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Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

Riku turned on the water and washed his face using a wash cloth dipped in the cold water. It felt nice against his skin. It was now that he realized he was tired. It hadn't occurred to him that he had been tired out during the trip.

He had told Merry that he would go with her and the others, but he felt there would be plenty of time to explore either with or without them. It wasn't like he had promised to go and she would understand him being tired.

So he headed to his bed and flipped the lights off. Maybe he would wake up in a few hours and join up with them. Or maybe he would wake to find that it was morning. He was unsure what would happen. But he knew that for now he was going to rest.

So he laid in bed and no sooner had his head hit the pillow, he was asleep. He dreamed of what kind of people he would meet here.

((Sorry but I have to get some sleep. I have to work in the Morning. But never fear...I will post in the morning before I head out and probably sneak on while I am at work. Bwhaha. And I didn't want to keep you guys from exploring or whatever, so I chose to end it that way. That's how I usually roll. I hate to leave people hanging. But anyway...long story short...I love this RP and you guys are cool. I will see you in the morning. Night!))

Blessed Cleric

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        x x xgetdown→←swayin'to❝myownsound❞

        . derrick cornell

        x x x x x x x xflashes in my face now

        x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xALL xx I xx KNOW xx IS - - - xx EVERYBODY xx l o v e s xx ME !

              Antisocial bunch, weren't they? Towards him, anyhow. The rainbow girl- quite the ditz, she was- ran off to smile inexplicably at the male who had just come downstairs, taking a book with her (when did she get enough focus to read, for god's sake?), the albino male wandered up the stairs again, and summarily, nobody paid him any attention. Was he annoyed? A little, he supposed. But then, he hadn't done anything but stand there. He couldn't very well expect everyone to gravitate towards the sloppily dressed newcomer, could he? Even if it did normally happen when he was out. That aside, he supposed that since he didn't particularly feel like secluding himself in his room with nothing to do, he should move on to the flashier drills.

              No sooner had he decided, he heard the blonde mention him- card trick, that was a new name- in terms of exploring. And then 'ninja.' Easily amused much, was she? Hmmm. He didn't really see the point, but if he got invited- why the hell not. Didn't have anything better to do, and the little town he'd come through on the way here was miles away, there was no point going all the way there just to wreak some havoc for the night. Especially when there was the possibility of doing the same here. There were certainly enough people for a good reaction, anyhow. Despite his being noticed, though, he stuck to his earlier decision. First shuffling the deck back into order, he then slipped the invisible string hidden up his sleeve through the hole through all the cards in the deck without a hitch in movement, then tossed them into the air. Fifty-two card pickup. He held the time record for that particular game; they arced neatly into his other hand.

              He did the simple arc a few more times, then relaxed some. This was an activity he was addicted too, illusions and sleight-of-hand, as natural as breathing after months of working tirelessly to learn the craft. He moved on to circles, figure eights, various geometric shapes, the scrawling of letters and short words in the air- cursive- and anything else he could think of to twist the deck into. He vaguely wondered if he could create the illusion of juggling three decks...he'd have to try sometime.

              At some point, he forgot to pay attention to the others. Jesus, this was as good as watching a building burn down- although with out the extra benefit of avoiding the police afterwards. He started doing the activity for his own amusement, pausing to add two more decks and making more complex shapes in the air. Happy face, hourglass with sand draining, but nothing new- even while ignoring the others, he never practiced in a public place. Only things he was sure he could do properly formed themselves in thin air for fleeting instants as cards made trails in the air.

          || ogling our croutons :: -.- ||

Ruthless Cat


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Nara entered her room, seeing that her things were already organized. She ran her pale fingers along the edge of the dresser drawer. She looked in her mirror which hung on the wall, looking at her pale, thin figure. Along with the silver hair she despised so much... She never dyed it though, since the dye would eventually fade anyways.

She smoothed out her black and blue kimono, and put her parasol away, since she did not intend to go outside today. She sighed and decided to join the others. She exited her room and approached the group, staying in the back so that she wasn't noticed. She glanced at the punk again, who was doing more card tricks. An interesting skill... She thought, still watching him.

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Ʀƴʋʋ____ "Ʀʋ"____ Ħαʃεɠαωα

Ru couldn't help but laugh with the girl and all her silly antics. "I'm pretty sure anyone's jaw would hurt if they smiled that wide," he laughed as she pinched her cheecks. This girl might be totally random and oblivious to things, but she was so far proving to be a fun person to talk with. She didn't seem to have any problems, and Ru liked that because he didn't like hearing or dealing with other's problems.


