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Tipsy Millionaire

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sanders ewan finley
i want to get more from this, than you.

anders sixteen years old november fifth dumstrang, hufflepuff lovely ladies

                                      My name is Sanders Ewan Finley. Yes, I speak with a Russian accent- do you have a problem with that? I hope not. I've attended school at Dumstrag for the last four years, and now I am enrolled at Hogwarts, which is significantly different. As far as basics go, my mother is a muggle, and my father is an outstanding wizard- and a Death Eater, but tell no one of that. Even I don't approve. Instead of excelling at the Dark Arts, as my father would have liked, I am greatly skilled at defending against them.

                                      I am an only child to my parents, and I intend on making them as proud as I could. Although I may not be the smartest of my classmates, I intend to be the best. Quidditch is one of my biggest hobbies - Viktor Krum, although retired now, happens to be one of my biggest idols. I also enjoy swimming, and taking care of magical creatures.

                                      Hogwarts is pretty foreign to me, but it's quite comforting when I can be around my brothers from Dumstrag, or when I can get the attention of pretty girls. The House sisters, in particular, are one of my favorite things to gaze on during class. Next in line would be that Emily Grier, who's in my house- lucky me! She may be a bit odd, but she's quite pretty. And that Tempest girl, she's quite the beauty as well.

                                      I don't enjoy the company of those Slytherin girls, however. Or, any Slytherin, for that matter. Their decietful ways put me off heavily. Although I'd rather not get involved with the whole 'Dark Lord versus Good Guys' thing, I would personally lean toward the Order of the Whatevers' side, purely because it seems like they get far more work finished, and seem to have purer intentions.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Ethan Nathaniel Davis
Wit beyond Measure, is man's greatest Treasure!

None 17 July 12, 1993 Hogwarts/Ravenclaw Bisexual

                                      Hey. My name is Ethan. Some people call me Ethan but most others call me Ethan. That's a message to you. Don't make up any nicknames for me or you might wake up with bat bogeys. It's just Ethan. I'm a half-blood, my mother being a witch and my father a muggle. I'm proud of my blood, and I know that I'm just the product of immensely strong love. I live in Britain although I was born in America. It was much more convenient to take the Hogwarts Express if I lived near King's Cross. My magic abilities started to shine through when I started to change hair color and be able to change more appearance. My parents knew that I was a metamorphmagus. At least my mother knew. My dad didn't know what the heck was going on. But we sat him down and explained it to him. At 11 years old I was sent a letter by owl and was invited to attend Hogwarts. I automatically jumped at the chance and during my first year I was told that I was, really Energetic, Intelligent, Caring, Curious and much more by my peers in Ravenclaw. It was a great time in my first year. Then a new dark lord rose. I already knew that I'd be against him so now I'm also an active member of the Order of the Phoenix. I can't wait for Quidditch tryouts. I don't know who's going to be the captain but I want to try and take that spot since I'm pretty sure no one else is in the team.

                                      Dragon Lord Fluffeh

Tipsy Millionaire

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Raina Jessica Johnstone
I'm Just a Small Girl In a Big World

Rae Seventeen July Eighth Hogwarts|HufflePuff Everyone should be loved!

                                      On the Eighth of July a beautiful baby girl graced the Earth. It was the happiest day of her parents lives. Her, or should I say my full name is Raina Jessica Johnstone. But from birth I having been going by Raina. Oh, and Don't get me wrong, I haven't always been the 5'9' inches you know I was small once too you know? And I am a natural brunette no matter what anyone will tell you. And I have no contacts in, It's my natural green eyes that sweetly shine.

                                      For all of my life, well excluding the years at hogwarts I had lived in Glenrothes. Which is a small town located in Scotland. But don't get me wrong it wasn't gigantic but it wasn't one of the places where everyone knew everyone. It was just plain old life. Except both of my parents are magical.My mother being a witch and my father being a wizard. So I must get it from them. But I'm a bit more clumsy than they are I'm always doing the wrong things.

                                      If you already have'nt noticed I have a slight tendency to talk about myself in ways that makes me sound amazing. But it's not my fault I always have been a bit self-centered. But thats about one quarter of a week I'm like that. The rest of the time I will appear to be sweet and well bubby.


Tipsy Millionaire

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TaeSung Park
Heroes are born, not made.

Tae 16 years old August 28 Durmstrang/Slytherin straight

                                      So you want me to tell you something about me? Is that it? - scoffs -

                                      Very well, since I don’t seem to have a choice in the matter. But it’s a boring story, really. Completely unremarkable.

                                      Like any good little witch or wizard who attended Durmstrang, I was born to pureblood parents. We have ancestral roots in Southern Korea, but as far as I’m aware my family has been living in Sweden for the past few generations. I’m sure that you are familiar with Durmstrang’s stringent admissions criteria—none of that Muggle-born nonsense, despite what my parents might say. Oh yes, they love to prattle on and on about tolerance and acceptance, like typical noble Gryffindors. What, surprised? I’m actually the black sheep of my family, the first to be sorted into Slytherin house since, well, the start of the bloodline. My parents tried to mask their disappointment, of course, but it was a pathetic attempt. Gryffindors don’t make adept liars, and they certainly aren’t nearly cunning enough.

                                      Aside from that, life has been exceptionally dull. I suppose the merging of Durmstrang, Beauxbaton, and Hogwarts was a somewhat interesting turn of events, but it would take a lot more than a bunch of blathering international students to keep me amused. Quite honestly, I think the merging of all three wizarding schools in Europe was the most foolish decision ever made. Almost as foolish as Puddlemere United’s decision to switch out their Keeper. Merlin’s beard, they used up several lifetimes of stupidity with that one move. Sure, he was getting up there in years, but he was practically a wall. Ah, but I digress. (Still, they deserved to have their sorry arses handed to them by the Hollyhead Harpies in the very next game.)

