Welcome to Gaia! ::

Omnipresent Poster

The smell of smoke and earth fill the smoldering room, but through it all the metallic smell of blood overpowered the other scents. “My lady!” Glazed eyes rolled in their sockets to search out the source of the call. Heavy paws navigated the ruble, their owner searching for the bleeding victim. A dash of yellow fur was visible under a slab that had once been part of an alter. “My lady!” The weight was lifted off the body. A fresh stream of blood began to flow. “No… No! It's going to be alright!”

Black lips pulled back in a bleak grin.

“No, I know I'm dying…”

She had known for quite sometime.


Kentaro was getting ready to pull out the fur from his ample mane. A meeting had just concluded in the council room but now the country of Kaji’s ruler had disappeared. Normally it would have been acceptable but there were still two more important meetings to be held before the day was out. None of which could get underway unless the empress herself was present. Which she was not. Her chief guard, Kentaro the Arcanine, had been given the impossible task of hunting her down. Even with the help of his second in command, Konoe the Dragonite, who had been assisting him for over an hour now in their desperate search, had been unable to turn up any trace of their eccentric leader. Kentaro’s jog fizzled out into a sluggish walk by the time he reached the sliding door to the council camber where he had begun his quest to find the empress nearly an hour ago.

He wandered over to the railing and rested his head in his arms, his dark brown eyes gazed out over the landscape for any sign of Konoe. The outdoor walkway overlooked the choicest scenery on the palace grounds. It was perched on the top of a grassy glade that sparsely populated by ever blossoming cherry tress that went on uninterrupted for quite sometime till it reached the wall surrounding the main castle complex. Perhaps fortress was a better word, he thought as his keen eyes picked up guard activity on the wall. No one got in or out of the castle without him knowing. Therefore it was impossible that even their empress could have escaped! Ha! Not in a thousand years! Somewhere nearby his noble charge waited to be discovered!

“Oye! What’s with that perverted expression? You haven’t found Lady Inari yet, have you?” Kentaro had been so preoccupied with his thoughts that he was caught off guard by Konoe flying in for a landing. Kentaro shielded his eyes from the dust kicked up by Konoe, leaving him unable to defend himself against the older guard’s accusations. “Ah… Guess you haven’t found her.” Konoe picked up on the empress’ absence and shook his head. “The second meeting should have concluded by now. If she just endured it, things would be a lot easier on us all!” His small wings folded tightly against his back as he scratched the area around his single horn atop his skull. “I’ve scoured this place top to bottom. What kind of Royal Guard are we?”

He meant it in jest but Kentaro became defensive. “Our Lady is not any ordinary Lady, may I remind you.” Konoe smiled softly and continued to shake his head. “Hey! What’s with that look?” Kentaro demanded. Konoe was more than aware of the questionable relationship between Kentaro and Lady Inari. He never stated whether he disapproved or not, but Kentaro was so touchy on the subject he just avoided it altogether, let alone try and give his opinion. Kentaro looked about ready to blow smoke out his nose when the sliding door was opened. Both males spun to see who it was.

“Ummm? What’s the matter you two? You look like you’ve just seen a Gastly. Could it be you’ve been looking for someone all this time while I was in my meeting? How troublesome. I’d be heartbroken to hear that I might have been able to assist you in some way…” Garbed in the usual traditional layered clothing of nobles stood Lady Inari the Ninetales. Just behind her sat a room full of happy councilmen and women, chatting excitedly about the plans made over the last hour. Both guards stared at Inari, then each other, then behind her, and then back to her. She raised a wide mouthed silk sleeve to conceal a rapidly growing grin. Was it possible that she had evaded them by slipping into the council chamber without them knowing? It was true that the council room would be the last place either of them would have looked for her. “Now, if you’d excuse me. I’m going to go take a bath. While both of you are welcome to join me, I’m sure you have other very important work to attend to and will be unable to-“

“Hold it right there Lady Inari.” Konoe and Kentaro positioned themselves on either side of the empress, blocking any escape route. “You have one more meeting today. After it is finished you can take a hundred baths with whomever ever you like for all I care.” Konoe smirked. Kentaro was about to grab hold of Inari’s arm when she bolted forward and over the railing leaving the heaviest layers of her clothing in her place. The two skilled warriors had quick reflexes, but neither was prepared for their leader to unleash a strong wave of her physic energy on them, sending them both back and nearly through the thin wall. “Damn, she’s going to be half way across the country by the time we catch up with her!” Konoe swore, stretching out his wings with the intent to fly after Inari.

“Sit back. I’ll get her.” Kentaro crouched down, letting the energy build up in his hind legs. The energy building up around the Arcanine was almost palpable just before he released it, sending himself over the rain and into a full on sprint after Lady Inari. No matter how fast she was she wouldn’t be able to outrun him while he was in a full gallop. His heart hammered in his chest while the rasp of his breath filled his ears. He became entirely focused on his prey. Everything else around passed by in a green blur. His vision became tunneled with Inari at the center. She stopped under the shade of one of the few trees and turned. Her small frown bloomed into a wide grin. She spread her arms wide like she was readying herself to catch him. If he didn’t slow down now he would run her over. He skidded to a halt inches away from Inari, taking up chucks of the lawn and leaving deep scars in the earth. Kentaro blinked rapidly at the still smiling Ninetales he was standing nose to nose with. To make sure she didn’t try and escape her duties again, he reached out and grabbed hold oh her wrist.

