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Tipsy Millionaire

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Tipsy Millionaire

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Go Hard or Go Home!

JazzEighteenOctober Tweny-third Hogwarts-Slytherin Those Lovely Ladies

                                      The name is Jasper Rolland O'Connell and no doubt, you've probably heard about me already. That's right ladies! God's gift to women is here, never fear! Ha! Yes, well...okay, so maybe you ahven't ehard EVERYTHING yet. Well...here goes. I'm the other brother that you've heard so much about. That's right, I'm Jazz...fear me. My family moved over here from America too long ago for me to care to remember. All I know is, is that it was when my Grandfather had my Mother with him and all that. Well, my family is a bit...dark. Ever since I was born, I always aimed to make my parents proud and happy. As the boy of the two children that they had had, I felt that it was my duty to live up to the family name and make them proud. Though, it seemed that no matter what I did, I just could NOT make my father happy. he was the key person in my life that I had been trying to impress for YEARS! Finally, after a long time...I had just given up. And it just so happens, that on that day...I found out what my parents were exactly.They were Death Eaters.
                                      Seeing this as my chance, I moved quick to join up and become one as well. That's right...I'm a bad boy ladies. Don't get me wrong, I have a heart, and I'm capable of feelings, but don't underestimate me either. I've lied, I've cheated, I've cursed, hexed, and destroyed...and I'm not afraid to do it again, I'm afraid. I'm loyal and I have to keep telling myself that. The other Death Eaters, they know what I'm about and they're pretty cool with me...they don't think I'm disloyal or anything. In fact, most are my good friends. The only person I am truly worried about in this world is my sister. Yes, we look nothing alike. Does that mean I care for her any less? It does NOT! Here's a message to all of you guys out there looking to date her...you do something to her, and I will mess you the hell up. I'm not playing. I'm very protective of my sis and I would do anything to make sure she stays safe. Yeah, she might talk bad about me or say that she hates me, but deep down, she knows I care for her and I know she loves me just the same. I've been trying to get her to join the Death Eaters...but she's on the fence and is refusing to budge. In fact, I've even had OTHER Death Eaters go to her, trying to get her to join us. Thing is, the girl just doesn't know what to do. I know she's feeling torn but, I just want her to be safe...
                                      Some other things you should probably know about me: I'me extremely outgoing and quite the flirt. In fact, if I find a lady I really like, you'll know because she'll be the center of my attention, instead of just my sister. You could put me in a full room of strangers, and I could easily talk and get to know all of them. It's just how I am. Now, as for likes and dislikes, I LOVE eating candy (it runs in the family...shut up) and I love jogging and working out. Not to mention, playing Quidditch is just too much fun. As for dislikes, I absolutely HATE toast. Do NOT ask me to explain this more than once. I hate it, it's crumbly and messy and everytime you eat, you get the crumbs on your shirt and it's just...ugh. No toast. None! Now, if you want to know more about me, I guess you're just going to have to talk to me and find out about who and how I really am.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Because You're So Smooth

Alex Eighteen October Twenty-third Hogwarts - Slytherin Those people...the ones of the Male Species...

                                      I'm probably one of the most....uninteresting people you will ever meet. Okay, so that was a lie. In reality...here goes. My name is Alexandria Leela O'Connell and my family is not from around here. To be honest...I think my grandfather was from America or something and forced us all over here before my brother and I were born. Once over here, I think my mother and father fell into the step of the English ways. Well, my family has always been full of witches and wizards, so naturally, they would have to get involved in the wizarding world. They were quite powerful, and they were always on the scene of the latest event or party. Too bad that trait of their's...the one where they always showed up...got them into trouble eventually. My mother and father became Death Eaters shortly after living in this foreign place and never looked back. When the dark lord fell, they went into hiding, trying their best to clear their names. Eventually, they had my brother and myself. They thought that maybe...this would somehow fix everything. They were completely wrong. My brother and I were born on October twenty-third and we have been alive for eighteen glorious years.
                                      So...more about my own life. Yes, I have a brother and we look ABSOLUTELY nothing alike. I swear...they mixed up the babies or something the night we were born. Not only that, but we act NOTHING alike either. He's...more of a flirt and coniving. He's probably the most carefree boy I've seen as well. But...that's not the only thing about him. Not too long ago, he became a Death Eater, and I'm scared for him. He's very brave, but sometimes careless...so I worry about him constantly. He's been trying to pull me into being a Death Eater as well, but so far, he's not had any luck. To be honest, I have no idea what side I'm on in this war. I aim to make my family proud, but I want my friends at Hogwarts to know that I'm there for them as well...that is...if I manage to make any friends, being in Slytherin and all. I'm not really that scary of a girl. I'm outgoing when I want to be and very smart. Yes, I'm vain enough to talk about how awesome I am. Got a problem with it? I really have no problem being talkative when I'm among people I know. But, unlike my brother, I can't be put among people I don't know and openly talk. I'm just too withdrawn for THAT kinda stuff. Which brings me to some random points:
                                      I like many things, but most of all, I absolutely LOVE when someone gives me candy and sweet cakes. I could live off of sugar. If someone were to give me candy or sweets, I would probably kiss them. I guess this extreme reaction comes from the time that our parents wouldn't let us eat candy...and then some random guy giving out samples gave me a little chocolate cake...and I kissed him. My brother punched him. Other likes include: working magic, drawing, listening to music, jogging, doing things I probably shoudln't be doing...and causing mischief with my brother (When he isn't being a Death Eater) and my friends. Though I hate clowns and spiders. I don't care what they look like, what form or size they are, if they are categorized under either of those two names, I run the hell away. That is it.
                                      Other than all of that, I'm a pretty laid back chica. I love to be outside when it's nice out and inviting. I doodle sometimes too, but it's very rare that anyone see's me doing anything of a sort. I do love to explore and have gotten caught a couple of times sneaking out, but it was all well worth the fun. Right now, I guess things have just grown away from the innocent times and are now growing more towards the darker times. A war is brewing...and sadly...I'm stuck choosing in between. It's funny...my brother is friends with all of the Death Eaters...and they've all been working hard to get me to join them but, I just can't pull myself to do it. It's only a matter of time before I'm forced to...