                                      Hm… Well, what else is there to say? I suppose one life event worth mentioning occurred in my second year, during Christmas break. We’d had some family friends over (whom I shall not name for the purposes of this interview), dreadful bunch. I don’t know why my parents insisted on associating with them—most likely because the dad was muggle-born… and also a few brain cells short of human intelligence. Hufflepuffs through and through. That aside, it was that barbaric child of theirs who really made my stomach turn in disgust. He was a fourth year at the time, and made an endless show of bragging about . Our parents told us to run off and “play together,” like a couple of toddlers, so I follow him and, what do I see? The little bugger practicing hexes on my pet owl. Of course I wasn’t having any of that. This idiot needed to be put in his rightful place. And that’s exactly what I did. I’ll spare you the nasty details, but let’s just say he stayed in St. Mungo’s for the better part of a year after that incident. My owl turned out to be fine, in case you were wondering.

                                      My parents were furious, of course, apologizing profusely to the family and demanding that I somehow “undo” the hex. You understand, I assume, that the process of undoing a hex is usually infinitely more complicated than the actual casting. I had a vague idea of how to remove it, but it may have ended up doing more damage than good, and I told my parents as much. You should have seen the outraged looks on their faces. Naturally, the Ministry made a fuss about underage magic use, but I lucked out in the fact that both my parents work as Aurors for the Ministry and wanted to keep our record spotless. So Dad pulled some strings at the Ministry and got me off practically scott-free, but they’ve kept a close eye on me ever since that incident.

                                      And last year, when the prospect of war suddenly blew up in everyone’ faces, they pushed me to join the Order of the Phoenix. Kept harping on me about it, you know, pulling out all the stops of good ol’ Asian parenting. Dad pulled some strings again, and got me inducted. And so that’s how I came to join the Order of the Phoenix, even though I’m a sneaky, conniving Slytherin, you know. I guess not all of us grow up to be evil dark wizards and Death Eaters or whatnot. Maybe my parents’ plan worked. Maybe I am reforming my outlook on life and becoming cured of my “wicked” ways. Who knows. Who gives. I just do what I have to do, and the Order seems to like me for it just fine, always praising me whenever I suggest a “brilliant” but painfully obvious tactic, or coming out of a minor scuffle with all my limbs intact. But c’mon, a first-year could do that. If you thought the Order was some elite, mighty organization full of heroic and powerful crusaders of justice, well, you, like so many others before you, have been deceived. On the surface level they pretend to tolerate me, but I can practically taste their fear, like a foul stench. You know why they put up with a creepy crawly Slytherin in their lot? Because it’s the equivalent of having a spy on their side. That’s why they let me stick around. Then again, I’m not doing this out of the kindness of my heart either. I could care less about their little “happiness” and “goodness” and “friendship” mantra. I just do what I have to do.

                                      Oh, and one more thing. I’m an animagus. Let’s just leave it at that.

                                      Evils Incarnation

Tipsy Millionaire

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But I have no doubt. One day the sun will come out.

Rose Sixteen December Fifteenth Hogwarts/Hufflepuff This show is open for ladies and gentlemen.

                                      When you are born into this world, you are full of such hope and potential. The sparkle in your eye is only a glimpse of the power you may have in the world one day. Then the doctor's slap you on that back, to make you breathe they say. I must have been one of the only babies to swear that one day, I would slap the world back.

                                      I was born on the chilly pre-winter weather of December fifteenth of the year nineteen ninety-four. My premature body gasping for air in shrill cries while my mother lay exhausted in her hospital bed. At that very moment I was put into her arms, and before this time she had no idea what to name me. But one look at my cream white skin that bared a small blush painted on my cheeks and she knew. Rosaline, was the first thing that popped into her head. Then I was given my middle name Patricia by my father. Naming me after his now passed mother.

                                      Growing up I was raised on stories of peace and love, since my parents were both hippies back in their day. I was told when i was a little older the story of how they had met, which I think is quite adorable. They had run into each other numerous times through many protests and gatherings in their area and my father had already fallen head over heels for my mother. But she was not so easily swayed. It took him months just for her to agree to go out with him. She thought that having a love like that in her life would tie her down from what she wanted to do in life. She thought she would have to become one of those lovely inch-away-from-depression house wives America had portrayed in adds saying a woman's place was in the home. She was scared of commitment, and in a away that fear has rubbed off on me. Eventually though they did fall in love and settle down. My father became a carpenter and soon got into a good construction business while my mother did 'professional freelance' as she would call it. This was basically a strong of odd temp jobs.

                                      Don't get it wrong though, both my parents are pure blood. The just don't act a thing like it. They find that high class society stuff to just be a bunch of fluff and appearances. My mo always told me the most pure blood witches and wizards didn't know how to live life naturally, and she wanted me to be able to survive with out billions of dollars to break my fall.

                                      In result of my parent's travels they made many friends. So we always had visitors in the house. I had grown up loving my large obscure family full of people who weren't exactly related to me, but close to my heart. They taught me to be a free spirit and that I can reach what ever goals I set for myself. They also taught be to have inner strength and to know how to use it. Though over the past few years since he died, my 'strength' turned into guardedness and slight delusion.

                                      Maybe it was that thin layer of smoke that always wafted through my house as I grew up, or just my wild and hair brained mother's way of raising me, but I turned out to be pretty eccentric. I daydream often and stare into space, so people automatically call me 'one of those burn outs'. But to tell the truth I never touched the stuff my parent's friends brought in and puffed on. It must have been the second hand effects that gave me my vast imagination. But as comfortable as I was at home I knew I'd have to go off to Hogwarts one day and learn the ins and outs of magic. I was scared, but I used everything my chaotic family taught me and i think I've adjusted very well. I'm still alive you know?

