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The players of «Neo Aincrad» were slowing gaining their bearings. Some were well on their way to becoming seasoned combatants, some were forging friendships that would see them through their eventual hardships, and many were still seeking their role in this grand story waiting to unfold. Whoever they were and whatever they aspired to, though, none escaped the curious gaze of an individual who casually gripped a spire protruding from the «Black Iron Castle» with a single hand, supporting their entire body while standing on the sloped surface. They themselves were motionless, but nature's breath tugged at their long, dark robes. The being observed the players below from behind the shielding of their large hood and their strange mask, shadowing their eyes and hiding their features. A long moment passed of stillness and silence. Then, in the blink of an eye, with the same lack of rhyme or reason as they had been there, the person was gone. Even observers with the sharpest of sight would question whether anything had really been there at all.


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    Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

The swordsman had busied himself with browsing an alley housing a number of item stalls. It didn't come as much of a surprise that any equipment he did find were outside his feeble price range. "Just like real life. You never have enough for what you really need." He thought bitterly. Prices were likely high on armor in particular to encourage players to stick together to aid in survival, with increased individual survivability being the reward of teamwork. Sensible and fair, but a pain nonetheless. Keiyo gave a defeated sigh and turned his back on the vendors. A few messages came up as he began to stroll back, including a party invite, a friend request, and a message. He accepted both requests, and responded to the message with 'The more, the merrier.' He then dismissed the menus and put his hands back in his pockets. The others would likely be back soon, so he figured that he shouldn't dawdle.




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    Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

((I'm gonna mosey things along since we're at a standstill right now))

To his mild surprise, Keiyo was the first one to arrive back at the meeting spot. He glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby, but it didn't seem like it. He shrugged to himself, then took a seat on a nearby bench to wait for the others. With nothing else to really do, he opened his menu and poked through it a bit more. His came across his skills menu, which was empty save for one listing - his «Straight Sword Mastery». It seemed that the time felling boars had paid off, giving him one whole point. He smirked at the idea of how many boars it would take just to cap the skill. "If this were real life, everything in «Neo Aincrad» would be extinct just so we could have an achievement."

Timid Gaian

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Player: Geki
Level: 1
HP: 240/240
Floor: 1
OOC: Sorry. I was waiting for hummingbird, but...I might just send her a message.

Geki soon made it back to the main square of the Town of Beginnings. He looked around and saw that, to his surprise, Keiyo made it back first. "Hey! We're all set for the guild quest. Now we just need everyone else."


little hummingbird



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    Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

"Sounds good." Keiyo replied. He laced his fingers together, placed them behind his head, then laid down on the bench, with one leg hanging off the side in a lazy fashion. There was still enough room to seat one or two people, so he technically wasn't being disrespectful. "Sooo... what made you apply for the test?" There wasn't much else to do except make small talk for the time being, it seemed.


Timid Gaian

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Player: Geki
Level: 1
HP: 240/240
Floor: 1

Rather than sit on the bench, Geki opted to sit on the edge of the fountain. The sound of the water was quite relaxing. "The test? That's an easy one. I love games. And I'm always looking for something new to take for a spin. And...I just feel really lucky that I got picked for this sort of thing." Geki crossed his ankles and looked up at the clouds. "I know, it doesn't sound like a good enough reason. But it is how it is."


little hummingbird



User Image_____________________________________

    Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

The swordsman offered a lazy smile, though it was mostly to himself since it was hard to see from his angle. "That's as good of a reason as any. I heard that nearly 100,000 people applied for it. I don't know how many they took on, but the building is massive. There could be thousands of people here." He spared a glance to some of the people wandering around town - it was rather crowded. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were even more. But to take on this many people, the company must be really rich or really need the data. Or both, I guess. "

Keiyo paused for a few minutes to just watch the clouds roll by as well. Socializing wasn't his strong point. He could usually get in a few words about any given topic, then the rest was a blank. It was usually when he wasn't trying to think of genuine conversation that he performed better. "You're using a «Straight Sword» too, right? Any reason for it? I'm just kinda passing time, so don't think too hard on it."