Inari shot Kentaro a peeved glare. “Alright, you’ve caught me. You don’t need to go around holding my hand like I’m a lost kit.” Kentaro might have fallen for this trick not to long ago. “I know you’re at your most dangerous when you’ve been cornered. I’m not going to simply let you go just to have to chase you down- Ummmpph?!” Inari cut him off short with a forceful kiss. He released her wrist so he could push her away but she moved too quickly for him. She wrapped both her arms around his neck before he could pry her off. His hands moved from her shoulders to her lower back rapidity, just a hair away from making any actually contact. “Umm! Ummmm!!!” Inari didn’t seem to hear his muffled cries, or maybe she did. She just had no intention of heeding them.

Her tails wrapped around one of his legs and targeted the back of his knee, sending them both to the ground. She waved all nine of her tails in victory. Slowly Kentaro surrendered. He laid out spread eagle letting Inari do as she pleased. She had detached herself from his neck. Her fingers ran through his ruffled mane in search of his squared ears. ‘Does she not need air?’ He thought vaguely. As if in response to his thought she released. Lazily she rolled to the side, curling up close in the crook between his arm and torso. She laid the majority of her tails across his chest like a blanket. Kentaro didn’t respond to any of this. His eyes were glued on the blue sky blinking in and out of sight from behind the tree canopy. Though he hated to admit it, he was immensely pleased. A fact Inari was no doubt aware of. ‘Curse her stupid powers…’ Though it was possible it was just a female thing.

They stayed there for what felt like ages. The tiny pink petals rained down on them every time the wind picked up, but the wind never became to strong as to bring on a chill. Kentaro’s eyelids dropped. He might have fallen asleep if Inari had not gone stiff. “My Lady?” He sat up. “My Lady!” Her crimson eyes had glazed over and she was unresponsive to his touch. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her lightly. “Wake up! Inari, snap out of it!” He was beginning to pull her onto his back when she finally replied.

“What are you doing? I demand you put me down. You. Lie back down while you’re at it. I’m not done basking in your childish cuteness.” He grimaced but carried out her orders. When they were settled again she let out a sigh. “I get tired of this eternal spring all the time. Why can’t the Dragonair let a storm brew every once and a while? Or at least let the seasons change or pity’s sake!” She complained. There was a long pause.

“Did you have a vision?” He asked. She sighed again and sat up. “You really are the worst guard an empress can have. Don’t I have a meeting to go to or something? Or did you just chase my tails all the way out here in the hopes of getting lucky?” In all the excitement it had slipped his mind. She really did have to go back right away. “I think I sprained my ankle while running. You’ll have to carry me back I’m afraid.” Since she said this while she was standing and bushing herself off he had to laugh. “You dare laugh at you’re most beloved leader?! I really should fire you.” He scooped her light frame up into his arms and started the long trek back to the main complex.


“Kentaro, may I speak with you privately?” Inari grabbed hold of Kentaro’s sleeve just before he excited the council room. He cocked his head to the side but before he could say anything she cut him off. “Meet me in courtyard. The one with the Zen garden not the one with that ridiculous pond. Bring watermelon too. I don’t feel like bothering with dinner tonight.” She didn’t make whatever she wanted to talk about sound urgent. His mind jumped to the incident earlier with her vision. She studied his calculating expression, causing her to giggle. His ears flicked back and his snout wrinkled. “Oh, what? I was laughing at something else.” She stepped around him and out the open door. “Don’t be late!” He wanted to remind her that it would be difficult to be on time since she had never given a specific time but she was already gone.

He collected an array of food before going out to meet Inari. He found her perched on the edge of the elevated walkway that surrounded the sand garden. Her eyes were on the stars above. She sniffed the air when the breeze carried the scent of the food to her. “Hey… That’s not watermelon.” The tray contained bowls of rice and thinly cut meat instead of just melon triangles. “Hum, looks good… You must want me to get old and fat.” She took the tray out of his hands and began to pick at the food.

“Too late. You’re already old. As for getting fat, that’s up to you. Besides, this is healthier than just watermelon for dinner.” She reached out to smack him for calling her old but any harsh words meant to accompany the blow were muted thanks to the food in her mouth. “So, what is it that you want to talk about?” He looked around the empty garden. “And how is this any more private than a room somewhere inside?”

Inari swallowed a mouth full of rice before bothering to address his questions. “I can see better here. The atmosphere is more… How do I put this in laymen’s terms? It’s designed to have a smoother flow of energy. If something interrupts it, the ripples are very pronounced. Also, it acts like a light. It illuminates the area surrounding the cultivated flow even when the area itself is not… regular? Does that make sense?” The sight she was referring to was the same sight that allowed her to see into the future. Kentaro had a hard time understanding how it worked at first but the longer her stayed around Inari the more he picked up on.

“This ‘atmosphere’ doesn’t have anything to do with why you had the castle built the way it is? With the creaking floors everywhere?” Kentaro commented on how oddly the castle had been constructed. Inari had been directly responsible for every detail. When he had first arrived here, everything seemed strange. However, the more time he spent in the castle the more the strange design appeared to be practical. Like the main complex’s position and the random set up of the rooms... He had never puzzled together why everything creaked though.

“That? No! It has nothing to do with that. I just like being able to tell if someone is trying to sneak up on me!” She threw her arms in the air. “This is my fortress and I am untouchable as long as I remain within these walls! Ahahahaha!” He rolled his eyes. “Does that make you feel ill-used? Don’t worry. I need you too.” She rested her head against him. Kentaro’s tail swayed back and forth till he worked up the courage to try and wrap it around her waist. “Kentaro… I want you to take over for me.”

“What?!” Kentaro jumped in surprise. “Are you planning on leaving? If you’re going, I go with you!” Inari stared at him blankly. He stared back with a dark fire burning in his eyes. He’d be damned if she tried to leave without him by her side. He took her hand and squeezed it firmly. She blinked twice. Then she reached around to pick a slice of watermelon off the tray. She began to swing her legs slowly, her eyes back on the sky. “Alright. When I run away you’re invited.” She offered him the last bite of watermelon before throwing the rind into the carefully manicured garden. “I’m going off to bed. As always you’re free to join me.” He didn’t dare to make a move to follow her. He could only imagine the horrors that waited him if he did.