                                      So now we are here today. My parents are supporting me to do what ever I want with my life as I have one foot out the door of Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but it's just to closed in. It's a like a separate world from the real world, and I'm itching to get out into the real world. Through some connections my mom has from many friends she has presented me with many opportunities to further my goal to be a fashion designer. But I'm still keeping my eyes open to other options. Only one thing is completely out of my sights, and that is a romantic relationship. Sure I've had boyfriends (and some girlfriends) but no one I have truly fallen deeply for. My father tells me that it's just a phase and that my mother was the exact same way. But I am purely uninterested in settling down at all. Form time to time I do get jealous of my mother and father and the relationship they have. After all these years they still love each other and have still kept that passion alive. One day, maybe, but most likely not to close from now. Unless a guy comes along who can tame my wild ways.

                                      As for my personality, well you know what they say, red heads are the crazy ones. They are wild and fun loving, yet temperamental and fierce. You could say that I bare certain traits of your stereotypical red head. Minus the hot head part. I am very passive when it comes to people arguing with me and I like to prove them wrong by my actions rather then getting into an argument with them or putting a fist into their face. Since I am passive it has given me venomous sarcasm. I often say they first thing that comes to my mind if someone irritates me, which makes me come off as a cruel person if you rub me the wrong way the first time we meet. But that is just a flaw people have to deal with when they know me. I can promise you that about 99.9% of the time I will be genuine and kind to you as long as you treat me in the same respect. It takes a lot to get me angry in the first place if I have known you for a longer period of time though, because I am more inclined to just brush things off of my shoulder then go into a verbal battle if you are a friend. It just wastes too much energy to argue with the ones you love. You could say that's all the 'peace love and ganjah' talking, but deep down I'm a lover not a fighter.

                                      Ever since I was little I had been taught that freedom is precious and to always keep a free mind and heart. Not to block it up with what ever the outside world tells you to be. So I was always a very off beat person. My circle of friends drifted from time to time because I saw that certain people were letting the world get to them. Some began letting 'society' dictate the way they dressed or acted and that was totally something I was not wiling to deal with. Because they would soon start telling me that I was living my life wrong and that I was not normal. The thing was I never wanted to be normal, I wanted to be able to be me and do what I wanted when I wanted and I am still that way to this very day.

                                      I have a feeling that one of these days that I let my mind wander it won't come back to me. Sometimes I can be so far out there that not even a space shuttle could reach me. I am easily distracted and come up with random new ideas for things throughout the day. So you could say this would cause me to have an over active imagination. I have problems staying focused, especially in boring classes. Sure I might be blankly staring at the board like everyone else but my mind is somewhere over the rainbow. Its even worse after I smoke some... oh well we won't talk about that right now. I have to at least try and make a good first impression to you people.

                                      Way back when I was a wee young'n, I always dreamed of going on fantastic adventures. I would read stories like Alice In Wonderland or Peter Pan and think that one day it just might happen to me. That if I chase after a rabbit (mind you it wasn't even white) though the park that I would fall down a rabbit whole and make my way to a beautiful garden. That one night, while I slept some ginger kid wearing tights would come into my room chasing after his shadow, and that he would teach me to fly and whisk me away to Neverland with Coldplay playing in the background. Obviously now that I'm older I understand that those things don't happen. But more amazing things do, like magic and witches and wizard. Which is why I dove into the magical world so willingly. But it's no reason to stop trying to make adventures for yourself every now and then. Like hiking up a mountain to reach a breath taking view or going to a new club in town and making new friends. Even returning a library book can be an adventure if you tried hard enough. Simple things like that can make life an adventure. I know as long as I stay spontaneous and don't think too much about 'how this will affect my future' like a sensible person would that I will never be bored.

                                      shes a wizard

Tipsy Millionaire

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Addicts, alcoholics; we’re all desperate liars. Whatever poison you offer I can't refuse.


Ty Eighteen September Twenty Sixth Hogwarts/Ravenclaw Sugar, spice and maybe not so nice? Feisty females only please.

                                      There's not much about my personality that you couldn't figure out by spending about ten minutes with me. Most likely the one word that will come to your mind is 'a*****e'. But do not fret, I'll feed you baby birds. First we'll go for the things you can't see from just a passing conversation. I mostly live in the shadow of my older brother in my household. He graduated from Hogwarts when I was a mere second year and since he was well liked and had an exceedingly large IQ, (with an ego to match) everyone in my family assumes I should be a top dog as well. Apparently they think it's genetic. They are a loving family, but also a rather pushy and judgmental one. The one main difference between me and my brother is that I enjoy my slightly neutral position on the social scale, and tend to avoid the spotlight. Unless it's only directed at me for doing my usual dangerous deeds. I feel absolutely no need to try and hold up 'the family reputation'.

                                      If it were up to my parents I would be some top notch kid. A chip off the old block you might say. But stuffy, refined and controlling are definitely not what makes me, me. The real me is a risk taker, because there's no other way to shake up Hogwarts who is under the slight assumption that there is any kind of peace in this world. It would drive me positively insane if my life involved no danger. I see things in the light that if I were meant to die, then it will happen one way or another. So I should enjoy myself and get the most thrills out of life that I can. Though my kind of thrill is a lot more dangerous then others. I have a habit of driving to fast, while just a little too drunk to function properly. It is such a high to have your adrenalin constantly pumping. Like ice swimming through your veins, electrifying your body and senses. The jittery feeling that makes it so you just can't sit still. You just have to run, jump, dive, do something even crazier. When I have this feeling I am unstoppable, at least in my mind. I'll try anything once and I'll do the most insane dares you can think off. Weather it be something like 'hey go do a jump over that fence' to 'I dare you to take a hit from this pipe'. You catch my drift by now I hope.

                                      Because of my high tolerance for risk I was approached by the death eaters to join the cause. At first I had been neutral to the whole, light and dark, good and evil situation that was swirling through the halls of Hogwarts. But I was more inclined to join just for the fact that it was such a dangerous option. To be a death eater, protected only by darkness and secrets. It lured me in light a moth to a light. But I assume they must have known I would be so easily swayed by the danger aspect of it all, so I was an easy target. But what they don't know is that in a do or die situation I'll do what is best for me. Got to look out for number one you know?

