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Phi looked up at the leaves swinging lightly on their stems. She almost thought them to say, go, go, live, go to her in her ear. Letting out a sigh, she tucked her red locks behind her ear and fiddled with the green feathers on her left arm.

A bird of cooresponding colours fluttered onto a nearby branch; it seemed to portray the same message to her as the leaves. "Birds will help me," she whispered to them, "won't they?" The creature let out a small twitter as if to answer.

Looking over her shoulder and to the right, Philyra spotted some of the other Okinash participants. She knew that they at some point would work together, help each other to stay alive. people...they look happy together, but really just use one another... Her philosophy.
((oi! I'm so sorry for my freaking long absence! What with stupid family reunions and hippy fairs, I've been really really busy... and I haven't even started my costume for kumori-con... oh shitio in a handbasket, I am so bloody screwed. Okay, anyway, I am back now, for however short a time.))

User ImageMiya smiled as the boy ran off. She did hope he found his sister, but she also hoped that he handed noticed who she was, after all, it wasn't difficult to differentiate them from citizens of Is'kel. Even if she hid the brand she had been given two years ago at the end of her last Okinash, well, people could just tell, somehow. Her only comforting thought, before she turned her attention back toward the podium, was that the boy was in a hurry, and might have missed the certain qualities that separated her from ordinary citizens.

Hiding herself, once more, in the thorned bush, she turned her attention to the closest group of teenagers, discussing something frivolous. She took a moment to admire their ineptitude to focus, then she realized that every single one of them were probably just trying to avoid thinking about the task ahead. Turning away from the four teens who stood directly infront of her, she focused on the thing that seemed to draw everyone else's attention: the approaching speaker. She tried not to fidget as she watched the speaker for the Oracle mounting the podium, and she had to press her palms against her eyes so as not to let a single tear escape her moist eyes.

User ImageDynen washed his hands in the freezing water someone had delivered for him and shivered as the cold swirled around his wrists. Pulling a towel from the counter, he dried his hands and reached for his apron. He tied it around his waist and sighed. Pulling out the poem he had just bought, he read it through again. It would indeed brighten Chitara's day, as well as bringing a smile to his own, usually expressionless, face. That Amergin Worsche certainly had a talent for poetry, as well as making the young doctor happy, for the poems he bought were often for himself, to keep him going through the day. Dynan quickly tucked the poem into his pocket for safe keeping, as he hurried to ready the room for his patients.
User ImageTael straightened his shoulders at Roel's insulting, but undeniably accurate, statement. "Oh, I thought I'd give up on girls this year, after all, I've got to find a soul mate this time, as it's my last chance." Anyone who knew Tael would laugh and think he was joking, but that was only because he was very good at hiding his true feelings. He was serious about what he wanted in every way possible. He just wasn't serious about doing anything about it, unfortunately. He chanced half a glance at Kisera, before looking back at Roel and Dray.

User ImageDray laughed. "Who are you and what have you done with Tael?" he asked, seriously, after calming down. He clapped his friend on the back and said, "I never thought I'd see the day when you even considered settling for one woman. You know, you might be better off failing. I'm sure there are plenty of women in the outsider's village, and you don't have a deadline there, either!" Dray knew he'd gone too far, but he hoped Tael didn't take him too seriously. He was saved any kind of backlash from his friend by a large force hitting his head.

"Shut up, you three." Kisera said irritably, slamming her hand against Dray's head. "Can't you see the Speaker's here?" She pointed the the podium, just as the he began to speak.

"It is time, children, for you to join our ranks as adults." The man's speach had been used many times, but Kisera never drew tired of it, even after hearing it twice. "But you must complete the Okinash, a task set for you by our gracious, and wise leader, the Oracle." Kisera held her breath, waiting for the instructions to come, hoping with every fiber in her body for them not to be too difficlut. "The Oracle has spoken, and this task shall be fulfilled, by you." He spread his arms, as if to embrace them all. Although the old man was charismatic, he was a little repetitive, if truth be told, but Kisera thought it wouldn't be fair enlighten one group, and not the next.

