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- = - The SEX-O'Clock News Journal - = -

Sex stories from around the world! :O


Christianity has done a great deal for love by making a sin of it
- Anatole France (1844-1924) French Writer. Le Jardin D'Epicure

To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms,
but the devil slapped on the genitals.
- Don Schrader

Sex is dirty only if it's done right.
- Woody Allen

There's nothing inherently dirty about sex,
but if you try real hard and use your imagination you can overcome that.
- Lewis Grizzard

For me, love is very deep, but sex only has to go a few inches.
- Stacy Nelkin

Sex is emotion in motion.
- Mae West

Love is a matter of Chemistry, but sex is a matter of Physics.

If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right.

Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken.

I think there are two areas where new ideas are terribly dangerous: economics and sex.
By and large, it's all been tried, and if it's really new, it's probably illegal or dangerous or unhealthy.
- Felix G. Rohatyn

I'd like to meet the man who invented sex and see what he's working on now.

If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to?
- Bette Midler

A man must be potent and orgasmic to ensure the future of the race.
A woman only needs to be available.
- Masters and Johnson

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a p***s,
and only enough blood to run one at a time.
- Robin Williams

Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
- Billy Crystal (City Slickers, 1991)

It would be less demanding, enslaving, perplexing and strenuous for a healthy male to screw a thousand women in his lifetime
than to try to please one, and the potential for failure would be less.
- Irma Kurtz

Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships.
- Sharon Stone

According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of other women. They say that women are too judgmental, where, of course, men are just grateful.
- Robert De Niro

Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good;
and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
- d**k Brandon

Nothing is better than sex.
Masturbation is better than nothing.
Therefore, masturbation is better than sex.

I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own.

Play with each other. Play with yourselves.
Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite.

If it weren't for pick-pockets, I'd have no sex life at all.
- Rodney Dangerfield

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer.
- Swami X

Just saying "no" prevents teenage pregnancy
the way 'Have a nice day' cures chronic depression.
- Faye Wattleton

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.

Sexual intercourse is kicking Death in the a** while singing.
- Charles Bukowski

CALIFORNIA: From Latin "calor", meaning "heat"
(as in English "calorie" or Spanish "caliente");
and "fornia", for "sexual intercourse" or "fornication."
Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex."
- Ed Moran, Covina, California

A mistress comes between a mister and his mattress.

Don't confuse being stimulating with being blunt.
- Barbara Walters

Capital punishment turns the state into a murderer.
But imprisonment turns the state into a gay dungeon master.
- Rev. Jesse Jackson



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Lofty Ambition Report | 07/11/2023 4:18 pm
Lofty Ambition
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell Report | 06/03/2017 6:04 pm
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell
What is your favorite Hentai? emotion_awesome
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell Report | 02/18/2017 5:53 pm
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell
Happy 14th Hentai!!!!
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell Report | 01/14/2017 10:54 pm
Mew Mew Luvly Serah Bell
iCotton Report | 06/09/2014 9:32 pm
Okay? eek
Serpent Detergent Report | 06/05/2014 11:38 pm
Serpent Detergent
iCotton Report | 12/02/2012 4:17 am
I saw one of you picture on google XD
MoonMamma88 Report | 04/24/2012 11:42 am
Aki Ameko Report | 11/28/2011 3:32 pm
Aki Ameko
Your Avatar is amazing. XD
Oo_OhhxKrIsTa_Oo Report | 09/09/2011 7:57 am
Random Comment~ ;p

I like girls. They so soft!

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