He nearly jumped, not expecting the sudden shout. As she bantered on about the guy being a ninja and then about some book - he didn't like books... they made him look dumb. But with all of her random talk Ru couldn't help but play along. "You know, Merry, he might just be a ninja. Look! Look! He's doing some cool things with those cards... I bet only highly skilled ninjas can do that. Let's go ask him," he said, amused.

He saw Nara in the corner, standing somewhat in the back of the group. "Hey, Nara, you think he's a ninja too?" he said a laugh. Turning towards Super Cardtrick Boy he called out, "Hey, we were wondering... but, uhh, are you a ninja?"


Magnetic Humorist

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║▌│█║▌│║║█║▌│█║▌║║▌│█║▌│║║│█║▌║║▌▌▌║║█ aemi HID EYOSHI

a l l w o r k a n d n o p l a y

                                    That was a relief, it was good to know Merry had not inadvertently robbed some poor soul.
                                    The girl folded her arms as her lips turning up in amusement. If the girl with the multi-colored hair seemed odd before Ru managed to tease it out to to new levels of silliness. How their brains worked was beyond her. All the while said guy seemed to be in his own world doing card trick upon card trick. Aemi watched with interest, she had always wanted to try that. In fact she had tried, not that she would ever tell anyone she had, ashamed of any failure. She had never been skillful in card tricks, always lacking in the dexterity and coordination necessary for them. Aemi snapped out of her short trance to find that Ru was trying to get the petite white haired princess in on the game of "let's guess what the new guy is".

                                    Blue eyes rolled heavenwards. “You should probably tell them your name mister ninja,” she suggested. “I have a feeling they can go all day with this” . Wait. Had she said mister ninja? Aemi practically face palmed, their antics were contagious. Hurrah...

                                    (( minor edit ))

i f e e l: maybe just a little amused...f i n d m e: 1st floor

nouveaux RICHE║▌│█║▌│║║█║▌│█║▌║║▌│█║▌│║║│█║▌║║▌▌▌║║█║║

Ruthless Cat


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Nara raised an eyebrow at Ru's odd question. "Of course I don't..." She said in a blunt tone. She was probably a bit of a buzz-kill...but the ninja-guessing-game must've been irritating the card-trickster surely. She would've been annoyed as well, since they seemed to be talking about him like he wasn't even there.

She heard the pink-haired girl speak to the card-man, saying that he should tell them his name. She suppressed a giggle when she called him 'Mister Ninja' since she thought that sounded a little silly.

Dapper Conversationalist

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                        ▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

                  __Darling ,
                  __a sensitive soul is just
                  __a tyrant who enslaves
                  __all those around him ,

                        "TO MAKE CERTAIN HE IS HURT, ALWAYS."


                              Saram's ears burned with the noise, the horrifically deafening noise that was life, the sounds crashing together. Like an awful tidal wave that brought sudden consciousness to his once still, possibly breathless body. Partially dry blood clotted his impeccable, pale skin. Grains of rough sand clung to his cheek which was placed firmly into the sand covered stone of the near abandoned streets. His senses slowly returning, the youth was struck by a crippling pain that shot up his right leg, spreading up his lower back and spine to contract around his ribcage. Having barely moved, save for attempting to hold himself up, the sapphire hues of the male grit his teeth in silent agony, torturing himself with a fierce will that told his body to move. Move! To flee from this place! His sense of smell was next to come, still blinded by the concussion that rung in his ears like a foully melodic bell chime. The scent was sickening. Burning flesh, a heavy smell that twist his stomach painfully. He'd have gagged and possibly vomited if he had not already done so before passing out possibly an hour or so ago. A tear of pain and fear brimmed in his eye, battered back by the urgency of the situation as he managed to prop himself up with what he thought to be a quarterstaff of sorts. Its cool, smooth wood easing the boy up onto his legs to stand, slightly hunched as to not displace too much weight on his possibly broken leg and shattered ribs that stung from the effort of hoisting himself upright. His heart bet tenfold as the darkness seeped away to reveal blurred and contorted images of the carnage spewed around him. Dull gray armour, charred black, flesh peeled away to reveal equally vile looking bones. The rest of what lay around his resting place bellow the burning sun of the desert city was too much for him to take in as it would cost him his sanity. Torsos were slashed open and bled thick sanguine pools; metal was broken and splintered like wood and the sand itself had turned to contorted and twisted glass figures that dotted against the walls of the semi-sizeable street that was deserted. Screams of women and fleeing children could be heard in the distance. Obviously, he had not been unconscious for too long, even in such a daze and horrific state, he could still make out the sun. The blinding orb of light in the skies had barely moved, if at all, suggesting he'd been passed out for no more than ten or so minutes. Sun burn, reeking of burning flesh and bloodied, the boy moved off as quickly as his hobbling pace could carry him. Agony bit at him like a restless hound with each and every step, making the journey rather arduous, like a dream that threatened to be all too real. His subconscious was slipping back towards slumber, but his will and determination fought long and hard to keep him working to leave the scene of the awful crime. The seven bodies were left behind to be scavenged upon by rat or bird which may feast upon the deceased.