“Konoe.” Inari forced open the door to Konoe’s quarters open. “You could have knocked. I would have opened the door for you.” Inari looked past the Dragonite at the two Dratini that had been playing on the floor till she entered. They watched her with big round eyes swimming with fear. Inari grinned playfully at them, “Konoe, I want some tea. Is your wife here?” Konoe shook his head, “I have some on now, and no she is not. Must you phrase things like that?” He busied himself with getting the tea ready. With his attention turned she levitated one of the dolls the girls had been playing with. They followed its jerky motions in awe. Till it came flying towards them.


The pair ran from the room screaming. Inari let the toy fall before turning back to Konoe. “Were you..?” She nodded solemnly. “Konoe, I have a request. I want you to assent to the throne in the event I am killed. No… When I am killed.” Konoe’s look of alarm told her she had come off too strong. “How? I mean, how do we stop it?!” Inari waved him off. She made him sit and calm himself before explaining herself.

“To be frank, I don’t know. My vision didn’t give me any clues. Normally when they’re this vague I’ll try looking ahead and piece it together that way but this time I can’t see anything past one point. It’s just dark.” She pretended to be nonchalant but a hint of frustration was bleeding through. She pulled out a fan painted with the elegant figures of Dewgongs playing in the surf and began to fan herself feverously. “I couldn’t even see who was with me. Whatever it was, I don’t believe it is something you and the Guard can protect me against.”

“We’re not going to just give up.” His face seemed to age before her eyes. The cogs turned in his head as he began drawing up the best plans to see that she would live to see another thousand years.

“I have my own idea. I want to retreat to my inner sanctum. The Guard will be posted around it. It is as simple as that. From what I could gather, it should take place before tomorrow night is out. I don’t want to cause a panic. We’ll declare that I am performing a ritual that only occurs every so often that is supposed to ensure the heath of our nation.” She took a deep breath. “If the worst comes to pass then you will take my position as leader of our county. You will do two things. First you will continue to slowly whittle away our neighboring country of Chikyuu. Second, you will continue to keep my memory fresh in the minds of our people. No, add a third thing to that list. Thirdly, be prepared to relinquish the title of emperor when I return to relive you of your station.”

“Return?” Konoe looked down at his reflection in his tea. “I have heard stories of the gods returning life time after life time…” He met Inari’s gaze. “Am I to believe you are among their ranks?” Inari smiled slowly behind her fan. “I shall be if I live to see daybreak of the day after tomorrow.” So, if she lived through whatever was supposed to kill her tomorrow night…

“If you don’t return…” Konoe’s expression was screwed in deep thought. “Then you will rule until your death and appoint someone to rule in your place.” She suddenly snapped her fan closed. “Ruling is not so bad. Just keep your underlings in check and you won’t have a problem.” The more she talked the surer she seemed that she was going to die. It unsettled her guard visibly. “Have you told Kentaro?”

Inari’s playful smile fell. “I tried too. If he is to be told, please let me be the one to do it.” She spent some time reviewing her plan with Konoe. Before parting she convinced him into making it a blood packet. With their deal sealed she felt it was time to make her strategic retreat to the inner sanctum.


The inner sanctum was the center of the castle. There was a single door manned by two guards at any given time. Not that it was necessary. The room was protected by Inari’s powers which were amplified by some mysterious artifact only a few people had glimpsed before.

Inari had been locked away for hours now. The night that was supposed to be Inari’s last had begun.

Inari sat on the ample pillows that littered the floor. Her focus was on the stone vessel placed in the middle of the room. Her body radiated with the hard won power of nearly a millennia. As time past the more her confidence grew. Her safe house was impregnable. When the sun rose she would be equivalent to a god. Untouchable.

“What?” A buzzing filled her ears. Her first instinct was to look forward to see if she could find the source without spending much time searching. She realized her mistake too late. The future was black. A glowing ball had appeared in the center of the room just over the stone vessel. She staggered back into the alter pushed up against the wall to brace herself. In an instant the ball became paper thing, shrunk and the noise stopped. The silence seemed to last for an eternity. “Kentaro-!“ The explosion stopped her mid scream.


Inari’s concentration had shattered along with the barrier around the room. Kentaro was the first on the scene. His eyes darted around the room for a glimpse of Inari. There!

‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.’ Kentaro pulled the stone slab off of Inari. ‘Don’t you trust me?’ He knelt down. He was shouting at her but even he wasn’t listening. ‘Why don’t you believe me? Please don’t tell me you still think of me as a kid…’ Inari coughed, sending flecks of blood onto his cheek. “I know I’m dying.” She croaked out in response to a question he didn’t remember asking. His eyes widened. “No…” He pressed his hand into the open wound on her side. “Internal injury, Kentaro… Though your hand might be the only thing keeping my guts in at this point.” She laughed grimly, smiling through the pain. He grimaced, “Please, shut up for once, will you?” He leaned in to give her a reassuring kiss on her forehead.

“Ghaaa!” He jerked back when Inari grave a strained cry. He thought it was her wounds. But it became quickly apparent he was wrong. Her hair had gone stark white. From her tails to her head, it was like someone had washed the color right out of her. “My hair…” She struggled to pull a strand of it before her eyes. Kentaro awkwardly rearranged her in his arms and did it for her. “Ha…Ahahahahahahaha!” Her laugher racked her body. “Whoever they were… They failed! Kentaro.” Her eyes shut and a peaceful smile found its place on her lips. “I’m sure you’ll find me again.” Her heartbeat petered out.