Tipsy Millionaire

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Sadia Heather RyLan
Really, just mind your own business. .

Sade Seventeen years old October 31st, 1993 Beauxbaton/Gryffindor I like boys, end of discussion.

                                      Let's get to the introduction!

                                      My name is Sadia Heather Rylan. I'm seventeen years old, if you don't already know that. I have long brown hair and green eyes. And to state for the record, I only have my ears pierced. Though about getting a tattoo. Maybe I'll get one during the school year. Who knows?

                                      You still want to know more about myself? Alright then, I'll tell you. Though please, keep it to yourself, alright? I like poetry. It's a beautiful form of expression to admit to one's own love just how they feel about someone. Of course - I've never done anything like that. Just dilly dally here and there, writing my own poems and such. Oh - singing! I love to sing. I've written a few songs of my own with my acoustic guitar. Though no one has heard me sing (and I don't plan on people hearing me any time soon either). Considering I don't want to bore you with myself constantly talking about each and every like that I have, I'll list them. Music, Photography, My acoustic guitar, Writing, The Rain, The stars (yes the ones in the sky at night), Boys, Art, and History.

                                      I don't really like to go into details with my dislikes. So, here goes nothing! On second thought, I'll number them. One, my nightmares. I've had the same nightmare since I was nine. I always tend to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Though thanks to a useful spell, my roommates at school won't have to hear the screaming. Two, Jocks. I mean really. Boys, it's quidditch. It's just another sport. Nothing to go thinking your famous for being good enough to play it at school. Three, Fakes. I dislike them with a passion. Four, Bitchy Girls. Seriously? Drama follows them everywhere.

                                      People have told me, I'll admit, that I'm very blunt. I'll tell people what I think about them and how I see a situation. Though, with me and my bluntness, I tend to be cold at times given circumstances. I'm a nice girl, really. I'm sweet, generous, thoughtful, quizzical. I'mHm, perhaps I should explain the quizzical part. Though I'll explain it when I get more in depth about my past. I'm a young woman with a big heart, though get on my bad side, and I will cast a spell on you. Joking!, of course (or am i?).

                                      Now, Let's get on to my family history! Well, I was born to Arthur Rylan and Melody Trixatez. Both of my parents are pure bloods - go figure. My father attended Hogwarts when he was a youngster in the house of slytherin. My mother? Well, she attended Beauxbaton. So when they found out they were pregnant with me, they said that if it was a boy, Hogwarts, or a girl, Beauxbaton. Imagine my father's face when it turned out he had a daughter. It wasn't a very happy day for him; though it was a happy day for my mother.

                                      My dad's family is Greek, Romanian, and English. Where as my mom's family is Irish, English, Spanish, and Italian. Sometimes, I wish my heritage was just a little bit more vague than it really is.

                                      Well when Beauxbatons merged with another school into Hogwarts, my father got excited. He told me that I belonged in the house of slytherin. Apparently my whole entire family on my father's side was in Slytherin. He must have been grinning from ear to ear when he found out I got into the family House. Oh! You want to know about secrets? Forget it. I'm not spilling anything. Ahem, moving on. Oh! here's another secret, my dad and my mother are death eaters. Big whoop for them! I'm not even sure if I want to be one or not. But I have to decide soon.

                                      Anyways, that's all I'm willing to share. I look forward to meeting you!

                                      S a v e d _ S o u l 89

Tipsy Millionaire

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Emily Liam Grier
Oooh, look, a Blibbering Humdinger!

em sixteen January 1 Beauxbaton/hufflepuff Oh, I'm not ready for...sex!

