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Indulgent Hunter

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    grimgrimgrimgrim I WILL NOT BE GIVING IN TONIGHT
    #4A67A1 --- speech colorLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD ⋮ OUTFIT

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Indulgent Hunter

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 i tried to collect just the things i was lacking ██
               ——————————————————— BUT THEY JUST SLIPPED THROUGH THE CRACKS IN MY HEART

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                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis dignissim urna auctor dictum. Quisque quis turpis volutpat, aliquet nunc at, pharetra quam. Curabitur consectetur sapien purus, eu suscipit massa lacinia vel. Aenean ut pulvinar ante, sed vulputate urna. Morbi risus elit, molestie non facilisis at, tincidunt a lacus. Suspendisse enim sapien, eleifend sed nulla eget, tincidunt suscipit urna. Pellentesque at purus condimentum, malesuada lectus non, ultricies augue. Quisque massa est, euismod eu pretium ac, dapibus sit amet velit. Cras a dolor eget sapien imperdiet vehicula. Nam nec metus ut magna ultrices venenatis.

                    Morbi at accumsan magna. Donec eget augue eu sem iaculis dapibus in quis felis. Vivamus id euismod erat, sed suscipit neque. Sed dignissim, nisi sit amet vehicula dignissim, orci nulla finibus nisi, sit amet dictum magna urna ut nisl. Sed accumsan at nibh nec finibus. Donec pellentesque et ipsum elementum tempus. Suspendisse lobortis est mauris, nec elementum sem mollis et. Cras dapibus ultricies nisi, in semper augue interdum et. Aenean convallis tristique velit, id euismod arcu pretium sit amet. Sed suscipit odio ut justo volutpat, pulvinar vestibulum metus pellentesque. Etiam ut vulputate libero. Donec eget dapibus purus, vel eleifend arcu. Mauris et purus condimentum, interdum ante ac, porttitor diam.

                    Nullam vitae auctor mauris. Proin a diam condimentum, volutpat enim et, malesuada arcu. Donec luctus felis leo, vitae tincidunt nisl ultricies ac. Praesent eget dolor ante. Nulla vitae odio vel elit sollicitudin sagittis. Quisque non urna eu mi suscipit ultricies at non erat. Ut quis felis felis. Ut nulla lectus, ultricies hendrerit neque id, condimentum ultrices mi. Integer pretium magna quis tortor scelerisque porta. Aenean scelerisque odio ut augue tempor aliquam. Pellentesque eu cursus augue. Suspendisse potenti.

                    Cras dolor est, dapibus non condimentum id, suscipit sed tellus. Vivamus elementum interdum leo, sed vestibulum ante facilisis varius. Nullam scelerisque sagittis ex quis fringilla. In sagittis augue a sollicitudin commodo. Maecenas egestas luctus purus nec suscipit. Vestibulum sit amet nulla mattis, mattis dui non, eleifend mauris. Nam placerat metus ut ex blandit, ac condimentum lectus varius. Aliquam sagittis velit est, nec iaculis justo ullamcorper et. Cras sollicitudin sagittis ante, at tristique eros molestie nec. Cras lobortis lacus lobortis, rhoncus odio eget, ornare nisl. Quisque ornare urna et libero consectetur varius.

                    Maecenas sagittis, orci vitae ullamcorper dignissim, lorem sapien pellentesque nibh, vitae varius risus metus nec nunc. Donec a rhoncus leo. Suspendisse mattis porttitor porttitor. Donec imperdiet hendrerit rutrum. Quisque a orci orci. Aenean odio eros, tempus at dui id, vehicula pretium turpis. In maximus porta mauris, non cursus nibh tincidunt lobortis. Duis eget ex tempus, euismod urna et, lobortis odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

                    Phasellus nec purus id erat scelerisque mattis. Praesent tincidunt dui ut leo accumsan, sit amet eleifend nibh luctus. Cras gravida nulla a nibh mollis, ut scelerisque enim blandit. Quisque tincidunt auctor justo, ut venenatis neque hendrerit ac. Phasellus vehicula justo vel leo ullamcorper scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. Sed posuere nisl augue, in egestas ipsum gravida sed. In ligula ex, egestas eu mi in, vestibulum varius neque. Nunc eleifend justo eu arcu hendrerit, non convallis dui eleifend. Sed vulputate mi sed odio consequat, pulvinar mollis metus mollis. Suspendisse congue efficitur justo et pretium. Vivamus a pulvinar lectus. Donec euismod purus est, non mollis metus aliquet a. Donec viverra sem varius, viverra elit ac, auctor justo. Suspendisse consequat, metus id lacinia consectetur, leo tortor porta nisl, eu dictum ante magna at elit. Aenean varius ullamcorper libero, in aliquet erat faucibus quis.

                    Phasellus in molestie lectus. Sed consequat viverra hendrerit. Nam convallis purus venenatis augue tincidunt, at scelerisque dui maximus. Maecenas nulla felis, bibendum et varius sit amet, congue nec ex. Mauris ac euismod quam, in dignissim tellus. Aenean sollicitudin vehicula ultrices. Vivamus tincidunt mattis nulla, sed sollicitudin est bibendum sit amet. Quisque a malesuada dolor. Cras mollis ullamcorper diam, in dapibus turpis porta in. Duis quis risus quis lectus laoreet iaculis. Mauris dolor sapien, laoreet sit amet rhoncus a, consectetur ac nunc. Sed finibus luctus blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

                    Suspendisse porttitor tellus egestas massa dignissim, in fermentum ipsum molestie. Cras a rhoncus eros. Integer sagittis velit eget nibh bibendum mollis. Maecenas condimentum volutpat magna in euismod. Curabitur at lectus nibh. Proin pulvinar purus sit amet pulvinar mattis. Donec in sem ex.

