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My Jumbled Mind
I have quite a bit of stuff here. Ranging from a list of donors to some Rps between me and my friend IchigoFangirl. If you do happen to read one of my entries please leave a comment even if it's just to let me know you were here.
Adventures of the Strawberry and the Dragon- Ch.4 Dreams

Ichigo- *Ichigo dumps large armful of apples on the ground. They had been traveling or days and still had not come to a town or village.* I'm sorry I couldn't find any game he told Ryuu with a frown. I'll go back out after dark if you would like.
Ryuu- No that's okay. Unless you want the meat. *she said as she picked up an apple*
Ichigo- “I do not really need to eat meat tonight. But I thought you should have some.”
Ryuu- No I don't really feel like having meat tonight anyways.* she said as she started eating the apple she had picked up.*
Ichigo- *Ichi set down but made no move to eat. His expression was troubled but he sad nothing as he tended the fire.*
Ryuu- *scoots over till she was setting next to Ichigo* Is something wrong Ichi?
Ichigo- "No you should get some sleep we could be walking for hours again tomorrow."
Ryuu- Why do I have the feeling you're not telling me something? * she lays her head on his knee* I can lay here and you can talk to me about what's bothering you.
Ichigo- *Ichi smiles a bit then shakes his head with a sigh.* I was just thinking that today would be the first day of my peoples harvest celebration. There would be laughing and music. The children would dance by the fire in there little costumes. Then they would beg me to tell them stories of my travels. Odd that I never thought I would be traveling again.”
Ryuu- Oh I see... I'm sorry for bringing that up. *she sets up and wraps her arms around his shoulders.*
Ichigo- "No my lady it is no fault of yours. If had been a better guardian I would not have lost them all. But that being as it is, I am glad I have you here with me, lest I would have no one.”
Ryuu- You are a wonderful guardian. Sometimes no matter how hard you try something bad will happen. You can't expect yourself to be perfect and never let your guard down. I guess it's kind of selfish to think this way, but if that wouldn't have happened I wouldn't have you.
Ichigo- *Ichigo made no reply. His eye’s were on the fire. And his jaw clamped tight.* Ryuu, he began after a bit, were you happy with your life before?”
Ryuu- *she set back for a moment almost startled by the question. Then thinks back to before she had met Ichigo. A time she could hardly recall any more* Hmm I wouldn't say I was happy. I would barely say I was content. I lived and that was about it. I bounced from ship to ship as a navigator. I have been a lot more happy since I have been traveling with you. You see I'm happy because I'm with you.
Ichigo- *A sad smile tugged at his lips while he touched Ryuu’s soft hair.* My lady, no matter what happens. No matter what my actions may seem to say. Please remember that given a choice I would be with you.”
Ryuu- *She smiles a small smile and takes a hold of his hand* I'll always remember that. But you should remember that it was my choice to come with you and I will never regret that choice. There is no one that I would want to be with more than you.
Ichigo- *Seemingly satisfied with Ryuu's answer Ichi got up and retrieved his staff.* You stay here and get some sleep I'm going out to find some kind of meat for you.
Ryuu- * she curls up into a ball * You really don't have to do that you know? * she then closes her eyes to try to sleep*
Ichigo- Your stomach is growling so loudly I can hear it from where I stand. He pointed out.
Ryuu- *She blushes a bit* You didn't have to point that out you know.
Ichigo- *Smiles* No but it's was fun.
Ryuu- *Sticks her tongue out at him playfully* Meanie.
Ichigo- *Laugh lightly and strides into the dark forest.*
Ryuu *Stays curled in her ball and pulls a blanket over herself. She just can't help but worry about him a little while he is gone.She lifted her head up a bit and looked around a little to look and see if she could see Ichigo at all.*
Ichigo- *Ichi stopped and held deathly still a rabbit nibbled at a blade of grass only 12 feet away.*It would make for a good breakfast.* Ichi reasoned as he readied his bow.*
Ryuu- *She continues to lay there waiting for Ichigo. She then sighs and mutters to herself.* I hate it when he leaves me alone like this.