User ImageThe Speaker cleared his throat and continued, "Each of you will be given a map of the path you shall take, disregarding the maps instructions is, of course, perfectly legitimate, but the Oracle suggests you take the path given to you, as they are each unique. However, you shall all be set the same task. Your task shall be," The Speaker pulled a piece of parchment from within his robe and read allowed, "'Admit to your faults and confront your weaknesses and you shall find what you truly desire.'"

Even the speaker looked a little surprised at the Oracle's edict, for it was a very open task, not at all like the past years, which were mostly riddles. Kisera sighed, she knew that she had faults, but actually confronting to them, well, she'd have to confess, for a start, and nothing in this world would make her do that. And then she'd have to find all of her faults. She supposed she could just ask her friends, who were, at times, brutally honest, but she felt that might be cheating.

Coming back to reality, Kisera found that the Speakers had begun calling names and handing each person their respective map and, when her name was called, she went forward and took his. It wasn't a very long road she would have to travel a fair distance. It was longer than some, that she had seen, but by far shorter than others. Of course, she could use all the time she needed to complete the task and find a soul mate, but she did prefer to stick to the map given to her. She'd need time to complete her journey as well, as it wasn't one she could walk in a week. She was sure she could use that time as well, given the current relationship they had and how long it would take for her to admit to him that- no, she didn't want to think about that just now. She'd have plenty of time later.

((there you are! That's the task... okay, so everyone's maps are different, but they can overlap eachother's at some points. basically, the whole point of the journey is to find their faults and then overcome their fears. if they do, they can be united with their soul-mate, if not, they try again the next year or leave the village. You get the idea, right? Oh, and these journey's aren't little quick ones, they're long... but different lengths for each person, depending on how long it'll take them to complete the task

on another note, I've just realized that I developed Kisera totally the wrong way... she's not become a semi sheena-ish character... oh crap. Oh well, she's probably more suited that way anyway... I suppose I'll have to change her profile now, though.))
((I'm really sorry for not posting for ages!! This post is from all the way over on the other side of the US, on my brother's lappy, while stealing someone else's wireless internet. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be on the road trip, but I have a few promises:
I know that I'm using generic colors for my characters. I'll fix it later
I'll start posting as much as a can once I get back to my house
biggrin Just a notification of what's happening! Now to post! ))
((zomg! you were... online? wows! any idea of when you'll get back?))
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Chitara yawned, red hair messily falling into sapphire eyes. "Sleep." She drowsily stated, standing up and stumbling to the window. "It's the best thing that comes from a day off guard duty." Glancing around, a small frown crossed her face. "Dy isn't home..." Shrugging, her heart-like face resumed it's normal cheerful look. "I'll just apologize for missing him when he gets back!"
Grabbing an apple, she skipped out of the house, noticing that there were an unusual number of people out side today. "Oh, right!" Chitara exclaimed, snapping her fingers. "Its the Okinash today! I'll have to visit Estie!" She rushed out of the village, attempting to tie her hair up at the same time.

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The moment he heard the cry of "Estie!" he knew exactly who was coming. Not even bothering to raise his head, he sighed. "Hey, Chitara."

"Oh, don't be such a stuff shirt," The young outcast teased. "I've always told you that you should use a nickname. My brother's the only one who bothers with my real name. Anyway, you know what I came for."

Although the guard looked up, his bangs hid his hair. "I don't see why they had to send her. I can almost sense that she's going to do something stupid to help someone." Chiara and Miya where the only ones that could get him to talk this much, as little as it was.

"Don't tell me you don't trust her," the crimson haired girl scoffed, punching Estyn in the shoulder.

"It's not that!" Estyn exclaimed, surprised that Chitara would even think of him mistrusting his first friend that truly accepted him. "I'm just... worried. That's all..."

The younger of the two giggled, refraining from a comment about the relationship between her two friends, deciding that now was not the time for it. "So now... I guess we wait..." She murmured.
((nope, not much of an idea... gomen, Nee-Sama!))
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Snorting about the idea of Tael giving up womanizing, Roel trudged up to get his map. He groaned at the length of his trail. "Just like me to get the long way..." Shooting a glare at the people who turned to see what he was so upset about, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and started back to his house, nodding at his friends.

