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Favorite Character Poll Round 10!

Lucien Balthazar Mchale - Vicious hunter of humans and dragons. 0.27272727272727 27.3% [ 3 ]
Vasul Calim Shahrad - Crown Prince of Shahrazad and righteous eagle among a flock of vultures. 0.090909090909091 9.1% [ 1 ]
Lorelei 'Ellie' Katerini - Knight Errant and Defender of Justice who will kick your butt! 0.18181818181818 18.2% [ 2 ]
Inyri Ven - Sharp-minded beauty and budding lady of wares. 0.18181818181818 18.2% [ 2 ]
Eriol Epheis - Mysterious man with an eye for the prize. 0.27272727272727 27.3% [ 3 ]
Total Votes:[ 11 ]
This poll closed on November 27, 2014.
No longer accepting new votes.
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Sparkly Scamp


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artwork by Rain, from Midnight Inks Illustrationsxxx

Kemun Eldstra

                After scrutinizing the door for a time, she decided to set aside her desire to escape and instead tried to gather her thoughts. Only moments before, in her frantic desperation, setting fire to the tavern itself was a tantalizing idea, but she had quickly realized how ridiculously foolish that was. This wasn’t Belorner, and she knew she would only succeed in killing them all in the blaze. Imprisonment wasn’t something she was accustomed to, and she was beginning to dislike it very much. Rather than dwelling on the situation, she drew in the fear that was plainly displayed on her face. Striving to remain calm, Kemun sought out a chair.

                It seemed there was nothing she could do to get them out of their predicament. She could, however, find something to pass the time, but knew that comfort would prove to be elusive. Frankly, the other travelers unnerved her. It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and even those not connected to the caravan had received the same unkind treatment. It wasn’t difficult to imagine that some of them might be disgruntled. As the merchant took a seat near her companions, she hoped someone among them had conjured up some sort of plan.

                Growing impatient, she listened closely to the goings-on in the tavern, making an attempt to pick out a thread of news from the noise and disquiet. Eventually, Kemun’s mind drifted from the present. Her hands rested on the table, and naturally she wondered what breed of tree it was crafted from. Her brother-in-law Tomk was a carpenter, she assumed he would certainly know just by sight and touch. He knew many things, but she felt she still knew so little. Someone like him was better suited for a merchant’s life.

                There was a knot in the aging woodwork’s surface, and she absentmindedly traced its outline with her fingers. The commotion unfolding between the barmaid and a fellow who was persistent in his pursuit of ale drew her attention. A steady stream of the stuff flowed from one of the kegs of drink, and as the puddle began to spread, she drew her legs beneath her to avoid it. “Are taverns often this rowdy?” Then she gestured to the man lying motionless on the floor. “He’s not dead, is he?” Concerned, Kemun fell silent as Jon’s friend went to tend to him. Holding her breath, she watched with curiosity as the woman ran her hands searchingly through his hair.

                When Velius returned from consulting with the tavernmaster, her surprise was unconcealed when he gave her the task of finding their rooms. “Me?” she said aloud, cradling the keys in her hands like hot coals. There was a questioning note that rang clear in her voice, and it was evident she was wondering why the responsibility was hers. Though she was reluctant, she gave a sigh and nodded in compliance. Rising to her feet, she motioned for the others to follow. As she ascended the staircase, there was an amount of caution in her step. Kemun abided by the directions given to her, and she hesitated when she located their lodgings.

                She fumbled with the keys briefly before managing to unlock the door, and then she gingerly pushed it ajar to peek inside, as if she suspected some assailant was waiting for them. After a moment or two, Kemun decided she was satisfied with what she saw, and she promptly nudged the door open with her foot. “I’ve never slept in a tavern before,” she admitted sheepishly as she stepped inside, depositing the keys on a bedside stand. “How spacious this is!” she remarked with amazement, arms spread, admiring the fact that she had enough room to do so. Spending nights in her wagon was routine, and she often forgot how cramped that was.

Eloquent Streaker

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Willa Odette Wilafax

"I am not fat!"
" Oh that?.......is just....a...watermelon I stole..."

Willa’s eyes bugged s the leader addressed here and suggested that she go over and attempt to help the woman. “Me? " She said blinking at the dark haired man incredulously. What could she do for the woman? She felt silly and blushed. “ Ummm....Well....” But the man was already gone. She quickly scurried after him. She looked at the gray haired man that had joined them in the tavern and gave him a quick nod in greet. She still felt nervous and incredibly awkward.

She followed the group as they moved with their leader to rooms he had arranged for them. The smell in the tavern was making her worse and worse. She hung back for a moment and took a deep breath before following, pale and slightly green. Willa struggled to catch up, and incidently bumped into the gray haired man just as he was asking the name of their leader. Good, she thought listening closely. She would make sure not to forget again. Willa followed the the group and hugged herself. Gosh she felt sick. “Sorry. “ She whispered in a delayed reaction to the the merchant who she had bumped. Willa then gave a weak smile to the woman with the keys. “ Me neither...” Willa followed her slowly into the room. She looked around and smiled. It was a nice room.