                                      Hi everyone! I love that you all want to know about me! I want to know about you too! I just love making friends, don't you? My name is Emily, but some people call me Em, or Emie, or something along those lines. Along with crazy, ditzy, blonde chick, but I really don't mind. Papa always said not to let what others say get to me. They're probably suffering from something in their life, and take it out on those around them. I grew up on the outskirts of Paris. I am fluent in French, but speak English just as well. Mama spoke English all the time, and Papa, spoke only in French.

                                      I didn't have many friends growing up, not just because people look at me differently, but because Papa always said it wasn't safe out there. There’s things out there that are just waiting to poke your eyes out...you just can't see them till they get you. He finally let me go out on my own when I got my letter from Beauxbaton, it was very hard for him when they decided to transfer me to Hogwarts, I was almost certain he'd explode. He hasn't, and I know everything works out for a reason.

                                      There's lots of talk about the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. But I'm just confused as to whose side to choose. I am at a loss for words. Why would people want to fight against each other, especially for someone else? Don't they see they are just pawns in this giant game this new Dark Lord has created? Well, I for one would perfer not to be someone’s little chess piece.

                                      As for my stay at Hogwarts, things have been fairly interesting this year. I know its against the rules, and I'm not one to openly break them, but I just can't keep away from the forbidden forest and all the magical, amazing creatures inside. I hope no one finds out that I constantly sneak off to there.

                                      Oh...what’s that? Look, it’s sooooo pretty...

                                      Huh? Oh, I was talking to you wasn't I? I get so distracted so easily sometimes. What was I talking about again?


Tipsy Millionaire

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Allcee Jane Middleton
Ignorance Killed the cat...Curiosity was framed.

CeCee sixteen May 10 Hogwarts/Ravenclaw There's no such thing as love, so whoever perks my fancy, can join my party.

                                      They say there are different sides to every person, that every individual has multiple stories. Some can be read openly by others, while some stories are left secret, only for those trustworthy to read. I have two sides, just as anyone else does. The side that the rest of the world sees, and the side that very few are privy too. My name is Allcee (All See) a fitting name if I don't say so myself, though that I will get to later. First let me tell you the version that is plain and open. The figurine that so many behold with their eyes, yet have never really seen.

                                      Upon meeting me, one would think I was a shy and innocent creature. A girl of little words, and even littler of action. My time while in the presence of others watchful eyes are spent buried with my nose in a book or my head in the clouds. Many think I am a dreamer, fantasizing about some make-believe reality world, in which a prince charming riding a brilliant white stead shows up to swipe me off my feet. It’s such a laugh to think that I of all people would view anything in such fantasy light, though I don't blame others. Perception is reality, and the way I portray myself it’s easy to think that I am nothing more than an innocent little girl who’s never had a bad or disobedient bone in my body. I am viewed as simply that girl next door. The girl who’s nothing spectacular, but simply just there. I blend into the background of society. Someone says my name and a few moments later one asks "who?" As if they've already forgotten about me. Yes, I am forgettable, and I like it that way.

                                      Now who is it that I really am you ask? The one who hides behind a mask of lies in order to accomplish her own goals? Only a few death eaters and friends know who I really am. Yes, I am a death eater, though not many even know that. I am what one would call a spy. The Dark Lord's minions approached me some time ago, telling me I would fit perfectly as part of their little plot. I am reconnaissance. Because I blend in so well, not many suspect what really goes on inside my mind. I simply stand in the backgrounds, my ears peeled, my eyes sharp. I hear everything. If I spoke more on what I hear and see, one would call me a gossip queen. Yes that is who I am. The one who knows every rumor about nearly everyone. I catalog everyone’s actions and words in the file cabinets of my mind. When the time is right I can use it against them, but usually it is the other death eaters who use this information, not me.

                                      Of course by saying this, one would assume I am a person of little action. A chicken who hides in the shadows passing on words but rarely ever fits in a fight. You're right for the most part, but simply because if I did partake in such events people would know me more, if they know me there is no use for me. And if there is no use for me, the Dark Lord is sure to dispose of me. Don't think for a minute I am scared of him, for I am nothing close to that. You see, I am an ambitious woman, a realist with a critical mind for strategy and sustaining my own survival. I am not stupid. I joined the death eaters, because it is more likely that their side will win, considering there is no new Harry Potter to fulfill a prophecy in which this Dark Lord will be defeated. I joined the death eaters because they are more likely to win, more likely to survive. But once it’s all said and done, I have plans of my own. I look out for numero uno, and I always work to get what I want. What is it that I want? I want to be on top. I can't take orders forever. Little does this Dark Lord know, but I've got plans for him once it’s all said and done. I will rise above them all.