Timid Gaian

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Player: Geki
Level: 1
HP: 240/240
Floor: 1

"Hm?" Geki looked at the sword on his hip. "No real reason. I'm kind of just using this until I can get a hang of the rules. Besides, if I know these kind of games, I'll find a better one sooner or later."


little hummingbird



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    Eclair ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

[The Fields]

While most players were busying themselves with leveling their skills or doing quests, there was at least one player who had forsaken such intent in favor of a rather rudimentary activity: running. Out in the expansive fields, a young lady ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She blew past enemies and players, paying them no heed. The sword strapped to her waist didn't give her any trouble in her movements, thanks to slight relief in the amount of realism that the game tried to reproduce. Crisp, clean air swam through her lungs and back out through her pinkish lips, and on those pink lips rested a smile as wide and bright as the rising sun. She couldn't let out any whooping sounds because of the need to regulate her breathing, but if she could, rest assured that she would be making enough noise to account for a stadium of sports fans.

After sprinting at top speed for nearly ten minutes, she slowed to a walk. Her chest heaved, but she didn't feel breathless. In fact, it felt as though she had barely broken a sweat. When she ran her fingertips across her forehead, the assumption became fact - not a bead of moisture on her body. If she wanted to, she felt she could start again and never stop. She took a moment to bring herself to a standstill and look out across the plains from the peak of the hill she stood on. She proceeded to place her hands on her hips, and then took on a defiant grin. Whatever she was thinking and intending to do, she was brimming with confidence.

The woman spared a glance to a small pack of «Frenzy Boars» lurking around below her. She narrowed her eyes, took a firm grip on the hilt of her weapon, then drew her thin blade from its sheath - an «Iron Rapier». She took a few practice swings with it to get a feel for its weight, then rocketed from her position to start earning herself some experience points.

Hilarious Fatcat

Let me drop this here...

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Location- Beginning Spawn Point
Health- 199/200
Level- 1

Without giving the man time to react to her statement Kitanyu bolted into a sprint. With Exciting results the man had all but disappeared when she decided to take a quick peak back. "I feel horrible for doing that, Although I am going to need some experience before I start to play with the other players." Finally slowing down Kitanyu came to an abrupt stop right outside of a weapons shop.' I might as well start somewhere' she said to herself.
Quickly slipping inside Kitanyu found an almost empty room with nothing but a door on the far wall, Three weapon racks and a very humble look man standing behind a counter. "Hello Sir," I quickly spit out " I'm Looking to buy a weapon maybe something easy to handle and able to put some good distance between me and whatever I happen to be fighting." Looking at this man set off some type of internal alarm, He just seemed wrong. "Hello sir did you hear me?" Quickly taking a couple steps back Kitanyu reached behind herself feeling for the door.
Never taking his eyes off of the counter top the man said "Oh do come in don't mind me i was checking my skill list." Without futher delay Kitanyu hurriedly burst from the door back into the streets. The street instantly felt ten times better than the weapon shop she had just exited, " I think i better find somewhere else to do my shopping."

...No I didn't mean it like that


Angelic Scrounger

5,875 Points
  • Skill Up 50
  • Vanquished Angel 50
  • Waffles! 25
User Image
Location: Starting town
Actions: Socializing
Health: 200/200


When the girl left, he had decided to browse the shops before he would head out and complete some quests. He was still waiting for a response over the group message system. He recieved a message just when he finished the thought, but it was a pointless one. "The more the merrier" from Keiyo. Not much use now that she had run off. So far though, there weren't many quest givers and the shops must have been in another section of the city. He started out of the city after sending this message toward the group: I'll be out in the surrounding area, killing mobs. Let me know when you guys start to leave. With that sent on its way, he checked the last two quests and started heading off in their direction.


a little hummingbird"[/qu
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[quote="a little hummingbird"[/quote]
[quote="a little hummingbird"[/quote]
[quote="a little hummingbird"[/quote]

Tipsy Vampire

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What;; walking | Where;; City streets | With;; no one

HP: 100% Lvl 1

                                          The thin metal pick twisted in the lock slowly as the girl listened and felt for the click. Instead of a successful click a sudden snap was heard. The lockpick disappeared after its destruction and Lumi sighed. Third times the charm right? She pulled her third lockpick from her bag and tried again. Unfortunately the third time was not so lucky and she decided to move on to something else. She gave the locked chest one last glare and turned around. The level of the chest had been too high, it would take more luck than skill with her lockpicking skill still so low. It had been worth a shot though.