Suddenly the cramping in her stomach returned. She turned and looked around and spotted a bucket. She looked at the others and went to the bucket, unable to hold it back any longer. She whimpered and proceeded to vomit into the bucket. The nausea didn’t pass with it. She groaned and took a deep breath as she sat next to the bucket. It was that darned smell. She grumbled under her breath.

"You put that hand on my belly.....you are not getting it back."

Eloquent Streaker

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════════════════════════ Dr. Whitnee Rasset ═════════════════════════

Whitnee sighed when the nobody in particular he had questioned remained silent. He supposed he would have to be more direct. He ran a hand through his dark hair and stood from his seat at the tavern table. His eyes roamed and for a moment rested on the deranged pregnant woman that he had encountered before. Perhaps he could use familiarity as a crutch and see if she knew what was going on. He stood to go over to her but was slightly distracted by an inebriated man causing a scene in the tavern. Oh Boy... Whitnee thought. He turned and grabbed the leather doctor’s bag that he had managed to grab before being herded into the tavern. Whitnee was nearly halfway there when he noticed a young woman with long dark hair had reached the man before him and seemed to be giving him some sort of aid.

Whitnee watched curiously as the woman bent down and held the man’s head. Whitnee winced at the sight of blood and turned and reached into his medical bag. This was not a good sign. Whitnee hoped that he had enough bandages. When he looked up, the bleeding appeared to have stopped. He blinked and reached back into his bag and handed a towel to the young woman. “ For your hands.” He said gently. She had to have used magic. Whitnee wasn’t going to question it. He had always wondered if the ability to heal with magic was something that could be learned. For a moment he thought about asking. Instead he just said, “Nice work.” He stood up and looked around again for the pregnant woman.

The group appeared to be moving. Hmm. To follow or not to follow? The latter seemed to render less results. He grabbed his bag and followed the group at a distance toward the rooms. If this group was willing to get so comfortable, they must know what was going on. When the group stopped Whitnee poked his head into the door of their room. “ Um excuse me....I am looking for...” He spotted the pregnant woman on the ground heaving into a bucket. “ Ah. There she is. “ he said entering the room and going to kneel by her. He sighed and shook his head. “ The tavern have a smell that didn’t agree with you, huh? “ he said before digging into his bag. “ I thought that you looked a little green. “ Whitnee skillfully pulled out a selection of dried herbs and a mortar and began to grind them. “ Is there a kettle for hot water in here? “ Whitnee said looking around to the others of the group.

gum disease's Husbando

Dangerous Glitch

      Ѵeȴɩus Kɩɾʈɑ
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      Even though he had suggested for someone else to do the job, in the end Velius was the one to reach for Aria's arm and pull her along after his keybearer and the rest of the group. As he led the way, his gaze was drawn to each of the others headed for the room ahead of him. It wasn't clear to the noble what the seer might have done to make people forget about her disability and neglect her so easily. Or maybe the onus was on the others, not the veterans of the caravan in particular as they were each preoccupied with the tasks he'd assigned, but more specifically the newcomers, who merely sought passage onto the caravan and couldn't care less about the other's safety. Caden would not stand for such self-absorption, but Velius was indifferent. His own motive for taking Aria along was for his own self-interests and ultimate goals, and of course the chance of learning what she had seen. Aria was important only to the cause.

      "I think it's probably clear at this point that we're not staying here for long. Everyone should rest up while there's still the chance," he said airily in reply to the pale merchant's enthusiasm when they arrived. Willa was already on it, making a beeline to relieve herself of her sickness. His smile turned bitter as he looked away from her. Never did he dream he'd meet someone who would show greater adversity to heady atmospheres, but then again, the woman was pregnant. All things considered, she was probably better off rooted to one place, and Velius mused upon whether his interest in her water abilities would outweigh his fiendish desire to leave her to the elements, just as he had threatened to do to Aria so many times over already. He moved not a muscle to help Willa, even at the doctor's prompt, perfectly intent on letting someone else take care of the dirty work while he walked past, pretending not to have noticed her mishap. He had no clue where the kettle would be anyway, nor whether the tavern provided patrons with one anyway.

      He left Aria by the bed, allowing her to knock a leg against the edge of the furniture so she could gain her bearings and find her own way around. Approaching the window, he peered outside from an angle that would have rendered him virtually unseen by the crowds below. It didn't come to a surprise to him to see the Mage at his wooden platform, continuing with his earlier performance despite having claimed that he would be procuring 'evidence' within the next two hours. Actually, what puzzled him more than Agamemno's seeming unconcern was the fact that he had bothered to grant them two hours when apparently no rush of preparations were necessary. With the extra time, the Mage was just asking for the caravan to make up an escape plan, whether he knew it or not.

      But what concerned Velius the most was whether it would be enough time for Medayo to find the bodies so that he could get his sparring partner back. The caravan's plan of action to be set forth within the next few hours would have to accommodate for success or failure, but the former was preferred. And in order to increase their chances of success, Velius would need to hear tell of Aria's vision. That, and...