                    Cras tincidunt aliquam sapien. Donec porta lorem et nisi sodales, non consectetur felis fermentum. Integer pharetra felis eu magna blandit feugiat. Fusce ornare ultricies consectetur. Vivamus nunc nunc, lobortis eget feugiat vitae, elementum sit amet nulla. Donec aliquam, ante nec feugiat sagittis, erat mi dapibus dui, sed facilisis neque purus id nisl. Sed fermentum ipsum sed felis sagittis, sed gravida sapien tempus. Donec fringilla vestibulum massa, tempor mattis lorem convallis nec. Suspendisse facilisis dui sollicitudin sapien volutpat ullamcorper. Fusce vitae odio sit amet lectus elementum venenatis et vitae neque. Pellentesque a tincidunt dolor.

                      ———————————————————  FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN I HAD NOTHING

                     MOOD        LOCATION        COMPANY
                  OUTFIT        VOICE        THEME

Indulgent Hunter

           HERE WE ARE, DON'T TURN AWAY NOW ↘ WE ARE THE WARRIORS THAT BUILT THIS TOWN ! ███████████████████████████
      User Image   User Image
      ████████████████████████ THE ROLEPLAYER ██████████████
        ▐⋮USERNAME ━ ochitsuki
        ▐⋮TIMEZONE ━ -5 est
        ▐⋮ROLE ━ the guild leader

      ████████████████████████ THE CHARACTER ██████████████
        ▐⋮NAME ━ Leader Eira
        ▐⋮RACE ━ Ratkin/Atlan
        ▐⋮GENDER ━ Female
        ▐⋮FACECLAIMone two; FF9 Freya
        ▐⋮EXTRA ━ Methodical, determined and protective are three key features to Eira. While not like most conventional
        ▐⋮Atlans, Eira definitely takes most off guard when they manage to push aside any bias and truly get to know her. Though
        ▐⋮she retains the Atlan's Code of Honor, she does not blatantly shove it into other's faces. Instead she works around the
        ▐⋮citizens morals and views as a means to endear herself to them and she has been doing so for quite some time. Having
        ▐⋮left Atlas at the age of fourteen, Eira had learned quickly that the world was not full of opportunities as Atlas was. In fact,
        ▐⋮the first few years she experienced such difficult trials, she contemplated giving up and returning home, willing to deal
        ▐⋮with the menial tasks such as cooking for the soldiers and cleaning the city. But it would be the mornings she awoke to
        ▐⋮the dew covered trees and realized just what it meant to be outside her home: freedom. Because of this, she continued
        ▐⋮forward, pushing ahead in her path to be one of the few successful Atlans to leave the city. Years later she would find
        ▐⋮herself head of a Guild full with people who did not want the strictness of the military (having been rejected herself). As
        ▐⋮the Queen called for her presence with the urgent business, Eira saw no reason to decline, knowing just what it would
        ▐⋮mean for not only the Queen but the kingdom itself if the royal bloodline were to perish. In the Heir's growth, she spent
        ▐⋮the time as a mentor and partial parental figure, ensuring that the Heir was given what childhood they could have and
        ▐⋮what parent they were meant for, even if having a Atlan as a mother was....odd.

Indulgent Hunter

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        User Imagedustymice
                            dustymiceRHIANNON HOWELL
                            xxx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

                            NICKNAME Rhi
                            AGE 026xxxxxxxBIRTHDAY Jan 03rd
                            HGHT 5 foot 6xxxBDY TYPE Hour-glass, athletic
                            EYE C. BluexxxxHAIR C. Blonde
                            GENDER FemalexxixRACE Human
                            SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual
                            ( RUNIC ) ARTES
                            xxxxxxxx0 1 CONJURATION , SWORDS
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxable to create swords from thin air,
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxbut are only able to be wielded by
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxthe summoner.
                            xxxxxxxx0 2 TELEKINESIS
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxcan pick up and move objects with
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxthe her will and mind. lighter the
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxobject, easier it is to lift. heavier it
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxis, the more strain it puts on her.

                            xxx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

                            xxxx❤❤❤❤xxxxxxxhot baths
                            xxxx❤❤❤❤❤xxxxxxxarmor/weapon maintenance
                            xxxx❤❤❤❤❤xxxxxxxsour foods
                            xxxx❤❤❤❤xxxxxxxchaos/needless bloodshed
                            xxxx❤❤❤❤❤xxxxxxxdeals with demons to gain power
                            xxxxxxone vs manycannot fight out numbered; if concentration is split too much, she cannot use her artes
                            xxxxxxduty boundeven if she hates what she has to do, as a knight she is duty bound
                            xxxxxxstamina drainingthe more she uses her artes, the less stamina she has; at a certain point she cannot use them anymore
                            xxxxxxsword playhowell line is known for skilled swordsmen/women
                            xxxxxxnever unarmedcan conjure swords for her use; she will never be unprepared
                            xxxxxxdeterminationwill complete a task no matter the odds
                            xxxxxxsingingmore of a secret, rhi has a very soothing voice and is quite good at singing

                            xxx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

                            xxxxxxrunning fingers through hairnervous habit; either brushes bangs to the side or straightens them a bit
                            xxxxxxcrossing her armsuncomfortable; either in the environment or by someone, she will cross her arms as if to put up a shield
                            xxxxxxtracing along her collarboneembarrassed; also coupled with avoiding eye contact/glancing at one through the corner of her eyes.
                            xxxxxxbiting lipangered; done out of attempt to keep from spouting insults
                            HISTORY A lineage of swordsmen bestowed upon the first child of the new generation excellent capabilities in both Artes and pure talent. A single child to James and Helen Howell, Rhiannon was given her name from one of the first Howell knights: a woman with blazing red hair. In both namesake and skills, there was much to be expected of the young girl and it was in her early years that she was taught. She could not drift from the path laid out before her, giving her a sense of isolation from the other children who could laugh and play about the streets without a care in the world (she secretly hated them). Rhiannon would deal with the constant lessons and grow into a fine woman, easily passing the entrance tests for the military with flying colors. She earned the eye of the higher ups, they too coming to expect much of her.