Ichigo- *The sound of a twig snapping sent the rabbit hopping to safety. Ichi felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle. He was not alone.*
Ryuu- *She notices that the fire needed more wood, so she set up and tossed another piece of wood into the fire.*
Ichigo- *Ever so slowly Ichi turned 50 degrees while he held his bow ready. He could now hear the sound of heavy breathing.*
Ryuu- *She sat there watching the fire as she waited for Ichigo. As she watched it the fire seemed almost like it was on edge. She had always noticed that fire would react to Ichigo's presence. When he was around it seemed like the fire was almost happy. She couldn't help but have a bad feeling about seeing the fire like that while he was gone.*
Ichigo- *Something move in the bushes not far from where Ichi stood. Ichi felt a chill ran down his spine as a huge black form half walked half slithered out of the trees. It looked to be made of a black oily substance. It's face only two green eyes and one large mouth. Ichi knew what he was looking immediately. It was a Harfur, the body of a human who had lost their sole in an attempt to become as powerful as a fae. Herfurs came in all shapes and sizes but none were good. It was the result of magic spells and the shedding of innocent blood. No human could go on living once they sold there very soul in exchange for power.*
Ryuu- *As she set there waiting she thought she heard something fairly far off, moving through the bushes. She brushed it off assuming it was only a snake or rabbit, or something. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something evil was out there*
Ichigo- *The Harfur made a grunting sound as it approached him.* Stay back beast or I will kill you where you stand. Ichi warned.
Ryuu- *Her head snaps up from watching the fire. She knew she heard Ichigo. She stood up thinking she was going to go see what was going on. Then she stopped remembering the incident at the inn and how Ichigo ended up saving her when she had went to save him. She stood there unsure of what to do. She decided to wait and see if she heard anything else before she made any kind of decision.*
Ichigo- *The thing stepped forward, it’s mouth opening wide as if thinking of eating Ichi before it had even touched him. Ichi let his arrow fly. It whistled just before it ignited like a large match. As soon as the arrow hit it’s mark it fizzled out leaving only a wisp of smoke. The Harfur seemed completely unaffected by the arrow now protruding from his large head.*
Ryuu- *Finally she just couldn't stand setting there. She slipped in to the trees from the clearing she was in. As she navigated her way around the trees and bushes she was careful not to step on any branches or twigs.* The last thing I need to do is draw attention to myself. * She thought to herself as she was walking*
Ichigo- *With a deft movement Ichi transformed his bow back it’s it original for of a staff.* Fine if you want a fight you’ll have one.” He swore. Just then he felt Ryuu you approaching. He could hear her heart beating frantically in his head. Knowing he could not risk the Harfur seeing her. He decided his best option was to distract it long enough so that he could warn Ryuu. In the next breath he slammed the end of his sunstaff into the ground and recited a spell of light. A flash of intense light shot from the staffs orb temporally blinding the Harfur. It’s screams filled the air as Ichi took off through the wood toward Ryuu.*
Ryuu- *Hearing an awful scream fill the air Ryuu decided to run back to the camp as fast as she could. She knew just from the scream that it didn't come from Ichigo and that she would have no chance against whatever was screaming.*
Ichigo- *Ichi felt pleased to see that Ryuu now running in the right direction. But he would leave nothing to chance. He had make sure she was safe.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu came to a skidding halt in the camp. She knew that if Ichigo was coming this would be where he would come to. She stood there for a moment to catch her breath, then grabbed any of the small important stuff that was there and shoved it in to her bag just in case they had to leave in a hurry.*
Ichigo- *Ichi broke out of the forest at top speed. He looked wild eyed as he reached the camp.* You have to get out here now. Don't look back and don't come looking for me no matter what! If I don't catch up to you by daybreak assume I’m dead and keep running!” He picked up one of his swords and shove it into her hands. Take this and don’t talk to anyone that you may see. Do you understand?”