      "I just had the most splendid idea," he declared cheerily as he dropped himself into the cushioned chair beside the bedstand, the one chair in the room. "You can't possibly ask for me to give my name to everyone when you won't give everyone else your own," he concluded, possibly to the grief of the others in the room with him. "Why don't we all stand in a circle and have each person give their name and one fact about themselves. Consider it an initiation to the caravan. Once everyone's done that, I'll tell you my plan."


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        In all the Excitement, Ayn had completely forgotten that she had indeed entered into a part of her life where she was, indeed, nothing special. Being a princess, though true, was a thing of the past. She didn't ever think too much of it. In fact, she almost preferred being treated like a normal human being, though sometimes it left her lonely (not that she minded too much. In the castle, she couldn't descend a flight of steps without a guard or a maid in tow). The fact was, she wasn't normal. She didn't even know how to be normal. She didn't know how to communicate with normal people, and "being herself" often got her into more trouble, than if she were to pretend to be perfectly normal. However, Ayn had completely forgotten all of this. She'd completely forgotten where she even was. The only thing burning in her mind right now was 'How dare you! Don't you know who I am? How dare you! Don't you know what I could have done to you? I'm a princess, I'm royalty, One strand of my hair is worth more than your whole life...etc.'

        "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU FILTHY PEASANT!" she cried, when she was wrenched from the hole, "Let me go this instant, or you'll spend the rest of your life as a SLAVE."

        Receiving the slap, however, certainly did wake her up, from her sudden shocked tirade. She stared at the girl, her eyes un-narrowing, and her brows unfurling. However, everything Resuia was saying, might as well have been better spent saying to a wall. Ayn was suddenly hyper aware of her surroundings. The fumes of the acid deterioration rising around her, leaving holes in the cell. She took a few deep breaths, closing her eyes, Resuia's words coming in and out of focus..."way out...." soon after that, "get things straight...." then later, "You're not special, you're nothing...." and then...."leftover pity". However, all that Ayn grasped from what she was saying was "way out..." her mind kept throwing the phrase around and around and around. Then like a puzzle, her head was piecing together what had just happened. Her locket, the hole in the wall, the nasty terrible things she just said.

        "....We have to leave....I have to find it..." she mumbled, reaching up to rub her cheek. She suddenly felt quite silly. Her mother would be so disappointed with her for losing her head. "I mean....I'm sorry. I never meant to say that you should go die...And I'd never wish slavery on anyone. Please don't be afraid. Please forgive my words...I'd never use my crown in such an unruly manner." Her words were rain again, "As much as I'd like to make it up to you, we have to get out of here...I have GOT to find MY locket...Please-please understand...I can't lose her again..." She was almost pleading with her to understand. It was the only thing she'd ever attached herself to.




Adorable Magician

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                          Sleep with the devil and then you must pay