                            (Like she cared what they thought).

                            Rhiannon's career in the military was easy, her advanced techniques overtaking even some of the more experienced men in sparring matches. They despised her for it, knowing that she would easily surpass them and earn the promotions they so desired (jealous pigs they were). And as they thought, she was promoted through the ranks with ease, her Artes of conjuration only impressing her superiors and comrades when she finally revealed it.

                            It had been a cold night, most having turned in for the night after a day of heavy mining. With the frequent attack by raiders, it was no wonder a select squad had been sent to protect the town. Rhiannon had volunteered to do herself, hoping to get a change of scenery and some form of stress relief (the men's jealously wore at her nerves). She was given just that and on a cold night, while the clouds covered the moon, a group of raiders attacked. Most of her men had been unprepared; yawning or griping about the temperature. They were taken by surprise, raiders tearing through the guards dispersed on the fringes of the town. One man escaped, a young and lanky thing, and fled to find someone, anyone. He would stumble upon the blonde, grab onto her shoulder and ramble out of the attack. "Alert the others." She pushed him away, patting him on the back as she rushed the way he came from.

                            It was bloody, oh so bloody. She remembered it well and still does, succumbing to nightmares in her slumber. The raiders had spared no one, men and women lay in the street, large gashes cutting into their clothing and flesh; their empty eyes staring up at the sky. (Quick, stop them. No mercy.) Rhiannon cared little if they were humans, for what they had committed was unbelievable. The first conjuration had slung through the air, finding it's target in a man covered in leathers. The raiders would look in her direction, watch as the blonde moved forward slowly, deliberately. Another was bold, rushing at her with sword held high, ready to cut her down in an instant. He was met with a swift death, falling to the side of her path. They were fearful now, watching as another sword appeared out of thin air, hovering there. It was as if time stopped.

                            (It did not, not for them).

                            By the time her comrades reached the site, the town was quiet again, except for the weeping woman. Had they been the reason the raiders killed the townspeople? She wept. Wept for the innocent people who had lost their lives that night.

                            Three days would pass before the group returned, reports in hand. The superiors wanted to see her Artes; they ordered her to demonstrate it. Rhiannon complied, allowing the blades to appear. Between their praise and the awe of the crowd, she thought little of the situation, knowing just what it would include: more jealously. Yet it would be two months after this reveal that her father would insist she marry, bringing man after man before her. Each time she declined, having found little interest in romance or a desire to have children. She was young and she wished to live her life, not cater to some old man who only cared for keeping his last name the upper most pedigree.

                            Rhiannon remained a single woman for the next few years, pledging herself to protecting them people and growing as a person. Promotions meant little to her, but she earned them nonetheless. It was only until the treaty was brought up that she felt betrayed. To offer up their own as bribes in hopes to not be destroyed by the other races....had they no faith in their military? They were monsters, but not immortal. Lycans and Sanguine had been killed countless times before. Could humanity truly feel so backed into a corner? The woman only grew more irritated when her own father offered up Rhiannon as a potential...breeder (it makes her blood boil and skin crawl). Yet as she rejected this, she was informed it was now a duty; that if she did not go through with it, humanity could very well be pushed to the brink. Defeated, Rhiannon accepted. No matter who she was to..breed with, it would only be out of duty, nothing more.
                            please remember to erase all of the things within the brackets before submitting - do not erase this


Indulgent Hunter



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                                tab ⇡⇡ ██ ♛ ❜ ENCHANTRESS of REINEN
                                coding by x envii you
                                tab tab tab ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ↘ (. ALEXANDRA REESE *²
                                tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab CHARISMATIC tab DEPENDENT tab TALENTED tab FLIRTATIOUS

                                User Image

                                                      █ ⋮ ALEX, SONGSTRESS, SIREN
                                                      █ ⋮ TWENTY-SIX
                                                      █ ⋮ FEMALE
                                                      █ ⋮ HUMAN
                                                      █ ⋮ KNIGHT
                                                      █ ⋮ DEMISEXUAL
                                                      █ ⋮ F1
                                                      █ ⋮ O1 ; O2
                                                      █ ⋮ most recent page

                                                      █ ⋮ REGALIA TYPE
                                                      tab Song Augmentation
                                                      ██████████ 70% STRENGTH
                                                      ██████████ 30% DEFENSE
                                                      ██████████ 60% AGILITY
                                                      ██████████ 50% STAMINA
                                                      ██████████ 90% UTILITY

                                        ♛ █████ ⋮ Born to a widowed mother, Alexandra spent the majority of her life playing outside with other boys. She was not the young princess her mother wanted and rarely did she show any proper manners. Frequently she spoke of how she played in the mud or caught animals with her bare hands and each time, her mother would scold the young child and say "That's not how young girls should act!" This was her childhood until she sought to get away from it. At the age of twelve something changed. The way her mother had bickered and grew angry with her ceased, the woman growing compliant and submissive. Her eyes were empty as Alexandra gave the woman commands, her body moving on instinct alone. If it was food, the woman prepared it. Laundry? Washed. Something Alexandra wanted? Bought. It continued this way until she grew weary of the domineering role and left. As she left the place she once called home, Alexandra took with her enough money for food and sough the Church. When they would not give her what she wished for, she showed them what she was capable of. The clergy were the first to claim her a devil, enchanting their saints with her foul songs. But as she sung for them more, they too grew compliant. Given the Church was one of the smaller dotting Reinen, she asked for information on the larger cities and churches. Given the information, she relinquished her hold on their mind and left for bigger places.