Ryuu- *Ryuu took the sword and grabbed her travel bag. She had never seen him like this before. He had never been this upset before. It had her very nervous.* I'll take the sword and I'll run, but I can't promise that I won't come looking for you if you aren't back by daybreak. *With that said she kissed his cheek and took off in the opposite direction of where the scream had come from.*
Ichigo- Don't trust anyone you see.
Ryuu- I won't. *She yelled over her shoulder as she kept running.*
Ichigo- *Ichigo turned to see the thing come crashing out of the forest.* Damn I thought I had more time.” Ichigo cursed to himself. *He spared only a glace back to see if Ryuu was still running. If she was alert when she laid eyes on it she might see it for the monster it truly was. But if she was distracted by anything else she might see only what the harfur wanted her to see.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu continued to run at full speed through the forest. She was tempted to look back just to get one last glimpse of Ichigo before she would lose sight of him completely, but she knew that the monster had already got to the campsite. She also knew if she took the time to glimpse back it would only slow her down and that wasn't what she needed right now. As she ran she couldn't help but feel like she was abandoning Ichigo back there.*
Ichigo- *Hours later, dawn was breaking and Ichi was a little battered and bruised, but other than that he felt fine. It had taken a lot to bring the Harfur down but he felt like it had someone restored part of his honor by successfully protecting Ryuu. Because he had only one sword he had to travel on foot while trying the catch up with her.* “She certainly travels fast when she wants to.”* He thought as he at last spotted her walking on the side of the road about half a mile ahead of him.”* Ryuu!.” *He called at the top of his lungs.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu's head snapped up as she heard Ichigo call her name. She spun around and saw Ichigo heading towards her. She could tell even from as far as she was from him that he was a bit battered.* Ichi! *She called out to him waving her arms in the air. She stopped and waited for him to catch up.*
Ichigo- *Ichi’'s boot covered feet pounded the road beneath him as he ran to meet Ryuu. Once he reached her he pulled her into his arms and swung her around in one smooth motion.* Are you all right?” *He asked seemingly unaware of the awkward way he had pulled her down to his level of sight.*
Ryuu- Umm.. I'm fine. Are you okay? *She hadn't thought about it when she had first seen him. But the way he had grabbed her and swung her around seemed strange for him. She couldn't help but wonder if the monster that had attacked Ichigo might have the ability to change it's appearance. She hated to think something like that, but she kept thinking about how he had told her not to trust anyone. She backed a couple steps away from him.*
Ichigo- Ryuu what's wrong? It's me.
Ryuu- No.. nothing is wrong. I must still be nervous that's all. *Ryuu couldn't help but feel uneasy. She tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword he had given her, and backed up a little more.*
Ichigo- Here let me take the sword for you. It must be getting very heavy.
Ryuu- No no I want to hold on to it a little longer. It will help me calm down. Besides it's not heavy at all.
Ichigo- Ryuu tell me what's wrong, you are acting upset.
Ryuu- Ichigo told me not to trust anyone. *She made sure to keep a tight grip on the sword.*
Ichigo- Yes I know I said that. But it is alright now. I'm here. I killed that harfur.
Ryuu- But how do I know that you are Ichigo? If you aren't Ichigo and you are that monster I won't let you have his sword. *She held the sword close to her. Hoping that maybe it would be able to help her somehow.*
Ichigo- Fine have it your way. Ask me anything.
Ryuu- Hmm but what if you were somehow able to read his mind? Then even if you weren't him you would still be able to answer anything I ask you. *She hated this feeling she had right now. She wanted to be able to trust him completely, but if he wasn't Ichigo. If he was that awful monster. She would be handing the sword and herself over. She wouldn't take that risk.*
Ichigo- Alright I can see that you will not be convinced. *Slowly so he wouldn'’t alarm her he lay his sword and sunstaff at her feet. Once that was done he held up he hands as if in surrender* Do you have any of those apples left in your bag? Because I am starving.”