                                      Though there is one part of me that I just can not rid myself of. I may have a better disposition the when I was a kid, being controlled and twisted to my parents point of view. Following so desperately in my brother's footsteps to impress others. Feeling that I had to grow up to be just like him who was always well liked and successful. I am still that loner deep down inside. Even though I have grown from being a shy, awkward child into a young adult who doesn't give a ******** (and my social skills have grown past the gaucheness of a stuttering fifth grader) I still find it easier for me to be alone. Maybe it's a good quality for me, incase my now eccentric and self-jeopardizing ways alienate what friends I may have from myself. I could sit in alone for hours just doing my own thing. Trying to think of a new way to get the blood pumping faster. Sometimes even slipping so far to actually completing my school assignments. Being the productive little boy my parents always wanted. I know, big shocker right? But why else do you think I'm still here at Hogwarts, come on now. I hate that I still carry this part of myself with me, because it bares a lot of pain from my past. It makes me feel like I'm still a kid, forced to be quiet and composed. It’s like I have two different personalities. The strong bad a** that makes girls swoon and lives under the influence, then the silent skittish little child I once was. I suppress that part of myself as much as I can. Because lets get real, who wants to hang out with some poor little twit who can't fend for themselves? Not me that's for sure.

                                      Let's not dwell on the past though. What's done is done and this is me here right now, telling you not to pity me or grow softer towards me because you know this. Because we all have shitty pasts, why should mine be any more important then someone else's? Call me apathetic and unfeeling, but I just came to the realization that nobody truly cares about you in this world, so live as selfishly and recklessly as you please.

                                      shes a wizard

Tipsy Millionaire

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Britain Michael Altovino!
Fight for what you believe in rather than fight for what you don't.

If Britain doesn't work for you than please, call me Michael Seventeen December 15th, 1993 Durmstrang/Gryffindor Those gorgeous ones that have curves - I believe those are women, which makes me straight.

                                      Why hello there. My name is Britain. Though if you don't feel like calling me that you can most certainly call me Michael. Please refrain from pet names or nicknames. Unless your one of the few who I'd let give me one. Which - for the record - has not happened yet. I was born on December 15th, 1993 to Leila Normstreire and Krustopher Altovino. Krustopher is the same thing as Christopher just for reference. My parents were both pure bloods, but they did not end up marrying. My mother was against marriage and my father thought that marriage was a trap set up by the generations before us.

                                      What else to know about me? Well, I make an effort to be the person I want to be. I don't let anyone push me around. Though when it comes to my parents, that's a different story. I'm generally a nice guy. I'm easy to talk to and get along with just about anyone. Likes? Well, it doesn't hurt to tell. Quidditch, Music, Girls, Boys, Storms, Having fun, Intelligence, and much more. I don't feel the need to bore you to sleep. On to my dislikes. People who are always goody two-shoes, Morons (which could also include idiotic, ignorant, and self-absorbed people), Cowards, Fakes, Girls who try so hard to get a guy to like them yet in the end all they end up doing it hurting themselves. I hope that clears up a bit.

                                      *Ahem* Going back to about my family's.. history. I've already mentioned they were pure bloods. But what you don't know is that my family is a bit... inter-mixed. And what I mean by that is, My father is a member of the Death Eaters, and my mother of the Order. Why I chose the Order? Simple really, I didn't want to carry on family tradition that the oldest son would be a death eater. Plus, it wasn't what I wanted to begin with. I still don't know how my parents get along. How they could have a two children and one on the way is beyond me. Although I do have to admit, ever since I came along and my younger brother, they've gotten used to the concept of an arranged marriage for their children. And that's a scary thought if you think about it.

                                      Secrets? Me? Hrm... Well. Alright, I'll tell you. There's this girl.. Well, actually there's two but that's besides the point. One that I find truly intriguing. She's in Slytherin. The other.. Well, how about I just keep it to myself for now, eh? I mean, you already know about one though not her name. It's a shame though. Her twin seems too much of a push over. Err, ignore what I just said. What else? Well, nothing else pops up to mind, so I guess that's it.

                                      Well look at the time, it's best for me to go. It was a pleasure talking to you. See you soon, hopefully.

                                      S a v e d _ S o u l 89

Tipsy Millionaire

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Rainer Marie Malfoy
I'm your wish, your dream come true and I am your darkest nightmare too.

Rayne Sixteen October Thirty-First Beauxbaton/Gryffindor Men are perplexing, Women are catty, you can’t win for losing.

                                      In all honesty, I think you should get to know people by speaking to them. You know, slowly forming a relationship by getting to know each other? Discovering little details and secrets that end up structuring the person before your eyes? But no, here I am, giving you the four-one-one on me, Rainer Marie Malfoy.

                                      Yeah, I am a Malfoy. It causes a lot of stress in my life already, so please don’t remind me. My grandfather is Draco Malfoy and yes, I am a pureblood. Does it mean I have to be a snob and a p***k like the rest of my family? No, it doesn’t, so don’t judge me simple because of my name. Speaking of snobs, I do have a sibling. A twin, actually. He and I used to be exactly the same…innocent, happy, inseparable. Now we’re yin and yang. I’m the black sheep in the family…or to be more accurate, the white sheep. My family practically disowned me the second I got into the Gryffindor house. My brother is in it, too, but he’s a Death Eater, so he’s some ridiculous spy. It caused a stir in the Malfoy household for sure. And I’m sure the Gryffindor house isn’t too thrilled, either. Like I said, just because I am a Malfoy does NOT mean I have to be evil to the core. I’m NOT bad and I most certainly am NOT a death eater! Nor will I ever be. Because of my family’s newfound passionate dislike in me, I decided to dye the blonde in my hair so I no longer looked like my brother. Being the white sheep in the family doesn’t bring me down anymore. I embrace it and make it my own. I don’t go home during holidays most of the time and I mind my own business unless my brother provokes me.