                                        Along the way, she had stopped for quite some time in one of the smaller towns for the better part of two years, garnering practice and money. She spent her time singing to the troubled townsfolk in order to ease their minds. Given the money she needed, Alexandra refueled her supplies and set out for the capital. Though she was sixteen at the time, she managed to use caravans and the like to quicken her journey to the capital. Once reaching it, she set off for more information, heading to the church first and foremost. However she would not use her voice. The risk of being overwhelmed was too great in the capital and surely this church would be harbor more than enough people to disable a mere teenager. And so she approached one of the Sisters and asked a simple question: what is there to know about the capital? Of course, the woman directed her elsewhere, but Alexandra insisted, falsely stating she had spent every bit of money in order to get to Icirrus. Reluctantly she would agree and with the information she gave, the Siren would leave without a fuss.

                                        Events would later transpire and she would join Avalon, endure the two years of training and soon become a Knight. She takes her position quite seriously at times and, though she must act mature, can become quite overjoyed when displaying her powers. With mastery of Song Augmentation, she is proficient in buffing herself or allies, creating barriers for single attack absorption and mesmerizing others for a short duration.

                                        ♛ █████ ⋮ Um, I'm pretty shy I guess? I'm fine with talking to people, though actually getting the bravery to go up and start a conversation is hard for me. ;;; I'm probs the nicest person ever, I often give people multiple chances, even if they very much hurt my feelings. Mm, writing is one of my passions, but gaming these days seems to overshadow it so much. lol. In my spare time, when I'm not gaming, I sit and just make entire world spaces (I think I've got like 7 now?) and cook. jc i sound like a total nerd.

                                        I do take care of my grandpa during certain weeks, he's (still) recovering from leg surgery and the implications that came with it. He's almost better though! ovo;;;; idk what else to say derp.

Indulgent Hunter

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                      User ImageUser Image
                      x◞♛* ████ ↗ ALEXANDRA .⇡ ❜ REESE !! xx
                      coding by x envii you
                      tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━━━ 《 ENCHANTRESS of REINEN.
                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab CHARISMATIC tab DEPENDANT tab TALENTED tab FLIRTATIOUS
                      tab tab ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆
                      tab tab tab tab THIS IS A BURDEN I'M WILLING TO BEAR tab tab tab I'M GONNA WEAR IT LOUD AND PROUD
                                  User Image

                                                    tab ₀₀. ◢ * theBASICS !
                                                    coding by x envii you

                                                    ███ ⋮❜ ALEX, SIREN, SONGSTRESS
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ TWENTY-SIX
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ FEMALE
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ HUMAN
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ FALL 05
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ DEMISEXUAL
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ SONGSTRESS
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ REINEN & KNIGHT
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ F1

                                                    ███ ⋮❜ LONG WITH SMALL BRAIDS, STRAIGHT CUT BANGS
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ CRIMSON RED, ALMOND SHAPED
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ 5 FEET, 9 INCHES
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ 126 POUNDS
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ LEAN AND ATHLETIC
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ ENCHANTING SMILE AND CRIMSON RED EYES
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ BLACK VALKYRIE FROM P&D / VOICE CLAIM IF APPLICABLE

                                                    ███ ⋮❜ SINGING , COFFEE , SHARPENING WEAPONS , WAKING UP EARLY , COOL WEATHER
                                                    ███ ⋮❜ HUMIDITY , SICKNESS , BEING PUT ON THE SIDELINES , BEING ALONE , INSECTS

                                                    tab ₀₀. ◢ * theREGALIA !

                                                    01. ⋮ REGALIA TYPE
                                                    tab tab SONG AUGMENTATION
                                                    02. ⋮ STRENGTH
                                                    tab tab ♞ | ██████████ 70%
                                                    03. ⋮ DEFENSE
                                                    tab tab ♞ | ██████████ 30%
                                                    04. ⋮ AGILITY
                                                    tab tab ♞ | ██████████ 60%
                                                    05. ⋮ STAMINA
                                                    tab tab ♞ | ██████████ 50%
                                                    06. ⋮ UTILITY
                                                    tab tab ♞ | ██████████ 90%

                                                        ♛ █ The ability to enhance the powers of oneself or others through song. However if one is unable to hear the song, the effects are not put in place. It is also possible that upon augmenting the user or others, the possibility of harming oneself becomes a threat if not understanding the bodies limits. The augmentations also fade over time, causing the user to refresh the duration of the augmentations, leaving them vulnerable as they sing.

                                                          STRENGTHENING ALEX OR ALLY
                                                        This can be used to increase physical prowess; be it strength, endurance or pain tolerance. However it does come with a drawback: as pain tolerance is increased, it does not decrease the amount of damage taken. Thus if one is unable to determine their own bodies limitations, they could potentially harm their body or die. Quite often Alex will only use this on individuals she has great faith in, knowing that they understand their boundaries.

                                                          ABILITY MASTERING ALLY
                                                        Only an ally can be the target. Alex enhances the targets capability with their magic, placing them on par with masters in that field. While enhanced, what magic they are proficient with is also enhanced, allowing them to have a better grasp at minor powers as well. With those at lower levels, this allows them to explore the more complex aspects of their powers, giving them a chance to figure out which direction they wish to master first. For those at the highest level, this can increase their efficiency and essentially lessen the drain when using their Regalia. However, when the song expires, for a short time, their Regalia will drain at a faster pace. It is because of this that she rarely uses this skill, focusing more on helping her allies and supporting.

