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iMoony's Wife

Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
(( Tanya: -whacks Nature- Hey!!! When you said, 'After school', I bet they were expecting you to finnish it After School!!
Nature: Yeah!??? Well, you try typing a post out when you have a 102.5 degree temperature!
Zuki: -sigh- Well, while they're fighting, I'll type the post...I guess.....again.))

Zuki nodded, suddenly very tense about the up-coming battle. She thought about something, then turned and walked to the waaaaay-too-happy-right-now Tanya. She looked into her silver-tinted eyes calculatingly, then sighed at thought what she had to do. She raised her hand.......and began hitting to other girl on top of the head repeatedly. "Snap. Out. Of. It. Now. Tanya!", she stated trhough gritted teeth with each rythmic hit.

Suddenly, a hand jerked out and grasped her wrist, almost snapping it in half with it's vice-like grip. A pair of very black eyes glared at her from under-neith dark bangs. "What the HE** are you doing, idiot?!", she stated, pronouncing each word carefully and coldly, pent up fury visable behind each sylable.((sp?))

((Better version/ The actual appearance of Tanya's Scythe))
"Oy! Hey! Save the fighting for them!" James yelled, interrupting the two ladies as a small horde of dark, bug-like creatures came through the entrance. They were about waist-high, and resembled black beetles, save for the single, long whip-like appendage on each one the looked that they could hit something from a modest distance. The fore-running creatures struck first, lashing out at them.

Atton reacted quickly, raising his shield to let a strike hit against his shield. He let out a yell and charged the attackers, hitting the creatures with heavy swings of hiss mace. They splattered like bugs as the magma-colored mace struck them, sending a dull color of gray-brown blood across the room.

James held fast behind the front lines, occasionally striking a far creature with a quick bolt of lightning. He was conserving himself for anything big that might come.
Damien laughed as one of the creatures tried to attack him. With a very slight movement of his body it went past his face. He continued the manuever into a spin and sliced the thing in half with his wakizashi. As it was cut blood from the wound was sucked into the blade as if it was being drained from the body straight into the sword. Another struck and he grabbed the appendage this time and pulled it towards him. As soon as it was right in front of him he placed his blade in a position so it would slice through it. As it was divided blood splattered across his face from the ferocity of the attack, but the blood didn't stay on him for long because it flew from him to the sword. The obsidian blade seemed to hum and pulse each time it pierced a new enemy. "This is too easy!"

Kohaku was a lot less violent than Damien when it came to fighting. As one of the bug creatures attacked he dodged to the side and struck with a powerful strike of his staff that sent the offender into a couple of its comrades. As the next attacked he jumped into the air and kicked the appendage to the side, as he dropped to the floor he spun his body and performed a crushing sweep with the staff that snapped the legs, he then placed one end of the staff under the bug and lifted it into the air. As it came back down he performed a swift roundhouse that forced the creature over its partners.
Miyun whispered a few words to herself, then, a white light surrounding the group.
It was a small healing spell, after all, the group shouldn't have been to hurt yet.
And she didn't want to waste any of her energy.
But she was worried of what would happen if she didn't have energy when one of them were real hurt.
But that wouldn't happen, so she kept that at the back of her mind.

After that, her crimson red eyes scanned the area, she stared at the black beetle creatures strangely.
They were so.... gross.

Miyun hated bugs. They scared her. And that looked like a bit of an over-sized beetle.
She shook her head, trying to keep her Secret of hating bugs.... well... a secret.
Anyways, none of them were too near her.
And the group were gonna take care of those gross things!
And She'd keep the group all good and well by healing them with her healing arts when needed.
( Tommorow is my flight day crying I scurrrrrreded! But yeah not sure when I'll reply back again after tommorow. )

iMoony's Wife

Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
(( Nature: -sniffle- Uhhhhhhhh, I went into my room, intending to take a short nap, and woke up 5 hours later.............How did that happen?!-looks at Zicak's post- Of all the creatures in the world.....you had to choose insects, didn't you?!))

Zuki took one look at the bigs, and stiffened completely. Her hazel eyes grew large, fear etched in them, and she gave a small whimper of fright.

Tanya gave a strange look at Zuki, after slashing through a few of the little buggers with her scythe, and walked over to her, tapping her on the shoulder. "Heeellllllllooooo? Are you there Zuki? We kind-a need you!", she stated bluntly, giving her a curious look, before sliching another one in half, and showing Zuki the head. "Geeeeezzeeee! They're just big bugs, is all!"