                                      So who am I really? I am a girl who studies others. Who looks out for herself and believes in matters of logic over matters of the heart. I don't believe in that silly little thing called love, and I learned a long time ago that the people you trust the most are the ones most likely to disappoint and betray you. There's only one person in this world you can truly trust, and that is yourself my friend. So keep your friends at arm’s length, and keep your enemies in your pocket.


Tipsy Millionaire

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From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire.

JeriSeventeen Years OldJune TwentiethHogwarts - RavenclawWizards over witches, for sure.

                                      Seventeen years ago, a beautiful little girl was brought into the world under the roof of the Heat Manor. My name is Jericho Antonia Heat, an eccentric name for an eccentric girl. The story of my life is anything but simple. My father, Orion, is a known brutal Death Eater, while my mother, bless her heart, is a carefree and lovely woman. I'm not so sure how they came to fall in love, but it just goes to show you that love knows no boundaries. I've always been a privileged child, getting whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, but I am in no means a spoiled brat. I always preferred to earn what I wanted in whatever means necessary, a trait passed down from my father. I'm very firm in whatever I choose to believe in.. whatever that may be.

                                      Ever since I learned of my father's risky occupation, he's been trying to get me to join him and the other Death Eaters. Being an only child, the only thing I've ever wanted to do was make my parents proud, but I'm not sure if becoming a Death Eater is what I want. I've never been sure if I had what it takes to become something so dangerous, but on the other hand, I don't want to disappoint my father. My mother's opinion is no help, considering she just tells me to follow my heart. It's my last year at Hogwarts, so school will soon no longer be an excuse to withhold my decision, and my father will expect a final answer eventually.

                                      As far as my personality goes, I'm an unhealthy mix of both of my parents. My mother has taught me to be reasonable, kind, and fair, while my father is more along the lines of 'bring anyone down that stands in your way'. Obtaining both of these traits, I've come to an even compromise. I give people chances to prove themselves to me before I judge them, and if I'm crossed wrong, don't expect me to be easy about it. I have a wonderful sense of humor and enjoy laughing and having fun. My father thinks I'm a wild child, but I'm his little girl so he doesn't let it bother him all that much. I'm a fan of sarcasm and dry humor that a lot of people take too literally. I was sorted into Ravenclaw because of my quick ability to solve problems and draw information when needed. I spend most of my free time either studying or learning something new.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Samuel Andre Rockwell
Why do we have to fight...it's not like can't get along!!!

SammySixteen Orcober Fifth Dumstrang/Ravenclaw Those boys with balls and sticks makes me crazy

                                      October Fifth a babe roaring down the brith canal to get to the light that was Earth.You want to know what babe that was...well it was me Samuel Andre Rockwell I was born to Lysander and Cassandra Rockwell the best Deatheater couple I was the baby of my family.I have five older sibblings two sister and three big strong and mean brothers.Being the baby of the family I was spoil and baby by my mother a lot.When I was a kid my older brothers will try and like boys,but when it got rough with in moments I started to cry.So for years...wait since I was kid I was know as a Cry Baby or Baby.So my family are Deatheater,but we are rich and very powerful family and so the girls wen to the all girl school and the boys we went to Dunstrang and Rockwell sort ran the school...welll the my brothers when they left I became more of a neatural and open minded boy.Let me tell you if I didn't turn this calm and open-minded boy I wouldn't find out that I was a homosexual...Yeh I'm gay,but none of my family knows.Its secert.Also what is another secret is my wanting of being apart of the Order...I mean if my pops find out I will be disown...well the plus side he wouldn't be mad that I'm gay....then there is that whole family will not want to love...it's a double edge sword.I have to go and see my friends bye xoxo.
                                      Dark Gozenta

Tipsy Millionaire

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only love is all maroon, gluey feathers on a flume.

alyth fifteen years old august twenty-second gryffindor, hogwarts everyone

                                      Scotland's my home. Scotland and the road. Born to two magic-wielding wonders- my mother, Stella, a powerful witch well versed in the ways of transfiguration and charms, who retired from her days as an auror to tend to her five children, and my father, Keir, an equally as powerful wizard who channeled his skills into the defense against the dark arts, fighting with my mother against the former Dark Lord's waves of followers -I grew up in a house filled with spells and levitating spoonfuls of delicious food. Two sisters and two brothers were what I grew up with, the impressive Lulach,- who just recently started working for the ministry -the beautiful Hazel, and the rambunctious twins Saoirse and Rowena. Hazel, currently a seventh year, was my idol, just as I am to Rowena, and Lulach is to Saoirse- both twins are comfortably second years. Obviously, we all dreamed of being aurors like our parents. I was a first year when Lulach was a seventh, and when Hazel was a forth, so inevitably I got both the most training and the most teasing of all of my siblings. Although I enjoyed the defense against the dark arts as much as my other siblings, potions and herbology was where I excelled- naming off every ingredient I knew at the kitchen table when we returned home for the holidays.