                              It took possibly and hour for the small, cloak covered figure to make his way to a rather decrepit looking building. His short reserves of energy almost depleted as he pushed inward on the loose, wooden door, scratched with a symbol for damnation, or so he had been told. The sign was littered across the street. The mark of the more hostile, unforgiving and ruthless guards that chose to make the lives of the residents of the homes a living hell. This was not his home, nor anyone else's as it had long since been abandoned. It was in the slums of the city, foul air and a mixture of blistering heat and stagnant streets made this a place most if not all avoided. An empty slum... It was unheard of. But it was not truly void of life. The Rebel's as they were called took up residence in many of the abandoned homes, all linked through a sequence of vast tunnels barely wide enough to pass abreast to someone of a larger build. They wound up in a larger, inner chamber that was unknown to many of the dwellers of the slums or inner city. Luckily, Saram was aware of their existence, but unfortunately, the rebels were not known for being very friendly towards company in any given form. Staggering into the building, he closed the door behind him and collapsed upon the floor, his life ebbing away. A warmth slowly ebbed unto his exhausted body. The dirt from the floor clinging to his clothes as a dampness swathed upon them. It was his blood, spilling from the open wound on his leg and chest. The long cut spread from just bellow his right breast to his knee further down. The shard of metal responsible was still lodged into the -soon to be fatal- wound, its melted tip told the tale of its origin. Unable to muster a cry or call for help, due to the extent of his exhaustion and the burns he had suffered within his throat by his own fault, Saram lay lifeless on the cool stone floor, his consciousness fading quickly as the noise of bricks being slowly displaced reached his ear. Eyes flickering open to peer through strands of ghostly white hair, he stared out at the softened image of a trio encircled above him. His slow, weak breaking dulled out their voices.
                              "Oi oi, its that dead kid! Fae the street!" One said in a dull tone, his harsh accent hiding the sound of amazement from being too apparent. He was the one leaning over him the most at this point, the awful stench of alcohol spilling from his grimy mouth.
                              "Ah can bloody well see that y'moron! Y'tryin' ta say that ah canny tell who that 'un is? Y'blighter, out me way!" The next one wasn't any cleared, the sound of inebriation ringing in what he presumed to be the voice of a very gruff sounding woman who had aggressively shoved the man out of his sight to loom over him even more, but hovered behind someone else who had not spoken. The other figure did not speak, instead, she crouched to his side and slowly stripped away his cloak to show the tattered and burnt under clothes, soaked in blood and caked in dirt, sand and shale. What he presumed to be the head of the one closest to him turned to the other two, who nodded in response and proceeded to retreat. A moment passed before the figure moved closer to him. Brilliant blond hair, earthy skin and green eyes gaze at him with a focus unlike any other he had seen. Soft features suggest the maiden was no older than he himself, but he could not be sure due to his fading consciousness.
                              "Hang in there... You'll be a spectacular asset to our cause if you will but survive... Your story does not end here, foreign one." After than, Saram was gone. Swallowed by darkness, consumed by it even, lost without the light. No sound reached him, no scent, no sensation of anything in life. Only the cool chill of death clutched him, coiling around his legs, spreading to grasp his throat and constricting--


