick peaks at rooms he passes, banging doors open and rummaging through the areas like an animal picking up the trail of its prey. But nothing, nothing that would suggest where his necklace is. As he drew closer and closer to the top deck, he can sense it. He's drawing near. He rushes going up the stairs and runs around two sets of legs on their way up to the deck. One male, one female. Due to his urgency, he almost trips the woman but he didn’t care. He's drawing near.

Before he reaches the top, he could already smell it. More blood. It slows him down and puts him on guard as he peaks over the last few steps leading to the deck. He sees them. Bodies everywhere, evidence of the vicious fight before. He looks around horrified and cautious, navigating through the massacre. Some of these people he recognized. Flashbacks of faces surrounding him, laughing and poking fun as he sees their merciless grins passed a mesh of metallic netting. What could have happened here? He glances over and sees a few figures on the deck. Four with spears moving about, assessing the situation and one of them with a bow. Then one of the figures bends over one of the bodies and picks up something from its wrists. He recognizes the hand on the body. It belonged to the leader of the ones who captured him. But in an instant that memory was shoved aside as the figure pulls off his necklace from the dead man's wrist.

All he sees is red. Someone's taking his most prized possession again. All that is left of his family, his people. The cracks on his black arms starts glowing red as his muscles tenses. His eyes, from deep green, turns yellow. A low, deep growl escapes his throat and all he sees... red. He lunges at the unsuspecting figure, full speed, a predator locked on to its pray. "Díno!" he roars. By the time the guard notices, he was already close, barely enough time to do anything else but put his spear between him, and this small nameless shadow darting towards him.

Wheezing Codger

Soren Shadowtreader
Ryu Infiniti
Neon Graffiti
Lady Lyllian

[Location: Ship]

Two of the guards hoisted Neon's blood caked body off of the downed Sailor, 2nd in Command Tacoma had ceased breathing. As one of the guards wrapped his arm beneath Neon's, a glint of something more valuable caught his eye.

"Hmm.." the guard looked down at the necklaced wrapped around Tacoma's wrist, then turned to his partner as if to ask if it were okay to take. The other guard scoffed, twitching his head forward as if to say 'take it'. With a snicker, he leaned down hanging Neon's arm behind his neck and gladly lifted the trinket off the corpses body.

*CRASH* The door to the lower decks flung open, a glimpse of Somer and Ryu and a few of the slaves revealing themselves to the rest of the group.

The guards, startled, clenched their grips around their spears, the crackle of their leather gloves echoing over the deck as the leading guard spoke out first. "Hey! Halt! Stay where--" but before he could finish, a blurry streak flew across the deck, like an animal on the hunt. With no earlier warning, the men holding Neon simply turned to see the commotion only to be met with a fierce kid with big hands and a belligerent expression across his face.

Neon fell from their grasp and with such shock and dismay, so did their spears. The man holding the trinket fell back, holding his hands out to defend himself from the deranged creature flailing over him. Luckily for that deranged creature, one of those hands held his dearly beloved gem.

Not moments later would the second guard fumble over his spear, snatching it from the ground and sliding it beneath the boy's chin, pulling back on the wood in hopes to pry him off of his partner.

The other two guards split up, one making his way to aid the other two guards who were being attacked, the other running to the slammed door, finding Somer, Ryu, and the other captive women.

"I-Is everyone okay? The deck has been secured, you're free to come out now," the guard said with a nod and a somewhat forced smile, trying to keep everyone calm. His eyes shot over to Ryu, the man with the blue hair, his spear at the ready. "You!" he pointed, assuming all of the cargo on board were female. He quickly stepped forward, his spear's business end pointed not less than a foot away from Ryu, "get out on deck, hand where I can see them!"

Bells and whistles of additional support boats left the docks of Allantus making their to the drifting Slave Ship, supplying additional reinforcements. Tonight event would soon come to a close.