                                      My abilities in potions and herbology never quite put me in a position where I could consider myself auror material, however, which always stood as a self-esteem lowering point for me. Always, my family had favored the defense against the dark arts- or charms, or transfiguration, which were both useful for fighting dark wizards and witches. And, due to the recent rumors of a second 'Dark Lord' rising, never before have I felt so pressured to have a passion in something I don't. Quidditch, herbology, and potions will always be my favorite things about being a witch. Representing my house of Gryffindor through my personality, and my skills, will always be enough for me.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Iliana Lynn Ravenguard
Great Minds Think Alike, Idiotic Ones Think the Exact Same Thing

Lana Seventeen September 1st Beauxbaton || Ravenclaw Can true love really be defined by someone‘s sex? I think not

                                      Oh hello. An interview? Sure, I have a couple of minutes before my next class. What do you want to know? Who am I? Um…I’m Iliana Ravenguard-OH! I get it now. Okay than…I’ll try to sum me up.

                                      The False Ravenclaw. That would be my official title among my peers. Despite popular belief, it had nothing to do with the fact that I originally came from Beauxbaton. In fact, most of the Hogwarts students are quite friendly despite the rivalries that our schools had in the past. The ones who call me by that particular title are none other than the former Beauxbaton students themselves. But that has to do with a very bad pun on my surname and a rather sad jab at my family‘s…situation. See, the Ravenguard family is one of those pureblood families that have been around since the dawn of time. Like most families, the purity of the bloodline is the most important thing possible. My father, Britain, was the first son and the direct descendent of our specific bloodline. He was a bright handsome male who showed extraordinary talent in all fields of magic. It came as no surprise that he was selected to be the one heir to the entire Ravenguard name. But when he refused a marriage proposal and married a woman‘s who blood purity was rather questionable, all hell broke lose. Suddenly the entire family was split in two and war broke out. Of course there wasn‘t any open fighting, couldn‘t have the general public be aware of the broken family. But the other purebloods knew. They had their spies just as the Ravenguards had theirs. The day I was born was the day that the fighting finally found direction. The question of me being a legitimate heir was thrown up countless times. Cousins and relatives constantly called me “a fake heir, a False Ravenguard.” Ha-ha, yes you see the connection now right? No? Yes…I guess I should mention how it got translated now shouldn‘t I…

                                      Well you see, no one was more surprised that I was placed into Ravenclaw than myself. Something of a seer, my forte in magic is in Divinations. I always followed my first instinct and used logic second. Ravenclaws are supposedly the ones who believe that tea cups and crystal balls are all hocus pocus forms of magic. In amateur hands that may be, but when someone like myself uses those mediums, it’s a completely different matter. Seeing as you can always find a tarot deck in the folds of my sleeve, the whole situation is very ironic. Oh well, I only have a year left of school anyways before I go off and return to my chaotic family life.

                                      Now really, what else could you want to know about me? My personal life? Well, in all honesty, my only love right now is my darling Somali cat Raims. He‘s a rather stuck up thing and seems to dislike the male species as much as getting wet. Raims tends to be on the protective side, which has led to my last boyfriend walking away with more than one scratches on his face. b*****d deserved it for cheating on me, but I still felt kind of bad about it. I meant to scowled Raims on it, I really did! But one look into those heterochromatic eyes and I couldn‘t be angry. He was only defending my honor, after all. But humans wise, no I haven‘t had anyone recently. Though Jasper is rather hot…OI! Do not judge me! I, and quite possibly every other have a thing for bad boys…and the strong silent type.

                                      Hm…lets see what else do I like? Well, for one thing I love rainy nights. The feeling of water running down my skin. Starry nights are perfect for a calming getaway. Books and riddles are also something I enjoy, probably the reason I got placed in Ravenclaw. I’m more of a cat person than anything else but I adore all animals. I’m a pretty tolerant person so coming up with a list of things that I don’t like is pretty hard. Let’s see…can’t stand spiders or bugs…do I really need to explan that? Oh! And really obnoxious people get on my nerves, but than again who doesn’t feel that way?

                                      Oh, class is starting I have to run. It was nice meeting you, catch me later if you need anything?


Tipsy Millionaire

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Avery-Jane Marie Pierce
Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself.

Aj Seventeen November Twenty-Sixth Hogwarts-Slytherin I Fancy the Gents

                                      Hello there! The name I was given seventeen years ago on November Twenty Sixth was Avery-Jane Marie Pierce. Kind of Lengthy I know, but it was about being family wise, Names I mean. I grew up like any pureblood witch might have, you know. Pretending I was better than everyone, that I should be the most... yadda yadda. You get the idea. But I found it hard to believe that everyone was suppose to turn out like their parents. Because by the age of around six I had learned my parents were pretty shady people. Anyway, it’s not time to talk about them yet, is it? Its time to focus on me! Well, let me tell you that that’s not the way I am. Not even close! I might be a Slytherin, but I can assure you that I’m pretty much not evil. I mean there aren’t always evil people in the house of Green and Silver- but its pretty close. I wonder often if my parents bribed the sorting hat...