Slamming the door closed, he stomped up the stairs, determined to be in a bad mood. Greeted only by a blast of warm air as he opened the door to his room, he grabbed a drawstring bag. Shoving his only weapons, a pair of claws, and a bit of food into it, he slowly went back up into his room and picked up the picture of the only person he dared get close to. "Mom... I guess I'm off." Leaving a note that only read: "off to the Oki" for his dad, he slipped out of the house, hoping to catch his friends on the way to his journey.
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He didn't need to be inside the village to know the news. It had started. An insane grin lit his face, as his eyes reflected the fire lining the walls around him. Beads of sweat slid down his pale skin, then and dripped off his deep red necklace onto what looked from far away a tattoo, but closer inspection revealed to be burn marks, most likely self-inflicted by the straightness of the lines. Despite his shirt-less state, the heat caused by the flames had matted his blond hair with sweat. On a small stone rested a braid of silky, black hair. "I get another chance to avenge your death, my dear." The man whispered. "Now all I have to do is wait for them to come..."

((If anyone can give me tips on how to play a villain, as I have never played one before, they would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'd like to set up a cry for more of them! More excitement! biggrin ))
User ImageMiya wasted no time observing the teens who were receiving their maps. She had to get beck, now. If she was caught, it wouldn't only mean trouble for her, but trouble for the outsiders as well. She could only imagine Etstyn's and Chitara's faces if she didn't come back. Well, yes, she could. Estyn would, well, be very Estyn-like and either plan a full rescue plan, or he'd mope for a while until Chitara did. One way or the other, they'd be risking themselves as well.

Of course, they didn't really need to worry. Miya was a spy, and a good one at that. No one even so much as looked her way as she made her way out of the city, as everyone was caught up in preparations for the Okinash. She slipped out of through the gate, unnoticed, and walked briskly into the forest, never looking back. As she approached the outsider's village, her footsteps quickened, not wanting to make the others wait longer for their anticipated report on Is'kel. She outright ran the last 100 meters, uphill, and when she reached the top, she was completely out of breath, but undeniably satisfied.

Miya wasted no time relaying the information she had obtained to the villagers and, after having been patted on the back and hugged way too much for a person like her, she made her way to Estyn's home, where he was bound to be. Without even knocking, she opened the door to see Estyn and Chitara, the former looking as if he might wretch and the latter like her birthday had come early. She smiled at her two best friends and said "Well, I'm back."
ooc: GOD!!! i have to read all of that??!!! no 'am not back yet, i just finally got hold of a computer. i'll try to get on as much as possible, but the computer isn't really mine so... i'm here until sundayish and i'll be home the 24th and 12 in the morning, if i''m not dead tired that day i'll try and post something or at least start thinking about posting.

ps for people who know me and my ugly floor: IT'S GETTING PAINTED!!! and i'm moving into my brothers room where theres a computer *evil laugh* twisted
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"Mi!" Chitara gasped, her smile growing so large that it seemed to split her face in half. Launching herself from the wall that she was leaning on, she practically threw herself at Miya instead of giving her a simple hug like normal people would. Although she seemed like she hadn't been worried at all, if you had entered the house before, you could have barley moved because of all the tension and worry that was floating around. The redhead's shoulders, previously rigid, were now slumping, and her sapphire eyes, although still cheerful, were full of relief.
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Although Chitara was able to accept immediately the fact that their friend was safe, it took it a little longer for it to sink into Estyn's head, who had been worrying even more than his fellow guardsmen. "you-you're okay" he murmured, blinking in what he wasn't sure was tiredness of no sleep the past night, or confusion that what was happening was real. Finally a small smile lit his face, and he locked eyes with Miya over Chitara's shoulder. "Good." Was the only response to the spy's statement, but that was all he could bring himself to say.
((guess who's back?! Anywho, just wanted to let you know that I can post normally again! ^_^))
wats? okinesha?
((If you had read the plot and the rules, you would know. Please read those and follow them, before you post anything in here. Thanks

Yeah! you're back!!!! Did you get your letter from Donna, then? I've randomly decided to take 4s and 5s, so I'm dancing Tuesday through Friday... it'll be nuts with my school schedule, but hey, what can you do? Post coming.))

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