OOC: Finally... this... this is almost done. We can get off this ship! I'm going to have a jump post once we get everyone onto the deck! So... post it up!

Wheezing Codger

Luna Vitesse
Ryu Infiniti

"Tch.." Stoic gives Luna a sour glare as she passes by him.

"Hey, when you need to sneeze, you need to sneeze," he shrugged with a chuckle, hoping that he would dismiss the subject all together if he just bit the bullet and took the jeer. But then she opened the door and spoke on behalf of the food from her country, the spices did seem very aromatic, but Stoic still furrowed his brow mumbling to himself. "She's not even paying attention..." he sighed, then immediately turning to Sayuri. "Wait, what now?!" a bubble of excitement echoing through his voice as he spoke, forgetting she was just a child. "I mean, Sayuri, you can read?" he paused for a moment, "... this, I mean?" pointing back to the book, Luna and the maid already setting down plates at the table in their suite.

"Mm..," he hummed, seating himself and Sayuri at the table, the dishes looking outstanding, food prepared and presented in ways he hasn't seen since he left the castle. He shook his attention away from the food for a moment, still more concerned that the book he'd been trying to decipher could finally be solved with this little girl.

"Do you think... you could give me an idea of what this is all about?" he hushed, almost trying to keep it a secret from Luna, but being that she was sitting across from him, he wasn't fooling anyone. His eyes darted to Luna as she watched, then back again to Sayuri.

Dapper Dabbler

"Hey! Wait! " but it was too late. The boy had taken off. With a sigh Adia pushed herself off the floor. She flexed her hand, the wound fully healed as if it had never been there. She needed to make her way to the top. It had to be in the captain's quaters, and if she ran into Willhelm, well revenge would have to be in order.
As she walked through the halls back the way she came she grumbled under her breath. Why didn't she run a blade through him when she had the chance. What magic was he working?
After a few turns she cough sight of Ryu and Somer, heard the guards up top say it was secure to move up. The spears said otherwise. She was growing tired of this. With another sigh she started up the stairs, showing she was unarmed with her hands open and away from her body.
She was tired, but if need be she could take them out, but ultimately her goal was to get to the captains room.

Wheezing Codger

Lady Lyllian

[On the Ship]

The guards began lining up the slaves and... other passengers, first Neon, then Asia, then the slaves, waiting for everyone to begin piling out of the boat. There must have been over twenty slaves on board, chains unshackled, but the wounds, scars, abuse were present on their skin, their expression, their faces. Disgusting.

Guards began to pile onto the ship, starting with four, now growing to eight. More patrols staying on the boat, waiting to hear about the situation going on on deck.

The guards began the dialogue with the slaves, one or two at a time, blankets and consoling pats, coupled with the sounds of soothing words to those who broke down, horrified, terrified.

"Lieutenant!" one guard came down from the captains quarters, originally out to search for the captain, but finding strange marked batons. "Captain Willhelm is not present, sir, but I did find these," he said, handing over Adia weapons to the Lieutenant, the man dressed with decorations over his chest and a regal looking hat and coat.

He took the batons, inspecting them. "Artifacts of some sort?" he questioned, handing them back. "Put them with the other confiscated goods."

Dapper Dabbler

Adia overheard the conversation between the Lieutenant and the guard. Her eyes wide as they set on her batons. "Excuse me!" She called out. "Yea you! Hey!" She stepped toward them with enthusiasm. At last! They saved her the trouble of searching the entire boat. "Those are mine!" She extended her hand with a smile. Expecting them to be returned to her.

Wheezing Codger

Lady Lyllian

"Miss!" a guard shouted as the Lieutenant turned around, facing Adia, his hands behind his back in a very proud and authoritative way, watching and waiting to see what unfolds.

"Please, sit down," the guard stood in front of her, his spear to the side, his hand out to her to stop her from moving. "We'll get this all sorted out soon..." the guard shot a fragile smile, hoping to appeal to her more reasonable side.