In the moment her heart stopped her body caught aflame. Kentaro’s resistance fire wasn’t enough to protect him to the unexpected inferno. He was forced to let go of her body. When the bright light of the fire dimmed the empress’ body had vanished.



The egg was carefully arranged in the stone shrine that once housed a flame. A fresh paper rope had been tied around the stone structure, indicating the place was not abandoned. The green impish pokemon hovered over the shine, tilting her head one way, then the other. She moved back in and adjusted the egg. She nodded in satisfaction crossing both of her arms and nodded again.

“Mama!” The green creature’s eyes met the eyes of a dark vulpine pokemon. In a flash of light she had disappeared from sight. “What was that, Mama?” A larger pokemon emerged, a sack of plant bulbs over her shoulder. “Celebi.” She replied in a husky voice. Her turquoise eyes narrowed. “What’s that?” The smaller pokemon nagged.

“What business does a pokemon like that have at a shrine to Inari?”

The egg rocked in its place, like it was responding to a familiar name.

Omnipresent Poster

[The city of New Nyx is filled with crime. Lots and lots of crime. The majority committed by crazy cat people. What’s up with that? It’s up to the Nyx popo to keep order. Enter expert cop team Stone and Conan.]

Stone: We’ve got a homicide. Looks like the sap didn’t stand a chance. There are nearly thirty knives penetrating his torso.

Sean: Help! I’m still alive! Barely… Ohhhh god it hurts. Help me…

Conan: He’s still alive? Stone we’re homicide detectives. We can’t investigate till he’s dead.

Stone: We’ll just have to wait. Clark’s bringing us coffee and donuts anyway. I haven’t had breakfast yet. Uh, yeah kid. Don’t worry. You’ll have the best on your case.

Sean: Gahhhh…

Stone: Don’t worry, kid. You’ll have the best on your case. Here is the list of suspects. Daphne put them in this nice accessible picture flipbook. I’m a lucky guy.

Conan: *flips through* This is more like a game of Clue than a case. I mean, look at this… A maid, angry wife, rich guy, butler, gardener.

Sean: I know who did it! It was- *shot by Conan* Gahhk! *dies*

Conan: Whoo, that was a close one. He almost spoiled the ending. If anyone asks, I saw a rat on him and shot it before it could further contaminate the crime scene.

Clark: I got your coffee guys! I’ll be working on the tonight but forensic will always take a back seat to helping you! You still promise that you’ll help me get a job as a detective like you guys! And show me the ropes! Like, you know, the cop ropes?

Stone: Sure kid. You keep bringing us coffee and donuts and we’ll show you anything you’d like. Okay, to the court house.

[With a blatant disregard for lawful procedures the trial began. First up: The rich guy who owns the house where the butler/gardener/flower arranger… actually no one knows what Sean’s job was. No one bothered to look that far into to it.]

Johnny: I didn’t kill him. And if I did, I would have done it better. Though, since I didn’t… Let me remind you, I’m to rich to convict. I can pay my way out of anything.

Faulkner: Huh, as the judge presiding over this trail, I order you to shut the hell up. Delphi, are you getting this down? You have to write everything everyone says.

Delphi: Yep! I’m writing it on my kitten stationary, see?
Faulkner: Good, so, he’s right. We need to find someone with less money, so they can’t pay bail. One of you suit types bring out the next victim. I mean suspect. Or are they witnesses? They’re all guilty of something is you ask me.

Clark: I call my next witness. (Hi Stone, Conan! I went to law school but my true passion is police work! Make sure you say that when you put in those good words for me!) Soke!

Soke: I wasn’t there, I have an alibi, and I’m blind. How can I be a witness?

Faulkner: Agreed. Next!

Omnipresent Poster

x x xD A R K R A I


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Gatti rolled out of the hospital bed. Day two of a good night’s rest. If she kept this up... Well she would start sleeping again! She hadn’t slept normally since she was nine. She stuffed her trophy into her bag. Damn she needed to unload. She missed home. Bandaged fingers curled around the silver knob. Opening it slightly to make sure no one was around she slipped into the halls of the hospital.

She knew her way to the morgue. All she had to do was follow her nose. You could smell dead people. She peered through a glass wall. Sure enough young Sin lay on a silver table, square and centered. It looked surreal. So clean, and white. Hard to imagine Sin was ever alive at all. Gatti smiled. She pushed open the silver lined door. No locks. Someone must have left with the intention of coming back soon. Not much time. She raced to the other end of the room grabbing another gurney identical to the one Sin was on. She pulled it up so it was parallel to the dead human, only inches away. Gatti, without a moment’s hesitation, jumped onto the silver gurney. She lay stomach down staring at the dead girl. Gatti reached out pushing back the white cloth covering her from the neck down. The chalky white hand in her own, Gatti finally spoke. "Is this what it's like to say goodbye?" She had been denied this right. Amir had disappeared. She never saw his body.

She dropped the cold hand propping herself up on her elbows. "Is that yours?" she asked the cadaver. A red instrument was propped up against the wall. Gatti hopped off the table to investigate. Gibson Memphis. Wonder who he was. Electric guitar in hand, she ran her fingers over the strings. "Did you like music? It's a luxury I can no longer afford. But... I’m going to live for you from now on so I think I will have to learn. That's why I joined the underground you know. Amir was a warrior. When he... died I decided to live for him too. And be a warrior as he wanted. Sin, I think I have four lives now." Gatti smirked strumming the guitar absent mindedly, "But I’m a cat so that's normal. Never told anyone that before."

The sound of an approaching nurse jerked Gatti back into reality. She slung the guitar over her back. The strap (just a wee bit too small for her) made breathing a bit difficult. Gatti's sharp eyes caught a flash of silver. She would need that. She grabbed the silver scalpel. She was out of knives so this would have to do. Gatti never went anywhere without a weapon.