                                      So who am I, then, if I’m not some arrogant pureblood? I’m a sweet person, who desperately loves to help people. I have a tendency to get nervous around people I don’t know that well. I did pick up that trait from the Malfoys. You know the one where they are suspicious of everything and everyone. I’m good at reading others, stacking information away in my mind so I can figure out who is out of character or what not. Even though I am not a death eater, I certainly know most of their methods, simply because I was taught that at a young age. Speaking of young, I am a child at heart. What does that mean exactly? I enjoy the small things in life and have an idealistic thought process. I’m a constant dreamer, often seen gazing out at nothing and dreaming away. I’m a passionate person, which give me a passionate temper as well. I tend to hold grudges and simmer over whatever happened. Also, I have no filter between my mind and my mouth, so I say whatever I think, good or bad. I have a sarcastic and witty mouth, completed with quick comebacks and a slight attitude sometimes. But I am an all around good person. I love fiercely and am very loyal to my friends. I hate fakers and posers and I don’t tolerate arrogance and pompous pricks.

                                      I was at Hogwarts my first year, but my parents transferred me to Beauxbaton when learning I had become a Gryffindor. They believed sending me there would change my ways. Yeah, uh, no. So I was sent back. I love Hogwarts! I enjoy many of my classes, except Herbology and Potions class. My favorite class is probably Defense Against the Dark Arts (shocking, I know). I am quite gifted in that class. I have no choice but to be, considering I live with a family made entirely of Death Eaters or Ex-Death Eaters. I enjoy Astronomy as well. I am also in the Hogwarts choir and I am proud of that fact! Outside of learning and schooling, I enjoy music and singing, and I study muggle theatre. I love to read every kind of book imaginable, and I love the nighttime, staring at the stars and moon. I hate storms and being absolutely bored. However, if it storms, I generally read or write. I don’t have any crushes yet, but give it time. My secret? For somebody to love me for WHO I am and not be intimidated by my family name. I just don’t want to be judged…

                                      Anywho! I have given you the complete background of Rainer Marie Malfoy. Hope to see you at school. Just remember, Malfoy is only a name.


Tipsy Millionaire

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I want to feel weightless, and that should be enough.

DannySeventeen years old November 25Hogwarts/Gryffindor Can't get enough of those girls!

                                      Hey, mate! What's up? You want to know about me? Well, that's a little strange coming from you, but I'll do my best.
                                      My name is Daniel Bryan Yeats (pronounced "yaites", not "yeets" wink , but my friends call me Danny. I'm a seventh-year Hogwarts student, and I'm in Gryffindor. This is my last year at Hogwarts and when I graduate I want to be involved in magical law enforcement, specifically as an Auror. I'm very excited about leaving, but I hope my last year will be the best. I figure you probably already know most of this so I'll backtrack a few years to something you probably don't know.
                                      I was born on November 25th in a muggle neighborhood in Manchester city to pure-blood parents. It's weird, I know. You see, my parents are both from Ireland. My father comes from a very prominent, very influential family that often has its hand in the Irish and British Ministries of Magic. Much of his family, however, are magical supremacists who believe that wizards have no business associating with Muggles. They are ignorant elitists who truly believe that magic is might- my grandfather, in fact, is a prominent advocate of segregation of those with the gift of magic from those without; but my father was different. He did not agree with my grandfather and the rest of the family. When my mother became pregnant with me, they jointly decided that the atmosphere of prejudice and bigotry my relatives had created was not a place for a child to grow up, and so they moved to live in Manchester instead.
                                      I grew up with the muggles of my neighborhood and adopted muggle customs, such as a love for association football and Manchester United FC. However, I also picked up the wizard customs of my parents: as soon as my father judged that I was old enough to have my own training broom, I was zooming around my backyard and scaring the neighbor's dog. Like most other wizard children, I received my Hogwarts letter the summer after I turned eleven and I was all too eager to leave Manchester for the castle that I was soon to call home. I was the second Yeats ever to be sorted out of Slytherin, the first being my father with his sorting into Hufflepuff. I've made lots of friends in my time at Hogwarts, and almost as many enemies.
                                      What kind of a person am I? That depends on who you ask. My friends would tell you I'm loyal, energetic, dedicated, and friendly. I'm a bit of a prankster, and that gets me in trouble sometimes, especially with teachers I don't see eye to eye with.
                                      My enemies will tell you I'm stubborn, impulsive, insensitive, and obnoxious, but don't listen to them, they're just jealous.
                                      What do I like? Could you have thought of a broader question? I like a lot of things. I like Hogwarts. I like muggles. I like my family. I like football. I like Quidditch. I like the feeling of wind blowing against me when I'm on a broom. I like my friends. I like animals. I like music. I like competition. I like sunny days. I like girls, and I probably like you.
                                      What don't I like? That's probably a little easier to answer. I don't like my father's side of the family. I don't like anyone that passes judgement on other people simply because they form part of a group. I don't like foul play. I don't like rainy weather.
                                      Girls? What about them? I've been involved with a few girls during my time at Hogwarts, but nothing serious. I'm not very into commitment, if you know what I mean.
                                      What do I hope to do this year? This is another hard question. I want to make this the best year Hogwarts has ever seen. I know I'm going to miss my time here, so I want to make my last year count, and I want to leave with a bang! Want to help?


Tipsy Millionaire

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Adrian Scorpio Malfoy
Want in one hand, s**t in the other. See what you get more of.

If you give me a good one, whatever. Sixteen October Thirty-First Durmstrang/Gryffindor Both are easy, so who cares.