Dapper Dabbler

Adia frowned at the hand infront of her. She had had enough. With a stern glare her voice came out in a threatening hum. "No I think you should just hand me what is mine right now and save us all the head ache. I've been attached, kidnapped, put under spells, rolled through this boat, tramped, and now I want this over with. Hand them to me now or I'll put you to the ground." Those dark eyes of hers sized up the guards and finally stared down the Lieutenant. "Please." She snipped out woth her last bit of patience.

Wheezing Codger

Lady Lyllian

The Lieutenant quirked an eyebrow, eyeing her up and down, before turning to the guard with the batons. He nodded to guard to give her the sticks, after all, they were just sticks right?

"Give them to her," the Lieutenant complied to her request, the guard walking over to her and handing it to her. "These women have been through enough, let's give them a break, yeah?"

The guard nodded and sighed, "please sit down miss."

Dapper Dabbler

Her lips curled into a small smile. "Thank you. " She quipped, placing them info the holsters on each thigh. She felt complete now. This was truly over. Easing down from attack mode she complied with the guard who motioned her to sit. Noticing Neon was a little beaten she knelt down beside him eyeing his wounds. She was tired from the earlier use of wild magic but it wouldn't stop her from helping his wounds heal. If she couldn't completely heal them, the least she could do was speed the process up.
Gently she laid a single finger on a cut and ran it along the opening. It sealing behind, like a zipper. It was a slow process but she repeated it for the rest of his cuts and bruises. Laying hands on each one. It would sting him, but ultimately for the better.

Omnipresent Lunatic

8,825 Points
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Even on the ship she could hear the announcement on the loud speakers. The city is truly advanced, Aesa thinks. The witch was still deciding what to do about the gunpowder in the air when they heard something cry out in the belly of the ship. Luckily Adia runs off to see to it while Aesa continues considering her options. Ryu's presence is causing her more irritation than comfort, and his lack of doing anything more than bruising her leaves her more bitter than before. Emotions escalate on the floor above--madness mingling with desperation--and then all is calm again. The gunpowder begins to settle, the air in the passage ahead of them looks almost clear but for the thick dust settling on the stairs.

Moments later, she and the prisoner propped up against her are thrown to the ground as a mess of hair and limbs collides with their legs. With Adia yelling and running in pursuit, she can only guess that was what she found in the hold. Aesa wonders why they hadn't seen him when they were freeing the others, but then she returns to the present to stand up and help her fellow prisoner onto her feet again. People begin to board the ship, and the witch delivers the survivors into their waiting hands without a word.

The guards do not question her as she methodically helps move people from the lower decks. As she does so, she tries to shield herself from their pain and trauma while discreetly providing what little support she can. It is taxing work, and the exhaustion creeping up on her helps dampen her rage. When Nakisisa finally finds her, he alights on her shoulder as a small sparrow.

I was worried. is all he whispers in her mind. Nakisisa knows to tead carefully now. He feels how delicate she really is, off balance and unpredictable.

"I'm mostly better now." Aesa answers, eyes half closed and shoulders slumping. She hopes the survivors did not notice or do not speak of her magic use. She surveys the blood-smeared deck while she waits for a boat to return to ferry the remaining survivors and single prisoner from the slave ship. Her eyes find Adia and Neon sitting together. The sight of Neon causes her anger to flare up just a little, despite the fact that he is obviously responsible for killing most of the vile crew that had fled from her. She slowly makes her way over, and she notices Adia sealing his wounds. "Stop that!" She whispers fiercely, "What if they see?!"

Just then, several guards approach them. Aesa blocks their view of Adia just long enough for the woman to retract her hands from Neon. Then the guards seize him and escort the rest of the survivors to the dock. No one makes small talk or any attempt to comfort them. The witch crosses her arms, closing her posture, and looks away from them. Gazing into the water, she wonders what kinds of questions they will ask. No one notices the little bird flitting about, or when it perches on Neon's shoulder. Nakisisa shifts into a little mouse that crawls into the man's sleeve.

