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My Jumbled Mind
I have quite a bit of stuff here. Ranging from a list of donors to some Rps between me and my friend IchigoFangirl. If you do happen to read one of my entries please leave a comment even if it's just to let me know you were here.
Adventures of the Strawberry and the Dragon- Ch.5 Downpour

Ichigo- *Ichigo stretched a yawned. It must have been five in the after noon he could feel Ryuu still snuggled against him and he had to smile. It was so nice to have someone to wake up with.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu could feel Ichigo moving. She snuggled even closer to him and opened her eyes. She looked at him and smiled* Good morning sunshine.
Ichigo- Do you think I should try to go hunting again?
Ryuu- Hmm no. I want you to stay right here.
Ichigo- But are you not hungry?
Ryuu- Not really. Just stay here with me. *She hugged on to him tightly*
Ichigo- *Ichigo yawned again.* You know I have been thinking that I should show you how to properly use my swords.
Ryuu- I would actually be able to use them? I always thought you were the only person that could use them, or your staff. * She yawned and rubbed her eyes.*
Ichigo- No you wouldn't be able to do magic with them, but you could still use them to fight. He answered but made no move to get up.
Ryuu- Oh I see. I would like not to be in a situation where I have even one of your swords with out you around. But I suppose it would be good for me to know how to fight with them.
Ichigo- Um hum. *he agreed and tugged her closer.*
Ryuu-*She cuddles up with him.* It's to bad we can't just say here like this forever.
Ichigo- We could but we would get very dusty.
Ryuu- *She frowns* You know very well what I mean. At least when we're like this you aren't trying to get your self killed.
Ichigo- I have never tried to get myself killed I have only been making sure that no one else get killed either. *He stated with a grin.*
Ryuu- I don't see how you can grin about that. Every time something dangerous happens you run right towards it, and I'm afraid one time you won't come back.
Ichigo- You worry too much. *He muttered as he turned so that they were facing each other.*
Ryuu- I can't help worrying about you. You don't seem to worry about yourself. Besides I don't want to be left alone.
Ichigo- Why do you always talk about me leaving you?
Ryuu- Because that is the one thing I'm afraid of. The thought of something happening to you terrifys me. I have never had someone who really cares about me. So now that I do I don't want that feeling to go away.*Her eyes start to tear up and she rubs them.*
Ichigo- *Ichigo took a deep breath. There was no way he could promise to be with her always.* Ryuu I don't know how to make you feel better. I do not even know that I can. But do you not remember what I said last night? I said that no matter what happens, no matter how things turn out. I would always want to be with you. If you were not here with me I do not know what I would be doing right now. I would have nothing. No one left in my life. And even though my heart breaks thinking about all the people I have lost, I still am glad to be here with you.
Ryuu- I remember that you said that, and all you have to do to make me feel better is be here with me right now. But I would feel more at ease if I had a way to fight. I don't want to have to run and leave you behind every time something happens. I don't want to be helpless like I was before.
Ichigo- Ok well will both work on that then.
Ryuu- *She smiles at Ichigo* I would like that. But I don't want to use a sword. I think I would like to use a staff better.
Ichigo- *Ichigo frowned* I don't know if that would be such a good idea.
Ryuu- Why? A sword is so heavy. Besides I don't think yours likes me. I nearly tripped over it twice when I was running with it.
Ichigo- Well I do not know. The sunstaff is a very delicate instrument.
Ryuu- Well we could get a staff for me when we get to a town or something. I wouldn't have to use the sunstaff.
Ichigo- *Looks visibly relived* Yes that is what we will do. I well buy you any weapon you want and teach you how to use it.
Ryuu- Yay! I won't have to run away any more. * She smiles and hugs on to Ichigo* I'll work really hard to learn how to use my staff when I get it. That way I won't be a burden any more.
Ichigo- *Reaches around Ryuu and pinches her hard on the butt.*
Ryuu *She jumps fairly high off the ground* Owwies. You're going to pay for that. *An evil grin spreads across her face.* I wonder if my Ichi is ticklish? *She inches behind him and reaches out towards his neck*
Ichigo- *In that same instant Ichigo grabbed Ryuu by the arm and used his foot to knock her legs out from under her. But before she ever hit the ground he scooped her up kissed her soundly on the lips* You had better learn to stop putting yourself down, or else your rear will be black and blue once I'm done with it.
Ryuu- Hmm but wasn't I a burden? I mean first the thing that happened at the inn. Then what happened last night. Both times you got hurt because of me.
Ichigo- *Ichigo pinched her butt twice.*
Ryuu- *She yelped* Fine fine. Just no more pinching. It hurts.
Ichigo- Now you are getting the idea. No more putting yourself down got that?