Gatti strolled down the halls of the hospital. She needed to ask Sean what she had said during the raid. She had found that insults were the best way to tell how she was doing. When she was fresh they were sharp and witty. Running on low... She sounded like a disgruntled ten year old. Completely out of fuel? She got all mushy. Her face nearly got as red as her hair. After all that hard work to build up a mature image and she blew it with a childish insult. She rubbed her forehead, telling herself it was pointless to worry. What was said had been said; what had been done had been done.

Doc. Her head jerked up. She could smell him. And Soke. Gatti snorted. She needed to talk to Tobias and just because Soke was in there didn’t mean she was going to sit back and wait her turn. She opened the door.

Her mouth twitched. Wings. Feathers. Mutation. The scalpel was in hand before she knew what she was doing. She was jealous. The b*****d had what she wanted. What she had always wanted. On his f*****g back.

Jealousy's the cousin of greed. If that was true it explained why Gatti leapt at Soke. All her life she had figured if she looked like an animal on the outside then she would be free on the inside. All her life she had denied anyone who proved her theory wrong. Over and over again. If it hadn’t been for the weight of her trophy in her bag, and the guitar on her back Soke would have been dead. All she could get at was a slash on his wing.

Why? After all this time? Why? Spire gave him what I've always longed for. Why can’t I have it? Why?

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Omnipresent Poster

[align=center]image here[/align]
[align=center][size=18][color=one][u][color=white]x x x x x x[/color][color=two][b]role here in lowercase letters[/b][/color][/u][/color][/align][/size]
[align=center][color=three]Username here[/color][/align]

[size=18] [color=white]x x[/color] [color=Three]│█║▌║▌│[/color] [color=white][strike][color=One][b]the basics[/b][/color][/strike][/color][/size]
[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=Three]●○[/color] [color=One]t h e иiȼkиaмεs[/color]

[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=Three]●○[/color] [color=One]my ɞ ε и δ ε я[/color]
[color=Two]female or male[/color][/size]

[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=Three]●○[/color] [color=One]candles σ и мч cake[/color]

[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=Three]●○[/color] [color=One]i like т н σ s ε fiery[/color]
[color=Two]sexual orentation[/color][/size]

[size=18][color=white]xxx[/color] [color=white]x x x[/color] [color=THREE]│█║▌║▌│[/color] [color=white][strike][color=ONE][b]the background[/b][/color][/strike][/color][/size]

[size=11] [color=white]xxx[/color][color=Two]○●[/color] [color=Three]people s a ч i am[/color]
[color=One]personality, 3-5 sentences min.[/color][/size][/align]

[size=11] [color=white]xxx[/color][color=Two]○●[/color] [color=Three]my ℓ i ƒ ε story[/color]
[color=One]bio, 2 para. min.[/color][/size][/align]

[size=18] [color=white]x x x x x[/color] [color=THREE]│█║▌║▌│[/color][color=white][strike][color=ONE][b]the looks[/b][/color][/strike][/color][/size]

[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=One]●○●[/color] [color=Two]i c a и and ω i ℓ ℓ[/color]
[color=Three]Your Pokemon Team. You may have 1 - 4 No Legendary types. You may give them nicknames, you may also have links to their pictures. Somewhere put the actual name of the Pokemon. One must be able to be able to transport your character.

[size=11][color=white]xxx[/color][color=One]●○●[/color] [color=Two]и σ т there![/color]
[color=pc3]what's your weakness? everyone has a drawback. [/color] [/size][/align]


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                〈 pick a symbol Role Here

                                            〈 pick a 2nd symbol в α s ι c s

                                                namexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxll (put here)

                                                nicknamexxxxxxxxxxxk (put here)

                                                agexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl (put here)

                                                birthdayxxxxxxxxxxxxlll (put here)

                                                genderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxll (here)

                                                preferencexxxxxxxxxxlll (sexuality - all accepted)

                                            〈 1st symbol c ℓ σ s є г

                                                likes : (list here with with or without symbol or paragraph form)

                                                dislikes : (list here with with/without symbol or paragraph form)

                                                crush : (If your character doesn't have one yet, it could be anything. Later if you want it changed just send me a message.)

                                                song : (A favorite or theme song. can be more than one. Links to a video optional 1+)

                                            〈 2nd symbol Ѕhc σ σ ℓ ω ι s є

                                                gradexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (here)

                                                statusxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl (here)

                                                passionxxxxxxxxxxxxx (their best subject 1+)

                                                frustrationxxxxxxxxxxxl (their worst subject 1+)

                                            〈 1st symbol ם є є ρ s †

                                                personality : (At least one paragraph)

                                                biography : (At least one paragraph)

                                            〈 2nd symbol υ s є гn α м є

                                            (put here)

    Omnipresent Poster

    User Image

    x x x x x xTower Gang Leader

    Larz Foss

    x x │█║▌║▌│ the basics

                xxx●○ t h e иiȼkиaмεs
                Foss or Larz

                xxx●○ my ɞ ε и δ ε я

                xxx●○ candles σ и мч cake

                xxx●○ i like т н σ s ε fiery
                Girls and Women

                xxx x x x │█║▌║▌│ the background

                                  xxx○● people s a ч i am
                                  Besides being incredibly hot tempered Larz is also violent. He is a ruthless leader that is both feared and respected. He has a deep, yet twisted, affection for his pokemon but is willing to juice them up for fights. He is fond of control and money. He has a tendency to obsess over one girl at a time.

                                  xxx○● my ℓ i ƒ ε story
                                  The young man was always drawn to gang life. The allure of having people working successfully under his command has never ceased to make his heart soar. He trained alongside his Pokémon without any regard to the danger involved. He made rank quickly due to his daring tactics. The only time his career would grind to a halt is when he’d find a girl. They’d always end one way or another and he’d throw himself into his work harder than ever.