The city guards had done their best to thin out the crowds of on-lookers. And now that night had fallen, few people remain to curiously watch as they are marched to a small brick building with a tidy, hand-painted sign that says, "Processing Office" in the harbor. Aesa could only guess that they temporarily set up in the import and export office to save survivors from being publicly scrutinized and possibly to save their own public image. After all, wasn't it touted that Allantus was one of the safest cities in the known world?

The office is larger than it looked from the outside. The ceilings are high, the reception area open and uncluttered. The workers here must be very meticulous about filing paperwork... And dusting. Like the hotel, the office is lit by modern electric lights, though there seem to be fewer. Waiting inside for them is a tall, slender woman in a clean, sharp uniform. Aesa is not familiar with the ranking in their guard, so she can't discern her rank from the woman's tags, but she can guess by her posture that this is an officer at the very least. The woman's dark hair is slicked back into a very tidy knot and a cap adorns her head. The witch looks for weapons; a simple rapier and a pistol. The officer's face is angled, eyes narrow slits, and her expression is serious. "I'm Captain Morwen. On behalf of Allantus, you have my sincerest apologies for being subjected to these atrocities in our city." She says, the voice matching the captain from the announcement earlier.

Aesa notes that there is very little sincerity in her words. Her gift confirms one thing: the captain is seriously annoyed and feels inconvenienced by the day's unscheduled events. The woman's expression does not change, and any attempt at expression is made with very subtle intonation changes. Nice lady. she thinks to Nakisisa, who squirms in Neon's shirt.

"The other survivors have been questioned and released. We will follow up with them in about a week to ensure they are adjusted and hear any details that may not have occurred to them immediately after such a traumatic event. I know you must be exhausted, but we must conduct the same interviews with you before we can release you. Please bare with us, these procedures exist to protect the safety of all who reside in the city." Captain Morwen recites this almost robotically. To be fair, Aesa considers that she must have been reciting it all evening. Debriefing probably isn't a very fun task, but the lack of sincerity probably made every victim's skin crawl, not just the empath's.

"Except you," the Captain's voice becomes colder and she turns to the battered Neon, "You will be retained for questioning and imprisoned."

OOC: Sorry, life has been crazy. May edit this. Still at work on mobile and Justin didn't give me the OK to comandeer Morwen. XD

Lady Lyllian


As the captives on the ship are being slowly unloaded, the commotion on the deck continues. The little boy still scrambling on the deck with the guards aiming to get his gem back. He wrestles with the guard he pounced on, reaching for the arm with the necklace dangling. Each time he would reach, the gem on the necklace would react and glow green, floating towards the child's outreached arm. It would brush against the tip of his fingers but still not close enough to grab hold of. And when a 2nd guard attempts to pull him off the 1st, his reach is even farther.

The little boy gets angrier and wriggles and flails around, trying to pull off the spear from around his neck. His frustration boils over and with his hulking bear hands, he grabs the spear with both hands and breaks it in half freeing himself. He shoves the guard aside trying to restrain him and makes for another lunge at the one holding his gem. However his path is suddenly blocked by two spears that came flying out of his view. More guards have come on board and more now are rushing towards him to aid their comrades. Noticing the oncoming resistance, he roars in frustration and beats his arms on the deck floor like a wild ape before putting up his arms on guard, ready to fight back, ready to defend himself as he's learned to defend himself after years of abuse as a live training dummy for the warriors in training of the people who previously enslaved him.