Ryuu- Yes sir. *She answered with a grin*

*Hours later they were on the road once more. Ichigo was telling Ryuu a story about his life a hundred years past and Ryuu was weaving flowers into a crown while she walked*
Ryuu- *Ryuu steadily continued working on the crown as she listened to Ichigo's story. She always liked it when he told her stories about his travels or his life on the island. She would listen for hours completely enthralled in his stories. When she finally finished the crown she set it on Ichigo's head.* There you are. The red flowers look so nice with your hair.
Ichigo- *Ichigo pulled the crown off his and looked at it for a long while* When I lived with my father and mother I wore a crown on my head. *He remarked* But I did not feel right with it on. I did not want people bowing to me all the time. I hated the way they threw their selves at my fathers feet all the time. He is a great Fae but he should not be treated like a god.
Ryuu- *She was unsure of how to react when he was like this. She hated being unsure, but there was nothing she could do about it. She took his hand into hers and held onto him as they continued to walk. She didn't say anything because she was afraid she would bring up bad memories for him.*
Ichigo- Ryuu *he began haltingly* can I ask you something?
Ryuu- Of course you can. Why couldn't you?
Ichigo- How do you deal with being around humans? Did you ever learn to not fall apart when you lost one?
Ryuu- *She laughed a little* Of all the questions to ask me. I fall apart when I have the slightest feeling I'm going to lose you. But to answer your question. How I deal with them depends on the person. But after I lost what form of a family I had I didn't get close to anyone else. Until you that is. As for not falling apart. I don't think you can "not fall apart" to a certain point when you lose someone. Especially if you care about them. But why do you ask? *She looked at him curiously*
Ichigo- Because after awhile I stopped.
Ryuu- Hmm I see. I suppose that would work as a defense of sorts. I'm sure a person, human fae or otherwise, can only take so much grief in there life.
Ichigo- But I can't help thinking that it shouldn't be this easy. I shouldn't be so happy.
Ryuu- What makes you think you shouldn't be happy? After all that has happened to you. Everything you've been through. Then you go and say something like that. If you ask me I think you have far more of a right to be happy than most people do that are happy. I can't believe you would say something like that after making me quit putting myself down. I'm sure that you mourn what happened to the people of your island, but they wouldn't think that you don't have the right to be happy. I'm sure they would be very upset with you for even thinking such a thing. *She then realizes her outburst and shuts her mouth blushes and stares at the ground*
Ichigo- Perhaps you are right.
Ryuu- Of course I'm right. I'm always right. *She grins at him*
Ichigo-*Ichigo made no reply he looked to be deep in thought.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu sighed. She knew that look he was making all to well. She just continued to hold on to his hand as they walked on.*
Ichigo- If there was one thing you could wish for. What would it be? *He asked her suddenly*
Ryuu- * She looked a bit startled by the sudden question* Hmm I don't know. I'm happy the way things are right now. Just you and me together. I can't really think of anything else I could want.
Ichigo- Hum *He sighed*
Ryuu- *She tugged on his arm a bit* What would you wish for? If you don't mind me asking.
Ichigo- I would wish that I had met you a long time ago. *He told her with a lopsided smile.*
Ryuu- *She smiled and blushed a bit* Hmm that would be a nice wish. To have met you sooner. But I suppose that if we had met each other sooner we wouldn't be the same people we are now.
Ichigo- Eh I do not think I have changed much. You would have probably liked me better before I was cursed. I was in a better mood then.
Ryuu- But I like the you, you are now. This is the you I know. Besides your mood is just fine. You just get sulky every once in a while.
Ichigo- *Ichigo gave a arrogant snort.* "I do not sulk!"
Ryuu- Of course you don't. I just don't know why I said that. *She grinned. Hoping to get him off the subject of the past and things that could have been different*
Ichigo- *He began grumbling under he breath.*
Ryuu- Hmm what was that darling? I couldn't quite hear you.
Ichigo- *He actually growled*
Ryuu- Well fine then. *She let go of his hand and crossed her arms.*
Ichigo- Why would you insult me in such a way?
Ryuu- I can't help it if on occasion you have been a bit sulky. But I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry if it insulted you.
Ichigo- I beg your pardon my lady, It was I who spoke harshly. It is the rain that makes me irritable.
Ryuu- *She looks at the sky and then over at Ichigo* What do you suppose we should do? Try to find shelter somewhere here, or try to make it to a town?
Ichigo- No there is no town for miles. We need to find shelter before it starts coming down.
Ryuu- Then I think we should start looking. The clouds look like they're about to burst.
Ichigo- *for a moment Ichigo only cocked his head then suddenly he grabbed her hand pulled her off the road.* It sounds like there might be a cave up here.* He told her while he pulled her through the bushes.*
Ryuu- *She stumbled a bit and continued at the pace he had set* Just out of curiosity. What does a cave sound like?