                                                          QUALITY MASTERING ALLY OR OBJECT
                                                        Capable of increasing the durability and sharpness of an object and the condition of an ally, quality mastering is the opposite side of strengthening. With enhanced qualities, one can have an increased peak condition, being faster than most. However this does not enhance qualities that are not already present. Given that they are capable of having sharper senses and better condition, she does her best to keep the song refreshed as it can turn the tides in battle.

                                                          HYPNOTISM ENEMY
                                                        Using her voice, Alex is able to lure an enemy into a lull of peace for a short duration. However her voice must be soft and alluring and the effect only persists for either the duration of her singing or for the time they listen. Any directions sang are obeyed with precision. If she leaves the vicinity, those afflicted return to normal and do not remember a thing about being hypnotized.

                                                          SONIC HEALING ALLY
                                                        An extensive form of Song Augmentation. This uses sonic vibrations in order to induce a state of regeneration via manipulating the molecules and nerves. However, this takes an exceptional amount of time and often is used when a battle is done but there is more on the horizon. Alex is unable to heal herself and must suffer exhaustion afterwards. Thus she rarely uses Sonic Healing, fearing the toll on her body may be too great in dire situations.

                                                          BARRIER ALLY
                                                        Using her voice, Alex is capable of manifesting a barrier that is able to absorb one attack from an enemy. Of course, the size is smaller than desired but in order to create one of larger size, Alexandra must exert herself more and thus use more of her Regalia. The ability to create barriers is still being mastered, as the skill recently surfaced. Unlike her other skills, to create a barrier is not relied on sound, but she must remain stationary for the duration of the attack. This also puts a strain on her voice as to continue to keep it up, she must sing one note for a long duration.

                                                    tab ₀₀. ◢ * theBACKGROUND !

                                                        ♛ █ Born in a small village, Alexandra spent most of her days playing with the other boys, caring little for this prim and proper lifestyle her mother tried to push onto her day in and day out. This caused a strain on their relationship and frequently her mother would berate her, often exclaiming how she wished to be given another child. In a way, Alexandra rebelled against her mother from a young age, continuing to do as she pleased and not caring for the words the woman would say, having always known she would leave the village one day. The life of a village girl would not trap her and she knew that. As the boys talked about joining the Knights once they were older, so too did Alex invest her desires in such an idea. Her childhood remained as such until one night, where her mother had caught her singing past her bedtime. It was as the woman opened the door threatening to beat her did her anger quell, eyes growing vacant. Without a word, the old woman returned to her own room and fell asleep.

                                                        The next morning resumed as normal, it was only until Alex returned home singing that her mother entered the same subdued state. Sensing the connection, the young girl sung a simple order: fix her a sandwich. Doing so, she was given the food in a matter of minutes, her mother's body moving like clockwork. Enlightened with this discovery, she could only hope for things to grow much easier. No longer would she need to listen to the hag's bickering, no longer would she endure the hurtful words that was spit at her. She could finally take control in her life and it inflicted her with a strong sense of power. However the days of domineering her mother would not last long, leaving her wanting more at the age of thirteen. Taking with her enough money to afford food, Alex would tag along on caravans heading from town to town, seeking information on the whereabouts of the capital.

                                                        Without forcing the caravans to go at her pace, she reached one of the larger towns in a years time, unfortunately it caused her to grow extremely impatient. This resulted in her approaching the Church and memorizing the clergy in order to acquire the bits of information she needed. Just as she was about to receive said bits, another of the clergy approached her and upon seeing his friend hypnotized, he began to bellow as loud as he could. "Heathen! Succubus! Devil!" But it was not long after such words were said that the man joined his friends as well, giving the child just what she wanted. Acquiring what she wanted, the girl relinquished the hold on their minds and left, leaving them clueless to what had transpired.

                                                        Moving north now, Alex ceased her travels in another larger city in order to refill her supplies and money. She would stay there for two years as she amassed a small wealth and more practice with her power, having sung many men and women into donating to her cause. By this point, she had..persuaded a caravan to take her straight to the capital. Upon reaching the hustle and bustle, Alex sought a place to stay while she completed the next step in her plan. Her first stop would be the Church and though she desperately wished to sing them into a compliant state, Alex withheld the urge. If she were to garner too much attention (even though she likely had a reputation by now for the bystanders who had seen her enrapture others with her voice) she did not want to risk being thrown out of the Church and even the capital. Thus she endured the slow and tortuous process of gaining the trust of those around her and squeezing them for what she wanted: information on Avalon and how to join the Knights.

                                                        At first it was failure after failure, the men and women she talked to knew little about things outside their daily lives. They were too focused on their own smaller existences that they did not retain anything that did not concern them. Then she stumbled upon a group of teenage boys. "Aren't you going to try out for the Knights this year?" The words caught her ear and immediately she wandered over, hastily demanding details. However, the boys did not wish to share their knowledge and began to move away, muttering on how weird she was. With patience thin, she caught their attention once more and enchanted them with her voice, a gleeful feeling spreading throughout her body. Demanding what knowledge they had on the matter, Alex devised her next step as she listened, having finally acquired what she had so fervently sought.

                                                        Upon arriving in the capital of Avalon at the age of nineteen, the woman was dazzled by the sheer beauty of it all. Having living surrounded by forests most her life in a small village, Avalon's paradise gave her a strange sense of longing. However while she was awestruck by her new surroundings, the chatter of friends drew her attention away, bringing her back to reality and her reason for being here: the examination. She watched as they moved toward a larger building, continuing to chat away about various things, some repeating how confident they were this year. Amused, she followed behind them, staying within earshot as they approached what could only be the academy.