As the guards threateningly point their spears towards the boy, he rushes forward, dodging spear point after spear point, rolling from one side to the next, breaking some spears if they get too close. The guards attempt to rush him, swinging the blunt side of their spears towards his body while attempting to sweep his legs to make him fall back to make it easy for them to restrain him. But the boy is too agile, hopping up in the air and blocking their forward swing with his arms, pushing him back, but still able to land on his feet. The whole time all he wants is to get passed them, to get at the guard standing behind all of them, the guard holding his necklace. He makes a few more attempts, dashing towards the wall of guards, skillfully dodging spear, and hand grabs, and kicks with rolls and midair twists and shoulder tackles until he was finally able to slip passed one of the guards and pounces on his first victim once again. They found themselves wrestling on the floor the 2nd time but this time he was able to grab the gem on his necklace.

Upon grabbing his necklace, a flash of green light emits from his clenched fist, the gem reacting to his touch. At that same moment a strong wave burst forth from the boy, going through everyone close to him like a sudden gust of wind as he screams "MOU!". But, even though they heard him shout an unfamiliar word, in their heads echoed one they could understand, and it echoed deafeningly within their minds. "MINE!"

It stuns the guards in place temporarily. "What was that?", they thought, and slowly began to realized that it came from the child and all he really wants is his necklace back. The boy takes advantage of the confusion and hops away from the men. He finds himself pinned against the wall, close to where the other captives are being unloaded to boats, close to two other men, one seemingly with more authority than the rest, the other holding miscellaneous trinkets and artifacts in hand. The boy looks around, his senses sharper now with his necklace, sensing the intensions of the men he's been struggling with, sensing they mean no harm. He glances over the first two guards he tussled with and sensed their intensions to keep his necklace for themselves and he growls at them, but catches himself as he looks around noticing the rest of the guards and calms down to avoid further antagonizing them.

The guards gather themselves and approaches the little boy calmly, as if to placate a cornered animal and enticing it to come close and be petted. Some of the guards feel afraid of his abnormally large black arms, fearing some sort of sickness. They whisper amongst themselves, keeping their distance. One guard however takes pity and slowly approaches him. The kind guard motions for a blanket to be slowly passed to him and he wraps the boy up. Mainly to soothe him and keep him warm, keep him calm, but also it was an attempt to cover his arms from everyone else to keep them feeling a little safer. The little boy, sensing this guard means well, relents and allows himself to be taken away.

As they walk towards the rest of the boats, he senses a few more of his things in the direction of the one holding the trinkets. He notices a leather pack, and realized what was inside it were also his. He extends his hand and lunges for it. The guard escorting him attempted to hold him back not knowing what he was going to do and everyone clutches their spears in alert. Inexplicably, the pack flies a short distance from its temporary keeper to the boys hands and everyone is again baffled. Maybe it slipped off and he caught it?

"No young man, give it back to me now." As the guard reaches for the pack, a growl and an angry look makes him retract his arms as if fearing of being bit. Seeing that he kept his distance, the little boy grunts a mini victory grunt from making him scared and opens the pack to reveal two more gems, similar to his necklace, but much larger in size. Everyone's eyes gleamed as they see the gems and the guard reaches for it again to attempt to reclaim it. The little boy's defenses went back up, sensing his greed and desire to steal his gems, but the other individual barks an order and intervenes.

"Stop! Let him hold on to it."
"But lieutenant! These precious artifacts need to be... documented. We need to find out who they belong to!"
"It seems as though they belong to him."
"That's impossible! How could this child…"
"Look at his necklace. They look the same. They match."
"He must have stolen that necklace too! Lieutenant, it would be pru-"
"Are you questioning my orders?"
"No, sir!"
"Do you want a repeat of what just happened a moment ago?"
"Sir, no sir!"
"Then let him be. We'll sort it out when we get back to the docks."

The guard stands attention and walks away, cursing at his misfortune. The little boy clutches on the pack as he is finally lowered to the boat, to sit amongst others like him, slaves, mostly women. As he looks around he notices a few who were different from everyone else. Some of them were no slaves. Why are they different? He senses an extra presence among them. He could almost hear its thoughts but he does not see it. He just knows its there. As he looks around in search for it, he notices the woman that was with him in that strange room with the cage. She looked better than when he left but a flashback of her bloody hand made him feel self-conscious and guilty. Is she still hurt? Did he hurt her? His feelings of guilt makes him forget what he was looking for and he crunches up into a ball, hugging the leather pack tight, afraid that it will slip his grasp once again.