              “Helga, I’m home! Make Hogar the Terrible something to drink!” Phedre called out cheerfully as everyone made their way into the house, after seeing that there was no one inside that fit the words ‘wizard, bad guy overlord with a vengeance against his garden fence’ that was not a ghost. Honestly, she was a bit disappointed since this ghost thing was really starting to get tiresome and now that they were actually going somewhere with it, they hit a wall. Again. But this one refused to explode, because everything inside seemed to be mundane, almost as if a perfectly normal, Gods fearing, law abiding, human being lived inside, which of course was bullshit because, hey, giant invisible wall. The blond somewhat expected a minion or two, even just some roaches and mice; a skeleton or two, to get the evil up.
              “Ugh” Phedre groaned and mimicked blowing out air, because she had no corporeal lungs with which to blow air out all annoyed like.
              But after that small show of emotion, the guard went to work and promptly ignored everyone else as she searched for any obvious and unobvious traps, like the invisible wall, as the others searched for secret doors. Maybe some wires that responded to ghosts or something? Who knew how paranoid the owner of this house really was, if he put an exploding wall just as a welcome sign?
              Phedre really was not going to stop making jokes about that wall anytime soon. It just blew her mind (she snickered to herself quietly) and impressed her as well. Maybe they could punch the guy enough, after they find him, which they will and must, and ask him to make something like that for the Caravan?
              The blond was crouching with her head stuck in a kitchen cabinet (“Ugh, good thing I can’t feel my stomach right now, else I’d eat the fellow out of house and home”) when the feeling washed over her again, the same one that was in the city.
              Still with her head stuck in the cabinet, Phedre closed her eyes and sighed, or at least tried to, as her full lips stretched into a smile.
              She was reminded of a moment that seemed so distant to her now, but which was probably only five or so years ago. A modest bonfire with a lamb, acquired from a farmer after helping him out with a thief problem, being roasted on an improvised grill, one of her knights lazily turning the dead animal as he argued with another one which animal was smarter: a cow or a giraffe. Granted, neither had seen a giraffe in their lives before (nor Phedre, but her Blood Sister on whose legs she was resting then claimed that she had, though according to her they looked like pigs with the heads of roosters) but they have once read a book where they found a crudely drawn picture of one and claimed it looked very intelligent.
              (“They grow big s’that they can see all o’ life’s secrets!”
              “Betcha they can’t make milk!”
              “Y’dun know that!”
              “They don’t say ‘moo moo’! Means they can’t make milk!|
              “Sheeps dun go ‘moo moo!”
              “They don’t count!”
              It was one of the rare, peaceful evenings they had, with Phedre weaving the lamb’s wool to make torches, while her human cushion was writing down rumors she heard of their enemies. To anyone else, this might have seemed as a piss poor example of a good memory, but it was somewhat symbolic to the blond knight, that there was always time for a hot meal, some rest and that straying from the road pawed ahead was sometimes a good idea since it may lead to killing thieves/aspiring murderers and getting tasty food as thanks.
              When she stood up, she caught sight of Caden running trough walls to stop Nessa, and then heard him sending Draaz after her when that failed.
              Noticing that it was their cue for the search to continue, she walked back to the room with the carpet and crossed her arms, looking up at the ceiling quizzically. They were looking for anything resembling a way-a door, a secret hallway, a secret doorway, a trap door
              Trap door?
              It wasn’t long until Caden called out to her again, sounding very desperate which she could understand. The blond stared at him with a little smile before she started walking around the carpeted area in circles that were slowly getting smaller, feeling the ground and circling Caden on the way.
              The name Phedre is highly regarded in my country, Caden”she purred “Because there was once a Queen, some time ago, before me, before my parents”she waved her hand as if to indicate how long ago it was “with that name. Mad Queen Phedre, also known as that one ruler that was actually competent, nevermind her killing off her lovers (it was the fashion for royalty to have a bunch of them for chess and tea). And when they asked her where she would burry her treasures, she stomped her scepter, I presume it was very pretty, and said ‘Where I put enemies. Under grounds, planks and houses’, after which I presume she killed whoever asked her that, because confidential secrets and all. Now, knowingly or not, a lot of people follow their example, mostly tavern owners, seeing as the best wine is deep underground. You follow?” She stopped circling, ending up right in front of Caden, obviously finding something and stomped her foot lightly, which phased trough the wood.
              “I think we should follow the Mad Queen’s advice? Come on, put your head trough there, tell me what you see. Come on

                        Sleep with the devil;
                        The devil will take you away


≼≽≼Yggdrasil "Draaz" Søren Freud≽≼≽
(Igg-Druh-S-ill "Droz" Sh-roun Frew-oid)

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Extrovert CrypticDangerous
Shady Priest

≼≽≼Far too risky To feed you with bare arms.≽≼≽
≼≽≼Wait your turn, you're greedy I hear you.≽≼≽

═════════════════ ═══════════════

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                        Draaz stared at the lake with a disappointed expression, as he hugged all of the armlets close to his body. He smiled, his crooked smile, and looked at Nesa with a grin, "Well, we should head back. It would seem we made a wooonnndeerrffulll breakthrough...." he said in a sing song voice and turned promptly for the exit. The way back to the house was a surprisingly straight one, being a ghost, so he wasn't worried about getting lost. "What do you reckon our chances are against 'the thief?'" he asked in a more conversational sort of voice.

                        As they walked, he took to examining the armlets more closely. His greedy fingers ran themselves along the stones. Though he was touching them, he couldn't really feel any of their features. It was more or less like he just knew they were there, kind of like how he felt about the whole rest of himself. He sighed, wondering how they were going to divvy them up. If he had his choice, he'd wear them all, and so long with the rest of the ghosts. Of course, being forewarned that only one would do, he knew he'd need the other ghosts for just a little longer.

                        Not only that, but whoever wore them had to work well with one another. He figured that meant for sure, he was out...seeing as how none of the other ghosts got along with him very well. The thought made him frown slightly. Then he thought, again, of how their bodies were decaying in that house somewhere. Yes, he was certain that their bodies were decaying in that house somewhere. Maybe now, with the help of the armlets, they'd find out where. Of course, they still needed that vendor woman's help. If that was the case, how were they to get her past the death wall.

                        He looked at Nesa, suddenly, "Nesa, wasn't it?" he verified, before he began, "What do you s'pose that merchant woman wants us to pay her?" it was another conversational tone, though it was something that had been sitting in the back of his mind since they left the caravan. "...You've been with that caravan awhile, right? She's harmless, right?"

                        ═════════════════ ═══════════════

                        ≼≽≼How can I protect myself from you?≽≼≽

                        ≼≽≼Trust is for fools!≽≼≽

Eloquent Streaker

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Willa Odette Wilafax

"I am not fat!"
" Oh that?.......is just....a...watermelon I stole..."

Willa’s face turned from green to red as she lifted her head from the bucket. She groaned and looked up slowly, ready to shamefully explain herself to her knew group. Instead she blinked to find the doctor from before. Her eyes bugged. What was he doing here? She shook her head as he spoke her her, trying to will him to leave. It obviously didn’t work , as he was currently mixing a concoction that she could only assume was for her. She watched as he asked for water, received no answer and pulled a flask with water in it out of his bag. Before she knew it he was handing her a cup. Willa looked at the cup and then at him.