                                  Recently the leader of his group disappeared leaving Larz, the second hand man, in charge. Finally in the highest seat of power, Larz began his new regime off with a bang. Ever since he has become one of the most feared gangsters on the streets. He is responsible for planning most of the new changes in the battle system. Including the stronger drugs. Most people outside his gang know that he is the sole person since their last leader always sent him out in his place to begin with. Rumor has it that he has a new obsession.

                                  x x x x x │█║▌║▌│the looks

                                                          xxx●○● i c a и and ω i ℓ ℓ
                                                          1. Seviper - Alphonse 'Al' ♂
                                                          2. Steelix - Costello ♂
                                                          3. Crobat - Valachi 'Val' ♀
                                                          4. Scizor - Vito ♂

                                                          xxx●○● и σ т there!
                                                          He's a bit on the crazy side. He's also likes to obsess over one girl.

                                                          ○●○Clock Robber○●○

    Omnipresent Poster

    User Image

    x x x x x xHigh Ranking Tower Member

    Don West

    x x │█║▌║▌│ the basics

                xxx●○ t h e иiȼkиaмεs

                xxx●○ my ɞ ε и δ ε я

                xxx●○ candles σ и мч cake

                xxx●○ i like т н σ s ε fiery

                xxx x x x │█║▌║▌│ the background

                                  xxx○● people s a ч i am
                                  Don is the calm fighter. His skills are impressive but he politely refuses praise. His interest in gang life is minimal and he mostly sticks around for a chance to fight. In a day and age of cheating he firmly stands against fighting that’s not honorable. Though he’s friendly he some how seems distant.

                                  xxx○● my ℓ i ƒ ε story
                                  Don seemed to have a pretty happy life before coming to the city. His motives for leaving his home are assumed to be linked with his life long friendship with Larz. He never got into crime unless it was absolutely necessary for survival like when he was younger and his family hit hard times. The habit never stuck and he didn’t miss his days of robbery once they pasted. He was working a normal job up until Larz contacted him.

                                  He was inducted into the Tower gang just after Larz took power. He technically started off in the bottom rungs but Larz kept recruiting him for higher ranking missions. Before long it was clear Don was more skillful than some of his superiors and he was promoted. This has had a negative effect on his reputation with the senior members. Younger members idolize him and in turn he looks out for them.

                                  x x x x x │█║▌║▌│the looks

                                                          xxx●○● i c a и and ω i ℓ ℓ
                                                          1. Dragonite - Hwang ♂
                                                          2. Hitmonlee - Boc ♂
                                                          3. Hitmonchan - Cho ♂
                                                          4. Primeape - Goh ♂

                                                          xxx●○● и σ т there!
                                                          He always wants to believe in the best of people. Even when there just isn’t a best side.

                                                          ○●○Clock Robber○●○

    Omnipresent Poster

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    x x x x x xRadio Newbie

    Hayden Scott

    x x │█║▌║▌│ the basics

                xxx●○ t h e иiȼkиaмεs

                xxx●○ my ɞ ε и δ ε я

                xxx●○ candles σ и мч cake

                xxx●○ i like т н σ s ε fiery

                xxx x x x │█║▌║▌│ the background

                                  xxx○● people s a ч i am
                                  Hayden can be a shifty character at times. He doesn’t actively seek out to harm other people but he looks out for himself first. He doesn’t have a stomach for fighting and is often made fun of for treating his pokemon like show pokemon. He is highly money motivated. Even though he is viewed as a weak person he gets along well with his fellow gang members. His fighting style can boarder on dirty side.

                                  xxx○● my ℓ i ƒ ε story
                                  He spent a lot of his life moving until his teen years. But once he settled he found trouble. Now he has high debts and no way to pay them off. He uses his fire type pokemon to start fires and has been working as a professional arson. He was forced into coming to the city for unknown reasons (it’s a touchy subject for him even now).

                                  Hayden joined the Radio gang only because they found him first. He pulls his weight around base but fighting is not his forte. He is seriously defensive over his vulpix. He will fight back against any claims that she is a show pet. He has been suffering a lot of pressure to become a better fighter since the Tower gang became more ruthless.

                                  x x x x x │█║▌║▌│the looks

                                                          xxx●○● i c a и and ω i ℓ ℓ
                                                          1. Arcanine - Flint ♂
                                                          2. Vulpix - Crimson 'Crim' ♀
                                                          3. Houndour - Lucifer 'Luce' ♂

                                                          xxx●○● и σ т there!
                                                          He seems to have ulterior motives for being part of the gang. He'll go through a lot to make money.


    Omnipresent Poster

    Darkrai cast curious glance down at her. “…You caused a few complications.” He didn’t seem to be upset about them though or if he was he showed no signs of it. He walked slowly so she could keep up with him. “Accommodations have been made. Last I heard they have clothes prepared for you in your room.” He slid open the paneled door revealing a long hall with doors on one side. “There are only five others like yourself here, including you.” He led her down the hall to the second to last door. Like Zen had told her before the interior was western. Instead of sliding doors like the outside the inside doors were solid wood. He took out a ring of keys and went through till he found the one that matched the lock. Once the door was unlocked he passed her the key. “You have one and the staff has one.” She’d still have limited privacy but it was something.

    Inside the room was nice enough. The bed was large enough for two with a comforter and quilt made up of multiple shades of green. There was a desk by a window and two more doors on the wall to the right. “Bathroom and closet. Inari was nothing is not progressive. She had these things put in before they became popular.” The last empress had been nearly a thousand years old. Her castle reflected that on the outside but she seemed to have liked to keep things modern. “The clothing that was made for you should be in the closet…” He trailed off. A lump under the quilt had caught his eyes. “Ehem.” He cleared his throat, “Excuse me.” He closed the gap between him and the bed and began to prod at the lump. “Whoever you are, state your business.” The lump wiggled.

