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Indulgent Hunter

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age⋮twenty-five  ━ gender⋮female  ━ race⋮human  ━ sexuality⋮pansexual  ━ username⋮ochitsuki
Type until you hit the end of this line. When you do, press enter and then continue to type the next line. It will keep things nice and lined up.
This is a blurb for the role; give them a general idea of what the role's job is and then let them have freedom to define their character's traits
and a bit of their backstory.

Indulgent Hunter

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                      &.RHIANNONHOWELL * JUDGE OF OCEANS
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                      NAME⋮rhiannon howell
                      HEIGHT⋮five feet, five inches
                      WEIGHT⋮one hundred and twenty pounds
                      BODY TYPE⋮voluptuous






Indulgent Hunter

Indulgent Hunter

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           i swear that you could hear it ━ it makes such an all mighty sound!    i swear that you could hear it ━ it makes such an all mighty sound!


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                  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam lobortis nisl, sed gravida mi luctus sit amet. Aliquam dignissim mollis urna. Integer non viverra diam. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc convallis quam non ligula cursus, nec molestie justo pharetra. Aliquam non diam quis nisi dictum varius. Nam commodo consectetur nisl vel cursus. Cras justo est, commodo quis convallis et, sodales et orci. Pellentesque tempor pellentesque quam, sed tincidunt eros malesuada eget. Praesent mi mauris, venenatis at bibendum vitae, elementum sit amet eros. Sed molestie ullamcorper consequat. Quisque sed fringilla sem. Quisque maximus tempus mi ac congue.

Indulgent Hunter

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                                      ███ ███ ███ ARCHER'S MASTER !!

                                      ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇MANA tab ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ EXP

                                      ELIZABETH MINERVA
                                      age: twenty-five tab gender: female

                                      Born overseas in Britain, Elizabeth comes from a lineage of magi who originate from Rome and have practiced the art of Necromancy for several centuries. It was just twenty years ago that her mother and father moved to Fuyuki City in hopes to participate in the Holy Grail War. The parents did not think on their child's part and because of this, Elizabeth has always been known as 'The Foreigner' to her classmates. While she excelled in mathematics and science, she fell short when interacting with other children her age. Because of this, during the time she could have spent playing with others, she withdrew to her room and - at the age of eight - asked her parents to begin teaching her about their magic. Necromancy was an easy idea to grasp, thanks to her intelligence in science. Taking to the basics quickly, Elizabeth wanted to take the more advanced training and thus, her father took her up as his apprentice far earlier than expected. Though morbid in idea, the young girl began to enjoy the magic and once older, she began to reanimate bodies. Her father at the time began to look into larger bodies, hoping to push his daughter to test her limits so the two would understand the grounds she needed to expand upon. It was after this that she truly began to experience the difficulties of magecraft, being pushed to larger heights than before until her final test arose: to create and control a necromantic chimera. She was successful after three years but at the last moment she lost control of the creature, allowing it to rampage through a small town out in the country of Britain. After finally stopping the creature, she and her father returned to Fuyuki and continued to train until she could entirely control it. During the remainder of her training she enrolled into college to fill up the free time she had when not practicing. Within the next two years she learned to control the chimera to the fullest and because of this, she was granted permission to participate in the Grail War. However she is unsure of her wish and thinks on it daily.



original image had a transparent background, i simply added another layer in photoshop and made it white. and if you need me to cut the summary a bit shorter i can try. ; v ; god it came out longer than i planned

Indulgent Hunter

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      space pls
            — i've been there before, hoping and trying to make things right  BUT NOW I DON'T KNOW !!
                ██████████ ██████████    HONEY THESE ARMS THAT WON'T HOLD YOU ARE READY TO FIGHT
                health      mana          mood ━ here  location ━ here  company ━ here  status ━ here

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                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam lobortis nisl, sed gravida mi luctus sit amet. Aliquam dignissim mollis urna. Integer non viverra diam. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc convallis quam non ligula cursus, nec molestie justo pharetra. Aliquam non diam quis nisi dictum varius. Nam commodo consectetur nisl vel cursus. Cras justo est, commodo quis convallis et, sodales et orci. Pellentesque tempor pellentesque quam, sed tincidunt eros malesuada eget. Praesent mi mauris, venenatis at bibendum vitae, elementum sit amet eros. Sed molestie ullamcorper consequat. Quisque sed fringilla sem. Quisque maximus tempus mi ac congue.