“ Drink “

Willa didn't want to. She looked at the contents, the leaves swirling around, Then back up at the doctor. She shook her head.

“ It would have been better for it to have been better warm but what can we do? Drink it. It will make you feel less nauseous. “ WIlla narrowed her eyes at him. Stupid doctor using big words that she didn;t know.

“ What does that mean?” She said scowling fiercely at him and looking back down in the cup, watching as the water grew darker because of all the leaves. She looked back up at the doctor as he heard him sigh.

“It’s the feeling that just made you sick, my dear woman.” he said shaking his head. Willa blinked at him and nodded.

“Okay.” She said reluctantly as she tipped the cupped and fearfully drained the contents. She relaxed a bit, other than the leaves and bits floating around, it did not taste too bad. She drank the entire cup and gave it back to the doctor. She gave him a reproachful look. “ Go away.” She said standing up, cheeks still pink. She adjusted her dress and went over to the leader of her new group and stood with the rest of the group. Leaving the doctor on his own.

"Why don't we all stand in a circle and have each person give their name and one fact about themselves. Consider it an initiation to the caravan. Once everyone's done that, I'll tell you my plan."

Willa bit her lower lip and thought hard about what she could say. A fact about her. She was having a baby? Nah. She liked to let people find that out on their own. Uh....there wasn’t really much else. Oh. Maybe.... She cleared her throat. She wanted to go first before she forgot what she was going to say. She jumped up and down a little and stepped forward.

“ I’m Willa. I don't know where I came from. I mean...the farmers found me when i was a baby and they won't tell me nothin. I have to figure it out now. “ Willa blurted out boldly, determined to follow direction. She smiled at the group then took a seat and waited for the next person to go. She had the feeling that she was missing something. She had not realized that she had left her bag in the main room of the tavern. The bag that held everything she owned, including the necklace with a crest that was the only link to her real family.

"You put that hand on my belly.....you are not getting it back."

Tipsy Poster

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                                        Never meant to lie
                                        But I'm not the girl you think you know...

                                        Ari didn’t know if Jon actually left them or not. She didn’t really care, she supposed. She also supposed that she owed him some sort of an apology. Well, maybe not an apology but at least a thank you for not forgetting her in the crowd back there. Although he had forgotten her most of the day while he was chasing Halima. Then again she had told him that she didn’t need his help that morning so perhaps he didn’t feel obligated to help her or something. She frowned and bit her lip, unsure of what she should do as far as Jon was concerned. He was an idiot who really only thought with his manly bits. Any thought beyond that tended to be foolish. She guessed that she shouldn’t be surprised that he had told the mage what she was. He had written a song about it, hadn’t he? Of course, he didn’t mention her by name in the song. Just that she was a seer who liked to get frisky. She sighed.

                                        She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the voice of a woman beside her. Halima, right? She didn’t know, she had met several people that day. She was fairly certain that that was who it was though. ”Er…Yeah, I’m physically okay, I guess. I have a little bit of a headache but…I think I’m okay.” She gave her a weak smile. There was no way to really explain how she felt in that moment. She had finally regained some control over her visions. Headache or no, she was happy. Even with the knowledge that she had screwed everything up in this town like she had done in so many other towns lately, she was happy. She just hoped that she could keep this control. It was very possible that her abilities were returning to normal because of all of the magic in this location. Now that she wasn’t so focused on her other problems, she could actually feel the magic around her. Not all of it was good.

                                        Ari hadn’t even realized that Halima had left when she felt another person grab ahold of her. She struggled for a moment until she stumbled closer to whoever had her arm and her nose caught a familiar scent. Velius had her. How had that happened? ”Velius I…” His grip left her as her leg bumped something soft and hard at the same time. Other people were talking about a room of some sort so she assumed that Velius had purchased a place for them to stay until they were all burned at the stake. Well that was good, they could go into the afterlife with a good night’s sleep.

                                        Now they were introducing themselves? What the hell was the noble up to? What was the purpose of getting to know the people in the caravan? She doubted that any of them would stick around long after they got to the next village. She generally only tried to get to know those members who were permanent. Still…”My name is Aria Jenkins and my eyes are so sensitive to light that I am blind during daylight hours. I can see fine at night and in dark places.” Like hell she was going to tell everyone that she was a seer. ”I also feel that you should know that I say what I feel whether it is hurtful or not. Especially if my feelings are already hurt by something you have done.”

                        ...The more that I am with you
                        The more that I am all alone.

