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Married Shapeshifter

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                                  E M O R Y tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab R A N
                                  tab tab tab S O H M A

                                  tab tab ▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░▐ ▒ ░
                                  tab tab ♦ │ year XX of XXtheXX snake │

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab l o c a t i o n ♦〖 (Sohma Residence, Kitchen)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab m o o d / t h o u g h t s ♦〖(Nervous but Content)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab f o r m / c l o t h i n g ♦〖(Human / Blue sweater and shorts)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab c o m p a n y ♦〖(Mareo)

                                  Amidst the piles of pillows and stuffed animals that littered the room, a groan came from a lump under the covers when the alarm clock went off. Reaching a small hand out to the device, Emory switched it off and sat up disgruntled as he scanned the colorful room with his murky green eyes. Today was the day he'd meet his soon to be partner, well fiancé if you will. The head of the family demanded that the twelve zodiacs marry, which were him and his cousins essentially. But he would be the one to decide if this fiancé is worth the trouble. And if they are will it even work out?

                                  Releasing a huge yawn the snowy haired lad threw away the blankets got and dressed, making sure to grab his glasses as well before making his way out of the room and towards the kitchen. It was still fairly early and the bachelors shouldn't be here until later, so plenty of time for breakfast. Emy's stomach growled at the thought and he hurried faster through the hallways, eager for food. It would take his mind off the worry of his bachelor that's for sure.

                                  Upon making his way to the doorway of said kitchen, he saw the dragon zodiac, Mareo, at the table tending to his own meal and brightened up considerably. Mareo was like his idol of his cousins. Whether is was because of him being the snake and Mareo the dragon or just because the man was extremely cool he had no idea. He just was drawn to the man, no matter how quiet and introverted he was compared to Emory. He adored the man, as much as Mareo thought Emory's ADHD was probably tiresome. The lad never stopped moving.

                                  "Mareo! How are y-OOMPH!" The snake began as he entered the kitchen, only to catch his foot on the rug and tumble face first onto the floor with an 'oomph' upon landing. It happened all the time no matter where he went, his clumsy nature showed through no matter what. It would always make his sisters laugh back at home, and he'd laugh it of with them too because their smiles were his world. But they weren't here now...

                                  Sitting up with a wince in his smile, the white snake rubbed his head sheepishly as he got up and took a seat across from the dragon. "So uh, anyway, how are you this morning?" And like that he was back to his normal self while he waited for Mareo's response.

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                                                              xxxxxxx⇘⇘SO SILENT... NO VIOLENCE
                                                              BUT INSIDE MY HEADxxxxxxx SO LOUD AND CLEAR
                                                              YOU'RE SCREAMING xxxxxxxx YOU'RE SCREAMING

                                                              ⇘⇘COVERED UP WITH A SMILE I'VE LEARNED TO FEAR


                                                              Mareo finished off the last bite of his breakfast before sitting back in the chair and placing his arms over his stomach. He could see the wind making the bare tree branches outside bend and he shivered just at the thought of going out into the cold air again. The dragon had not been the person for cold weather. He and another particular zodiac were the two most vulnerable to the cold and winter when it came rolling around. Even being in cold water for a period of time would make the two reptilian zodiac transform. However, Mareo was able to tolerate the cold water better for some reason. He had often wondered why that snow and chilly winds would make him transform quickly, but cold water didn't. Researching the history and folklore of the dragons of Asia, he had come to learn that they were water gods in many myths and often swam among rivers or were guardians of those domains. A few had even been rivers themselves at one point before becoming a tangible entity.

                                                              The dragon's thoughts were broken when he heard a familiar voice and then it was proceeded by a loud thump. Swiveling around, Mareo turned to see the other reptilian zodiac now on the floor after tripping over a rug. Emory was a klutzy one who often tripped frequently and scared Mareo half to death in some cases. The dragon made the effort to rise from his seat only to see that the snake of the zodiac was alright, just a little banged up from his fall.

                                                              ...I'm doing fine. I'm still a little cold from my morning walk to the shrines..." he stated, his voice low yet quiet at the same time. He had heard comments from various people of the Sohma family that he had a nice voice to listen to and would calm quite a few of them. All of these compliments of course made the shy dragon blush and fidget in embarrassment. He could never really take compliments well without a blush appearing on his cheeks. "...Are you alright? That looked like it hurt..." he said, his golden eyes looking to the other's. When he attended school as a child, Mareo was often teased by other children about his eye color. While most people and dark brown or black colored eyes, Mareo's was a deep, golden ochre. Maybe it was the dragon spirit in him, or perhaps it came from a past ancestor, he didn't know. Neither of his parents met his eye frequently enough for him to get a good look, but maybe they had that particular color.


                                                              xxxxxxx⇘⇘FOR HOW LONG MUST I WAIT?
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI KNOW THERE IS...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSOMETHING WRONG...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOUR CONCRETE HEART...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxISN'T BEATING...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAND I'VE TRIED TO... MAKE IT COME ALIVE...⇙⇙

                                                              ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 〈〈Sohma Residence (kitchen) 〉〉 ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ 〈〈 Emory 〉〉 ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs 〈〈 Is he okay? 〉〉
                                                              o.o.c.〈〈 my stomach is feeling a bit better, so I thought I would post c: I hope you can work with this...〉〉
                                                              Elydoric Eiry

OG Gaian

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                                                          "Wahhh~!" The dog wailed when the other pulled on his cheeks, but he was paying attention to what the other had said. Worry about him? Haemon wouldn't make Tsu do that, even though the dog was occasionally an idiot who got hurt, but he always bounced back up. However, the male frowned as he rubbed his now pink cheeks. "Well, Tsu, would you let someone get away with talking bad about me?" It was a good question. Would Tsu have done the same things if the tables had been turned? Then again, the whole thing happened years ago, so it didn't really matter anymore.