Ryuu- *She opened her bag and tossed him an apple. She stepped in between him and the staff and sword. Her guard started to lower a bit. She figured that if he was the monster that he would have already tried to take the sword by force. Her grip on the sword in her hand loosened a bit.*
Ichigo- *Ichigo sighed as he bit into the apple, it was bitter and dry. He tried to think of some way to reassure her that he truly was Ichigo. But nothing came to mind She didn'’t know enough about Harfurs to know what she was dealing with. In a way it was comforting to know that she had paid so much heed to his word.*
Ryuu-*Ryuu figured that if this wasn't Ichigo then Ichigo had to be dead, because if he wasn't he would have got here by now. So she set the sword and herself down in front of him.* Here if you're Ichi you can have the sword. If you're the monster you can have the sword and kill me. Because if you are the monster I know that Ichi is dead, and if he is dead there is no reason to stay here anymore.
Ichigo- *Ichigo dropped the apple in his hand. An enraged look passed over his face.* “What are you thinking! If you have any reason to doubt that I am who I say then you should be holding on to that sword. And I don’t ever what to hear you say that you don’t want to be alive anymore! If anything ever happened to you I would never be about to forgive myself, regardless of if I were alive or not.”
Ryuu-*Ryuu starts sobbing* But I couldn't stand it anymore. I was so uncertain. One moment I thought you were you. The next I wasn't so sure. Then I had thought if you had gotten killed somehow that I didn't want to be alone again. *She folded up completely her head touching her knees and her shoulders shaking from her sobbing*
Ichigo- *Sighing Ichigo crouched down beside her.* It’s ok I’m not angry at you my Heart. Let's just find a place to rest and then you'’ll feel better.” *He said as he lifted her into his arms.*
Ryuu- *Ryuu's sobbing slowly came to a stop as she was lifted into Ichigo's arms all she was doing now was sniffling and occasionally hiccuping. She wrapped her arms around him and continued to sniffle.* I'm glad you're okay Ichi. I'm sorry I caused problems for you. *She whispered in to his ear.*
Ichigo-You rest and I will find us a place to sleep. *He answered gently.*
Ryuu- Okay I'll try. *She let her eyes close and she started to relax a bit.*
Ichigo- *Ichigo found a small clearing and lay Ryuu down in a soft bed of leaves. There was a slight chill in the air so he pulled his cloak from his shoulders and used it to cover her while he started a fire.*
Ryuu- *She curled up wrapping herself in his cloak breathing in his scent* You're going to stay here with me right?
Ichigo- "Of course." He answered as he gathered some wood.
Ryuu- That's good. I'll be able to sleep a lot easier now. *She closed her eyes and relaxed completely for the first time since the whole mess had started*
Ichigo- *once the fire was going Ichigo set down next to Ryuu.*
Ryuu- *She snuggled up against him and laid her head on his leg. She then fell asleep.*
Ichigo- *Ever so gently so as not to wake her Ichigo placed his hand on Ryuu's head, stroking her hair. He was so tired his eye's almost fell shut as he watched her. Slowly he lifted and turned her so she would rest against his chest and under his arm.*
Ryuu- *She mumbled something. Then rubbed her head against him, and continued sleeping.*
Ichigo- What's that darling?
Ryuu- *She mumbled again this time a little louder* Hmm I love you my prince. *She them started to snore very softly.*
Ichigo- “I love you too, my Heart.” He whispered knowing she could not hear him.
Ryuu- *As she slept a small smile spread across her face*
Ichigo- *Ichigo didn't see her smile. In his dreams he kissed her softly and showed her just how much she meant to him*
Ryuu- *While she was sleeping she was also dreaming. Her dreams made her smile all the more. She treasured her dreams because she was sure that they were a vision of things to come. Ichigo and herself happy and living together in a small hut with a field full of well cared for plants, and their children.*


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