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SaucePump's Waifu

Anxious Dabbler

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                                              C H I Y O K O
                                              tab tab S O H M A

                                              tab tab tab tab ☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱
                                              tab tab ❥│ year XX of XXtheXXgoat│

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab l o c a t i o n ▮【Zodiac Shrine

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab m o o d ▮【Nervous

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab t h o u g h t s ▮【(God, I must seem so awkward...)

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab c o m p a n y ▮【(Chesh and Kaede)

                                              Chiyoko listened to Kaede nervously answer his question. The poor boy was nervous, he noted to himself. But then who wasn't... His eyes darted to Chesh while Kaede spoke about the rooster, making eye contact before darting back to the speaker. Then the boy answered who his bachelor was. Chiyoko nearly let out a soft sigh. So this wasn't his betrothed. He was okay with that. Part of him was not ready to meet his Bachelor. He nodded at Kaede. "I understand why you would be nervous. But do not worry, there is enough of us to help you. All of the bachelors are arriving today." Chiyoko crossed his arms in front of him.

                                              Kaede continued and Chiyoko listened. "I'm afraid I'm not of use to tell you about your bachelor either. I apologize. Although I live here with my cousins, many are still new to me. After the tour, I would not mind finding your bachelor. If that is what you would like." Chiyoko reached up and tenderly adjusted his glasses. "It is nice to meet you Kaede, I am Chiyoko Sohma." Chiyoko introduced himself shortly before Chesh made his way over.

                                              He looked at Chesh as he introduced himself and nodded at the family part. Yes, that was true. They would be family and Chiyoko had never thought of it that way. That part bothered him. Family. Chesh's arm draped around Chiyoko and Chiyoko's stood up nervously. He looked at Chesh who was talking to. Chesh offered up the lake. It may not have been Chiyoko's favorite spot... but if Chesh wanted. "I don't mind. If that is okay with you Kaede. Would you like that?" Chiyoko asked, still nervous about Chesh's odd affection. He would not call him out on it.


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Fashionable Friend

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Bachelor to the Rooster

Location: Zodiac Shrine
Feeling: Anxious...
With: Chiyoko and Chesh


Kaede noted Chesh saying he was born under the year of the horse. His parents had told him his bachelor under the year of the rooster for compatibility's sake. It was an average pairing, the Rooster and the Pig, and Kaede has always been able to settle for just average. I wonder what Chiyoko was born under... He looks at Chiyoko when he begins talking. Of course he noticed that he sounds nervous, Kaede was terrible at hiding it. I must sound so childish... He quietly breathes to steady himself. "I-I would like to," He bows to him. Actually, he was terrified of the idea of finding his betrothed, but he did have to meet him eventually. "and it's very nice to meet you Chiyoko." He stood back up and hugged one arm. If we find him...I hope he likes me... He thought to himself. What if he doesn't like that I'm so nervous...-

His thoughts were interrupted once Chesh's arm wrapped around him; his body had automatically cringed at the contact. His posture shrunk a little as he felt uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be rude so he didn't protest. Some people are just like that... He told himself. I just hope my betrothed isn't... He was very anxious at this point. What should he think of him? Would he be like what he had imagined, or the exact opposite...

He stopped listened as Chesh began to speak, mentioning that they were to be family. However, mentioning that made Kaede even more nervous internally. He had known the family was quite large, but now he questioned if he could get along with all of them. Of course with a large family there would be diversity, but he knew diversity didn't mean that there couldn't be an overwhelming number of people like Chesh here. There was an even higher chance because of all the bachelors as well...As he realized all of this, Kaede grew increasingly more anxious, his hands even started to shake. He hugs his arms hoping to hide the fact.

He knew it was impolite to "zone-out" while another was talking, he just couldn't help it sometimes. Being a very internal person he thought a lot, too much he father always said. He forces himself to leave his scattered inner thoughts and return his attention on the two others. The lake sounds nice. Relaxing even, if I can with Chesh's energy around me... He was glad at least Chiyoko was there to balance Chesh's overwhelming energy. "Yes, the park sounds nice." He replies to them.