                                                          When the other turned to him, touching his head, the dog leaned into the touch. A small hum left his throat before stopping abruptly at the other's words, pinks cheeks tinting darker. And he thought he was the stupid one for saying such silly things. Tsu, if they weren't family, wouldn't love him anymore than he did now. Haemon knew that some part of him was just unlovable, unable to be upfront with anyone, even his best friend. If Tsu saw that part of him, he wouldn't said such a silly thing.

                                                          Teal hues held steady with Tsu's own gaze as the other's fingers skimmed over the soft flushed skin and to his chin. A light breath passed through the mutt's lips at the Tiger's words, soon leaning in closer, nuzzling the other's neck affectionately. "I wish it were that easy. Ugh." The dog stilled himself before withdrawing from the other. "But I'll try, though if things don't work out I guess we could see other people. Maybe join a swinger's club." He gave a small chuckle before shaking his head. He abolutely hated the idea of cheating, but was it cheating if two people didn't love each other? And it's not like he had a choice in this marriage, so he wouldn't be reprimanded by karma for it, would he? That thought began to bother him more and more as he dwelled on it. Seems it wouldn't be a good idea after all. Not to mention the whole turning into a dog thing. That'd be one hell of a surprise and hard to explain.

                                                          "Well, whatever." He reached up, ruffling the hair that the other had smoothed down, head tilting slightly as fingers brushed against sensitive scalp. "Hey, Doctor Sexy, think you can help me get an ice pack? My head might have some swelling." No doubt it was from his fall earlier, well, obviously. Still, it'd be nice if he could get it down so it didn't hurt so much. Although, he wanted to ask the other if he'd rub him down before bed so he wasn't so stiff in the morning, but he knew the other might end up busy with his new fiancee. Eh. He could deal with the muscle aches instead of troubling the other more than he usually did.

                                                          location : The house: Outside xxxx music : Bromance - Puppy xxxx company : Tsu xxxx
                                                          ooc : N//A

Decisive Informer

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ωнєи тнєяє'ѕ α ωιℓℓ,
тнєяє'ѕ α ωαу.
αℓℓ уσυ gσттα ∂σ ιѕ...

                                "Well, Tsu, would you let someone get away with talking bad about me?"

                                Tsuneo hadn't thought much about Haemon being called names or if people would come to hate the poor dog. As a matter of fact, he would never let anyone hurt the young loyal friend of his. If they ever did, he will intentionally take care of it whether it is a personal issue or just a plain sight of seeing the other person hurt. Of course, seeing how Haemon is, Tsuneo knew that the other was able to take care of himself than to ask for help. Closing his eyes briefly, a small smile perked onto his lips when he clasped his hands together as his hands had intertwined with one another before he began to speak, "I wouldn't let them do that to you of course but..." He paused and gave Haemon a serious look that he had never given to him before, "...if they so wishes to hurt you, I will never and I mean NEVER EVER let them hurt you...." Tsu was concerned about Haemon for some reason but decided that the man must have been quite curious to know the answer and if he would ever do the same in returned to him, which of course, he would since the two are rather close.

                                After the light breath that had came out of Haemon's lips, Tsu gazed at him as though studying him from head to toe. His eyes fixated on the dog's words as he spoke about finding other people. Contemplating on whether he should go with this plan or not, a slight shook of his head came into place. "No. That would be wrong and wouldn't you hurt the other's feelings? Do you honestly would like to go down that road, Haemon? Making your betrothed hurt upon seeing you with another man or woman? I highly recommend you reconsider this otherwise, you will end up getting yourself hurt as well as your betrothed...." He explained looking away from him knowing the feeling of it even though he hadn't experience much of it. Although the thought of it sickens him knowing that it would not just hurt the other's betrothed, but it would come crawling back to hurt his friend as well.

                                It had been at least a few minutes later when Tsu noticed Haemon messing up his hair again. Frowning at what he had did, Tsu crossed his arms over one another and simply stood up. When hearing the mentioning of being called a doctor, a brow rose as his expression changed. "Will you be fine by yourself while I head inside to get you the ice pack?" He asked but figured that the dog would be fine on his own. Without saying anything further, Tsu extended his hands out again and smooth out the man's hair before letting a small little laughter leaving his lips. "I'll be back then. Make sure not to go anywhere and try not to scare anyone off since we'll be having visitors soon..." he exclaimed while retracting his arms away and placing them against his side. Turning himself around, Tsu left for the main house.

                                It had only been a few minutes later when Tsuneo had entered the Main House. Venturing into the hallway, he made a few turns before coming to a stop as he realized that there were two very familiar distinctive voices. Entering the doorway, he quietly made his way to where the freezer was. Just when he was about to reach his destination, Tsu realized that he needed a bag for the ice. Making a sharp turn, he walked over to the nearby cabinet and took out an empty bag before he fully made his way toward the fridge and simply grabbed a handful of ice as he placed them into the bag. While that was happening, Tsu finally spoke, "Good morning you two. Have you two slept well?" He asked as he began to tied up the bag of ice and firmly held it with one hand as he waited for either one to answer him.