Tipsy Poster

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Hey ladiesxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ho ladiesxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Come follow with mexxxxxxxxxx
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                                                Jon placed a grateful hand over Halima'.s when she tried to comfort him. It wasn't the first time that Ari had yelled at him like this but it was the first time she had actually told him to leave her alone. Ari hated being alone. Of course, she wasn't really alone, was she? She had Velius and Kemun and half a dozen other people to keep her company now. She had had that sort of support group for a while now since Jon had left her to search the world for the perfect girl. He wasn't interested in Ari that way anymore. He wouldn't turn down sex if it was offered...probably...but he felt more of a brotherly protectiveness over her. Which was weird all on it's own. Beyond Chubby, Ari was his only friend. They had known each other for years and she still managed to put up with his s**t...until now. His frown drooped further and he wondered how long she would stay mad. She hadn't told him to go away forever...at least there was that.

                                                The shout made him jump and he immediately pulled Halima close again. Once he realized what the man was saying, he sent a nervous glance at Ari. This was his fault too. If she hadn't been so mad at him, maybe she wouldn't have said what she said. He supposed that he couldn't be blamed for her word choice but he couldn't help but feel guilty for the rest. "Er...I don' think she men' tha', gov. 'Twas just a..." The man had no interest in listening to him though. He didn't have the commanding presence that Velius did...at least, not without strumming a tune on his lute.

                                                He was surprised at how quickly the town turned on them. He was grateful that the mage was there. No matter what Ari said, the guy seemed to be pretty good. He had saved him twice now...why would he do that if he was evil?

                                                As the crowd shoved them along, he noticed that Ari had doubled over and seemed to be in pain. He wasn't sure what had brought this one on but he was certain it was another vision. Perhaps it was all the hands touching her or maybe it was something else. It didn't matter. She was going to get trampled if someone didn't grab her. He loosened his grip on Halima a little and took Ari by the elbow. While she got herself under control, he would keep her upright and moving along.

                                                When they finally got to the tavern, he did a quick check over his girls. Halima seemed to be perfect, as always. Everything was where it was supposed to be, no blood or bruising that he could see. He would offer to do a more thorough check later but she probably would have healed herself by then. Then there was Ari. She had blood dripping down the front of her back from what appeared to be a rather intense nose bleed. With a frown, he pulled out a used and hole riddled hanky from his shirt and began wiping the blood away. It might not have been the cleanest thing but it would do the trick. Better than letting her bleed all over herself, poor thing.

                                                Her scream was...unexpected and he jumped for the second time. ”Easy there, Ari. Halima and I have got you. Your nose started bleeding is all, didn’t mean to spook you." He told her gently, hoping that she didn't mind that he was talking to her again. ”It’s not that, Jon. I…Unfortunately, I need to find Velius again.” He was so happy that she wasn't upset and, in fact, almost glad that he was around that the immediately looked around for Velius...who actually wasn't that far away. He would have said something to him but he was talking to someone else. By the time he was finally finished and Jon was about to say something to him, the noble took off. So he waited patiently for him to return and was about to say something to him again when he was interrupted and told to go find Halima...who had slipped away without his knowledge.

                                                With a sigh, he searched the crowded pub for his goddess. He was failing again. Failing at everything. He had let the love of his life out of his sight on the whim of another woman again and he had failed to fetch Velius for Ari. What was the point in even trying anymore? All he did was fail lately. He couldn't work up the nerve to talk to Rashiek, he had accidentally exploded a wagon, he had dropped the ball with Halima more times than he could count, he had given away secrets to a stranger, he had upset Ari and now this. He was sure that there were more mistakes in there too but those were the big ones. "My one and only." He said in a melancholy voice when he found his sweetest. "We're moving to some rooms that Velius got for us...He said we could bring your patient...I'll help...I mean...I don't have much muscle but I think we might be able to manage this guy together." He offered her a sad smile, hoping that he wouldn't fail yet again.

                                  Hey ladiesxxxxxxxxxx
                                  Ho ladiesxxxxxxxxxxx
                                  Come follow with mexxxxxxx

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Greedy Dog

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XXXXXXXXXXXX❀ R є s υ ι a ❀

Resuia smirked triumphantly to herself, pleased that she had been able to tell her off. Placing her hands on her hips she awaited the reaction that was sure to arise. Ok there was shock now, probably her words of truth were just sinking in. All Ayn did was stare off into space and hold her cheek. Slowly the courtesan's sneer fell, and she watched the girl with a blank expression, bringing her hand up to her face and snapping in front of it to recieve no response. Oh my s**t.

Brilliant. Freaking brilliant, not only did this girl zone out in the middle of the street she also zoned out wide awake and still sitting. The hand that was snapping to see if anything resembling awareness in Ayn was suddenly easing the huge ball of stress and nerves sitting in between her eyes on the bridge of her nose. She was going to lose all of her beautiful lush locks over this wasn't she.

"HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS YOU WEREN'T EVEN LISTENING WERE YOU !@#$ING CUR!" Something actually did snap, or rather finally clicked as the green stone she held in her hand erupted in a stream of water. "YOU !#%&* !@#$*&!$ !@$%@!!!! I DON'T WANT YOUR FORGIVENESS HOE AND YOU SURE AS HELL WON'T GET ANY FROM ME AUUUUUUUUGH! I WANNA SEE YOU SUFFER SUFFER!!!!!" She was going to kick the silver head's freaking teeth in, so angry she was that she did not notice she had somehow activated a magical force that was now swirling water around the room in a very upset fashion.