                                      Anyway. When I was eleven I got my Letter- which wasn’t a surprise at all. I was expected to be a great Witch. My parents both excelled in school, as well as my Elder brother. I find it sort of frustrating though. Why you might ask? Because the all went a specific way in school. My Brother and Dad both picked on people and lived up to that stereotypical Slytherin name. But me? I chose to just leave people as they are, let them do their thing, and let me do my thing. My Thing would consist of reading whenever I can. It really just interests me, and I think people should read more because well…It makes you smarter. Not that I’m super smart, but I’m average. I find it really fun to just be in the castle itself. I mean, It’s just fun. There is so much history! Which is something I seriously love. I am addicted to learning things about the past, and honestly that has to be my best subject. I Also love to play Quidditch. I’m the Beater for the Slytherin Team, I have been since my First year here. And again, It brings me something different from my parents. Neither of them Played, They were more book-ish. I can’t help it though, I love to catch that damn bludger and Beat it from one end of the pitch into the goal! It’s the best time I could imagine other than reading.

                                      So, I seem to be talking about my parents quite a bit haven’t I? Well, Then maybe I should tell you a bit more about our relationship as a family… For starters, Its rubbish. Our family is about as close as opposite magnets. Sure we all look the same, and bear the Pierce last name. But seriously could I be more of an odd man out? I grew up with my father working for the ministry. But he also worked for the new dark lord. But keep that hush hush, because he thinks no one knows. Same with my Mum. I think my brother is too…But I can’t be sure that he’s a death eater yet. Everything Is so secretive in my house. It’s like if you don’t have the mark- Its not your business. And I suppose that’s how it works. By the time I was thirteen I was swarmed by the idea of being a death eater. What could be promised to me, what I would become. What a legend It would make my family. If every one of us was a death eater. See, my whole line of Pierce is not only pureblood but very much so all death eater. And, People know this. With me though, I’d like to keep myself more of the order. Over my years at Hogwarts I’ve found that The Order stands more for anything than whatever death eater could. Even though…they are kind of scary. Once my brother was marked it was like he instantly turned into almost a creeper. And I can tell you almost instantly who In school is a death eater, and believe me I’m going to stay away from them.

                                      I find myself really withdrawn and kind of scattered most of the time. But if I’m actually focused on something, and wanting to get a task done I become someone I don’t even really know. I become Vivacious, cunning, and even sometimes devious just to complete the task. Perhaps that is why the sorting hat placed me in the house I am in now? Speaking of houses. I’ve come to enjoy people in my house…Well sort of. I mean If I can keep myself from people I usually do. I’ve become rather close with those on the quidditch team, surely because of having one goal- to win. I think those of the Order are pretty nice, and a lot of them are really cool with the idea that I’ma Slytherin. I feel like Tae-Sung Park, and Peter Laurent and I have a bit more of a connection because we are of Slytherin house and in the order. I don’t know much of their families, but I know if there a ‘typical’ Slytherin their families are probably connected wit the death eaters. I find myself drawn to people of the Order of the phoenix, I find that whenever I’m near Jasper O’Connell and Tyler Styment I just want to run away, literally. I find the two somewhat scary actually. I find Thor Cederstom pretty interesting, I mean that boy says he’s good at Quidditch, but I want to see it when the season starts. I wonder sometimes if my judge of character should be more like my parents? I mean...They want me to be a death eater, but My alliances have held strong with the Order. Is that a bad thing? In the future to come I just hope it doesn't tear me from my family

                                      Petite Hibou

Tipsy Millionaire

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hazel iona house
i've got a thing for you, you've got a thing for me.

io eighteen years old february twenty-second gryffindor, hogwarts wizardry, if you know what i mean.

                                      Scotland, twenty-five years ago. If you went back, you'd see my mother laughing and waving a paintbrush in my father's already paint-splattered face in front of a large fireplace, in a decaying fix'er-upper. Twenty-one years ago, you'd find my mother reclined in a large, velvety chair, looking tired as could be, as my father lay on his back with my brother extended as far as his arms would go high. Eighteen years ago, you'd find me an infant in the arms of my mother, or my eldest brother, or my father. Fifteen years ago, you'd see me holding my closest sister- Lulach, my stern, tidy brother resting his hand in my brown, curly hair that had only grown out to frame my face, and the warm fire becoming a beacon behind us. Twelve years ago, my littlest sister would be cupped in Alyth's clumsy, toddler arms, and my littlest brother would rest in the surprisingly lanky arms of my eldest brother. Every picture we've ever taken, from the moment my family started, resided in the dining hall of our tall, creaky, out-of-the way coastal home. It was there that I watched Lulach received his letter to attend Hogwarts, ten years ago, and it was in that dining hall where I opened my own, and where Alyth opened her own, and where Saoirse and Rowena picked at the wax seal to dig at their welcoming letters into the wizarding world. In that dining hall, all of us, every year, received congratulatory dinners when we returned home for the holidays- a reward for representing Gryffindor, a reward for doing great, and a celebration of all of our existences when we couldn't celebrate our birthdates.