Indulgent Hunter

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                      dustymiceTHE KNIGHT
                      User Image
                      USERNAME ochitsuki (though i have been thinking on a name change, if/when i do i will def let you know u v u)
                      NICKNAME ochi/sammy
                      FREQUENCY/TIMEZONE late nights/early mornings (night owl) - though i plan on staying up all day today (or try to q w q) / -5 est
                      SAMPLES recent pages
                      NAME Rhiannon Howell
                      NICKNAME Rhi
                      AGE Twenty-six
                      GENDER Female
                      RACE Human
                      SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual, however will marry for the sake of 'duty'
                      FACECLAIM ONE / TWO
                      ARTES RUNIC
                      ARTESHOLD Conjuration, swords - An Artes that had been passed down through the Howell family, the spark is inlaid into each generation but the desire to hone it becomes present upon entering the military, as the wielder has a natural affinity to swordplay. As the skill is developed, the user is capable of summoning replica swords from thin air, often astonishing both enemies and allies. The swords are physical to the one who summoned them, but ghostly to others who wishes to wield them. This comes at both an advantage and disadvantage, as the summoner wishes allies to use them, they are unable to. The same can be said for enemies.
                      ARTESHOLD Telekinesis - The ability to pick and move objects by the combined force of will and mind. The lighter the object, the less strain it places on the users body, as the heavier the item, the more stress that is endured. Rhiannon uses this Artes in combination with her conjuration, as the swords are lightweight and can be sent slicing through the air with ease. Of course, it is because of this ability that Rhiannon has had to develop her stamina far beyond what most would consider normal. Not to mention she frequently eats plenty of food after using telekinesis for an extended duration.
                      ◢ Howell, a last name renowned for skilled swordplay and unique Artes, the latest child of the lineage lives up to such daunting expectations. Rhiannon, a woman of elegance and duty has time and time again proven herself more than capable carrying on the Howell line. Yet one flaw lies in the child: she will not marry. No matter how much her father pleas or how many talks she must endure with her mother, the knight has chosen to "marry" duty over "continuing the Howell legacy", as her father so lovingly put it.
                      ◢ As one among the ranks of the military, Rhiannon is often compelled to protect and serve the people, viewing them as the primary force behind a thriving kingdom. She understands what disaster would befall the human race if the other races were to have their way. The knight will fight tooth and nail to preserve humanity, even though some may turn to deals in order to win wars. With this in mind, she finds any deal with a Demon as an act of betrayal, finding those individuals to have given in to their weakness rather than better themselves.
                      ◢ It was with the treaty that Rhiannon felt betrayed by her own race and own family. Upon hearing of the deal, her father was one of the first to offer up his daughter as one of the breeders. Strength was a desired trait among many of the races and with such strong Artes and sword skills, surely they would find her a suitable breeder. At this point now, Rhiannon had no choice but to accept, as she understood the consequences of refusing: the potential for humanity to be eradicated. With marrying now a duty, Rhiannon accepted - as much as she hated the idea - and along with five other humans, were taken to Hammarfall.

                      please remember to erase all of the things within the brackets before submitting - do not erase this

Indulgent Hunter

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    grimgrimgrimgrim THERE IS A HOLLOW IN ME NOW
    #4A67A1 --- speech colorLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD ⋮ OUTFIT

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Indulgent Hunter

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    User ImageI SEEK IN THE DARK BECAUSE THERE IS NO LIGHT HERE grimgrimgrimgrimgrim
    grimgrimgrimgrim↻ WHERE ON EARTH SHOULD I GO?
    grimgrimgrimgrimLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD

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      [imgleft]http://i.imgur.com/crYTAD2.png[/imgleft][img]http://i.imgur.com/7J6RjkB.png[/img][list][imgright]http://i.imgur.com/e176OO3.png[/imgright][b][size=8]I SEEK IN THE DARK BECAUSE THERE IS NO LIGHT HERE [strike][color=white]grimgrimgrimgrimgrim[/color][/strike][/size]
      [size=13][color=white]grimgrim[/color]〖 AND THE FEELINGS DEEP IN MY HE❤RT HAVE DIED [i]!![/i][/size]
      [size=9][color=white]gr[/color][size=11]⋮[/size]THERE'S DARKNESS ON MY EYES; SO I'LL CONTINUE WONDERING IN THE VALLEY OF DREAMS[/size]
      [size=15][color=white]grim[/color]I SEARCH FOR ANSWERS THAT I COULDN'T SEE YESTERDAY ↘↘[/size]
      [size=14][color=white]grimgrimgrimgrim[/color]↻ WHERE ON EARTH SHOULD I GO?[/size]
      [size=9][color=white]grimgrimgrimgrim[/color][size=8]LOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD [/size][/b][/color]
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                          User ImagegrimgrimgrimgrimgrimgrimLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD ⋮ OUTFIT

                          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ut auctor quam, et sodales erat. Integer at orci et turpis consectetur porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus nec velit ut tortor molestie sodales eu a neque. Quisque sodales, metus non accumsan congue, massa ipsum gravida justo, non pellentesque libero turpis nec magna. Cras dapibus purus vel diam aliquet, sit amet hendrerit urna tempor. Suspendisse iaculis et quam in auctor. Maecenas ut massa eu nulla gravida faucibus id hendrerit eros. Duis ante mi, ultricies et dui quis, efficitur elementum neque.