                                Where: Outside > Main House/Kitchen
                                Whom: Haemon > Mareo, Emory
                                Theme: Shadow
                                OOC: Ugh...hopefully Tsu isnt interrupting anything

                                Elydoric Eiry
                                Awkward Hug

OG Gaian

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                                                          Haemon displayed a small smile, having proved his point whether Tsu wanted to admit it or not. "See, I wasn't being stupid, now was I?" He teased and chuckled a bit before giving pause to what Tsu said on the next matter. The dog's smile faded and shock replaced it, almost looking as if Tsu had slapped him physically rather than verbally. Did the other think so little of him to believe Haemon would turn his back on someone who loved him? If his betrothed loved him, he would throw his heart and soul into the relationship. But all Haemon had meant before was if neither his betrothed or himself loved one another. He frowned at the other, feeling hurt by his friend for thinking such a horrible thing.

                                                          "Y-Yeah." Haemon stuttered softly, quick to feign a smile at the other, but it was a difficult task. "Heh. Don't worry, I'll stay put and behave myself." He then waved to the other as he made off for the main house, but once he was out of sight the dog left the false smile fall away and sighed heavily. maybe it would be best not to say anything else today, having already said something stupid and ended up having his family twist it to make Haemon sound like a bad guy. That's not what he meant at all, but . . . Whatever. Haemon was absolutely against being unfaithful, against betraying people you loved or who loved you. Yeah, one could consider it being unfaithful if he or his betrothed agreed on seeing other people because they both didn't like each other, but that was different. But the fact that Tsu would even . . . It hurt. Bad.

                                                          location : The house: Outside xxxx music : Bromance - Puppy xxxx company : Tsu > Alone xxxx
                                                          ooc : So short. X.x

Married Shapeshifter

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                                  E M O R Y tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab R A N
                                  tab tab tab S O H M A

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                                  tab tab ♦ │ year XX of XXtheXX snake │

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab l o c a t i o n ♦〖(Sohma Residence, Kitchen)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab m o o d / t h o u g h t s ♦〖(I wish we didn't have to do this stupid marriage. Everyone is either on edge or happy about it...)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab f o r m / c l o t h i n g ♦〖(Human / Blue sweater and shorts)

                                  tab tab tab tab tab tab c o m p a n y ♦〖(Mareo, Tsuneo)

                                  The snake chuckled and threw Mareo an award winning smile. Shifting in his chair, he crossed his legs with a sigh, enjoying the warmth of the kitchen. "It's ok I'm good promise!" Emory waved off the concern that shown in the other's golden eyes. Sure enough, Mareo was the ever concerned big brother. And the white snake loved it if not for the attention, but the fact he cared. It was touching. Not many of the other Sohma's paid him much attention aside from a 'good morning' and the few he actually got along with, like Mareo for example.

                                  "Well your morning sounded pretty nice Mareo." Emory ruffled his soft white hair as a yawn caught him and he chuckled again. "Sorry, sleep wasn't very good last night. Too cold." Standing, he went to the refrigerator and nabbed some grapes before perching his hip up against the counter. It went like this most mornings whenever the two of them were up, usually pretty peaceful. But the dragon had that aura about him, which was nice for the snake.

                                  The front door opened a few always away and Emory smiled at who came in the room next. The Tiger of their zodiac, Tsuneo, seemed to be on a mission as he busied himself around the kitchen, making an... icepack? Must mean someone got hurt. The white snake jumped as he realized Tsuneo was talking to them, asking how they slept.

                                  "Ah, uh morning Tsuneo." He popped a few grapes into his mouth and chewed as he prepared an answer for the tiger. "It was literal crap to be honest. I froze almost the whole night." The snake responded, making a disgruntled face at the thought of cold. The only thing he hated about being the snake, his hate for cold weather.

                                  "What about you? And what's with the icepack if I may ask. Someone get hurt?"

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Awkward Hug
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                                                              xxxxxxx⇘⇘SO SILENT... NO VIOLENCE
                                                              BUT INSIDE MY HEADxxxxxxx SO LOUD AND CLEAR
                                                              YOU'RE SCREAMING xxxxxxxx YOU'RE SCREAMING

                                                              ⇘⇘COVERED UP WITH A SMILE I'VE LEARNED TO FEAR


                                                              Upon hearing that the snake was okay after taking a tumble, Mareo's lips curled up into a small smile. The dragon wasn't the one to show a lot of emotion. His past had been the cause of such an introverted person. Very little contact with his parents and other people made the young boy at the time withdraw into himself and find other means of companionship, mainly through animals. Since there were no dragons in existence, animals of all kinds flocked toward the dragon. Birds and small mammals such as squirrels and the occasional rabbit were all drawn to the quiet man.

                                                              The dragon shook his head at the snake. "It was cold. I don't know why I went out in the first place..." he explained, now leaning forward and placing his arms on the table top. He watched the snake move to retrieve some grapes and stand near the counter. The two reptilian zodiac always acted this way toward each other. Maybe it was some weird kinship between the two reptiles or maybe it was just that their personalities didn't clash that kept their relationship pleasurable.