                                      Who the hell doesn’t know me? No, no really. Who doesn’t know me? ‘Cause if you don’t then how about you and I get a private room and you can know me reeeeal well. But, if you expect me to share my secrets and give you my personal, deep feelings like some little girl you can take your crap and go. Ugh, well I guess here it goes. The not-so-deep Adrian Scorpio Malfoy:

                                      If you are blind or just plain stupid to see, I am a Malfoy. A proud pureblood Malfoy. My grandfather is, unfortunately, Draco Malfoy. Now, I don’t say unfortunately in the way that you think. Ooooh no, I say unfortunately because, like his own father, Draco was a coward. A sniveling child who bowed down to anybody higher than him. He was pathetic. But that ended with my father and me. We are proud and I certainly will not kneel down and kiss somebody’s shoes simply because they ask me to. Here’s where the fun part comes in. I have a sister…a twin sister. You may have seen her before. She has raven black hair and is seen wandering about where she doesn’t belong, singing and daydreaming. Poor girl…she doesn’t even realize. Our parents are fooled by her; they believe that she will come to her senses and become a Death Eater in time. Pffft, yeah right. Rainer has chosen her side, and by doing that, she abandoned all traces of having a family. She’s embraced it, though; she even dyed the entire blonde that was in her hair black, as some form of closure. Back in the day, when she and I were super tight, we had platinum blonde hair. As we get older, the black comes in. There’s another pair of siblings like us, Jazz and Alex. But she hasn’t made up her mind yet…hopefully she’ll choose our side. Jazz freaks out about it a lot. I was there….yeah, sometimes I miss those days, alright? She was my best friend. But it’s done and she chose to disgrace herself. Whatever. Moving on.

                                      Here’s a biiiiig hint to my whole personality: I’m an a*****e. I hate almost everybody. I’m cocky and full of myself; I know it. My personal enjoyment involves torturing freshmen and lower classmen…and even some upperclassmen (Mostly Hufflepuffs, they are sooo fun to screw around with). I like to pull pranks on teachers I don’t like and it’s easy to, considering they all fear my name. I am insensitive to other’s feelings and guess what? I don’t care. You want to call me a jerk or an a*****e or whatever, fine. One: come up with a better insult. And Two: Get over it. I am rude and crude and cynical. And again, I don’t care. But being all these things means one other major thing. I’m quick. I’m quick to insult, quick to wit, and quick to get away with anything that I do. So is there anything more to the complete and total jerk-off…sure. Believe it or don’t, but there is more to me than just screwing with the weak-minded (which is a complete and total blast, I swear!). I have a heart, and feelings, and yes, I am human. I’ve been hurt, but my reaction is just to hurt back. But be warned, I’ve lied, I’ve cheated (multiple times), I’ve screwed people over and I would happily do it again. I am a selfish person who only cares for my own personal gain. Deal.

                                      Hogwarts is cool, I guess. Nothing like Durmstrang. When my sister and I got into Gryffindor, my parents flipped their lid. I did, too, don’t worry. I was in shock. They claim it was something to do with us being twins. Ridiculous. Rayne was ecstatic. She loved Gryffindor house. It didn’t take long for my parents to take us out of Hogwarts and separate us. Durmstrang was a great school, but I missed my sister. I knew she was miserable, surrounded by flighty girls. But hey, she screwed that one up herself. Eventually we were sent back and STILL in that damn Gryffindor House. So I became a “spy” for the Death Eaters. Now, my classes, well, uhh…I guess I enjoy Potions class, I can’t STAND Herbology, and I really don’t care about any of the others ones. Outside of that schooling crap, I enjoy blaring music as loud as I can, reading (but hey, don’t let others know, it kills my badass image); I love standing outside in storms, just listening to thunder crash and feel the rain pounding on the ground. I can’t stand being bored; it makes me antsy and annoyed. Uhh….secrets? Did I tell you before, I ain’t sharing that crap!

                                      Get out of here. You’re annoying me.


Tipsy Millionaire

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"I used to play sports. Then I realized you can buy trophies. Now I'm good at everything."

Alan Sixteen May 6th, 1994 Hogwarts/Hufflepuff No Homo

                                      Hola, mis compadres! I'm Alan, and just call me Alan. None of those silly nicknames, alright? I'm sixteen years young, attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and am part of the Hufflepuff house. Surprisingly enough, I'm a pureblood wizard.
                                      . . .? A-ah....Why is that surprising?
                                      Uhmm...well, I guess it's because I don't really look like the other purebloods, do I? I mean, look at those Slytherins! They're freaking scary!

                                      So, what sort of person am I? Well, I guess we could start with the good things. I'd like to say I'm a pretty nice guy, real friendly and all. I'm always there to give you a hand, so I suppose I'm pretty helpful. People have also mentioned that I'm pretty easy to talk to, but I guess that goes along with the helpful trait. Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm naming off all of the good things. Let's move on to my faults, I guess. In case you haven't noticed I'm pretty nerdy (which totally just makes me smart), right down to my scrawny appearance and up to my love of muggle technology. I guess the friendliness thing can be bad, because I've gotten many comments about me being pretty annoying at times. They've said I'm pretty smothering, too. But, sheesh! It's not my fault that I care about people a little too much. I'm going to ignore the last thing people have said, which is that I'm a little touchy-feely. Because, seriously, it's not like I'm feeling people up! I like human contact, like a pat on the shoulder or even a hug. Believe me, I'm too terrified of the female gender to even think of touching them in that way. . .I blame my low self-esteem for that one.

                                      What do I like? Well, muggle technology thrills me. Specifically video games and the internet. That's about it for that side of the universe, though. Coming back to my special little area of life, I love chocolate frogs. They're cool little buggers, you know? Plus, wizard trading cards are freaking awesome. You should come by and see my collection sometime! I also like chilling with friends, but that's pretty normal with a kid my age, don't you think? Warm weather is the best, plenty of time for swimming and plenty of other summertime events. Too bad most of the cool birds of prey prefer winter, though. I'd love to see them year round.