                            Nullam varius mi metus, sit amet aliquet turpis gravida nec. Mauris vulputate diam id est mattis cursus. Fusce nisi justo, suscipit at auctor vel, facilisis id nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam venenatis pharetra leo at mattis. Vivamus suscipit pretium neque eu rutrum. Mauris dolor eros, varius et scelerisque eu, tempus sodales ante. Mauris ut nisl tempus, placerat velit non, luctus libero. Proin tortor tortor, tempus eu massa ut, consectetur ultricies justo. Sed ullamcorper facilisis blandit. Praesent vehicula molestie diam, at dignissim lacus viverra at. In cursus gravida nulla at rhoncus. Quisque eros erat, molestie pulvinar lobortis id, semper sit amet leo.

                            Phasellus aliquam a sapien porta faucibus. Curabitur mollis suscipit nisl, ac tincidunt ante commodo vel. Donec ullamcorper scelerisque elit pretium feugiat. Morbi in cursus massa. Sed ut venenatis est. Nullam blandit hendrerit accumsan. Mauris leo metus, pharetra sit amet nisl id, ultricies rhoncus metus. Maecenas lobortis condimentum tortor ac ultrices. Etiam molestie metus ac ligula faucibus, quis maximus quam elementum. Curabitur viverra vehicula nisl, non tempor massa condimentum ac.

                            Nulla dictum, nibh eget aliquet malesuada, libero arcu auctor dolor, in malesuada massa est ac sem. Mauris eu mattis leo. Duis aliquet ipsum urna, mattis blandit turpis vestibulum posuere. Quisque sit amet tincidunt massa. Mauris ullamcorper tellus nec scelerisque pharetra. Integer commodo lobortis sapien vitae faucibus. Maecenas malesuada mi quis eros lobortis, ut venenatis risus luctus. Pellentesque iaculis cursus elit, a pretium nisi mollis in. Donec faucibus, quam in luctus efficitur, odio neque venenatis magna, sed accumsan sem velit id neque. Fusce pretium sem nulla, et eleifend enim interdum sit amet. Nulla ac neque sit amet leo condimentum consectetur. Phasellus eleifend tincidunt euismod.

                            Aliquam egestas faucibus dolor lacinia viverra. Sed porta scelerisque dignissim. Donec viverra, augue non sodales ultrices, felis lorem mollis leo, quis dictum leo ex ac sapien. Donec vel velit consectetur, ornare ipsum non, facilisis sem. Nunc bibendum ante nulla, ut facilisis metus consectetur sit amet. Morbi fermentum laoreet libero, vitae commodo metus porta in. Ut et leo dapibus, dictum mi eu, tincidunt mi. Phasellus eget malesuada turpis. Cras imperdiet lectus sed porta condimentum. Ut interdum ex vulputate nisi consectetur faucibus. Sed accumsan a velit sed aliquet. Praesent venenatis libero in cursus blandit. Suspendisse sagittis eros augue, non tempus velit cursus at. Duis malesuada varius enim, sit amet ultrices leo mattis non. Ut metus sem, egestas a lacus ac, iaculis faucibus orci. In mollis nunc a dolor mollis ullamcorper.

Indulgent Hunter

                                User ImageUser Image
                                  User Image⋮ CAN YOU KEEP UP THE PACE LIKE YOU'RE DYING FOR THIS ?
                                  grim AND WHEN YOU SAY "I'M NOT OKAY; I LEFT MY PHONE IN THE CAB"
                                  grimgr I WON'T BLACKOUT THIS TIME I'VE GOT NOTHING TO WASTE !!
                                  #6E5181 ---- speechLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD

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                  #291818 ---- speechLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD ⋮ 1OO% HP ⋮ 1OO% MP

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                                                    • OPHELIAdiandra

                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ut auctor quam, et sodales erat. Integer at orci et turpis consectetur porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus nec velit ut tortor molestie sodales eu a neque. Quisque sodales, metus non accumsan congue, massa ipsum gravida justo, non pellentesque libero turpis nec magna. Cras dapibus purus vel diam aliquet, sit amet hendrerit urna tempor. Suspendisse iaculis et quam in auctor. Maecenas ut massa eu nulla gravida faucibus id hendrerit eros. Duis ante mi, ultricies et dui quis, efficitur elementum neque.

                                                      Nullam varius mi metus, sit amet aliquet turpis gravida nec. Mauris vulputate diam id est mattis cursus. Fusce nisi justo, suscipit at auctor vel, facilisis id nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam venenatis pharetra leo at mattis. Vivamus suscipit pretium neque eu rutrum. Mauris dolor eros, varius et scelerisque eu, tempus sodales ante. Mauris ut nisl tempus, placerat velit non, luctus libero. Proin tortor tortor, tempus eu massa ut, consectetur ultricies justo. Sed ullamcorper facilisis blandit. Praesent vehicula molestie diam, at dignissim lacus viverra at. In cursus gravida nulla at rhoncus. Quisque eros erat, molestie pulvinar lobortis id, semper sit amet leo.

                                                      Phasellus aliquam a sapien porta faucibus. Curabitur mollis suscipit nisl, ac tincidunt ante commodo vel. Donec ullamcorper scelerisque elit pretium feugiat. Morbi in cursus massa. Sed ut venenatis est. Nullam blandit hendrerit accumsan. Mauris leo metus, pharetra sit amet nisl id, ultricies rhoncus metus. Maecenas lobortis condimentum tortor ac ultrices. Etiam molestie metus ac ligula faucibus, quis maximus quam elementum. Curabitur viverra vehicula nisl, non tempor massa condimentum ac.