As the courtesan moved to lunge at the girl that was the very bane of her existence, the water too moved forward, shooting in a powerful stream through the wall behind the girl and widening the melted escape hole to fit a single girl easily. It made Resuia stop in her step and stare at what her rock that she bought in a cheap store in Belorner had done. The noise made a couple of strange ape creatures lumber in from the darkness, illuminated by the bright outside light they could see that the cell they were put in was part of a much larger basement and that the monkeys had been sitting there all along. They roared, pounded their chests and banged at the bars that had kept them caged ironically.

Resuia blinked and turned to see the events in succession, Ayn sitting on the floor in shock, the widened hole to freedom, and two very angry ape guards coming to crush their bones into many many pieces. ".....BYE YOU LOSERS HAH!" She flipped the hairy bastards the bird and kissed her shiny green rock, stuffed it down her shirt and quickly clambered through the hole without warning. She was not going to stick around to see how long the bars were going to hold and she didn't want to turn around to throw Ayn to them either. It was too much work.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that she had official jumped into the boat called 'Finally snapped' and was likely riding it all the way to Insane Island.


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        Ayn was indeed sitting on her bum, after having moved away from the steam and water surrounding Resuia's arm. She'd noticed it before Resuia even seemed to have. Her eyes were nearly bugged out of her face staring at it. The buzzing of angry bees that was Resuia's voice echoed in her ears as she stared from her to the ape creatures. Her silver eyes scanning the things. They were ugly as all hell. It was extremely grotesque how they stood on two legs, and even more grotesque that they smelled like mud and s**t. Hell, it was almost offensive.

        She scrambled to her knees and over to the cell wall, the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She felt lighter than air, light enough to faint, but she didn't. Even with the fear that coursed through her head, she remained awake, still. Hell, she was almost forcing her eyes awake. Her body was quaking and shaking as she grabbed a rock that fell from the wall. She clutched it tightly, and with one angry growl, chucked it as hard as she could at one of the beastly ape's head.

        It staggered for a moment, and then toppled over with an earth shattering crash, which literally vibrated the pebbles on the cell block floor. She checked Resuia's progress through the wall, as she tossed another rock, blanching the another ape monster's head. The rock bounded off, which only seemed to make that particular ape angrier. She stood up, and bounded for the hole once Resuia was out of her way, tossing yet another stone, before she leapt through the hole, smashing another monkey's face. It didn't pass out, but it was bleeding a nice amount from it's ape-y nose. It was too distracted to follow, but the bars did indeed give way, just as Ayn made her way through the wall.

        One of them grabbed her ankles, causing Ayn to fall, but she twisted her body, pulling her knee to her chest and kicking right out, yet again for another head shot. She didn't miss. The creature rebounded, loosening it's grip, but not enough. The silver headed princes, grabbed yet another large rock, and slammed it on the creatures hand, forcing him to let go. She then finished by throwing the rock at the ape things skull. With a sickening crack, and over-sized thump, the ape disappeared behind the wall. Ayn, having crashed to the ground, quickly (in all her achyness) got to her feet, and brushed herself off, and clapped the dirt from her palms. She heard the beasts roar, enraged, and didn't find herself staying much longer as she chased after Resuia.

        'Not too bad....Not too baaaad....' she thought to herself, forcing herself to stay awake, forcing the shock away. 'Got two of 'em, broke one of their faces...Father would be pleased!! So would Master Val!' Val had trained her for her journey, a knight under her father. 'Stay awake...' she reminded herself as her vision blurred.

        "HEY! WAIT!!" she called after Res for the sake of staying awake, "WAIT!!! We're stronger together..." she lied. She was sensing that her chances with Res, were lower than her chances if she just let herself pass the ******** out.

        She didn't understand her.....and Res didn't understand her right back.

        So far, her mother's words, which echoed in her mind "be nice to others, and they will be so to you..." seemed null and void in the real world.



gum disease's Husbando

Dangerous Glitch

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    xxxxCaden AlinarixxxxGuard

          His brows furrowed when Phedre started. He hadn't expected her to launch into a tale about her homeland. But there he was, his mind enchanted and mesmerized by her tale of queens and treasures. His eyes followed Phedre's every movement, noticing the parting of her lips as she spoke, the way she paced about the room with him at the center of her orbit, and the way he, himself, was unable to withhold returning her smile. It had been a while since he'd heard a good story about the lands of afar, and Phedre seemed to have a natural grace as she gave hers.

          It was only after she stopped and delivered her prompt that did it occur to him to look down and away from her. "If she'd killed whoever asked, how'd anyone know of the example to follow?" he asked naively as he knelt down to inspect the rug under them. He hid his face from view, sure as he was that he'd have felt some heat around his cheeks if he was in his body, having realized that he'd spent a while staring at his attractive storyteller.

