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Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

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"Nara...what a pretty name."
He smiled happily. He was glad to have made another friend.

"I bet your hair is naturally that color. I admit...it is nice to meet someone else that shares the same hair color. You don't know how many times I am asked if I dye my hair."
He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"People mistake me for an albino...but the white hair makes me just look paler than I actually am."

Blessed Cleric

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        x x xgetdown→←swayin'to❝myownsound❞

        . derrick cornell

        x x x x x x x xflashes in my face now

        x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xALL xx I xx KNOW xx IS - - - xx EVERYBODY xx l o v e s xx ME !

                          Another pair of eyes fell on him, bringing his attention back to the group- there appeared to be another albino in female form. Perhaps sister to the bookworm? Pretty kimono, he noticed, it matched the pale shades of her skin and hair. Nothing he'd wear, but lovely on her. His colors tended to be more along the lines of, way, gold and red- when he bothered to wear a kimono. His nurse of early years had somehow gotten him into one every summer while she was still alive. The male proved himself to be as much a ditz as Miss Rainbow, bringing him out of his thoughts and back to the scene at hand. This ninja thing was getting quite out of hand. However, he didn't claim not to be an attention-whore. He made absolute certain not to let his face show that he heard them, biting back a grin as his creations evolved into more advanced forms. A voice next to him stole his attention, and he glanced over to her as she talked. "You should probably tell them your name mister ninja. I have a feeling they can go all day with this." And pass up on the fun to be had? Airheads they were, but to be noticed was aphrodisiac, something he sought like a heroin addict for his next fix; certainly his father deprived him of enough of it. As such, his reply was deadpan, loud enough for everyone to hear, but still plainly aimed at the pink-haired girl. "Any ninja worth his snuff never gives away his name to just anyone." He hadn't reached the extent of his abilities with the cards, but people talked to him now; time for them to disappear. The three decks fell neatly to rest, one after another, two in one hand and one in the other. Using a tad more motion than yesterday, he pushed the single deck into his pocket to distract the eye while the other two used that advantage to go unnoticed to their resting places. One was put away- the other two simply disappeared. After the slight pause- merely a moment- he added, "Suppose you could call me Deck, though." Nevermind that it was his street name, and gods only knew who'd heard of him; it was doubtful that this elite-appearing group had heard of him, much less stopped to watch on the streets.

                          The corner of his eye caught movement on the staircase, and though he didn't let his glance rove to the newcomer- or rather, returnee- he noted the flash of white and assumed it was the albino boy returning. Jesus. If they weren't siblings, he was going to have to have a good laugh about the irony of the world- his father had mentioned something on the matter of only ten people being here. One in seventeen thousand humans, approximately, were afflicted with albinism. Here claimed a one in five ratio, add to that the ditz level available and you've got an almost-majority in the way of '******** group of people.' He supposed he should count himself as well, to be fair- that made an even split. So far, Pinky appeared to be normal enough, nevermind the hair. It was reasonable enough, though perhaps when you matched it with the expense of the clothes she wore, an attribute discernible really only by those treated to the luxury of access to such a thing...well, maybe they had a clean majority. What in god's name were they all doing here? Aside from wealth, they shared nothing- although his wasn't blatant- though often that was reason enough to set people together. But really. In his own case, he was still certain his father wanted him out of the eye of both public and peers, not to mingle with them. Which, of course, made this entire situation feel like a scam. If he was here to avoid polite society, why were they crowded around him in all their sarcastic, color-lacking, and overly-boisterous glory? Perhaps it was worse. Maybe his father was out to get him converted to elitist normal by sticking him with these people for an indefinite period of time. Honestly, from the looks of it so far, that wouldn't be happening. Where had his father selected them, were that the case? Called in favors from friends who may or may not have children of equally socially challenged status, though their blunders didn't appear in the morning newspaper? Jesus, this still failed to make sense to him. His father always had a reason, a motive- Derrick intended to find it out sooner or later.