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Distinct Dreamer

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                                        "T"HE peace and serenity surrounding him was quite a change of scenery compared to his usually cheery life. Being the easy going person that he was, he decided to enjoy himself to being bathed by cherry blossoms, clashing with his red kimono patterned with embroidery of the same flower. He was about to close his eyes when a voice interrupted him from doing so. No sooner did he saw a form standing beside him. He craned his neck to look at the person greeting him and quirked an eyebrow seeing the mask that person was holding. Not one to question another's 'hobby' since his consisting of making cheese embedded pranks. Speaking of pranks... I wonder...

                                        Tsubasa sat down as he knelt gracefully, bowing his head politely like any perfectly taught maiden would do. Well, he was forced to wear a women's kimono, might as well have fun with it. As he raised his head, he gracefully hid his 'blushing' cheeks with the sleeve of his kimono, eyes downcast. "O-Ohayo gozaimasu. Eto... Arigato...?" He replied to the person's greeting like any shy maiden would do. Considering this was not the first time he had to pretend being a girl, he could say the experience did him good. He mentally shivered at those precise memories when he had to do so.

                                        The eighteen-year-old probably should not have done this but really, who could blame him? It was his natural reaction. It was temptation. Tsubasa had to put up with a lot getting dolled up and he felt like he deserved to flaunt those hard work. He noted mentally an apology to the guy once the cat was out of the bag. For now, enjoy himself. With an act that could shame an award winning actor, he used his 'female' voice, which he found annoying yet quite useful-his voice never quite changed much through puberty so it sounded a teeny bit girlish much to his chagrin.

                                        "Iie. Please, do join me. After all, I'm merely a guest." He said, patting the ground next to him. With another bow and a 'sweet' smile he added, "Boku no namae Tsubasa, Tsukihiro Tsubasa desu. Yoroshiku." After introducing himself, he smiled 'bashfully', "Would you mind if I lay down again? It would be completely impolite but it is a beautiful sight to behold when lying down."

                                        It was a good thing his name was unisex and the wonders of his mother language. 'Boku' could be used by both male and female. Such a pleasing thing.

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<LOCATION>Sohma Park.<COMPANY>Yuzuru.<MOOD>Cheeky.<THOUGHTS>I wonder if I managed to convince him of being a girl? Fufufu.<OOC>Sorry for taking so long! Internet's being a meany and I couldn't fully load gaia.


Dangerous Gekko

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Place: Sohma Shrine With: Kaede and Chiyoko


Chesh couldn’t help but smile wider. He did so enjoy making people squirm sometimes. After a moment, he let go of the two and let his arms drop lightly to his side. The horse noticed the tension fade slightly from Chiyoko when he heard that the newcomer was here for the rooster. Chesh let a more sincere smile raise slightly to his face, at least one of his cousins was as nervous as he was about meeting the man they were supposed to marry. He quickly wiped the smile from his face and returned to his usual grin.

Chesh winked at Kaede and after he let him and his cousin speak, the horse said, ”Of course, there will be many people new to the area so everyone will be nervous. That’s what we are here for, to make sure that everything runs well. We will make you feel right at home, promise” he sounded very sincere when he spoke to Kaede, knowing full well that this sounded like a 360 from his earlier actions. It was just another way of throwing the man off kilter. Of course he did truly intend on making Kaede feel welcome, even if he wouldn’t say so, but what was the point if it wasn’t done with a little fun along the way?

”I also can’t help too much with your betrothed. I only just got here a few days back as well and have only had the chance to meet him a handful of times. I’m sure the two of you will meet soon though,” he offered another smirk, the hint of mischief still well pronounced, ”in the meantime, the two of us will take care of you, right Chiyoko?” Chesh clapped his cousin on the back and chuckled.

Chesh noted Kaede wrap his arms around himself defensively and felt it tug at his heartstrings a little. He made a small mental note that Kaede wasn’t going to be one to react well to his usual teasing, silently promising the man that he would let up a bit more than he already had… though of course he was still going to push. It was just how Chesh was.

”Alright, that’s settled then, let’s head over to the Lake. I was just there this morning and it was incredibly nice. Really serene if that is the sort of thing you like,” he added the last bit as an afterthought. Chesh really didn’t like the calmness that surrounded the lake to be honest but he just loved the water. He started forward, peeking over his shoulder to see if the other two were following and grinning. He still couldn't quite get a read on his cousin just yet but he was sure as hell going to figure it out on the trip to the lake.

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"You see a dog growls when it's angry,
and wags its tail when it's pleased.
Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm angry.
Therefore I am mad."