                              A hasty intake of breath dragged Saram from his... Colourful, dreams. The novel he'd been so eager to read was now resting on his lap, having once been held firmly in his hands before the comatose whisked him away to the land of nod. Somewhat relieved that his dreams were over, the young man adjusted himself slightly, wriggling his back to help him sit up a little more against the smooth, dark and well polished wood of the ebony seat he sat in during his little nap. His spine ached a little due to the angled he'd fallen asleep at, but a little back pain wasn't anything that couldn't be solved with a little stroll before he saw to his daily routine. But for now, Wanderlust was in no mood to be wandering through the streets, hunting out customers or bargains. He was happy to just sit quietly and allow his deep blue eyes to soak in his dimly lit surroundings. The few candles perched around the rather modestly sized room had began to flicker out, reduced to nothing more than waxy stumps in their holsters. The black iron of the intricate candle holsters cast a heavy, elongated shadow across the room, the low intensity of light provided by the small flames did little to highlight the countless papers thrown around the living space. Most of the papers were littered on the floor, hiding its thick red carpet. All of which had hastily scrawled notes in his effeminate handwriting, near perfect copies of the original documents he'd cloned to serve as personal aids regarding previous work and hunting missions. A large amount of them were around the large desk by which he now sat before. Its sleek wood grain seemingly danced in tune with the pale, wavering flames provided by the dwindling candles. His lush and deep sapphire eyes, shadowed by his murky and lustrous blue tinted locks that fell over his façade in messy tangles, like a cascading shadow over a pond fit from drowning. The hair trailed behind him in a tidy little bunch, and it was maintained so well, despite him showing no real interest in keeping his hair as immaculate as it was. Well, he would spend a few minutes every morning brushing his locks and tidying it with a quick brush with his hands.

                              A pale, winter white hand glided through his hair, coiling a few delicate strands around his finger playfully as Saram wandered aimlessly in his room. His lightly placed feet avoiding the scraps of parchment as his gaze investigated the writing studiously. They were reconstructed medical files and a few updates on the advances of the location of some of his old targets and the information about the rises regarding the number of Seer's being located, as well as a particularly uninteresting requisition from a man requesting a meeting in a few days time. Something about hunting down some people for him... For a moment, Saram, froze in place to examine the document a little more from his birds eye view, taking note of the time and date as required of him. Then he was off once more, his comfortable jacket fit snugly over his shoulders and his flamboyant under-shirt was sealed away beneath the leather jacket as he zipped it to its full potential, fingering the soft furs beside his neck with his free hand before sealing the buckle around his throat. Stretching his hands above his head, the sleeves of his ensemble tumbling down gently over his arms before they were seal in place, the man let out a pleasing yawn as his fatigue slipped away with every well placed step. Sliding open the door of his living quarters in the Motel known to the locals as 'Lucky's', the man slipped into the corridor quietly, his pleasant smile magnified by his spirited and energetic gaze. He'd decided that today was one for doing something worth while for his cause, and no doubt Saram had some motive to start actually doing something... Such as gathering a little more distance between himself and his family. Saram was certainly a peculiar specimen, for a boy of such a wealthy upbringing at least. Soft and tame, effeminate even. Yet he held a certain stern and powerful presence that commanded co-operation, no doubt from years of festering away in this world and his socially superior origins that gave way to the instinct to command. But this early in the morning, his duties were not a necessity to him, despite the nagging itch at the back of his mind that urged him to head straight into his sanctuary. But first, he would have to get to said sanctuary. It had such an aromatic name, and the drinks were amazing as well. The company wasn't half bad either.

                              Descending the narrow stair way after over looking the already bustling Motel's main floor, tables already full of drink and food, the chatter was rather excessive, but it was dulled by his attentive search for a quick path towards the exit. The 'continental breakfast buffet' was never anything that even remotely interested him, in any way, shape, or form for that matter. The scent of the greasy eggs and meats as well as the crisp aroma of burnt bread did nothing for his appetite, save for dismiss it. How anything, human or otherwise, could gorge themselves on such filth was beyond him. His mind could find no suitable excuse for the excessive eaters in the room below. This was supposed to be Japan! So what was with all the grease-sodden, Americanised meals? Where was the fresh fish? The rice and other organic exports? Evidently, this was a rather popular 'breakfast experience'. Shaking his head in dismay the man descended the staircase and wove through the crowd, careful to avoid making contact with the other residents of the building. He'd never spoken to them before, they showed no interest in him and he was exceedingly grateful that he did not have to tolerate their prying questions about... Whatever these people asked one another, he'd never cared enough to actually listen.