                          For now, though, his attention had to be fastened on the people around him, if he wanted to keep the glory of center stage. The albino male entered his field of vision, speaking quietly to the equally pale girl- it was a level low enough that he couldn't hear, which annoyed him somewhat. Busybody, attention whore, eavesdropper, ruckus-raiser, hellion, insufferable pyromaniac- those were just some of the nicer names he'd had applied to him over the years. He shifted slightly to hide his arm snaking behind him to take a flower from the vase, the stem of which felt like the single daisy he'd spotted in it earlier- no matching flowers to give it away- and it was slipped in his sleeve. The movement moved him closer to the pink-haired woman, and didn't seem odd at all in conjunction with his next move- to brush a swath of hair out of her face, letting him her face better; it was quite pretty, even with the glasses. Actually, the glasses framed her face in a way that complimented her features; pretty. The same noncommittal judgement he'd assigned to the vampirically-featured girl's dress. His hand retracted, daisy slipping into his hand, snapping a single strand of her hair with a tug as he pulled away. Staring down at it in puzzlement, he held the glance just long enough to create credibility that he truly didn't have a clue where it had come from. "Well. I've met many girls with pink hair. I've even met girls with pink hair and flowers embroidered on their hats. Even a few with daisy crowns, at a Mayday festival." His gaze moved up to match her blue one. "However, I can honestly say that you're the first pink-maned girl who also grows daisies from her head I've ever met." He gave a small laugh of astonishment, then offered the flower back to her. "Is there a name you'd prefer to have used, Miss Daisy?" There. He'd proved himself capable of interacting and speaking; perhaps more people would have the tenacity to approach him as well.

                          Even as he spoke, though, his attention spent itself partially on watching the pair of china dolls in back. Their interaction had begun with words, progressed to help in the fixation of a flower in her hair. From there, a blush showed itself plainly across her cheeks, pink easily visible on the pale cheeks. Hmm. Close interaction caused embarrassment; merely unrelated parties or possibilities of incestuous relations? Personally, he like the second option much better, less mundane. He'd keep his eyes and ears open so far as that end of things went.

                      || ogling our croutons :: gratz, symphonic- i considered doing that but toned it down due to a decision to stay at everyone else's level. guess i can do longer posts now, though, thanks. not too much, but some. ||

Toxic Treasure

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(( When do we find out who we are to marry o.O ))

Ruthless Cat

(( *shrug* I think it's just people can fall in love with whoever and then they get married. lol *goes back to working on post* ;;; ))

Toxic Treasure

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Just your average ginger
(( *shrug* I think it's just people can fall in love with whoever and then they get married. lol *goes back to working on post* ;;; ))

(( Strange...I thought this was all about "arranged" marriages...))

Ruthless Cat

(( Well yeah, they were sent to the mansion by their parents with the intention of them getting married. ;;; ))

Toxic Treasure

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((Hm...oh well...-waits for ginger to post- ))

Toxic Treasure

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(( Love always finds a way ))

Blessed Cleric

|| ogling our croutons :: haha, no worries muse. deck'll love anyone who pays him enough attention. and so far, merry's aaaalll good on that count. ||

Magnetic Humorist

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║▌│█║▌│║║█║▌│█║▌║║▌│█║▌│║║│█║▌║║▌▌▌║║█ aemi HID EYOSHI

a l l w o r k a n d n o p l a y

                                    Ah, so the man speaks. Lips twitched down into a frown, she liked him better silent. Was everyone going to encourage this ninja thing? At the very least Nara had a tick of sensibility in her-- the same could not be said for herself no matter that her little slip happened to be accidental. Tightening her posture she folded her arms across her chest inclining her head so her spectacles slid lower down the bridge of her nose. Deck he called himself. Aemi's eyes narrowed, that could not be his name. None named their children Deck. If she remembered correctly the English definition for deck was a number of things: a porch, something to put lawn furniture on or a part of a ship, or a full set of cards. It was not a proper name, just another nickname. This little thing set off one of the girl's pet peeves. Did none use their god given names anymore? Even when she was still in school she remembered her classmates tried to give her one of those ridiculous names. What was it... Megane-chan? No it was more horrendous, what was it... Blue-tan. Yes, that was what they tried to call her. The simple reason being that her eyes were blue and that they knew no other English words, for the suffix she had no logical excuse. They probably thought it was cute, they must have thought themselves so clever for thinking up something so original. Maybe if her school mates spent some time actually studying the language to some degree of fluency she would not hate having an alias so much. Aemi could not brush off the prickle of annoyance through her spine at the memory.

                                    The girl decided to turn away from Deck and allow her attention to be swallowed up by staring off into space. What she ended up staring at ended up being a cowlick of Merry's hair, defying gravity like the girl defied normalcy. Engrossed in her daydreaming of returning to her room to lose herself in a world of words she did not notice the darkly dressed man move. Not until he brushed a her bangs from her face, a concentrated p***k of pain felt when she felt a strand of her hair plucked. Her hands tightened around her frame to stop her from acting on instinct. An instinct which told her to reach for the for a weapon and swat the man across the head. The closest thing would have been a broom that was leaning innocently by the staircase. Startled spark extinguished, blue orbs rounded to the man she was successfully ignoring until a moment ago. 'What the hell is he up to?' she thought suspicious as she met his puzzled expression which served to further confuse her.