[OoC: Sorry! Gaia didn't notify me that either of you had quoted me! crying I'm so sorry! I'm going to check daily from now on!]


SaucePump's Waifu

Anxious Dabbler

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                                              C H I Y O K O
                                              tab tab S O H M A

                                              tab tab tab tab ☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱
                                              tab tab ❥│ year XX of XXtheXXgoat│

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab l o c a t i o n ▮【Zodiac Shrine

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab m o o d ▮【Little Upset

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab t h o u g h t s ▮【(Chesh is a rather odd person. I should keep an eye on him.)

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab c o m p a n y ▮【(Chesh and Kaede)

                                              Chiyoko glanced at the nervous Kaede as he spoke. He was quiet, giving only a subtle smile every few minutes. Part of him wondered why the kid was here... why he was getting married. But that was something, the head of the Sohmas dubbed was a "Need to know status" and "You don't need to know". Chiyoko didn't trust the head of the house. His eyes turned to Chesh who had jumped into the conversation.

                                              Chiyoko adjusted his jacket and nodded. "Chesh is correct. This is our home and soon you will no longer be guests here. It would only be fitting to make sure that everything runs smoothly today." He said optimistically. Chiyoko did note the odd 360 Chesh had made, but decided to bring no attention to it. He would trust his cousin for now.

                                              Chesh then gave Chiyoko a hearty slap on the back and Chiyoko had to catch his glasses. He set them tenderly back on and eyed Chesh. He took a small second to process what Chesh had told him and gave a slow blink. He nodded before adding any words. "That would be correct. Anything you need Kaede-san, I'd be happy to assist." He said calmly. He eyed his cousin. Why did Chesh decided to linger around here... he wondered as Chesh once again addressed Kaede. The thought was soon sweet away and the conversation resumed.

                                              Chesh was talking madly about the lake and Chiyoko listened. He followed his cousin to the door and held it upon for the three of them to depart. "I'll have to come back later to clean this mess" He said to himself really more than anyone else. He knew they would have a dance tonight and to leave such an honorable place in a natural mess would be unacceptable. He soon followed behind his cousin and the young bachelor. "Kaede-san, why don't you tell us about you?" He asked, not wanting to walk towards the lake house in utter silence. "Things like... where you are from. What you like to do. That is, if you don't mind." Chiyko smiled warmly at the boy.


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Fashionable Friend

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Bachelor to the Rooster

Location: Path between the Zodiac Shrine and The Lake (Boathouse?)
Feeling: Anxious...
With: Chiyoko and Chesh


Kaede frowned internally. He hadn't yet accepted the fact that he was in arranged marriage. Did Chiyoko really have to say soon? He didn't like to think that the wedding was so soon, and to him it really wasn't. Maybe they're just not anxious about this like I am... He noticed Chesh's change in demeanor. How strange, maybe Chesh realized we were uncomfortable... So far Chesh was full of surprises. I wonder if he's nervous too. He sighed. If they're nervous they're much better at hiding it than I am...

Kaede cringed a bit when he watched Chesh slap Chiyoko on the back. Chiyoko seemed to be a bit like himself. He probably didn't like that very much... He took a deep breath and relaxed a little. "I-I'm glad I have at least two people I can count on. Especially since it's a new place." He spoke cautiously, hoping to not trip over his words or say something ridiculous. They clearly already know you're nervous Kaede... He lectured himself. Then he bit his lower lip anxiously as he followed Chesh outside, pulling his small suitcase behind him.

He was surprised by Chiyoko's question, not expecting anyone to take curiosity in him. He thought about his answer- I'm going to sound like a child...-then took a deep breath then began speaking. "W-Well, I'm from Kyoto-" Great way to start... "I like reading..." He continued. Realizing where they were walking to he added. "I don't really like swimming." He was comforted by Chiyoko's smile and managed to smile back at the two. "I-I realize I'm not the most interesting of people..." He hugs one arm nervously.


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Dangerous Gekko

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Place: Sohma Shrine With: Kaede and Chiyoko


Chesh just kept grinning as the other two spoke, he noted that they vaguely seemed a little put off by his antics, but that only resulted in him grinning even more. He needed to keep people on their toes, he helped him have a better reading on them. Now was the time to get their trust a little more, however, so he just listened as Kaede spoke. Keeping a softer smile on his face, one that he hoped brought about a warmer feeling of trust from his two companions, he put his hands in the pockets of his pants and nodded in gratitude when the door was held open for him.