Indulgent Hunter

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Indulgent Hunter

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nibh neque, rhoncus nec fermentum quis, sagittis a sapien. Sed ac lorem consequat leo rhoncus euismod. Praesent aliquet metus in libero bibendum scelerisque. Morbi congue tortor orci, at euismod magna egestas pretium. Aliquam mattis leo est. Nulla lacinia vestibulum ullamcorper. Vestibulum imperdiet et mi sit amet efficitur. Ut pharetra neque non eros vestibulum ultrices. Suspendisse potenti. Sed at nulla feugiat, semper velit bibendum, scelerisque sapien. Donec eu ligula eleifend, ornare justo ac, malesuada augue.

Vivamus vitae ullamcorper ex. Morbi rhoncus ut tortor nec luctus. Vestibulum interdum, ipsum et fringilla placerat, augue mauris imperdiet purus, porta sodales felis mauris non justo. Mauris euismod a leo ac ullamcorper. Morbi eget dignissim lectus, id consequat odio. Donec condimentum bibendum turpis. Sed aliquet cursus felis, ac finibus neque porttitor sagittis. Etiam blandit lectus eget erat porta, vel suscipit enim tristique. Sed viverra sapien at blandit tempus. Proin blandit lorem laoreet dolor facilisis, sed elementum dui efficitur. Morbi cursus arcu id gravida blandit. Aenean nisi tortor, ornare quis enim aliquet, varius rutrum arcu. Curabitur quis eros vel nibh venenatis hendrerit.

Nullam viverra eget ligula nec tincidunt. Morbi molestie, odio a molestie venenatis, lacus enim dignissim quam, non sodales ante sem vitae odio. Etiam quis velit lorem. Aenean ut felis tristique, fermentum justo a, ultrices est. Ut a interdum ex, a consectetur dui. Sed sit amet volutpat lacus. Donec convallis tempus nibh et egestas. Nam egestas mi et velit ornare, quis condimentum magna viverra. Vivamus feugiat sapien non diam posuere blandit. Aliquam ac leo elit. Vivamus rutrum ullamcorper nibh ut sagittis.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris volutpat efficitur urna, et ornare velit. Donec non tempus elit, id sollicitudin sem. Aliquam ut urna vel quam faucibus ultricies. Vivamus ipsum risus, facilisis vitae velit quis, vestibulum finibus ipsum. Maecenas et nunc massa. Aliquam pretium arcu vel luctus facilisis. Nam dictum ligula et nisl sollicitudin, quis vulputate nulla aliquet. Donec viverra mattis mollis. Nullam tincidunt sollicitudin convallis.

Donec a diam finibus, sollicitudin risus id, commodo urna. Ut varius et mi eget congue. Quisque sollicitudin rhoncus pharetra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi condimentum urna sit amet felis scelerisque, sed sodales orci dignissim. Aenean posuere augue libero, id facilisis urna sagittis sit amet. Nunc volutpat odio at enim facilisis, ac varius odio scelerisque. Vivamus in risus eros. Curabitur rhoncus, odio a luctus aliquet, leo velit vehicula elit, sed tristique nisl sem in nulla. Aliquam ante felis, volutpat quis nisl id, finibus hendrerit massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque vel ante vestibulum, pharetra nibh vitae, convallis mauris. Etiam dignissim mollis eros. Nunc sem lacus, pharetra vitae urna sed, suscipit suscipit leo. Sed dictum in lacus ac egestas.

Cras molestie tellus sapien, ac imperdiet ipsum scelerisque non. Vestibulum eget varius ipsum, mattis auctor sapien. In dapibus, massa vitae aliquam commodo, est ipsum porta nunc, sed viverra felis mauris vel justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer at leo erat. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar ex, et viverra turpis vulputate nec. Phasellus non nisl tincidunt, pellentesque elit suscipit, semper lacus. Etiam a lacus a leo fermentum convallis. Morbi suscipit vestibulum sapien, molestie malesuada nibh hendrerit vel.