                              Stepping out into the fresh air, Saram began the rather uneventful journey to the Coffee-house in which he would frequent. The walk was short and uneventful, but then again it was only around the corner from his apartment. His athletic feats were rather impressive, amazing, impossible even by human standards, however there was little chance of him actually showing them off, seeing as he had so little to walk each day. He could easily clear a gap in a building whilst fleeing pursuers, that would be something that'd give him bragging rights. If he were interested in such things or actually got caught whilst snooping around. His small smile had slipped away as he though back to the book he'd been reading. No doubt, the author was using a Pen-name, like many others, he wished to remain anonymous and devote his time to writing, not having to deal with pests questioning him about his up and coming releases. It'd gotten him thinking. He'd always been interested in the literature of this world, to some degree or another, so why wouldn't be be able to write a novel? Document his existence and this ongoing war against the tyrannous woman he called his mother and make it seem as though it were a fantasy about fictional factions waging war in another world? But there was little chance it would sell. The main reason being that he simply would not care enough to finish said hypothetical literary marvel, he had more pressing matters to attend to, such as escaping the restraints his mother set for him firstly.

                              These thoughts had managed to keep the Misfit amused for long enough. He'd turned the corner some time ago and had been wandering blissfully down the crowded streets, ducking out of the way of pedestrians before his cellular phone began blaring. The heavy mix of the rock anthem cut through the noise of the crowd. Saram in turn received a large quantity of off looks from the pedestrians as they wandered by him. Flipping out his cellular phone quickly as to silence it, he placed the device to his ear, not having checked the caller ID. This would prove to be a great error on his end. No sooner had he muttered the words 'hello' had his mother began yelling and scream down the phone to him. It was obvious now that she had become aware that he had no intention of returning home for quite some time. Only two days before, he'd left the family home without a word to anyone, save for little Jean-Louise, just so she wouldn't worry about him. But evidentially, she'd spilled the beans, again. It wasn't uncommon that Saram would opt out of family life for a while and retreat to one of the many establishments in the city where he could live in peace. Having been caught out, he had no other option but to return home, within the hour. Silently, he listened to his mothers ramblings, somewhat embarrassed by her choice of words here and there, sometimes she could be incredibly uncouth when she was mad. Sighing to himself, he turned on his heels and fled back into his abode, ready to pack up and return home for a while.

Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

Riku suddenly awoke. He hadn't been asleep for long, but he felt recharged somehow. He got up and fixed his hair, while checking the clock. He had probably been asleep for ten minutes. With that fact he shrugged and decided to go downstairs. That was when he heard something about a Ninja. He figured they were talking about the newcomer.

He heard people talking and decided to follow the voices. That was when he saw that everyone was where they had been downstairs earlier. Except now there was a white haired girl. He also recognized the pink haired woman, Merry, and the two men from before.

He approached them, hoping they were still going to explore.

((Holy crap Error... @.@ ))

Ruthless Cat

(( *sees Error's post* Holy- O A O))


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Nara sighed at Merry's hyperness, did she honestly think that man was a ninja? She then saw the silver-haired boy approaching them. Was he going to accompany them for this little escapade? She gave the man a small smile, just to be polite. She fixed the flower hair clip in her hair since it was coming loose. Blasted thing... She thought to herself.

Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

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Riku looked at all the people silently. This was his way of getting to know people. Not much was going on or was being said. Again his sight drifted to the woman with white hair. He had yet to meet her and now seemed like a good time.

Riku walked next to the woman who was messing with the flower clip. It seemed to be falling out and she was having issues with it.

"Here...let me help you."
Riku slowly reached over and attempted to fix the flower clip for her, a soft smile on his face.

"It shows off that pretty white hair very well."
It not not bug him that she appeared to be pale or that her hair was white. After all...his hair was white as well.

Ruthless Cat


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"Oh-" Nara uttered in surprise when the white-haired man helped her with the hair clip. She then felt a small blush creep onto her cheeks when he complimented her hair. "Ah....thank you." She said shyly, her soft tone going a little more quiet. No one has complimented my hair color before...

Toxic Treasure

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Riku Tanaka

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"Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Riku."
Riku noticed the blush forming on her cheeks. He had not meant to embarrass or surprise her.

"What might your name be?"

He asked softly.

Ruthless Cat


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Nara's blush faded after a moment. "Nice to meet you, Riku, I'm Nara..." She said softly. She was still wondering if his hair color was it's natural, color...like her's. She decided to ask later, so it didn't seem like a random question out of no where.

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