Listening quietly to the newcomer as he described himself, Chesh almost wanted to shake his head. This certainly wasn’t going to be acceptable. He was going to get a better answer out of the boy even if he needed to start juggling while doing a handstand to get him to drop his guard… and of course his cousin was going to be next. One thing at a time though…

”Nonsense… you’re just nervous… I can assure you I certainly don’t think you’re boring… I can see there is more to you than meets the eye. We are all a little nervous upon meeting new people, it’s understandable. Maybe if we tell you a little more about us, it’ll make you feel a little more at ease?” he offered a smile that he deemed would appear sincere. Testing the waters was the name of the game now. He got a general idea of boundaries from both Kaede and Chiyoko, but now he needed to see what it took to get the two of them to open up a little more.

”I guess I should offer up a little something since I did promise, I love reading as well! Books are just adventures waiting to be experienced, am I right? and though it does make me a little sad that you don’t like swimming, I would be more than happy to show you some tricks if you so wished one day,” He smiled again, trying to keep his excitement out of his voice. He so missed this, meeting people for the first time and slowly weaseling his way into their private lives… it was the ‘thrill of the chase’ as people would say. This was one of his tricks, accenting traits and activities in common while still allowing the other person to hold on to their own individuality in others. People always dropped their guard with others who hold similar interests as them. He made sure to only mirror Kaede’s traits as well, not yet relinquishing any further information. He turned to Chiyoko, ”What about you, cousin?” He asked with a look that was meant to be interpreted as pleading. He tried to make it seem as though he genuinely wanted to make Kaede feel more at ease. By making it seem like Chiyoko would be doing Chesh a favour, the Horse thought he might be a little more inclined to divulge some details.

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"You see a dog growls when it's angry,
and wags its tail when it's pleased.
Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm angry.
Therefore I am mad."

[OoC: Wow... Chesh is really... he scares me a little crying Sorry!]


SaucePump's Waifu

Anxious Dabbler

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                                              C H I Y O K O
                                              tab tab S O H M A

                                              tab tab tab tab ☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱☱
                                              tab tab ❥│ year XX of XXtheXXgoat│

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab l o c a t i o n ▮【Zodiac Shrine

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab m o o d ▮【Playful

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab t h o u g h t s ▮【(My cousin might be more fun than I thought...)

                                              tab tab tab tab tab tab c o m p a n y ▮【(Chesh and Kaede)

                                              Chiyoko listened to Kaede thank him and Chesh for helping him out. He gave a small nod and slowly blinked. When his eyes opened he gave a small smile. He noted the caution in Kaede voice. Did I... concern him... he thought to himself. His eyes darted to Chesh once more, watching his cousin for anymore of his awkward affections. Slowly, he was beginning to not trust Chesh. His cousin seemed to be trying to push him or at least Chiyoko felt like he was. He sighed and brushed it off, returning once more to the small boy. "I hope we become of service to you while you are here. I know that new places can be rather scary." He said softly.

                                              His eyes darting quickly to Chesh who had offered them up as a small tribute to the boys nervousness. That was not something that Chiyoko was okay with. He was a private man and allowing others in seemed to bother him. Especially when he seemed faced with no choice. He had, in fact, offered Kaede to not answer the question but being thrown under the bus by Chesh was not something he enjoyed. This one, he knows how to push my buttons... Chiyko muttered to himself internally.

                                              He, however, greeted Chesh with a firm smile. One of strength and kindness. Not one that would be misconstrued for the anger he held inside. Chesh aknowledged his love for books and Chiyoko kept his eye on him That's gotta be a lie... With each second, Chiyoko was beginning to trust his cousin less and less. That was when Chesh turned to him and asked him what he liked. Oh, dear cousin, what do I like.. He thought to himself but pretended not to hear. He instead turned to Kaede.

                                              "Kaede, did you know there's an urban legend about a lake nearby here?" He asked completely changing the topic. "It's over by Kimotoro, past the feild of sunflowers." Chiyoko adjusted his glasses. "They say if you drop money in the pond you'll be blessed with good luck. There was even once a story of a man who had lost everything. They say he went to the pond and dropped the last of his money that he had in and the next day he had earned everything back and more." Chiyoko gave a smile. "That's just a legend of course. I don't believe in myths like that..." He eyed the path ahead of them. "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't. Believe what you'd like Kaede. Martin Luther once said 'Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying'." Chiyoko seemed pleased with that bit of knowledge.