                                                              At the sound of the nearby door, Mareo's head turned and his golden eyes came to rest on another of the zodiac, Tsuneo the Tiger. He and Mareo weren't as close as he and Emory were, but the Tiger was always nice to talk to in certain occasions. "I was thankfully warm last night..." the dragon replied to the tiger's question. Mareo had gone and purchased a space heater for his room to keep it almost at eighty-five degrees at night and it was year round. Only if the temperature outside during the day was over ninety did Mareo stop using the heater. It was troublesome for most of the other zodiac and anyone who wanted to enter Mareo's room. It was just far too hot for them to handle.

                                                              His attention was brought to the ice pack that the tiger held once Emory mentioned it. Another person got hurt? Most mornings it was only Emory falling or crashing into a random wall that someone was hurt, not another one of the zodiac. Mareo was curious as to know who it was, but stayed silent as he waited for the tiger to reply to the both of them.


                                                              xxxxxxx⇘⇘FOR HOW LONG MUST I WAIT?
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI KNOW THERE IS...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSOMETHING WRONG...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOUR CONCRETE HEART...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxISN'T BEATING...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAND I'VE TRIED TO... MAKE IT COME ALIVE...⇙⇙

                                                              ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 〈〈Sohma Residence (kitchen) 〉〉 ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ 〈〈 Emory and Tsuneo 〉〉 ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs 〈〈 Is someone else hurt now? 〉〉
                                                              o.o.c.〈〈bleh sorry for the bad post. 〉〉
                                                              Elydoric Eiry


Decisive Informer

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ωнєи тнєяє'ѕ α ωιℓℓ,
тнєяє'ѕ α ωαу.
αℓℓ уσυ gσттα ∂σ ιѕ...

                                Definitely Tsuneo was interrupting something however the two, Emory and Mareo didn't seem to mind too much of his presence. Now that he thought about their current relationship, he was rarely ever close to these two. Of course, he had been neutral around most of the zodiacs here but never really interacted with them like he did now. Only on rare occasions that he'll speak up to the others about certain things although most of the time, he stay away from them and do his own thing but since today is one of those special occasion day, Tsu knew well to interact with them.

                                "...Is that so? Well Emory, if you ever need extra blankets, you can always stop by my room to grab them. I am in no need for them since my body radiates too much heat..." Tsuneo stated telling him that he could always stop by whenever he feels the need to have more blankets. As soon as he responded to the snake, his eyes slightly twitched from the question that was being asked in returned. Looking at the bag of ice that he had on his hand, Tsu glanced over to Mareo as he stated that he felt a little warm last night. Knowing Mareo, the dragon zodiac has always had some type of heater in his room. As he recalled, the last time he had gone into the dragon's room, Tsu could barely stand being in there. Even so, he risked himself for being in the same room as the dragon as he ask dragon for help from time to time.

                                Turning away from Mareo, Tsuneo went back to look at the bag of ice again when he simply answered, "Haemon...." He paused and turned his full attention toward Emory again as he continues on, "He fell off the roof this morning due to a black bird waking up his beauty sleep..." Tsu explained as he held the bag of ice firmly onto his hand. "He being an idiot, I could only assume that he may not be sleeping on the roof any time soon..." Tsu sigh knowing that the dog zodiac often tend to sleep almost anywhere especially on the roof but since this little incident had happened, he hoped that in the near future, the other would at least stop himself from sleeping on the rooftop. About several seconds later, Tsuneo glance over to the nearby window and noticed the morning dew making their way around the nearby garden. The sun had risen and has begun to make their day go by as it gleamed into the kitchen when he silently inhaled a small amount of breath before letting it out smoothly. "My morning went well. Woke up to my mother texting me and found myself hearing Haemon falling off and now he's waiting for the icepack...." Tsuneo paused again, "I should probably be getting back to him. Can't leave him alone, otherwise, he'll be doing something extremely out of the blue again..." He turned on his heels and simply made his way over to the door. "If there is anything you two need, feel free to call me. I'll be outside with Haemon for awhile..." He simply told hoping that if they needed him, they shouldn't hesitate to call upon him. He had nothing better to do since he'll be staying with Haemon for a little while before doing anything else.

                                After leaving Mareo and Emory, Tsuneo ventured his way back outside. His hand holding onto the bag of ice as the ice hit against one another making little sounds. Turning the corner, he caught sight of Haemon still sitting on the bench as he quietly went up to him from behind to place the ice pack onto the man's head. "You seem awfully quiet. Did I say something to make you THIS quiet?" Tsu asked curiously noticing the look upon his face as he hovers slightly a bit over Haemon's shoulder so that he could take a look at his face, "...and does it still hurt? Your head, that is..."

                                Where: Main House/Kitchen > Outside
                                Whom: Mareo, Emory > Haemon
                                Theme: Shadow
                                OOC: ......