                                          Lumi ran a hand through her snow white hair and sighed. She had been logged into the game for a good bit of time and still didn't know what she wanted to do. Her fingertips tapped on the saber at her side as she pondered. The game had been great so far, visually and physically stunning. Maybe she should go outside of town and work on her fighting skills. There were many people wandering the streets and even in a virtual world, crowds made her nervous. To the outer city it was then.

Feel it turning your heart into stone
Feel it piercing your courageous soul
Beyond now - redemption
No one's gonna catch you when you fall

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Name xxxA̻͈̺̳͚̰̫̮s̝̻̟̠̭̯͙̠͎u͖̹̙̬̘r̩̰͙̯̬a̤̫̰̩.xxxxxLevel xx1.xxxxxLocation xxTown of Beginnings.xxxxxHealth xx225/225xxxxxCompany xxNobody.

Hold me close...

┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉

Immediately dropped into the world of Sword Art Online, Asura closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to completely immerse himself within the environment. Opening his eyes, he had finished processing the thought of being in an alternate reality. He did this with almost all VRMMOs to truly envelope himself into the game to make his transition feel a bit more easier on his anxiety problem. Eventually, he would get over it after a course of an hour for the rest of the duration he played a game so it wasn't too big of an issue. He swiped his hand, opening the user interface to check his equipment. Displaying along with his avatar was his health, level, and equipped items. He didn't have any special armor or weapons starting out which wasn't much of a surprise considering that he just got into the game about ten minutes ago. What he did have, however, was an iron saber along with the indicator that kept track of his curved sword ability. The interface dissipated as he backed out of the character statistics, completely closing out the menu in front of him and proceeded to walk on through the Town of Beginnings.

Continuously walking through the streets, Asura began to space out a bit, constantly diverting his attention to the buildings around him, to the various shops and stands that sold miscellaneous wares and items. He planned on going out and training right away to get a better feel of how the combat system worked with all the various skills included in the game. As he was caught up in his train of thought, he bumped into a girl with ghostly white hair, tripping over the momentum and falling on his butt. "Oof! I'm so sorry about that..!" Asura said with a trembling, embarrassed voice.

┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉ ┅ ┉

..until we hit the ground.


Okami Tenrou's Waifu

Witty Conversationalist

xxUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxcodename;; aiyasa
          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                    Nektaria had fallen asleep at her desk, causing her character to stand in one place for what seemed like hours before she woke back up, still surrounded by the same world. That doesn't normally happen. She mused before she realized there were still people waiting for her. She gasped and then hopped to it, attempting to look for Keiyo, Geki, and Okiru.

                    Message > Keiyo
                    Hey, where are you guys? She whispered to him in the chat panel, glancing around aimlessly.

                    "I wonder..." She trailed off, browsing the shops as she passed. Perhaps she would be able to buy a sword upgrade. As she waited for a reply, she entered the shops and browsed their goods, but to no avail. She needed to be a higher level to get such items. Grunting, before exiting the shop, the blonde turned and thought she saw them off in the distance

                    "Hi guys! Sorry about that!" She hollered at them, waving as she approached, though, she only saw two of the three.




Timid Gaian

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Player: Geki
Level: 1
HP: 240/240
Floor: 1

After a while of small talk, Geki saw Aiyasa come running back and waved to the girl. He briefly wondered what she was doing all that time. "It's cool. We're just waiting on Okiru. He said he found someone else we can add to our party."


little hummingbird


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