                                              Chiyoko gave one final glance at Chesh. Although his cousin had began to upset him, the goat was quite happy he did. He loved to clash heads with others and see how they would, in turn, react to him. What move will you do next Chesh?


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Fashionable Friend

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Bachelor to the Rooster

Location: Path between the Zodiac Shrine and The Lake (Boathouse?)
Feeling: Anxious...
With: Chiyoko and Chesh
Thoughts: (I'd like to learn more about them...)


Chesh's large grins made Kaede even more wary of the young man. He certainly seems to enjoy pushing buttons... He thought to himself. It would be nice to know them a little more before I open up about myself... He thought shyly. As far as he was concerned these two were still complete strangers, and he hardly even opened up to good friends. "You don't seem like the type for books..." Kaede's cautious demeanor made it hard for him to trust others with personal information. Don't be so cynical Kaede. They're opening up to you. He felt like he had been rude to Chesh, perhaps he should apologize... He did offer to show me some swimming tricks... Kaede sighed internally. It was a nice sentiment, but he didn't really like the idea...

Kaede nodded at Chiyoko's comment. "Y-Yeah. New places are scary." Once again, he chided himself internally for acting so openly nervous. The two seemed to be playing a mental game of chess with each other, though he was almost completely oblivious to the fact because he'd become so lost within his own thoughts. He snapped back to reality once he heard mention of his name. He looked at Chiyoko, confused by his blatant avoiding Chesh's question. I don't like talking about myself much either but...that was a little rude... Of course he'd never directly call him out on it.

Kaede did like fairytale stories. A magic good luck pond? It sounded intriguing. Perhaps that's where they were going. Maybe the pond could help him with all this anxiety he was having...But then again-maybe not... He smiled at Chiyoko. "I hadn't heard about it, no, but it does sound interesting." He decided that was a good answer. "And I like that quote. You're very smart Chiyoko-sama." He looked at Chesh. "What do you think Chesh? Do you believe in a magic good-luck pond?" He hoped he didn't sound sarcastic in any way, he was actually starting to become more curious about the two.


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Timid Gawker

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                                                  Tsukishiro Tsubasa reminded him of his mother when she had guests over in their hidden accommodations deep in the garden area. A gentle, mild tempered woman in front of them. A more outspoken and strict mother with her children. Staring closely at his companion, Yuzuru couldn’t but feel there was something unusual about this “girl” because he felt comfortable with her as he did with his brother. Oh well, it wasn’t an important matter for him. Boy or girl, he liked socializing.

                                                  How cute, the teen smiled at Tsukishiro’s bashfulness. At least he would have if the mask he wore wasn’t hiding it. Looking at the latter’s bright pink colored hair made him consider dying his hair so that he could get away with a pair of sunglasses or something else besides wearing this ridiculous thing. He tilted his head at the mentioning of being a guest to the Sohma residence. Was she to be betrothed to the family as well? Today was the day all those who are betrothed were to gather here, like him.

                                                  Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Yuzuru Masayuki desu. Yoroshiku o-negai shimasu*,” he returned a polite bow before sitting next to Tsukishiro. “No, not at all. I like looking up at the sky while lying down on the grass myself. I do agree the cherry blossoms are very beautiful. I guess we are lucky it has bloomed around this time of the year. It would be a shame if we didn’t admire this moment to the fullest.” Not caring too much about his own omeshi, the red head laid on his back to watch the petals fall gently down to the ground.

                                                  Although he can appreciate cherry blossom viewing, he did not plan on spending it in silence because he wanted to learn about this person for the sake of his own curiosity and nothing more. “You’ve mentioned before about being a guest… Are you here for the engagement party? If you don’t mind me asking that is.

                                                  *Translation: Nice to meet you. My name is Yuzuru Masayuki. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

                                                  User ImageOutfit: An omeshi with the Masayuki family crest on the back and a kitsune mask.