Wheezing Codger

Ryu Infiniti
Neon Graffiti
Lady Lyllian
OOC: YESSSSSSSSS FINALLY OFF THAT FUGGIN SHIP! Alright peeps, let's keep the momentum moving.

Neon... I apologize for throwing your character around so much in this next post. Lol.

IC: [Location: Allantus Processing Office]

The crew and the slaves were escorted to the Processing and Incarceration Building of Allantus. As they were met with Captain Morwen, a stern and dutiful woman, she spoke on behalf of the conclusion of the investigation, at least for them, save for Neon of course.

She turned to Neon, the dried blood already stiffening up the fibers in his clothes. "Except you," her eyes narrowed further, the guards behind her appearing almost as if out of thin air. "You will be retained for questioning and imprisoned," she lifted her chin, the clicks of her heeled boots intimidating in their own right and she turned, passing the two guards as they readied the shackles.

The guards drew in on Neon, their spears in one hand, swords on their hips, their shackles reaching out before--

"Captain Morwen!" a familiar bumbling voice shot back from behind the gang, a perk of surprise before hunched shoulders and a lowering head, almost resenting body posture resonated from the Captain. She stopped immediately, boots clicked, her hands balled into fists before slowly, calmly, recollecting herself.

Morwen's hands unclenched, shoulders lowered, chin rose. A calm, silent sigh swept out of her. "Mayor Rosenthal," the syllables almost creaking through her teeth as she tilted her head to the side, pivoting and spinning with a smile, her lips curled as if wringing out a damp towel for the last bits of emotion. Her eyes, almost glaring through the fake smile, darted to the guards who stopped in their tracks, turning to each other, than to Morwen, getting a head twitch signalling to GTFO.

The guards hastily made their exit, turning down the hall to leave the crew, the captain, and the approaching mayor to their business.

"Captain, I know you're just trying to--"

"Do my job," she cut him off as he walked around the gang, then positioning himself adjacent to her, the difference in height rather staggering. Morwen stood what looked to be nearly 5' 10" while he stood at least 5 inches lower, older, much older, bald, with very present laugh lines. His ashy grey eyebrows looked nearly overgrown, unkempt, and his chin a little stubbly. He wore the Allantus colors of deep sky blue and gold, but not in any uniform, nothing regal or intricate in the least, just a colorful nightwear set. They were pajamas. Just pajamas.

"Right, of course, I think" he laughed uneasily, his fingers lightly brushing, sliding, interlacing, with themselves almost as if he was nervous. "The Professor's in town, and, from what I hear," he tilted his head from side to side, "this gaggle assisted him. And now, they've assisted us, I think"

The Captain did a remarkable job with masking her emotions and further reinforced them by speaking on behalf of protocol. Rosenthal shook his head, then looked to the crew, "let them go," he stated quietly. The Captain's steel mask began to break, her brows furrowed. She repeated protocol, now embarrassed that she was having this discussion in front of civilians.

Rosenthal smiled at the gang, a pleasant, elderly man smile before turning to face the Captain one last time, that smile dropping, a glare that cut through her so hard she took a step back. She bit her lip, a nervous tick of hers before clicking her heels together, her left hand snapping to her thigh, the other to her hairline in a salute. She bowed her head, tearing her eyes away from his before complying, "Aye, Mayor," she turned to face away from the hall and stomped herself out of sight, turning the corner.

The Mayor turned back, gleefully smiling again, "my daughter means well, I think, but I fear because she is the Mayor's daughter she thinks she needs to put on a tough act. You know? Because of the whole nepotism thing, I think," he mentions moving his hands around as if sculpting a clay pot or bowl. He shakes his head, waving the subject off. "Bah, don't worry about that. Welcome to Allantus! Now that all of this is finally settling down, you can maybe enjoy my ship, I think," he flicks out a finger as if making a point of some kind. "Come, come, let's get you home."