Ichigo- *He stopped in mid stride* What do you mean? Can not you hear the air all the time? Air has it's own sound, the sound is shaped by the land around it. A fire fae can hear the smallest draft coming through a hole.
Ryuu- *she stopped a few steps ahead of him and just kind of stares at him in wonder.* I knew fae had heightened senses but still. That is amazing. I have
had moments where I have thought I have heard things. But it was probably just my imagination. Anyways we should really start moving again. *She grabs his hand and head in the direction he said the cave was in*
Ichigo- *Through the wood over a few hills and up to the side of a cliff that ran. Ichigo wasn't even winded but he could see that Ryuu was growing tired. She stumbled over a tree branch and Ichigo had to catch her lest she fall. He was about to tell her why he was hurrying when the clouds let loose a torrent of rain*.
Ryuu- *She looked up at the clouds with a very annoyed look * Why now? Why couldn't it wait? *She then look over at Ichigo* How much farther to this cave? I'm not sure how much farther I can go.
Ichigo- *Ichigo's eyes had grown huge and he looked as if he could not breathe. Frantically he gabbed at her cloak and tired to cover his mouth. But it was soaked through already and he would just be breathing wet air. Why is it raining so hard now? It?s not the rainy season here! I can't take this much rain, I'm going to smother! He thought though it did no good.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu did not like were things were going. She knew that just water in general had a bad effect on Ichigo, and now it was pouring rain and he was stuck out in it. She looked around hoping to see something that she could use to keep the rain off of him, but she couldn't find anything.She looked over to Ichigo. He wasn't fairing well* Ichigo, Ichigo! What's wrong? Come on we need to get moving. *She tugged on his hand hoping to get him moving at least a little.*
Ichigo- *Ichigo could feel himself losing consciousness. His lungs tried desperately to pull some air into themselves but once the damp air got in they rejected it. His chest felt so tight that he wrapped his arms around himself and doubled over. Ryuu was shouting for him to move but he couldn't.*
Ryuu- *Seeing Ichigo double over like that made her stomach tie it's self in knots. The moisture in the air must be hindering his ability to breath. The was the only solution that Ryuu could come up with. She then opened her bag and set it down. She pulled Ichigo's wet cloak off of him and quickly pulled a dry one out of her bag and draped it over him.* I know that cave is somewhere near by. *She knelt down with her back facing him and wrapped his arms around her neck. She then stood up and started to pick her way carefully in the direction of the cave.As she was starting to give up hope she heard a noise coming from not to far off to her left.* Could that possibly be the cave? *She picked up her pace and went in the direction of the noise. After a while more of walking she finally found the cave. She ran in and set Ichigo down taking his cloak and wet shirt off in the process.* Okay Ichigo we are out of the rain. You had better still be alive.
Ichigo- *He slowly began to realize he could breathe a little better then before. The relief had come the moment Ryuu had put her arms around him. It was as if the oxygen around her was thicker, more pure.*
Ryuu- You know you could have warned me that the rain does that to you. *She told him as she held on to him*
Ichigo- * He laugh bitterly* Didn't know... I wouldn't have guessed.. I was so stupid. *He said seemingly lost in his own thoughts.*
Ryuu- There you go after telling me not to put myself down. Do you want me to get a fire going for you?
Ichigo- How did you know what to say? Did he tell you how weak hearted I was? That couldn't turn my back on a woman who was alone? How dare you touch me and act like you were so scared I would abandon you? Of course you were scared of me leaving, without the prize my father wouldn't have paid you for your troubles.
Ryuu- I.. I don't know what you're talking about Ichi. *She had a look of pure confusion on her face.*
Ichigo- You lying air fae wh.. *He couldn't finish his voice cracked with emotion.*
Ryuu- I don't know why you think I'm an air fae, and you know it hurts that you would accuse me of lying to you. Especially after everything we have been through together. *She set herself away from him as tears began to slide down her cheeks.*
Ichigo- I don't want to hear any more of your lies. You air faes are all the same, lying mercenary scum.
Ryuu- *Her shoulders shook as she inhaled and tears continued to pour down her face.* I honestly don't know what you're talking about. If I were a fae or had any kind of abilities like a fae would have, do you think I would have just ran off when that monster attacked last night? Do you think I would have had such a hard time when I went in the inn to try to help you? Do you honestly think someone could act out the emotions I feel without actually feeling them? *As she finished each sentence or question her voice got a little louder. By the time she was done her hands were balled up in fists and shaking*
Ichigo- *Ichigo didn't look angry, he just looked defeated. The rain had stopped outside and he stepped out side the cave.* Tell my father I'm not going back. No matter what he thinks.