                                                  Location: Sohma Park

                                                  Company: Tsubasa Tsukishiro

                                                  Thoughts: I want to know more about this person. ♪


                                                  OOC: No problem at all~ Good to hear from you. :3 Changed post layout because this new one is better. : P

Dangerous Gekko

7,250 Points
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Place: Outside With: Kaede and Chiyoko


Chesh raised an eyebrow at Kaede. That was quite an unusual answer, why would he lie about something as trivial as what he enjoyed doing? If he wanted to learn more about these two, it would definitely not be a good idea to start things off with a lie… it was one of the reasons why he wanted to talk about interests first. He could be honest without divulging into his personal life and revealing too much.

His eyes almost widened in surprise but he managed to keep his face neutral and the smile just got wider. He had just realized something, was Kaede perhaps a little too perceptive to what he was trying to do? The idea made him excited, a challenge was always more fun. He would just need to slowly let up to avoid any further illusions to his intentions. He might have been looking a little too into things, but it was a still an interesting idea and made this game all the more fun, ”You think so?” he twirled his hair absentmindedly, then he chuckled, ”maybe not, though to be honest I’m not really sure what that would look like” he shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

For a moment Chesh was thrown off by Chiyoko’s story. Did he, by any chance, have two people who could read past his usual antics? Well he wasn’t very sure about Kaede, but Chiyoko seemed to make it fully known that he was on to Chesh. The Horse smirked back at his cousin as if saying ‘game on’. He wasn’t quite sure what the story had to do with anything yet but he was very certain of the looks he was receiving from his cousin. Chesh couldn’t be happier, now he had a real opponent, someone who could really match wits against him.

All that was left now was to figure out how far Kaede could be deceived and devise a new plan with Chiyoko. He smiled warmly over at Kaede, ”Hmm… well it makes for a good story, though it is hard to believe in magic at times isn’t it? Maybe that’s all the more reason to? So yes, why not, I would love to believe in a ‘magic good luck pond’. Maybe I will at least try wishing when I get there. Water is quite magical on its own, don’t you think?” He said with a sheepish smile and a chuckle, ”I don’t really see why water would want monetary tribute from humans… so I might have a hard time believing that.” he added thoughtfully.

”What about you, Chiyoko? Will you make a wish at the lake?” He glanced over to his cousin with a neutral smile on, looking forward to the man’s answer.

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"You see a dog growls when it's angry,
and wags its tail when it's pleased.
Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm angry.
Therefore I am mad."

[OoC: Late night again but I promised! 8D hope it's still okay ><]


Decisive Informer

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ωнєи тнєяє'ѕ α ωιℓℓ,
тнєяє'ѕ α ωαу.
αℓℓ уσυ gσттα ∂σ ιѕ...

                                Today seemed normal just like any other day however just a few seconds ago, Tsuneo had received a text message from Tama and by no other mean it was urgent. When someone new arrives, that little blondie of a monkey wouldn't really know what to do. When imagining that young twerp of a friend of his, Tsu imagined him being all scared and frightened for meeting new strangers. Somehow, he had an odd feeling that the other must be panicking by now.

                                Slipping his hands into his coat pocket, Tsuneo casually walked toward the main gate. While on his way there, his phone vibrated to an extent of messages after messages. Taking it out, he furrowed his eyebrows before a sigh had left his lips. His band mates were all going out to eat for dinner tonight and had offered for him to join them, however, considering that today was one of those unlucky days; he figured that he should give the others the heads up of not showing up. Swiftly texting the others back, Tsu simply pressed the send button as the message was sent back to the others. Within those ten seconds of sending those messages, he soon received one back.

                                From: Band mate
                                To: Tsu-ni
                                Come on Tsu-ni, you have GOT to come! There's going to be plenty of booze here as well as the ladies! Have you forgotten about them ladies?!--

                                An irritated sigh had left his lips knowing that this band mate of his was getting rather annoying. Well whatever it was, he will have to text them back and they of course knew of his situation.

                                By the time he had arrived, a very familiar voice slipped into his ears. Looking up Tsu found Tama smiling over to him as he had thanked him for coming to get him and the others. Standing beside him, he turned to look at the other two that had arrived. Observing them silently, a small tired smile came onto his face as he bowed to the two comers. "Welcome to the Sohma Estate. My name is Tsuneo Sohma. Glad to have had you two here. Now then..." he looked to the bags the two were carrying before taking a step toward them. "Would the both of you like any help? I can simply take you to your room unless..." Tsu glanced over to Tama, "If you have not eaten, we may head to the kitchen first then your room...." He stated wondering what the two would say or at least do since he wasn't too sure of whose bachelor they belong to. "Tama if you don't mind, who else have you informed of our guests?" Tsu had asked before turning to face the two once more.

