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Just making it back in time to hear her name called, Nell quickly shuffled up the steps to grab her map, eager to get everyone's eyes off her. Clutching the paper in one pale hand, she descended the small steps on the other side, with her feather hair clips blowing softly in the wind behind her. Mildly preoccupied with the thoughts racing through her mind about the task just set before her, one slim shoulder crashed into a young woman.

Glancing up, Nell didn't bother apologizing, seeing that the pink clad girl had enough of an ego already, and it wouldn't be good to add to it. "I missed the speech. What was the objective?" she softly inquired, knowing that she might not be answered.

((I hope I do a good job with Nell... it feels so odd to be rping her... blizz, if you're still reading this, and I do something un-Nell-like, please, please tell me!))
talina watched roel with the girl and smiled
"it's a pleasure to meet you roel"
talina sat on the gorund with the stones at her feet and watched lucinda closely. she had never before seen someone act the way this girl was, truthfully it astonished her. she couldn't help but stare and she felt very rude doing it.
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Approaching the camp, Rhynn noticed a that everyone wasn't out, like she thought. Surprised, she hesitated, then relaxed as she recognized Yvery. Softly smiling at her friend, the young woman set her basket of herbs by her tent, then returned to the fire to join the silent girl. "It's started, hasn't it?" she softly asked, for once not caring if Yvery answered or not. "I wonder what it's like to be a part of the journey. To meet your soul mate." Jealousy slightly laced her voice, the only hint to the sadness that coursed through her veins.

Two years ago, just when she had accepted that this was what her life was going to be, a young boy had wandered by their camp, and Rhynn had fallen for him. He visited often, for apparently there was no set path for Okinash members, but never found the actual camp. The day that Rhynn was ready to reveal herself to him, she heard a female voice call out, and the young boy stood up and answered. The girl met him in the field, and he smiled at her, then they walked off together. Rhynn was heart broken, as it was obvious to her that the two of them were soul mates.

Sighing, Rhynn once again pushed this memory to the back of her mind. This wasn't what she needed to remember right now, when the battles were just about to start. "Are you looking forward to this at all, Yvery?" the young woman asked, eager to have something to keep her mind off of the boy.

((I'm sorry that this post might not be up to my usual standards, I'm insanely sleepy right now... Anyway,I want to wish a Happy New Year to everyone in the Okinash!))
User ImageMintchia's concentration was entirely focused on swishing her hair in an effectively entrancing way and she would have hardly noticed the girl speaking to her if she hadn't just messed up her swinging movements."Hey, watch where you're going!" she whipped her hair back in a way she thought would be intimidating, but really just made her look like a fool. It took her a moment to take in the words the girl had spoken and, jutting out her hip, still flicking her hair about, she replied."If you bothered to pay attention to anything around you might have actually heard what the speaker said."

She didn't know why, but this girl looked so pitiful that she felt almost mean, saying things like that to her. Feeling she needed to redeem herself a little, she decided to tell her the truth, instead of a warped version just to confuse her."We have to face our fears. I'm Mintchia, by the way. I'm sure you know me, but I don't think I know your name." The entire times she spoke, Mintchia continued flicking her hair about, but she had avoided looking at the girl she had been speaking to. Now, for the first time, she looked down at the shorter girl. She was able to disguise her shock fairly well, but a bit of her initial surprise surely showed on her face.