Ryuu- *Her head snapped up as she heard him step outside the cave. She took a couple breaths to calm herself down.* I don't know what's wrong with you. Maybe there isn't anything wrong at all. Maybe this is just a way to leave me without coming out and saying what ever is wrong. I don't know and I'm not sure I care at this point. So go ahead leave. I should have known that this was to good to last. *As she set there she drew her knees up to her chest, wrapped her arms around her legs, and rested her forehead on her knees and continued to cry*
Ichigo- *Ichigo made it about twenty yards then he dropped to his knees. He covered his eyes with one arm and cried. His father had sent one of the air faes to trick Ichigo into going back. But that wasn't the worst of it. He had fallen disparately in love with an air fae. Air faes were the most ruthless, conniving and heartless of all the fae. Their queen had killed her own infant child and drank his blood in order to obtain more power. It had been said that she did it openly in front of everyone and no air fae had protested it. Some even joined in the vile deed.* How? How could I not know *He wept*.
Ryuu- *She sat there and continued to cry. She hated herself for letting herself care about someone. She had told herself after the couple that had taken her in when she was younger had died that she wouldn't care about anyone again. Then she went and fell for him. Even now she still cared about him. She still worried about him. Even though he had left her here.*
Ichigo- *In a daze Ichigo found himself back at the cave. His heart refused to process what his mind was telling it. Ryuu couldn't be an air fae no it was not possible. Yet hadn't he been through this before? When others warned him of Ohun he hadn't listened. He had not wanted to believe. He could see she was crying. Her shoulders shaking with her sobs. Even now he wanted to go to her he wanted to hold her.* Could it be possible for a air fae to care for someone?
Ryuu- *She didn't have to lift her head to know that Ichigo was either very close to the opening of the cave or inside.* What do you want? Haven't you caused me enough pain yet? *As she spoke her voice cracked, and she choked back tears*
Ichigo- Tell me why you're here and I swear I won't be angry. Did my father send you like he sent so many before you to drag me back home? Or are you after the pendent??
Ryuu- *She raised her head up* I have never even seen your father, let alone spoke to him, and I don't know what pendant you are talking about.
Ichigo- I want to believe you.
Ryuu- Then why don't you? What have I done to make you think you can't?
Ichigo- Ryuu how could you not know that you are an air fae?
Ryuu- I don't know. Why do you even think that I am one?As far as I remember I have been an ordinary human. *Her breathing had finally settled and her tears had stopped. Now she just occasionally hiccuped.*
Ichigo- You said you have been alive far longer then normal and you have not been aging. How do you think that's normal??
Ryuu- I don't know. All I know about myself is that my adopted parents found me unconscious in a forest close to their house. I couldn't remember anything before that day so they took me in. I have no idea who my parents are or where I was born. My adopted parents raised me as a normal human so I never questioned it.
Ichigo *Abruptly the whole cave became like a oven. Then without warning Ichigo punched the cave wall so hard he made a crater with his fist. His eye's blazed but he was not truly angry at Ryuu. He was angry because of his own fear. He had just began to fully trust Ryuu with his heart and now he wanted more then anything to believe her innocent.*
Ryuu- *She didn't seem to respond to the cave heating up or the loud noise from Ichigo punching the wall.* Do whatever it is you came back to do, and leave. Or do you want me to leave? After all you are the one that found this cave. *Her voice had gone completely flat,emotionless, and tired.*
Ichigo- *Suddenly Ichigo moved forward his eye's still blazing He grabbed Ryuu and pulled her into his embrace.* I don't want to hurt anymore. *He ground out just before he kissed her with more passion then ever before. He didn't really expect her to except his kiss but his heart was breaking in two and it was killing him to push her away. He no longer cared who she was or why she was there all that he knew was there was no going back.*
Ryuu- *She let him kiss her but she didn't really respond at all. She push him back abit.*Are you sure? Are you really sure? Because I don't think I can go through something like this again. I don't want to feel like my heart is being split in two. If you aren't completely sure you can trust me then I can't stay with you.
Ichigo- *Ichigo would not look her in the eye but the tear stains on his cheeks were all too visible. He hung his head. He was so confused that he didn't want to speak. Nothing he could say would make things alright again anyway.* When I'm near you I feel happy like nothing else matters. And when I was drowning in the rain you touched me and it was easier to breathe. Only an air fae can do that for a fire fae. All my child hood I seen the deeds of the air faes. There was nothing they would not do to gain power or wealth. They are murders and thieves. They have no code, no honor. If you are one of them then I do not know what to do. Then perhaps it would have been better if you would have left me asleep.
Ryuu- *She lifted his face up so she could see him and wiped away the tears.* You're crying... I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I really do want to stay with you. Because even after you left here I still worried about you. I still cared about you. I can understand why you wouldn't trust me now that you have explained what the air fae are like. I might be one of them, but I'm nothing like them.


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