                                      However, I really dislike the winter. Scrawny kids like me get cold easily, you know? The Slytherin kids constantly tease me about my scrawniness, by the way. Man, I don't think that house will ever change no matter how many new kids arrive. Despite my love of swimming, I freaking hate marine creatures. They scare me shitless, if you want me to be completely honest. Those things and faeries, those little freakin' creepers with their tiny little hands...ugh. Oh, random add on! I hate the rain makes me achy.

                                      I grew up as a pretty normal wizard, no tragic pasts or anything like that. However, my slight obsession with muggle technology did seem to upset my parents quite a bit. But, who could blame me? These people had found ways to do amazing things without the use of magic! Plus, have you ever heard of the internet? It's an amazing place I tell you, you should visit it! Muggle video games are interesting, too. Simple, yeah, but pretty amazing. Plus, they're a good way to show strength and such without venturing outside and having to reveal your very poor skills in psychical activity. But, let's get back to my past and stop talking about how lame I am. Like I said, I grew up pretty normally. I had a few friends, a loving family, a few siblings....then I was off to good ol' Hogwarts for my first year. Now, that place was like any normal muggle highschool....plus all the magic and stuff like that. Well, you get the point. Ridicule, trying hard for grades, and a few friends. Sorry, guys. My life is pretty uneventful.


Tipsy Millionaire

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"I used to play sports. Then I realized you can buy trophies. Now I'm good at everything."

Alan Sixteen May 6th, 1994 Hogwarts/Hufflepuff No Homo

                                      Hola, mis compadres! I'm Alan, and just call me Alan. None of those silly nicknames, alright? I'm sixteen years young, attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and am part of the Hufflepuff house. Surprisingly enough, I'm a pureblood wizard.
                                      . . .? A-ah....Why is that surprising?
                                      Uhmm...well, I guess it's because I don't really look like the other purebloods, do I? I mean, look at those Slytherins! They're freaking scary!

                                      So, what sort of person am I? Well, I guess we could start with the good things. I'd like to say I'm a pretty nice guy, real friendly and all. I'm always there to give you a hand, so I suppose I'm pretty helpful. People have also mentioned that I'm pretty easy to talk to, but I guess that goes along with the helpful trait. Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm naming off all of the good things. Let's move on to my faults, I guess. In case you haven't noticed I'm pretty nerdy (which totally just makes me smart), right down to my scrawny appearance and up to my love of muggle technology. I guess the friendliness thing can be bad, because I've gotten many comments about me being pretty annoying at times. They've said I'm pretty smothering, too. But, sheesh! It's not my fault that I care about people a little too much. I'm going to ignore the last thing people have said, which is that I'm a little touchy-feely. Because, seriously, it's not like I'm feeling people up! I like human contact, like a pat on the shoulder or even a hug. Believe me, I'm too terrified of the female gender to even think of touching them in that way. . .I blame my low self-esteem for that one.

                                      What do I like? Well, muggle technology thrills me. Specifically video games and the internet. That's about it for that side of the universe, though. Coming back to my special little area of life, I love chocolate frogs. They're cool little buggers, you know? Plus, wizard trading cards are freaking awesome. You should come by and see my collection sometime! I also like chilling with friends, but that's pretty normal with a kid my age, don't you think? Warm weather is the best, plenty of time for swimming and plenty of other summertime events. Too bad most of the cool birds of prey prefer winter, though. I'd love to see them year round.

                                      However, I really dislike the winter. Scrawny kids like me get cold easily, you know? The Slytherin kids constantly tease me about my scrawniness, by the way. Man, I don't think that house will ever change no matter how many new kids arrive. Despite my love of swimming, I freaking hate marine creatures. They scare me shitless, if you want me to be completely honest. Those things and faeries, those little freakin' creepers with their tiny little hands...ugh. Oh, random add on! I hate the rain makes me achy.

                                      I grew up as a pretty normal wizard, no tragic pasts or anything like that. However, my slight obsession with muggle technology did seem to upset my parents quite a bit. But, who could blame me? These people had found ways to do amazing things without the use of magic! Plus, have you ever heard of the internet? It's an amazing place I tell you, you should visit it! Muggle video games are interesting, too. Simple, yeah, but pretty amazing. Plus, they're a good way to show strength and such without venturing outside and having to reveal your very poor skills in psychical activity. But, let's get back to my past and stop talking about how lame I am. Like I said, I grew up pretty normally. I had a few friends, a loving family, a few siblings....then I was off to good ol' Hogwarts for my first year. Now, that place was like any normal muggle highschool....plus all the magic and stuff like that. Well, you get the point. Ridicule, trying hard for grades, and a few friends. Sorry, guys. My life is pretty uneventful.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Aleksander Von Buuren
I hate what I've become...I must confess that I feel like a monster

Alek fifteen October thirteenth Durmstrang/Ravenclaw I may be shy, but I still fall for the ladies

                                      Where to begin? Well, you've probably heard of me, or at least my dad. He's a famous writer for the muggles. Him and I live in a ritzy loft in DC where he writes horror stories. Don't ask about my mom. She was pretty upset to learn that her husband was a werewolf and a muggle lover. Yeah, he slipped that one in after I ah- came around. She comes from a real prominent pure blood family. My dad does too, but his family's not the most worried about their blood status, not like her. No, it was apparently a real scandal, my birth that is. My mom never married my dad, not that it bothers me. Besides, I do see her every other weekend, when she's not busy writing for the Daily Prophet...Most of the time...not really. So, a good deal of my childhood was spent with my dad traveling around the world to get inspiration for his horror stories. He's always spoiled me, not just because he has money, but because he feels bad I guess. See, it's his fault I was born a monster. We didn't know that the affliction had been passed down to me until my fifth birthday, when my body was finally strong enough to handle the transformation. It's...not something I like to remember.