                                Where: Outside/Entrance
                                Whom: Tama, two guests
                                Theme: Shadow
                                OOC: Its not that great! :/

                                Disco and Dark Shadows
                                Angelic Cheetah

Adventuring Businesswoman

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                                                    xlocation: Entrance xxxxxxcompany:Tamashii, Kazumi && Tsuneoxxxxxxthoughts:I'm so nervous!!

                                                    Yuji gave a small smile, nodding politely at Sohma-san,"Thank you for letting me know." He bowed his head in thanks, shifting his hands to hold them in front of him. He hoped that his fiancee would arrive soon, Yuji was very anxious to meet him and get to know him. He hoped he looked presentable in the business-acceptable outfit that his brother had picked out, saying that it would be best to look sharp when meeting his future spouse. Dark brown slacks, a white sweater, brown loafers, it was standard and presentable if a bit plain and ordinary. Yuji would very much prefer to get to know his fiancee before he started wearing the more colorful yukatas that he had brought with him.

                                                    His brother, Hiro, because of the ten year age difference between them had always treated Yuji like an annoying bug that wouldn't go away. Which Yuji could understand, Hiro had been raised to follow family traditions and in between the vigorous and tiring lessons, he hadn't had time nor had he wanted a little tag-a-long wherever he went when he did get the precious little free time. Yuji's sister, Asami had promptly disappeared when she was fourteen, sending various letters to let everyone know she was still alive while she traveled the world with a friend before returning at sixteen, staying for a few years then disappearing again only to come back married. Yuji wouldn't say it out loud but Asami's husband was a nice man, gentle and kind and completely opposite of his wild sister.

                                                    The sound of someone approaching had Yuji looking up, blinking in surprise at the new arrival. "Hajimemashite, Sohma-san." He bowed low before introducing himself, "I am Murase Yuji, Seijuro Sohma-san's fiancee. It is wonderful to make your acquaintance." At Sohma-san's question, Yuji blinked and thought about it, should he stay and wait or go to breakfast? He glanced up at Tsuneo-san before politely answering, "I would love the chance to go to my room and unpack, if you don't mind."


                                                    Disco and Dark Shadows

                                                    Angelic Cheetah


Interesting Prophet

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                                          Tama was very glad to see Tsu and that the tiger took charge of things very quickly. The monkey could maybe force himself to relax a bit, though he doubted that was going to happen. Strangers were being let into the estate today, strangers that they would have to marry. So, his anxiety levels weren’t exactly the best at the moment. Still he was trying to remain calm since if his anxiety got out of control it could trigger an attack and that was something he really did not need right now. Besides, that was not how he wanted to be introduced to his betrothed, even if it would get him out of that stupid party being held tonight in their honor. Having an attack was never an ideal situation for him since an attack from his heart condition was very painful thing to experience. That was why he had a strict medication schedule, which meant that he’d be taking some of said medication at the party tonight. When that happened he’d probably have to explain about his condition to whoever his betrothed was…

                                          His cousin stood next to him speaking with Seiji’s betrothed as well as Kazumi. Meanwhile, Tama gladly waited silently until Tsu addressed him. Tama thought for a moment before responding, “Aside from you, Tsu, I texted Seijuro about them,” Tama stated and Yuji decided to introduce himself then and state who’s fiancée he was. It was better that Yuji told Tsu which zodiac he belonged to than himself. At least it was in his opinion. Still, he had yet to learn which of his cousins Kazumi had been arranged to marry. Tama sincerely hoped it was not him, mostly since he wanted a shower before meeting his betrothed. The monkey was still all sweaty from the morning run that he really wasn’t supposed to be doing each day, but did anyways. On the other hand, it was rather nerve wracking not knowing which male the head of the family had picked for him.