Her first thought was
She's prettier than me! That can't be right! But her worry was soon gone as she reassured herself that it didn't matter, because she was more popular. This feeling was replaced by an uneasy swoop of her stomach as she realized who the girl was. She was the one who was born in the outsiders village. Most children of outsider's didn't go on the Okinash from fear of being scorned, so there had not been an outsider child in the Okinash for many years. This girl was very famous amongst the inhabitants of Is'kel, but Mintchia had ignored her presence for many years, considering it beneath her to deal with outsiders. This had been quite a while ago and she had forgotten about her completely. On second thought, she might want to consider this other girl as a friend. She definitely had the looks to overthrow her as resident 'hottie' and the fame, although she seemed to be a little too shy to be able to usurp her position. However, shyness could be an asset. Mintchia argued with herself until reaching the conclusion that she'd be better off keeping this girl under her watchful eye, just in case.
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Slightly offended by the first few statements, Nell started to ignore the girl she had ran into, until out of the blue, she had explained what was going on, and then introduced herself. "Nell," the short girl stated softly, but one look at the girl's-Minchita's- face, told her that she already knew who Nell was. However, she was surprised when Minchita didn't leave.

"Face our fears how?" Nell asked, attempting to start a conversation with possibly the only person who would accept her. Although the hair flicking confused her, Minchita seemed to be a nice person, and Nell was happy that someone would tell her what was going on. 'Maybe someone would actually travel on the Okinash with me.'she thought. Being the daughter of an outsider, Nell assumed that everyone would avoid her, or that their parents would tell them horrible stories about her. Also, Minchita seemed to be very popular, 'probably because she's so nice', Nell added mentally, and it would be nice to have a friend that knew the way Is'kel's social life went.
Lucinda nodded and took her cherries, softly folded the flaps of the cloth that she held. The now packaged food was then placed in her nap sack, where she could eat it later. At this point she stopped mumbling as she felt a hand touch her.

The girl was sweet, yet Lucinda was skittish. The touch made her actions slower as she placed the food away, and she merely nodded when asked a question.

Placing her hands into her lap, she dare not look up. Eyes were upon her now, and when this was the case, she did her best to behave. Not one peep came from her, not one movement. She didn't even seem to breathe (which she did, for she did not turn blue). Slowly, she tilted her head, her eyes still to the ground. It was a habit of hers from early on, when she seemed to return to her mumbling, dreamlike state.
User ImageMintchia scoffed and flicked her hair even more furiously as a group of boys passed by. "I don't have any fears." she said confidently, although it wasn't entirely true. A moment ago, she could have said that with no doubt in her mind, but now... What if she did have fears? Ones she didn't know about. How could she face them, if she didn't even know what they were? Uncertainties flooded her mind as she continued to look unseeingly after the boys.

Returning to reality with a slight jolt, she turned back the the girl, Nell, she was called, and without realizing what she was saying, asked
"Shall we get going then? Don't want to let everyone get a head start on us."

{{So sorry for not posting in ages. I'll try to catch up on all my characters soon, but it might take a while. Also, blizz is back, at least temporarily, so we've got Noer and Valam back. dust bunny's still going to be temping Nell, though, since Blizz doesn't want her back yet. So... happy dance.}}
User ImageYvery, who had been occupied sharpening her arrow heads, shrugged at her friends words. Ylindi had gone out to find out about the Okinash, but she hadn't returned yet. Yvery would have little to do but ready her weapons until it did start. After all, the were thieves and couldn't do their work unless there was someone to steal from. She went back to sharpening her arrows, but almost instantly looked up again, having seen the flicker of regret in her friend's face. "Are you alright? You look sad." She rarely ever showed interest in other peoples feelings, not even her own, but the look on Rhynn's face was so all together off-putting, she couldn't help but ask.

Yvery glanced around their temporary camp and seeing that no one else could possibly overhear them, muttered.
"Come on, out with it. It's not about the thieving is it? You know we have to. It's what we do. If we didn't steal from them, we'd be stealing from someone else, so don't worry your head about it." Yvery knew Rhynn wasn't entirely okay with the type of work they did, but she hadn't expected it to bother her this much. She suddenly realized that this couldn't be it. Rhynn had objected to it for years, and this could not possibly be the reason for her sadness. "There's something else isn't there?" She asked, quietly.
{{As you may have noticed, I changed Dray's and Tael's pics. So... yeah, just thought I'd let you know so you don't get too confused.}}

User ImageTael, who had been picking away absently at the grass for the last quarter of an hour, suddenly snapped his head up. Looking around at everyone he saw two new girls. He smiled his most charming smile and was about to say something welcoming, although on the verge of flirty, before he changed his mind halfway through his sentence."Hi Girlie- Tael turned his words into a cough, but although his words were indistinguishable, it was quite obvious that he'd said something. Casting around his mind for something that sounded like hi girlies he said the first thing that came to his head.