                                      But see, that's only part of me, a small part (being a werewolf I mean). No one knows what I am at school, and I intend to keep it that way until I find a cure for it. Haha, there I go again talking crap. Yeah, I plan to find a cure for this curse. I'm a whiz at potions and transfiguration- top marks! See, I have this theory, that people aren't looking into this enough- they assume that the only way to cure lycanism is by some sort of charm or potion. I figure, you've gotta combine then. -Alright fine, I'll tell you about that later since I can see I'm boring you.

                                      Now, let me tell you a bit more, the important stuff. As I said, I spent a lot of my life traveling around, but, most of my time was spent running around the streets of DC and the surrounding towns across the bridge, messing around with people and making friends. My dad was under this notion that, the best way for me to grow up was to assimilate with muggles during my younger years. He grew up during the whole second wizarding war, so yeah, I get that. I think he was worried I might turn out like my moms family too, even though I'd never met any of them. I went to muggle schools, played on the soccer team, you get the picture. Sure, I had strange accidents, and I I turned into a wolf every month, but I never really questioned it and my dad always covered it up with the teachers. I trusted my father.

                                      There was one incident though...it was the year before I was supposed to attend Durmstrang (My moms idea...her brother taught there). My dad was out of town, and he'd left me at home for the weekend, and I'd thought....damn, I was a stupid kid....I went out and I forgot what day it was...I transformed in the middle of the city. I didn't bite anyone. There were other wizards in the vicinity thankfully and they managed to knock me out before things got bad, but it's just the fact that I almost....

                                      We moved to Europe a few weeks later, to an all wizarding town. The next year went by without incident, and from there, I went to Durmstrang. My father was never happy about it, but it was part of the custody agreement though. My dad got to raise me, I had to go to what school my mom wanted me to go to. It sucked there. I couldn't understand anyone the first few years (although I am fluent in German and Bulgarian now). The only good thing was Quidditch (I'm a Keeper) and the classes.

                                      ANYWAY!!! So long story short, my dad was happy when the schools merged, and even happier that I made it into his old house.

                                      ARIS DREAMER

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Owen Riley O’Connor
Forever and ever, babe.

O’Connor Sixteen August 24th Durmstrang I hate limiting myself.

                                      Oh, hey! I’m Owen. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. So, usually, I wait until after the first couple of dates to get this personal, but if you insist. I was born August twenty-fourth to Abigail and James O’Conner. I was born in county Sligo in Ireland. Beautiful place, but dreadfully dull. To me at least. I first attended Durmstrang—my father’s way of trying to stop me from hanging out with all the ladies. And it worked, in a sense. But ladies aren’t the only thing around, if you catch my drift. It was difficult being at Durmstrang, either way. All the testosterone in a place like that for so long is not the smartest idea that the witches and wizards of our day have thought of. But I digress. The merging of the three schools? Now that, my loves, was a superb idea. It’s nice to have a little variety.

                                      Growing up, I always chased after girls (and sometimes boys) and, well—not to sound narcissistic—I usually caught all of them. Hey, I enjoy life. No sense waiting around for someone to come on to you. Seize the day, people. That’s why I was sent to Durmstrang. I’m really a sweet guy. Yeah, maybe I’m a flirt. And maybe I can be a tad conceited, but at least I admit it. No sense in lying. Secrets? Why would I tell you my secrets? I know you’re trying to get to know me, but jeez. Let’s find a room later and we’ll chat about such things then. (Plus, I don’t really have any secrets. I’m fairly open.) Do I have any crushes? Well, define crush. I’m physically attracted to many people—what teenage boy isn’t?—but no one I’m crushing on. I’ll leave that to the ladies.

                                      Sorry this is a bit short, Love. You’re just going to have to find and ask me later, babe. Until then, I’m out.


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Isabelle Marie Dewitt
“Every man dies. Not every man really lives.”

Elle Sixteen November first Beauxbaton/Ravenclaw Love is love; no matter with who.

                                      November first at 12:00 midnight, I was born to Dawn and Charles Dewitt. My mother, a muggle, died during childbirth. Growing up, I knew that my father never got over her death. He didn’t look at me the right way. It was as if he were seeing my mother. I knew it was tough, so soon as I reached the age, I left for Beauxbaton—a prestigious magical school for young witches and wizards. I spoke fluent French since I was young, so it was no issue. While I didn’t mind being there, I wished I could have been at Hogwarts, closer to my father. On alternating breaks from school I would go to my mother’s parents. My mother was born in Portugal and it was there I learned to speak Portuguese. This way, I didn’t have to be a constant reminder to my father. I loved seeing him and he loved seeing me, but he also was deeply saddened with me around. We’ve always written back and forth to each other no matter what, though.

                                      My whole life I’ve worked hard to someday become an Auror. I’ve excelled in all my subjects, although my social life suffered. Luckily, no one really knows me here at Hogwarts, so I have a chance to show them someone different. I’m ahead in all my classes, allowing me to tend to my shriveled social life. I haven’t made many friends yet, just a few here and there. I have one friend I met at Beauxbatons: Rainer Malfoy.

                                      I have one very large issue. I blush over everything. I can’t control it. I don’t blush because I’m embarrassed. It is more like if someone is staring at me or says something awkward. Or if someone hits on me. That’s when I’ll blush. I hate it with a passion. And there are some who know I blush over everything and purposely try to make me blush. Seriously, next time someone tries it I’m so going to curse him/her. Anyways, I’m very against this Dark Lord bullshit. I think it’s time that we get to feel safe for once.

                                      I wouldn’t call this a crush, but I’m very attracted to this one guy. He happens to be an asswhole. Adrian Malfoy? (yes, my friends brother) Yeah. Him. I actually hate him with a passion, but I can’t help but be… never mind. I think I’ve said enough. If you want to know more, talk to me. I’d love some new friends.



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