As the crew turns, standing at the end of the hallway is none other than Professor Tharold, giving a small wave of his hand, wearing the same Pajamas as Rosenthal. "Yoohoo!" he calls out. The Mayor hustled his way over to Tharold, mentioning something about getting back to a pajama party, and both laughed.

Conversations among the group continued as they head out of the station lead by the Mayor and Tharold, destination being, of course, the Squirtle Turtle Inn. Just as they stepped into the lobby, a group of guards, three, ushered in a late arrival. A boy wrapped in blankets, calmer now.

OOC: I'm not sure if someone here wants to "claim" Soren's character, lol, so I'll stop the progression at the door for now. But, if anyone wants to progress, just write the jump post to put people back at the Inn!

Soren Shadowtreader
The guards quietly brought the boy into the station, passing the group he had previously labeled as "no slaves." Emerging from the door behind reception comes the Lieutenant, catching sight of the boy and the guards. The guards pause, watching at the Lieutenant came around the desk, greeting the guards as they saluted, he knelt down, the blanket over him covering the boys hulking hands, but only slightly. He gave a kind smile, assuming that's what little kids responded best to, and greeted him, "Well hello there! You gave us quite a scare back on that terrible ship. Really strong! Are you feeling okay?" the guards on standby just in case anything were to get out of control.

Luna Vitesse
Ryu Infiniti
[Location: Squirtle Turtle Inn]

Stoic takes another bite of food, eyes still locked on Sayuri as he inches the book closer to her, sliding it along the wooden table, waiting for her to say something. His eyes begin to water just slightly from all the foreign spices. He wasn't much for spicy foods but he wasn't about to show Luna that.

"Sho goo--!" he nodded to Luna with teary eyes, trying to break the silence if not for a moment. Awkward. So Awkward. He turned back to Sayuri.
Lady Lyllian

He can sense that the lieutenant means well but he shies away from him still. Not out of fear though. He is at a loss for words. He doesn't know what to do. How to handle this situation. He shrinks back away from him. As he takes a few steps back, he catches a glimpse of a woman at the corner of his eye. That armor. It's familiar! Without thinking he rushes over towards her causing a commotion with the guards once again. They scrambled around startled and tried to stop him, but they failed. He was too fast. He whizzes passed people's legs and stops in front of her to make sure it's her.

The guards try to form a blockade between her and the little boy. He clutches his leather pack and gets defensive but the lieutenant prevents the guards from moving further. "Don’t do anything! Don’t antagonize him. Let's see what he does, but be careful." Everyone stood down and he drops his guard a little.

He shyly closes in on Adia who was startled at first but stands there curious. As he gets closer, he reaches out with his arm revealing it from under the blanket covering them and slowly approaches her even more cautiously. He was aiming to see her hand. The hand he thought he injured. He slowly uses his finger to turn her hand over and check to see Adia's palm. To his surprise, there was no wound.

He was confused. Happy, but confused. He forgets his caution and drops the leather pack and with both hands, grabs hold of Aidas. The guards tenses up worried that he might do something unexpected. He examines them as thoroughly as possible, as if someone was playing a trick on him hiding the injury in some other part of her hand. But nothing. He checks the other, nothing still. He was sure there was plenty enough blood on her hands, and seeing her the first time as she lay back in exhaustion, he was sure Aida was hurt. Realizing that she was ok made him sigh in relief, happily changing his mood. He looks up to her and beams an innocent, playful grin before realizing that there were people around, onlookers curious at what this little creature was up to. He is overcome with self-consciousness and backs away slowly, picking up and clenching his leather pack before slowly heading back to the lieutenant who was more than relieved there were no further incidents.

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