                                Elydoric Eiry
                                Awkward Hug

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☯~⒴⒰⒰⒦⒤ ⒮⒪⒣⒨⒜~☯

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                                      ► Zodiac Animal- Rabbit
                                      ► Where I Am- In my room → Kitchen
                                      ► Whom I'm With- Myself → Mareo and Emory
                                      ► My Emotions- Calm, though somewhat anxious
                                      ► My Current Thoughts- I hope my betrothed likes me...
                                      ► OOC-

                                      xxxxxxAh, the morning sun, shining its brilliant rays of light into the room of the rabbit. The young was currently situated at his desk, reading one of the latest novels from one of his favorite authors of all time, Ririchiyo Yamazaki. He turned the page, pale white in color, while shifting in the somewhat uncomfortable chair that he sat in. He noticed a patch of sunlight on his desk and slowly edging its way toward the book. He glanced over at the digital clock that was on the opposite side of the desk and grew somewhat alarmed. Well, this isn't good at all. We're supposed to be meeting our betrothed today. It would do mine no good if they were to fuss over me not getting the proper amount of nutrition. I'll go get some breakfast. I'm sorry, Yamazaki-chan, but I must fulfill a mission at the moment. He reluctantly closed the book, but not before placing his multi-colored bookmark on the designated page he was to start at the moment he opened it again. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the sliding door, adjusting the collar of his jacket. The door slid open and he walked outside his room, shutting the door gently behind him.

                                      xxxxxxA shiver traveled up and down his spine as he crossed his arms over his chest in an effort to keep some of the warmth in. The feeling soon passed and a small smile drifted to the young man's face. He had gotten used to and actually liked his new surroundings, even though he had moved in only recently. He knew all of the other Zodiacs and was friends, according to him, with a few of them. The air around him physically was a tad cold, it was filled with peace and tranquility, something that pleased the rabbit. However, he knew that another element was in the air, and he felt it; anxiety.

                                      xxxxxxToday was the day that all the Zodiacs were going to meet their betrothed for the very first time. Yuuki did not understand why the leader of the Sohma family wanted the Zodiacs to marry anyone right now, especially through an arranged marriage. He had puzzled over the fact for quite some time now, and could not come up with anything except giving himself a headache. The rabbit tried to shrug the thought off, but today it seemed more persistent than usual, and he acquainted it with what was going to happen later that day. He hoped that his betrothed was all that he dreamt them of being.

                                      xxxxxxWho was going to be his beloved? What were they like? Would they like him for who he was, despite him being a Zodiac, or run away? He couldn't stand the last question racing through his mind, but didn't let the emotions show on his face. He didn't want the others to worry about him. They had enough to worry about already.

                                      xxxxxxHe walked through the corridors of the Sohma residence silently, like a rabbit did out in the wild. It wasn't like he was trying to be stealthy. It was simply in his nature, something that he couldn't help. He reached the kitchen a couple minutes later and noticed two other Zodiacs there; Mareo the Dragon Zodiac and Emory the Snake Zodiac. He respected Mareo for how he held himself up and the composed nature about him. He also liked Emory for how outgoing and chipper he was, even though the rabbit sometimes worried when Emory got himself hurt. Still, he liked both of the Zodiacs. He held nothing but respect for them.

                                      xxxxxxThe rabbit bowed deeply, as he always did, and spoke in his soft voice,
                                      "Mareo-san, Emory-san, ohayō." He straightened himself back up and went over to the fridge, opening it so he could decide what he wanted for breakfast on this special day.

                                      Translation: 1. Good morning.
                                      Elydoric Eiry
                                      Speaking to

                                      Awkward Hug
                                      Speaking to

Fashionable Friend

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Bachelor to the Rooster

Location: Zodiac Shrine
Feeling: Nervous...
With: Not sure... (Chiyoko)


Kaede watched as the world flew by outside the window of the train car. The scenery was beautiful certainly, but that was not what was on his mind. The reason for the train trip, his upcoming arraigned marriage, was what occupied his thoughts. His finger trailed around on the table, organizing small candies into groups by colours. I wonder what he'll be like... He thought to himself. He was grateful he wasn't being forced to marry a woman, he'd never been romantically interested in them.

He's pulled back into reality once the train comes to a stop. He stepped outside pulling his small suitcase behind him. His parents had arraigned this marriage to give him a better life with someone rich as they themselves were poor. The memory of their goodbye's were still fresh in his mind. I wonder how long I'll last here...I'm already homesick...He gripped the handle of his suitcase a little tighter and headed towards a path lined with sunflowers.

His anxiety only increased once he reached the huge residence he was to now stay at. As he walked closer he spotted a few people standing in the front talking to each other.I wonder if they're other bachelors...Maybe they're residents...If they're residents I don't want to look like an idiot my first day...He sneaked around them to avoid confrontation and headed off in another direction.

He looked around nervously not knowing where he was now. So much for not looking like an idiot on your first day Kaede...He sighed and gently set his bag against the ornate wall and kneeled to rest on the floor. Having walked for a bit his legs became tired. He looked around. "I must be in some kind of shrine. It's so pretty..." He noticed another male in the shrine also, he looked to be preoccupied. Kaede wondered if he should say something. "Uh, h-hello?" He said softly. "Maybe I wasn't loud enough..."


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Interesting Prophet

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                                                As Tama waited for Kazumi’s response, the monkey turned his attention to Yuji as the male spoke to him again and bowed. He was being quite formal, though Tamashii couldn’t fault him for it. This situation was likely as nerve racking for them as it was for the zodiac… or at least Tama hoped that would be the case. Still, he knew that first impressions counted a lot for most people. Then again Tama wasn’t like most people with his trust issues and all. Instead of Responding to Yuji Tamashii merely nodded at his cousin’s fiancé. Yuji seemed like the type of person his cousin would like, though it was only the first day with the fiancé’s. Perhaps they wouldn’t mix as well as the Sohma Head thought they would with these outsiders. Tama wished he knew what possessed the Sohma Head to arrange these marriages in the first place! Weren’t the lives of zodiac’s already complicated enough? Apparently not.