"Haggis! I feel like eating haggis!" Why had he said haggis? Tael hated haggis. He knew the other would give him a hard time for it and it would have gone done quite a lot better if he'd just said hi girlies. Why couldn't he just be normal around her? It didn't use to be a problem, but now he could hardly say two words without screwing it up.
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((Sorry 'bout the long wait, finals week is this coming one, and I've been trying to get everything down.))

"Haggis." Roel stated in disbelief. "You seriously want me to believe that you want to eat haggis?" The boy shook his head. "I thought you were a better person, Tael. Here I was, trusting you with the choice of dinner, and you're ready to make two people who have never seen us before eat haggis?" Realizing that the cherry girl was still silent, Roel smiled at Talina, mentally thanking her for being supportive of the girl, and walked over to Kisera and Dray.

"Look." he stated, a pained expression on his face. "I'm not good with shy people, and I think I'm just scaring her more." Roel took a deep breath, then started again. "I never thought I'd ask this, but... could you help? I don't want to scare her off or something."

Talina saw Roel's smile, but she decided to ignore it and focus on lucinda. Tali reached out her hand taking the girls chin in her finger tips.
"Do you want something to eat"
Tali didn't know how old the girl was but if she had to guess, maybe a year younger then herself.
"My name is Talina. "
She smiled warmly
"What's yous?"
Looking at the blonde red eye'd girl, Talina smiled and could guess why she was shy, looking back up to Roel and the others he was talking to. She felt kinda of lonely herself not knowing anyone. Tali shrugged it off before returning her focus to lucinda. She took her hands away trying to seem welcoming and warm.
((I hope this didn't die... I'm not sure if It'll help at all, but I'll try to post soon.
edit: Now that I know that only two of my characters are up to date, I'm going to post as soon as possible.))
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"It... It's him again..." Rhynn muttered, mentally scolding herself for not being able to carry her own problems. After the boy had found his soul mate two years ago, she had been in a state of almost constant sadness, although neither of her brothers or her older sister-in-law never realized it. Last year the memories had been too much, and she had dumped everything on Yvery, unable to control herself. Although she regretted forcing someone else to help with her burden, she was glad that Yvery was helping.

"I don't know what's wrong with me... I just can't forget about him..." The young woman sighed, placing her head in her hands. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be worrying about this right now." she mumbled, turning away from her friend and standing. "I-I'm going to get ready for the battles." Rhynn desperately hoped that Yvery missed her voice cracking, or the tears that built up around her eyes.
User Image{{so, time for a resurrection of the thread, I think. I'll be PMing everyone to let them know we're still on, sorta, just so they know. Sorry I haven't been more... present. What with school, sakuracon, and dance I've had no time... but, now I'm back, so all's well a good...ish}}

Yvery wasn't normally one to care about other people's problems or feelings, but Rhynn was her best friend and it was hard to keep up the facade of an unfeeling b***h around such a nice person. Patting Rhynn's arm somewhat sympathetically, she said, "It's okay, he's probably a jerk anyway." and love just isn't worthwhile she thought the last bit, not daring to put it into words, just incase it brought on some more complicated emotion from her friend. "Come on, let's go for a walk. You can pick flowers if you want, and I can catch lunch." She hoped this would bring the conversation away from such delicate waters and perhaps toward a topic she could actually understand.
----{{ Yaay revitalization!!!!! but I'm way stuck no fair >.< }}----

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