    “YAAAWWW!” The quilt fell back to reveal a red head with the oddest curls atop her head. “What? I cleaned already? No good enough for you? If you’re so great do it yourself.” The girl had no fear of Darkrai but she must have known he was a guard and that she was a maid, therefore she was outranked and should be showing some measure of respect. “She needs to get ready for the dinner.” Darkrai motioned to Hikari. “Oh!” The girl kicked off the quilt and raced up to Hikari. “Hi! I’m Zenko, and I’ll be your maid during your stay here and I’m happy to meet you because you’re so cute and smell so nice!” The girl grabbed her hands and began shaking her hand vigorously. “Now that we’re friends I’m going to hug you!” She dropped her hand and drew her into a tight embrace. She was slightly shorter than Hikari so it was easy for Hikari to see over her shoulders at the six curly red tails flicking back and forth behind her.

    “Get out, Guard! She needs to get dressed!” Darkrai was forced out of the room by the maid, unable to get in a word of protest, if he even had any. Zenko spun around, beaming at the girl she was now completely alone with. “Dress. I have a dress. Tell me allll about yourself and why you’re here while I get you ready! The quiet ones are so DULL!” And so the papering began.

    Zenko downplayed her dress choice. “Sure it’s a little fancy, but I’m sure it’s what everyone else is wearing. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.” She assured ad she finished brushing out Hikari’s hair. “Done… This is my best work yet! Not half bad for a two woman prep team!” The maid gave her a hug around the middle before taking her and leading her to the door. “I bet you’re getting tired of that? All this pulling around and not having the ability to go where you please…” the vulpix gijinka spoke wistfully but the tone was gone as soon as it had come. “Don’t worry. You’re only as caged as you let them make you! Just let them know their limits and they should respect them.” The vulpix nodded so hard her curls bounced. “Okay, Darkrai is still outside… I can hear him… Strange, but he’ll take you to the dining room. Be polite and don’t let the other contestants intimidate you. Also, promise to introduce me to your pokemon later. I like meeting new people!” She paused to see if Hikari had anything to stay back to her before smiling widely, opening the door for her and then topping it all off with a bow, “Good luck!”

    Darkrai had been waiting outside. When the door opened suddenly he stood at attention. “…You look nice.” He said quickly. He had changed as well. His cloak had been traded in for a suit. “You won’t need to say anything. Konoe is just going to introduce himself.” He looked down at his feet like he was trying to remember something. He gave up and met her gaze, “Right this way…”

    The dining table was a combination of guards and humans. At the head of a table sat a dragonite. “He’s the only non-gijinka on the guard. He’s currently taking the position of leader till one of you can ascend to the throne. It was also apparent that they were both over dressed. Darkrai didn’t notice any looks he got since he always dressed this way when he was on the castle grounds. His self-confidence meant most of the eyes eventually fell on Hikari. Konoe spoke mind to mind with the humans and gijinka. None of the guards seemed to be interested in anything he said. It was meant for the humans. “You’ll be free to roam the property unless you are called to gather. You’ll be observed for potential for the role or Seer and the role of Emperor or Empress. Pokemon will be returned to you after eating.”

    Darkrai had been seated next to Hikari, and once again he had been the only guard to escort in a human. He continued not to take notice to it. He ate in silence and when addressed he’d give a short answer. Dinner was over as quickly as it started in his eyes. The humans were free to go back to their rooms. “Do you need help finding your way back?” He asked as he stood, ‘I was going to walk that way anyway. I have the first watch shift tonight.”

    Omnipresent Poster

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    x x x x x xThe Broadcaster

    Wendy Barro

    x x │█║▌║▌│ the basics

                xxx●○ t h e иiȼkиaмεs
                Wendy, The Voice

                xxx●○ my ɞ ε и δ ε я

                xxx●○ candles σ и мч cake

                xxx●○ i like т н σ s ε fiery
                Anything I can get.

                xxx x x x │█║▌║▌│ the background

                                  xxx○● people s a ч i am
                                  Wendy is nothing if not out going. She has a loud voice that carriers all her emotions with it. She is passionate about most everything. She has a bit of a bleeding heart towards others, and a very keen eye (or maybe ear would be better in her case) for reading other people's emotions. No matter how loud she gets she is very down to earth and is willing to get serious when the time calls for it. She makes a point of treating her pokemon more like people than pets since they are her only company while working in her studio.

                                  xxx○● my ℓ i ƒ ε story
                                  Wendy Barro has always been a fan of the radio. She’d go into her room when she was young open all the windows and blast the city channels so loud that everyone in her tiny hometown could hear. Her time in Hoenn was where she picked up most of her pokemon and also where she bonded with them. She is proud of her home region and often refers to it when she is making her broadcasts.

                                  She didn’t come to the city because of the gang life there but for the opportunity to cover some of the most exciting news and broadcast for what she considers to be the most interesting subculture to emerge in the decade. She plays a mix of music and news reports from her one woman studio located near the Radio gang headquarters and travels to broadcast live from warehouse events. Despite her close proximity to the Radio gang she does not have any gang affiliations. She works very hard to bring honest, unbiased information to the city.

                                  x x x x x │█║▌║▌│the looks

                                                          xxx●○● i c a и and ω i ℓ ℓ
                                                          1. Flygon - Jazz ♀
                                                          2. Exploud - Crescendo ♂
                                                          3. Mawile - Volta ♀
                                                          4. Chatot - Beat ♂

                                                          xxx●○● и σ т there!
                                                          She had a hard time getting around.