                                      I am the writer, the scholar, the observer, the listener of our household. Never once have I gotten recognition as an individual but in the eyes of my younger sister Alyth- who, to be fair, loves each and every one of us equally. Where Lulach is thoughtful, strict, stern, and responsible, I am dreamy. Where Alyth is outgoing, bold, loud, and impulsive, I am careful and serene. Where Saoirse is wild, and Rowena is stunning, I am brief and only momentarily eye-catching. My magic lies with my mother, in transfiguration and charms, my heart lies with my siblings, and my looks lie with my father, who, when my age, resembled me so identically that we could have been twins. I am proud, and although no where as lively as my sister, very much alive. Although, many times I find myself alone, I enjoy life. While Lulach has joined the ministry as an auror, I refuse to. Lulach, the spitting image of my mother, but with the personality of a younger version of my father, took after the dark arts. Naturally, my parents being my parents, assumed that he and I would lead the brigade of the aurors of our generation, just as they had- transfiguration, charms, and defense against the dark arts combining into perfect symmetry. No such luck, unfortunately, for I believe my path firmly lies in the Order of the Phoenix. My parents, in their day, saw the ministry as the ultimate power, and didn't realize the corruption going on while Voldemort overturned the wizarding government. I don't blame them, of course, they were young. As young as Lulach. However rebellious it may seem, the Order offers a more promising future for not only myself, but all of my siblings, which is what I plan on achieving in my lifetime. Until then, I continue to study the arts. I continue to strive in my passion for charms and transfiguration, and I intend to leave Hogwarts as a more educated, powerful witch.


Tipsy Millionaire

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Pixie Luska Gaworski!
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer !

Pixi-Lu Seventeen years old October 30th Beauxbaton/Gryffindor Boys doesn't matter to me as long as their good looking.

                                      Pixie Luska Gaworski was born October 30th a day before Halloween. She was born into a family full of death eaters. Her mother and father were the biggest death eaters in her family out of any one. Growing up Pixie was controlled and bossed around by her parents. They told her what to do and how to do it and they also picked her friends. Most of her friends were kids that were pure blood. She never had a muggle friend or a half blood friend. Growing up Pixie listened to her parents when she was around muggles she would play tricks on them. Of course it wasn't tricks with magic since she was to young to know how to use it. Soon then Pixie was left home by herself as her parents would go and do jobs for the dark lord. She never really understood it. Growing a little older she went out on her own and did her own things.

                                      Whatever she wanted to do when her parents weren't home. As she used to always take walks with her older twin brother. Yep Pixie was not the only sibling in her family.. she had a older twin brother, who was really annoying yet he kept an eye on her. Mostly considering she was the biggest flirt in town. One year Pixie had become friends with a muggle, they were best friends and keeping her friend a secret was hard. Though soon the word got out.. later on Pixie decided she needed to help her friend and keep her safe. Using a spell to erase their memories it was back fired. Not only did the girl lose her memory but so did Pixie, she didn't know who the person she was used to be.

                                      Soon going off to Hogwarts everything had changed. Pixie was a huge horrible person that soon took over and became a death eater herself. Pixie is a very friendly person to good looking guys you could say she was the schools slut even though deep down she really is pretty innocent. Though things soon started to change a certain times of certain days Pixie would become happy like her anger and hatred to most people had just disappeared. Other death eaters just found it weird but Pixie found it strange. She could hear other thoughts of a girl she never knew who has every time her name was blurred out. Though Pixie knew that she was at the school some where and she was going to find her.


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Aimée Lisette Chevalier
Seeing everyone's true face, makes me wish they would keep their masks on.

Just Aimée normally Sixteen, soon Seventeen September 25th Beauxbatons/Slytherin I like them studly.

                                      Salut! I am Aimée Lisette Chevalier! However, do call me Aimée or Lis, I do not really answer to much else.

                                      Please do excuse my English, it is not my first language.Anyway, continuing, I suppose my parents would be next, ne? Anyway, both hailed from wealthy pureblood families, of mild regard. Ma maman was raised in Dresden, Germany and attended Beuxbatons. Mon papa, was born in Metz, France and attended Durmstrang. Strange how that works. So far a way, how did they ever meet? That is certainly a funny one. You see, my grandfather on my father's side as well as my grandmum on my mum's side met during the Triwzard Tournament all those years ago, they became fast friends and kept in contact well after the ball. Both being pure blood families, they had considered marrying off my grandparents to each other, but both already had respective matches already. Yeah, my family still practiced arranged marriages, I suppose it was to keep out blood line pure. At least they were somewhat smart about the process and varied the blood line.