Praesent sem nisl, venenatis eget vehicula id, pulvinar efficitur arcu. Nunc ut faucibus mi. Proin iaculis ligula a nisi posuere pellentesque. Vestibulum accumsan metus id nunc imperdiet volutpat. Vestibulum sed consequat sem, a sagittis magna. Etiam eu nibh vitae risus efficitur tincidunt in at erat. Vestibulum scelerisque massa vitae neque facilisis consectetur. Aenean pulvinar metus at commodo vulputate. Sed lobortis nisi lacus, et congue augue feugiat nec. Vestibulum feugiat suscipit placerat. Fusce suscipit varius cursus. Aliquam enim orci, feugiat et tincidunt ut, malesuada efficitur elit. Duis facilisis, lectus sed consequat rutrum, orci lorem vehicula lorem, non pellentesque felis dolor ut mi.

Vestibulum eget metus eu mauris mattis dictum vitae sed metus. Duis vulputate erat suscipit, tristique erat vitae, cursus est. In bibendum magna vitae commodo molestie. Nam semper elit vitae mauris scelerisque, sed sodales dolor tempus. Fusce rhoncus elit ut ipsum laoreet, eget sagittis ligula ornare. Nam iaculis convallis odio, non euismod magna scelerisque et. Aliquam a urna augue. Quisque blandit lacus at enim vehicula, a mattis tortor egestas. Suspendisse non sem enim. Proin lobortis sapien dui, sit amet molestie est pretium et. Sed in semper orci. Sed non nunc eleifend, malesuada elit nec, suscipit diam. Aenean eu dolor nisi. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Proin lacus leo, scelerisque ut aliquam sit amet, tempus sit amet massa. Phasellus porta tincidunt luctus. Proin molestie sem non augue aliquet malesuada. Donec sagittis in purus vel mollis. Nunc euismod turpis sed hendrerit lobortis. Morbi nunc diam, sagittis at luctus vitae, euismod vel libero. Vivamus sed risus sed orci rutrum mollis. Vivamus eu metus nunc. Nunc euismod efficitur velit, in lacinia libero congue vel. Aenean pretium id tortor vel venenatis. Fusce efficitur neque id risus elementum, non vulputate mauris mollis. Ut eget ullamcorper metus, ac blandit mi. Morbi cursus euismod augue ac sollicitudin. Nulla ornare suscipit arcu, in ultricies ligula tincidunt nec. Nunc maximus viverra odio. Duis a erat dictum, laoreet sem sed, eleifend orci.

Aenean nec erat tincidunt urna tincidunt imperdiet. Nam dapibus, velit vel vehicula lacinia, nisl lacus semper odio, eget efficitur felis quam at nunc. Phasellus feugiat consectetur quam vel posuere. Duis quam lorem, sodales eu lorem nec, egestas convallis sapien. Duis sit amet maximus ipsum. Cras quis tincidunt nulla, id pretium nisi. Maecenas eget nunc sit amet dui posuere iaculis ut eget dolor. In sagittis tempus dignissim. Aenean libero nulla, dignissim interdum magna ac, bibendum luctus arcu. Aliquam faucibus nec elit vitae ullamcorper.

Indulgent Hunter

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       + courageous + amiable + dogged - unflappable - excitable - capricious
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gender: female
age: twenty-eight
orientation: heterosexual
height: five feet, ten inches
weight: one hundred and thirty pounds

likes: rock climbing, traveling, hot pot meals, camping
dislikes: cities, contests, negativity, abuse of others
fears: unable to continue exploring, failing as a trainer, her mother

i. Goodra && Gwendolyn
 Assault Vest
 Sap Sipper
 Dragon Pulse , Muddy Water , Sludge Bomb , Fire Blast

ii. Pidgeot && Lightning
 Big Pecks - No Guard
 Hurricane , Heat Wave , Roost , U-Turn

iii. Krookodile && Reggie
 Choice Band
 Knock Off , Earthquake , Stone Edge , Superpower

iv. Shiny Ninetales && Ahri
 Life Orb
 Flash Fire
 Nasty Plot , Flamethrower , Energy Ball , Psyshock

v. Crawdaunt && Roscoe
 Life Orb
 Dragon Dance , Crabhammer , Knock Off , Aqua Jet

vi. Trevenant && Charles
 Lum Berry
 Substitute , Leech Seed , Will-O-Wisp , Horn Leech

brief history
Born to an Archaeologist and a Contest fanatic, Sheila grew up in Hearthome City in the Sinnoh region. Her mother
and father always argued what was best for their daughter and would come to an agreement to show her two paths
and allow her to decide. During her years living in the household, she would come to despise contests and show
little interest in digging up fossils and the sort. Rather, Sheila wanted to become a trainer and travel the world;
searching for some bigger picture than what she knew was her life in Hearthome. Both her parents denied her the
luxury and kept the girl in the city, fueling a dislike for the bustling streets and tall buildings.