                                                          ○●○Clock Robber○●○

    Omnipresent Poster

    “Oh no you don’t. What would Roza do if we returned her husband to her in anything less than mint condition?” Eris restrained Angelica. “Screaming at him till he’s deaf won’t solve anything.” She gave him a restrained smile that said, ‘But maybe she won’t notice a broken bone or two.’ Lyasnader looked slightly less than calm at the news. When he was asked about his third eye he subconsciously touched his forehead and nodded. “Rule over this hell hole? I do not think that is where I want to be spending the rest of my life. I can hardly stand one night here.” Eris turned her head slightly but when back to restraining Angelica right away.

    “So done talking about things that don’t really matter?” Eris asked with a wide smile. She let go of Angelica. When they got moving her mouth pressed into a somber line. Lysander reached out for her hand with the intention of comforting her. Eris pulled her hand away and kept walking.


    Cleo stumbled down the street. The twisted buildings of the Dark World had never been such a relief to human eyes. What had been awaiting her back in her world was more terrifying that the Terror living here, at least in her mind. When she had arrived home yesterday or was it this morning? Time was starting to blur together. After arriving home from the Dark World she had had to stage an incident at home to explain her broken arm. Throwing a laundry basket down the stairs and screaming had been enough to convince her mother and step dad that she had fallen. The trouble had been when she got to the hospital.

    They had finished putting a cast on her arm. Her mother was talking to the doctor… Then she had seen him. He was just walking by the room, his hat tipped down over his eyes. He stopped and motioned to her. She had immediately gotten out of her seat and followed after him. She figured if he had something to say to her it would be concerning the Dark World and it would be best if done in private. When she caught up to them they were out of the hospital, nearly a block away in fact. “Hey! I saw you and I wanted to…”Their eyes met. “I… did you want to… talk about something.” He apparently did not…


    Omnipresent Poster

    Jenny Tia Corrido

    User Image
    Jenny Tia Corrido
    Human. Way too human.
    American (So a real purebred mutt)
    Runs a moble food van. For which vampire and humans... You'll just have to ask.
    A shotgun and lots of bottles (One could count her van)
    +Driving without a GPS
    +Making new menus for everyday for the week
    +Chatting with costumers
    +Sorting out her thoughts

    -Fast talking
    -Too many orders at once
    -Fighting with the GPS
    -Finding a place to sleep
    -People touching her head

    [minimum = 1 paragraph]
    [minimum = 2 paragraphs.]
    Clock Robber

    Omnipresent Poster

    The appearance of a Terror had sent Eris into fight mode. “It’s in my way.” She almost said aloud. It was going to take Ren first… all the better to- Her eyes widened. She dug her heels into the ground to keep herself in place. A flash of familiar blue, black, and white filled her vision. “Rozalin…” It was her wasn’t it? A long suspicious look melted into a wary surveillance of their surroundings. “Hm… As long as they’re not attacking…” They weren’t doing anything that interesting as far as she could tell. What was really important was the fact Rozalin had found them.

    Eris tried to make sense of Rozalin’s behavior and words. Eris could only raise an eyebrow when her sister embraced her. “Rozalin? … Rozalin.” The older Demon put a hand on Rozalin’s head and ran her fingers through her hair. “Don’t be silly. Of course we will. I was worried for a second. Seeing you fight like a real Demon all of the sudden… What would I do if my little gloomy flower stopped needing me to come and cover for her?” Eris pulled back so Rozalin could see her easy smile and soft eyes. Her playful joke contained a deep mix of affection, pride, and confidence. As often as she made her promise to stay with her sisters forever… Maybe this was the first time she believed her own words, that there might be a chance for that dream to become reality…

    “Aw. I want to be the one to find her.” Cleo confided in her Husband. Horus regarded her with an expression of confusion. She was a strange girl. She had been running for her life not too long ago but now she was on to thinking about rescuing Rozalin. He noticed Lysander bore a similar look on his face to his Wife. “You wanted to find her as well?” Lysander jumped. “What? No? I was just worried about Eris. She gets funny when she’s apart from her sisters. I’m just glad they’re together again.” The Demon had misread his emotions. It was like they were completely different from Demons in everyway…

    All eyes were on Rozalin when she began talking about leaving the Dark World for good. Cleo’s face lit up like a child tempted with Christmas presents. Horus’ lack luster violet eyes betrayed his secret hope of escape. Lysander linked his arm with Eris’. The Demon hardly noticed. Her warm gaze was on her sister who seemed to have found the genuine hope that had eluded them all for so long. Her eyes that held no love for the world burned like a warm fire. With such a seductive promise leading them in, they had no choice but to hang on every word she said… till…

    It was like what her mind did not register, no refused to register, her body did. The black bone armor was in place as Eris sucked in shallow breath after shallow breath without taking in the tiniest iota of air. Lysander had dropped her arm when the sharp obsidian scales erupted along her forearm but she didn’t even pick up on it. He could be gone for all she cared. Her shifting eyes dashed from her sister to the king. The hard words of the king couldn’t reach her conscience in the strange place it had taken flight to.

    “Well what are you waiting for? He’s got Angelica. This is the part where you stop him.” She gaped at the King. Was it possible she had said that out loud? The suggestion made in her own voice became a command. She vaulted forward, her head on tactic unchanged by even the most severe trauma. The feeling to ripping through the King’s flesh was rapture. “Pull back.” She whispered. The scales would do more damage if she let dermal denticles slice him on the way out. She found her arm to be stuck fast in his body. Furiously she struggled to free herself.

    Omnipresent Poster

    “that’s what this is all about? The princess has a delusion that he has some twin sister and now you’re all risking your necks to find a figment of his imagination?!” The Hound scoffed.

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