                                                Tama sighed taking out his cell as he suddenly realized he actually had no idea where Seijuro was at this point in time of day. He and Seijuro were close, but it wasn’t like he knew the guy’s schedule. Now he felt himself start to panic a bit, but he did his best remain calm. There wasn’t any chance him panicking slightly would case an attack, but he’d just as well not raise his heart-rate just in case. Having a heart disease could sometimes be embarrassing and was not something he wanted to discuss with two total strangers… Tama dialed the number for Seijuro’s cell, but it rang and rang until his call was finally just sent to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, Tama ended the call. He knew that his cousin would call him back once seeing that he had missed his call. Out of his cousins he was closest to Seijuro since his late uncle had been Seijuro’s father. Quickly opening a text he typed a message and sent it to his older cousin Haemon, the dog zodiac. He hoped that Haemon would have a suggestion as to where to lead the arriving bachelors that he’d had the rotten luck of running into.

                                                To: Haemon
                                                From: Tama
                                                Message: Um, I’m by the front gate and I ran into a couple fiancé’s… what should I do??


                                                LOCATION | Estate
                                                WITH | Yuji > Yuji & Kazumi
                                                FORM | Human
                                                WEARING | black tank top, baggy lavender tank top, jeans and sneakers
                                                HEALTH CONDITION | Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy



                                                Disco and Dark Shadows


OG Gaian

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                                                          The dog yipped at the feel of cold on his scalp, but given a moment, he soon adjusted and turned his head to look at Tsu. "I'm fine, just now realizing how much I hurt." He said, offering a small smile to the other. "And yeah, it does." The dog reached up to the ice pack, gently holding it in place and gazed upon the other a moment before sighing. "Hey, you think you could help me pick something out for the party later?" Haemon wanted to make a good impression tonight. Plus, he had nice clothes he could wear, but he was the type of guy who under-dressed or overdressed for an occasion. It was kind of a pain in the a**.

                                                          He didn't want to say anything about how he felt to Tsu, there really wasn't a need. The damage was done and there was no point in bringing it up. Today was suppose to be a good day, one full of celebration and excitement. He needed to make sure to keep it that way rather than let himself be wounded by some stupid conclusion. He just hoped tonight was going to be better than what the cynical part of his brain thought it would be.

                                                          A soft sigh left his lips, but before the dog could say much else, he felt his phone buzz. It was the one thing he had on him at all times, mainly because he had recently become addicted to this stupid puzzle game on it. He retrieved it from his pocket and took a peek at the message. "Huh?!" People were already arriving? Oh god, he hadn't even showered or anything yet! "Tsu! Tama says some of the fiances are here! What if one of them is mine? Or yours? Or someone else's?" Well, duh, they were going to be somebody's fiance. But that wasn't the point.

                                                          To: Tama
                                                          From: Haemon.
                                                          Message: Stay there! Tsu and I will be there in a second.

                                                          "We have to go help Tama at the gate. C'mon!" The dog jumped up, probably not the best idea for he nearly fell over. "Don't worry, Tama, baby! We're coming to save you!" The mutt called at the top of his lungs before he took off running to aid the monkey. It would be a miracle if he got there unscathed, but running as 'drunkenly' as he did, there was doubt to be had.

                                                          location : The house: Outside xxxx music : Bromance - Puppy xxxx company : Alone > Tsu xxxx
                                                          ooc : Forgive me for the bad post. EDIT

Dangerous Gekko

7,250 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
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Place: Lake -> My room -> Kitchen With: No one -> Yuuki, Emory, and Mareo


Chesh, in a way, was looking forward to this day though not for the reasons people thought. Sure he was going to have a chance at "true love" and all that, but he was most interesting in getting, perhaps, some insight into why this proposition came to pass in the first place. He hoped that upon meeting his chosen fiance, the man might be able to tell explain a little bit about what is happening inside their "Head of the house hold"'s head... for lack of a better phrase. Although if he was truly honest with himself, he wouldn't deny that he did feel a little bit of excitement about the prospect of meeting someone outside the family who already knew about their secret... well Chesh hoped they did or else this could be all for not. That was one question that had been plaguing him for a while, would the men coming to the house know about their future husbands... conditions? The answer to this would provide very good insight into the head of the household's plan.

One thing he did NOT like about this arrangement was that he had to leave his dads' house in order to meet his "beloved". Sure they lived only a train ride away but that was way too far in Chesh's mind... it just wasn't going to be the same. He hoped both of them would be okay while he was away.

Chesh slowed down to a even stroke. He had awaken early, as usual, and decided to go for a little more intense swim than he usually did to try to ease a little bit of the uneasiness he felt. It was not going to be good if Chesh Sohma showed up to the main house without his usual smirk on his face. His breath showed in little puffs of air in the early morning above the water as he tried to slow his breathing back to normal. He had to admit that he felt infinitely better than when he woke up that morning. All he ever needed was a good run or swim to start the day off right. Sure it was quite chilly that morning, and of course there was the rule that he wasn't allowed to swim in the lake alone, but at least it didn't bother him the same way it bothered the reptilian zodiacs... it was just unpleasant. Plus he was never one to follow or even acknowledge most rules in the first place. He had definitely generated enough heat to counter the cold water, so in his mind there was no problem.