                                      Well, Time went on and my grandparents kept in touch and with children of their own, arranged for a marriage between them. They were soon married, and promptly decided to move to Luxembourg, a small country between Belgium, Germany and France. They chose the city Esch sur Alzette, that bordered France and it was there that I was born. I was not the first child, however. I am the third child of four and the only girl. With two older brothers, both a few years out of Durmstrang, and one younger one that started Hogwarts this year and was sorted as a Ravenclaw. Its always been atradition for the boys in my family to attend Durmstrang and the girls to attend Beuxbatons. Though, now with this merging I do miss my school, it was always so pretty, especially around Christmas. Oh, well. C'est la vie!

                                      I am not entirely sure about my feelings about Hogwarts, I secretly always wanted to attend Durmstrang like my brothers and my father, everything they ever said while at home on Holiday had always made me jealous, some of the subject they were allowed to study, it just was not fair. Although, with how my family is, I was not completely given the short end of the stick. Oh? Have not told you about that yet? Tracing back family lines, my family has always swayed towards the darker side, what with our connection to Durmstrang, whom everyone knows is prominent in their teaching of the Dark Arts. And this is exactly what I was talking about, I was not deprived of any of the training as my parents took it upon themselves to pass on what ever my Father had learned at the school and subsequently whatever my brothers did too.

                                      Nosy, aren't you? Obviously, I am quite to myself, and do not like to speak of myself much. Looking into these Hogwarts Houses, which I had not been familiar with before, I think that perhaps I should have been placed in Ravenclaw instead. I have a sharp tongue at times, when I decide to speak, and, thanks to having two foreign parents I speak both French and German on top of my English. Despite this, I was put into Slytherin. I am not complaining, to me it is also a good House, and on many views I agree with them. Especially with views on pure bloods, as it is a subject that has been drilled into me since birth. Also, though I'm withdrawn, it acts a bit of a deception. I am not withdrawn because I am shy, I am because of the language barrier, at Beuxbatons I was more out-spoken. On the subject of crushes, I don't really see much in the future with that. My family arranges their marriages, remember? Unless I find someone up to their criteria, any choice on my part is null in void. I have over heard my parents discussing a few candidates already, but I am in the dark as to who they are exactly. Criteria you ask? Yes, really it narrows down to at least a relatively prominent family, with wealth, and are pure bloods. Oh, and Death Eaters too of course. None of that Order of the Mongoose or whatever it is. Those pathetic excuses for witches and wizards obviously lost a fight with a whomping willow if they chose such a powerless organization.

                                      That's all I'll say. How terrible, its seems I've been rambling. Yes, yes, no more, its obvious I've spilled far too much about myself already. Endlich, lass mich in Ruhe!

                                      S p o r k P o s e r

Tipsy Millionaire

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Thor Olav Cederstrom
If you come from a family of certain kind of person, do you believe you need to be a child or a clone?

Tee Seventeen July the Seventh Durmstrang -- Hufflepuff Aren't we meant to love everyone? I sure do.

                                      So, my name is Thor Olav Cederstrom, but please for the sake of all that is glorious in life, please call me Tee. For one reason, it is easier to say and two, I don't want people mispronouncing my name. I am from Norway, we pronounce my name like you pronounce tore. Simple, no? So, if you call me Thor with the thuh sound, I am legally allowed to use magic without supervision, so be careful. I grew up on the isle of Svalbard, an island north of Norway, Sweden and Finland. What is up there you ask? Ice. Just ice.

                                      My father and mother are both full-blooded magical beings. Now when I saw magical beings, I mean my father is a wizard but my mother is what we would call a siren. Well, it happens when you are a sailor and you go into a lovely cross ocean trip and then fall into a trap by a siren. Yeah. I am a b*****d child of a magical sailor and a siren. Sounds fun, right? Kind of. When people ask me if I am full blooded, I say yes. My mother did magic... with her voice persay. But nevertheless, I recieved a letter from the Durmstrang Institute when I was twelve years old. There, I attended until for some odd reason, us along with Beauxbaton and Hogwarts merged.

                                      I am a pretty laid back guy if I do say so my self. I really don't have a funny accent but if you think I do, you are just wrong. But oh well. I do like having a sense of humor, without it, I am not sure I would be alive. Actually, I would be alive, it just won't be fun. I love magic though, it kind of takes over my life. I never actually told you about my Quidditch adventures, did I? Well prepare. I am a Chaser for the Nordic National Quidditch team. Yes... I am Nationally ranked. So, I plan on playing Quidditch here. One game, they got the Snitch, but we won because I just got so many points. Oh Quidditch, how I love thee.


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