          With a hand, he began patting at the edge of the rug to find it solid before inching closer to the mat's center when his hand suddenly plunged through. "That was one brilliant Queen Phedre, I must say." He turned his grin at the blonde, hoping it'd convey that the late queen was not the only one of that name who he considered brilliant. His attention back on the trapdoor that was sure to have been under the rug, he dropped down on his side before dipping his head underneath the floorboards.

          "There's a steep staircase that leads to a hallway. Looks like this place has a basement," he relayed to Phedre as he came back up, twisting his body so as to sit on his bottom and lower himself in feet first this time. "You wait here for the others or your horse to return. I'll see what I can find and I'll report back within ten minutes." Instead of walking down though, he grabbed at the edge of the square of the trapdoor by both hands to swing at an arc before letting go, flying past the entire flight of stairs before coming to a rolling stop at the bottom.

    x x

Dapper Dabbler

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                                                            i've made your happiness my goal
                                                            so if ___I want survival
                                                            I'll KNEEL! on - your - arrival
                                                            for this is how you rule my WORLD ⇩⇩

                                The injury healed,Halima was unsure if she should lay the poor fellow back onto the tavern floor, he could easily be injured again if she wasn't careful. She sat there feeling a little silly about her situation, but the man had needed help and she had been the first to respond to the crys for a healer. When a stranger offered her a towel for the blood on her hands Halima accepted it with a bow of her head.

                                thanks you!”She said wiping the blood from her hand as much as possible.It was the first time she realized that she needed a bath. The slave felt grimy and dirty, the days of travel accumulating on her clothes and skin in a feeling of filth.But as much as she desired a bath and clean clothes, she knew was not going to get them now.

                                There was a small moment when the man who had given her the towel stood there saying nothing, an unasked question hanging heavy in the air. Halima looked up at him expectantly before he simply complimented her work and left.The encounter leaving her confused and still cradling and unconscious mans head in her lap, before

                                Looking at the bard now Halima could see something was bothering him, he wore his emotions on his sleeves and it was very apparent even from his body posture and the tone of his voice.Hindered by the weight of the man in her lap Halima instinctively reached her red stained fingers to touch Jon’s hand, unable to reach anything else.Slowly she eased herself from under his head and stood.

                                Yes thank you..I would feel it would be a waste to heal the poor man and leave him unconscious on the floor”Still holding his hand she lifted it to cup his cheek,her dark eye’s shift across his face searching for something.He was cowed, laid low by today's events. Where was her happy minstrel, that silly bard with a song on his lips.The song was not there, perhaps for just today,or a week, or a month. She lowered her hand and then went to kneel before the unconscious man again, throwing of his arms across her shoulders.She had no ability to heal the wounds Jon had

                                You will have to take more of the weight, but we can get him to the room”.

                                Once Jon did as she and they made their way into the purchased room, she set about laying the drunk on the floor,propping his head up with a lumpy pillow from the bed.By the time she stood the room was proper crowded and the man Velius was now requesting everyone speak their names. Her eyes roamed the room and there indeed a number of people who she had not seen amongst the Caravan. These were probably the poor souls who had gotten mixed up in angry mob. Strangers to the village and now soon to be members of the Caravan, the man who had given her the towel was among them, tending to a woman bent over a chamber pot.Arin was not among them.

Interesting Prophet

~~~~Nesa Comec~~~~User Image

Nesa was stunned by the spirits proposal. She knitted her brow grimly, completely baffled as to how Draaz could be so calm, jovial even, about it all. Taking away person's life should not be taken lightly, no matter how evil they are. She stared after Draaz for a second before following him. He asked her what she thought their chances were against the thief.

“I don't know. I've never met him. I doubt it would be easy though.” She said not looking Draaz. Her thoughts shifted to using the armlets instead. There were only three so one of them would have to sit out. Then they would have to figure out who got which sense. She wasn't sure how to do that, but whoever was to be seen should probably be herself or Caden. More likely herself, she knew more people in the caravan. Caden would probably get hearing. Velius would know his voice better than the rest of them and Velius was the best person to get the ball rolling. So that left touch, which Nesa wasn't sure on.

She looked glanced over at Draaz. Would he be a good choice or would Phedre be better? She wasn't sure. There was also the fact that touch would be such an odd sense to use. It would almost have to be paired with another to have any effect. She was sure they would all end up working together on everything. She wasn't sure if Draaz would work well with the rest of them. He hadn't been very social while they were ghosts and Nesa wasn't sure how trust worthy he was. He did run after her though. That gave him some points.

Draaz pulled Nesa from her thoughts as he spoke. She simply nodded at her name, then thought as he asked about payment. “We could simply pay her with the armlets. We won't have much use for them after we're done, and they seemed like something she would like. I'm highly doubt she's harmless though.” Nesa said looking up at him. “But I do think that she will do what you ask of her as long as she receives payment. I doubt she will have much to do with us after she's payed.” Nesa said looking ahead again.She could see the house not far ahead of them. They had such an odd story to tell the others, but anything was believable after what they had been through.

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