                                    What daisy is he talking about, daisys don't grow on peoples... W-where did that come from?! A flicker of astonishment went through her features drawing her eyebrows up. She was even fooled enough to reach to the crown of her head to see if there were more. Aemi instantly felt silly for actually checking the moment her hand twitched upwards. Okay, she had no inkling of how he managed to get that daisy in her hair in the first place but that was impressive. That stern expression was back when she plucked the proffered flower from his fingertips and twirled it considering his question, gazes locked. A small smile and a scoff. Miss Daisy, random and irk-worthy but not nearly at the level of Blue-tan. Miss Daisy does not share her name with strangers. Or at least not with people she isn't properly acquainted with Deck,” she responded cattily stressing his name but pronouncing with without adding an extra 'u' syllable.

                                    (( ooc: ackk sorry for the late post. Been distracted.I'm sure all our characters will pair up somehow XD it'll be interesting to see where this goes ))

i f e e l: ...f i n d m e: 1st floor

nouveaux RICHE║▌│█║▌│║║█║▌│█║▌║║▌│█║▌│║║│█║▌║║▌▌▌║║█║║

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Ʀƴʋʋ____ "Ʀʋ"____ Ħαʃεɠαωα

"Any ninja worth his snuff never gives away his name to just anyone."

Ru could barely suppress a laugh. First impression: he liked this guy. Another guy with a sense of humor. That was the main thing Ru looked for in a friend, he couldn't stand anybody too serious. Serious was boring, and Ru just wanted to have fun and take advantage of living in a castle, serious was the absolute last thing he wanted to be. In fact, he was getting quite bored with all the serious people who seemed to surround him. Pinky here seemed completely annoyed with the whole ninja joke, the two snow bunnies were content with their sweet, casual flirting or whatever. It seemed like the only people who seemed to see life as a time to party and have fun was Merry, who probably didn't have a serious bone in her, and Card Trick boy, but he had only just spoken up.

Ru could nearly feel the annoyance radiating off of Pinky as Card Trick introduced himself as "Deck." He didn't get why she got so upset, he thought it was funny, but then again he didn't really understand the girl - she brought two full cases of books! So far this Deck guy was getting better in his book.

He was slightly taken aback when Deck suddenly pulled a flower from Aemi's hair. What the hell? He didn't know where that flower came from, but apparently Card Trick was an aspiring Magician? Ru didn't know, but he hoped that the kid didn't start pulling animals out of a hat - Ru was allergic to most of them.

With the two snow bunnies pairing off, and Mr. Magic and Pink pairing off, Ru looked to Merry. "Looks like it's you and me, girlie," he said with a laugh.


Ruthless Cat

(( Why did I find it so adorable when Ru referred to Riku and Nara as 'snow bunnies'? xDD ))


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"I see what you mean." Nara responded, smiling lightly as Riku spoke. She wondered what kind of life he had. Was he like her and stayed indoor most of his life? Or did he travel and explore? She decided to ask questions like these once she got to know him better. She also wondered why she herself seemed so interested in him. I guess it's becuase he's the first to not insult my hair...let alone compliment it. I guess I shall figure it out later...

She looked away from Riku for a moment to see what the others were up to. The man who called himself Deck had pulled a flower from the pink-haired girl's hair from out of no where. She giggled lightly, finding the whole scene rather amusing. The pink-haired girl obviously thought otherwise however. She turned back to Riku, smiling at him again.

Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

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Riku watched Nara turn and look at what was going on around them. He looked at what was going on as well. Soon he found that he had no idea what had happened. There were magic tricks going on people seemed to be in pairs now.

He still wondered who he was to marry.

He felt Nara's eyes on him and he looked at her. He saw her gentle smile and smiled himself.
"I know Merry said something about exploring this place. It seems like we will never do that at this rate. If you are up for some exploring...I would love to have some company."

Did he like her? Sure. But in a friendly way as of now. He made it a habit not to rush into things. After all...she may be spoken for or he may be to wed another woman here. He just wanted to get to know her.

Now he had two friends...Merry and Nara. He decided that when the time was right he would make friends with the other two men and the pink haired woman.

(( Snow bunnies?! D; Lol ))

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