                                                      Nulla dictum, nibh eget aliquet malesuada, libero arcu auctor dolor, in malesuada massa est ac sem. Mauris eu mattis leo. Duis aliquet ipsum urna, mattis blandit turpis vestibulum posuere. Quisque sit amet tincidunt massa. Mauris ullamcorper tellus nec scelerisque pharetra. Integer commodo lobortis sapien vitae faucibus. Maecenas malesuada mi quis eros lobortis, ut venenatis risus luctus. Pellentesque iaculis cursus elit, a pretium nisi mollis in. Donec faucibus, quam in luctus efficitur, odio neque venenatis magna, sed accumsan sem velit id neque. Fusce pretium sem nulla, et eleifend enim interdum sit amet. Nulla ac neque sit amet leo condimentum consectetur. Phasellus eleifend tincidunt euismod.

                                                      Aliquam egestas faucibus dolor lacinia viverra. Sed porta scelerisque dignissim. Donec viverra, augue non sodales ultrices, felis lorem mollis leo, quis dictum leo ex ac sapien. Donec vel velit consectetur, ornare ipsum non, facilisis sem. Nunc bibendum ante nulla, ut facilisis metus consectetur sit amet. Morbi fermentum laoreet libero, vitae commodo metus porta in. Ut et leo dapibus, dictum mi eu, tincidunt mi. Phasellus eget malesuada turpis. Cras imperdiet lectus sed porta condimentum. Ut interdum ex vulputate nisi consectetur faucibus. Sed accumsan a velit sed aliquet. Praesent venenatis libero in cursus blandit. Suspendisse sagittis eros augue, non tempus velit cursus at. Duis malesuada varius enim, sit amet ultrices leo mattis non. Ut metus sem, egestas a lacus ac, iaculis faucibus orci. In mollis nunc a dolor mollis ullamcorper.

Indulgent Hunter

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██████████████ ███ ███████████████████ █████ ████████████ ██████████ ███ ███████████████████ █████ ███████████████
A N D I W A S T H E R E, S T A N D I N G O U T S I D E Y O U R D O O R, W A I T I N G F O R Y O U T O S H O W M E H O W T O S T A Y
  ↘↘ and i've been there before; hoping and trying to make things right ⋮ BUT NOW I DON'T KNOW
#291818 -------------- speechLOCATION ⋮ COMPANY ⋮ MOOD ⋮ OUTFIT

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          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ut auctor quam, et sodales erat. Integer at orci et turpis consectetur porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus nec velit ut tortor molestie sodales eu a neque. Quisque sodales, metus non accumsan congue, massa ipsum gravida justo, non pellentesque libero turpis nec magna. Cras dapibus purus vel diam aliquet, sit amet hendrerit urna tempor. Suspendisse iaculis et quam in auctor. Maecenas ut massa eu nulla gravida faucibus id hendrerit eros. Duis ante mi, ultricies et dui quis, efficitur elementum neque.

            Nullam varius mi metus, sit amet aliquet turpis gravida nec. Mauris vulputate diam id est mattis cursus. Fusce nisi justo, suscipit at auctor vel, facilisis id nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam venenatis pharetra leo at mattis. Vivamus suscipit pretium neque eu rutrum. Mauris dolor eros, varius et scelerisque eu, tempus sodales ante. Mauris ut nisl tempus, placerat velit non, luctus libero. Proin tortor tortor, tempus eu massa ut, consectetur ultricies justo. Sed ullamcorper facilisis blandit. Praesent vehicula molestie diam, at dignissim lacus viverra at. In cursus gravida nulla at rhoncus. Quisque eros erat, molestie pulvinar lobortis id, semper sit amet leo.

            Phasellus aliquam a sapien porta faucibus. Curabitur mollis suscipit nisl, ac tincidunt ante commodo vel. Donec ullamcorper scelerisque elit pretium feugiat. Morbi in cursus massa. Sed ut venenatis est. Nullam blandit hendrerit accumsan. Mauris leo metus, pharetra sit amet nisl id, ultricies rhoncus metus. Maecenas lobortis condimentum tortor ac ultrices. Etiam molestie metus ac ligula faucibus, quis maximus quam elementum. Curabitur viverra vehicula nisl, non tempor massa condimentum ac.

            Nulla dictum, nibh eget aliquet malesuada, libero arcu auctor dolor, in malesuada massa est ac sem. Mauris eu mattis leo. Duis aliquet ipsum urna, mattis blandit turpis vestibulum posuere. Quisque sit amet tincidunt massa. Mauris ullamcorper tellus nec scelerisque pharetra. Integer commodo lobortis sapien vitae faucibus. Maecenas malesuada mi quis eros lobortis, ut venenatis risus luctus. Pellentesque iaculis cursus elit, a pretium nisi mollis in. Donec faucibus, quam in luctus efficitur, odio neque venenatis magna, sed accumsan sem velit id neque. Fusce pretium sem nulla, et eleifend enim interdum sit amet. Nulla ac neque sit amet leo condimentum consectetur. Phasellus eleifend tincidunt euismod.

            Aliquam egestas faucibus dolor lacinia viverra. Sed porta scelerisque dignissim. Donec viverra, augue non sodales ultrices, felis lorem mollis leo, quis dictum leo ex ac sapien. Donec vel velit consectetur, ornare ipsum non, facilisis sem. Nunc bibendum ante nulla, ut facilisis metus consectetur sit amet. Morbi fermentum laoreet libero, vitae commodo metus porta in. Ut et leo dapibus, dictum mi eu, tincidunt mi. Phasellus eget malesuada turpis. Cras imperdiet lectus sed porta condimentum. Ut interdum ex vulputate nisi consectetur faucibus. Sed accumsan a velit sed aliquet. Praesent venenatis libero in cursus blandit. Suspendisse sagittis eros augue, non tempus velit cursus at. Duis malesuada varius enim, sit amet ultrices leo mattis non. Ut metus sem, egestas a lacus ac, iaculis faucibus orci. In mollis nunc a dolor mollis ullamcorper.

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