It would not be until later, at the age of sixteen, that she managed to acquire her first Pokemon and run away from
home. While it was not her initial plan, Sheila quickly fled to the farthest corners of the region, awaiting the police
to come looking for her. Such events never occurred and, believing she was finally free from her parents tyranny,
she finally set off on the journey she had been wishing to take part of. With this, she traveled to the Professor's lab
and acquired a Pokedex, truly beginning her journey through the Sinnoh region. However, it was when she was to
enter Hearthome and challenge the gym there that she paused; realizing just what she had to face. Growing weak in
the knees, Sheila left the Sinnoh region incomplete and looked elsewhere to travel, soon coming to the Kanto region.
It was here that she saw new Pokemon and truly fell in love with traveling.

During her travels in Kanto, Sheila added a Vulpix and Pidgeotto to her team, giving herself three Pokemon including
the Goomy she was given that started the turn of events. With the time spent in the region, Sheila managed to evolve
the Pidgeotto, Vulpix and Goomy. However with the nature of evolving the Sliggoo, she hoped to one day evolve the
dragon into a Goodra. She continued to train in Kanto even after acquiring all eight badges, but did not challenge the
Elite Four. Her remaining time was spent inside Victory Road until she moved on to the Hoenn region. While there,
Sheila added only one new member to her team: a Crawdaunt who had been harassing passing trainers in various
attempts to impress potential mates. Defeating the Pokemon and capturing it (for both the safety of passing trainers
and her desire to have it on her team), Sheila saw no reason to challenge the gym leaders in Hoenn, as she was now
merely wishing to see the sights each region offered.

After Hoenn came Unova, where she acquired a Sandile from the desert. Having been lost in a sandstorm that had
picked up, Sheila came across a small cave and took shelter. Hearing a growling from behind her, she noticed that a
young Sandile had taken refuge as well and appeared to be protecting some food it have scavenged. However, what
little the Sandile had acquired would not be enough to last it through the sandstorm and because of this, Sheila had
offered the Pokemon some poffins and pokeblocks in hopes to foster a friendship between the two. As the sandstorm
died down and Sheila began to exit the cave, a yapping caught her attention. Eyes turning to her feet, she noticed the
Sandile rubbing against her. When she would move forward, it would follow. This continued until she approached the
exit to the desert and when she tried to shoo it away, it insisted on following the trainer. Extending a Pokeball, the
Pokemon willingly touched the central circle and joined her party.

After a meager four years of adventuring, Sheila journeyed to Kalos, a region of fashion and new discoveries. It was
here that she finished her team. During one of the many battles she endured through the expansive routes Kalos had
to offer, the Sliggoo she had been waiting for evolved into a beautiful Goodra. However, an unforseen event would
occur that would cause the newly evolved Pokemon to be rushed to the Pokemon Center. With her mind off the threats
that surrounded her in the wild, Sheila celebrated for the Pokemon's evolution and did not react fast enough to avoid
the critical hit landed upon the creature by a rogue Trevenant; a Pokemon that had been set free by it's trainer.

Rushed to the Pokemon Center in critical condition, the Goodra remained in intensive care overnight. It was during the
first few hours of the treatment that Sheila decided to find the Trevenant and defeat it. With her four other Pokemon, the
trainer sought out the Pokemon and battled it; Reggie the Krookodile managing to take down the enemy to a low enough
threshold for the trainer to capture it. With the Pokemon captured and the threat gone, Sheila returned to the Pokemon
Center and healed all her Pokemon, including the Trevenant.

Once her Goodra was feeling better, the true training began: taming the disrespectful ghost and grass type. The training
would take two years until it listened to her and even longer for the Pokemon to grow warmer to the trainer. Now, at the
age of twenty-eight, she has been roped into helping stop an organization who had captured the legends and transformed
them into humans.


Indulgent Hunter

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Indulgent Hunter

Indulgent Hunter

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Indulgent Hunter

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i don't want your money, i don't want your crown i don't want your money, i don't want your crown i don't want your money, i don't want your crown

 health      mana          mood ━ here  location ━ here  company ━ here  status ━ here

Indulgent Hunter

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Indulgent Hunter

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