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                                          WEARING | black tank top, baggy lavender tank top, jeans and sneakers HEALTH CONDITION | Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


                                          Disco and Dark Shadows


Versatile Lunatic

▉▉▉▉▉ THE DOG ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉

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                                          x x xIF I GO TO A SUNNY SPOT AND STRETCH MY ARMS OUT
                                          x x x x x陽のあたり場所に出て両手を広げてみたなら
                                          x x x"I WONDER IF I CAN GO BEYOND THE SKY?" I THOUGHT
                                          x x x x x「あの空 越えてゆけるかな?」なんて思ったんだ
                                          x x xI STILL HAVE NO WINGS TO FLY WITH
                                          x x x x x飛び立つ為の翼それはまだ見えない
                                          x x xIT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT SO SIMPLE THAT I CAN GO ON LIVING
                                          x x x x xカンタンに 行かないから 生きてゆける
                                          x x x x x x x x x x x TAKUMA SOHMA

                                                " Come on old man-- cut me a break! " He whined down the phone, gripping the handset so tightly that it threatened to snap in half. Takuma bristled with barely contained rage spurred on by frustration; he'd recently found himself in a situation that he couldn't escape. Just a week prior his parents had sat him down and told him that he was to be married before the Summer. If the two had left it late it was to deny him the chance to kick up a fuss. The arrangements were all in place - all he had to do was show up at the ceremony to say a few words and sign a document.
                                                That said, they couldn't make him comply. He was a legal adult and capable of choosing his own fate. However, that was where his Grandfather had stepped in. Takuma didn't know whose idea it was to involve the old man but he cursed them every night before he went to sleep. If there was anyone who could sway his actions it was his Grandfather. They could argue until their faces were blue but ultimately he always did what the old man said.

                                                The old man's voice crackled over the phone-line, hoarse with age and use.
                                                " Is this all you phoned me for? Get on with it. Think of it as paid holiday-- Satou, what're you doing? Blue folder, blue! "
                                                Takuma gritted his teeth. Paid holiday? The man wasn't paying him even a hundred yen for today. If it was a joke, it was in poor taste. Hearing the sounds of the office in the background just made it all the more bitter. He enjoyed working alongside his Grandfather at the insurance office, especially when his work took him on sales outings. It beat being stuck at some lousy engagement party. Even desk work would be preferable.
                                                " This is a load of crap. I'm not doing it. I'm coming into the office, I'll be there in--"
                                                " Takuma. " The man interrupted, his tone icy, " Grow a pair and deal with it. "
                                                CLICK-- boop, boop, boop...
                                                The line went dead as his Grandfather hung up. Takuma sat in shock for a moment before exploding in a fit of rage, chucking the phone at the wall. It struck with force, tiny shards of plastic skittering as they hit the floor. His anger sated slightly, he rushed over to check the damage and paled. That would be the third phone this year he'd broken...at this rate they were going to give him a cup and string to communicate with.

                                                He straightened up, sighing with exasperation. Not only did he have to meet some fiancee or other but he'd also smashed up his phone. Add to that the fact he was confined to the house for the day and had to interact with his cousins...
                                                This day was shaping up to be the worst.

                                                The Dog finally left his rooms to wander in the gardens, slightly mismatched in suit and tie with his more traditional wooden sandals. He lit a cigarette as he walked, breathing in deeply the scent of Spring with the nicotine he craved. His nerves had been through the roof since the morning began.
                                                His feet had taken him to a favourite location of his: a road lined with sakura so laden with blossoms that they poured from the branches like a Summer rain. Though he was loathe to admit it, he had always liked how the breeze lifted the lightly coloured petals and scattered them everywhere. It was messy and chaotic...but that was what made it so beautiful.
                                                Or something like that, anyway. He'd never been much of a poet.
                                                He stopped in his idle walking as he noticed two figures laid on the grass. Takuma tensed, expecting two of his cousins. However, neither of the two looked like anyone he knew. Forgetting that the estate had guests, the faithful dog leapt at the first assumption: intruders.

                                                " Oi. " He called out, striding forth before stopping close to the pair. He wore a scowl, glaring down at them with all the intimidation he could muster. " You know this is private property, right? Pri-vate pro-per-ty. " He annunciated slowly, as though talking to a simpleton. Takuma tapped the end of his cigarette to alleviate the ash on the end before taking another drag. Truth be told he didn't feel like screaming and kicking up a fuss over a couple of kids. Something about the day had sapped the enthusiasm from his very bones.
                                                He contined his glare as he exhaled, brows furrowing.
                                                " What is this anyway? Some kind of date? "

COMPANY || Yuzuru, Tsubasa
LOCATION || Under sakura trees
ACTION || Being a d**k Greeting guests



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