Zuki only comprehended 'big bugs', and paled slightly at the sight of the bug head, which was still twitching it's intea. She yelped loudly in fear, raced to James, and hid behind him, as if he could protect her from the insect-menace. "Bug! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! BIIIG bugs! Creepy Crawly Bugs! Big bugs with bi-big beady eyes and evil pinchers of death-Nnhhhhhhggggg!!", she murmured to herself, whimpering slightly.

Tanya stood there, dumb-founded at Zuki's reaction the the bugs. Three of them came at her, and that snapped her back to reality just in time to save her hide from the 'pinchers of death'.
((Zicak: Oh, you think the insects are bad? I've got plenty planned for you all... *Evil genius laughter* ...Oh, yes, and Shadow, if you don't mind, I'll be taking a few of your ideas and tampering with them a bit...))

'Great. She's afraid of bugs...' James thought with a sigh as he raised his staff again. A bug suddenly went wild, its appendage whipping wildly left and right at its own kind, each swipe nicely going right through the victim.

In the doorway, the Nightmare Weaver creating the bugs could be seen. He was channeling himself into the task, using a larger version of the bug, about as tall as a person, as a mount. The man seemed as buggy as the things he created, small, beady eyes, unkempt, and a slightly twitching movement as he created bugs at the base of the larger one. Behind him were several more Weavers, each focusing on trying to alter the Dreamscape.

The walls started to waver and blacken, the floor slightly shook and took on a texture of that of a track, slightly giving under weight, but still solid, as much as it could be while it shook.

"I need someone to keep those other weavers in check!" James yelled out. "Don't let them change the bottleneck advantage we have now." He was a human, and had to rely on Atton to remain conscious in the Dreamscape. Thus, he couldn't alter the place by himself.

Atton continued to smash through the ranks of the bugs. He made short work of them, smashing one after the other, letting their attack graze off his armor or be stopped by his shield. He wasn't nearly as dexterous as any of the others, but his steady 'living wall' style served very well in this situation.

Another creature came into the mix. There was only one, but it flew past the bug-eyed man and the defensive line to land right behind Zuki and James. It was ghost-like, a translucent blue color, depicting a featureless human figure. It raised its clawed hand and brought it down on Zuki, wailing a horrible scream as it did.

iMoony's Wife

Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
(( Nature: -pokes Zicak- Should I reply? I'm kinda waiting on Shadows.......-burns a rake from the garden-......Me and that rake are bitter enemies now.....after I stepped on it, three times........in flip-flops..........))
((If you wish, go ahead.))

iMoony's Wife

Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
(( Nature: -sigh- As you wish.........MAN!! I wish I could post stuff on Youtube! But, I'm banned from using the video-camera! Much less, have a Youtube account.........I would post 'How to Draw --------' stuff.......Yeah.......-day dreamage-))

Zuki took one look at the ghost-like creatur, and screamed even louder that it had. She swatted away the hand, and in one sweeping movement, had unsheathed her golden sword, and had made a slash at the 'thing's face. Or, well, what she though was it's face. "I've had freaking enough with you!!", she proclaimed, grabbing her gun-sword and twirling it at 'it'.

Tanya battle-danced over to Atton, fighting all the way. "Okay, I don't get it! She's terrified of big bugs and insects in general, but can stand a ghost-like-thing!?? I mean, what's with that?!", she asked, slashing through another bug.
((Zicak: I must ask, what did you do to get banned from use of the video camera...?))

At first, the sword didn't appear to do anything to the ghost; it passed straight through it, and it didn't flinch at all. It reared for another attack, but stopped as a white light appeared across its 'face' where the blade had struck, and it wailed again and recoiled, clutching the mark. It recovered quickly, though. The mark was still there, but the ghost gave another swipe at her.