Normally he would go for a run this early in the morning but he know the monkey would be out as well... or at least he thought he would be. Chesh had run into his cousin a handful of times before and, considering his current state of mind, he really didn't feel like risking it. Besides a change or routine was always nice.

Speaking of the other zodiacs, Chesh stopped for a moment, treading water as he checked his watch in the rosy glow of the rising sun. It was getting a little late. He pulled his goggles back on his face and swam to the shore. Pulling himself out of the water, Chesh shook his head like a horse shaking off water and grabbed his towel putting it around his waist. He was starting to feel the cold again so he rushed back to the main house. Hearing, rather than seeing, that some of the others were starting to stir, Chesh quickly got into the shower to warm up. He had already picked out a nice but simple outfit to give off the right impression to his betrothed. He wanted to make sure the man warmed up to him quickly, it was much easier that way... a lavender shirt with sleeves that covered his hands and a low collar that showed off his shoulders and collar bone and dark blue jeans. Stepping out of the bathroom, with his hair in a towel, Chesh made his way through the house, heading to his room. The sound of voices caught his attention and he pressed himself against the wall to listen in to the conversation. Who knows, maybe it would prove useful.

It turned out to be quite intriguing, the pair was the Tiger and Dog Zodiacs and they too were talking about their fiances. Haemon, the Dog, brought up an interesting point. What if neither they nor their fiances really loved one another? What then? Would they be allowed to pursue other options or be forced to be in a relationship that was never going to work out? Chesh turned away from the door and walked away casually, as though he heard nothing, when he heard Tsuneo make his way towards the door. He rubbed his hair through the towel thoughtfully as we walked and though he wanted to continue his thoughts on their level of freewill, he couldn't help it when his thoughts turned to his cousins' other comments. Would these men chosen for them really love them for who they were? Was that even going to be a possibility? He definitely hadn't had luck in this realm before, none of the zodiacs have, but...

He shook his head, there he was again worrying about things. He sighed and pushed the thought aside, dimly acknowledging the flicker of hope that had been lit in his mind. Tossing his towel in the hamper upon reaching his room, Chesh turned and made his way to the kitchen, opting for food to take the place of his thoughts for the moment. Upon reaching the correct room, he stopped in the doorway and leaned against the frame, his usual mischievous smirk creeping along his face. Others were already there, the reptiles and the Rabbit. Interesting, albeit ironic, mix. Chesh always found the rabbit to be very intriguing, even just in his mannerisms and intelligence. Yuuki was someone to listen to for sure.

However, it was getting a little too crowded in the room and at the moment Chesh really wasn't feeling up to conversing with all of them... which was definitely a first for him. Instead, he grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and made his way back outside. Chewing thoughtfully on the grain, he looked around, wondering where he should go next. He caught sight of the shrine in the distance and shrugged. It would be a little quiet at least and that was all he really needed anyway.

Making his way over to the large, ornate building, Chesh noticed it was already being occupied, one he recognized right away as Chiyoko the goat and the other he assumed to be one of the bachelors. Wondering if he might be intruding on something, Chesh stood quietly in the doorway of the temple, hoping to just eavesdrop for a bit before he made his presence known.

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"You see a dog growls when it's angry,
and wags its tail when it's pleased.
Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm angry.
Therefore I am mad."

[OoC: Sorry long post is long >< but I changed it]

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Snake Bachelor

With || No one || Where || Sohma's park ||Feelings || Serene || Thoughts || Pretty trees are pretty || outfit || [x]

                                      Every morning had been a sluggish effort to get out of bed. It wasn't that he didn't want to face the world, but more so out of the fact that he like to linger in the comfort and value his sleep too much. Most mornings the alarm clock will greet him with a shrill to rise and shine and meet the day. Manu had always opted to switch the alarm off instead of hitting snooze, with the confidence that he would get up in 5 minutes, oblivious to his ditzy forgetfulness that he never succeeded to get up when he set himself to. His effort of getting out of bed was graceless at its best, he would slump out of bed and lay down on the floor. In the humid summers the wooden floorboards were wonderfully cool, the winters were not as exciting. Today was different, by the time his alarm clock went off in a repeated loop of galling noises, Manouk was already wide awake and up. He had been awake since 4am and couldn't whisk himself back to sleep so the brunette had given up to watching the sky bleed with warm hues as the sun rise from the horizon in the window adjacent to his bed.

                                      He arose from bed around 5am and decided to showers first thing in the morning. Hobbling towards the bathroom he was happy to see the hotel had a western bathroom installed. While he was born in Japan, he lived a decent 2 years of his childhood in America and grew to favour certain household utilities than others, and the showers is just one of them. Maybe it was the anhidrosis that made him uncomfortable with the Japanese baths, heat wasn't so easy to get rid of if you didn't have working sweat glands. After the shower he lingered around for a bit, a towel wrapped around his shoulders to catch the droplets of water from his wet hair as he wiggle his faded and well worn grey jeans. He hesitated a little bit wondering if he should dress for the cold or not, while it was the start of spring, today was supposedly chilly. Manu decided to just layer clothing instead, wearing a cotton black and white shirt and chucking on his honey brown knit cardigan and a thin black snood scarf to top it off. Making sure everything is packed once again in his suitcase, he checked out of the hotel at 6am, in time to hear the periodic morning chimes that echoed around the city.

                                      It was an early start of travel but Manouk was sure that his dawdling will clock up the time. Getting to the Sohmas had been a journey, flying in from Kyushu to Honshu had only taken roughly two hours but he arrived late in the afternoon from a decent train ride, giving him enough time to go exploring a little in the city. It only seem fit if he experienced what his new city of residence is like before a step further into a new home. After a couple of hours, the bachelor was quite pleased with Kimotoro-shi. It was bustling with life and the shops were a brilliant show of colour and attraction.

                                      First thing he did since leaving the hotel was to stop by at the local convenience store and picked up a couple of packs of Harunai Kairo. As soon as he paid for the temporary heat packs, he tore the packaging open and shook a single pack until the chemical reaction from inside the pack started to radiate heat. He rolled the pack in his hand to disperse heat across his palms. The pack was no bigger than his hand and looked like a rectangular beanie bag. Through the white mesh he could see brown crumbs, looking like instant coffee mix inside that cause the pack to feel pleasantly warm to the touch, warm Manu sighed happily as he shove the pack into his cardigan pocket and went off again. It may be spring, but there were the occasion cold days like today, it wouldn't hurt to take a couple with him to the house.

                                      He waved a taxi down and headed off to the Sohmas residences. The ride had been a quiet. Manu had opt to rereading the sheet of paper detailing about the engagement and evening dance. There wasn't much on the invitation about who he is supposedly marrying, there was no name but written in nest cursive was Snake Zodiac, ’Interesting.’ Nook thought as he pulled out a black pen and roughly drew a snake in the middle of his palm as a reminder. The drawing wasn't exactly something to admire over, but the shape was simple enough to jog his memory. On the way to the house, the taxi had passed a park, from the distant it looked like a large patch of pink in a sea of green but up close Manu was able to see individual cherry and peach blossom trees, ”Ooh Mr Taxi driver! Could you let me off here??” Manu called from the backseat, sitting on edge in the leather seat. The driver gave a disgruntled mutter but after Manu insisted on paying the original full amount he left the bachelor to do as he wish and depart from the car.

                                      Feeling giddy, Manu turned on his heels, suitcase behind him in tow and entered through the gates into the park, following the even, winding path deeper into the beautiful flora scenery. It was a ray of different colours, from delicate whites and baby pinks to lush deep pinks. Manu took his time with strolling through the park, admiring the scene of Japan’s bloom. In moments like these that became such a shame that the Sakura flowers have a very brief moment of beauty in the year, he really had to give it to the Sohma’s head for arranging these marriages during spring, the cherry blossoms really did set the mood. ”Absolutely breathtaking.” Manu breathed.

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                                      Oh god this post was a load of NOPE

Timid Gawker

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                                                  It was a strange experience being so far from home for the first time in his life. Feelings of excitement and anxiety clashed together, making him squirm restlessly in his seat the further away he was from the city. He always knew the world was much bigger than his brother's private school and the Masayuki mansion, but the never ending horizon completely amazed him. Fields of green stretched from left to right in the countryside. If only he could hop off the bullet train to roll on the grass, feel it tickling his feet while he breathed in the air free from the city smog. "Masayuki-sama," a deep, husky voice caught his attention.

                                                  The redhead tilt his head to the left to see his companion. He was a rather tall, buff man dressed in a formal suit and he looked old enough to be mistake as his father. However, the man was just one of the family bodyguards who was given the duty to escort Yuzuru to the Sohma residence. There was also another bodyguard sitting closer to the train's aisle, staying vigilant in case there was anyone who dared approached them. "Please put your mask back on. We are close to reaching the station."

                                                  "Hai." He looked down to see a kitsune mask of red and white resting on his lap. It was a simple looking mask made to cover his entire face, except for the eyes, and given to him as a parting gift from the elders of the Masayuki family. It was a silly accessory, but he knew what the mask truly represented. Like the Japanese folklores depicted, kitsunes are known to be harbingers of bad luck, tricksters, and seducers of the innocent. Everything he is not. Still, he had to abide to the rules his family has set for him. That being to keep his mask on at all times during his stay at the Sohmas.

                                                  I wonder what my fiancé would think of this mask, he smiled. Was he going to be like the rest of his family and treat him with a cold indifference? Or believe he is an ordinary person like he really is? After a long sigh, the teen tied the mask to his face, showing only his golden hazel eyes and soft, tousled red hair. To top it off, he was wearing a light blue kimono to complete his I-belong-in-a-festival look. They soon reached Kimotoro Crossing and into the city of Kimotoro. It was early in the morning, yet the city was already bustling with people. He felt a shiver run down his spine, causing him to make a small jump to shake it off. He couldn't tell if he did it because of excitement or that it was merely cold outside.

                                                  Nevertheless, Yuzuru stared at any everything and anything as they walked across the streets. He wanted to absorb the scenery in his mind so that he can ask his fiance for permission to journey out to the city again to visit the places he is curious about. The walk to sunflower path took a long while, but when the party finally made it, the teen couldn't help but feel a bit sad since the fun was almost over. Ready or not, here I come, he walked down the path with his head high and his bodyguards leading the way. After what seemed to be forever, Yuzuru spotted a house peaking out from the trees and shrubbery. Looks like he is almost there... The Sohma residence.

                                                  User ImageOutfit: An omeshi with the Masayuki family crest on the back and a kitsune mask.

                                                  Location: Kimotoro Crossing >> Sunflower Path

                                                  Company: Two bodyguards

                                                  Thoughts: This place looks just like home, but more lonely...

                                                  OOC: First post~

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