"you never know." Atton replied calmly as he brought down his mace on another bug, then brought it up at an angle, swatting away another one; a fierce movement that totally defied his current tone of voice. "People are scared of different things, and often react differently to different things they are scared of. For instance, one might scream and run away from a spider, but have an overwhelming desire to smash in the head of a clown out of that same fear." He pointed a finger at another bug, sending a lance of light out at it, causing it to shake and explode, taking out a few with it.
Damien was calm and enjoying the killing. Sure the enemies were far too easy to put up much of a challenge but the simple rush of adrenaline following another kill was just too much. He looked over at Sa-zuki and burst into laughter, "Are you serious? Afraid of bugs? Oh wow I'm going to remember that and I am going to have fun with it just you wait. He bent over to bow just as one of the bugs tried to impale him, and he ended up dodging the attack by the slightest bit. He laughed one last time before straightening himself back up. Four of the bugs lashed out, two trying to stab and the others trying to cut him. He switched the wakizashi to his left hand and as soon as he did the gem became active once again. The armor quickly appeared on his arm and as soon as it did he used it to stop on of the the stabs by letting it stab the armor and then turned his palm so he grabbed onto that on along with one of the others that lashed out at him. Using his wakizashi he the other stabbing antenna away and with a quick movement stomped on the fourth as it came close to his leg. He pulled the two he was holding towards him and let the momentum drive impale one on Soul Eater. The other one was killed when he punched it and sent it flying onto a comrade. He cleaned the bug off of the blade with a quick movement that threw it in the opposite direction.

As soon as he had gotten rid of them he noticed he had wasted too much time and had gotten surrounded. "Hey this doesn't seem too fair." All of them instantly made an attempt at stabbing him and he simply allowed himself to fall backwards with a laugh. All of the attacks went over him and the moment his back touched the floor he was gone. Shadows simply devoured him and he was nowhere to be seen.

Kohaku continued fighting them off his way. He would strike as they attacked to keep them from hitting him and would knock them back but refrained from using a bladed weapon, a personal preference. But once Damien left the bugs who had surrounded him went for Kohaku. They all lashed out once more and he moved quick as lighting. Before their attacks hit he was standing on his staff, one end on the floor the other under his foot. He leapt away and performed a quick flip and as he did another staff formed. As he was about to land in the midst of a group of the enemy he used his staff to vault him over to a clear spot. From there he assumed a defensive stance and proceeded as he had been earlier. But he spoke quickly, "James, this is getting us nowhere. We need to go on the offensive and drive them out quickly or we'll just get tired."

iMoony's Wife

Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
(( Nature: -sigh- Ah yes.....I remember it like it was yesterday....
Tanya: Knowing you, it probably was!
Zuki: Shut up! I wanna know the story!! -munch on popcorn-
Nature: Ah hem! Any who, I was walking along, camera in hand, and I spied a cricket. Me and that cricket went everywhere together! Up a tree, on the roof of a three story house, under a rock, over a hill, -cough- Well, our fun-time was cut short when my sister stepped on the cricket. In my outrage of losing a friend, I may have thrown the camera at her head, knocking her out.....-sigh- Best thrity second of my life......))
"Gotcha." James replied, letting Zuki take care of the ghost, as he knew she was capable of it, and went to a side of the bottleneck, casting all the way through. "Make your way forward. Surround the entrance and take out the Weavers." He called out in an almost general-like quality. As if to demonstrate, he raised his staff, casting out a bolt of lightning that rocketed towards the man mounted on the bug, who took it to the chest and fell back, still on the bug, but stunned for the moment. All the smaller bugs seemed to flinch, as well.

In response, Atton picked up his pace, his mace moving faster as he advanced slowly at an angle, going to start a tight circle around the bottleneck entrance created by the door.
Kohaku nodded even though he doubted anyone would even see it. One of the bugs lunged at him and he bent over backwards and used his staff to catch himself and knock the bug over him at the same time. As it was sent over him he spun and kicked it to the side and finished by landing crouched. Without any other motions he leapt into the air and used the bugs as stepping stones to get past them without having to fight too much. Occasionally he would have to knock an antenna away from him in the middle of a jump but aside from that he had no problems. That was until one of the bugs he was about to jump onto attacked him and it startled him and caused him to land in the middle of the group. He then continued to perform elaborate spinning maneuvers and sweeps as he dodged and attacked at the same time. He was stuck here fighting so he was going to be no help for a bit.

As the man on the bug regained his senses and was beginning to sit up his eyes widened in surprise. A shadow covered Damien was pulling himself out of the bug using his armored arm to break free. The blood on him was soaked into the blade in his left hand. He grinned as he looked up at the startled man, "What's up?" He pulled his left arm out from the bug and stabbed Soul Eater into the mans thigh pinning him to the bug. He screamed out in pain and Damien laughed psychotically. Suddenly the man's face paled as his blood and life were sucked into the blade. It's pulses became much more frequent and the humming became more insistent as if asking for more.

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